The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 16, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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Klplin s pathetic talc of the artist
wild lost bis slffht , teachdfc a moral
The1 eye's are thfc brdad Winners.
Have them examined.
Know that they are rlfht.
We are eye experts.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Qbod ifit at Junction $ ' 1GO.OO
House atid % acre , 8d St 875.00
House and large barn 4000.00
House , barn , > acre , 4th St. . . 1300.00
House at Junction 700.00
Four room house and barn150.00
Loans on Heal Estate Low Rates.
T. E , ODldRNE.
We have been BO busy last few
days we havn't had time to com
plete our list. Here is a few more
of 'ein :
Granulated Sugar , 20 Ibs $1.00
Soda Crackers , 1 Ib 07
Best Standard Corn , 3 cans. . .2S
Bpst Stu'rd Tomatoes , 3 cans .25
Grenada Coffee , 1 Ib 12
Lion and XXXX Coffee , 1 Ib. .10
Santa Glaus , Beat-em-all and
Diamond O Soap , 7 for 2i" >
Best Starch , Ib 05
Best Corn Starch , 1 Ib 05
Baking Powder , # Ib. can. . .03
Good Toilet Soap , ! i bars 10
Balance of list tomorrow.
We Offer Many Genuine Bar
gains This Week ,
Several Fine Chamber Suits , Dressers ,
Book Cases , Sideboards , Leather
Rockers and Couches , etc. , at Cost
and Less Than Cost.
Why not make ont a list of what you
need , and come and see us , it is univers
ally conceded that we have the finest
Block to pick from in all north Nebraska
and it is possible that you can secure
just what you want at an exceptionally
low figure.
We have just received a fine assort
rnent of beautiful Axininsterrugs which
we are offering at from $3.00 to $5.00
less than the same grades are being sold
in Chicago or Omaha. Also a fine se
lection of the famous four and five ply
reversible rugs in sizes from nine by
nine up to 12 by 15.
We are the sole agents in north Ne
braska for the great Checkering piano
universally conceded as the "best piano
that money will buy today" end as we
have none of the usual heavy expense
connected with the selling of pianos we
are able to furnish them to you direct
from the factory at from $100,00 to
$200.CO lees money than they command
in every eastern city.
We are just opening a new line of
fancy toilet sots , and fine quality white
semi-porcelain dinner ware.
, "V e guarantee to save you money on
any article.yohmay | wiah'in our' line
db not fail'to see us cojrie1 early.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
tot the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 50
Minimum temperature 51
Average 55
Precipitation 42
Total precipitation for month 1.52
Barometer 29.82
Forecast for Nebraska : Showers
tonight and Saturday.
Max Rosenthal is moving his family
from the business district to a residence
on North Ninth street.
The High School orchestra will hold
another meeting tomorrow night and a
good attendance is desired.
Session & Bell were called to Wayne
yesterday to take care of the remains of
one of the citizens of that'town.
There will be a special meeting of
Benlah chapter No. 40 , O. E. S , to
morrow evening and a largo attendance
of members is desired.
Mrt and Mrs. J. S. Barnett of South
Norfolk'entertained n company of young
Indies ycBtordny nftornoon from II to R ,
in honor cf thuir daughter Nora's birth
day. Kvoryouo present was well plotted
with the entertainment.
The statement that the school examin
ations would begin a week from Monday
wasnutrror. They will commence the
coming Monday , when the pupils will
bo j\lvcn im opportunity to doriionstrate
just what thfry have learned during the
The unveiling of thb Foldiora' mon
ument ut Madison took place today and
quite a largo delegation of Norfolk
oltlsiouB went ovfer to wltucBS tub exer
cises. More would nudoubtobly have
attended but fbr the threatening aspect
of thb weather during the morning.
The oihuibns public building bill ,
carrying with it an appropriation for n
fldO.OOO federal building in Norfolk waste
to have been reported to the soualo to
day. The only additional appropriation
that the senators wore pe'rmltte'd to tack
on was one giving Omaha f45,000 for
Iho completion of its postofllco.
The clbiidy weather of the past week
with intermittent showers every day
Ihmlly resniibd in quite ti hfeiiv'y rain
last night , .42 of an inch of water hav
ing fallen. This plucos the crops in
excellent condition for a propitious start
and with a few warm , sunshiny days to
follow it may be expected thut they
will fairly boom.
Julia Mather , the five-year-old sister
of Mrs. 0. II. Vail of the Oxiiard hotel ,
died at her homo in Tildeu yesterday
and the funeral was held today. Mrs.
Vail has been in attendance during the
greater part of the fatal illness and came
down from there yesterday to procure u
a casket , returning , accompanied by Mr.
Vail , and they remain to attend the
funeral today.
This was a good morning for the
street commissioner to investigate the
condition of the streets and alleys with
a view to improvement. The fall of
water showed where drainage was
needed on the streets ; where crossings
or sections of crossings need raising or
renewing nud much other work not ap
parent during fair weather was disclosed
to an observant eye. It is possible that
such un investigation was made , but if
not it should have been.
The eighth annual May party of Pro
tection lodge , No. 101 , Degree of Honor ,
was given in Marquardt hall last night
and was attended by a largo number of
lovers of the danco. The Itiilian or
chestra furnished the sweet musio that
gave inspiration to those who partici
pated in the enjoyments of the evening
nud the time was passed most on joyably.
The hall had been tastefully decorated
for the entertainment , and the energy
of the committee in charge added much
to the pleasure of their guests.
Joe Wilkins , captain and catcher for
the Norfolk base ball team at the close
of lust season , was heard from today
and promises to be here by Monday or
Tuesday of next week and proceed with
the work of organizing the team and
getting ready for an early game. The
prospects are that a better team than
that of last season or any previous sea
son will be organized and that the
grounds will be placed in better coudi
tion than ever before. It is probable
that six of the men who were in the
team last season will be signed for this
year , which is an indication of the
quality of ball that will bo given.
A Chicago horseless vehicle company
has asked the Beatrice city council for
a franchise to operate an automobile
line in that city and the committee to
whom the matter was referred decided
to grant the franchise , provided one per
cent of the gross receipts is turned over
to the city. For a town of the size of
Beatrice or Norfolk , not provided with
street car facilities , it would seem that
this sort of a scheme would prove n con
venience , and profitable to the operators.
In Norfolk.trips between the city proper
and the Junction and up to the' sugar
factory could undoubtedly be made to
pay Where there was no grdater outlay
than the cost of the horseless carnage
and the expense of operating1 it. It
w'ould be preferable that the livery men
or local capital or some' kind should
take hold of the matter , but those who
find it necessary to travel back and
forth between the widely separated
parts of the city would chderfnlly
patronize any firm offering as much in
the way of comfort and convenience as
a line of nicely appointed automobile
'busses. They would certainly be an
improvement over the present method
of conveyance employed , and would be
much cheaper than would be a street
car line. Such a line is practically
certain to be installed here some day
and those who are now doing the carry
ing should be the first to endeavor to
supply it.
Strawberries at Schorregge's.
Go to Kiesan's for Hazelwood ice
Foil REST Furnished rooms , corner
Fourth street and Madison avenno.
Fen SALE A good driving horse ; also
on incubator , almost new.
W. J. WHITE , The Oil Man.
Sealed bids will be received up to the
evening of the 21st day of May , 1002 ,
for the hauling of coal from the car to
-waterworks station ; coal comes in
car-load lots and bids must stnto amounl
wanted per ton. Contract to'let for the1
next six months hauling , IMtls can bo
oft with Oscar Uhlo.
AlNll'ST HlU'MMl'XI ) ,
Chairman of Committee on Public
Wehavonhonpo and ( ivo ncrrti to
rout for $ per month.
GAU sim & Sititnn.
Wo mnhb loaiia on real Mthtb at
lowest ratbfl. Elkhoru Bulldliig and
Savings association , T. B. OmbnxK Boo.
Sturgeon in the pirvno mrvn ,
His Appointment Announced Yestcr-
Day In Washington.
Press dixpatohoa bring information
that Hon. John 11. Hayd wan yesterday
uanibd fts postmaster at Norfolk. This
announcement has been expected for
some time , as Mr. Haye received the
unanimous endorsement of all the loadIng -
Ing republicans of the city for the posi
tion. tast fall a number of caudidnlcB
wore iu the field for the place , but wiion
it was learned that Mr. Hays would ac
cept it , they all drew out of ' the race in
his favor , each one ohberf'ully signing
tils endorsement and agreeing that ho
was entitled to receive the appointment ,
P. F. Sprccher. the present postmaster ,
heading the llbt of petitioners iu his
favor. Confidence is expressed that Mr.
Hoys will give the city a good adminis
tration of the postolllco.
P. F. Sprochfcr , the present , post
master , assumed the duties of the ofllco
on Juno 5 , 181)8 ) , succeeding Dr. Daniel ,
since deceased. During Mr. Sprcchor'H
term the business of the oillco has grown
with the city , the olllco has been re
moved from the Bear building between
Third and Fourth streets to the Koonig-
stein block , and Mr. Spreeher , who
retires voluntarily , willclosohlB admin
istration with a clean record.
It is not known when Mr. Hays will
nssnnie the title of P. M. , but it will
probably bo about the first of Juno.
Fen SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each in
edge of town. GAIIDNEII & SEILKK.
S. O. Campbell was over from the
county seat yesterday.
Mifis Minnie Maas went to Stanton
yesterday to visit friends.
Mrs. R. B. Weller returned last even
ing from a visit to Omaha.
A. A. Hedmau was a visitor in the
metropolis yesterday from Battle Creole.
P. A. Shurtz and Fred Jenkins re
turned this morning from their trip to
northern Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Sauudors , Mr. and Mrs.
Klug and Miss Nowmau wore city vis
itors from Stautou yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Acker-
man of Stanton were visiting in Norfolk
yesterday and doing some trading.
Max ASEUUB , who has boon managing
a branch establishment for Swift &
company at Seward , has returned , the
branch business having been closed out
at that point.
Manager J. N. Bundick of the sugar
factory was in Omaha yesterday con
ferring with Robt. Oxnard and E. O.
Howe , on business concerning the fac
tory. Mr. Oxnard was on his way from
the east to the Denver office of the
American Beet Sugar company.
W. H. Bntterfleld returned last even
ing from Waj ne with a number of wit
nesses and attorneys , having been there
to attend the v ! al of the suit entitled
Butterfield vs. 3u ksdorf and Reimers.
Mr. Butterfield was jubilant over hav
ing won the suit , which has been in court
for about a decade. Powers & Hays
was the firm of legal advisors employed
by the plaintiff.
Dr. R. A. Mlttlestadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
Fen SALE A largo house on Third
street , also two cottages at Junction.
Yellowstone National Park.
One of the most delightful spots on
the American continent , and' more easily
reached via Union Pacific than via any
other line , is the Yellowstone National
park. The stage ride from Monida by
the palatial Concord coaches of the
Monida & Yellowstone Stage company
ia through scenery hardly inferior to
the park itself.
Side trip from Ogden , Utah , or Pocatello -
tello , Idaho , via Monida and Monida &
Yellowstone Stage Co. , in both direc
tions , will bo furnished holders of all
tickets ( one way first and second class ,
regular tourist or special round-trip
excursion tickets ) , sold nt Denver , Chey
enne and points cost , passing through
Ogden or Pocatello to points in the
states of California , Nevada , Oregon ,
Washington and that port of British
Columbia lying north of the state of
Washington , upon application to 0. S.
L. agents at either Ogden or Pocatello ,
at the very low rate of $19.50.
This rate will include rail and stage
fare covering' seven and one-half days'
trip , including all meals and lodging
beyond Monida.
Fnll information cheerfully furnished
upon application.
We have twelve lots at Junction , between -
tween First and Fourth streets. Sell
at a bargain if sold at once.
Makes Recommendations Con
cerning City Affairs.
Would Like to Hnvo the Question of
LiRJita Permanently Settled The
Council Mnkos Contract for Conl
and Transacts Other Business.
The city council mot ih regular HosHlon
last ovoniug , thbro luting prosonl Mayor
Koenigflfoin and Oonnollmon Bruin *
mhlid , Spollmau , Tyler , UhioYalkor , ,
Zuolow ; nbaont , Gow and WoHtorvoU ,
The public works commit too reported
that the pumping station had boon
thoroughly cleaned and repaired and IH
now in fairly good bhnpo , and recom
mended the repair of the ntoam lioutor
or the purchase of n now ono nud tmld
that R. A. Stewart had ono that ho
will soil very cheap1. The matter WUH
referred back to the committee for in
vestigation and report at the lioxt moot
The fire and police oommittoo reported
ported that the roof on the Hrnrggbiniin
building had been repaired by the
Mr. Walker , of the street and alloy
committee , stated that in conjunction
with the street cominlhHlonor ho had
formulated a plan and made nrrangco-
nicnts to fill up the IOAT pluco on First
htroot near the Junction depot at u
small coht to the city , which report was
The following proposals to furnish the
city with coal nntil November 1 , 11K)2 ) ,
were opouod and considered :
Norfolk , Nob. , May 15 , 11102. To the
Honorable Mayor and City Council ,
Norfolk , Nob. : Gentlemen Wo beg
leave to submit n prlco of $1.1 ft per ton
for Rock Springs slack coal , f. o. b. carH ,
Norfolk , Nob. , for the term of six
months ending November 1,1)02. ! )
Yours truly ,
E. & IJ , L. Co. ,
L. K. BOAS , Mgr.
Norfolk , Neb. , May 1/5 / , 1002. To the
Honorable Mayor and City Council ,
Norfolk , Nob. : Gentlemen Wo offer
to furnish Rock Springs slack ooal for
the city pumping station for the six
months ending November 1 , 11)02 ) , In
car lend lots f. o. b. Norfolk , at $4 15
per ton , per advertised proposal.
Yours trnl v.
Norfolk , Neb. , May 15 , 11)02. ) Hon.
Mayor and City Council , Norfolk , Nob. :
Gentlemen-- ! will furiilHh the city Rock
Spring nliiok bv the car , mine- weight ,
on track Norfolk , for $1.12' * . per ton.
Yours truly ,
Norfolk , Nub. , May 15 , HI02 To the
Honorable Mayor and City Council :
Gentlemen Wo offer to supply Rock
Springs slack coal for the six months
ending November 1 , 1002 , in car lots on
track hero , mine weights , at $4.10 per
ton , cash in iiO days.
On motion of Brumninndsecomled [ by
Uhle , the bid of the Salter Coal and
Grain company was accepted and the
contract awarded to them.
By consent , the publin works com
mittee was instructed to advertise for
and receive bids for diliveriug the coal
from car to pumping station and award
contract the same.
W. II. Widaman on behalf of the
Grand Army post , requested the
city council to appropriate $25.00 to help
defray the excuses of Decoration day ,
and also invited the city officials and
council to attend the exercises. On
motion of Zuelow the appropriation of
$25.00 was made.
The mayor read the following message
to the council :
May 15 , 1902. To the City Council of
Norfolk , Nebraska : Gentlemen When
I WUB elected to the office of mayor the
first time , I wrote no message and made
no recommendations for the reason that
I had no definite idea what the demands
of the city really were. This year bow-
ever , I debiro to make a few recommen
dations' .
First. The ordinances of the city
should be revised and , oa revised , pub
lished in book' form BO that the citizoija
of Norfolk may know what the ordi
nance 4 really aro. As they stand at
present , it is impossible to know which
are in force and. which have been re
pealed , the last revision having been
made in 1891 , if I am not mistaken.
Second. Provision should be made
for a brick gutter along Nofrolk avenne
The advent of the cement sidewalk
makes this an absolute necessity for the
reason that all water now goes directly
into the street where , heretofore , it has
bad a chance to percolate through the
wooden walks and in that way drain
under the sidewalks. Placing a brick
gutter IB the only way in which wo can
settle the question of mud boles on Nor
folk avenue. The prohibiting of tying
of teams on Norfelk avenno has rem
edied the mud hole question somewhat
but the only way it can be thoroughly
fixed and insure cleanliness is to put in
a brick.gutter.
Third. The sidewalks now ont on
Third , Fourth , Eighth and other streets
should bo built immediately. The
owners of lots seem to ignore the orders
of the city because they figure that the
city is unable to build them and in that
way a great many property owners liv
ing on these streets are deprived of the
benefits of sidewalks.
It would take a very little money to
put in all of these walks that have been
taken ont through some cause , and place
all of these streets in good condition , as
far as sidewalks are concerned.
Fourth. An attempt should be made
by this council to more clearly define
the duties of the water commissioner
and the man at the pumping station and
endeavor , if possible , to place the man
agement of the waterworks eystbm un
der one bead. As it Brands now the
waterworks system1 IB managed by two
men , who poinutlinon work at ( TORN pur-
IOHIW , mid 1 Imvo no doubt that thlH
ouiicll will bo ittilo to woik out HOIIIO
ilun by whiuh thlHcan bo accomplmhod ,
1 um also of the ( million ( hut the iniui
it the pitinplng Hliuloii Hlmuld rocolvo
noni inoiioy. ThlH council , or no ono
JHO , can oxpvct to hlro IIrut olaHH com-
lottmt iiMOhluintH for if I ft. ( H ) u month
uul have them stay , > 1unt NO long IIH
ho wugi > H rrimdln at thut ilgnro , the
nan at the pumping NtiUlon will bo look-
UK foe a bettor job and It Hhonld bo < ; ttr
wli'ilvor to iniiho thai position nucli
hat a man taking the pluco will bo JUH-
Klotl iu riimutnlng and thoroughly In-
hroHtlng hlniholf iu the olty'n wolfarn.
'urthor than that , the pOHttlou Hhotild
> o made iioriiwmint , conditioned upon
ho man doing his work well.
The ordltmnmm whioh have boun to-
ontly ( Miauled , fixing the water rates ,
vlll. I uiii mltlHtlod , jjlvo goueral Hullo-
action wluin tlioy uro once thoroughly
mdontood. The motor ntto IH IIH reu-
enable IIH they have it iu any city , lind
at ) in Hhown by the rejiort of the water
commlfwlonur , will Have the oonminiorn
i great amount of money and the olty
nn imnuuiHO IOHH } n the wusto of water ,
I heartily agree with the former com-
nipHiauur thai the okty photijd pnrchami
twenty or thirty motora at tonbb nnd
place thorn in all nuoh plactm whliro llirgo
inantitiuH of water are coiiHtiiued , Htioli
IH RnlooiiH , hotels , drug utoreH , olootrlo
ight Btntlou , 1 ivory Imrim , olllco build-
iiRn , lauitdrUm , butcher Nhopn , harbor
shopn , yto , An actinn of tliiH kind will
uivo the oiiy a grout iimouut of inonoy
n their coiu during the coining Hummer
ind 1 rocominond that IhlH bo attended
o without tlolay.
Referring to the elentrlo light qnrH-
ion , which has been repeatedly before
ho publio , 1 will Hiiy that I huvo in u
ormor mchHiigo , ( ixproflMid my opinion
ind have up to the present I line , had no
occiiHsion to clniiiKo my viowH on the
ubject. I HIM Htill of the opinion that
ho mutter Hhould bo mibmlttod to the
HMiplo and finally dlHpOHed of.
That wo Mlmnld have moro , or bettor
tghtlng fiioilitieH in denied by no ono
uid the people Hhould have the nlwolmo
right to miy whether wo nliull have nn
electric light plant owned by the city or
If the council in however , unublo to
tgreo with mo on calling nn election at
ho proHont time , I further rooonunnnil
that a committee nhonld bo appointed to
violt the townH in which oloctrio light
iluntH are under municipal ownernlilii
ind ascertain the actual fnotH regarding
ho Kivmo nnd place the information before
fore tbo publio. Thin will enable every-
ouo to jndgo for himself whether it
will really pay the city to own n planter
or not. All jHiople IntcroHtod in better
ighting faoilitioH are certainly entitled
o thin coiiHldrtntion and if it proven
from the faotH gathered * ( not conclu-
HiouH arrived nt ) that it is not profitable
to own the plnnt , wo will Imvo no
trouble in settling the mutter to the
HiUMuution of nil part ion concerned.
On the financial condition ot the city
[ coiiKnitalatu the council upon the
work done during the past year in prac
ticing economy nud not permitting Hiuh
billH to pans KB looked unrciiM > nnblo.
Wo start out this year with n ciiHh
balance in the general fund nud with
the levy to bo made 1 am in liopcH that
it will not bo neceshnry to issno certifl-
cmtoH of indobtodnrtH before the muni
cipal yenr cloM-B. Wo would have hud
very few to iHhtio the lant yenr had il
not been for the miiall pox nnd the
Thirteenth street Hlough to fix up.
These two itoniH iilono cost the city
something over $1000.
I nlBo winh to call the council's ' at
tention to the fact thut $7000 of the
city'fi boiidH will mature on September
15 , 1002 , and immediate provision should
bo made for the payment of HHIIIO
There IH now something like $ ( > OQO ii
the sinking fund which can bo ueed in
the payment of these bonds , leaving
$1000 to raipo and I have no donbt bul
what wo will bo nble to figure ont some
way to pay the entire amount.
Inasmuch OB our citizens will bo in
tcrosted to know the present bondo (
debt of the city I give it below :
Fire department , $7000i ( per centdue
September 15 , 1902.
Sewer , ? 8000 , 0 per cent , due Septom
her 15 , 1907.
Fire Department , 17500 , ( i per cent , duo
AngUBt2i , 1911.
Funding , $7500 , fl per cent , duo Aug
nst21 , 1911.
Refund Water , $38000 , 4 } per cent ,
due March 1,1919.
Total , $ ( i8000.
From the above showing , It is nppnr
ent that onr city is in as good financia
condition as any city of its size iu No
broska and I trust that we will alway
remain so.
Respectfully submitted ,
On motion the message was accepted
and ordered spread upon the records. '
Low Round Trip Rates via Union
Pacific from Missouri River
$15.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs
and Pueblo , Colo. JUDO 22 to 24 , inclu
sive. July 1 to 1 ! ! , inclusive.
$19.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs
add Pueblo , Colo. June 1 to 21 , incln
slvo. June 25 to ! ! 0 , inclusive.
$25.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden
Utah. August 1 to 14 , inclusive.
$25.00 to Glouwood Springs , Cole
June 22 to 21 , inclusive. July 1 to 18
$ aO.OO to Salt Lake City and Ogdeu
Utah. June 22 to 24 , Inclusive. July
to 18 , inclusive.
$31.00 to Glenwood Springs , Cole
June 1 to 21 , inclusive. June 25 to 80
$32.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden
Utah. Juno 1 to 21 , inclusive. June
25 to 80 , inclusive. July 14 to 81 , incln
$15.00 to San Francisco or Los Angeles
Cal. May 27 to Juno 8 , inclusive
August 2 to 10 , inclusive.
$45.00 to Portland , Ore. , Tacomn and
Seattle , Wash. May 27 to June 8
inclnsiyo. July 11 to 21 , inclusive , .
Full information cheerfully furnishe (
on application to
Farms rented for nonresidents. Ool
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner < S : Seller.
Mr. Ludwl KoonlRsloln'n Pupils En-
tortnlnod Last Evening.
The recital given by Ijtidwlg Koon-
KHtoin IiiHt night at the Auditorium , In
vhloh hln ptipllfl took n lending part ,
WUH wull attended and much onthus *
mm wh wliown. The program wao au
xcoitont piio , proflontijiK nn opportunity
or the pulHlg to imow tiio rofltiltH ot
heir work nnd thooffoct of their touch-
ill ? . Tlio bxbrol'noH ' worn not nlono by
ho advanced ptipllH , but HIOHO with hut
few numUm' liifitrnctloa took part ,
{ Ivlng the nndlonco nil opportunity to
udgo of Mr. KoonlgHtoin'B work fromtho
Ki { lnnliiK. When it IH oonnidorgd that
uipnjiUH devote the Inr or portion of
iioljtilth ) to public Hchool work tlio
howiiig nuuto WIIH ronmrknblo. A
umber of tlloin plnyod with iinumml
warniUt nnd oxproHHion , while tholr
oohnln nnd execution were of hl h
rndl ) . Klibh nolo WIIH brought out
lonr utul dlntlnct , whllo the playing waH
vbnly MUKuYod.
AhiofiK Ih'n ' mmiloru
doHorvhig of par-
lotilar mention wan the Sohntiert 1m-
iromptu tlifutio nnd vnrlntloiiH which
ail ilH find porformnnco In Norfolk nnd
VIIH oxi-i'utod by MlHH Faimiu Norton
nd Arthur Overtoil , who nro doHorving
f high compliment for their Intorpro-
ntion. Clnrn llndnt and Loin GlbHou
roHonted Sohulhoff vnlno , a well known
vork ninniig loverH of intiBlo. The
lodnrd ohromntiquo , plnyod by Arthur
Overtoil , WIIH executed with grenter
orco thnn Iimt HOIIHOII. The concert
tuily plnyod by Mr. KoonigHtoln WIIH
n Intordntitig fonturo of the program
nd hioiight foith u hearty domoimtrn-
Ion of approval. The SimnlHh dance
) y Knthleon Boas WIIH ono of the nt-
rnctlvo foaturoH of the evening nnd wnH
nil of grace. The effect produced by
hoAlpino Htorm IIH plnyod by LoiH
libHon WIIH mnrkod. The lighting effect
irovod ix > ptilnr nnd the Hiinill performer
wan compelled to appear a Hccond time
o acknowledge the npprovnl of the aud-
The Hooond part of the program was
.ho . ono net inimical comodiottn , "Olur-
HHU'B First Party , " coiiHlHtliiK of eight
lumbers. Tlio gnvotto IIH danced by the
young IndleH wan ouo of the most graco-
ul and charming over BOOH on the
Auditorium Htngo. Mrs. A. N. Gorecko
H entitled to much credit for the notion
n tlio comodiottn , hnving drilled these
who participated ! ! ! their pnitH. This
B the first of a series that Mr. Koonig-
Htoin IH thinking of giving. Hy thorn
mine vocal tnleut IH encouraged , leading
o tcndencieH toward homethmg in the
lighter operatic form.
The program was wull planned nnd
loiitnined n grent deal that wnH instruct
ive IIH well IIH cntortniniiiK to these who
Electric Lighted Dining Cars.
The now dining cars on "tho Overland -
land Limited" Jmvo ton tables , with a
icnting capacity for thirty people.
The tables , which nro placed in front
of broad plato glaRi windows , are
adorned with ferns , flowering plants , iino
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Bllvorwnro and electric chandolabrn.
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If you contemplate a trip to any
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Fnll information cheerfully furninhed
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A out.
For rent or sale the IJronio property
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Form and oity loans.
StrawberrioH at Schorregge's.
We , Loans
FOH BALK-Two story and wing 7-room
hone * , lot60by 176 feet , largo bam , good neil ,
100-barreI cistern , ben bones , good cellar. In
one of tbe boat blocks Iu tbo city. $700 00.
FOR BALR-Fine corner lot on Norfolk avo-
nne.Mby 178 feet.
Com o and BCD me. Let us talk , I bare two
good Insurance companies , Palatine of London
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OHIce at Hardy' * Coal OOlca.
ii mill Loan
will build you a
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C. E DUBLAND.secretaiy.