j THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , APRIL 11 , 1002. 9 SATURDAY SIFTINGS. Misi Ella Mullou went to Oumlm today - day , W. A. Johns was up from Stouten yesterday. Mrs. Delia Parkinson was in the city yesterday from Madison , S. O. Campbell was u city visitor yes terday from the county scat. Mrs. A. POhilds of Carroll , visited with Norfolk filends this week. The West Side Whist club mot last evening with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rain- bolt. bolt.Tho The friends of Frank Lonscr gave him an onjoyublo surprise Tlmrtday evening. Miss Anna Stettin loft yesterday for Milwaukee , Wisconsin , to spend the summer. Mrs. Juanotte Kerr and Miss Knthn- riuo Kerr wore in from Pierce yesterday , doing some trading. , TohnCouwny ! | and Ohas. A. Nippol of Niobrara were in the city yesterday on real estate business. J. N. Bundick , manager of the sugar factory , returned last evening from a business trip to Oinaha. Mrs. Foyorherm and Miss Edith Feyer- hoim were visitors in the metropolis ycbterday from Stauton. The first martins have appeared with their cheerful twitter to furnish another conclusive sign that spring is hero. D. 8. Cole is'reopeniiifr the photograph gallery in the Burrows building at the corner of Fourth street and Madison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Dexter have taken rooms and will board with Mrs. Mary Davenport on North Ninth street , dur ing their stay in Norfolk. W. G. Baker went to Creighton thin afternoon and tomorrow will leave fo ; Rapid City , S. D. , to attend a meeting of the South Dakota stockmen's nssoci ntion. Miss Maud Parker of Columbus , who has been the guest of Mrs. Corl Jenkins - kins and Miss Fannie Norton for tin past few days , returned to her home this morning. W. 0. Eddy left at noon today for Worchester , Mass. , where ho goes to bp married next week , the lady of his choice being Miss Irene Whitney. lie will be away about two weeks , Brakeman Chris Nelson , whoso home is at South Norfolk , fell from his train near Long Pine last night and was seri ously injured , though just what his in juries consist of has not yet been learned He was brought homo on the noon train today. The Ladies guild of Trinity church met with Mrs. Matrau yesterday after noon and selected the following officers for the year : Mrs. A. D. Cole , pre si dent ; Mrs. O. H. Reynolds , vice presi dent ; Miss Weills , secretary ; and Mrs , W. N. Huso , treasurer. At the meeting of Damascus com- mandery , No. 20 , K. T. , held lost evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : Andrew Viele , E.G. ; D. J. Koeuigstein , G. ; W. H. Rish , 0. G. ; Jos. Allbory , S. W. ; S. G. Dean , J. W. ; E. H. Tracy , recorder ; S. W. Hayes , treasurer. Chos. H. Johnson writes from Boston under date of the second , that ho is having ajgreat time viewing the sights of that classic city. He is there as the guest of Ohickeriug & Sons , and states that he is lodged in a swell hotel , has the freedom of the great Chickoring factory and everything else of import ance in the city. Clifton Talbert , a lad 11 or IS years old , living at South Norfolk , was seri ously injured about 10 o'clock this morn ing by falling from a hack , the wheels passing over his head and causing n bad scalp wound. The boy was taken at once to the office of Dr. Tashjeau , who dressed the wound and made him as comfortable as the circumstances would allow. Manager Sprecher announces further reductions in telephone rates. Here after the rate between Norfolk and Warnerville and Norfolk and IJattl < Creek for n threo-minuto conversation will bo 15 cents , instead of 25 cents as heretofore. This does not interfere with the free rate which has been ac corded the regular subscribers of the Norfolk and Battle Creek exchanges , but is for the benefit of non-subscribers. The social session of the Elks last evening was well attended and a very enjoyable affair. The feature of the evening was the dancing in Marquardt hall , on the floor above the club and lodge rooms , where to inspiring music of an orchestra , the merry making vas continued until 1 o'clock this morning. Roman punch was served between numbers and more substantial refresh ments were served nt 11 o'clock in the club rooms. A man , hopelessly inebriated , was seen making zigzags north on Fourth street this morning and when the city building was reached ho staggered into the door leading to the jail , his muddled brain telling him , no doubt , that there was where he belonged , and ho decided not to wait for the usual escort of an officer to conduct him thither. If all drunks could be induced to do as this one they might be furnished with keys to the jail and save the officers con siderable inconvenience. MONDAY MENTION , Miss Motta Kooulgatoln was down from O'Neill ' Saturday. Mrs. M. A. McMillan is in Omaha for a week's visit with friends. State Senator A. R. Olson of Wisnor is hero today on legal business. Rov. F. P Wigton of Osmond was in the city greeting his old Norfolk friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Daniel of Madison visited with Norfolk friends over Sun day. day.Bert Bert Riper of the Times-Tribune force visited with Stiuitou friends over Sun day. John Froythalor got his now delivery wagon out this morning for the first time. "Billio" Ferguson was returned from his trip to the coast , evidently convinced that Norfolk is good enough for him. Allen Kuhu , who has been attending the business college , has accepted a position with the F. E. & M. V. railroad company. F. W. Beck loft this morning for St. .Too and the south , whore ho goes in the interest of the Sugar City Cereal mills. Ho expects to bo absent about five weeks. Missrs Bessie and Hattie Ellington of Brunswick and Misses Anna Bitnoy and May Ilorrock of Ncligh were guests of Mrs. D. Knlm during the association mooting. The choir of St Paul Lutheran church gave Miss Hattie Moldeuhauer a surprise party last evening , the occasion being in commemoration of her birthday. The time was very pleasantly passed. School openpd again this morning after a week's vacation. There wore quite a number of now scholars to start in this morning , it being the first school experience for many of them. A. R. Evaus , now with the Oroighton News , visited Norfolk relatives and friends over Suuday. Mrs. W. L. Kirk and Miss Romig came down with him , Mrs. Kirk going on to Neligh for a few days' visit. M. B. Patney , formerly of Oakdale but now of York , was in the city today meeting old friends. He has recently been promoted to the position of supreme lecturer of the Modern Woodmen of America , with which order ho has been identified for several years. The breath of old winter was felt again yesterday and last night , with the result that the temperature was brought down to minimum of but 13 degrees above zero. It was an unlucky point for any garden sass that had acquired the necessary courage to show itself above the ground. Madison Chronicle : Last week there was filed and recorded in the county clerk's oflice a certificate of the incorpor ation of a Christian Science church , the only church of the kind in Madison county , known as First church of Christ , Scientist , of Norfolk , Neb. , composed of 22 members. A board of directors is named , with Daniel Craven , president and Geo. 1 > . Beele , clerk. The 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Goree of Inman met with a fatal accident of a peculiar nature one day last week. In playing about the yard the little one fell head first into a post hole which was partly filled with mnd and was suffocated before its condition was discovered. Only the feet of the baby showed above the ground when it was found by the distracted mother , and all efforts at resuscitation were in vain. vain.A A team belonging to the Atlantic hotel indulged in a vicious runaway this noon. Starting from the barn on Sixth street , they ran through the alleyway - way to the Pacific hotel , where they crossed the high sidewalk , leaving part of the wagon behind. Then they ran south on Fifth street , breaking through the fence at the home of Win. Ahlmau , and left the rest of the running gear there , after having straddled a tree. One of the horses was severely cut. The NEWS has secured the contract for publishing the "Bine Print" the first annual publication of the Engineer ing society of the university of Nebraska. The matter and illustrations furnished by the society will make the publication between 125 and 150 pages and the con tract calls for the issuing of 1000 copies. This is but one of the many indications that this office is acquiring aa enviable reputation as an up-to-date print shop , capable of turning out satisfactory work in all grades and classes. Stauton Picket : The Stanton post- office changed hands Tuesday morning. A. F. Enos succeeding H. F. Stephens as postmaster. James Peters has been installed as principal assistant and Mrs A. E. Werner , the postmaster's sister , as chief clerk. This force is expected to bo sufficient to give the public the best of services as soon as the boxes are learned and the subordinates are located under the family head where they properly be long. There will be no change in the price of postage stamps and box rents. The Omaha World-Herald of last Fri day contains the following item , show ing the organization of a mining com pany , with a Norfolk's citizen as the leadiug officer : "The Blanche Copper Mining company has been organized hero with a capital stock of $1,000,000 with II. E. Owen , Norfolk , president ; John R. Wortz , Chappell , vice president ; J. H. Kyner , Omaha , secretary ; D. W. Owen , Omaha , treasurer. The com pany's property IB in the Grand En campment district and side linen the now famious Rambler milieu. The headquarters of the concern will be in Omaha , " Owing to the fact that tlioy wore not satisfied with the cemetery at O'Neill , Mrs. Bessie Newell , wife , and Mr. and Mrs. Newell , parents of the late Dr. 0. Homer Newell , have decided to remove his remains to this city where they will bo re-interred in Prospect Hill cemetery. Mrs. Bessie Newell came down yester day and Mr. and Mrs. Newell arrived today from O'Neill with their son's re- mains. Interment wan this afternoon at 1 o'clock , the grave in Prospect Hill cemetery having been lined by Trinity Sooial guild , of which Mrs. Bessie Newell ell was a member. The young wife will return to her homo in Lynch this evening. Norfolk will not lack for opportun ities to got a drink this coming munici pal year , if nil the saloons in prospect are established. Ton applications for liquor license have now boon filed and there will bo nt least one more. While several of the old saloon keepers have made application for license the majority - ity of them are strangers. Frank Kelly will succeed Jos Vlaznoy as proprietor of the Oxuard bar and Mr. Vlaznoy will open up in the Eblo building. George Rohdo will succeed George Holler in the Schelly building and Mr. Lambert of West Point will probably nm the saloon in the Grant building conducted last year by Frank Fitch. William Parr has made application for a license to run the Turf in place of Scott Holbrook and S. J. Dixon will open np in the old Fair store room. Rico , Lodor , Borner , Marqnardt and Mueller will contiuuo aa in the past. The moving of the county seat of Kuox county from Niobrara to Center was the occasion of more or loss excite ment in that part of the country last week. Anticipating that the people of Niobrara might make a demonstration against the proposed removal , sixteen teamsters from Center appeared in the ancient county capital Monday evening with what they considered sufficient arms to enforce their demands , for the books , papers and other paraphernalia pertaining to the county government. They met with no opposition and loaded up with the furniture and appurtenances of the offices of c.A ity judge , superin tendent and clerk of the court. Not having met with resistance , one of the teamsters concluded to take a parting shot at Niobrara , anyway , and the bul let took effect in the post of the Nio brara Valley bank awning , near which several persons were standing , but for tunately no one was injured. The second end caravan appeared on the scene Wed nesday , and Thursday they departed with the treasurer's office , to bo fol lowed with those of the county clerk and sheriff at an early date. Quito a little town has been building up at Cen ter , among the new business houses being - ing two saloons. Madison Chronicle : County Superin tendent Crnin has nnder preparation a volume devoted to "Educational Begin nings in Madison County , " which will make highly interesting reading to the older residents , and will be a valuable document in that it will contain much history of the school work in the early days of which no record had been kept by the first superintendents of schools of this county. The work dates from the time the first school district was organized , and gives the names of those who were instrumental in its organis ation , and is brought down to date , the whole woven into a complete.interesting story. To complete this volume has re quired a great deal of work , much time having been taken np in gathering data from early residents in different parts of the county who took an active port or are familiar with the work in the first Madison county schools. In glancing over some of the pages that are to moke np this volume we noticed the nrocrrarn that was rendered at the first Madison county Teachers' Institute held in Nor folk in June , 1874. In referring to the attendance at this meeting the editor of the "school paper" took occasion to remark that the school manna wore as thick as fleas on a dog , when in fact the enrollment shows only twelve ped agogues present. But when we take into consideration the early date of that institute , the sparsely settled country , and few schools , that was quite a formidable number of teachers all in one bunch. This is but one of hundreds of interesting items the book will contain. It is Mr. Crnm's inten tion to have the voluino put in print some time the coming year. Sherman Gravel. Concerning which so much has been said , is a disintegrated mica granite. It has been chemically prepared by the great fires of nature in prehistoric days , so as to gradually weld together with all the flexability of asphalt and the durability of granite. This gravel is quarried at Sherman , Wyo. , on the Union Pacific , and used on the road for abllast. Travelers over the Union Pacific therefore , escape the dnst and dirt which makes n trip over the lines of its less fortunate rivals so annoying. No dust , no dirt , no jarring , smooth and easy riding. For fnll information call on or address J. B. Elseffer , agent. TUESDAY TOPICS. F. M. Sheehan was over from Wnyno yesterday. G. W. West of Nollgh was n city vis itor yesterday. G. I ) . Gatlin wan up from Scribnor yesterday transacting biiBlnoRs. Miss Lena Ringer was a visitor in Norfolk yostordiiy from Lime Grovo. Mr. and Mrs. I , Powers returned last night from Omaha where they H ] > ont Sunday. The Wept Side Whlfit club will moot with Mr. L. 0. MlttolHtadt Thurmlay livening. Ed. Dixon and A. 0. Htcur of the Fair iitoro , loft today for Wisconsin where they export to purchase laud. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson nro in Stonx City , summoned there because of the Borions illnoHH of Mrs , Johnson's father , Rov. Win. Slothowor. The now Updike grain office near the Crelghton depot has boon painted and is now about ready for bufdnvtm when the Reason's crop begins to come in. The Untto Ga/etto finds that "the railroad situation remains the same , viz : work progressing on the North western and wind on the A. AN. " A surprise party , given in honor of Miss AgncH/uolow'H birthday was hold last evening at the homo of Mr , and Mrs. August Ilollornmn on South Sixth street. Chief of Pohco Martin Kane has undertaken now responsibilities , which will lie the proper training of the now son who was welcomed to his homo in South Norfolk this morning. The Wednesday club will go to Crtjightou tomorrow on the noon train where they will bo guests of Mrs. Gco. D. Bnttorfiold during the afternoon , re turning on the evening freight. Patrons of the G. E. Moore hardware store will horoaf tor have thoconvonionce of telephone service , a now instrument having recently been placed therein. The number of the 'phono is 218. Theodore Loosener , who has the con tract for building the now German Lutheran church nt Hadar , went to that town this morning to lay out the ground preparatory to beginning work on the now edifice. The Nebraska Association of Sbiloh veterans held its tenth annual session in Lincoln Monday. It was -10 years ago on that day since that memorable battle of the civil war was fought. The fol lowing ofllcors wore elected for the en suing year : President , John Lett of Benedict ; vice president , Joe Teotora of Lincoln ; secretary , John McClay of Lincoln ; treasurer , W. J. Blyostono of Lincoln. The next meeting will bo nt Lincoln on the -list anniversary of the battle. George Awisus , a German farmer living four miles south of Wiuside , at- temped suicide Sunday night by jump ing into a well. About three months ago , while going to church on Sunday , his wife suddenly expired in the car riage. Since then Awisus has been failing and the family have taken the precaution to watch him. Ho was dis covered Sunday night in the act of tak ing up the planking that covered a well and was secured and taken to Wiusido. Ho will be examined by the commis sioners of insanity and may bo sent to the hospital for the insane. The moon changed this morning be tween 8 and 1) ) o'clock and it brought with it a change of weather , which was not exactly agreeable , however , to those who have been looking for the spring that has been presaged by all the signs of popular belief for some time past. The morning opened with an almost icy south wind and this was followed about 0 o'clock with a cold rain that froze on reaching the ground. The rain was welcome but n warm one would have boon much preferred. Perhaps now that the moon lias changed , thejoug de layed spring weather will make its ap pearance. General Manager Bidwell of the F. E. & M. V. tolls the Niobrara Pioneer that that town may possibly have regu lar trains by Juno 1. The grading and all other work of extension is proceed ing very satisfactory all along the line. The first survey stake was driven last Thanksgiving morning and before - fore another Thanksgiving the line will undoubtedly be all completed. When the extension is completed , the F. E. & M. V. would no doubt find it profitable to run an excursion from this city to the , eud of the line , whore all the towns along the branch might unite in celebrating the event with n good old rousing celebra tion , including a barbecue , dancing and an nil around good time. Certainly there would be n largo delegation from Norfolk to participoto in such n celebra tion. Columbus Telegram : The farmer is not the only fish in Nebraska. Right here in Columbus an eastern nnglor re ceutly found the juiciest lot of suckers that n white man over landed , He found them in the law offices , in the dental parlors , and in the domain of the doc tors. He would let the professional men in on the ground floor on n plan whereby they might eoouro n wagon load of beautiful and valuable books for the sum of fifteen dollars. It was a good thing , and ton lawyers , dentists and other kinds of doctors immediately palled the cork nnder. And then came delivery day. In return for llftoon dollars lars the Htickprs oauh rocolvwl a lot of books that Snowor von Borgoii would be glad to mill for thirty cents. The wi o turn twlHted and turned and mvoro they had been hunrocd , but their roars did not accomplish anything , They had signed the lightning rod contract , and Imd to muluilt good. If the boys had Iwon reading The Telegram with greater care they might have learned that it in never nafe to sign papers to strangers , and further , that ho who plays to got Honiothlng for nothing , uHtinlly guts nothing for nomothing , Aspiration , Diirinu his looturo heforo the North Nebraska Tenohorn' association in this city last Friday night , William Ilawlny Smith gave Homo "Thoughts miggofltod on viewing the Chicago rlvor" In Browningnxquo style , which he dictated to an admiring hearer and are hero re produced. It will be remembered that l > y the building of the great Chicago Irnlnngo canal , the Chicago rivnr which originally flowed into the lake at Chicago cage was made to revorno its flow HO that t now goes np stream and finally empties into the MlBHltwippi river near St. Ixwls carrying the greater ] > ortioti of Chicago's sewerage into that ntream , which finally deposits it in the Gulf of Mexico , leaving more or hms of its Ninell n the nir onronto : Jo ilnvMi Ilio rhor ruin , tint tii , Ihoy n\y I Down ) Iuun7 Whnt'w ilowti7 And why not up ) A > 01111' ' I'pl Uit lenj' AIM ! OUT np nm ! up I Up'i Krmiilort linn It npl ClilciiK < > ilniwl tools gronnd , lilnctH rock , Hcrapcs , muck mill mud ntiil uliinn , Tips op liar nexvnrH , Toldn linrxolf up olrnnni. Though not up Btinimi , lint dowu mid up inuilii down , Anil up uiiiilo down le ever up , I miy , So down or up , or np or down. nllV onn , Vet up linn mnttory , for up ' npl ) 4o np it rmm up to St. Ixinli , Ah I AmlyntHt. I.onli UcW I Why HhouhUlio kick7 lrof wlnil mountH np la OUT nlmltiK higlinr , And ulio ehonlcl kUk nt hinlmj7 Kick lower , not higher 1 hicKKO powore aim hlKh Ht , LonU-nnril. They ( it thorn too , iirrlin , rook mid piicn hy ! What IB rook ) Ily othnr mime 'twould nmnll IIH rank I jmotlnpl Chlcn o ieworn nm up , etnoll up ) They mount , they climb , lit-pirn. They unioll to honvcnl And yet Ht. lx > nin howl * I IIowli nt whnl cllmhi ! For eharnn , thu'B jniilotu. Oroatncne dues not BO ! DrantneM In Krnnt , ntid ( front in ( nor larno. rRO mnkog for Kroat nn I great for larger mnkua , io lot St. koine mnll , ottoml , eprond out , TIM nlio can taho nil Hint Chicago K > VOH An I rnnch n groiitnosB worthy of lior nninn , The New Catholic Church. The first preliminary stop toward the erection of the now Catholic church were ttikon Wednesday when Rev. Father Wnlhh submitted the revised plans and specifications to the building committee. It wns decided to plnco the now building on the hito of the old one , illowing the north wnll to coino n few foot nearer the street and the front far ther to the cast. The plans as prepared by Architect , 7. C. Stitt , of Norfolk , contemplate n surperb structure 70x37 foot , with two sacristies at the rear and n basement conveniently arranged for heating np. paratns. The specifications call for the best material that can bo obtained. The building is to bo of rod brick with htono trimmings and nil windows are to bo of stained glass beautiful in debign. Aced cod belfry , so arranged that n spire may bo added at any time , will adorn ho structure. The interior will bo pro vided with n commodious gallery and organ loft. It is estimated that the edifice will cost from 1,600 to $5,500 and when lompleted will stand commemorative of the enterprise of Father Walsh and his congregation. That the construction of worship will tax the finances of the church is not surprising , and citizens generally should cheerfully and without solicitation contribute as liberally to the cause as their abilities may permit. Battle Cieek Enterprise. What Every City Officer Should Do. Municipal officials ewe it to their con stituents to know all that can be learned about practical matters affecting the interests torests of the people they serve. The authority on such questions in America is Municipal Engineering magazine , the central oflice of which is at Indianapolis , Ind. , and it contains every month n vast amount of information , which , as the Salt Lake Tribune says , it ought to be made the official duty of every mayor councilman , or other city officers , to carefully read. It would result often in saving the public from very expensive mistakes. Citizens interested in muni cipal improvement will find it equally valuable and interesting. The rnnga zlno comprises about 1GO pages monthly , and the cost is only $2.00 per year. It is worth many times this price. There's Many a Slip on the ice or wet ground nt this time ol year , and many a sore spot in cense quence. No amount of caution will guarantee you ngnlust accident. That is why we keep Perry Davis * Painkiller on hand to relieve the ache of bruised flesh , and sore , throbbing muscle. It has given relief to generations. There is but one Painkiller , Perry Davis * . "If I Could Get Rid of this nbominablo cold , " explained the sufferer , when the end of n spasm of coughing gave him n chance to talk. The way out of the trouble is plain. Take Allen's Lung Bnlsnin before the merciless grip of the cold has fastened npon throat and lungs. After a few doses the cough is easier and less fre quent , and a complete euro ia but the question of A little time. FIRE OFFICERS OHOSEN. Annunl Mcetlng of Dopnrtmont Hold Lnol Evening Reports Rccolved. I'VoiiiThiirinlnj' * Dally : The annual mooting of the Norfolk Flro department was hold hint evening in the llromon'ii room of the city build ing. The nnmml report of Chief 0. E. Hartford was received , accepted and ordered puhliHhcd. Tronmiror II. W. Winter made hl annual report , which showed that the year had IMIOII iilurtod with a balance of MM > .8 ! > on hand. There was paid out during the year filM 80 , and nt the end of this ynnr tlioro wan n balance on hand of Mil.HH. President Kern rotnrnod to the depart ment the .ffl that had boon donated to ward aiding hla daughter , Vlolu , In the Omnhn News' piano contest , the money not having been used for the purpOHO. The following was the rciiult of the aliM'tion of officers : W. L. Kern , proHidont. H. R. MuKurlnnd , vloo president. Rudolph OhriHchllles , secretary. H. W. Winter , troasuror. Robert Smith , trustee for three years. (1. ( E. Hartford , chief. Chief Hartford made the following uppolntmontH for the now year , Increas ing the iiumlHir of assistant chiefs HO that ouoli company in the department in represented : II. W. Winter , first assist- nnt ; E. H. HnycH.'Kecond ; Venus Nonow , bird ; H. H. McKnrlnnd , fourth ; K. W. ICoorbor , fifth. WARNERVILLE. Win. Ilrown'H children are sick with the i There will bo a dance in the hall Fridnyjovoning , April 11. DanJMnrjihy was here from Omaha Monday , looking ever bin farm north- of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Funk entertained n company of young people Wednesday evening of ItiHt week. Mnnter Ruhnn Miller came up from Omaha Saturday to visit his grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Munson. The Oumlm Elevator company has decided to nkmo its elevator here through tlio dull Honfion. It will probably bo reopened in August. Henry CnrHon 1ms lost three horscH and throe cows recently. The cauno of their (1 until is wild to be from eating and while on n rye pasture. Miss Dora Carson and J. E. Palmer worn united in marriage at the homo of the brido'H parcntH , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carton , on March I0 ! , Rov. J. E. Fowler of MndiRon preforming the ceremony. The young couple has commenced hoiihcUtopiug in Madison. Gardner & Seller deal in improved and unimproved lands. Ranches and town property for sale in Pierce , Cedar , Knox , Wayne and Holt counties , also lands and ranches in North and South Dakota. Wanted. Wo would like to nsk , through the columns of your paper , if there is any porboim whq has used Green's August Flower lor the cure of indigestion , dys pepsia , und liver troubles that has not been cnred and wo also moan their resnltH , such as sour stomach , fermenta tion of food , habitual costiveness , nerv ous dyspepsia , headaches , despondent feelings , sleeplessness in fact , nuy trouble connected with the stomach or liver ? This medicine has been sold for many years in nil civilized countries , and wo wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried A ngust Flower , try one bottle first. Wo have never known of its failing. If so , something more serious is the matter with you. Ask yonr oldest druggist. G G. GUKEN , Woodbury , N. J. Asa. K Leonard. When You Go Into n Drugstore to get n bottle of Painkiller , examine it carefully to ee if it is made by Perry Davis , and don't bo persuaded to take something "just as good" because it is a few cents cheaper. There is only one Painkiller " ' . " "Perry Davis' Large bottles 25 and 50c. Oil for fffi ® Give them oil cod-liver oil. It's curious to sec the result. Give it to the peevish , fret ful child , and he laughs. Give it to the pale , nr.rcmic child , and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take aflat- chested , child , or a child that has stopped growing , give him the oil , and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. ] It has been clone for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are .so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. corr a. IIOWNK. PC I si. , N. v. al dnigguu ,