The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 11, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    8 . ' .ft ' THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , APRIL 11 , WOIT
.Shows Democrats to Be as Seri
ously Divided as Republicans.
-Payne Measure Providing for Twenty
Per Cent Reduction Still Seems to
Command Sufficient Strength to In *
| oure Its Passage.
! Washington , April 9. The first day
of the debate on the Cuban reciprocity
bill , which opened In the house yes
terday , was disappointing from a spec
tacular standpoint. There were no
sensational clashes after the debate
was actually begun nnd none of the
bitterness which was expected to crop
out on the floor came to the surface.
w The vote on the motion to go Into
commltteo of the whole to consider the
bill , however , developed the lines of
cleavage and showed that the Demo
crats are quite as much divided on the
question as Is the majority. In the
division , which is regarded as prac
tically a test vote on the bill , 114 Re
publicans and 03 Democrats voted for
the motion and 41 Democrats and 39
Republicans against It. The vote was
.In reality more embarrassing to the
Democrats than to the Republicans , as
the members of the minority had
called a conference for last night at
which they desired to get together on
a course of action. The vote forced
the hands of the Democrats as Individ
uals before the caucus.
Payne , the Republican leader ,
opened the debate for the bill In a
strong speech , which commanded
close attention from both sides of the
house. There were only two other
speeches , Newlands , a Democrat from
Nevada , took the position that the
concession should not be made to
Cuba unless she were Invited at the
same time to become a part of the
United States. McClellan , a Now
York Democrat , who was the last
speaker , favored a 60 per cent reduc
tion for the benefit of Cuba , but gave
notice that If the rate of reduction
was not increased ho would vote for
the bill. He contended that reciprocity
was in line with time-honored doc
trine , and that whllo Republicans
might fear it , Democrats should not.
Bays Chinese Exclusion Bill Contra
venes Existing Treaties.
Washington , April 9. A vigorous
protest was made In the senate yesterday -
day by Culloin ( Ills. ) against the passage -
sago of the Chinese exclusion bill In
Its present form. Coming from the
chairman of the committee on foreign
relations , the protest made a deep impression -
-pression - on the senate. Cullom , while
expressing himself as in favor of the
exclusion of Chinese laborers , said
many provisions of the pend
ing treatoy were In contra-
.ventlon with our treaty conventions -
-ventions with China. He urged
' that the United States could not afford
to ignore its solemn treaties , although
he conceded the authority of congress
to enact the proposed law if It saw fit
to do so. Patterson ( Colo. ) and Per
kins ( Cal. ) supported the pending
-1)111 , maintaining that In no way did
* lt contravene existing treaties , as by
he convention of 1894 China had
agreed that Chinese laborers should
be excluded from this country. The
'bill was drastic In Its provisions , they
admitted , but no more so than was
necessary to eliminate the possibility
of fraud.
Conference of House Members on Re
ciprocity Proves of No Avail.
Washington , April 9. After a con
ference lasting nearly three hours last
night , the Democratic members of the
house tabled a number of proposltlonh
which had been presented relative to
the policy to bo pursued on the Cuban
reciprocity bill now before the house
und then adjourned without action ou
T the subject. The result of the confer
ence leaves each Democratic member
free to exercise his Individual opinion
nnd it is generally believed that this
will result In the passage of the reci
procity bill as the test vote In the
house showed about CO Democratic
members for the bill , which will mucn
more than offset the Republican defec
tion from the measure.
Root Sends Tayabas Report.
Washington , April 9. Secretar >
Root yesterday transmitted to the sen
ate committee on the Philippines a
copy of the report of the civil govern
ment of Tayabas , which Is said to
bavo had the approval of General
Miles' statement in his letter to the
president , that the war In the Philip
pines "had been conducted with
marked severity. " The report is said
to contain severe reflections on the
conduct of military affairs in the prov
ince of Tayabas. It is accompanied
by a statement from Governor Taft ,
explaining why ho had not felt at lib
erty to toll the committee about the
Tayabas report when ho was giving
bis testimony about Philippine affairs.
Civil Rule for Philippines ,
i Washington , April 9. The house
bill establishing civil govornoment In
the Philippines was flually perfected
yesterday by the Republican mem
bers of the insular committee and in
m- tts completed form was introduced by
Chalririn Cooper. There is no doubt
that It will he reported to the house
by the full committee , probably today.
The house bill is unlike that of the
senate in that It provides a complete
form of civil government for the isl
ands to go into effect when the war
Two Are Killed lit Disaster Caused by
Washout Near Cleveland.
ClovftUml , April 0. The Indlanapo-
11s special on the JJig Pour road be
tween Indianapolis and Cleveland was
wrecked last night whtlo running
through Walworth run , a low lying
bo < ly of land on the west sldo of the
city. Two persona arc dead and three
others were hurt.
The dead : William F. McGrnth , en-
Klnccr , Gloveland ; Edward McNully ,
fireman , Cleveland.
The Injured : A. II. Kd rounds , mall
clerk , Indianapolis , head seriously
crushed , legs and hack bruised ;
Thomas Murphy , conductor , Clove-
land. ankle broken and body bruised ;
J. R. Carr , baggageman , Indianapolis ,
ankle sprained and leg and back In
Tht wreck Is believed to have boon
caused by a washed out track , resultIng -
Ing from the Incessant downpour of
rain for the past 12 hours. The engi
neer nnd fireman were crushed to
death beneath the cnglno.
Revenue Men Make a Raid on Still
and Battle Ensues.
Louisville , April 9. News has been
received hero of a fight between
moonshiners and revenue olllcors In
Hardln county , during which Asm
Mumble , an alleged moonshiner , was
killed and Deputy Revenue Collector
R. A. Hancock of Louisville , who was
leading the pursuing posse , narrowly
escaped death , a rlflo hall grazing his
head and leaving its mark on the skin.
The revenue officers had information
that a still was located In a bottom
near Big Meeting creek. They sur
rounded the still and Deputy Collector
Hancock stepped out and called upon
three men who were operating It to
surrender. They answered with a vol
ley of shots and the revenue officers
promptly returned the flro. Two of
the moonshiners then fled from the
still , firing as they ran , and made their
escape. When the smoke cleared
away Asa Humble was dead Inside the
still house. It Is thought one of the
men who escaped was wounded.
Alleged Elopement of Wealthy Black
Hawk Farmer Causes Litigation.
Jesup , la. , April 9. The scandal
raised by Iho alleged elopement of.
George W. Dickinson with Mrs. James
Bloom of Jesup a few months ago
promises to bo a costly affair before
finished. The third suit was filed yes
terday , involving In all about ? 75,000.
Dickinson is a wealthy Black Hawk
county farmer , estimated to be worth
$125,000. Yesterday Mrs. Bloom en
tered suit against George W. Young ,
a wealthy neighbor , for ? 25,000 dam
ages for blackmail. She alleges that
Young acted as a detective for Mrs.
Dickinson and that the reports ho cir
culated were the cause of the entire
trouble. As Young Is very wealthy ,
the case will be hard fought.
Men Take Sides in Boys' Fight , and
James Young's Death Will Result.
Joplln , Mo. , April 9. Eugene Fritz-
waters , aged 20 years , yesterday shot
and fatally wounded James Young ,
aged 35 , in this city , discharging a
load of shot Into Young's right breast
at a distance of ten feet.
The men had taken up a quarrel
started by two boys over a game of
tops. Young was a baker and has a
wife and child. Frltzwaters surren
dered to the police.
Two Shot While Resisting Arrest.
Boonville , Mo. , April 9. While re
sisting arrest , Louis Sage was shot
and killed end Mike A. Logan was se
riously wounded by Policeman Albert
S. Beha In this city yesterday. Sage
and Logan , who are from St. Charles ,
Mo. , were beating their way on a pas
senger train and drew their revolvers
when the officer attempted to take
them Into custody.
Cattle Thief Is Killed.
Denver , April 9. A special from
Blsbee , A. T. , says that Sheriff Parks
and deputies captured seven cattle
thieves on Eagle creek , near Moroncl ,
after a hard fight. One of the thieves
was killed outright after some excit
ing shooting. The outlaws had killed
a number of cattle from ttmo to time
and were In posscsslson of six freshly
killed beeves.
Priest Forced to Witness Robbery.
Wllkesbarro , Pa. , April 9. The post-
office at Hudson , Pa. , was broken into
yesterday morning by four masked
men and $197 In stamps and $05 in
money was taken. Father Spotanskl
of St. Joseph's Catholic church passed
nnd was held up until the burglary
was completed. The burglars com
pelled Father Spotanskl to witness
the robbery.
Fitzslmmons Resigns Post.
Springfield , Ills. , April 9. Brigadier
General Fitzsimmons of the First bri
gade , Illinois National Guard , yester
day tendered his resignation to the
assistant adjutant general. No rea
son-IB assigned. Colonel George M.
Moulton of Chicago waa named as his
Military School Burns.
Syracuse , N. Y. , April 9. SL Johns
military school at Manllus , ten miles
east of this city , waa destroyed by flro
last evening. The volunteer flro de
partment of Manllus and 150 students
were unable to check the flames. The
loss Is estimated at $125,000.
Mro. Walker Goes Free.
Las Vegas , N. M. , April 9. The pro-
llmlnary hearing of Mrs. G. B. Walker
of Miles , la. , for the recent hilling of
J. B. Judd of Chicago , was completed
before a justice of the peace yesterday
and the defendant waa discharged.
President Receives Hearty
Welcome to Charleston.
South Carolina Metropolis Closes Day
of Greeting In Pleasant Fashion ,
Demonstrations Intensely Cordial.
President Makes Brief Speech.
Charloflton , S. C. , April 9. The ban
quet tendered to President Kooaovult
last night at the Charleston hotel waa
a fitting close to a day full of Incidents
and brought together men prominent
in the affairs of the state , having solely -
ly in mind u greeting to the president ,
which Hhould provo the sincerity and
the warmth of feeling existing for him
an chief executive of the nation. The
banquet hall was a bower of roses ,
pinks and smllax , artistically ar
ranged , while loosely strewn over the
tables were thousands of vloletH.
Over 300 specially Invited guests were
present. Mayor Smytho welcomed
Mr. Roosevelt to Charleston and the
president's response was listened to
with the closest attention and was in
terrupted by loud and continued ap-
plaiiRo. The president expressed his
hearty appreciation of the south's cor
dial reception.
The president was followed by Gov
ernor "McSweenoy , who assured the
president that he was as safe from
bodily harm In South Carolina as he
was in Washington.
Captain Wagoner , Governor Aycoclc
of North Carolina and several others
made short addresses. It was mid
night when the party broke up and as
the president left the room ho waa
cheered to the echo , not only by those
who had attended the banquet : , but by
the large numbers who had patiently
waited In the hotel parlors and out
side to catch a glimpse of him.
The Journey to Charleston was made
entirely without accident. To guard
against any possibility of this nature
the Southern railway officials sent a
pilot engine ahead of the president's
special The president and Mrs.
Roosevelt were early risers and wel
comed the sunshine , as It made It
possible to carry out the program
which had been arranged for the en
tertainment of the visitors.
At Summcrvllle , 21 miles from
Charleston , the party was met by a
special committee , headed by Mayor
Smythe , Captain F. W. Wagoner , presi
dent of the exposition , and J. J. Hemp-
hill , who accompanied the president
on the remainder of the journey. All
Charleston was up and out to do honor
to the president and from the time of
arrival within the corporate ; limits of
the city to boarding the steamer Al
gonquin to make n cruise of the har
bor , it was a continuous ovation.
Made Passenger Traffic Manager of
Entire Burlington System.
Chicago , April 9. Official announce
ment was made at the office of the
Chicago , Burlington and Quincy Rail
road company of the appointment of
P. S. Eustls to be passenger traffic
manager of the system. Although no
official announcement has yet been
made , It is announced that John Fran
cis , general passenger agent of the
Burlington and Missouri River rail
road at Omaha since 1888. will suc
ceed Mr , Eustls as general passenger
agent at Chicago and that Lucius W.
Wakely , general passenger agent of
the Burlington lines in Missouri , will
go to Omaha to take Francis' placo.
Democrats Win in Kansas City.
Kansas City , April 9. The returns
of the city election Indicate the re
election of Mayor James A. Reed
( Dem. ) over John G. Green ( Rep. ) by
2,250 plurality. The whole Democratic
city ticket is elected and the council
will be strongly Democratic In both
branches. For the past two years
the Republicans have controlled the
upper house and the lower house ,
though Democratic , has been hostile
to Mayor Reed.
Evans Sails for the Orient.
San Francisco , April 9. On board
the steamer Gaelic , which sailed for
the Orient yesterday , are Rear Admi
ral Robley D. Evans , who goes to
Yokohama to take command of the
Asiatic station. Ho Is accompanied
by his wife and daughter and his son ,
Ensign F. T. Evans , and the latter's
wife. The Gaelic will be the second
regular mall steamer .from this port
to touch at Manila.
Food for Zapata Sufferers.
Laredo , Tex. , April 9. A local com
mission firm yesterday shipped' to the
sufferers of Zapata county by way of
ox carts a donation of 2,076 pounds of
flour , 7C4 pounds of beans and a quan
tity of sugar and coffee. It is ex
pected that other shipments for the
relief of the drought stricken district
will follow.
Deepest Snow of the Year.
Connollsville , Pa. , April 9.Tho
deepest snow of the year has covered
the coke region to a depth of 16 inches
andbusiness of all kinds Is nearly
stagnated by the weather. Street
railways are paralyzed.
Henderson Has Clear Field.
Washington , April 9. The friends
of Speaker Henderson received word
from Waterloo , la. , that State Senatoj
O. B. Cartwright had withdrawn his
candidacy for the nomination against
Mr. Henderson.
Lord Klmberley Is Dead.
London , April 9. Lord Kimberley ,
the liberal statesman who had been
Hi for some time past , died ycste ;
To Send Special Mission to the Coronation
nation of King Edward ,
Rome , April 0. In split ) of the op-
pOHltlon of Cardinal Uampolla , the
papal micrutnry of Rtuto , the pope him
decided 16 uond Important spbclal lulu-
Bloim both to the coronation of King
ISdward and the fcBtlvltlon la Spain
attendant up6u the enthroning of
King Alfonso. The cardinal's opponl-
tlon to the sending of the mission to
England was batted on the fact that
the British parliament did not change
the anti-Catholic formula of Iho acces
sion oath and M r. Merry del Val ,
whom the pontiff aanlgni d to bo chief
of the missions , openly refused lo go
whllo the present wording of the oath
is maintained. Nevertheless , the
mission will ho sent , nnd probably
will nrrlvu In England a few houra
after the religious ceremony. Thin
will bo a repetition of the diplomatic
maneuver carried out at the corona
tion of C/nr Nicholas II at Moscow.
The question of the advisability of
the papal mission to Spain wan duo
to the compromise effected by the
queen regent In nominating the Span
ish nmlmHsndor to the Vatican as her
representative at the popo'a jubllcti.
Chinese-Russian Convention Will Bo
Ratified Within Three Months.
Peking. April 9. The Manchurlan
convention was signed ycntorduy. The
ratification will take place three
months from date.
The Russians undertake to restore
the Nlou Chang and Shan Hal Kwnn
railroad to Iho Chinese when the Brit
ish relinquish control of the railway
in Chi Li province. Sir Ernest Satow ,
the British minister hero , Is , however ,
negotiating to secure a largr prepon
derance of British administrative con
trol In the latter railway aftnr It la
handed over to the Chinese.
Emma Eames Taken Suddenly III.
Chicago , April 9. Emma LCamos.
the grand opera singer , wait taken
suddenly 111 last night. Physicians
who were summoned said Mlsa ISunies
was suffering from ptomaine poison
ing. After two hours' treatment ,
however , all effects of the polmm had
apparently been eliminated , nnd It
was announced that the singer would
be able to appear on the stage again
in a few days. The trouble la attrib
uted to fish that Miss Eamosr ate for
Students Set Fire to Prison.
London , April 9. The St. Peters
burg correspondent of the * Daily Ex
press says the students conflnod In
Putyski prison at Moscow set llro to
the prison and attempted to fnmtrato
the efforts of the firemen to extin
guish the flames. Troops were sum
moned nnd put nn end to the trouble.
The' offending students were after
wards severely beaten by the police.
Taft Recovering Slowly.
Cincinnati , April It. Although Gov
ernor William H. Tift has been re
leased from the hospital and has been
walking out and attending to corre
spondence nt the house of his brothpr-
Clmrlcs P. Taft , ho Is not yet entirely
recovered , and his surgeon has ad
vised him to wait at least until April
15 before beginning the duties that
precede his return to the Philippines.
Board Train and Kill Conductor.
MeMco City , April 9. A passenger
train on the Vcra Cruz and Pacific
railway was boarded at Los Naraujoa
station by flvo men , who overpowered
and killed Conductor Harris. The
men jumped from the train and fled.
A reward has been offered for their
capture. The killing Is believed to
have been a case of private revongp.
Long Flight of Carrier Pigeons.
Brazil. Ind. , April 9 A remarkably
long flight of carrier pigeons , owned fn
this county , has just ended. The birds
belong to Edward Somers of Staunton
and were taken to Manatee , Fla. .
where Mr. Somcrs Is spending the
winter. The birds were released nnd
arrived home In good order , malting
a flight of 900 miles in 30 hours.
Major Prudcn Is Very III.
Washington , April 9. Major O : L.
Pruden , assistant secretary to the
president , yesterday was removed to
Garfleld hospital for treatment for or
ganic heart trouble. Ho is In a dan
gerous condition nnd It Is bolfcvcd
cannot survive very long.
Turks and Christians Fighting.
London , April 9. Cabling from Get-
time , the correspondent of the Dally
Malls reports heavy fighting between
Turks and Christians in the province
of Novlbazar. in European Turkey ,
and that the revolution Is spreading ,
Borden Elected by Eight Votes.
St. Joseph. April 9. The official
vote gives the election of Charles J.
Borden , Republican candidate for
mayor , by eight votes. The balance
of the ticket will bo mixed.
The Western Stove Manufacturers *
association decided to raise the prlco
of stoves 5 per cent.
A Boer colony may be established
along the line of the proposed Denver ,
Salt Lake and Short line.
William F. Proctor of the Singer
Manufacturing company died Tuesday
at the Plaza hotel In New York.
The flro losses of the United States
for March were $10,852,780 , or nearly
60 per cent loss than for March , 1901.
The house committee on naval at-
fairs adopted a resolution not to in
corporate any provision for submarine
boats In this year's naval appropria
tion bill.
The president has directed the con
solidation of the throe land offices In
Alaska and the establishment of the
consolidated office at Juncau , to take
Iowa Senate Sanctions the
Molsbcrry Measure.
Vote * to Allow Railway Corporations
Organized Under the Iowa Law
to Do Business In Any State or
Territory of the Union.
Deu Molnex , April 9. The house
panned , by a vote , of (10 ( to 27 , the
Hubbanl bill to permit railroad cor-
tmrutloim organized under the Iowa
law to do buulnww In any utato or
territory of the union Instead of con-
lining ( hunt to Iowa nnd adjacent ,
states. The 1)111 ) him been much dlx-
ciiHSod nnd Its authors greatly de
nounced for HH alleged purpomiH. The
primary purpose of the hill , as ox-
plalnod on the floor of the houue , is lo
permit the Itoek Island , which Is an
Iowa corporation , to do buulnowi under -
dor the Iowa lawn in the far south-
went , where It in extending Its lines ,
The Molsberry bill permitting Iowa
railroad companies to Increase their
bonded Indebtedness was brought up
under Hjioclul order In the noimto In
the afternoon , being a mihsUtutn for
the bill vetoed , and was panned by a
vote of 27 to 17.
Governor Dockory Says Mule Market
at Lathrop , Mo. , ls Private Concern.
Jefferson City , Mo. , April 9 , Gov-
olnor Dockery's attention wan called
yeiiterday to the alleged British war
supply camp at I-Athrop , Mo.
The governor said ho known noth
ing about the oporatlomi of the British
there other than that a market has
been operated nt Lathrop for the hint
ton yours by private Individuals.
He Hiiyii that It In the lurgent horse
and mule market In tin * world nnd that
they supply the United StutoH gov
eminent with horses and mules un
well as U > British government.
Trust to Control Beet Sugar.
Denver , April 9. A dispatch from
Fort Collins , the center of the north-
I ern Colorado boot nugar Held , sayn
that there is no longer any doubt that
the American Sugar Refining company
has entered the beet sugar Industry
The disputed asserts that they now
control the Penoycr Interests , nnd In
fact nil the Michigan hoot sugar fan-
I torlos that were paying properties
I The factory at Lehl , Utah , the dls-
, patch continues , has passed Into the
American Sugar Refining company's
Take Up Indiana Mine Trouble.
Indianapolis , April 9. The trouble
In the block coal Holds of Indiana
was called to the attention of the na
tional executive board of the United
Mlno Work en * ' association yesterday
and the afternoon was spunt In going
over the situation there. Negotiations
between the minors and operators
have not been entirely broken off , al
though about 2,500 men are on a strike
nrid another effort will bo made to ef
fect a reconciliation before the not-
tlonal boards takes decisive action.
Bad Wreck on Great Northern.
Kallspell. Mon. , April 9. Great
Northern passenger train No. 4 , caat
bound , wau wrecked yesterday near
Belton , 30 miles cast of here. Eugl
neer CharJtra Hurt and Fireman W. O.
Cherrler ware badly scalded about the
body and Tower limbs , . Express Mes-
singer Edl McConvIlle was Injured In
the leg .uiil two passengers whose
mimes have not been learned were
Injured. The englno- and first foui
cars area complete wreck.
Diaz May Visit Europe.
Chicago , April 9. A special from
Monterey , Mex. , says It is stated bore
on high , government authority that
President Diaz will- secure from con
gress leave to taka a vacation of six
months and will start about Juno 1 for
Europe , It is fuxther stated that ho
probably will resign the presidency
about the end of the vacation period.
Much of his time will bo spent In.
France , If ho makes the trip.
Fine Buildings In Ashes.
Youngstown , O. , April 9. Fire yesterday -
terday destroyed the stock nnd train
ing barn of the Charles F. Bates Horse
company and the residence of Man
ager Norman N. Rogers , near Hub-
bard. There was little flro protection
nnd within nn hour the fine bulldlne
and equipment , which were acknowl
edged to bo the finest of the kind In
eastern Ohio , were consumed Loss ,
Shipment Is Prohibited.
San Francisco. April 9. The custom
house authorities have been notified
to bo on. the alert to discover a ship-
mcnt of arms from this country to the
insurgents in China. Collector Stratton -
ton has received a loiter from O. A.
Spaldlng , acting secretary of the , treas
ury , stating tbat In the protocol signed
on Sept. 7 , 1901 , the Importation of
arms and munitions of war Is prohib
To Hear Merger Complaint.
Washington , April 9 , The supreme
court yesterday decided to bear argu
ments on next Monday upon the appli
cation of the state of Washington to
take jurisdiction In the case of the
Northern Pacific a.ul Great Northern
Illinois Town Burning.
Indianapolis , April 9. Casey , Ills. , a
town 40 miles west of Terre Haute , on
the Vandalla railrond , is reported to
bo burning. Help baa been asked
from Terre Haute. Cos.
In good condition she la f.wftet and lovable ,
ati'l sings llfo'f song on A Joyful harmonious
string. Out of order or unstrung , there Is
discordance nnd unhapplncss. Jintnsllicro
la one key note1 to all musicso ; therein one key
nota lo health. A woman mlht [ as well try
lo fly without wings aa to ( eel well and look
welf whllo the organs that make Her A woman
are weak or diseased. She must b healthy
Inside or she can't be healthy outside. Them
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country. MlMaken modesty urges
their alienee. While there In nothing more
admirable than a modest woman , health la
of the first Importance. Every other con
slder.itlon should give way before It. Brad-
field's Female Regulator Is a medicine ( of
women's Ills. It In
Bst way tocttreleu-
corrhea , tailing of
Ihewomb ; nervou- :
nes- } , headache ,
backache nnd gen
eral weakness. You
Will bo astonished
at the result , es
pecially If you havs
been experimentIng -
Ing with other so-
called remodlo.i.
We nre not asking
you to try nn uncer
tainty. I3r.idflcld-3
happy thousands of
women. What It
has done for others
It can do for you ,
Sold In drugstores
forl a bottle. I
A fnn Illtniri
book lll l i unit
to all wliu\vrit ti >
inc niuoncLD
Atlanta , Cai
Corner 17ih uud Farnnm BIS ,
If you want o good
food for your child
ren , try Whcatose.
It Is easily and
quickly prepared ,
tr.4 very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have It-
California Breaktef Food.
Ttltl IB a OnrlnK itatenirnt. hut S-.l.
Usr > e i teu1C out u > vrUiu&
ComblnntUjn Co .
jjj ,
ret olutlonlta carUBfx * If {
Dllllqn DollarOnxfo. . .
On-ateA rnnnrel ot llie * l fl 'rtu < fj
utonsof IJT p r riu. rI ! . > Li , . ; ! ? > > .
croptlx .V il.r to > * fl- * iS
MIL i I U c
What Is It (
roa loo. STAMPS
MdtkUKl/TICK o-U
klf Ml UUlof , ID Uu'O
f un | 4