The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 11, 1902, Image 1

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.Representative Business Men
Form National League.
-Senate Will Be Asked to Ratify
Treaties Providing for Reciprocal
Relations With Foreign Countries.
Organization Is Non-Partisan ,
Chicago , April 11. Representatives
-of CO lending manufacturing and other
'industrial establishments of the Unit
ed States met hero yesterday and or
ganized the National Hsclproclty
league. W. E. Stanley , governor of
Kansas , was elected president. The
object of the organization , which Is
non-partisan , is to wage a campaign
of education concerning the "urgent
need of reciprocal trade relations with
foreign nations. " In a word , these
manufacturers say they are manufact
uring in excess of the consumption of
the homo market. They want the
United States government to establish
trade relations with other countries
that will throw open the markets of
Jf- the world for the disposal of their
.goods. The United States senate will
"bo asked to ratify at least nine treaties
that provide for reciprocal arrange
ments in the trade relationship of the
United States and various countries
of the eastern hemisphere. M. B.
Hulet of Topeka , Kan. , was chosen
secretary of the new league , and B.
13. Swift of Chicago treasurer. A na
tional convention of the league will be
called for the near future , probably
at Chicago.
Resolutions Adopted.
Resolutions were reported by a spe
cial committee and unanimously adopt-
d as follows :
"Resolved , That the doctrine that
there should be no modification of tlie
tariff , which involves any Injury to
any home Industry , permits each industry -
dustry to be sole judge whether such
modification will cause Injury , pre
vents all reform in existing trade
laws , however beneficial to the people
in general such reform would be , and
subordinates the Interests of the many
to that of the few , In place of which
wo propose broad , liberal commercial
regulations beneficial to the people of
the whole couhtry.
"Resolved , That the reciprocal
treaties negotiated by Minister Kas-
son , under the direction and with the
approval of President McKlnley ,
. should be promptly ratified as bene
ficial to the interests of the people of
this country and that further treaties
along the same lines ought to be nego
tiated with other nations.
"Resolved , That no matter what
may bo done with reciprocity treaties
with other countries , a liberal treaty
should be promptly negotiated with
Cuba , which is virtually a ward of the
United States , the present duties on
Cuban products being unjustly much
higher than the average duties on the
products of other countries.
"Resolved , finally , That the Inter
ests of an active minority should not
prevail over those of a passive major
ity , and that In making traffic and spe
cial treaties with other nations , the
interests of American industries , and
of the American people as a whole
ought to be considered. "
P. B. Thurber , chairman of the for-
elgn relations committee of the Now
York chamber of commerce ; Charles
I. Pavey of New York , who represented -
ed the Cuban chamber of commerce
in Its appeal for reciprocity ; J. A. Ar-
bucfcle of St. Louis , Professor Edwin
Maxey , of Madison , Wls. ; David B.
Kirk of Kansas City and Alonzo
" Mather of Chicago were among the
Nominate George E. Chamberlain of
Portland for Governor.
Portland , April 11. The Democratic
state convention met in this city yesterday
torday , adpoted a platform and nomi
nated George B. Chamberlain of Port
land for governor by acclamation.
The platform favors a tariff for revenue
onuo only and opposes any protection
whatever to trusts , combines and cor
porations. It favV-s placing on the
free list all trust made articles of
every kind. On the Philippines ques
tlon , the platform says ; "Wo believe
the policy Is to prepare the people of
those Islands for self-government as
speedily as possible and when so pre
pared to grant them tlwlr independ
once. '
Burlington and Northern Incorporated.
Helena , Mon. , April 11. Secretarj
of State Hays yesterday Issued a cer
tlflcato of incorporation to the Burling-
i ton and Northern Railroad company.
According to the articles of incor
poration , which were filed by R. C.
Francis of Omaha , the now company
proposes to build an extension of the
Burlington from Billings , 141 miles
i northwest , connecting with the Great
. Northern nt Armlngton. Other
branches also may bo built.
Approve Yerkes' Plans.
London , April 11. Newspapers pub
lish editorials this morning .in which
. they hea * Uly welcome the prospect of
the carrying out of the plans ol
Charles T. Yorkes for tlio application
of electricity as a motive power to the
underground railways of London. But
ilio papers morallzo and sound a note
of warning on the danger of American
< Invasion.
Blow Open Safe , but Are Frightened
Away Before Obtaining Contents.
Mitchell , S. D. , April 11.An Incf-
flictual attempt was made to rob the
state hank nt Ethan , a small town
ten miles south of here. The robbery
occurred between the hours of 2 and
3 n , in , There were four men In the
An entrance was p.alncd by prying
open the front door of the bank with
a crowbar. Ten charges of powder
wore placed In the safe and It ex
ploded with such force that It awak
ened everybody In the town. The
robbers had not time to got to the in
ner door of the safe , nntl consequently
failed to got any of the money , there
being n goodly sum on deposit that
day. The robbers took n hand car
and rode half a mlle south. They
there left the car and started back In
a northerly direction.
Hanging Ordered for Wife Murderer
by Jury at Waverly , la.
Wavcrly , la. , April 11. The Jury In
the BUBSO murder case returned a ver
dict of guilty in the first degree and
ordered a sentence of death by hang-
Ing. There has been on legal execu
tion In Iowa for eight years. Busso
was charged with fracturing his wife's
skull , cutting her throat and then
placing her on a feather bed and set
ting fire to It.
Miss Stone Arrives.
New York , April 11. Miss Ellen M.
Stone , the missionary who was cap
tured by brigands in Bulgaria and held
for ransom , arrived here yesterday on
the Doutschland. She looked pale and
worn and said the sea voyage had
made her very ill. She was mot at
the steamer's pier by her brother
Charles A. Stone and by many othei
relatives and friends. Miss Stone
said the brigands were not so fierce as
might have been imagined. They said
many insulting things , but nevei
struck or beat either her or her com
panion , Mme. Tsllkn.
Judge Ryan Refuses Writ.
Lincoln , April 11. Judge Robert
Ryan , as referee In the Omaha tax
mandamus case , has recommended to
the supreme court that the applica
tion of William G. Shriver and Gcorgb
T. Morton for a peremptory writ of
mandamus bo not allowed. He holds
that while the relaters are entitled to
the writ prayed for , it should not bo
Issued because of the defective method
provided by the statutes for the as
sessment of property of the kind ana
character involved In the action.
Woman Is Badly Burned.
Boone , la. , April 11. Mrs. Matilda
Ericson , former wife of Senator Eric-
son , attempted to quench a bonfire
which had been started In the yard
when her clothing caught flro and wa&
burned completely off. She was
burned so badly that it Is not thought
she can recover. She was alone at
the time and when assistance came 11
was too late.
Iowa Wins Debate.
Iowa City , la. , April 11. The Uni
versity of Iowa won the fourth annual
debate with the University of Wiscon
sin held last night on the question of
the "Tho desirability of amending the
national banking laws so as to permit
national banks to establish branches. "
Iowa university speakers had the af
Wade Hampton III.
Columbia , S. C. , April 11. General
Wade Hampton is reported to be crit
ically 111 by his physicians , who say
ho Is suffering from a general breaK-
down. The general can take no nour
ishment and is very feeble. Ho is 84
years old.
Diplomatic .relations have been sev
ered between Switzerland and Italy.
Abe Attell of San Francisco was
awarded the decision at the end of
20 rounds over Kid Broad at St. Louis
The whole force of the Rockfort
mine at Red Lodge , Mon. , went on
strlko Thursday. Over 500 men are
The total valuation of the late Phil
ip D. Armour estate in Chicago and
New York has just been arrived at
It amounts to $14,751,105.
City Clerk W. II. Moore of Durango
Colo. , was arrested Thursday on com
plaint of Mayor Wall , charging him
with embezzling $12,000 of the city's
Senator Chauncoy M. Depew and as
Eoclates in the railroad business have
acquired concessions In Mexico and
are to erect a large power plant near
Flro that started in the plow shop
of the Southern Plow works at Colum
bus , Ga. , Thursday burned two whole
blocks and a warehouse. The loss is
Mrs. Marlon Roosevelt , wife of Rob
ert Roosevelt of Now York , and an
aunt of President Roosevelt , died suddenly
donly Thursday of paralysis at Atlan
tic City.
Thb secretary of war has dlrcctei
the sale of the transports Egbert am
Rosecrans , now at San Francisco , to
the highest bidder , In order to reducu
transportation expenses.
By the terms of the will of Colonc
John McKcc , said to bo the wealthiest
negro in the country , who died a few
days ago , Archbishop Ryan of the
archdiocese of Philadelphia will comu
into the possession as trusteeof an
estate valued at upward of $2,000,000
Five Officers Killed in Attempt
to Arrest Tennessee Outlaws.
b - - *
Sheriff Meets Stubborn Resistance In
Effort to Take Desperado Named
Jim Wright In Scott County , Vir
ginia Latter Is Shot and Captured.
Knoxvlllo , Tenn. , April 11. Meager
details of a bloody battle- between u
sheriffs posse and outlawn In Scott
county , Virginia , luut evening ranched
Knoxvlllo. Flvo men , alt inonilurn ) of
the sheriff'H posse , were killed , t\\o
other poHscmcn were wounded and
Jim Wright , an escaped Huncork
county , Tennessee , murderer , wan
shot and captured. Wright was under
a life sentence for murder and es
caped fryiu the state prison at Brush
Mountain two years ago. Ho returned
to his haunts In Hancock county and
there defied the ofllcers , although
there was a reward of $500 for hla ar
rest. Not long after his return homo ,
Sheriff Lagero of Hancock county
was shot from ambush and killed.
The crime was charged to Jim Wrlcht ,
John Templeton and the latter's broth-
ers. Its alleged motive was that La-
gero had killed the father of the Tern-
plotons. Recently officers have been
planning to trap Wright In his homo
and he , together with John Templo-
ton and other members of his gang ,
crossed the state line Into Virginia.
They have been In Scott county about
a month. Yesterday the sheriff organ
ized a strong posse and attempted to
arrest them. The outlaws had been
notified and a pitched battle resulted.
In addition to the five of the sheriff's
posse killed , Deputy Sheriffs Joe Moss
and Sam Wax were wounded.
Although Wright was wounded am1
captured , all the other members of
his gang escaped. They are being
pursued , but the mountains of the
county afford them all possible chance
of escape.
Girl Murdered In Detroit is Identified
and Music Teacher Arrested.
Detroit , April 11. What the police
consider to bo a strong link In the
chain of circumstantial evidence' that
they are weaving about Professor Joseph -
soph M. Miller , a music teacher and
a married man with a family , who Is
under arrest on suspicion of brutally
murdering Miss Carrie M. Jcnnett on
Thirteenth street Wednesday night ,
was discovered last evening. It Is n
bloody hatchet , which was found in
the drawer of a table In Miller's
kitchen. Professor Miller was the
girl's music teacher and had paid her
such marked attention that her father
had asked him to keep away from the
house. When ho was arraigned at the
police station , what are supposed to
bo blood stains were found on his
shirt sleeves , his trousers , shoes , hat ,
and overcoat. A towel was found In
his kitchen with what are supposed
to be blood stains on It. When he wa < ?
asked for an explanation of the stains
on his clothing , ho gave none.
Detroit Murder Mystery.
Detroit , April 11. The police admit
that they have not reached a solution
of the murder of George H. Heywood ,
head bookkeeper of the Michigan
Malleable Iron works , whose battered
and lifeless body was found at day
light yesterday morning within 100
feet of his home , on Amherst street.
William M. Jones , who roomed In
Heywood's homo and who was arrest
ed on suspicion , is still in custody , al
though a lengthy "sweat box" exam
ination failed to bring from him any
damaging admissions. Heywood's
murderer first shot him and crushed
In his forehead with some heavy In
Mrs. Stanley on Trial for Murder.
Ottawa , Kan. , April 11. A jury wan
secured yesterday and the taking of
testimony was begun in the case of
Mrs. Stanley , on trial for the murder
of James Booth , who was robbed and
murdered at the homo of Mrs. McCoy ,
the defendant's mother Jn North Otta
wa. Mrs. Stanley showed the first
signs of dismay when the county attor
ney , In outlining the state's case , inti
mated that he would go into the wom
an's past life. Heretofore , she has
proven indifferent.
Farmhand Assaults Little Girl.
Rockwell City , la. , April 11. Sheriff
Dawson arrested Dan Spencer , a farm
hand , for attempted rape of the 10-
year-old daughter of J. Burner. The
parents wore away from homo , but the
other children fought him and gave
the alarm. The child la in a critical
condition. There is some fear of an
attempted lynching. Spencer is 18
years old.
Diplomatic Relations Badly Strained.
Berne , Switzerland , April 11. Diplo
matic relations between Switzerland
and Italy Tiavo been ruptured. This
action arises from the refusal of
Switzerland to glvo satisfaction re
garding an article published In Geneva
Insulting the memory of the murdered
King Humbert.
Admiral Farquhar Retires.
Washington , April 11. Roar Admi
ral Norman II. Farqulmr was retlrco
today. Ills retirement promotes Cap
tains Joseph H. Coghlan and James
Hobaii Sands to bo rear admirals.
< * i
We desire to announce to ( he people of Norfolk and vi = j
| cinity that we have purchased Hie Palace Shoe Store from : :
; : Spencer & Ovelman , and we invite an inspection of our stock |
; : and prices. We will continue to handle the same first = class j
i : lines of shoes heretofore kept by Spencer & Ovelman. Many i ;
i : new goods have already been added to the stock and more ; |
ii have been ordered. Low prices will continue to be a feature ij
! ; of the Palace Shoe Store , as we believe in quick sales , small ij
i : profits and satisfied customers. ij
We have been connected with this establishment sixjj
| years and are fully acquainted with the wants of our cus = ; ;
; : tomers. Our Repair Department will remain in the hands of ; |
a first = class shoe maker , and every order placed with him ; ;
: will have prompt and careful attention. \ [
The public is invited to call and see our goods and j :
prices. We guarantee fair treatment.
We keep open evenings.
TA I A / f OU T CTrfcI"
STAPENHORST & CO. , Proprietors.
Piano Moving aSpccalty. ] !
'Phono 58. Oilli Pron.jily Aiswored
0. A. RICHEY ,
Dray and Transfer Line.
Household Goods Moving a Specialty ,
Telephone 10S. CnlU Promptly Answered
All Work Guaranteed.
Manicuring ,
Shampooing ,
Baths. ; <
' . . '
TBLurnoNE'.No. 447.
Rooms on North Ninth Street
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter.
Aucncy for the Myers Force anr
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all WorV
First door West of Post Office
Sioux City Florist ,
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Hoses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns
Flowers shipped iu fresh condition.
Phons liSt. . Cltr t > Uj > : Car. 6th and Flare
W. H. nUCHOLZ President.
. . , .
Norfolk ALK\.ANDiU IIKAR Vice Preildinl
1 . W. ZUTZ , Cuehlor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General. Banking Business.
Buys and Sells Exchange.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Bold on any Point In Europg ,
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.
< a SEE = v5 >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
I-l-l-H-I-I-I-M' ' 1' ' 1 1 ! 'I' ' ' I"I"1-I"1"H"I"1"I"I"I-I-I-I"I"I-M-I-H"I"-1-I-1'-I"I"I ! ' ! 'I ' I M ! !
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the BestQValue
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41.
, H.M..I..I.M..I.I..I..M..I..I..M..M . . . ! . . . . .I..M..I..I . 11 iM-1-M'H-i-i-i-M-M 11 n 1111-9
c = >
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwatcr Bock Spring Coal the
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE Ol.