The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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    JU n
fff * -si'Hi - ' K K " | r"W"y , > H "W T" ' ' " "t V
, Neb State
Measure Goes Through With
; Majority of Eight Votes.
" .Colored Product Will Carry a Tax of
I .Ten 'Cents ' Per Pound and the UnColored -
Colored Article a Quarter of Cent.
Subject to State Regulation.
"Washington , April 4. At the conclu-
'Eton of a lively debate yesterday , the
senate passed the oleomargarine bill
by a vote of 39 to' 31. The discussion
was largely lu the nature 'ot a rein
forcement of arguments previously
advanced. Spooner ( Wls. ) made the
principal speech , maintaining that con
gress had ample authority to enact the
proposed legislation , because it was In
the Interest o ? the people , In an earn
est protest against the measure , Vest
jMo. ) held that congress was invading
the powers of the states. Scott ( W.
iVa. ) moved to recommit the measures ,
to.the committee , -holding that It 'Was
unsatisfactory to many senators 'and
ought to bo perfected. The motion
.was , ' .defeated 35 to 37. During 'the
afternoon a perfect flood of telegrams
poured into the senate from all parts
-of the country , urging senators either
; to support or to oppose the measure.
I The measure as passed by the senate -
ate differs in some respects from that
passed by the house of representa
tives. It provides that oleomargarine
and kindred products shall be subject
to all the laws and regulations of any
Elate or territory , or the District of
Columbia , into which they are trans
ported , whether in original packages
or otherwise ; that any person * who
cells oleomargarine'-and furnishes it
for the use of others except to his own
family , who shall mix with it any
artificial coloration that causes it to
look like butter , shall be held to be a
manufacturer and shall be subject to
the tax provided by existing laws ; that
upon oleomargarine colored to resem
ble butter a tax of 10 cents a pound
shall be levied , but on oleomargarine
not colored the tax shall be one-fourth
of 1 cent per pound ; that upon adult
erated butter a tax of 10 cents a pound
shall bo levied and upon all process
or renovated butter the tax shall be
w < None-fourth of 1. cent n pound. The
manufacturers of renovated butter
ehall pay an annual tax of $600 , the
. wholesale dealers shall pay a > tax of
$480 and the retail dealers a tax of
? 48 per annum. JTheSneasure provides
regulations for the collection of the
tax and prescribes minutely how the
various products are to bo prepared
for market.
. Measure Gives Higher Ranks and
Better Salaries In the Service.
Washington , April 4. The senate
bill to promote the efficiency of the.
revenue cutter service passed the
house yesterday by a vote of 135 to
49. The opponents of the measure
fought it to the last ditch. At the
very end they attempted a filibuster ,
but were swept aside by the over
whelming majority in favor of the
m'easure. The bill gives the com
manding officers of the revenue ser
vice relative rank as follows : Captains
tains , with majors in the army , and
lieutenant commanders in the navy ;
first lieutenants , with captains in the
army and lieutenants in the navy ;
second lieutenants , with first lleuten
ants in the army and lieutenants ( Ju
nlor grade ) in the navy , and third lieu
tenants , as second lieutenants in the
army and ensigns In the navy. I
gives the officers of the service longe
ylty pay equivalent to the correspond
Jng rank in the army .and provides for
their retirement with three-fourths
pay for disability or upon reaching
the age limit of 04 years.
Senate Commit ee < on'Military Affair
Opposes Hfs'Pr'drnotio'ri. ' *
I Washington , April 4. The senat.
. committee on military affairs yester
day authorized favorable reports on
the nomination of Colonel George L.
Glllesple , to be chief of engineers , and
' Colonel George- . Davis
- , to bo judge
advocate general , and an unfavorable
report on. the nomination of Captain
William Crazier , to bo chief of tlje
bureau of ordnance , all with the rank *
of brigadier general. The reason why
an exception was made In Crozier's' ' i
case ; IB found In > the .fact ttiat ho" 'is' '
charged with , bphig Interested In cer
tain ordnance patents ,
Denmark Officially'Disowns Christmas.
Copenhagen , April 4. An official
note was Issued , yesterday formally an
nouncing thatthe , Danish ministry- '
has had no connection Wltji Captain
Christmas. .The latter applied for an
audience , but the premier , Dr. Deunt-
zer , refused to see him. The premier
also refused to receive a copy of
Christmas' report on the subject of ne
gotiations for the sale of the Danish
West Indies.
Doctors In Session.
Chicago , April 4 * A meeting of the
Trl-Stato Medical society of the states
of Illinois , Iowa and Missouri , which
will last for two days , was begun here
yesterday , with 10Q doctors In attend
ance. Clinics have been arranged for
at the various hospitals and much of
the doctors' time will be given up to
attendance at these.
historical society s'r Chapter to" His
Indictment of Brown Men.
San Francisco , April 4. Cfneral
Funston was the guest of honor at a
banquet given last lilght by the Ohio
society. In response to n toast , he
said :
"After the first thieo or four months
of fighting the Filipinos forsook all
civilized methods of fighting and be
gan a guerrilla warfare of n sort un
paralleled In history. They killed di
rectly or by torture nearly 4,000 of
their own countrymen during the
years 1900 and 1901 because they
would not contribute money to sup
port the Insurgent cause. I know of
nearly 400 cases In my own district in
which natives were buried allvo and
many of these were women and chil
dren. They committed Inconceivable
atrocities on American soldiers who
fell into their hands. I had the pleas
ure of capturing and hanging fiends
guilty of this. The officers In the in
surgent artny ordered the assasslna
tlon of each other ( n order to hold
their places. Personally I ewe a good |
deal to Agulnaldo , but he told mo ho
had General 'lluna ' 'killed ' for no other
reason than that ho was coining to
the 'front 'too fast. The Filipinos are
absolutely Incapable of self-govern
mcnt today and I do not think the next
generation of the race will be. "
House Committee Continues Investlga
tion of Bribery Charges.
Washington , April 4. Th'o investi
gation of charges in connection with
the West Indies negotiations was re
sumed ye'sterday by the house special
committee having it In charge.
Among those present when the hearIng - '
Ing began were Abnur McKinley , Colonel
nel T. G. Brown , Carl Fischer Hansen -
sen and Representative Gardner of.
New Jersey.
Mr. McKinley was the fit fit witness
He gave his residence as Now York ,
his business that of a lawyer , and in
response to Chairman Da I/cell's In
qulry he said he was a brother of the
late president. Asked as to whether
he knew Captain Christmas , the wit
ness said he had met him once in the
most casual way Jin the lobby of the
Manhattan hotel , New York. He never
held any conference with him of any
kind or character.
"Was there any talk of the Danisl :
West Indies ? " asked Mr. Dalzell.
"None whatever , either remotely o
otherwise , ' answered the witness.
Cape Town People Turn Out to a Man
to Mourn the Dead Leader.
Capo Town , April 4. Throughout
the morning a continuous stream of
people passed by the coffin containing
the body of Cecil Rhodes , as It rested
In parliament house. The funeral pro
cession in the afternoon was most Im
posing. The coffin was carried on the
"Long Cecil" gun carriage , used at the
siege of Kimberley , through the
crowded streets to the cathedral. The
streets were lined by troops , who sa
luted the passing cortege. The pallbearers -
bearers were Dr. Jameson , Sir John
Gordon Sprlgg , the premier of Cape
Colony , and six others. The chief
mourner was Colonel Frank Rhodes ,
who walked alone and bareheaded ,
followed by the other brothers of the
Prisoner Shot on Train.
Eden'ton , N. C. , April 4. Thomas 11
Early , thu negro who attempted to
assault Miss Percy Howland last Mon
day , was convicted yesterday and sen
tenced to 15 years' Imprisonment In 11
the penitentiary. Deputy Sheriff [
Robinson' left with Early yesterday
afternoon and was guarded by a mill-
tary compatty until the departure of t1
the train. A mile out some one on
board fired four times at the prisoner ,
ono bullet taking effect In the head ,
and three In the cheek and neck. The
train returned to Edenton for medical I
assistance and the military company
guarded the prisoner. Early will' re
cover. . . ,
Knocked-Out Pugilist Dies.
Philadelphia , April 4. Tommy '
Hornketh , known In pugilistic , circles
as Tommy Vhlte , who was knocked
unconscious on Saturday , March 29 ,
In a bout with Tommy Mar'keyat the
Knickerbocker Athletic club , died yes
terday afternoon at the Presbyterian
hospital , to which institution ho was
taken after the fight.
' - - "
. Firemen , entering a . burning buildIng -
Ing In Portland , Or. , found a Chinese
-woman dead with her throat cut. Dr * .
< , Lee Po Tel has been arrested.
Drakeman Mlchaej Furey of New
[ Philadelphia and a'flrema'n were killed
'In ' a' frelg'ht1 collision ; ' at Strassb'urs
on the Loraln and \Vheolfog ; road.
Charles Worthen and his wife were
/ound dead in their room in a boardIng -
Ing house in Now York Thursday.
Worthcn had shot bis wife and cut
bin own throat.
The London Daily Mall records the
arrival at Southamptpn of a large
party of American ship riveters , im
ported by an English firm for the pur
pose of "showing the Scotch workmen
how to do It. "
The state department has appointed
a commission to Investigate the re
ported destruction by a Canadian sur
veyor of the Russian boundary menu
ment. The removal may decide the
Canadian boundary "dispute. ,
Great Fire Sweeps Along the
Beach at Atlantic City.
Frame''Pleasure ' ! Palaces , Fanned by
High Wind , BUrn Like Tnder | Boxes.
Other Towns Send AldMIIItla Pa
trols Streets to Prevent Looting.
Atlantic City , N. J. , April 1. Twelve
hotels and moru than a score of small
buildings adjoining thu board \viuk
which Is built along the ocean edge
woio destroyed yesterday by a llio
which swept the bcacli front for two
long blocks , from Illinois avenue to
Now York avenue. The loss will ex
ceed $750,000. In this respect the
conflagration IB the most disastrous
that ban ever visited this city. The
loss will be only partially covered by
Insurance , as the rate of 5 < par cent
charged by insurance co'inpanlcs 6u
property here is regarded as almost
prohibitive. "Fortunately no - lives
were sacrificed , though probably a
dozen persons , were slightly injured
'and ' burned during the progress 'of the
fire. The origin of the fire la uii
luiowri , but it is believed to bavo'BtarU '
ed in Brady's" baths , 6r the Tarleton
hotel , which adjoins the baths at 1111
nols avenue and the board' walk. The
city Is guarded by a company of ml
litia , who were requested by the mu
nlclpal authorities to aid the police
in the prevention of looting. About
a.dozen men were arrested during thcj
day for robbery.
The hotels destroyed and their esti
mated losses are : The Luray and an
nex , the latter formerly known as the
Norwood , $125,000 ; the New Holland ,
$30,000 ; Stratford , $40,000 ; Berkeley ,
$50,000 , Dryn Mawr , $25.000 ; Stick-
ney , $20,000 ; Evard , $20,000 ; Rio
Grande , $30,000 ; Mervlno , $20,000 ;
Academy hotel and Academy of Music ,
$25,000 ; Windsor , $25,000 ; .Charles J.
Keelcr , drug store , $00,000 ; Victor
Frelslnger , art store , $50,000 ; other
losses lange" from $5,000 to $10.000.
Fire Rages for Five Hours.
The fire was discovered shortly
after 9 a. in. and for nearly live hours
the flames raged with such violence
as to threaten the city with destruc
tion. All of the burned buildings
were frame structures and the flames
'anned by a strong west wind swept
along the beach front with amazing
rapidity. The Tarleton hotel was
soon a pile of smouldering debris and
he flames fed on the small stores and
booths between Illinois and Kentucky
avenues until they reached the Strat-
brd hotel , which was soon enveloped.
The faery tongues leaped to the Berkc-
oy , adjoining , and in a few minutes
he New Holland , the Bryn Mawr , the
Svard and the Stlckney , all located
near the beach , were doomed. The
ocal flic department worked well and
willingly , but was unable to cope with
he flames and it was found necessary
o send to Philadelphia and Cainden
for aid. The former city sent three
engines and two came down from
amden. Their presence here was
of vast assistance to the local fire
men , but It was not until an hour after
their arrival that the fire 'could be
said to be thoroughly under control.
Just as the special train bearing the
Philadelphia firemen arrived , a burnIng -
Ing brand set fire to the center of
Young's pier , near Tennessee avenue.
Meantime the flames bad comniunl
catetl with the Rio Grande , the Mor
| vine and the Academy hotels. For a
few minutes Young's pier burned
fiercely , but the firemen succeeded in
confining the flames to Marine hall ,
which was situated in the center.'This
structure was entirely destroyed , hi
sectlng the pier.
Excitement at Hotels.
During the progress of the fire the
wildest excitement prevailed among !
the guests of the hotels , which later
became prey to the flames. With the
exception of the Tarleton and the
Bryn Mawr , all of the hostelrles were
I open for the season , and most of them
wore fairly well filled. In most cases
the guests had sufficient time to pack
their trunks and grips and those who
did not do this carried their persona
effects to places of safety in the best
manner possible under the clrcum
stances. The beach appeared to be
the most'suitable depository and many
nondescript heaps of clothing , bedding
ding- and furniture appeared In the
Lost from Capsized Boat In the DC
' ' '
trolt River.
Detroit , April 4.Whrto returning
from . .a fishing expedition In a small
sail boat last night , .Lieutenant How
ard , F , Avery , adjutant of the Firs
battalion of the Fourte nt , ! } regiment
stationed at Fort Wa'yn'o here , am
Second Lieutenant W. Ashbrldge war
drowned by the overturning of th' ' _
boat in the river. Trumpeter Richard
Tuney wa 4rescued while clinging t _
the overturned boat and la now In
the fort hospital in a serious condl ;
tlon. These men all saw service in
the Philippines.
Dewet Blocks Peace Plan.
Kroonfetadt , Orange River Colony ,
April 4 , The Transvaal delegate
are still hero. It Is believed that Get
cral Dowel Is influencing Presldcn
Steyn not to meet Acting Preslden
PALflG A !
We desire to announce to the people of Norfolk and vi = j [
cinity that we have purchased the Palace Shoe Store from ij
Spencer & Ovelman , and we invite an inspection of our stock ij
and prices. We will continue to handle the same firstadass ij
lines of shoes heretofore kept by Spencer & Ovelman. Many : j
I new goods have already been added to the stock and more if
have been ordered. Low prices will continue to be a feature \ [
of the Palace Shoe Store , as we believe in quick sales , small |
profits and satisfied customers.
We have been connected with tliis establishment six
years and are fully acquainted with the wants of our cus =
tomers. Our Repair Department will remain in the hands of
a first = class shoe maker , and every order placed with him
will have prompt and careful attention.
The public is invited to call and see our goods and |
prices. We guarantee fair treatment.
We keep open evenings.
STAPENHORST & CO. , Proprietors.
Piano Moving aSpecalty. ] !
'Phono 58. OilU P.-jnily An wo rod
0. A. RICHEY ,
Dray and Transfer Line.
Household Goods Moving a Specialty ,
Tolopliono 10- > . Calls Promptly Answered
All Work Gimnuitoeil. , *
Manicuring ,
Shampooing ,
Baths. ;
Rooms on North Ninth Street
Practical Plumber
* *
and Steam Fitter.
Agency for the Myers Force antf
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all WorV
First door West of Post Office
, .
* * * >
Sioux City Florist.
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns
Flowers shipped in fresb condition.
Phone4661. , City oQlco ; Cor. Clb anil Plero
We Sell HOSE
A Bright , New Hoe will make your
gnrdoii work a pleasure.
Just received , an immense shipment All the new styles , colorings
and grades. Phone No. 15J ! 01 send us word and we would be glad to
show you our books of samples. Can tell you what it would cost on the
wall if you like. Can furnish hangers on short notice when desired. Get
your papering done early before the spring rush begins , when hangers are
nard to got. Largo line Window Shades , Picture Mouldings , &o , &o. ,
always on hand at the
( W. H. nOCHOLZ. President.
( E. W.TSUTZ , Cashier.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Utt 1 ( , -t > . 4 'rfivWMMj ' "I M r ! ; . n ( t '
Does a General Bankins Business.
Buys and
Interest Paid on Time Dopoalta. ,
' ' Drafts' and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Eurupa
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.
< SEE = = >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.