THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 21,1902 , Private BUgcr Writes from Another Post. INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. Pleased with the Town of Dapltan. How Christmas wnu Observed A Short Dry Season Is Anticipated. Weather Is like Spring hero. Dnpltau , Mlmliuino , P. I. , Jan. fi , 1003. To TUB NKWS : Having changed posts Bluoo writing , I will uudnrtnlco to inform you what kind of a country traveled through and nm now In. Orders were rooolvod at Oroquiota on Doeoinbor 7 for ono sergeant nnd 27 privates to proceed to Dapltau. The boat in whloh wo wore to travel Ifl a email coast steamer , the Trontou , about 100 foot long , 20foot wide and with two docks. The upper doolc isopouoxoopt the fore part , where the crow have tboir quarters. It does about all the ooast work hero for the government. It or rived at Orlquiota on the aftornoou of the llth and wo loaded our lookers and boarded the same evening. The uoxt morning at 4 o'clock the boat pulled oat nnd wont to Langoran , a distance of an miles , lauding there about 7 o'clock. Langoran is oltnatod on tbo ooast , about a milo and n half wont of a good bay , which is guarded from oooau cur rents by rooks and sand bora. Troop D , Fifteenth cavalry , la statiouod there now. They were at ouo tlino at Oro- qulota. There was n largo amount of ltl supplies for the troop on board and wo ' did not leave until 10 o'clock. Wo went about thee miles but were com pelled to return , the water being HO rough thut it would bo a risk to proceed. "Wo remained until the day following nud the men hud orders not to leave the boat. The next morning at about G o'clock wo loft and arrived at our desti nation about 1 o'clock. The soix was rough all day , but uot aa rough an on the ( bay before. Two of the boys were seasick but not seriously. The coast along the way was very ruggod. In many places the hilly carne clear to ] the water's edge , while at others they loft good places for rice paddles and hemp Holds by receding to a considerable dis tance. Upou our arrival at the bay the ilrst building wo noticed was the church , which is ubont a quarter of a mile in land , and the Amoricau flag ( lying from the front of headquarters , nearby. The water was very rough when the boat anchored uud the boatmen thought wo could uot laud our lockers soon BO the sergeant ordered throe of in to remain until everything was taken oft and wo proceeded to laud about 4 o'clock , having the pleasure of riding some heavy breakers on the way in. Wo lauded nbout half n milo from the quarters , to which wo walked passing through a \voll laid out stioot , but the houses were mostly built of uiopo , which gave the impressiou that wo were getting into the worst wo had yet experienced , but found out different afterward. The town is situated on a small island of nbout throe square miles , and is sep arated from the main island by a stream of salt water varying in width from six foot to 100 yards. There is a hill on the Island the sides of which are almost per pendicular aud is nioro than 160 foot high. There is but one way to get to the top and that is by ladders aud stops out in the rock. The top is a plateau of about five acres in extent aud was atone ono time used for a Spanish fort , now gone to ruins. There are a few Span ish cannons lying around , the butts of which are rotten. The Spanish soldiers occupied this fort for fear the natives would kill them if they remained in the uuiuw * ( tt.ii vuu i the hUl is the main part of town , also the well from which all the vrator for the command ia procured , The church is the finest building in the town aud is built of galvan ized iron , the inside being in good condition and painted in colors aud has some fine scroll work. The altar is as line as any I have seen in the states and the church is said to bo the finest fin ished of any on the lower islands. There are two Catholic school houses hero that ore well built of plaster and wood and from appearances there are about 200 children attending. The headquarters and men's quarters are built of the same material. They ore opposite the school houses and face n plaza. The headquarters 'ia the largest building and is used both for ofllao and residence by the ofllcora of the com mand , the lower portion being a store room. The quarters are slightly crowded with 50 men and the moss hall is in a separate building made of uiopo Most of the native houses are con < Btructed of this material although then is an abundance of timber hero to build of wood ; the people , however , cannel afford to buy the necessary tools. The people are about the same hen as elsewhere. They do not like the Americans very well , but they dare no rebel , for they know what would hap pen if they did. They treat ua with re epoct when wo are around , but are vorj ehy. They are organizing a natlvi f band here , having just received a ful Bet of French instruments to roplac M their old ones. They inoko pretty fal musio now. There are fewer prisoner I c , hero than at any station ou the , island there being but nine on the guard house list , and two of them are on parole aud another is crazy and only waiting to bo sent away. Tuba ia a scarce artiolo hero. Very few of the natives use the drink aud the law koopa it away from thoBoldiora. Door , whisky and winoa are unknown , there being no cautoon hero aud the Ohlnoso stores , four in number , are not allowed to keep liquor of any kind. Ohlokou flghtlng ia the only excite ment wo have hero , but that la very plentiful. There are fights nearly every day and some of the flnoat roosters are nrtcd. The holidays were well oolobratod liorn. Christmas was church day , there being services all day. Now Year's day was also a great feast day and the baud played about all the timo. There were also Homo ohaugos mode in the govern moutof the dlstriot. The prosldouto was made governor aud the vtoo prosl dente waa advanood'to his place. I had a good tUne on Christinas , go ing up the river in a c'auoo with two other boys. Wo rowed until wo were tired and then wont to a spring which Is about a milo from the beach and about 100 foot above the sea level. The water ia cool and cornea from the side of the mountain among largo rooks and in the ahado. Several years ago the Spanish banished a well educated native from Manila to this Island and ho , having nothing olflo to do , built a brlok plpo on top of the ground from the spring to the beach where a fountain was made , in tending that the people of the town should use the water. Ho waa taken to Manila and executed shortly after ho finished the work and it was not taken oaro of and ia now of no use , being broken in many places. Several of na boys spent the ovonlng in walking about the streets and singing American songs , Wo have very good officers hero. I do uot know what states they carne from but do not think they are west erners. They are West Point men. The doctor ia a married man and has his wlfo with him , aho being the only American woman in the town. Thoto are only 50 men in the detachment nnd no patlvo noldiors , they going to Oro- qniota when wo , came. The duty is not very hard. The men only got three nights iu but there are no prisoners to chase and wear them out and walking post is not burdensome. I am on special duty as olork in the adjutant's office at present , but do not know for how long aa changes are frequent. The weather is fine , belugas cool as it is during the spring at homo. There is not as much rain as there was two weeks ago , but the roads are not very dusty. The rainy season has lasted longer this season than it has for years. Xliu uij auiiouu wii uu vuijr auuiv it wuu rainy season begins ] when it did last year. The natives have gathered all their rice aud are waiting for the dry weather to kill out the corn so they can gather it. I have received several copies of Tnic NKWS since I have boon hero and think them very interesting. Asnmoz J. BIUIER , Co. L. , lOfh Infantry. OLD FIRM , NEW STOCK. Baum Bros. Now Deal Exclusively in Clothing and Ladies' Garments. While the exterior appearance of Baum Brothers' store is the same aa it has always boon , that ia aa far as the similarity goes. The interior baa boon changed BO that it boars very little re- somblanoo to the store tliat has been known by its many customers in years gouo by. The center partition has been removed , throwing the largo room nil into one , which is well lighted , com- modloua and attractive , giving greatest opportunity to show goods. The firm now deals exclusively in clothing and ladles' ready to wear garments , waists , anIfa nlnnlra nnrl f i a tYiAtvr rn\i\r\a fla. artment having been entirely elimi nated when the stock was sold to R. M. Rosenthal a short time ago. With the largo additional room now afforded , Baum Brothers are increasing .heir . stock of clothing aud expect Boone o make it the largest in ho city. They , vill carry all the finer grades of goods , so that a customer wanting something ithor for common wear or in the best grades will bo able to bo fitted out. This firm baa boon doing business in Norfolk 17 years , during which time it has built up a reputation for honesty aud fair dealing second to no concern in the northern part of the state. When it is announced that they were going out of the dry goods business it waa feared that this meant their removal from the city , and their friends and customers will bo glad to learn that this is not so. They will devote their atten tion exclusively to clothing and ladies' wear , aud expect la a abort time to make theirs the most popular store of Its char acter in this section of the state. J. Banm loft for the east this morning to purchase a new stock of goods , which will commence to arrive in a week or ton days. They will do a big business from the start , aa the firm ia well and favorably known through the whole of north Nebraska. SPRING RUSH BEGINS. Norfolk Foundry and Manufacturing Company Has Much Work on Hand. With the approach of spring n gen- nine air of business bustle ia apparent at the shops of the Norfolk Foundry and Manufacturing company and , nnder the direction of the manager , John Dronk , there is something doing. Per- laps the most evident improvement is ; lie erection of a shoot-iron covered build- lug 2 i by CO foot and 14 foot iuthooloar , whloh is being built to protect the nm- jhluory of the Port Huron Engiuo and Ihroshlng company of Michigan from the elements , the fouudry people haying the agency for that company. Of this company's manufactures their Norfolk agency will handle engines , separators , oora buskers and shredders , corn shel ters , food grinders , hay presses and the excellent "dirt handler" made by that company , This la an elevating grader with a spreader run by a traction on- giuo. They also make a dump car to go with the ' dirt handler. " The doors of the warehouse are 10 foot wide by 11 foot high to admit the largo separator made by them. A sample separator and engine made by thla company haa al ready boon roooivod and these who have had experience with such machinery pronounce them ideal. They are cer tainly of the latest make. The separator tor is 00-00 and perhaps ono of the larg est over received in this section of conn- try. It is fitted with a Person self feeder and now Port Huron wind stacker. The ougluo is aa large and complete - ploto as the separator. It is an 18-horso compound , with a loco cab and fitted witii a uoii ana wuistio , until it closely resembles a railroad engine. It has im- monoo and broad drive wheels and ia a powerful machine. ' The brass fittings , to the valno of about $50 were stolen on- onrontobut when these are received the machine will make some exhibition runs Saturdays. Besides this line , the foundry pooplq will handle the J. I. Oaso engines and separators , also the engines and separa tors made by Nichols & Shopard. In the regular foundry work they are about two months behind on orders. There are now throe traction engines at the shop undergoing repairs and an other ia expected in a few days. Bo- aides there are two gasoline engines on hand to bo overhauled and repaired. This , in addition to the regular line of jobbing work which is picking up at this season , will keep the force un usually busy. It is an industry that amounts to a great deal to Norfolk and the people will bo pleased to know it is prosperous and growing in importance. Northern Wisconsin Hallway Farm Laadi .Per Sulo. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for solo in North oru Wisconsin , at low prices and easy terms of payment , about 1)50,000 ) acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams aud lakes , which abound with nan uuu luruittu u uuvnr uuuiug ana most excellent water supply , both for family use and for stock. Land is generally well timbered , the soil fertile aud easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep aud cattle raising regions iu the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland nud other towns on "Tho Northwestern Lino" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particulars address : QEO. W. BELL , Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or Q. H. MACRAE , Asst. Gon'lPasa.AR't.St. Paul , Minn. Question Answered. Yea , August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers aud your grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce , and they seldom hoard of appendicitia.uorvons prostration or heart failure , etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food , rogn- late the action of the liver , stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system , and that is all they took when Feeling dull and bad with headaches ind other achea. You only need a few loses of Green's August Flower , in liquid form , to make yon satisfied there Is nothing serious the matter with you. Qet Green'a Prize almanac. Asa K. Leonard. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior , Land Of fice at O'Neill , Nebr. , December 18 , 1001. Notice is hereby giyen that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before clerk of the district court at Madison , Nebraska , on Febru ary 1 , 1002 , viz : Emma J. Ferguson , H. E. No 10505 , for the w uo } , soo. 14 , T. 23 N. , R. 1 W. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Bald land , viz : William Boyd , John Eberly , A. N. MoGinnla of Warnervillo , Neb. , Wm. T. Ferguson , Norfolk , Neb. 8. J. WEEKS , Register. If You were Scared easily you might suppose that the pain in the lower part of your back meant kidney trouble. But being a person oi sense you know It is only muscular stiffness - ness , from cold , and that prompt treatment - mont with Perry Davis' Painkiller will prevent it from' growing into lumbago Act accordingly and yon will bo glad yon saw this. There ia but one Pain killer , Perry Davis' . Gardner & Seller deal in improvoc and unimproved lands. Ranches and town property for sale in Pierce , Cedar Enox , Wayne and Holt counties , abc landa and ranches in North and Sontl Dakota. THE NEWS koopa its job dopartmen up-to-date with the Litest faces of typ and does its work in approved style. DEATH BY SHOOTING. S. B. Cain Lives Fifty-Four Hours and Succumbs to His Wounds. A Newman Grove correspondent of the State Journal , nudor date of tl o 13th , gives the following aooouut of the suloldo of S. B. Cain of that place , men tion of whloh waa made a few days ago : "Singleton B. Cain , a holder of largo real estate interests in and around this city , lies dead at his homo , iu the eastern part of town , the result of his own rash act. Last Monday night , about 8 o'clock ho came down town , having promised his family that ho would moot them at church , where revival services were being hold. Ho had passed the church two blocks , aud was In the heart of the business section , at the intersection of Fremont and Halo streets , when ho raised his right hand with a 88-calibro revolver nud Bent a bullet into his hoad. A few seconds elapsed and the shot was repeated. The few people who were on the street were attracted by the first shot , but could not locate tbo diroctiou on ao count of the echo. When the second shot occurred the man was soon to stagger and fall , and before any of these nearest could reach him , ho with hia loft hand bracing hia body In a siting poaturo , fired two more shots in quick nnlv onn nf whioh nrobttblv took effect. "Tho man was picked up for dead and carried to Anderson's drug store. Phys icians were summoned and two of the bullets extracted , after whioh ho waa carried to his homo , where ho partially regained consciousness , enough to recog nize the members of his family , but from the time ho fired the first shot until ho expired ho uttered no sound , not even a groan. Any of the three shots that entered his head were sufficient to cause death. The third bullet was extracted yesterday morning by trephining , the operation being done by Drs. Frink aud MoMahon , the ball being removed from the opposite side of the head from where it entered. "Mr. Cain stood well in this commun ity , was a prominent church and Sun day suhool worker , ardent in politics and temperance , a loader in fraternal soci eties , having membership in the I. 0. O. F. , M. W. A. , the Rebekahs and R"oyal Neighbors. "Ho leaves a largo family in comfort able circumstances. He has left no word , written or spoken , that would in any way explain his rash act. If any thing was on his mind , worrying him , ho gave no sign. He was rather reticent regarding his affairs , keeping his own counsel. Ho was born in Ohio , March 14 , 1850. " Real Estate Transfers. Thn fnllnwincr nrn thn trntiRfara of real estate in Madison county for the week ending March 15 , 1002 , as reported by D. J. Koenigstein , official abstractor : Ernest Fisher and wife , Martha , to Ida Sohnltz , wd lot 10 , block 8 , Paso- walk's 3rd add to Norfolk , $1520. Ole Johuson to Esau Johnson , wd w ) < < of nwK 7-21-3 , and BW& 6-21-3 , $5000. Battle Creek Valley Dank to Joseph Severa , wd lot 3 , block 1G , Battle Creek , 1850.Commercial Commercial bonk , Columbus , to Micbaol Gaspers , qcd n ) of 36-21-4. Mary A. Weber to Ella L. Robinson , wd n * of wK of to * 5i block 3 , Paso- walk's add to Norfolk , f 1400. Phebe Barnes to John Peters , qcd } < > of vacated street lying w of block 56 , R. R. add to Madison. G. W. Shippee to William Ullarioh , wd lot 2 , block 1 , McCombs suburban lots to Burnett , $1550. William G. Smith to W. O. Pugh , wd lots 5 , 6 , 7,8 , block 2 and lots 3,4 , 5 , and 6 , block 0 , Battle Creek , $500. Gilbert Halverstein to J. H. and L. B. Mllligan , wd ne 11-23-2. Thersia Jorgeus to Charles Knapp , wd seJ4 of neH 21-24-1 , $000. Lottie A. Taylor to Frauk L. Watson , wdne4 2-24-1 , $2880. Anna B. Helm to John H. Eickhoff , wd lot 2 block 2 McOombs suburban , , t _ A i. T ) . _ _ _ _ ! . IOIH 10 ijuruuii , Manchester Trust , Lmtd. to Silvester Lewis , Sp , wd n % of sej 27-24-4 , $750. William Beswiok to Pearl E. McCoy , wd pt. of lot 7 , block 7 , Haase's subur ban lots to Norfolk , $900. Friede Carloin Nimmert to Garolino Besk , wd lots 1 and 4 , block 19 , F. W. Barnes add to Madison , $500. F. J. Halo to Orange Bowser , wd w ) 24-24-4 , except small parcel in nocoruer. -12800. Charles Knapp to Ernest Fenske , wd wj aud s } sej 24-24-2. Christ Kronen to Harry Tannehill , wd of B } 20-23-1 , $3000. Amanda V. Tannehill to Christ Crouch , wd pt. of lots 1 and 2 , block 11 , loose's sub lots to Norfolk , $1500. Abram White to James Blair , wd BW ' of nwM and awj 86-24-1 , $8500. B. Peter Thomson to W. H. Avery , wd pt. of BoK of , Bw24 18-24-4 , $20. Robert W. GilloRpie to Daniel S.Mook , Wd no > 18-24-4 , $6000. George B. Johnson to G. N , Thielo , we sw34 242241800. . Thomas G. Ostrem to Christ J. Sim- onson , wd sj nwj 17-21-4 , $1000. Hans P. Snndoll to D. A. Ommerman , wd sw > i of ne > 8-23-1. State of Nebraska to Michael Gaspers , deed n # 86-21 4 , $3308. William N. Huso to S. T. Napper , wd lot 3 , 0.8. Hayes choice add to Norfolk $2000. William H. Butterfield to 8. T. Nap- per. seJi 17-24-2 , $2000 wd. Mark M. Ooad to S. T. Napper , wd and s } of nwj < t and a } of soM 20 0X1 ' 80.24-2$11500. G" . M. Gllohrist to Emil Winter , wd of nwK 17-22-3 , $940. Perpetuating ; Our History. $ This office was visited Saturday by A. E. Sheldon , director of field work of the Nebraska State Historical society , who with his son Philip waa hero on a trip in the interest of that society. Mr. Sheldon took photographs of historical > ointa tonohiug on early records from owlaand Clark's expedition in 180i , ho Astor expedition in 1810 , Oatliu's rislt in 1832 , the Mormon quarters iu 18 0 7 , Dr Shelley' * first location 6f Nio- jrara in 1856 and the present status of ; ho town. Ho was fortunate also in so- mrlnut the portrait of William Laraont , ; ho oldest living resident of Knox jonnty , who caniti to Niobrara in 1857. Prank Lnndak had in his possession the Bhorwiu plat of Niobiara , made iu 1857 , whioh shows the entire valley from the Niobrara river nearly to the Bazllo ono zoutinnons towneito , with a comparative outline map from the Great Lakes tp the mountains nud Niobrara the central Qgnro. This wan loaned to Mr. Sheldon for the purpose of taking a copy. Portraits traits of some of Knox county's parly settlers were loaned or donated by E. A. Fry , together with several documents of historical value. Mr. Lnmont will loan the society the old Hartley cannon ho has in his possession for exhibition at St. Louis as a silent witness of the Louisi ana purchase. There are other valu able trophies of the early history which Mr. Sheldon's limited time compelled him to omit until a later visit. Ho says that Niobrara furnishes more points of valuable history than many of the old prosperous towns farther down the river. Niobrara Pioneer. ANALYSIS OF FLOUR. Test Shows Nebraska Flour Better than that of Minnesota. Ernest Bridge took with him to Lin coln a sample pf Norfolk flour and sub mitted it for analysis to Prof. H. H. Nicholson , department ot ohemestry of the state university. The result of the analysis , as compared with the analysis of the best Minnesota spring wheat flour is very interesting and shows a product of which Norfolk may be proud' . The analysis of the Minnesota wheat was made by the bureau of chemistry of the U. S. department of agriculture. The comparison shows : Per cent oi moisture , .Minnesota 10 29 , Norfolk 6 98 of starch , Minnesota 76 , Norfolk 75.68 of fat , Minnesota .07 , Norfolk .94 ; o : gluten , Minnesota 12.38 , Norfolk 15.70 of ash , Minnesota .66 , Norfolk .70. Chemical comparison in every partic nlar shows Norfolk flour superior. Thii should be gratifying , not only to thi Sugar Oity Cereal mills , but to the people plo of Norfolk , and to these who hav farm lands in this vicinity. The reason for the richness in gluten is the abnnd anco of gypsum in the soil of lands snr rounding Norfolk. This is becoming * bettor known every year aud North Ne braska wheat is held in very high esteem and is in great demand. Fou SALE. A freah milch cow Inquire at this ofllce. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoftlce March 17 , 1902 : Miss Mollie Anderson , Dr. August Anderson , G. W. Anderson , Mrs. Cute Curtis , Miss Dott Garver , Dave Hall , A. W. Lintecum , Net Loury , Mrs. Monnp , Clarence Powell , Miss Margaret Reim- ert , W. Riehon , Mra. A. 0. Smith , R. J. Torp , W. 0. Wells , Miss lonna Weaver. If not called for in 15 days will be Bent to the dead letter office. Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. P. F. SPREOHER. P. M. Colonist Excursion Rates. Every day during the months of March and April , 1902 , the Union Pacific will sell colonist excursion tickets at the fol lowing one way rates : Missouri river to Butte , Anaconda and Helena , $20. Missouri river to Spokane , $22.50. Missouri river to points on Great Northern railway , Spokane to Wen- a tehee , inclusive via Huntington and Spokane , $22.50. Missouri nver to points on ureat Northern railway west of Wenatchee via Huutington and Spokane local over Wenatcheo , not to exceed $25. Missouri river to Portland , Tacoma and Seattle , $25. ' Missouri river to Ashland , Ore. , and Intermediate points , including branch lines on S. P. Co. south of Portland , via Portland , $25. Corresponding low rates from inter mediate points on the Union Pacific. Write for rates to points not given abovo. J. B. ELSEPFER , Agent. F. E. & M. V. R. R. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific coast , and intermediate points in California , Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana , etc. Commencing March 1 and continuing every day un til April 30 , 1902 , very low , second class , colonist , ono way tickets will be sold to points in above named territory. For further particulars plcaso call on the undersigned. H. O. MATRAU , Agent. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right.bnt you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do ? Go to a warmer and more regular climate ? Yes if possible ; if not possible for you , then in either case take the only remedy that haa been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles , "Boscheo'a German Syrup. " It not only heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ dis ease , but allays inflammation , causes easy expectoration , gives a good night's rest , and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Get Green'a Prize almanac. Asa K. Leonard. : l- ll. l. who neither sands i his sugar nor waters his milk who believes in 'the best , and is particular to please his patrons. That's the grocer who recom mends and sells , Lion Coffee Coffee that is coffee unglazcd unadulterated. A Good Route to Try It traverses a territory rich In undeveloped resources ; a territory containing unlimited possibilities for agriculture , horticulture , stobk rais ing , mining and manufacturing. And last , but not least , it is The Scenic Route for Tourists. The Frisco System now offers the traveling public excellent service and fast time- Between St. Louis and Kansas City and points in Missouri , Kansas , Arkansas , Oklahoma , Indian Terri tory , Texas and the Southwest. Between Kansas City and points in Tennessee , Alabama , Mississippi , Georgia , Florida andthe , Southeast. Between Birmingham and Memphis - phis and points in Kansas , Arkansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and the West and Southwest. Full information as to route and rates cheerfully furnished upon appli cation to any representative of the Company , or to t Passenger Traffic Deportment , Commercial Building , Saint Louis. HEADACHE DR. MILES' -ANTI- Pain Pills , At all drug ttort * . 25 Po 35 . HOWESEEKERS * . EXCURSIONS. On November 5th , and 19th , and December 3rd , and 17th , the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer tain points in the South , Southeast , and Southwest , at the rate of one faro for the round trip , plus $3.00. Final re turn limit 21 days from date of sale. V Fast Time and Superior Through Ser vice. Reclining Chair Oars ( seats free . Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars. For further information or land pam phlets , address , W. O. BARNES 'T. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. H. C.VTOWNSEND , C. E. STYLES. S a. P. & T. A. > A. a. P. * T. A. St.Lonis _ , Mo. Kansas Oity , Mo. A SWEL.L TRAIN , THE ELECTRIC LIGHTED LIMITED "SHORTLINE. " To Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine , Rockford , Lacrosse , Dnbnqne , Elgin , Freeport , Madison , Janesviye and other important points East , North east and Southeast , via An Electric Light in Every Berth. The Milwaukee ia the only Electrio Lighted Train that runs in and out of Omaha. All cars are supplied with incandescent - candescent lights. Palace Sleepers and the finest Dining Oars in the world are run on the 0. M. & St. P. Ry. Write aud got full in. formation. y. F. A. NAsrt , \ General Western Agent , H. W. HOWELL , 1504 Farnam St. , Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha.