The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 21, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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THE XOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , SlAlMff 21 , 1002.
Compromise Proposition Ap
proved by Republicans.
> 6ibley Amendment Llmlto Effect to
December 1 , 1903 Payne Plan la
; Adopted by Vote of Elghty-flve to
Thirty-one. <
Washington , March 19. Tljo nilvo-
-catca of Cuban reciprocity scored n
"decided victory last night tit the con
ference of Republican members of the
house of representatives , the proposi
tion of Chairman Payne of the ways
nnd means committee for a 20 per cent
reduction of duty , with the Slbloy
amendment limiting the duration of
the reduced rates to Dec. 1 , 1903 , be
ing adopted by a vote of 85 yeas to
31 nays.
This result was reached at 11:30 : p.
m. , after a protracted debate , followed
by a scries of exciting roll calls. The
first test was when Mr. Payne con
eluded the speech-making with a mo
tion for the previous question on all
pending propositions. This motion
prevailed , 78 to GG. A vote was then
taken on a substitute offered by Rep
resentatlve Dick of Ohio , in behalf of
those opposing the reciprocity plan ,
offering in its stead a plan of direct
payment to Cuba covering several
years. This was defeated , 57 to 79.
Jin amendment by Morris of Minnesota
seta , to take oft the differential on re
fined sugar was defeated , 50 to 72.
The ways and means proposition
lor reciprocity , with tbo Slbloy amend
ment limiting its duration , was then
agreed to , 85 to 31. While the voting
was In progress quite a number of
means plan left the chamber.
Immediately following this vote the
conference adjourned , and the long
pending controversy over the Cuban
reciprocity was determined so far as
the Republican conference was con
cerned , although it still remains to
te dealt with in the house. The Payne
resolution aa adopted gives the gen
eral form of a bill , authorizing the
, president to negotiate a commercial
agreement with Cuba for reciprocal
nnd equivalent concessions , by which
the rates of duty shall be reduced at
least 20 per cent ad valorem , on all
articles passing from Cuba Into the
United States. It also provides that
the United States immigration and ex
clusion laws shall bo enacted by the
government of Cuba as a preliminary
to reciprocity. The Sibley amend
ment , which Is adopted as a part of
the Payne resolution , directs that the
foregoing 20 per cent reduction shall
bo "limited in" Us duration and effect
to the 1st day of December , 1903. "
Senator Bacon of Georgia Opposes the
Present Bill.
Washington , March 19. For three
hours yesterday the senate had under
consideration the bill providing for the
protection of the president of the Unit
ed States and for the punishment by
United States courts of those who com
mit assaults on him.
Bacon ( Ga. ) opposed the bill and
Hoar ( Mass. ) and Mason ( Ills. ) sup
ported it. Bacon's argument followed
the lines of his speech delivered ten
days ago. Hoar's speech was largely
legal and constitutional. Ho main
tained the right of the government to
protect itself against assaults upon
Its sovereignty through the president.
Mason made an attack upon anarchy
and its methods and incidentally sharp
ly criticised an amendment to the bill
offered by Bacon. Ho denounced it as
opening the door to special pleading
for the benefit of assassins of the
president. This drew Bacon's fire.
Ho considered Mason's criticism a
personal reflectlbn on himself and re
sented it with heat. An explanation
by the Illinois senator cleared the at
mosphere. Earlier in the day a lively
debate was precipitated by the effort
of Rawllns ( Utah ) to have printed as
n document some Philippine corre
spondence. Eventually the matter was
order printed as requested.
Hepburn Makes His Annual Onslaught
on the Measure.
Washington , March 19. The general
debate on the river and harbor appro
priation bill in the house was enliv
ened yesterday by Hepburn ( la ) , who
made his annual onslaught on the
measure. Contrary to his usual cus
tom , Hepburn found several things In
the bill to commend , although some of
his criticisms were quito severe.
Other speakers were Ball ( Tex. ) nnd
Lawrence ( Mass. ) , both members of
the committee , and White ( Ky. ) ,
.Thompson and Burnett ( Ala. ) , who
epoko In favor of improvements to
their district. It was agreed that gen
eral debate on tbo bill should close
today at 3 o'clock. Saturday , April
26 , vraa set aside for memorial serv
ices xia memory of Representative
Stokes ( S. C. ) and Representative
Crump ( Mich. ) .
Oleo Bill Given First Place.
Washington , March 19. The Republican -
' lican steering committee of the sen
ate yesterday decided to glvo the first
I > lace in the order of business in the
eenato after disposing of the pending
business to the oleomargarine bill ,
and to allow that to bo followed by
'the Chinese exclusion bill.The com
mittee discussed the question of giving
the Nicaragua canal bill third place
on the calendar , but decided not to
act on that question , inasmuch as it
1s considered probable that the discus-
elon of the oleomargarine and the Chi
nese bills will consume some time ,
Says He Was Intoxicated on Night
of the Murder.
Savannah , Mo. , March 19. When
the trial of Stewart Flfo for the mur
der of Prank W. Klrhnrdson was re
sumed yesterday two of hla Bisters sat
beside him nnd the prisoner held hla
little brother on his lap. The defense
produced a witness who testified that
Fife was at the Richardson house the
night after the shooting. It had been
the theory of the atato that Fife was
the only employe of the Fife-Richard-
son company who did not go to the
residence after the murder. Nearly
all the forenoon was devoted to ovl-
dunce relating to the revolver found In
a sewer recently nnd which the state
tried to prove belonged to Fife nnd
was the weapon with which Richard
son was shot.
Fife took the stand In his own be
half at the night session of court. Flfo
was asked If ho went to Lake Con
trary with Mrs. RlchnrdBon. Ho wild
he went with his sister. He denied
being with Mrs. Richardson In the old
Catholic church yard and explained
his being with her on the old church
stops one night as she explained It In
her testimony.
He was naked about hla movements
on the night of the Richardson mur
der , nnd said :
"I don't remember. I wae at King's
corner , in Mack's saloon , at the pool
hall and nt the Owl club. "
"Were you any nearer the Richard
son house than King's corner that
night before the death of Richard
son ? "
"No , I was not. "
Flfo said ho was so drunk he did
not remember where ho went or what
he drank.
Accused Physician Will Take the
Stand Today.
Chicago , March 19. Woman ar
rayed against woman over the fate of
Dr. Robert E. Gray of Garden City ,
Kan. , produced conflicting features in
the murder trial yeaterday. The
frown that expressed the feelings of
the prisoner as ho listened to the dam
aging testimony of Margaret Indiana
Tedford , the nurse who tended Irma
Brown before her death , changed to a
smile when Dr. Frances Rutlcdge , his
former associate , testified In his behalf
in the afternoon , after the state had
rested its case.
"My worst day is over , " remarked
the accused physician , juat before ad
journment , "and tomorrow I will take
the stand myself. I am anxious to get
a chance to tell my story and I feel
confident that I will be able to explain
away the circumstantial evidence that
the prosecution has brought against
me. "
House of Commons Declines to Order
an Inquiry.
London , March 19. The debate last
evening In the house of commons on
the m 'Jon of the liberal leader , Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannerman , for the
appointment of a select committee to
Investigate the whole commercial his
tory of the South African war , includ
ing the contracts for the purchase of
remounts , meats nnd forage , and the
contracts for transportation , called
out several acrimonious exchanges of
remarks. Reginald McKenna , liberal ,
commenting on the remount depart
ment , declared that widespread corrup
tion in the horse purchases had been
disclosed in almost every country on
the globe. Sir Henry's motion was re
jected by a vote of 340 to 191 , the big
majority eliciting loud minlbterlal
Secretary of Kruger Will Shortly Sail
for Africa Bearing Letters.
New York , March 19. Mrs. Eloft ,
wife of Mr. Kruger's private secretary ,
sailed for South Africa on Saturday ,
says a London dlapatch to the Tribune
Her husband expects to follow her
speedily. The Inference drawn by
some people at The Hague la that Eloff
will carry letters from Mr. Kruger
which may have a decialvo effect in
ending the war. The generalization is
an elastic one , but without doubt wel
informed people at The Hague are con
vlnced that negotiations are In prog
ress and peace nearer than ia general
ly supposed.
State Rests In Wllcox Case.
Elizabeth City , N. C. , March 19.
The state yesterday forenoon rested
its case in the trial of Jamea Wilcox
charged with the murder of Mlsa Ncl
Ho Cropsoy. W. II. Cropsey , father of
the dead girl , testified that Wllcox
had offered no consolation during the
search for the girl. Thomas Hayman
testified that Wilcox told him ho
would halp with the search for Miss
Cropsoy but for the fact that if her
body were found people would think
ho killed her.
Murderers Break Jail.
St. Clalrevllle. O. , March 19. Bar
ney Devino and Leonard Stevens , who
were arrested , convicted and sen
tenced to the penitentiary for Ufa fo
the killing of Clarence Warrick , nea
Somorton a year ago , but had been
granted now trials , broke Jail hero
early this morning. The men cut a
hole through two steel plates and at
eight-inch bed of concrete In the
floor of their cell and got out turougl
the collar.
Arreit Mayer as Embezzler.
New York , March 19. Max C
Mayer , formerly a member of the brokerage
orago firm of Rathbono , Mayer & Rath
bone , wan arrested at Bayonne , N. J
charged with embezzlement of fund
said to amount in all to f 100,000. Th
charge was made by C. L. Rathbon
& Son , the successors of the firm o
which Mayer was formerly a member
Fife Destroys Dock and British
Queen at Hobokcn.
Chief Engineer of the Fated Vessel
Believed to Have Perished Fierce
Blaze la Accompanied by Pictur
esque Scenes Loss , $1,000,000.
New York , March 19. A nwlft and '
n many of Us dotnlla n pk'lurcRqun I
Ire lust night destroyed the plor of [ '
ho I'hoonlx SteiuiiHhlp line on tlio 1
lohoken rlvor front , with many biilt'H j '
of cotton and hay , hurnud that com-1 I
mny'H venae ! , the British Queen , to u
nilk , coiiHumed several lighten ) and
heir cargoes , damaged n dock belong-
ng to the Harbor Steamship Una anil
or a time threatened the property of
ho Holland-American line and the
uigo Campbell utoreH. The IOHSlll
approximate $1,000,000.
Whether any HVOB were loat was
nest dlllleult to learn. While the con-
lagratlon wns at Its height and after
t had been reduced by the firemen
nnd llro boats rumors were rlfo that
several men perished. It is tolerably
certain that Chief Engineer Scott of
the British Queen wns burned to
loath on her and that a sailor named
Jnnson met the same fate. Ono of
.ho men who escaped nays that ho saw
several men leap Into the water when
.ho steamer became enveloped in flro
nnd ho saw few. If any , of these res
cued. The quartermaster of the ruined
ship said that the crow wore in her
forecastle and ho surmised that if all
escaped they did BO with difficulty.
It is not unlikely that some of the
swarmed about the vessel , will have to |
bo accounted for. The eatlnmted
losses In detail are : Pier , $300,000 ;
British Queen , $400,000 ; cotton and
lighters , $250,000.
The captain of the lighter Tona-
wandai saved hlmsolf , ills wife and
Ills child by pushing a cotton halo' '
Into the water , placing his family and '
himself upon It nnd paddling hla' '
strange llforaft into the river. I
The stiff wind which had blown all
day gave impetus to the fire , whoso '
glare reddened the North river for i
a long distance. J
The fire started about 8:35 : o'clock
and by 11:30 : it was well under con
trol. The British Queen , atill ablaze ,
was towed out into the river. Three
lighters , all afire , were directed down
the river by tugs , but owing to the
wind and current they once or twice
came near setting flro to property on
the New York side. Two of thprn
finally drifted to the east Ashore of
Governor's ialand , aottlng flr6 to the
new landing pier there.
The army ofllcera' quarters were
greatly endangered and the soldiers
stationed on the ialand were employed
in fighting the flames. In a few hours
the danger had passed.
When the excitement attending the
flro had subsided the Hoboken police
reported that five 'longshoremen were
in the hoapltal there suffering from
burns. One of them , Patrick Huaaey ,
Is almost sure to die , and the child of
the captain of the Tonawanda Is In
in a dangerous condition.
Rescued Just In Time.
Wilmington , N. C. , March 19. The
revenue cutter Algonquin , stationed at
this port , arrived at Moorhead City
last night , with Captain Garray and a
crow of 27 men , rescued from the
Spanish steamship Ea of Bilbao. The
Ea sailed from Fernandlna , March 13 ,
for Now York. When off Capo Look
out shoals , March 15 , at 9:30 : p. m. , she
went aground and the high sea and
brisk winds prevented the Hfesaving
crew from going to her assistance.
The steamer broke In two yesterday
and la a total loss , with her cargo. As
a result of the combined efforta of
the Hfesaving crow and the revenue
cutter the crew of the Ea was at the
last moment taken off the bridge of
the vessel.
Wreckage Washed Ashore.
Halifax , N. S. , March 19. Communi
cation with Capo Sable ialand was
shut off by the breaking of the telephone -
phone line connecting with Barring-
ton nnd consequently no further news
about the wreckage washed ashore on
the island reached this city. The
wreckage found Indicates that an un
known steamer must have struck on
that coast. The only steamer missing
is the Iluroninn. There is a heavy
southeast gale sweeping over the
Cook In dowry's Old Place.
Chicago , March 19. Theodore P.
Cook , district superintendent of the
Western Union Telegraph company at
St. Ixuls , has been tendered and ac
cepted the position of general super
intendent of the western division , with
headquarters ajt Chicago , to take ef
fect April 1 , in the place of Colonel
R. C. Clowry.N recently elected presi
dent and general manager , with head'
quarters at New York.
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Burns.
Jackson , Miss. , March 19. The
state Institution for the deaf and
dumb , located in this city , was destroyed
stroyed by flro yeaterday. There were
no fatalities , all of the inmates of the
building having been rescued. The
flro la supposed to have originated
from an electric wire. The loss Is cs
tlmated nt $40,000 , covered by only
$15,000 insurance.
Burlington Votes Franchises.
Burlington , la. , March 19. The prop
osition to grant new electric and gas
franchises was carried at the special
election hero yesterday.
When Ho Left Manila Civil Govern
mcnt Had Been Established ,
Washington , March I'J. MnJor General -
oral OH ( | again appeared before the
senate committee on the I'hlllpplnon
yuHturduy. When ho left the Philip-
plncH In May , HHlO , General Otln nald
that the army luul disposed of all of
AKtilimldo'H army , quiet provnllod dur
ing the nioiitliH of May and Juno and
hardly n shot was IIrod. It wan safe
to go to all partH of l.u/on ami other
Islniuhi and a very largo tnulo hud
been oHtnhllHhcd. A civil government
had been Hot. up.
When he left the Philippine ! ! , ho
nald , "tho war , IIP win , " had coiiHod.
Answering n queHtlon by Senator Hale ,
General Otis mild ho miw no difficulty
In withdrawing a material number of
( loops I'roiu the iHliindn. The nnllvo
forcun he declared to he very nucen-
miry and he mild there wna no peaeo
In Manila until the native police wan
effected. General Oils mild that when
ho left Manila he iipprehomleil further
trouble , hociumo there WIIH n certain
element which dominated the Ignorant
rliiHHOH , The great majority , however ,
wanted pence. No armed liiuidH of
any Importance , ho mild , were opponod
to the United Stntoa at that time.
Asked by Senator Halo where the
supplies , money , nrinn , etc. , of the In-
Burgonts came from , General Otln Raid
they received 2,500 rlllcfl from Admi
ral Dewey and they also rocolvod from
Hong Kong certain arms , shipped
aboard on American vessel , which
landed nt Batangns.
Proceedings Are Cut Short by Lack
of Jurisdiction.
Manila , March 19. The court-mar'
tlnl appointed to try Major Littleton
W. T. Waller and Lieutenant John II.
A. Day of the marine corps , on the
charge of executing nntlvoH of the Isl
or snmnr without trial , hold Ita
first Hosslon yoatonl.iy.
Major Waller was represented by
Captain ( Arthur T. Mnrlx of the marliio
corps , Major Edwin F. Glenn of the
army and Mr. Sutro , n lawyer.
General William II. Blabeo presld-
cd. , Captain Mnrlx pleaded that the
court lacked jurisdiction , as marines
cannot , be tried by the army , except
when attached to that service.
The court , after a lengthy considera
tion ( of the matter , decided that the
point j was well taken. General Chnf-
foe j la now considering the court's do-
clalon , and probably will leave the
final j decision to the authorities at
Washington. The court In the mean-
whllo is held awaiting orders.
Cleveland's 65th Birthday.
Princeton , N. J. , March 19. Former
President Cleveland , who Is now the
only living ex-president of the United
States , was 65 years old yesterday.
Mr. Cleveland spent the whole day
nt his comfortable homo on Bayard
lane with hla wife nnd children. As
he was confined to the house much of
the winter on account of alckness , ho
deemed It advisable In consequence of
the sudden change in temperature to
remain In doors and thus avoid any
chance of another attack of Illness.
Dunknrds En Route West.
Chicago , March 19. During the next
few days over 3,000 Dunkards and
others will pass through Chicago , en
route to now homes In the northwest.
The movement will include entire fam
ilies from Indiana , Ohio , Pennsylvania
and the Virginias , and they will for
the most part go to the Mouse river
district of North Dakota. Good crops
in the northwest last year and the
glowing reports sent back by settlers
a > the causes that have Induced the
present heavy emigration.
Suffragists Submit Protest.
Washington , March 19. Mrs. J. Ellen -
len Foster of this city yeaterday sub ,
mitted to the civil service commlaalon' '
a protest against wiiat she termed a
deliberate and systematic exclusion of
women from appointment In the gov
ernment service. Henry B. Blackwell ,
representing the National Woman's
Suffrage association , has made a sim
ilar protest and the commission will
consider the matter , though It is not
yet decided whether it will take any
Arguments began before the house
committee on labor Tuesday on the
pending eight hour bill.
Dr. Edmund James assumed his po
sition as head of the Northwestern
university at Evanston Tuesday.
Representative Hill of Connecticut
has Introduced a bill for the coinage of
the silver bullion In the treasury into
subsidiary silver coin.
Daniel Wells , Jr. , the pioneer lum
berman of Wisconsin , died Tuesday ,
at the ago of 83 years. Daniel Wefts ,
Jr. , was known as the richest man in
Wisconsin and the oldest resident of
W. E. Hicks , who is at the head of
the North Dakota Manual Training
Echool at Ellendalc , has received a tel
egram from Andrew Carnegie offering
the Institution a gift of $30,000 as an
The church committee of the Union
Park Congregational church of Chicago
cage returned unopened to Dr. W. T.
McElveen of Boston a letter in which ,
presumably , ho declined the call to
come to Chicago.
The largest shipment of armor plato
ever sent away from an American
Bteol works loft the Homestead mills
Tuesday for Now York. It consisted
of 3C plates for the Russian battle
ships Bordlna and Ariel.
A receiver was appointed Tuesday
for the Tlfiln ( O. ) woolen mills on ap
plication of Frederick Dalolan , one of
the owners , who also asks a dissolu
tion of the partnership. The concern
has an Indebtedness of abou.t $100,000.
Kaiser Welcomes His Royal
Brother at Cuxhaven.
Pnooengers of the Dcutnchlnnd Add
Their Cheers to the Dcmonntratlon.
Prlnco Is Cordially Embraced by
Hlo Mainly , the Emperor.
Cuxhaven , March 19. The return of
Admiral Prlnco Henry of I'niwiln to
German neil was mil'cly iiccoinpllHlieil
youtcrdiiy nl lei noon amid all the pump
iiml clrciiiiiMliinco which ( ho prince's
liiipei'lnl brother him HCCII lit to murk
the ending of i'rliico Hunry'a Ameri
can mission.
The mime good fortune of freedom
from untoward Incidents which char-
nclerl/.ed I ho prince's transatlantic
journey continued until the unil , and
( ho landing nccutrcd durlui ; a period
of brilliant nunahlno after an overciiBt
Tin * HamliiirK-Ainerlcan Hue steam
er Vcnlsi'lilaml , having on hoard 'tho
prince and Ills milto WIIH first tilghled
at 5:30 : p. in. The German ImUloslilp
Kaiser Wllhelm II steamed down the
roadntead to moot the DoutBchland and
returned oacortlng the big llnor. The
DoutBchland tied up to the now Btono
quay nnd was the first Hhlp to dock
there. Emperor William stood upon
the quay , surrounded by high naval
and municipal ofllclnlfl. Aa reproaontn-
tlvo of the American ombaBity at Bor-
lln , Commander William M. Bcohler ,
the naval attache to the embassy ,
Blood nt the otnperor'fl aide. The
quay WIIH decorated with flags of the
omplro and the thommmls of spoota-
I ni-a wltrl nrtt'MT.nil Mm rnr\ftt tit Mm
great warehouses and the wldo slopoii
overlooking the flceno , cheered wildly
as Prlnco Ilonry walked down the
gangplank. Emperor William klBBOtl
bis brother on both chocks and nhook
linndB with each member of the suite ,
Buying a few cheerful words to each.
Meantime the giuiH of the squadron
saluted. The pasBcngcrB on the
DoutBchland crowded to the Bteniner'a
rail and cheered heartily during the
ceremony. Some of the American
pasfiongers waved llttlo American
flags , otherwlao the Stars and Stripes
were not flying.
After the Inspection of the guard of
honor and the vetonuiH by Ernporor
William , bin majesty and his party ,
Prlnco Ilonry and hla ataff and Com
mander Bcohler boarded a tender , and
amid fresh salutes , mimic and cheerIng -
Ing , proceeded to the battleship Kalflor
Wllholm II. Upon arriving there the
crow of that vessel manned their Bhlp
to receive the royal personages. The
Kaiser Wllholm II weighed anchor nt
7:15 : and started toward Kiel , through
the canal.
A banquet was Bcrvcd on board the
General Sent to Suppress the Uprising
Defeated by Them.
Hong Kong , March 19. General Ma
haa been defeated by the Kwnng SI
robcla , who have taken possession of
Fang Cheng. They have killed or cap
tured all the mandarins and have loot
ed the town.
General Ma attacked the rebel
strongholds , but after an engagement
lasting two days Was forced to retreat.
The rebels then established their
headquarters at Fang Cheng.
The rebellion is spreading rapidly
in the provinces of Kwang SI , Kwang
Tung nnd Yun Nan.
A letter received here from a point
50 miles from Kwang Chou saya all
business la suspended there owing to
fear of the rebels.
Marshal Su IB at Tien Chou and
General Ma Is at Kao Chou. Both of
these commanders are awaiting rein
forcements. They wlah to Join their
forces , but the rebels are holding all
the intervening passes and prevent a
Junction of the government troops.
Many of the imperial soldiers are
joining the rebels owing to the superior
pay offered them and the opportunity
of looting.
The rebel leader la Hung Ming , a rol
atlvo of the celebrated Hung Sou
Chuen , leader of the Tai Hung rebel
Track for New Iowa Road.
Iowa Falla , la. , March 19. Work at
track laying on the DCS Molnes , Iowa
Falls and Northern road waa resumed
this week and the steel gang crossed
the Tama branch of the Chicago and
Northwestern a mile cast of Radcllffo
Work will bo pushed rapidly to Me
Callsburg , in Story county , to which
point the grading is completed.
Killed by Permature Blast.
Lead , S. D. , March 19. A premature
blast killed George W. Holvey , presl
dent of the local miners' union , on
the 200-foot level of the Homestak
mine yesterday. Ho was firing block
holes and one of the charges explode
while ho waa directly over it , blow
ing his head entirely off.
Portuguese Capture Slave Dealers
Mozambique , Portuguese East At'
rlca , March 19. The Portuguese
troops captured 162 slave dealera and
killed 50 Emirs at Pemba bay recent
ly , when the government forces nt
tacked 12 strongholds of the slave
dealers and liberated 700 slaves.
Emigrants Return to Old Homes.
Berlin , March 19. Five hundred re
turned emigrants , disappointed will
life In the United States , have passoi
through Berlin on their way to thel
old homos in Posen , and the prov
incea of East and West Prussia
Russia and Austria.
"We have four children. With the first
Ihree I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to H hours , and iiad to be placed under
the influence of chloroform. I used three
bottles of Mother's Friend before our lu\
child came , which
Is a strong , fat and
healthy boy , doing
my housework up
! o within two hours
of birlli , and suf
fered but a few hard
p.ilns. This lini
ment Is the ijrand-/ /
rst remedy ever
made. "
will do for every woman what ft did for the.
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy ii a.
mistake to be paid for in p.iln and suffering.
Mather's Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect , which In
turn arc imparted to the child. It relaxei
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning slckne&s and nervousness
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour , so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless. Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts b altogethei
avoided , and recovery is merely a. nut' ' r ol
a few days.
DruggliU icll Mother's Friend for $1 n boltl * .
The bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga ,
fiend for our ( re * lllueir tc l book.
If you want a good
food for your child
ren , try Wheatosc.
It ia easily and
quickly prepared ,
nr.4 very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have It-
California Breakfast Food
OF TIME . . . . . . . v
Complete catalogue showing1
over 300 piumiiuns that may
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