The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE N011FOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MA110IT 21 , 1902.
W. N. 11U8U , PubllBhor. _
IbtnMliliml , 1SS7.
KTerj ilnj o c < n > t Hmiilny. y carrier | ior
w nV , li conU. I'r ' mnlUmryoixr , tfl.OO.
Tt Niw , < * tR > lU1iml , ISSt. , , , .
„ „
Thn Jounml , ontftlillMiml Ml
K7 ry Ft May , fly mi\ll yor yci\r , ll.M.
Kntarod iiUho Ponlonico nt Norfolk , Neb. , n
oouil olnn mitttor. '
mtiNit IMUorlnl notmrtmniit , No. I2 |
llntlnoti Olllco nnil Job Room * , No. 322.
ForUen.uror I , . M. ( Urumn
ForcdorV 8. Jt.Mt-FABi.AHii
Turnnglnwr W. 11. Ixiwi :
For police jmlga W "ATIH :
School District.
For mtraUeri of llio Hoard of Kdncntlon . . .
11 it. I' . II. HAI/IKU
Pint iMnl W. H. Wll.AMAN
Bwondwnr.l II. W. MII.I. *
aiilnlwiinl 11.
Fourth * nl J. . BI-KM.MAM
If the republicans of the state want to
engage in a oloixu mid gentlemanly
campaign lot thorn place W. M. Kobort-
eon's uauio t the hond of the tiokot.
To judge by the opposition press the
republicans uovor tlid anything nntl did
it right , { joinohow the people have
fallen into tholmbit of looking at things
quite dlirorontly.
The Nebraska hou ia making a stronu
ousolTort to supply the demand for
faster OBKB and it IB prolmblo that no
rabbit will lack that which is uoccHsary
to uiako those Easter iiosts look Nixtnral
The autlB do not consider General
Fnnstou nearly aa great a hero aa ho
lias boon painted and many of them
heartily wish that they could rotraot
some of the nice things they huvo
said about the gallant KnuMin.
A college has been established at Atwood -
wood , Tonn. , the object of which is to
instruct in the art of love making. Al
most any one could pick out a few indi
viduals who would BUOIU to bo perfectly
qualified for positions on the faculty of
Bnch a college.
An eastern exchange thinks the
democrats cau never again inako a
winning gun of free trade as long as it
ia a nur//.lo louder and charged with
Irco soup. The greatest fault with the
weapon is that it is untrustworthy and
as likely to explode from the rear as it is
.from the other end.
The Burlington route proposes to en
courage education by exacting a knowl
edge on common studios from its em
ployes in the future. The educational
test for railroad service is a now ouo ,
but the Burlington sign "No illiterate
person need apply , " may in time bo
generally employed by other lines of
railway. _ _ _
An exchange has found an excellent
.argument in favor of the Sunday school
boy in the following : "A study of the
COO inmates of the JefTorsouvillo , Ind. ,
reformatory , all young men between
the ages of sixteen and thirty , show that
.fifty-seven per cent of these criminals
have never attended Sunday , school.
Eighty-one per cout have no tradq , 5112
used liquor and 401 used tobacco in
some form. "
A week from Tuesday is election day ,
when the people of Norfolk will bo ex
pected to make a choice of city oillcors
ixs well as members of the board of edu <
-cation. Without entering into a dis
cussion of the merits of the opposition
ticket , the republicans wish to assert
that they have placed a ticket in the
field of clean , capable men and one de
serving the support of every member of
their party aa well as those who have
no particular political choice in a munic
ipal election. ,
It seems that ensuing events have de
termined that the Tillmau-MoLanreu
incident was really very fashionable ,
for surely nothing could occur in the
British parliament but that which is very
proper , and although no blood ( lowed ,
and no blows were exchanged , Colonial
Secretary Joseph Chamberlain was , in no
evasive language , called a"damued liar"
by John Dillon , the noted Irish national
ist during Thursday's session. The
gentleman of inelegant expletives was at
once suspended by a vote of 248 to 4S
Now don't ' any of yon calamities jump
up on your hind feet and howl that , be
cause Mr. Bryan has moved into a burn ,
it is proof positive that hard times and
disaster are abroad in the land and have
seized in relentless grasp the-lute leader
of the democratic hosts. A good many
of the common people would feel very
thankfnlif they could move into a house
as elegant as that barn aforesaid , and
then it is but for temporary , while the
mansion of the former free silver cham
pion i receiving its plutocratic Huihhii g
What is nended in the executive ofllce
of Nwbraska is a man possessing good ,
sound judgment , with a dignity of tie-
portmwat thit has not been known there
recently ; a man with sterling character
who would not be swayed by the whims
mid caprices of politicians and one
whom the people could trust to honor
the poult Ion In every way. Huoh n man
IH W. M. UuhertHon and now that ho
haa consented to accept the .iiomllmtltm
there should bo no quostioii com-ornlng
tlio action of tlio delegates to the state
convention and he should lio-pluced on
the ticket without an olTort on his part
and elected unanimously.
The democrat H in congress are preparing -
paring to make urgent appeals to that
body on behalf of the Doers , knowing
full well that the only thing thin country
could do in their huhalf would innur the
bitter enmity of England , if not pro-
oipltato a terrible and expensive war.
Tholr object in therefore Bolely to om-
bariiHs the republican abministration ,
hoping for no benefit to the struggling
people of South Africa , but desiring
through tholr cause to make themselves
Rome cheap political thunder. Wore
they in the majority , with n president
in harmony , it in safe to Hay that the
Door caiiHO would not bo mentioned ,
It is quite evident that in order to
have a cinch on business it will bo ubo-
osBary for the trusts to grow tentacles
long enough to encircle the globo. Ar
gument to tliiH end IB furnished by the
fact that tlio American and British to
bacco combines are at war. The Amer
ican trust had invaded British markets
to the extent that the latter offered
largo bonuses to its customers who
wonld undertake not to soil American
goods for 11 term of years. The Amer
icans have come buck with a notice of
tholr intontioiiH to devote 200,000 yearly ,
for the next four years , an n bonus to
their customers. It is easy to believe
that this oll'orhus completely "stumped"
erally do not take kindly to trusts , hut
it may ho expected that tlioir patriotism
will prompt thorn to wish SUCCORS to the
American combination in this contest.
It In Not n Ounil IMnor For a Jinn of
Sniiill Income.
An American who In the classical
language of his country is at present
"located" In London wants to know
whether any city In the world IB quite
so niggardly IIH our town. Ho has
been going the round of the London
restaurants and 1mn encountered in the
management of them n- spirit which
distresses him. "There IH , to begin
with , " he HuyH , "a charge of from two-
pence to nix pence for guarding your
hat and coat In the cloakroom , and a
tip In addition IH expected. You want
to wash your bauds another twopence
or another .sixpence nnd another tip.
You take up the menu , and , behold ,
there Is an Intimation that a charge of
threepeuco each person will bo made
under the guise of 'table money. ' The
charge varies according to the nature
of the place. Threepence Is the lowest
and sixpence perhaps the average. At
a great many restaurants It is 1 shil
ling and In at least two that I liavo vis
ited Is. Od. The only mncrenco Is
that In the lower priced restaurants it
Is called 'table money' and In the higher -
or priced ones placed under the capti
vating heading of 'convert. ' To my
mind , an entrance fco frankly demand.
cd at the door would be much less of
fensive than to find yourself asked at
the end of a dinner to pay for the trou
ble and expense of. cleaning up the cut
lery you have used. " '
Ills conclusion of the whole matter Is
that "London lives by Imposing a fixed
tarllT on the accessories that In every
otliQr city I have ever been to are
thrown In gratis. " and ho thinks that
being a gentleman Is ouo of the most
expensive professions an Englishman
can have. He declares It to be an ut
ter delusion that London Is a cheap
place to ll\o In. "For the poor man , "
he snys , "the man whose Income Is less
than SOO a year , there IH no city where
less can bo had In the way of comforts
and oven the necessities of life. In
New York It Is only the luxuries that
cost. The expenses of everyday living
may be us great w as small as one
cares to make them. New York , In
fact , Is laid out for the poor man.
From the transportation system to the
price of such fundamental charges on
the household treasury as coal , Ice.
fuel , meat , hrentl. milk and fruit , al
most everything conspires to bring him
In a good return for a very small out
lay. All these tilings are cheaper in
New York than in London. " London
lllllH III
The words "has Introduced a bill tu
confess , " applied to a , senator or rep
resentative. usually sound much larger
than their ordinary meaning warrants.
In order properly to estimate the value
of the Introduction of a bill one must
remember that of 12,000 or 15,000 meas
ures Introdut-etl a few hundred only
are passed. As for proposed amend
ments < o the constitution , the infant
mortality timoug them Is appalling.
Kuch new congress pees a .score or
more of proposals for a "sixteenth
amendment to the constltutlqn. " Wo
shall doubtless s-ome time have such a
thing , yet three amendments , all of
which were consequences of a great
civil war , represent the only changes
made In the constitution since the pros
Idcncy of Thomas. Jefferson. Youth's
Companion. _
III * lrou > inlt- >
"I never forget n Joke thqt I once
hear , " remarked Borem.
"No. " rejoined Uuyer , "and you don't
Klve any of your acquaintances a
chance to.-ChIcago News.
The specter of unpaid bills never
haunts those who buy only what they
cau afford.
The greatest of all pleasures is to
give pleasure to one we love. t _
Insurrection Headed by Mates
Takes Actual Form ,
Hla Government IB Deset by Enemleo
on Every Side Rovolutlonlcts Dis
play Formidable Strength Against
Weak Government.
Wlllcmstatl , March 21. The Vene
zuelan revolution , hendcd by General
Mntos , scorns to ho taking form.
Right hundred revolutionists , under
( lenoral I'cnalozo , are besieging Cam-
pane , a seaport town , and tlio revolu
tionists under flenoral Monogas have
surrnnndtid Barcelona , the capital of
the state of Dcrmuduz.
Ounnral IMcra , who escaped the pnr-
null of the Venezuelan government
troops near Cumarobo , In the state of
Falcon , Is marching In the direction
of Tucacas , a seaport town In the
state of Lara , which place is to ho at
tacked on land by his troops and from
the sea by the revolutionary steamer
Dollvar , also known as the Llhcrtatlnr.
The Venezuelan government IB send
ing troops to 121 Hacha to Intercept
General PIcra and prevent the Junc
tion of his troops with the revolu
tionists In the Harqnlslinoto district.
The situation Is said to bo critical for
President Cnstro. The Venezuelan
fleet Is not In condition to pursue the
Bolivar and the plans of President
Castro to capture her have failed.
Will Confer With Exposition Officials
In Reference to Proposed Contests.
Paris , March 21. M. Santos-Du-
mont , the aeronaut , In an Interview
hero with the representative of the As
sociated Press , appeared very enthusi
astic concerning his approaching trip
to the United States , whither he will
go on his own Initiative. M. Santos-
Diimont said : "Yes , after some nego
tiations , I have decided to go to St.
Louis and assist In drawing up the
rules for the aerial contests of 1903.
I will bo accompanied by my secre
tary and my chief mechanic. I will
take with mo as far as New York the
4G-horsc power motor , the frame work
and the two propellers of my balloon
No. 7. From New York I shall proceed
to St. Louis to confer with the expo
sition authorities regarding the con
tests. "
Noted Irish Leader Calls Joseph
Chamberlain a Liar.
London , March 21. John Dillon ,
Irish nationalist , was suspended In the
house of commons for calling the colo-
rial secretary , Joseph Chamberlain , a
"d d liar. "
The ejection of Mr. Dillon dlJ not
serve to clear the atmosphere , and
the remainder of the debate was fol-
Inweil with norsonal allusions and un
pleasant exchanges , the nature of
which would have excited comment
had they not been discounted by the
first explosion.
Receiver for Tontine Concern.
Minneapolis , March 21. Judge Me-
Gee , In an order filed yesterday , dis
solved the Tontine Savings associa
tion. The charter and articles of In
corporation are declared forfeited.
George P. ' Flannery , attorney , has
been appointed receiver and directed
to take charge of the company's ef
fects and convert them Into cash.
From Judge McGee's memorandum It
appears that the five directors of the
association , on a paid up capital of
only ? 2,7GO. received In 1901 the sum
of $89,000 In dlvldentfs and $25,000 In
the same way In the first 32 days of
Wireless System on Lakes.
Cleveland , March 21. Failure of
the first attempt to use wireless teleg
raphy on the lakes has been followed
by success on the second trial. The
steamer City of Detroit was towed
to a slip near the lake front , where
there were no Intervening masts or
buildings and the experiments repeat
ed. J. V. Tollff , representative of the
originator of the system , says that one
of the code words agreed upon had
been sent to and received from De
Gilbert Still Leads.
Indianapolis. March 21. Fred Gil
bert of Spirit iJiUe , Ia. , gave another
remarkable exhibition of marksman
ship at the Limited Gun club tourmv
ment yesterday. He broke 75 straight
and missed but two targets out of a
possible 1C5. Eleven 15-blrd races
were shot. Helkes of Dayton was
again second gun and the other ex
perts , Trlpp. Build , McMurchy. Neal
and Marshall , were up In the first and
second moneys lu nearly all events.
Mgr. Sbarretti's Mission.
Paris , March , 21. A dispatch from
Rome to the Paris edition of the New
York Herald says that the pope , when
speaking to a cardinal , said life had
given Mgr. Sharrettl full power to
negotiate the Philippine question at
Washington , and that the pontiff ex
pressed the opinion that an agree
ment satisfactory to all parties would
be reached , althqugh Washington In
sisted upon not recognizing the mon
astic orders in the Philippines.
Raise Blockade of Roads.
St. Paul , March 21 , Business , on
the three transcontinental lines which
cross the state of North Dakota has
about resumed normal conditions , now
that nearly a full week has passed
Blnce the beginning of the great March
blizzard , although a few minor branch
lines remain to be cleared of enow.
Notlcoto.BrlilBO | Contractors.
Notlco is hereby niven that sealed
bltln will bo rocnivod at the county
t t clerk's olllcu at Madison , Madison
county , Nebraska , until Ili o'clock at
noon , standard time , April 12'J , 11102 , for
the erection and completion , and fur
nishing of muteri ( 1 and labor , for all
plloaud iron bridges ordered for a peilod
of ono year from data of contract.
AH bidders are required to accompany
their bids with plans and specifications
of tholr work anil n certified check of
00 00 to bo forfeited if contractor fails
to make contract or file an acceptable
bond within fifteen days from date of
letting , The board of county com
missioners reserve the right to reject
any or all bids. The party awarded the
contract will bo required to give n good
and snlllciont bond conditioned for the
faithful performance of the contract ,
with at least one surety resident of
Madison county , Nebraska ; said bond
to bo approvetl by the county board.
Dated this the 20th day of March ,
County Clerk.
Kid Gloves for Easter.
Porrina' gloves lead thorn all for dura
bility and beauty prices$1if 1 50,11.75
and $3.
Heavy street gloves , $1 , $1.50 , $1.75
nnd $2. Genuine Dent's glove's , $2.
Mocha gloves , $1 nnd $1 50.
South Sixteenth sheet ,
Omaha , Nob.
Application fo Druggist's Liquor Li
Matter of application of George B.
Ohristoph for a liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that George B.
Ohristoph did , on thelUth dav of March ,
1902 , file his application to the mayor
nnd city council of the city of Norfolk ,
Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors for medicinal ,
mechanical and chemical purposes , at
Norfolk , Nebraska , from the Oih day of
May , 1003 , to the 6th day of May , 1903.
At JNTo. U10 in First ward of said city.
If there is no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 10th day of March , 1002 , tlio said
license will bo granted.
City Clerk.
THE Nuws keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved style.
Application for Saloon Liquor License.
Matter of application of Ernil Mueller
'for ' a liquor license. '
Notice is hereby given that Emll
Mooller did , on the 17th day of March
1903 , file his application to the mayor
nnd city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska
braska , from the ( Jth day of May , 1902
to the 5th day of May , 1903 , at east y
lot 10 , block 4 , in First ward of sail
If there is no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 17th day of March , 1001 , the sail
license will bo granted.
City Clerk.
Notice of City Election.
Notice is hereby given to the qualiflet
electors of the city of Norfolk , Nebratka
he hold in the different wards on Tues
day , April 1 , 1902 , for the purpose o
electing ono mayor , one clerk , one treasurer
uror , one city engineer , one police judge
ono councilman from the First ward
one councilman from the Second ward
one councilman from the Third 'ward
one councilman from the Fourth ward
The polling places in the differen
wards shall bo as follows :
First wardiat city hall.
Second ward at Anton Bncholz's resi
Third.wnrd at Third ward hose houpo
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
Polls , shall remain open in each o
the said polling places from 9 o'clock in
the forenoon to 7 o'clock in the eveninj
of said day.
Dated Norfolk , Neb. . March 8 , 1902
S. II. McFAHLAND , Mayor.
City Clerk.
Application for SaloonLiquor License
Matter of application of William G
Bonier for a liquor license.
Notice is hereby Riven that William
O. Berner did , on the 17th day of March
1902 , file his application to the mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit
uous nud vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska
braska , from the , GUI day of May , 1902
to the 5th day of May , 1908 , at east } ( o
lot 9 , block 5 , in First ward of said city
If there is uo objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 17th day of March , 1002 , the said 11
cense will be granted.
S. R. MoFARLAvp ,
City Clerk.
Application for Druggist's Liquor Li
Matter of application of Asa K. Leon
aril for n liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Asa K
Leonard did , on the 10th day of March
1902 , file his application to the mnyo
and city council of'the city of Norfolk
Nebraska , for license to st-11 malt , Friirit
ous and vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemirnl purposes , a
Norfolk. Nebraska , from the 7th day o
May , 1002 , to the 5th day of May , 19011
at lot 2 , blopk 1 , in let ward of sahlcity
If there is no objection , remonstrauc
or protest filed within two wet Its from
the 10th day of 'March , 1902 , the said
license will be grantrd
S. R McFAiu-AND ,
City Clerk.
Notice of School Election.
Notice js hereby given that at the an
nnal election to bo held in Norfolk , Ne
broskn. on Tut sday the 1st day of April
1902 , there will be two persons chosei
as members of the board of edncation o
the Bobool district of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska , at which election the pollin
places in the various wards will bo th
same as for the city election.
First ward at ntyy hall.
Second ward nt Anton Bncholz's res !
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
All resident voters of the district out
side the various city wards shall vote n
the ciiy hall pulling place.
l-v.H-H-H H-H-M-H-Ht HWHH : l-H-H : H-hI-hH
for the New Line of Michigan Vapor
Gasoline Stoves better than ever. :
They suit everybody. Will be in '
stock soon. Also Wickless Blue i
Flame Oil Stoves.
W. H. nOCHOLZ. ProBltlent.
Norfolk ALKXANDEH IIKAU Vlco Praiidint.
K. W. ZUTZ , Caller.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sells Exchange.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Enrnpoi
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.
The wonderful discovery of oil at your very door
right here in JNebniska. in Douglas and Sarpy
bounties. We will soon , have two complete-
outfits ut. work. Now js the accepted time -
tiie poor man's opportunity. $1U to $100 in-
Tested now may make you independent. A lim < i
ited amount ot stock for sale at 25 cents a share ?
* Jn
Send for our large illustrated prospectus , and call at our ofllce , and if yom
are interested , we will take yon upon the grounds , and yon need not rely upon <
anyone's word , but use your own judgment,1 and if you are not satisfied it wilU
not cost yon one cent.
Omaha Peftoleam , Gas and Goal Company :
Capital Stock $100,000 , Fully Paid up and Non-Assesslble ,
HEARY NOTT , Treas. GEO. T. HALL , Sec. and Gen. Mgr.
Local Representatives , Norfolk , Nebraska.
Polls shall remain open at each of said
polling places from 9 o'clock in the fore
noon until 7 o'clock in the evening of
said day.
Dated Norfolk , Neb. . March 8,1902.
Attest : DANJEI.J. KoENiasTEm ,
S. R. MOFARLAND , Mayor.
City Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a rood ,
commencing at the'eastern end of the
public road now 'traveled and laid out
about twenty rods east of the- center of
'section five (5) ( ) in township twenty-
three (23) ( ) range one (1) ( ) west of the 0 p.
m. , in Mndison county , Nebraska ; and
running thence due east on side hi If
section line , and terminating nt the pub
lic road laid out and running north and
south between section three (3) ( ) and
four (4) ( ) in said township , in Madison
county , Neb. , and to vacate the road
now laid out across the north half of the
southwest quarter of section four'4) ) nnd
the north half of the southeast quarter
of section five (5) ( ) in said township as
shown by the records in the ofllce of the
county clerk of said county , has reported
AH objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed in the county
clerk's ofllce on or before nopn of the
eighth day of May , A. D 1902 , or the
former described road will be established
and the latter vacated without ; reference
thereto. EMIL , WINTER ,
County Clerk.
Sioux Oily Florist.
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Perns
Flowers shipped in fresh condition.
PI II < V. . CltvoTUv Cor. Cth nnd Plerc
Boarding Barn.
Horses Bought and Sold or
Brauch Avenue 'PHflNF '
and Third St.
fit Norfolk fladitotiam , ,
The Moabitess ,
A Dramatic Cantata of 52 Voices ,
To be fiiveu
Friday Evening , March.21,1902 , .
at the
Norfolk Auditorium
by the
, Second Congregational Church ;
under the personal supervision of Rev-
Franklin Baker.
r . . *