The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 21, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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L. L. . REMBE ,
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter. ' .
Agency for the Myors Forcd anc"
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First , door Wc t of Powt Ofllco
For riomliiog , Sitam Filling , i'unips ' , Tanln
Wind Mills
Anil nil work In tills line cull on
Bhtlifnctlnu ilnnriuilooil.
Flrit iloor West of Ahlman'i Illojrolo Bliop.
Learn ortlori nt Ttlophouo II Ml.
n. T. HOLDER ,
Ilomooputhlo rhyBlcInn and Burgeon
Olllcs , Gitltani National Hnnk Ilulldluff.
Tolophouo 101. ,
Sanitarium nml ItoiUIanoo , Mnln niul Hlh 8k
Tolephouo 0.
Norfolk , ' . Nebraska ,
Osteopnthlc Physician. ,
both ncntn niul clironlo
treated without UBO of driifrMor kimo ,
riiono No , V 51 , Ofllco at roaldonco
100 North 10th Btfoot ,
Norfolk ! Nqbroaltn
g < J. COLE ,
Onico over Oltlron'e Nntlnnnl Itnnlc , Koahlanoi
one block north of CounrogittluiiAl church ,
Norfolk , Nobraskt
Fashionable Hrosfltuakcr. ,
Up stain In I Cotton block , ovar Hitutn'a etor *
Flrat-clnei work KUiuuutowd.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Osteopathic PhyslcianrJS
Koonu ovorllloyoa' IJowolryJHotmo. NorfoU
Uiulortakorsiand Kmbalmora ,
Sessions Illk , , Norfolk Avo.
Norfolk , Nebraska
firay and TransfeMLine.
'Household Goods Moving a. Specialty ,
Telephone 103. ! fJMU Prom'ptlyAiivaro _ > i'
.i . T" * * All Work GimrnntotHl. '
Special risndolln and OulUr Lenon * 250 ,
Voice Culture a Specialty.
t i * ---JT ?
Piano Moving a'Speclalty. " * !
'Phono 58. 0 tils Promptly Auswored
Manicuring , . , . . _ .
Shampooing ,
' Baths.
0. 447.
Rooins'oa Xorbh Ninth Street
Made a
Well Man
; v of Me.
produces the above resalU In 30 days. It met *
powerfully and quickly. Cures whoa all others fill.
xonng men will regain their lost manhood , and old $
men will recover their youthful vigor by ulna
BEV1VO. It quickly and surely restores Merron * $
ness. Lost Vitality , Impotency , Nightly Emissions.
, Loet Power , Falling Memory. Wanting Disease * , and
oil effects ot self-abuse or excess and Indiscretion , $
which unfits one for study , business or marriage. II
not only cures by starting bt the Beat ot disease , but
Ua great nerre toolo and blood builder , bring ,
lug back the pink clew to pale cheeks and re
storing the flro of'youth , Il > wards off Jnaanltj
and OontumpUon. Inilatog baring ZlBVIVOtoo
ether. It can bo carried In veat pocket. Dr mall ,
91AO per package , or six tor 90.00 , wilt * poal-
tlvowritten Kiiftrantee to onre or raroad
the money. Book and ndrlse free. Address
For sale In Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Geo. B. Ohristoph ,
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madlion Medl
cine Co. , Madlion , Wlfl. I
Keep * ypn well. Our tradi
mark cut on each package
Price , 35 cents. fVtytr 5oli
In bulk. Accept nq.fubitl
* I tute. Aik your
Fifty Thousand Participate In Chicago
Chicago , Mnruli 21. Knighthood
flowered In Chicago ycatonlny wltfi all
the pomp that marks the hrothorhood
of chivalry and nocrot vowa. It wan
the dny that had boon sot apart an ono
ot jtihlloo for nil Knights of' Pythias
In the mipromo domain , nnd 50,000
members of the order wqro In attend
ance. They poured Into the city front
dawn until dunk , ndornod wlUi badges ,
or rcHplondont In trapping of gold
lace , pliimoH and swords , Prodigal of ,
JmmlHlmkoH and , chcory greetings , they
thronged the corridors of every np
pointed rcmler.votm , marched through
the fitrootH and finally nmiembled at
the Coliseum In miuh numbcni that
Uioiinantln were turned away. Thoflo
that were barred from the hall of conclave -
clavo gathered olflowhoro. All supreme
premo and grand ofllcorn who had
boon able to reach town lu time wcro
ontortulnod at luncheon by Orand
Chnncollor GharlcH 13. Cuuhinan In the
Grand Central hotel.
In the ovonlng there was a parade
of ninny lodgeo , the marching route
lying bolwncn the Mnuonlc tcinplo and
tho. Cojj oum ' * , The " formal program
of OKorclsofl' at tTio" ColiBoiim'begnn
with the rltuallHtlc boiitowul of now
honors upon Uio candidate of the Mil
waukee ledge team , Governor La. Pol-
lotto , who was oncortcd Into the
crowded hall amid chocra.
The Bpoctaclo at the Coliseum did
not conio to an end until far Into the
night. Today the visiting Knights
will attend various Informal ontcr-
talnmontH planned for thorn by manr ,
of the local ledges and will return to
their homes Sunday.
Search Falls to Account for Missing
Iowa College Freshman.
drlnnell , la. , March 21. The myrf-
tcry surrounding the disappearance of
hey McNamara , the Iowa college
freshman , IB deepening and the college
faculty has Invoked the aid of the
entire police force of the state In the
search for the missing student. The
search HO far has boon unsuccessful.
The boy's father , Rev. J. B. McNa-1
nmra of Onawa , arrived hero yester
day and oxprosHCB his belief that his
son 1mH hecomq deranged and that lie
Is now wandering about the country.
Declines the Cal | to Tabor , ' ' *
BHdgOport , Conn. , March 21.-rRov.
William II. Sallmon , pastor of the
Bduth Congregational cliurch of this
city , has dot-lined the call to the presi
dency of Tabor college , Iowa , extend
ed to him laat 'week. It Is said that
the presidency of another college In
the west Is likely to be offered to him
South Dakota Republicans.
RlniiY Pnlls. Mnrali 21. At n moot-
Ing hero last night thb Republican
state committee selected Sioux Falls
. _ J4ho place and Juno 4 as the date for
holding the state convention.
Features of the Day's Trading arid
Closing Quotations.
iMildiK" . March - 0.Ornlti marketn fol
lowed n nt-Wous ami erratic courmtoday. .
Speculators wore ntlwrw to tlic conildern-
tlon of ajiylliltiB but weatflier rrirarts nnd
tlnw brlii nlxindantly tn'tirlMi prlcua lld
downward uiUll whrnt soi.inol to hove ar-
Ived nt an > export liurds. , tjtrge mile * on
; ho doi'llnc ivvlvuil the dormant bull arntlt
nionl niul belied ether pttn H mpathetlcally.
At the clone &Iiir whcirt wim it sbarfr higher -
er , Mar rvrn Xic lower nnd _ W y o"t
"lower. ITnvtHlons clowil
Ulonlnj ; prftrti
Corn Mny , (501iu ( ; July , ( KVfti1.
( Ints-Miijv tWft July , 35V4o. \
Vork-May , * IS-r U % ; Jaily.
Hlba-Mny. ' JH.W1 ; ' Jiilyf
ChlcnRo CttnU Prices .Vo. U roif wheat ' ,
81fitf o ; No. 3' rM wlion4 , TKJitWe : No , :
rltiR wheat. TWtJT-te ; Nn. 2 hard wheat ,
14i7-H4c : No 3 hard wheat , 7iV4iT- : < Vic ( :
No. S iiiHli c rn , r > "V/jf > 8\v No. , < T yellow
eorn , fiS ilitfiO ' * ; Nix " oasni onts , 4lfi ! > 4 1c ;
No. 2 white oata , 41 % ® 15 ; No. 3 = white"
' " "
oats ,
Chicago Live Stock.
Clilengo , Mnieh aX-Cutttr-Uccelprt , 8.-
000 , Incluilliiir six enrs of Trxaim ; beavy
steady , other * " trou to IDhlgherr flood
to prime nteer . ? H.73 < STil ° ; Rood to UIH.
( Hum , $ t.'jr > ( niJ ! < 0 ; stivki > rs and foetlhio.
$ 'J.WXj | < i.OO ; cows , $ l.U5i i.nO ; helfcrsv JiTiOl
a .00 ; caniierM , $ l.i' ra.40 ; bulls , $ i.WXi ? |
5.00 ; calves , t.OOi < ) .W ; Texas fed steora , ,
JS.OOQU.OO. Ifosrt-Kewlpts toilay , .17,000 ; '
tomorrow , ,12,000 ; left 6ver. 5,000 ; liulk solil
fKSlOc lower ; mlnnl utul butchers.
O.r > 0 ; Rood to choti'o lieary ,
roiiRh heavy , $ fl.10i JCKlit ; ; \ \ , tr .
bulk of sales , | ! ( it. V , SIieep-UncelptH ,
15,000 ; nheep ami lambs steady to lOcJileh'
; Rood to choleo wethers , J.l.Ort S.CiO ;
fair to choice mixed , $4.405rr .00 ; western
sheep , Jl.TMiii.OO ; native lambs , $4.00 ®
O.OOi-'wostcrn lauibs , | r > .2aT0.00. ,
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City. March SO.--Cattle-Kecc4pt8 ,
1'JOO ; Htcaily to simile lower to shade high
pr ; choice beef stecru , ? O.SOg(1.70 ( ( ; good to. .
ralr , Jir.OOigiUKi ; stockers anil feeders , S3.U5
JI5.-T > ; western fed steers. fT.20 < 7tfl.OOt na
tive cows , J.'l.asaO. ' i ; heifers , * : i.75Cl0.10 ;
cauncrs. * ± MXTW.23 ; bulls , f,1.2JVJMi.V ) ;
calves , $ I.SOfitI.OO. HoBs-llccelpts , 7,700 ;
Rteady to He lower ; top , $ ( I.5T ; bulk of n < ea ,
$0.10 < ft < 5.4ri ; heavy , $0.40 < ii0.ri3 ; mixed patk.
ers. ia.U03U.ra ; light , * 3.UT © 0.23 ; plga.
$5.10r > .K > . Sheep-llccflpts , UOO ; st ady ;
native InmbH , 10.25 0.00 ; western litmbs ,
$0.20 0.40 ; native wethers ,
western wethers , ? 5.306.60.
South Omaha 'Live Stock.
South I Omaha , March 20-Cattte Ut-
cclptH , 2,300 ; native atcers. 4.22V/a .7t5 ;
cows and heifers. la.DQfRS.SO ; western
steers , ? 4.00fi0.6Qj Tv'xni } steers , I3.73S4.75 ;
winners , Jl.fVaa.QOisSwcVors and floors ,
$3.00 ® t. 23 ; calves , $4.087.00 ; bulls , tas .
etc. , $2.7&ff4.75. HOBS-Uecclots. 12,800 ;
slow to 6c loiyer ; hoary , JO.COS0.40 ; mixed.
$0.10Ctfl.23 ; llglit , , $5.76 < a < J.16 ! plju , $4.50.3 .
5.GO ; bulk of' vales , $0.10 0.30. > 8hoop Uc-
celpts , 2,800 ; steady ; faA puttong , | 5.00 }
5.00 ; westerus , ' $4,25 < af 85 ; , .ewes , $3.75 i
5.00 ; coramiiiiti n < > 4 ' jftpckers , ' $3.00(34:00 ( : ;
lambs , $5 5 0.09 , "
St. Joseph Live S ock. '
St. Joseph , March W/-p mc necclpts ,
1,300 ; steady ; natives. $5.250.00 ; cows
and helfprs , $1.50 < a5.75 : veals. $3-50@O.OOj
atockera and fecUers , $ Z25g6.QC. ( Jlogu-
Itecelp s , 7,000 ; 5 10o lower ; light and
light mixed , $3.25QO.S3 ; medium . nod
ht-ary , $0.2XSO.COj plgu. $3.850,0.15.
Expert from Marine Hospital Service
Ordered to Nebraska.
Washington , March 21. The marlnn
hospital service has decided to cooperate -
ate with the Nebraska state authori
ties In fighting the spread of small
pox in that stato. In response to a
telegram from the state board of
health at Lincoln , announcing that a
largo number of cases of smallpox
oxlutcd In Nebraska and asking that
an export bo sent to advlso with the
otato ofllclals In the work of eradicat
ing the epidemic , Hon. Werton Halter ,
who has made a record for such eor-
vlco In Virginia , Georgia and elsewhere -
whore , ban been qrdercd to Nebraska.
Dr. Werton Hakor Is aJroady on routo.
Ruseo-Pcrslan Agreement.
London , March 21. The Times un
derstands that Persia has concluded
an agreement with Husula , under the
tormn of which Pornla is to got a loan
of 10,000,000 roubles and la to glvo
Russia n concession for a new road
from Tabriz to Tclicran ,
_ _ , _ _ . _ . _
j _ t f v-r * * * 'Mi > MrwB
Attorney Stricken In Court.
Qulnofi Ilia. , March 21. General Q.
D. Hamilton , ajpromlnaat attorney and
politician and a leader Iu Grand Army
circles , died suddenly ycflterday , aged
G4 years. While rc.aoutluK an argu
ment before tuc circuit court , Qcuaral
Hamilton suddenly staggered and sink
into his ctittlr dead.
Itovr Utah Can a Balloon Rlief
The altitude that mny be attained
by a balloo * Uopcnds , llrst , upuu Ita
slr.o ; secondly , upon the Ullliu ; of ffas ,
and , thirdly , upon the weight being
cnrriud. \ balloon of < ordiuury ulec ,
ii,000 ; cublO' feet , carrying the smallest
weight that Is , one person 'when filled
with illuminating gas mny reach 20,000
Coot , but wlien UlleOi with hydrogen
27,000 feet. In order to ascend higher
we tlrst of all need a bigger balloon.
Ono may say It was n happy chance
that the Itnynl Meteorological Institute
of Berlin was provided with n balloon
of the unusual dimensions of 300,000
cubic feot. The German elnpcror fur
nished 500 for making experiments
with It , nnd the Meteorological Insti
tute decided to make use of this op
portunity for studying the highest re
gions of atmosphere. llarpor's Maga
> i .
A Rnd Way to Feed Bird * .
It Is quite n commofi'practico for per
sons owning pet birds fd't'cuch them tu
take bits of sugar1 or other foodHlked
by the bird from Uio'llps.'It has-been
discovered that the trainers of young
birds in Europe frequently contract in
this way n peculiar parasitic growth on
the throat and lungs' that is frequently
fatal , and a warning' lias been Issued
by French physlclails which may well
bo heeded by any one feeding birds
from mouth to beak.
II All
A student , long ago nsked the presi
dent of Obcrlln college iMio coul4 not
lie permitted to taken shorter course
of study.
"Oh , yes , " replied the president , "but
that depends upon what you want to
make of yourself. When God wants to
make nn oak , he takes a hundred
years , but when he wants to-.make a
squash lie takes six months , " In
A P rcIioloBlcnl Dcdactlern.
"My dear. " said the wife of the emi
nent professor , "the hens have scratch- ,
cd up all tbut eggplant seed you sow- '
cd. " t
"Ah , Jealousy , " mused Oie professor.
And he sat down1 and : wrote a twenty
page article on "The Development of
Envy In the Sllnds- the Lower Grade
of Bipeds. " Baltimore American.
Emotfon < Wi 4rd.
"It was terrible even to see the vil
lain die , " said the emotional girl at the
"Oh , eonsoledithe-old lady , "ha
would have'died anyway. Did you no
tlce how many cigar9tte he smoked ? "
Surgeon Knife Not Weeded.
Surgery is no longer necessary to onro
piles. DeWltt's "Witch Hazel Salvo
cures such coses at ouoe , removing the/
necessity for dangerous , , painful and
expensive operation- For ; acalds.cnts ,
burns wounds , bruises , sore nsd skin dia- ;
eases it is unequalledBo word of counter *
feita. The Kelsau Drug-Ob- . ,
Foley's Kidney Onro makes the kidney -
ney nnd bladder right. Contains nothing - .
ing injurious. A. It Kiosau.
' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream LJalm , wMch is ngroe.-
ably aromatic. It is rocoivodlthrouch the
nostrils , cleanses an Jl heals Ute -whole BUT-
wuiuu it
l the COo. size ; Trial si a by mail , 10
cinta. Test it ami you.txro Sura to continna
tlio treatment. '
Announcement . ? 1 *
To accommodate those wiio are partial
to the BSO of ntoinizors in applying liquids
into the nasal pasaages for eatarrfial tfou
&tttt the iiropriotorsjpropftro Cream Balm io.
liqtiid form , which will bo known as Ely's
Xiiqurd Cream Balm. Price including tha
tpruying tuba is Tflconts. Dnfggistsor by
mail. The liquidform embodies Uirned- _
icinal properties of the solid preparation./
Practittnlly Starving.
"After using ; a few bottles of Kodo
Dyspepsia Ouro received perfect am
permanent relief from > a severe and
chronic case of stomach trouble , " say *
J.R.Holly , ' real estate , insnranoo and
loan agent , of Macomb , HI. J' Before
using Kodol Dyspepsia , Onre she ooulc
not eat an ordinary m.eol with' but intense
suffering. She i not entirely ourod
SoveraLphysiclans and many romodlof
had failed to give relief. You don't have
to diet. Eat any good food yon want
don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
popsia Onro will always digest it fo
you , The Klbsau Drag Go. , .
Having a , Run op
CpuVh Remedy.
Between tho'Eours of Cloven 0'clpc ]
a.m. and , closing time at night onr Jai
? 5th , 1901 , A. F ; Clark , druggist , Qlad
Springs , Va , sold twelve bottles of
Onamborlaln's Oough Remedy. Ho says ,
"I never handled n medicine that sold
better or gave bettor satisfaction to my
customers. " This Remedy has been iu
general use in Vergluia for maily years ,
and the people there are 'well ac
quainted with its excellent qualities.
Many , of them have testified to the
remarkable cures which it has effected ,
Whou yon need n good , reliable medicine
for a cough or cold , or attack of the grip ,
UHO Chamberlain's Oough Remedy and
yon are certain to bo more than pleased
with the quick onro which it affords.
For sale by The Klesau Drug Oo ,
There's no boanty iu all the land ,
That can with bur face compare.
Her lips are rod , her eyes are bright ,
She takes Rooky Mountain Tea at
night. Goo. B. Ohristoph.
Raw or Inflamed Lungs
yield rapidly to the wonderful curative
and healing qualities of Foloy's Honey
and Tar. It prevents pneumonia and
consumption from a hard cold settled on
the lungs. A. H. Kieeau.
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
The following letter from A. J. NUB-
baum , of Bateavillo , Ind. , tolls its own
htory. "I suffered for three months
with a so vero cold. A druggist prepared
mo seine medicine , and a physician pre
scribed for mo , yet I did not improve.
I then tried Foloy's Honey and Tar , and
eight doses cured mo , " Rofuio substi
tutes. A. H. KiosBU.
Would Smash the Club.
If members of the "
"Hay FeTor Ai-
ociatiou" would use Dr. King's New
) i8ooTory for Consumption , the club
would go to pieces , for it olway * cures
; his malady , and asthma , the kind that
jatlloB the doctors-it wholly drivea from
ie system. Thousands of ouce-hopolosa
ufferori from consumption , pneu
monia , bronchitis owe their livea and
loalth to it. It conquers grip , saves
ittlo ones from croup and whooping
onghnuctis positively guaranteed for
11 throat nnd lung troubles , 59o , 81.00.
Trial bottles free at A. H. Keisau.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
mt never follows the use of Foloy's
lonoy and Tar. .It stops the cough ,
icals and strengthens the lungs nnd of-
ords perfect security from nn attack of
neninouia. Refuse substitutes.
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ? remedy for coughs and colds
flail right , but you want something
hat will relieve and onre th e more so-
ere and dangerous results of throat'
nd lung troubles. ' What shall you do ?
Go .to a warmer and , more regular cli'-l
inate ? Yea , if possible ; if not possible
or yonr < then in either case take the
nly remedy that has been introduced
n all civilized countries with success in
evere throat and lung troubles. "Bos-
hee's German Syrup. " It not only
eals and stimulates the tissues to de-
troy the germ disease , but 'allays in
animation , causes easy expectoratioq ,
ives a good night's rest , and cures th'e
atient. Try one * bpttle. Recom
mended many years by all druggists in
'he world. Got Green's Prize almanac.
v. P. Kiesau.
When von wnlm nn ontti < . K J * „ „ ! .
' w * | j tVAUU U LJUU lllola
n your month you may know that you
eed a dose Chamberlain's Stomach nnd
Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your
tomach , improve your appetite and
make yon feel like a new man. They
re easy to take , being sugar coated , and
jleasant in effect. For 84le by Kiesan
Drug Co.
La grippe coughs yield quickly to the
onderful curative qualities of Foley'
ioney and Tar. There is nothing elfie
'just as good. " A. H. Klesau.
_ . . ThxsyiceOfNagginfc
Jlouds the happiness ot the home.
mtK nagging woman of ton needs help. ,
she may be so- nervous nnd rnn-dovm
n health that trifles annoy her. If she ,
8 melanpholy , . meltable , troubled with
DBS or appetite , headache , sleeplessness ,
onstipntfon or fainting or 'dizzy spells ,
ho needs Electric BHtore , the most
wonderful remedy for ailing women.
Thousands of Cofferers- from female
roubles , nervous troubles backache and
weak kidneys hare used-it , and be-
: ome healthy and happy. Try itr. . Only-
Oc , A-.HVKieisan guarantees satisfaction.
Fbley's-Hbney and-Tar
Cures coughs and colds.
Onres bronchitis and-asthma.
Cures-croup and whooping cough.
Cures hoarseness and brochial troubles.
Cares-pneumonia and1 la grippe. A.
H. Kiesan. *
A Printer Grcntly , Surprised.
' I never was so much surprised in my
ife as I was with the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm , " says' Henry
T. Cook , pressman of the Ashevilld
N.O. ) Gazette. "L contracted.-a severe
cose of rheumatism early lost winter by
getting my feet wet. I tried several
hings for it without benefit. One ! day
while loe&iugover the Gazette , I noticed
hat Pain Balm- was positively guar
anteed to- cure rheumatism' , so bought
a bottloof it nnd beforausinetwo-thlrdE
of it my rheumatism had taken Its flight
and I have not have a rheumatic- pain
since. " Sold by. Kiesau Drug Co.
i o win never wisn to take another
dose of pills If you once try Ohambor-
ain's. Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
are easier to take and more pleasant in
effect. They cleanse the . stomach ant !
regulate-the liver and bowels. For sale
by Ktesan Drug Co.
Lockjaw From Cobwebs. .
Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a
woman lockjaw. 'Millions know that
the best thing to put on a out IB Buck
len'B Arnica Salvo , the infallible healer
of wounds , ulcers , sores , skin erup
tions , burns , scalds and piles. It curea
or no pay. Only 95o at A.H. Kelsau a
drug store.
Every Drop Counts.
Remember that when you ore rubbing
Perry Davis' Painkiller on amusolo tha
boa be n strained by overwork. Down
into the tiny pores of the skin Painkiller
works its way , soothing the inflamed
tissuQs and. taking away the ache. Ask
your druggist what bis other customers
say of this household benefactor. There
U but oneJPalnkiller , Perry Davis' .
* Cough'Settled oh Her Lungs.
"Mydaughlerhad a terrible cough
which settled'on1'herv '
lungs ; says N
Jackson , of DauvillorHI. "We tried a
great many remedies without relief
until wo gave her Foley'a Honey am
'Tar , whioh cured her. " Refuse snbati
tutoa. A , H , Kiesan.
Question Answered.
Yes , August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were
scarce , and they seldom heard ot nppoii
dloltlB , nervous prostration or heart fail
ure , oto. They used August Flower to
clean out the Byntom and stop fermenta
tion of undigested food , rognlato the
action of the liver.stlmulato the nervous
and organic action of the system , nud
that is all they tjok when fooling dull
and bad with headaches and other aches.
Yon only need a few doses of Green's
August Flower , in liqnid form , to make
yon satisfied there IB nothing serious the
matter with you. Got Green's Prize
almauao. A. H Kits u.
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Dr.Klng's Now
Life Pills IB daily coming to light. No
such grand remedy for liver and bowel
trouble was over known before. Thou
sands bless them foroariug constipation ,
sick headache , biliousness , jaundice
and indigestion. Try them. 2Go at
A. H. Koisau's drug store.
Dangers of Pneum6nia.
A cold nt this time if neglected Is li
able to cause pneumonia which is so
often fatal , and even when the patient
ms recovered the lungs are weakened ,
naklug them peculiarly susceptible to
he development of consumption.
Foley'a Honey and Tar will stop the
cough , heal and strengthen the lungs
and provoutpnoumonia. A , H. Kit IT u
Could Not Breathe.
Doughs , colds , croup , grip bronchitis ,
other throat and lung troubles are
quickly cured by Ono Minute Oough
Cure. One Minute Oough Onro ii not a
more expectorant , which gives cu y
relief. It softens and liquifies the mucous ,
Iraws out the inflammation and removes
he cause of the disease. Absolutely safe.
Acts at onco.-One Minute Cough Onre
will do all that is claimed for it , "says
'natice of the Peace J. Q Hood , Crosby ,
Miss."My wife could not get her breath
and was relived by the first dose. It has
teen a benefit to all my family. " The
tlesau Drag Co.
t * _ _ _ _
Restores vim , vigor , mental and phye-
cal power , fills your body -with warm ,
ingling life. That' ? what Rocky
tlountain Tea does. 85c. . Geo. B.
Ohristoph. ' ,
Chronic Diarrhoea.
Mr 0 , B. Wingfield , of Fair Play , Mo. ,
vho suffered irom chronic dysentery
or thirty-five'years , says Olmmbflrlaln's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
ltd him more good than any other ,
aodiciuo he had ever used. For sale by
The Kiesan Drag Oo.
For The Complexion.
The complexion always , suffers from
liHoushess or constipation. Unless the
> owels are kept open the impurities-
rom tlio body appear in the form of un-
ightly eruption. De Witt's Little Early
Users keep the'livtr and bowels in
i > althy condition and remove the cause
of such troubles. O E.Hooper.of Albany ,
Go , "I took De '
, says : Witt's Little Early
lisers for biliousness. They were jnst
what I needed. I am feeling better now
ilmn in vears. " Nnw > r irrin nr
5afe , thorough and gentle. The very
best pills. The Kiesau Drug Co.
Can You Imagine
a speck of matter 1-150 of an inch in di
ameter. Some of the air cells in the hn-
nan lungs are no bigger than that.
When yon have a cold , these tiny cells
are clogged with mucus or phlegm.
Allen's Lang Balsam , in curing a cold ,
clears the- tiny air-passages of effete
matter and heals the inflammation in
he bronchial tubes.
Thou hast strange notions for one so
young a substitue to think that tboa art
ho some as Rocky Mountain Tear made
> y the Madison Medicine Co , GeoB. .
Motice , of Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
and directed to me by the clerk of the-
llstrict court of MudisoiL county , Ne-
> raska , upon a decree of foreclosure ren
dered by the district court of Madison
county , Nebraska , on the 10th day of
November , L900 ( iu favor of Ferdinand.
? asowalk for the sum of f 130. KO. with
nterest thereon from November 19,1900) ) .
at 10 per cent ) , , peir annum together with
J11.68 , costs of suit , and accruing costs ,
n an action * wherein Ferdinand Paso-
walk plaintiff r and Fred Sohwl moist er
and Ida Schwlmeister are defendants , I
will offer the promises described in said
decree and taken as the property of saidi
defendentft , towit : Lot four (4) ( ) .
n block three (3) ( ) , of Paaewalk's third
addition to the city of Norfolk in Madi
son county , Nebraska , for sale atrpublic
mction to the highest ) bidder for cash in
iiand on the 1st day of April , 19Q2 , at
the hour of l'o'clock ; p , m. ; at the east
front door of the court house at Madison
en said county and state- , that being the
building wherein the last term of said
court was hold , when nnd whore due at
tendance will be given by the under-
Dated this 31st day of February , 1902.
Sheriff of said county.
arc Nature's warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased heart. If you would
avoid debilitating diseases , or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings. Strengthen the
heart's muscles , quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate , its
action with that greatest of all
heart remedies , Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure. *
"Dartlmf pains through mf
heart , l ft side and arm would
bo followed by smothering , hcnrfc
spisjuB and fttluUag. Dr. Miles *
fle&rt Oure lias entirely rolicvcd
mo f tkedo troubles. "
256 Kewauaec St. , Milwaukee , Wb.
Do Miles'
Heat Cte
controls the heart action , acccl-
crates the circulation and builds ,
up the entire system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. . Elkhnrt. Ind. ,
are the most fatal of all dis- >
rULCI 0 Guarantor Rmedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized' by emi-
lent physicians as the best fof
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c.andI.OO.
I L * L.
yXWTi ! ! * CPftcrti
. '
r/mitMWwiTHTHt /
romnuLA ,
IES mawcs , *
For Sale by George-B. Ohriatoph.
* f AMTI
Pain Pills.
Al 2S
Ely's Cream Balm
Ci ei Rallcl at onct.
It cleontee , soothes and
heals the diseased mem
brane. It cures Catarrh.
and drives Colti U ft V F R
away n P V F
H T Bo C Bl
In th Ilead qufckly. It 1
Is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Membrane.
Itf stores the Seneea of Taeto and SnielU Full alza
DOc. ; Trial Hizo luc. ; attUrniKlBts or by mall.
KLY BUOTIIEUS. 68 Warren Street , New York.
" The liniment bottle and flannel strip are
familiar objects in nearly every household.
They are the weapons that have been used for
generations to fight old Rheumatism , and are
about as effective in the battle with this giant
disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers
would be in modern warfare.
Rheumatism is caused by an acid , sour
condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid , irritating matter that settles
In the joints , muscles and nerves , and liniments and oils nor nothing '
else applied externally can dislodge these gritty , corroding particles , They '
were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood.
Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and
pains , but these are only symptoms'which are'liable to return with every i
change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper , the blood and system. ,
are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured
until the blood has been purified , and no remedy docs this so thoroughly
and promptly as S. 8. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream
of rich , strong blood to the affected parts , which
dissolves and washes out all foreign materials , and the
; | X sufferer obtains happy relief from the orturing pains ,
1 t 8. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral , but
- " is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most
exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise , without charge , all who
Write about their case , and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism
and its treatment. _ _ . . . THE 8WIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga. _ j