The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 21, 1902, Image 1

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N011FOLTC , NEBlUSItA MAIlOH 21 1902
'Opposes Root Bill Creating a
New Staff.
'Charges That It Opens the Doors to
Favorltlom and Declares He Would
Resign If the Measure Becomes a
Xaw In Its Present Form.
Wa hlngtoB , Marck 21. Osneral
'Noftnn A. M yoiUrday told th
eoiiftto oomuitteo OB military affair *
tkftt K tko bin Imtreduood by Senator
Wawl 7 at fcho inetanao of the war
'dapartmont for tko orcmnicatlo * of a
general etaff fr tko army ikovld bo-
ftosio a law ho would daoUno to Ion cor
held kt cociBriieiou. Tko roaioa he
gat tor tko BfatoMomt IB tfcat tko MH
IB vMorly rakvwaiTo of tko imtoroat *
f ft * RHuKj octeWiiHMont and ka
eait ttat ko woold mot ko a partto
i evok a r o di g io the oxtoat OTO
. of ooattattec to kold klu plaoo.
Tko Btto at wa ttiUo i Uio
tureo of a prelongod keartag ky tke
eiMtiuittM , wktok was ocadnotod bo-
Wfiadi otocod doors and la wkloh Qem-
iral Miles touched upou a rarlety of
eubjootB oonneoUU with the army.
TJho portion of the bill to which he
directed his especial criticism is that
contained in section 7 , reading as fol
lows :
"That from and after the passage
of this act the senior general officer
of the army shall be assigned to com
mand such portion of the army as the
president may direct , or be detailed to
duty in the general staff corps. All
duties prescribed by law for the com.
mandlng general of the army shall be
performed by the chief of general
staff or other general officer designat
ed by the secretary of war ; provided ,
SQ long as the present lieutenant gen
eral of the army continues on the ac
tive list , he shall be the chief of the
general staff , and upon the separation
from active service of the said lieuten
ant general of the army said office , ex
cept as herein provided , shall cease
and determine. "
General Miles said that If this provision -
vision should become a law It would
1 have the effect of destroying the unity
. of the army.
Ho called attention to the clause re-
' llevlng him ( the senior general ) of
command and making it possible for
any other officer to be appointed. He
declared that under section 7 It would
bo competent to one day promote a
captain to the position of a' , brigadier
nnd the next 'lay make himyhlef of
staff , thus practically placing a cap-
at the head of the army.
Warming up somewhat , ho asserted
that the bill was calculated to accom
plish no purpose except to allow Oo
secretary of war and the adjutant
general to promote the .Interests of
their personal favorites.
- In the course of his remarks Gen
eral Miles told the committee that
with the bill a law he could now name
the men who would hold the places of
honor provided under it , but the com-
xnlttee did not ask .for the names.
Criticisms Excite War Department.
The news of General Miles' state
ments excited great Interest at the
"war department when it became
known late in the day. There was a
very general inquiry as to whether. *
hy passing the criticisms upon various
officials , as reported In the press , Gen-
ral Miles had not exposed himself to
disciplinary treatment.
The omission by the president of
Tils usual ride yesterday afternoon
and the fact that ho nnd Secretary
Hoot were In confetence for nearly
four hours , led to the supposition that
they were discussing General Miles'
testimony. This however , was au
. ,
error , for they were talking about an
army regulation and the secretary
was unaware of the testimony until
ho returned to the war department
very late In the afternoon. Secretary
Hoot exhibited little feeling when his
attention was called to the proceedIngs -
Ings before the committee. Ho re
f marked quietly that ho was sorry
General Miles opposed this bill. He
pointed out that under section 7 , of
which General Miles complained , the
lieutenant general would have greatly
enlarged powers In army management.
Instead of being restricted in > ' '
functions , as ho supposed. As to the
question whether General Miles had
eald anything which would require ac
tion at the hands of the department or
the president , the secretary firmly de
clined to express any opinion for the
present at least , preferring to await
an official copy of the committee hear
Ing before reaching any decision.
Hanna Names Committee.
M New York , March 21. Senator Ban
na yesterday named the members of
Iho commlttoo on. conciliation of the
Civic Federation , whoso appointment
vras provided for at the last meeting of
the executive committee. His appoint
ments are : Archlblshop Ireland , Bish
op Potter , Franklin McVeagh , John
Mitchell , Frank E. Sargent , James
Duncan , J. Kruttschnlt , William H.
Pfahlor and Marcus M. Marks. This
committee Is to take up threatened
troubles between capitalists and workingmen -
ingmen with a view to settling them.
Puts Ban Upon Sunday Ball.
Des Molnes , March 21. The Naglo
bill , prohibiting the playing of base
ball or foot ball on Sunday , passed
the house by a vote of 59 to 1C.
Hardman , Peck & Co. Suffer Lots of
$300,000 by Fire.
New York , March 21. Hardman ,
PouU & Co. , plnno manufacture , Buf
fered a loss of $800,000 by the de
struction lust might by flro of their
plant , looatad nt West Forty-eighth
Btroot nnd the North river. The flro
started from BORIS unknown causa In
the packing room , which Is In the
three-story partof the blc factory. From
there it quickly spread throuchout
the entire bulldlnc. The roof of the
building f ) l In Boon afterwards , and
gave rl o to tfe report tliat there had
boon an explosion. Just woat of the
tbtM-Btory building , which waa about
101 foot lm length , and richt on the
rlvor fr at , teed a frame stable. Om
tko roof of thl were a number of flro-
uo . TTkea the walla fell a lot of
4 brla f U oft tko roof of the ntablo ,
Imjvriae * * o arcnaa and one a cta-
tor. Frfcai to r t monUoned bulldlnc
the irft 9r kd to bko flrm'a five-story
tntftturo and wrooUod tke upper part
of It. Th IMI woe largo heaauso ot
tko T luAl l niuikimorr amd woods in
Two Nofrooc KilUri by White Men
and Throe More Fatally Beaten.
Paduaak , Maroh M. At Madrid
Band. Ky. , om the TonnoBsee line , two
negroes wore killed by wulto men
and tkree probably fatally beaten.
Elijah Drake , colored , it is claimed ,
vraa caught stealing chickens and was
attacked by enraged whites , being
driven into the Mississippi river and
shot dead. The body floated to shore
and the white men made another ne
gro tie a rope around the neck and
pull him out to deep water. The
white men then attacked four other
negroes , living in the neighborhood ,
and who , it is claimed , were implicat
ed. The negroes showed flght and In
the melee that followed Jim Stewart ,
colored , was shot and Instantly killed.
The other three negroes were then al
most beaten to death. Further trouble
Is feared and the governor has been
asked to offer a reward for the appre
hension and punishment of the mur
Senate Ends Debate on Measure for
Protection of Executive.
Washington , March 21. Throughout
yesterday's session of. the senate the
bill providing for the protection of
tno president 01 uio uniieu
was under discussion. Just before ad
journment an agreement was reached
to vote on the measure and pending
amendments at 4 o'clock this after-
npon. The speakers were Rettus
( Ala. ) , Hawley ( Conn. ) and Nelson
( Minn. ) In support of the bill and-Raw-
lina ( Utah ) , McCumbftr. ( N. D. ) , Mallory -
lory ( Fla. ) , Carmack . ( Tenn. ) and
Money and McLaurln ( Miss. ) in oppo
sition to It. The the > maln
were a reinforcement of arguments
that have been advanced heretofore ,
few new points belns raised. The
principal point made'by the opponents
of the measure- was thatk'federal 'offi
cials ought'to be treatod-ln' thj courts
as are other citizens. Three sub&tl-
tutes for the bill are pending and w ll
be pressed when the voting begifts.
House Disposes of Only Thirty Pages
of the Measure.
Washlngtop , March 21. The housp
yesterday made very slow progress on
the river and harbor bill , disposing of
only 30 pageg and leaving 50 pages
still to bo considered. The river and
harbor committee again succeeded In
defeating every amendment offered.
Bellamy ( N. C. ) during the day took
occasion to denounce the Crumpacker
proposition to investigate southern
election laws as designed to stir up
sectional strife. Ho appealed to the
conservative Republicans to defeat
the measure.
Fitz Wants Guarantee.
New York , March 21. Replying to
telegrams from the Century Athletic
club of Los Angeles , Cal. , Robert Fitz-
Simmons yesterday wired that club
that Jio would accept their proposition
provided they guaranteed the contest
ants $25,000 , and with certain other
stipulations concerning compliment
ary tickets and prices.
Fife's Case In Jury's Hands.
St. Joseph , Mo. , March 21. The
case of Stewart Fife , charged with the
murder of Frank Richardson , which
Is being tried at Savannah , Mo. , went
to the Jury at 9 o'clock last night. It
Is the general opinion of those who at
tended the trial that Fife will bo
King Edward has revived the old
custom of using snuff.
Achilles I. , known as the king of
Patagonia , died In Paris , leaving hla
throne to an unknown.
Turkey has directed the Ottoman
ambassadors to 8ollclt'rtho'frlendly ' In , '
terventlon of the powers at Sofia con
cerning the differences between Tur
key and Bulgaria In relation to Mace
donian affairs.
Arthur F. Francis , president of the
Transmlsslsslppl congress , has been
advised by railroads west of the Mis
sissippi that there will bo a rate ot
one faro for the round trip to the meetIng -
Ing In St. Paul In August.
An order was Issued Thursday re
lieving Brigadier , General Jacob
Smith from further duty lit the Philip-
pluca and directing him to proceed to
San Antonio , to assume command ol
the Department of Texas ,
Injunction Suits Filed Against
Six Chicagp Lines.
Opposition to Civil Action May Com
plicate Prosecution Railway Men
Want All Llneo Treated Allki Cane
Set for Next Week. '
OhicAgo , March tt. Potltloni fdf
Injunction ! woru filed hero yontordar
In the United Stotcs circuit oourt by
United StAtttB District AttornoJ-
Dethea acalBBt nfcc of Uio railway coin-
pnnlea c atoring in Ohtoofo , okarfflnfe
thorn witk hifracttoso of tke Intormtati
oflmmorco law , in regard to rate out *
time. In ambnkdtico , tka ooaantalmti
are tko aaMo an Uo fllad at RWMM
City. Tko dofvndante are tfeo Wok-
Icam Ooatoal , Bllmota Coatml , Peam rl-
vaaia , Plttebui't , Oiactanatl a d St ,
LouU. Iak.o Shore amd Oktoaeo aad
. .
Otfeor fetto wMI ko fllad
reads oe to Je koro as oaa an
oan ka p.wmxed , amd ovorjr rend
against wkltrt ovfdemco has been ob
tained wlH be included.
Tke petitions will bo hoard hy Juries
Peter S. Grosscup some tlmo during
next weok. It is probably that no
more will be made" in court hero be
fore the Kansas City petitions arc
heard. If the government , represented
by Judge Day , maintains Its present
attitude the roads are likely to oppose
determinedly the granting of Injunc
tlons. General counsel , acting on be
half of their roads and other westorr
roads , visited Mr. Day and Dlstrlcl
Attorney Bethea with a view to nscer
talnlng just what railroads would be
sued , and how far the govornmonl
purposed proceedings. One purpose ol
the visit was to try to Induce the go\-
ernmont to include all railroads cen
terlng In Kansas City and all center
Ing In Chicago. It was urged that bj
so doing the situation would be placet
within the grasp of the government
whereas this would not bo accom
pllshed by proceeding against only i
part of the roads. It was Intlmatet
that the suits would be vigorously da
fended unless such action was taken
The opinion exists generally that 1
a bitter flght Is made against the In
junctlonal proceedings the government
will Institute criminal proceedlnge
against all violators of the law , Includ
Ing packing house representatives.
Nebraska RepubllcanCorni"l"ee Flxe
' * Date for-Nqminationsr
Lincoln , March 21. The meeting o
the Republican state committee hqrc
last night was well attended , 30 of the
34 members being present. The state
nominating convention was Called tc
meet at Lincoln on Wednesday , June
18 , at 2 o'clock p. m. The matter of
selecting & temporary chairman was
' broupht up and the name of L. D
Richards "presented , but afterwarc
withdrawn , as the committees did ; no
think it oxpodlent to make tbo selcc
ion nqw. The matter was referred
to the executlve , committee. The ratlc
of representation was fixed at one del
egate-at-large from each county and
one for each 100 votes or major frac
tlon thereof cast for Judge Sedgwlcl *
at the 1901 election. This will make
a convention of 1,103 members.
Demand Eight-Hour Working Day Ir
Anthracite Region.
Shamokln , Pa. , March 21. The mos
important feature of yesterday's ses
slon of the convention of United Mine
Workers was the adoption at the ses
slon of several resolutions. The firs
resolution adopted demanded an eight
hour working day In all the collieries
of the anthracite region. Others were
adopted , as follows : Demanding the
recognition of mine committees by
operators in the adlustment of dls
putes resulting in local strikes ; do
clarlng opposition to working will
men not members of the mine workers
union ; favoring arbitration of trade
disputes ; condemning the system o
blacklisting by companies of dls
charged employes.
Klump Is Released.
Grand Rapids , Mich. , March 21.
William Klump , arrested and held In
custody on suspicion of complicity In
the murder of his wife , who died from
poison taken In a headache powder o
Lowell two weekn aco. was release
yesterday , no ease having been mad
against him. The officers are con
vlnced that the woman was murderei
but they failed to connect her husbanc
with her death ,
Dr. Gray Blames Victim.
Chicago , March 21. Dr. Robert E
Gray of Garden City , Kan. , blames th
woman ho is accused of killing for hi
connection with the case. All the BUS
plclous circumstances connected wit
the effort to shield Irma Brown from
disgrace , which resulted In his beln
placed on trial for murder , the defend
ant declared on the stand , wore sug
gested by the girl herself.
Death of Senor Andrade.
New York , March 21. Jose An-
drado , for six years Venezuelan minister -
tor nt Washington , died yesterday at
his homo' in this city of pneumonia.
Though ho had been 111 two weeks ,
his death was unexpected , as ho was
supposed to bo recovering.
outh Dakota Supreme Court Re *
munda Cnttlo Stealing Case.
Mitchell , S. D. , March Sl. ! Prooton
nd HantVott , who appeared for Ly-
man county before the supreme court
o resist the onso of Olaf Nolmiu , who
ought to IIRVO the Hpocial term of
ourt hold by Judge Smith In Fobriiary
ct nnldo , received a tilcgrntn from
ho olorlc ot the ooilri stating that Ncl-
ion Wfin ronmndod by the ilnclnlon nt
ha court to the custody of the Hhorla
f Lyman county , to be produced at
h-o flrnt day of the next t rm of court ,
mleaa admitted to ball by the circuit
aurt. This may bo a Tlolury for th
alUgod oattlo IhlmvoH oa Uio rnnnrva
Ion , and whllo It holds that the up *
lal torn of oourt wn > roangnlr.od bj
he.Bmpromo court , that body tllun.cro < xi
? Uk the alleged rlffbt of tko ntato tc
ftke a okane * of T nue , u wau doni
B tbo Nolnott eano , t tUlu oounty
The okanico of Tenuo wat urantml ot
ko ground that tko atato ooulU nol
oauro" an impartial Jury ta try th
* . Taft oanBtltutlnu proridoa thai
h atato oamnot tuko a okiaco ol
V m . and , wbllo the loctalataro pro
Vldoi am act for the atato to take BUC )
ikamge , tfco moram * ooart upholds tko
Lieutenant H N for Murder 6f Soldier
Prlooner Reloaded.
kanlla , March 21. Lieutenant. Will-
am S. Sinclair of the Twonty-oighUi
Infantry , recently tried by court-mar
tial on the charge of causing the death
ot a soldier prlnonor by gagging him
and pouring water on his bond , ban
boon acquitted.
The reconccntrndo camps In Batan-
gas province are most carefully main
tained. The Filipinos In the camps
are healthy and contented and the
streets and houses are perfectly clean.
The food supplied consists of rleo and
many vegetables. All the people In
the camps have boon vaccinated and
rigid sanitary precautions are taken
to prevent the spread of disease.
There are 6,000 Filipinos in ono of
the camps and 19,000 In the other.
Death of Famous Litigant.
Boston , March 21. Mrs. Juda B
French , wealthy , eccentric and famous
throughout the country because of hc >
many and varied lawsuits , was found
dead In her Back Bay residence yestor
day. Her body , badly disfigured , laj
on the top of the elevator , which was
on the basement floor , nnd had evl
\11 lirtnrt 41-irtt-A HirrtA Atfmir
uentiy ueen mere inree
Mrs. French , who was 70 years of age ,
and lived alone , had apparently fallen
from the third floor to the elevator
canopy. She Is said to have had more
lawsuits brought against her and had
appeared as plaintiff more times than
any other person appearing In pub.
He. The litigation territory extended
from the Atlantic coast to the Rocky
Boers Are Well Supplied.
Philadelphia , March 21. A dispatch
to the Times from Klerksdorp , Transvaal
that the Boers In
vaal Colony , says
the western Transvaal are well sup
plied with guns and ammunition and
have 'unlimited support and a largo
amount ot stock , that their numbers
give them confidence , whilst the block
house system has not yet b6en extend
ed enough to alarm them. ' What la
possible has been done , continues tho-
correspondent , but owing to the Insuf
ficiency of troops , the British col
umns have been too small to cope ade
quately with the Boor forces , which
are all composed of fighting men , with
out any Intention of surrendering ,
Reward for Bravery.
Cincinnati , March 21. "I bequeath
to my grandson , Otto Schmahl , the
sum of $12,000 because he was bravo
and loyal to his country In the tlmo ot
rouble. " The above is a provision in
the will of Max Schmahl , a millionaire-
sugar king of Germany. Otto Schmahl ,
the beneficiary who Is mentioned In
the will of his distinguished grand
father , resides with his parents In a
modest little home at 183 West Clif
ton avenue. Upon the declaration of
war with Spain young Schmahl was
ono of the first to respond. Ho partic
ipated In numerous skirmishes , and
when his wealthy grandfather hoard
of the meritorious deeds of his grand
son he was full of joy.
An Interloper' * Cxiilnnntlon.
"Now , then. " cried the deep voiced
woman , "what has made female suf
frage possible ? "
"Male sufferance , " replied the rude
man who had no business to be there
at all. Philadelphia Press.
Wealth docs not make a home. It
L'na tlinilf ht fill t7mnnthnHn com .
mougiiuui , Bympnuicuc
rades to make a home. Ladles' Home
The senate passed a bill to relieve
the Chicago postmaster of responsi
bility for the theft of $74,610 In stamps.
President Roosevelt will take les
sons In the Japanese system ot wrest
ling In self-defense called jujutsu and
which la taught only to nobles In Ja
pan.Chamberlain's plan to pension aged
workers In England passed to a second
end reading In the house of commons.
The scheme will cost $00,000,000 an
nually If adopted.
A reign of terror Is reported In
Haytl on account of the elections.
Many prominent men were arrested
for conspiracy , nnd several are said to
have been executed.
(1 , A. 1,01 KAHT , I'MimiBNT. W , II. JUIINBON , ( Unnua ,
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 15,000.
Hay ml mil exeliAUjto on till * country anil lli' ] rU of Roropa , | lf rm Loui ,
Director ! , ( Um , AnMim , W 11. JoimnoN , Cnin. 0. llkfooa. 0 , W , UuAAion , 0. It
HK. ( I , A LuiKAnt , T , F MMMMINUHB , L. HmiiitONii ,
Get What You /Vsk / for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with caro. ;
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. ; t
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- ; j
era. : j
We aim to Give you the BcstJValue : |
for Your Money.
South nldo Mnln St. , between 3d and Sd. Telephone 41.
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
SUGflR CITY GEftEAh JfllliltS ,
flnnufncturcrs of the
Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours.
tTioiw.utt Every Sack Guaranteed.
c = >
Exclusive agent lor tbo Celebrated Sweetwator Bock Spring Coal the
best In the market .
Scranton Hard Coal id all alzea. TELEPHONE Ol.
After Leaving
"The Overland Limited , "
Runs Every Day in the Year.
For full information call on or address
J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent.
Railroad and Business Directory ,
a >
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Omaha Pnaianger. . . 6:03 : a m
Chicane Express 12iOpm :
ChlcBKO Kipross 7:30p m
Oinniin Passenger 12tOpm :
niack Hills rtxprcse. . . . ! 7Wpm :
Verdlgre Paseongor 12(0p : m
VerdlKro Accommodation B:30atn
\VEHT. AkniVK.
Black HilU Express IJOpm
Vonllgro Passenger Brftt a m
Vordigro Accommodation 7:10ppi :
The Chicago and Block H11U Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Verdlgre trains. arrUo and depart from city
depot. U. 0 , MATBAO , Agent ,
" "
Union Pacific.
Colnmbns Accommodation -00pm
Omaha , DenTorand Pacific Coast 11:00 : a m
Columbus Accommodation 11:15 : a m
Omaha , bearer and Pacific coast 90 pm
Connocti at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going
wett and north , and with the C. Bt. P. M , A O.
( or points north and nat.
J. 1) . KLBEFFKU , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger. . . . 8:30 am
Bloux ntyPao eng r l:10pm
Sioux City Piwsenner 10:10am :
Blocx City and Oiiiaho Pa8neng r 7i5pm
Connects at Norfolk with F. , E. & M. Y. going
west and north , and with the U. P. for points
south. J. li EbSEFFBR , Agent.
bally except Sunday.
3ver Baum Bros.1 Store.
Speno t & OV lmon
Boots and Shoes ,
Repairing Neatly Oono.
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Arenas.
Cheapest and Beit.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor , Draasch are and 1th St ,
The Norfolk Horseehoar