The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 14, 1902, Page 12, Image 14

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Til 15 NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 1-J , 1902 ,
Homeopathic I'hjfllclnn and
Omco.CltUons NnUonnl lUuk Ilutl.llnic.
Tolniiliouo 101 ,
Bunltnrinm nml HouMmico , Main ami W i 81
Toloplitnio 9.
Norfolk. - NcbraHlta
. N. jTilOAGLANU ,
Osteopntlilc Physician.
mn bold nculo nml cltronlo mi
Irontoclwltlimitimoof driiffHor knlfo ,
riiono No. V 51. Olllen at rmMoiiofl ,
109 North 10th Hlrost ,
Norfolk Nobrimlni
g > J , COL15 ,
Offlcfl nr r CtlUim'J Nnllonat Hank. llMlilniiM
ouo block north of Congrotinllmml church.
Norfolk , Nobnwkn
FnHhloiinblo DroflHnmkor.
Op itnlrs In Cotton block , ever llnnm'i ' itor *
Flr t-cli\M work gu riinU > o < l ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
SL' OstcopatliicIPhysician ,
Itoomt ever Hnyoa' JJowolrjr HOUIIO , Norfolk.
Unilorlakcrmantl Umlialntoro ,
Beislons lllk , , Norfolk Atn.
Norfolk , Nohraska
Dray and Transfer Line.
Household Goods Moving a Specialty ,
Tolopliuua 108. CiilU Promptly Aimwenwl
All Work ( Itmriinlmiil ,
Special Mandolin anil ( lultat Lessons sc.
Voice Culture a Specialty.
Piano Moving a'Speclnlty.
'Phono 53. O.ilU Promptly Answered
Manicuring ,
Shampooing ,
Tlit.Kl < IIONiNO , 4 < T.
.Rooms on North Ninth Street
and Steam Fitter.
Aircncy for the Myora Force ant !
Wind Mill Pumps ,
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First , door West of Post Ofllcfl
Sioux City Florist.
Awarded first premium ou
Funeral' Designs.
Handsome Rases , dilutionsalms , , Ferns
Flowers shipped in fresh condition.
Pbiu lii1CltyoThi : Oar. Ctli anil I'loro
. . . .TRY. . . .
p. B. & IB. V. 5.1 ? . , Is the best to and
from the
North of Nebraska
It I * ( tin 1'urcnti Kel nml Only Ati.
oliitrlr Bute IVutrr.
Doll a Knllon of water until there In
but a iiuart loft , and the quart will
contain all tlio InipurltloH of tlio K"l *
Ion and bo ni-arly four tlincH as lin
iniro nn buforu. Contlntiu tlio boiling ,
and all tlto MnpurltloB-anlmal , vegetable -
table and inlncnil , except tlio BUHCS
thrown off will b reduced to ono HO- !
Id nuiKH. The water which IH ovnpo-
rated and paHscd off a Htunin IB vfiry
nearly puro. Hut , yon will Hay , It klllfl
the daiiKcroim KorniH. We will nup-
pose It tlocH , but tholr remains furnlHh
material for bacterial life to food up
on. Do yon rclltm the Idea of eating
in food or drinking their dead and do-
comporting bodleH , which polwrn the
water by tholr docompoHlllon ? The
fiiot IH Hclentlllc Investigation line prov
ed that boiling only kills the feeblcHt ,
the leant Injnrlotm , gorms.
Try a simple experiment. I'ut un
boiled city water In ono bottle and the
same that has been boiled for half an
hour or more In another , cork tightly
and keep In the sun or tn a wanii place
for a week or longer and note the dif
ference. The unboiled water will nhow
a marked depreciation In looks , taste
and smell , but that which 1ms been
ftolleil will bo so much worse In these
respects Unit no one would think of
using It In comparison with these
yon can submit a properly scaled bottle -
tlo of pure ( llgtllled wilier to the same
conditions , and nl the end of n year It
will be found to bo an pure , sweet and
perfect as when llrnt bottled.
The purest and best and the only ab
solutely safe water to nso for drink
ing and the preparation of all foods
and arllllclal drinks Is that produced
by distillation , but the most Imperfect
ono produces a water far superior In
purity and bealthfulness to the very
best spring waters under their most
favorable conditions. The nearest approach
preach to It In purity Is rainwater ,
which Is distilled water of nature's
own production , when collected on
clean surfaces , In uninhabited sections ,
where the air Is pure and uncontaml-
tinted by sn'oko , dust , city and factory
gases , etc. Sanitarian.
_ v"
Locke is said to have spent over six
years In the preparation of his essay ,
"On the Unman Understanding. "
LaiiUii'Uno , the great Krench poet ,
was happily married and received
great aid from his wlfo In all bis un
The great Dante wa married to a
notorious scold , and when ho wasIn
exile ho had no desire to see her , al
though she was the motller of his six
Wolfe Is said to have written "Tlw
Ilurlal of Sir John Moore" in one evenIng -
Ing directly after news had been
brought of the defeat at Cortina and
the deatli of the gallant British olllccr.
A friend of the late Walter Resunt
relates that the novelist always kept
on his desk before him a list of the
characters of the novel he happened to
bo at work on , their relationship and
Hans Christian Andersen formed his
style by narrating his stories to vari
ous groups of children before lie wrote
them down. Ills ono thought was to
become famous , and ho was very care
ful not to make any enemies.
Dickens says In the Introduction to
"David Copperfleld" that ho spent two
years In the composition of that novel.
ITo did not usually rvqulro so fong a
time , many of his novels being finish
ed In less than u year and most of his
shorter stories in a few clays.
Animal * nnd Snlt.
Among certain people there- a
strong Idea that nothing is worse for
dogs than salt , but as a matter of fact ,
when administered In small quantities ,
It materially assists the process of di
gestion. There Is no doubt , however ,
that to give dogs or any other animals
broth or pot liquor iu which salt porker
or bacon has been boiled would bo al
most equivalent 10 giving ineui a siunii
dose of poison. The use of salt among
horses , cattle and sheep Is advocated
by the highest veterinary authorities.
Tigs , on the contrary , arc extremely
susceptible to the poisonous lollucucu
of the agent , and experiments have
been made which had , after small
doses regularly administered , fatal re
sults. Habitually , as a matter of course ,
all animals consume a certain portion
of salt , as It exists in certain proportions
tions in most articles of food. London
Tllden'a Doff.
At ono of the early dog shows Samuel -
uel J. Tllden bought an immense Great
Dnno dog. "What's his name ? ' asked
a visitor.
"Ask him , " oald Mr. Tllden.
"What good would that do ? "
"It's his name , " was the reply.
So it was-"Asklm. "
The dog knew a number of tricks ,
but would only perform when fed.
"Ilo'd make a good politician , " said
his owner as ho gave him a bone.
New York World.
At ( he Pnrtlng of the Wny .
"Do you take this uiau to bo your
wedded husband ? " asked the justice
of the peace.
"I don't know whether to do it or
not , squire , " said the young woman ,
wiping her eyes. "He's got the money
from me to pay for the license. I don't
like to marry a man'of that kind , and
yet I hate to BOO $2 wasted. " Chicago
Doit' * Teeth.
Do Style Ho pulled fifteen teeth
from mo.
Qunbusta He's no dentist
Do Style I know it , but ho pried
open the dog's mouth and yanked him
off. New York Telegram.
Featured of the Day'n Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ClilcnRii , Mnrcli lH.--Tlinrc vrnn n vnrlnty
of eiporioiici'K la the Krnluiiltntixhiy. Wank-
nm tlmriH'torlxod tlm innrkrt , n U'Kxl '
HtrtMigtU ddvi'lopccl Inter , parrtlrulurlr In
tlio ronme tirnln , but In the unit tint untml
uprltiK-tlme ili'dlne nccmril to Im In order
nnd Mny whrnt clonnl % ftllc lower , Mny
corn WWi ? Inwor HIII ! Mny ontn H < ! lilKMcr.
rrovlnloiiH , after opening Htroni , ' , closucl a
Nliailo lower. Cloning prlcoH !
WhontMny , 1t WW > % c ; July , 70o.
Curn-Muy , Ul % < > ; July , ( ll e.
OntHMnyWitt'1 ; July , : ir.c.
I'ork-Mny , $ IM < > ; July , .
. I.nnl-Mny , UMiitt ; July , JO.IVJ'Xi. '
Illhii- May , tM < July , 18.5'JI/j.
CiiHli Prli'on-No. 2 roil wlionl ,
i No. 8 red vrliuat , 7IMfUc ; No.fl
wlirnt. 7U127fo ! ; No. 1 ! hard whent ,
; No. 3 Until wheat , TiVtfffBMc ; No.
'I cnHh corn. CiOViiRfiOMc ; No. 3 yellow
corn. tiOU < i(4Kyj ( ) < ; ; N . 2 cunh oiitH , 4Bcj No.
2 white ontHtOVfrUc ! No. U wullu onts ,
Chicago Live Stock ,
, March l.V-Cnttlu-UucPlptii , 7-
500 , InrlmlliiK 270 TOXUIIH ; heavy steers
slow. olhei-H Htendy to Htrontc ; Rood to
prime Hleei-H , WMVj jfl.ll.l ; poor to medium.
$ l.' ) ; Htoekern and feeder ,
onnniTN , tl.HW.-IO ; bnlln ,
uilvt'H , ftUXW ( ! , [ ) ( ) ; TCIIIH foil BtccrM , $1.73
< ar > , IK ) . UOCHIti'CplptH. . toilay. 22,000 ; tomorrow -
morrow , 21,000 ; left over , 4HX ( ) ; HtroiiK to
Be higher , earning dull ; itilii-il nnd butcher * ,
$ < MHKiJ1lM ) ; gooil to cliolge Ucuvy , $ ( J-lCj (
O.Wi roiiKli hpiivr , ? rt.lV7t ( . : ! Oi light , ? U.oo
Hfci-liitH , fl.oOO ; Blippp nnd liunln nrtlvp ,
ntroilKi Jjooil to rholco wi'tlit-rii , $ l.50 < ? ifi.3 ! :
fair to choice mlxuil , fi.7nfiM.f : > 0 ; wextcrn
ilippp anil yonrlliiKN , $ l.UOUr ( .IM ) ; initlvp
Imnbn , $ l,004i . ! 0i western InmbH , X5.25 < a
Kansas City Live Stock ,
KnnflnH C'lty , Morcll ii : , Cattle Hpt'dptii.
.1,000 ; Htroni ? to Hlmiln lilRhcr ; cliolj-e licef
teurn , $0/JU < 30.riOi fnlr to ( tnoil , $5.00 < ? i0.15 ;
stockcrn nml fi'L'ilcr , : iV5 ( t.85 ; wuHtcrn
fpil Htoerw , f.1BOtt < 1.00i nutlve cowii , $ : i.XKf4
B.'jn ; Uclfi-rn , $ .00itfl.DO ( ; ennncrv , $2.50 ®
,1.25 ; bulls , $ n.'J. > fr-l.ri ( ) ; nilvcH , j4.WfaXl.K ; ) ( ) .
Hogs Itpct'lptd , 7MX ) ; opptioil Oc lilglior ,
cloacil with nilruticc lost ; top , $0. < H ) ; bulk of
filled , $ lHMi ) < I..V > ; Jiciiry , $ l-ir ! > ( i ) .ll ) ; inUnl
iri.OOrtAfMfi. Shi'op-Itccolpts , J.tXN ) ! HtroiiR
to Be hlk'lipr ; nntlvc liunliH , JO.LWn ) . 10 ;
wpfltcrri . . Imiibfl . , , $ ( l.0000.Ti ; iintlve wt-tbors ,
wtij(0rvftlior , ,
South Omaha Live Stock ,
South Omaha , Mareli l.'l. Cnttfr Ite-
cplptu , 'I.100 > steady to lovror ; native Hteerti ,
tUWtiMRi mws nnd helfrm , $ ! l.2BrT .23 ;
western Htcera , $4.00iri.ri ( ) ; 1'exan HtcrrH ,
fUnttM-BO ; citnnerH. Jfl.7r > ( i3.X ( ) ; Htockvni
nnd feedcrn , ? 2L7B4.7ri ( ? ; rnlvii , $ .50(20,7. ( ;
bullH , Bt KH , etc. , Sf2."riCJ4.7r , lloKtiIte
I'elptB , ll.XX ) ; tttrone ; heavy. fd.lBgHUO ;
mixed. $ ll.10i 4t.2ri ; HKht , $ ! i.73ft < > ; plKa ,
$ l.r > 0iri..V ( ( ) ; bulk of HiiU'H , fll.KXito.iiO :
Sheep lleeelpts , C.OOO ; .stendy ; fed mill
tniiB , $4.BOffi'Ti.H ' : ) ; WI'HITIIS | , : R.O < K < K7r > ;
ewes , ? M.7r > fiX4.IX ) : roinmoii and tlockers ,
f3.2Ti l.75 ; lamb.i , ?
St. Jocepli Live Stock.
St. Jotirph , Mm eli -Cattle I
1.3.V ) ; Hteady ; natlv t , $ T > . ( Xyl.7.r ( > ; ciiwu
and bclforn , $1.76 < iti.7r ( ; veals , $ : l.00fr .75 ;
Htoekers tiud feeders , fJ.ri < Vii..irp. Ilog
HiYvlpt * , USW > ; uteady ; . Ilitht and llKht
mixed. $ . * i.tK ) ( < (11.40 ; medlniu uud Lttavy ,
? : i.MiiJ.83. ( !
A Slnin e Pond.
Hicks iMiul , in Palmyra , Me. , IH B
strange body of water. It Is only
twelve acres In urea , hut It la more
than 100fevt In depth. It lias no visi
ble InFof , . although a fir.h' slacd stream
( lows from It Into LaTw Solmstlcook.
The volume of lt water IH not mato-
rlally all'ecteil by clthen drought or
freshet , and the water ahvjtys cold.
Hinr H- Tonic Her n < vfra nl.
"What'dld Mr. Strongnei e ay whom
you told Uim you would bo a ulster to-
him ? "
"Why , Ho- had the Imputlbncv to say-
that was 'better still ! ' Thou hj ? kissed
me , lighted' a cigar and : i leiJ mo to-
please mend1 hi * gloves for Ulm. " Cin
cinnati Commercial.
Rocky Mbnntnln Tea braces np th&-
whole systeuu Renews your lost en-
orpy. Greivb bowel tonio foir tired and.
sich people. Gea. B. Ohristoph.
" DrylnfiT prcporatlons simply dovol-
opdrycntnrrL ; they dry up thofiecrotious ,
vhich ndhcra > toithi membrau * anildocom- , cnusingfif.'vrrnoro BoriouatronUothan
the ordinary form of. catarrh. AS-oirl all drying -
ing inknlauts , , fums , smokes ; nnd snuffa
niul use tlmt which cloanBOS , soothes nnd
hcnla. Ely's Cream Balm ia such iv remedy
and will euro catarrh or coldJin tlio bead
easily nnd pleasantly. A triallaiza will bo
nmilod for lOuents , All drugpfists Boll the
50o. uizo. Ely Brothers , CG WftrroaSt. , N.Y.
Tlio Balm cures without pom , does not
irritate or cauaa. . succziug. It spreads itself
ever nn irritated ixud angry sucfaeo , reliov-
inp imiued'mtaly the painful inflammation.
With Ely'fti Cream lialtn you are onuodl
l.Catarrh aud Hay.Ferer. .
For-Tlie Comploxia-n.
The complexiou always suffers from
biliousness or constipation. Unless tho-
bowels are kept opou impnritie&- -
from the body appear in the form of nn-
sightly eruption. DeWitt's-Iiittle Early
lllsors keep the liver aud bowels ia
healthy condition and remove the cnuso-
of such troubles. O.E.Hooperof Albany
Ga. ' , says"I took Do "Witt's Little Early
Risers for biliousness. They wore just
what I ueodod. I am fooling better uovr
than in years. " Never grip , or distress.
Safe , thorough and gentle. The very
boat pills. The Kiosau Drug Co.
Chronic Diarrhoea.
Mr 0. B. WngQold , of l air Play , Mai ,
who suffered irom chronic dysentery
for thirty-fivo years , say Chamberlain'a
Oolio , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remady
did him moro good than any okher
medioino he had ever used. For sal * by
The Kiesau Drug Co.
Practically Starving.
"After using a few bottles of Kodol
Dyspepsia Ouro received perfect and
permanent relief from a severe and
ohronio case of stomach troubles' * B 8
J.R.IIolly , real estate , insurance and
loan agent , of Macomb , 111. "Before
using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could
not nat an ordinary meal without iutonso
suffering. She is not entirely cured.
Several physicians and many remedies
had failed to give relief. You don't have
to diet. Eat any good food you want ,
don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dys
pepsia Onre will always digest it for
you. The Klesan Drug Oo.
Having a Run on Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Between the hours of eleven o'clock
a.m. and closing time at night on Jan
25th , 1901 , A , P. Olarlc , druggist , Olado
Sprlugfl , Va , nold twelve bottles of
Clmmborlalu'fl Cough Remedy. Ho sayn ,
"I never handled a incdtoino that sold
hotter or gave bettor satisfaction to my
customers. " This Remedy has boon iu
general nso In Vorgluin for many years ,
aud the people there are well ao-
qnalntod with its excellent qualities.
Many of them have testified to the
remarkable cures which It has effected.
When you need a good , reliable medicine
for a cough or cold , or attack of the grip ,
nso Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
you are certain to bo moro than pleased
with the quick euro which it affords.
For sale by The Kiesau Dnig Go.
NOW'B the time so take Rooky Moun
tain Ton ; keeps the whole family well.
A great uiodicluo for spring and fall
tiroduofls. * ! )5 ) otfl. Goo. B. Ohristoph.
Raw or Inflamed Lungs
yield rapidly to the wonderful ouratlvo
and healing qualities of Foloy'a Horioy
aud Tar. It prevents pneumonia , aud
consumption from a hard cold settled on
the lungs. A. H. Kiesau.
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
The following letter from A. J. NUB-
baum , of Batosvillo , Ind. , tolls its own
story. "I suffered for three months
with a severe cold. A druggist prepared
uio some medioino , and a physician pre
scribed for mo , yet I did not improve.
I then tried Foloy's Honey and Tar , aud
eight doses cured me. " Refuse substi
tutes. A. II. Klossu.
Would Smash tlio Club.
If members of the "Hay Fever As
sociation" would use Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption , the olub
would go to pieces , for it always cures
this malady , and asthma , the kind that
bailies the doctors-it wholly drives from
the system. Thousands of once-hopeless
sufferers from consumption , pneu
monia , bronchitis owe their lives nnd
health to it. It conquers grip , saves
little ones from croup and whooping
cough and is positively guaranteed for
all throat auditing troubles , f)8o , $1.00.
Trial bottles free at A. H. Koisan.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
bnt never follows the use of Foloy's
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough ,
heals and strengthens the luuga and af
fords perfect security from an attack of
pneumonia. Rofnso substitutes.
Doc it Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy tor coughs and colds
is all tight , but yon want something
that will relieve aud euro the more severe -
voro and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles. What shall you do ?
Go to a warmer and moro regular cli
mate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possible
for you , then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced
in all civilized countries with snccess in
serere throat aud long troubles"Bos -
oheo's Gorrnsvn Syrup. " It not only
heals and stimulates the tissues to de
stroy the germ disease , bnt allays in-
. ( lamniatiou , causes easy expectoration ,
giveaa good night's rest , and curea the
patient. Try ono bottle. Recom
mended'many years-by all druggists in
the world. Got G'reouV Prize almanac.
A. II.
When you wakeup with a bad taste
in your mouth yoa- may fcnow that yon
need a dosa Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Tfreywill eleause yona
stomach ; improve your appetite and
make you' ' feel like anew man. They
are easy to take , being sugar coated , and
pleasant in effect. Pbr salaby Kiesati
Drug Co.
La gripjre coughs jieldiqniokly to the
w ondorfaletirativo qualities- Foloy' '
Honey nnd'Thr. ' There is notlhing else
"just as good. " A. H" Klesan.
TBe Vice OffNaggihjr ;
Clouds the happiness of th& homo ,
but a nagging woman often needs help ,
She may boso nervous nnd rundown
in health that trifles ntmoy her. If she
is melancholy , excitable , troubled with
loss of appetite , headache , sleeplessness ,
wonstipation-'or faintlng or dizzy spells ,
she needs Electric Bitters , the most
iwonderfnl remedy for ailing' women ,
Thousands of sufferers fromi female
troubles , nervous troubles , backache and
weak kidneys have used it , and be
come healthy and happy. Try it. Onlj
50ft , A.H.Koioau guarantees satisfaction
FoleyJs Honey/and Tar-
Cures coughs and colds.
Cures bronchitis and ) asthma.
Cures cronp and whooping cough.
Cures hoarseness and brochial troubles
Cares pnevunoiiia and la grippe. A ,
HI Kiesau.
A Printer Greatly/Surprised.
u I never was so much surprised iu my
life as I was- with the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm , " sajs Henry
T. Cook , pressman of the Asheville
( N.O. ) Gazette. "I contracted a severe
case of rheumatism early last winter by
getting my feet wot. I tried , soverali
.things for it without benefit. One day *
while lookittgover the- Gazette , I. noticed *
that Pain Balm waa positively guar
anteed to cure rheumatism , ao bought
u bottle of it and before using two-thirdh
of it my rheumatism had taken its flight
and I have not have a rhonmatio pain
since. " Sold by. Kiesau Drug-Co.
You will never wish to tafco another
dose of pUls if yon once try Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
are easier to take and moro pleasant in
effect. They cleanse the stomach and
regnlat * the liver-and bo well. For- sale
by Klesan Drag Co.
LockjawfFrom Cobwebs. .
Cobwebs put ou a out lately gave a
woman lockjaw. Millions knowr that
the best thing to put on a out is. Back
Ion's. Arnica Salve , the infallible- healer
of wounds , ulcers , sere > skia erup
tions , burns , scalds and piles. It cures
or ao pay. Only 25o ok A.H. Keisau s
drag store.
How/to Get Rid ) of a Cold.
l'Shall I ever bo rid of this cold ? '
This is the dally question of n man
racked by a cough that seems to tear
his lungs. Let him cheer UD and take
Allen's Lung Balsam. This remedy
not merely overcomes ordinary conghs
aud colds , however obstinate , bat it is
recommended even in the first stages of
Cough Settled on Her Lungs :
"My daughter had a terrible cough
whion settled on her lungs. ' says N.
Jackflon , of Danville , 111. "We tried a
great many remedies without relief ,
until wo gave her Foloy's Honey and
Tar , which oared her , " Refuse substi
tutes. A. H. Kiosau.
Question Answered ,
Yes , August Flower still hoa the larg
est sale of any modlolno In the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion or biliousness. Doctors wore
scarce , and they seldom hoard of appen
dicitis , nervous prostration or heart fail
ure , oto. They used August Flower to
clean out the system atid stop fermenta
tion of undigested food , regulate the
notion of the liver.atinmlato the nervous
aud organic action of the system , and
that is all they tix > k when fooling dull
nnd bad with headaches and other aches.
Yon only need a few doses of Green's
August Flower , In liquid form , to make
yon satisfied there is nothing serious the
matter with you. Get Green's Prize
nlmauao. A. H , Kit's u.
Dangers of Pneumonia.
A cold at this time if neglected ia li
able to cause pneumonia which is ao
often fatal , niul ovvu when thu patient
has recovered the luuga are weakened ,
making them peculiarly susceptible to
the development of consumption.
Foloy's Honey nnd Tar will stop the
cough , heal nnd strengthen the lungs
and prevent pneumonia. A. II. Kiesau.
Foley's Kidney Onro makes the kid
neys and bladder right. Contains noth
ing injurious. A H. Kiosan.
Could Not Breathe.
Congha , colds , oroup , grip bronchitis ,
other throat and lung troubles nro
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Ouro. One Minute Cough Ouro is no\ \
moro expectorant , which givis on
relief. It softens and liquifies the m'n.00"
draws out the'iuflatnmation and ronl
the oauso of the disease. Absolutely
Acts at onoe."One Minute Cough Cure
will do nil that is claimed for it"says
.Tnatico of the Peace J. Q Hood , Crosby ,
Miss."My wife could not got her breath
and was relived by the first dose. It has
been a benefit to all my family. " The
Kiesau Drug Co.
This is the time to nso Rooky Moun
tain Tea. Keeps you well nil the year.
Great blood lifo ronewer. 85 cts. Goo.
B. Ohristoph.
Surgeon Knife Not Needed.
Surgery is no longer necessary to cure
piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
euros such cases at once , removing the
necessity for dangerons , painful and
expensive operation. For scaldscuts ,
burns wounds , bruises , sore and skin dis
eases it is unequalled. Beware of counter
feits. The Keisau Drug Oo.
The Great American Climate.
On the heels of n bright , mild day
comes a howling blizzard and the next
thing yon know the weather is spriug-
like again. No wonder popple have
colds and sore chests and stiff backs.
Luckily , Perry Davis' Painkiller in at
hand to give relief. Take it internally
md rub it into the aching flesh. All
druggists sell it. There is but one
Painkiller Perry Davis' .
Can't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Dr. Kind's New
Life Pills is daily coming to light. No
such grand remedy lor liver and bowel
trouble was ever known before. Thou
sands blesa them for curing constipation ,
sick headache , biliousness , jaundice
and indigestion. Try them , 25c at
A. H. Koisan'a drug store.
Notice of SherirT's Sale- . .
By virtue of an order of sale issued
and directed to me by the clerk of the
district court of Madison' conuty , Ne
braska , mpon a decree oft foreclosure ren
dered by the district court of Madison
county , Sfebrasfta , on th IDth day of
November , 1900J , iu favor of Ferdinand
Pasewalh for the sumof $1B < 00 wish
interest thereon from November 19,1000 ,
at 10 per sent > , , peir annum together with
$ 1.G8 , costs of suit , and accruing costs ,
in an actiom wherein Ferdinand Paso-
walk is plaintiffj and Fred Sbhwltnelster
and Ida Sohwlinorater are defendants , X
will offer the promises described in said
decree an * taken * as the property of said
defondout ( towit : Lot four (4) ( ) .
In block three (3) ( ) | of Pasewalk's third
addition to-tho oityrof Norfolk in Madi
son connty.Nebraska , for sole at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in
Hand on the 1st day of April' , 1003 , at
the hour off It o'clock p. m. , at the east
front door of the coart house at Madison
in said county and state , that being the
[ building wherein the last term of said
court was held , when aud where due at-
'tendance ' will he given by the under-
Dated this 21st day of February , 1902.
Sheriff of said county.
that's all. No energy , no
vim , no vigor , no ambition.
The head aches , thoughts
arc confused , memory fails.
Life becomes a round of
work but half accom
plished , of eating that does
not nourish , of sleep that
fails to refresh and of
resting that never rests.
That's the beginning of
nervous prostration.
"I was very nervous and so tired
and exhausted that 1 could not do my
work. One dose of Dr. Miles' Nervine
quieted ray nerves and drove away the
lassitude. Seven bottles did wonders
m restoring ; my health. "
Mas. ft. E. LACY , Fortville , Ind.
Dr. Miles'
strengthens the worn-out
nerves , refreshes the tired
brain and restores health.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkbut , Ind.
The skin Is the Bent of an almost end.
less variety of diseases. They nrc known
by various nanicB , but are all due to the
tame cause , ncid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have n smooth , soft skin , free from
nil eruptions , the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used in this class of diseases cover up
for n short time , but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotclica and the red ,
disfiguring piniplo ,
Eternal vlgllanoo to tlto prioo
of a boautlful ootnploxlo.n
when such remedies arc relied on.
Mr. II. T. Shobe. jo I.ucns Avenue , St. Iul * .
Mo. , say * ! "My daughter wasomicted ( or years
with n dlifiguring eruption on her face , vrluclt
resisted nil treatment. She wn taken to two
celebrated health springs , but received nobene- k
fit. Many medicines were prescrllicd , but with- -y
out result , until we decided to try S. S. S , , and by
the time the first bottle was finished the eruption
began to disappear. A. dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her skin perfectly smooth.
She is now seventeen years old , and not a sign of
the embarrassing disease has ever returned. "
S. S. S. is a positive , unfailing cure for '
the worst forms of skin troubles. It ia
the greatest of nil blood purifiers , and the r
only one guaranteed purely vegetable. / } |
IJad blood makes bad complexions. . *
purifies and invigo
rates the old and
makes new , rich blood
that nourishes the
body and keeps the1
Bkin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards ,
carrying off the impurities from the body.
Jf you have Eczema , Tetter , Acne , Salt
Rheum , Psoriasis , or your skin is rough
and pimply , send for our book on Blood <
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. No charge what
ever for this service.
east JL-
AND t r - xW
For Salehy Geofge B. Ohristoph.
Ely's Cream Data
Ea y and pleasant to
use.- Contains no1 io-
| url B drugi.
It Isqulcklyabsorbcui
Glwcs KolicPat once.
It Ononn- unit CIcansus
tho'Nft'ftl l'ftsa < 'C5.
Allays - -
HeaU and Protects tlio Membrane ; Restores the
Benseaof Taste-nnd Smell. Large.SZc | , 60 cents at
DrucgietB or by mall ; Trial Size,10 cents by mall.
ELY BHOTUEItS , 5G.\Varnm Street Wew Yorfc.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medl *
cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It
keeps you well. . Our trade
mark cut on eacB puckaze.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no ubitl.
tute Ask your druggist.
At all 4tvg ttox * . 23 * .
are the most fatal of all dis
eases *
i UL I Guarantied Remedf
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE SOc. and $ KOO.
Made a
Well Man
I * , of Me. ,
prodnce tba above results In 30 < ! * ' It c(4
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others OIL
Young men will regain their lost manhood , and old
men will recover their youthlul Yleor by using
REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Merrou *
ness. Lost Vitality , Impotency. Nightly Emissions.
Lost rower , Falling Memory. Wanting Diseues.ud
all effects ol eelf-ibUBO oreicoEsand indlicreUon.
which unfits ona ( or Btudy , bualnean or marriigt. It
not only curea by Bttrtlngttt the eeat ot dlsewe.bul
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder , bring. i
Ing back the pink glow to ralo cheeks and re
storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanltf t 1
and. Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO , na
other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By nail.
B1.0O perpackage , or Bit lor 85.OO , with noil-
tlvo Trrltton frnarantee to cure or rctood
the money , nook and advise free. Address
Forsalo in Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Geo. B. Ohrlatoph ,