. \ THE NORFOLK NEWS : FllIDAY , FEBRUARY 21. 1902 , The Hot * f o W. N. UUU1C. PubllHhor. DAILY , KMnMUtinil , IW7. Kvnry day nirnpt Hiimlnr , Hy carrier per wtok , ( & eenti , lljr mnll | inr yonr , ( tt.uo , IVKKltl.Y Ni\V.S-OU1lNAI. : . Tb N wi , MtablUhod , 1NM , Thn Journal , nilnlilUlmil Ib17 Ktory Frlilny. lly mull per your ! tl.M. Kntarml nt tlio roMolllco nt Norfolk , Noli. , ni Mcoiul elites matter. Ttlnnlionnii : Killlorlnl Pftttarlmnht , No. 2 ! ( liuMnoBi Olllcn ntul Jtili Rooms , No. 822 , Future imvul Imttlofl nhould bo ixr- ranged BO that there will l > o no Scliluy- eontrovornlofl nftorwiml , Tlio roralillontiN | of Missouri arc thor oughly nrousoil mid propone to win mi election if tlmy cnu noouro n fair count. Bjmln IH tllBoovorliiK that tlio country linn ononiioH without looking IIH fnr IIH tlio Unitnd StiiteH for thorn. Tito folks at homo arc Rlvlug SaguHtu conuidorablo troublo. It ifl reported that there arc 10,123 MUM of Hinallpox In tlio United StutoH iw compared with 4,851) ) iv year ago. The report dooH not stnto that deaths nro nlflo on the inuroaso. Tomorrow is WashiiiKton'H birthday nnd tlio good old Koutlonuui'a Imtchot IH iHiiiigdug up in nil parts of tlio country for tlio purpose of illuHtrating IIH ! predominant - dominant good ( { utility to the youth of the land. The British who nro complaining of the inactivity of parliament should conic ( o the United States and attend n sosaion of congress when the Philippine quos- tiou ! H Htirred up. They would bo af forded n contract with variatioiiH. The Army and Navy Journal Huggonts that the United States swnp the Philip- jiincfl to Great Britain for Canada nnd its otbor Ainerionn possessions. Per- liapa this might bo Batisfuctory to the United States if the British nro willing. 'It is reported from Washington thnt tlio govcniinont is about to iiiHtitnto proceedings against that fninousmilroad merger. If Unolo Sam takes n hand in the game it may bo expected that there will bo some interesting development. The condition of young Toddy llooso- volt is now reported in n few lines in the daily press and it IB presumed that those who feared thnt young man WIIH receiving too much attention are nblo to view the reduction of his notoriety with cqunnimiiy. Secretary Ilay has given the c/.nr's government to understand thnt its policy in China is objectionable and while the llussian boar may bo inclined to show his tooth at the interference it is probable that ho will wisely make junttors right in Muuchuria , The Bco has arranged its republican anti-Savage comments by counties nnd it really looks as though his excellency had but few bnliwioks on which ho may defend for n rouoniiuation. The eonti jnent expressed by the press may not bo the sentiment of the rank nnd iiloof the party , but the chances nro thnt it is. President Roosevelt has handled a Tory embarrassing decision with much 1' ' honor nnd credit , nud his opinion on the Schloy-Sampson controversy is the most satisfactory adjustment of the difllonlty thnt has yet been given the public. In determining that the Santiago light was really n captains' battle ho places the credit where it undoubtedly belongs , nud the people will consider it an honor nud a pleasure to support his opinion. The court that sentenced Bank "Wrecker Gould , who got awny with nbont | 250,000 , must have considered thnt If n longer sentence was imposed and Governor Suvago was in olllce , ns ho expects to IK > , ho would bo pardoned anywny , nud determined to make the flontonco so light that it would offer alight excuse for oreontivo clemency. Perhaps too , in comparison with the . tiino served by bartloy , the sentence is aot too light. Events are proving thnt it is comparatively safer to bo a big thief thnn a small one , bat oven thnt re quires some ability. Some of the sentimental fusion edi tors nro professing that the removal of the light from the statue of liberty in Now York hnrbor ia a symbol of the decay of the liberty of the country. If liberty had been born with the placing of the light in the statue they might have reason for their pessimistic utterances but liberty had been installed long before fore Bartholdi presented that statuo. I liberty depends on a mere light in i tower or any ancient writing it is on i most iustublo foundation indeed. Un til the spirit of liberty is removed fran tbo hearts of the American pcoplo th calamity wallers have no reason to worry about its overthrow and there will outlive any more symbol or form o liberty. Governor Savngo has taken the bul by the horns and no longer expresses desire to retire to his farm , lean ngaius a haystack uud exchange yarns am chewing tobacco with the hired man o : guess on the weight of n bunch of Berk nhiro pigs. On tbojcoutrary , he is pro > nonnced in his intention to stand as candidate for a renomination. We ad ilro his nerve at any rato. If ho really oslros to know what the republican arty In Nolirnxkn thinks of hio not in ardonlng Joe Hartley ho IB taking ex- c.tly the proper way to find it out , nnd ylion ho does the result will 1m fnr from ntturing to his vanity or his record iw overnor. The republican press had uuiifi'fltod u wIllliignoHH to lot the Bart- episode rest for the present , but this eclarationof the governor him thrown own the gauntlet nnd from now on nu ll the nominations nro inndo the boys 111 HPO to it that ho is not forgotten , nt IB reinemborod ns his acts deserve. tanton Picket. LONG FIGHT OVER MERGER. ntercBts Behind Securities Company Will Not Give Up Easily. Now York , I 'ob. 21. Hankers of his city IdenUlled with the formation f the Northern Securities company > voro greatly ftiirprlscd to learn , ami t first refu'sod to bcllovo , thnt Attor- oy Gonoml Knox Is preparing a case gainst the company. They pointed > ut that n decision In a caco from ho snpromo court of the United States s expected on Monday next. They voro unnhlo to iindcrHtnml why notlco f another notion should bo given pcnd- UK thla decision. It Is Hinted to be the Intention of oth the Hlll-Moigan and Kuhn , Loob fc Co. nnd llarrlman syndicates to Ight the cane out to the end. All the lankors noon expressed themselves as onddunt of the ultlmato result. A eng legal bnttlo Is promised , but it s understood that , no matter what ho decision may be , the prominent den that brought the comiuuiy Into 'Xtstoncu ' will bo maintained. Such ontliiKcnch's as have arisen , ho said , > voro foreseen by legal talent when ho laot details were arrungod some nonths ago and provision is made for ho carrying out of the communlty-of- wncrshlp Idoiu NCREASE IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. owa Outranks All States in Total Value of Live Stock. Washington , Fob. 21. Tlio census wronu In a report on domestic an- mala in the United States on Juno 1 , 900 , announccH thnt all the domestic ( inlmalB in the United States have n irobablo value of at least $3,200,000 , 000. The total value of nil domestic animals on farina nnd ranges was 12,981,054,115 , aRalnat $2,208,707,513 In 1890. The real gain therefore Is np proxlmatcly 25 per cent. Meat cattle , other than dairy cows , increased gen orally. Swlno increased 9 per cent. Iowa leads nil the states In the total value of Its live stock , whllo Texas ranks second. The former has mi Investment - vestment of live stock of $271,811,031 unil the Inttcr has $230,227.431. UNITED STATES PROTESTS. Nothing Uncertain About Position on ' Conditions In China. Poking , Feb. 21. A sensation auscd In diplomatic circles hero when t became known that the United States , through Secretary of SUite John Hay , had sent a note to the RUB slan and Chinese governments closely along the lines of the Anglo-Japanese treaty of Jan. 30. The note Is n dl8 > tlnct warning to both China and Rus sla that the United States will not permit the Integrity of the empire to bo molested In favor of one nation to the detriment of another. The note practically endorses the English treaty with Jnpnn. Children of American Revolution. Washington , Feb. 21. The nnnual congress of the Children of the Amor- cnn Revolution convened hero yester day. Mrs. George M. Steinberg of this Ity. the president. In her nnnual ml- ilrcss , said whllo the society was In Us nfancy It already numbers 5,000 and should increase tenfold In the next two years. She paid high tribute to the late President McKlnlcy , whoso name she said should bo forever as sociated with thnt of Washington ns one of the greatest presidents of the republic. Accuses a Postmaster. Dos Molnes , Feb. 21.--C. II. Fulling- ton , who claims to have been mobbed last September near Avon , has niado formal charges against John King , postmaster at that place. Ho alleges thnt King Instigated the visit of the mob , which consisted of about 15 men , who called at his place of rest dcnco after dark , nnd , headed by King , and upon threats of personal frlolenco by King , spokesman for the crowd , ordered him to leave the state Fulllngton has made affidavit to Wash ington , and also to Postmaster School er of this city. Enrthauake Victims 5,000. London , Feb. 21. Cabling from St. Petersburg , the correspondent of th Dally Mail says the seismic disturb ances nt Shnmnkn have recommence ; and that a fresh volcano began ti erupt vigorously Inst Wednesday. Th correspondent odds that the numbe of killed In the Shanmka dlbtrlct 1 now estimated at 5.000. Death of Nebraska Pioneer. Nebraska City. Neb. . Fob. 21. Don aid McCulag died hero last evening aged GG. A wlfo and eight sons an daughters survive him. Ho was on of the most prominent pioneers of th sta4e. During President Cleveland * ! last term he was chief of division un der Secretary Morton In the agrlcu tural department. Fighting In Colombia. Panama , Colombia , Fob. 21. It I positively known here that the force : under the government general , Castro and the revolutionary general , Her . rora are fighting. Varied and numcr ous reports have reached here of thl engagement , but they all lack coif flrmatlon. _ WHILE I am yet a stranger to you , I soon won't be. The ready cash has done it. I bought the Bohnert grocery stock at a great sacrifice. Invoicing will begin Monday , and then it will be only a question of a few days to arrange the stock at the Beds' building , formerly occupied by Braash & Zuelow , and then we will deal out bargains that you never had before. Wait for our opening advertising. THE BELL . - - WAX ROSENTHAL , Proprietor. 1 Accuses the Governor of Mis representing Facts. SENATE TALKS ON PHILIP.'INES. Colorado Senator Charges False Re port on Islands Sducatlon of 'In dians In East Opposed In Vain In House Carlisle School Retained. Washington , Feb. 21. With the ex ception of a few minutes given to rou- Ino business , the scuta devoted Its entire session to the Philippine ques- Ion. Patterson ( Colo. ) , one of the minority members of the Philippines commission , delivered his first extend ed speech In the senate and was given i most attentive and careful hearing , lo discussed principally the sedition aws enacted by the Philippines com mission , vigorously attacking the au thority of the commission to enact and enforce such laws , lie main tained that congress alone had tbo power to put In force enactments of bat character. He compared Informa tion furnished by the executive de- imrtincnts of the government with some of the statements of Governor 1'aft In his testimony before the Phil- pplnes commission with respect to the capabilities of the Filipinos , and declared , with some heat , his belief hat Governor Taft misrepresented the true situation In the Islands for mo tives unknown. Ho assorted that If the G.000,000 Christians in the Phll- pplnes were Protestant Christians , the cruelties practiced on them by the American authorities would have to stop , as no member of congress would be able to withstand the wrath of the Methodists , Baptists and Pres byterians of this country. Nelson ( Minn. ) presented a legal and constitutional argument In sup port of this government's action In the Philippine archipelago and sharply criticised Patterson for Injecting Into the controversy the question of sec tarianism. McCumber ( N. D. ) urged that congress should not bind the fut ure now by a declaration of a definite policy regarding the Philippines. Indian Bill In House. Washington , Fob. 21. The house spent the day working on the Indian appropriation bill. Forty-two of the G2 pages were disposed of. Several amendments wcro adopted , but none of much importance. Smith ( A. T. ) offered an amendment to strike out the appropriation for the Carlisle school , and It became tbo text for u general onslaught on the practice of educating Indians In eastern schools. His amendment was defeated. Just before the close of the session Fitz gerald ( N. Y. ) made an attack upon the superintendent of the school at Mount Pleasant , Mich. , who , ho sold , was charged with permitting the de bauching of Indian girls. Sherman , chairman of the Indian committee , promised to make an investigation at the Indian office. Receiver id r-iu Plnttsmouth. Neb. , Feb. 21. Walter J. White of this city has been appoint ed receiver of the Plattsmonth Gas and Electric Light plant. The bond holders brought suit to compel the city to pay $30,000 for the plant. Ill * Whereabout * . "Do yon happen to know anything of yonr master's whereabouts ? " asked a wife who was looking for her husband. "I'm not sure , mem , " said the care ful servant , "but I think they're In the wash. " Estimate of Expenses. The county commissioners of Madison county , Nebraska , at their regular meet ing in January , 100 : ? , made the following estimate of expenses for the cusuiug year : County institute fund . . . $ 125 00 County road fund S.riOOJOO County printing 1,000 00 County attorney's salary 950 00 Care of paupers 2,000 00 Fuel , postage and expenses. . ,800 00 Books , stationery and supplies. , SOO 00 Election expenses ,100 00 Assessors' pay nnd mileage . . ,000 CO Soldiers relief fund ,000 00 Poor farm expenses. ,000 00 Conuty superintendent salary 1-100 00 County bridge fund 1,200JD ) County clerk's salary as clerk of board i 50000 Commissioner * ' pay and mile age 2,80000 Bounty onvild animals 800 00 Jnilor's foes 1,200 00 Janitor's salary and assistants to county olllcors 2,500 00 District court and jurors. . . . 7,500 00 Insane fund 1,000 00 Aid to agricultural society. . 700 00 Furniture nnd ropairts on County court house and jail nnd insurance on county buildings 1,500 00 Interest on court house bonds between Madison and Union precincts 000 00 Sinking funds for same 400 00 Battle Crook village jail bonds nnd interest 150 00 EMIL WINTEU , County Clerk. Notice. Tlio democratic electors of thq several wnrds nro hereby cnllod to moot in mass convention at the city hall on the 3rd day of March , 1002 , nt 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of selecting delegates for the several wards to the city conven tion to bo hold on the Cth dny of March , 1002 , nud to select the candidate for councilman from each ward. Tholdolegtttos selected are to bo voted on nt the primary election which will bo held on the -Hh day of March , 1902 , nt the several places nnmernted below : First ward nt Uhle's grocery store. Second ward at Carl Lnnbsch'a tin shop. Third ward nt Timos-Tribnno office. Fourth ward at Fourth ward hose house. The polls will remain open from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m. DANIUL J. KOENIOSTEIN , Chairman , F. W. KoEitunii , Secretary , of the city central committee. Aua. BRUMMUNU , CAUL WILDK , D. J. KOENIQSTEIN , F. W. KOEUBEU , Ward Conimitteomen. JR. H. T. HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Otllco , Citizens Nntlonnl Bank Building. Telephone 101. Baultarlnm and Residence , Main nud 13th St Telephone 9. Norfolk , . - Nebraska. JB. N. J. HOAGLAND , Osteopnthlc Physician. Diseases both acnto nnd chronic enrcefBfollj treated without nee of drugs or kulfo. Phone No. F 54. Olllce at residence , 109 North 10th Street , Norfolk , Nebraska J. COLE , DENTIST. Olllce over Citizen's National Bank. Resldouci ono block north of Congregational church. Norfolk , . . . Nebraska MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. Op stairs In Cotton block , over Banm's stor * First-class work guaranteed. Norfolk , Nebraska . SADIE HART MILLER. Ostcopathic Physician. Rooms over Hayes' Jewelry Honee , Norfolk " gESSIONS & BELL , Undcrtnkcrsmnd Embnlinerd , Sessions Rlk. , Norfolk Ave. Norfolk , - Nebraska J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIAN.O TU'NER ' , Office with J. D. Sturgeon , NOUFOLK , - - NBIIUASKA. M. E. SPAULDIIMC , UEALKHOIN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 8S ALL MILLINERY GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices at Miss E. J. Bender's. SDGflR CITY GEREflli JIMS , i rinnufncturers of the Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours. Every Sack Guaranteed , C. W. BRAASCH , - DEALER IN - Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Goal the best in the market. Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPHONE 61. Q. A. LUIKABT . . , PBMIDBNT. W. H. JOHNSON , CAsniBn , CIIA8. S. BRIDGE , VICE FBEBIDKNT. . , LEO PASEWALK , Ass'x Gum B. The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000. Bny and cell echan o on this country uinl nlljparts o < Europe , ( Farm Loans. BWANK Directors. , Q. A. CARL LUIKABT ASMCB , T. , F W MBUMINOEB. IT. JOHNSON , L. CIIAS. SESSIONS S. Bur , DOE. 0 , W. BnAABcn , 0 , U FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMEiNTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'o C. B. DURLAND , Secretary. Railroad and Business Directory. | o o 03O 4- < 4ta ta a > 0) JSH R. R. TIMETABLE. Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley. EAST. DEPART. Omnlm Passenger 6:03am : Chicago Bxproea 12:10p : m KAST. ABB1VE. Chicago Express 7:30 p m Omaha Passenger 12 : < 0pm WKHT. DKPABT. Black Hills aiprooB 7:50 p m Vorcllgro Passenger 12:40 : pm Yonllgro Accommodation 8:30am : WEST. ABBIVE. Black Hills Express 12:20pm : Vonligro Passenger 63 am Vordltrre Accommodation 7:10pm The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city depot. II. C. MATBAU , Agent. Union Pacific. 80DTII. DEPABT. Columbus Accommodation 3KOpm Omaha , Denver and Paclllc Coast ll:00n : m NOBTII. ABBIVB 'Columbus Accommodation 11:45 : n m Omaha , Monverand Pacific ccmet B.-OOpm Connect ? at Norfolk with F. , K A M. V. going west and north , and with the C. Bt. P. M , & O. for points north and past. J , B. BL8LFKHB , Agent. Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. BAST. DKPABT. Slonx fHty and Omaha Passenger . . . 0:30 am Blonx rityPaBsonger , 1:10 : j > m . WIST. AnniVK. 'Slonx City Patoengor 100am : Blocx City and Oinali Passenger 7:25 : | > m Connects at Norfolk with K. , K. & M. V. going west and north , and with the U. P. for points sonth. J. B. KLHKFFKH , Agent. * Ially except Snnday. BOARDING. Having romovsd to Sooth Fonrtli street , one block from Main , I am prapared to oiler first elate accommodations to Regular Boarders and Transient Custom Houienouly furnished anil rooms heated MKS. AUSTIN. Pboio 17S. I S. HAYES , . Fine Watch Repairing. MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER , Over I3nuin Bros. ' Store. Sponoen & Oualcoon Boots and Shoes , Repairing Neatly Done. J. B.HERMANN , Uontraetop and Builder 117 Fourth Street. M. E. SPAULDINQ , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk ATonne. IflSKEEP'S Cheapest and Best. Norfolk Avenue J.W.EDWARDS ALL WOBK GDABANTBED. Cor. IJraaBch ave nnd 4th St. The Norfolk Horseshoer MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. . 447. ilooms on North Ninth Street