The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Norfolk's Dream May Soon be
Congressman Robinson's Dill , Appro
priating $75,000 Mnv ho Passed.
Oiulgo Robertson Hns Boon Accomp
lishing Something.
I'ltnnVilnntilny' * Dnl'j.
The pnmpoot for Norfolk gnttlng an
appropriation of 1(75,000 for u publlo
building at IhlH session nf congnws ap-
poaiH to bo very fnvornblo Indoml and it
looliHus thouuh GonKroHBimvn Koblu-
non's bill would pans HOUKI tiinu tliiH
nprlng , which will bo vary gratifying to
tlio people of thin city , who Imvo
< lroiunod of mich nil ttnprovuinuiit for
initny years.
At u recent Mission of congrew ) the city
was HiioceHsfnl In scouring ixn approprl-
ntion to purchase n slto forHtioh u build-
lug and tlio government now owns the
qaartor block at the corner of Fourth
Htruut nnd Madison nvonuo , nt present
oounploil by tlio Baptist ohnrob. A
public building for the postottlon and
\vltbroonin for the accommodation of
the United Stutoa court would bo mi liu-
provomoht to that corner nnd the busi
ness portion of the city tlmt would bo
most pleasing to Norfolk oitir.oiiR , nnd
they \\ill hope tlmt the bill in on n HUO-
cepsful rornl to passage.
The passing of the Domlwood , 8. . D. ,
bill Jippiopriatlng $200,000 fern publlo
building encourages the supporters of
the Norfolk bill to believe Unit it may
meet with success , the indication being
that western npproprlntioiiH of thiH char
acter are meeting with fnvor.
Hon. W. M Hobo teen who IIIVH boon
in Washington in the intoroBta of thiH
measure lias iippnrcntly employed bin
tiiua to advantage IU1(1 has u on success-
fnl in inducing the needed intercut of
the legislators nnd the proper notion on
the purt of committees.
The BCO'H staff corrcHpoudont under
dnto of yesterday says :
"Congressman Robinson's bill curry
ing $75,000 for the erection of n public
building nt Norfolk , Nobr. , line been u sub-committee consisting of
David II. Morccr nnd Representatives
Glllott nnd Bankhoad. Hon. W. M.
Robertson of Norfolk , who luxs boon
hero looking after tlio Interests of Nor
folk in the nmttcr , is satisfied with the
progress which has boon niudo nnd will
return to Nebraska Thuradny.
"It is the intention of the committee
on publlo buildings nud grounds to In
clude nil appropriation ! ) for now build
ings in the omnibus bill. It in probable
n report of this committee will nor. bo
made before the hitter part of March or
the first of April , but every assurance is
given that when n report IB uirvlo It will
include an appropriation for the Norfolk
building. "
Hard Work on New Line of Elkhorn
Jnto Boyd County Begins.
Grading for the uow lino" of tbo Fro-
uiout , Elkhorn & Missouri Vixlloy rail-
rend into Boyd county has began , says
the Boo of Friday. General Manager
Eidvvoll has just returned from the scene
of the work und says that the attack on
the solid rock bluff which must bo out
through just west of Nlobraro , was made
Wednesday nt noon.
A big force of men is nt work , but it
will take fully four inontha to complete
this stupendous cut through uolid rock.
It is right along the bank of the Mis
souri river in n bluff , in which n niohe
will bo out for the roadway. The
Btrotch is n little more thau a uiile in
extent nud is the most dillloult piece of
work of the outiro lino.
"That is the finest piooo of engineer
ing I ever saw iu my Ufa" finid Mr.
Bldwbll. "Tho engineers bnvo boon
cross-Eectioiring in that mile oC rock for
fourteen days now nnd have only 800
feet completed. It will take them six
weeks yet merely to finish cnm-Rectiou-
ug. About 100,000 oubio yards of rock
must be torn out of that bluff before wo
nre through with it. "
Preparing to Raze the Bluff.
The remaining right of way in Kuox
county has nil boon closed up and the
Fremont , Eikbom & Missouri Valley
railroad company is in possession of its
deeds to the county lino. Contractor
Larson , who has the blasting of the point
at the mouth of the Nlobrora iu hand ,
reached hero Monday .followed on Tues
day by 40 laborers , and lumber for their
camp at the grove south of the point ,
where excellent shelter ifl found. Blast
ing will begin at once. .This point ban
been a piece of difficult engineering
work owiug to its ronghaoss , and the
boys have been suspended iu the air by
ropes iu various places. This bos made
Blow and tod-
the cross-sectioning very -
ions. But Chief Engineer Armstoug's
office has beeu a busy biro day and
night for the past week getting the
work ready for the blasting and grading ,
BO uo tluio is being lost iu the work /it
bit end.
General Manager Bldwoll is putting
his best energies to the task , nud all the
minutest derails are being entered into
BO there will be no delay as BOonfVo8t , as
is oat of the ground. Ho lias not made
any rnsh prom wen to ooimnnnlUnfl , .but
by the looks of thlngn wo tnny expect
to hcnr the iron homo atKiobrara's door
by May I and regular trnltm running n
month later. Of course there Is a good
deal of construction work to bo douo
from thin point , the bridge at the
mouth of the Nlobrara being 1,000
foot in length nnd therefore o' slow
. Ntobrnrn Pioneer.
Excellent Entertainment In Store for
Norfolk Pooplo.
L. T , Uonlor , who ban boon hero for
several days In the Interests of the Go
Operative Lyceum bureau of Omaha ban
met with Hiioh encouragement that Nor
folk is aflHured of an indoor ohnntauqnn
for a week In March , beginning with
the third. The course will include nix
night entertainments , two in the after
noon nnd two lectures on Sunday , ton
nnmborH In nil being provided. A largo
number of Benson tickets have boon Hold
nnd nro yet in demand while the pat
ronngo nt the door for each entertainment
mont promises to bo largo. The BOOSOII
tlukots nro so much cheaper than to pay
for admission to each number that it in
probable n great many inoro will betaken
taken when it ifl brought to the atten
tion of the pooplo.
Norfolk in ono of the throe Nebraska
towns to have thcflo oliautanquoH and
the ontortalnon ) nro of the high grade
whoso HOrvloos are in demand during
the summer nt outdoor ohautauquan.
Those scoured for the week at Norfolk
nro :
The Soburmnuu Lady Quartet of Ohl-
cngo , nud Miss Edna B. Smith ,
Dr. Frederick Albert Hatch of Omaha ,
Dr. Guy P. Benton , president of
Upper lown university , lecturer.
Robert Parker Miles of Now York
City , lecturer.
Chaplain Jesse Dole , past department
chaplain of Iowa G. A. U. , lecturer.
Phil W. Gould of Sioux City , musical
monologue. Mr. Gould plays five dif
ferent inRtrnmoutH.bosideH being a vocal
ist of ability.
With tbiH outline of what is coming
the people of Norfolk muy well antici
pate n rare literary nnd musical week.
The numbers nro to bo givou iu thq
M. 13. ohuroh. While Mr. Uoslor has
loft the citythose wishing season tickets
may find lists with Mrs. L. M. Boolor ,
Mrs , M. Twiss nnd Jus. M. Covert ,
Norfolk ImH had little iu this line dur
ing the season nnd it is nutloipatod that
the people will bo pleased of this oppor
Institute at Lexington.
William Horuor , Claude Smith nud
L. W. Hawkins , the local committee on
the farmers' institute recently bold nt
Lexington give the following resume
indicating what may bo expected by the
farmers of Norfolk nnd vicinity Friday
nud Saturday of next week :
"Hon. M. F. Grooloy spoke of the
purposes of the institute. Ho explained
that a greater effort towards mutual
interest nnd harmonious QO-oporntiou
among the farmers was one of the chief
purposes of the organization. Its edu
cational advantages , loading to a more
eoioutlQo knowledge of soil , and varia-
gated farming was ulso observed.
"Plain Foods and Plain Living,1 a
very important part of the program ,
was eloquently handled by Mrs. Bertha
D. Laws , of Minnesota. All who bad
the pleasure of bearing this lady wore
very highly pleased.
"Mr. Greeloy was again called upon
and spoke on 'Landed Homos. ' It em
braces material worthy of most serious
"Tho announcement of 'Tho Amer
ican Girl In the Homo1 by Mrs.
Laws , who bad before won the admira
tion of all , brought out n full house.
Her audience embraced largo numbers
of high school girls , teachers , professors
and others of culture.
"Tho affair was very profitable. Tbo
farmer's institute iu a commonwealth
like Nebraska , depending almost entirely
upon agriculture and stock-raising , is
not appreciated as it should bo. Its as
sistance and encouragement should not
bo confined to the farmer , but to everyone
ono who possesses any business interest
iu the state. Lot it bo hoped , therefore ,
that in the future more attention will
bo given to thin enterprise. "
Question Answered.
Yes , August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and your grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for indigestion or biliousness.
Doctors were scarce , and they seldom
heard of appendicitisnervous prostration
or heart failure , etc. They used August
Flower to clean out tbo system and stop
fermentation of undigested food , regulate >
late the action of , the liver , stimulate
the nervous and organic action ot the
system , and that is all they took when
feeling dull and bed with headaches
and other aobes. Yon only need a few
dosea of Green's August Flower , in
liquid form , to make yon satisfied there
is nothing serious the matter with yon.
Got Green's Prize almonao. Aga IT.
When the Chimney
U choked with soot , the fire languishes
and goes out. When the bronchial tubes
are clogged with phlegm , the flame of
life flickers. Intelligent treatment with
Allen's Lung Balsam brings up the
pbelm , allays inflammation , stops tbo
oongb and pain in tbo chest , and , in a
word , overcomes those terrible colds
which if neglected soon beoomo con-
Nearly a Hundred Tried for tbo Prizes
The writing content of Dr. 0. F. W.
Mnrqnardt closed last Saturday at 4
o'clock. The proposition wan to take a
ono cent postal card , nlzo 3 by G }
Inchon , and wrlto with pen nud ink the
following : "Dr. Marquardt , ophthal
mologist. "
The contestant who ooald write it the
mortt tlmofl wan to rooulvo first prise ,
and a second and third pri/o was of
fered. A pair of $15 gold spectacles was
the first priao listed , nud a pair worth
$10 was the Hoooud prize. The third
prlw ) wnH a gold ring worth $ fi. The
cards received form an interesting ox-
hlblt in the display window of Dr.
Mnrqunrdt's storo.
Ninoty-elght postnl cards were ro-
aolvod. On fifteen cards the Rontouoo
had boon written from Ul to 100 times ,
on ! ! 2 cards from 100 to ; iOO , on 20 car da
from 200 to 1)00 ) , on 10 cards from 300 to
tOO , on 112 cards from ' 100 to 101U times.
The last IS curds were given to n com-
mlttoo of throe , the names of the writers
being first removed RO that the committee -
too did not know who the contestants
On ninety cards the nddross of the
writers is Norfolk , three wore sent
from Woruorvillo , two from Omaha ,
ono from Madison , ouo from Battle
Greek and ono from Pierce. Tbo card
from Pierce was wrltton by a lady , who
gave her ago on tbo card to bo 01 years.
She had written it 178 times , and every
word plain and correct. She also sent
another postal card bearing the follow
ing poem :
With this , I Bond you jtOHtnl card.
To wrlto BO mnnr wor < t WHS hard ,
And now tlio tadlous tnnk < H douo ,
1 can on'y ' tiopo find wiili 1'ro wou ,
I Imvo written many n tlmii
The Lord's prayer within a dlmo
Ihnt la , within the tin ; npnco
A dime would ill ) , put In thn place.
'Twiid whoti 1 utimhorod wl li the liuwett
And did not L cod jour gold-howcd tflnmr-s ,
-Mm. W. W. Uultey.
Credit is duo to E. 12. Adaum nud E.
M. Koouigstoin for good writing and
systematic arrangement. The cleanest ,
best arranged and best written card was
written by Lydla Sprooher185 times.
Following is the certificate of the com
mittee :
This is to certify that wo have counted
the cards subscribed by the contestants
iu the writing contest of Dr. Marqnardt
ophthalmologist , and find that the three
having the highest number according to
the rules of the contest nre ns follows :
First , U. F. Railaud , 1010 times.
Second , Edith Morrow , 544 times.
Third , H. E. Rydt > r , ( W3 times.
The Difference.
If the editor makes n mistake ho haste
to apologi/.o for it , but if a doctor makes
a mistake ho buries it.says nu exchange.
If wo make ouo there is n lawsuit , tall
swearing and a smell of burning sulphur ,
but if the doctor makes one there is n
funeral , cut flowers aud a smell of var
nish. The doctor can use a word a foot
long , but if the editor wants to use it he
has to spell it. If the doctor calls to see
another man's wife bo will charge the
man'for the visit. If the editor calls on
another man's wife ho gets a charge of
buck shot. Any medical college can
make a doctor. You can't make an ed
itor. Ho bos to be born ouo. When the
doctor gets drunk it is a case of "over
come by the beat , " aud if ho dies it is a
case of heart failure. When the editor
gets drunk it is too much booze and if he
dies it is a case of delirium treaious.
Material Arriving.
The two new side tracks nre completed
and material for the extension has been
shoved on to them. In n short time
large force of men will bo employed to
unl uxd the oars as fast as they arrive.
It is safe to say that the iron horse will
whistle for Niobrara before the first of
June. Verdigro Citizen.
Ordinance No. 205.
An ordinance to amend sections 14
nnd ! )6 ) of ordinance No. 220 , entitled :
An ordinauco concerning the water
works of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska ,
regulating aud governing the snme , es
tablishing water rates , rules nud regula
tions for the government of water con
sumers , plumbers nud others , nud to
protect said waterworks , including
pipes and other apparatus , from injury ,
aud providing penalties therefor , passed
aud approved April 28 , 1894 , and to re
peal said sections 14 nnd 30 nud to also
repeal sections 8 and 15 of said ordi
nance No. 220.
Be it ordained by the mayor aud coun
cil of the city of Norfolk :
Section 1. Meter Service : That sec
tion UO of ordinance 220 of the city of
Norfolk bo and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows : The city
reserves the right to sot and use meters
whenever the city shall have any doubt
of , or is not satisfied as to the quantity
of water consumed or wasted by any
consumer , and any consumer bos the
right to take water by meter after first
filing nn application for meter semoe
with the water commissioner.
Such consumer ( hall furnish and set
at his own expenses a meter which shall
comply with all tbo requirements gov
erning tbo kind and quality of motors
and the manner of setting the same.
Section 2. Description of Meters :
All motors put in or used , whether at
the Inptanoo of the city or by private
consumers , shall conform to the follow
ing riesoriDtlnn :
(1) ( ) Typo Positive displacing , piston
measuring. ( The use of disc meters of
any sort is hereby prohibited. )
(2) ( ) Material All metal parts in con
tact with the water must be brass ,
bronze , gun metal or other non-rusting
material ,
(0) ( Register The registration shall be
in cubic feet and shall read from left to
I right in ono'straight line of numerals.
Section 3. Setting of Meters : 'No
pornon other than the water commis
sioner or a duly licensed plumbur shall
bo permitted to sot motors , nnd in doing
BO ttio following rules must bo observed :
First All motors Hhall bo placed on
Horvico pipe not to exceed two feet from
the wnll where such pipe outers the
building , with a stop and wanto between
such muter and the wall. Connect to
service pipe on both sides of motor with
proper motor unions attached to service
plpo with lead pipe connections of
proper weight aud mo and of a length
to admit of enough waver to connect
the muter.
Second All motors shall bo placed seas
as to be easy of access to tbo officers of
the wnter department nnd must bo care
fully protected from freezing or other
Third All motors shall bo Rot on a
substantial foundation , perfectly plumb
nnd properly secured so as to remain in
such position.
Fourth All motors used in connection
with a steam range or hot wnter boiler ,
or under nny other conditions whore it
is exposed to n back pressure of steam or
hot water , must bo protected with u
check valve placed between the motor
nnd such boiler or apparatus.
Fifth Before connecting nuy meter
the service pipe connecting it must bo
thoroughly blown out in order that any
accumulations of snud , dirt , oto , maybe
bo expelled nnd thus prevented from en
tering the motor.
Sixth The use of red load or any
similar substance in milking the joints
between the street main and the meter
is expressly prohibited.
Seventh All motors located outside
of collars must bo placed iu pits. All
pits for motor located outside of cellars
must bo constructed of brick and not
less thau throe feet long and 2 * feet
wide , inside measurement , aud bo sup
plied with close fitting cover aud also
with cleats securely nailed in the inside
or iron rods for stops to enable ouo to
descend into the pit. The motor must
bo placed in one corner of such pit aud
bo sot in a small box with cover largo
enough to permit sottiug or taking out
the motor. Said box must bo buried
with its top even with the surface of the
ground iu the largo pit.
An extension dial , or register , reach
ing to top of ground und securely pro
tected from injury will bo accepted in
lion of the brick pit before described.
Section 4 Approval of Motors : All
meters before being Hot must be sub
mitted to the water commissioner for
examination and must huve bis ap
proval. The manner of setting meters
must also bo examined by the water
commissioner nud have his approval.
It shall bo the duty of the wnter com
missioner to refuse to turn on the water
to any premises using meters until the
foregoing requirements have been
strictly complied with.
Section 5. Maintenance of Meters :
The city will keep all meters which con
form to the meter description of section
2 iu repair aud clean free of charge to
the consumer , with the ° exception of
now parts , the cost of which must bo
paid by the consumer to the city within
thirty days nfter Buoh now ports nro
Section 0. Interference with Meter :
No person or persons shall connect or
disconnect or take apart or iu nuy
manner change or cause to bo changed
or interfere with the notion or regula
tion of any meter without first obtain
ing a written permit from the water
commissioner authorizing tbo same.
And in case of accident to meter the
party using the same shall at ouce
notify the water commissioner.
Section 7. Constant Flow : No fix-
nre , unless supplied through meter ,
I nil bo permitted to bo used with a
constant flow.
Sections. Waste from Leaks : In
case of the failure of any owner or con
sumer not supplied by meter rate to re
pair any leak occurring on their service
pipe , or at any fixture , within twenty-
four (24) ( ) hours after verbal or written
notice has boon served upon tbo owner
or occupant of the premises , tbo water
shall bo shut off from the said promises
aud shall not bo turned on again until
the leak or leaks have been repaired and
the sum of ono dollar ( $1.00) ) paid , to
gether with the costs of turning the
water off nnd on.
Section 9. Hose Sprinkling : That
section 14 of ordinance No. 220 be and
Che same is hereby amended to read ns
follows :
Hose sprinkling for lawns , yards aud
gardens shall be used only from the first
ilay of April to the first day of Novem
ber and then only between the hours of
six and eight a. m. uud six and eight p.
m. , except where meter IB used. Such
sprinkling must be confined to a fair ap
plication for those purpo ) s wimont ex
cessive nnd unreasonable use , and to the
premises upon which the water supply
is lonatcd.
During the hours of non-service the
hose connections must at all times bo
kept securely closed so as to prevent the
escape of any water whatsoever.
For each violation of any of the pro
visions of this section the consumer
shall pay to the city upon demand a fine
of one dollar ( $1.00) ) and upon refusal
or failure by the consumer to pay said
fine the water shall be turned off from
such premises and remain so nutil Bald
flue has been paid , together with the
cost of turning the water off and on.
Provided , however , that none of the
provisions of this section shall apply to
premises supplied at meter rates.
Section 10. Street Sprinkling : The
sprinkling of streets outside of the curb
line with hose is hereby prohibited , ex
cept that consumers be supplied at
meter rates.
Section 11. Now Taps to be Motored :
All water supply pipes put in after May
1 , 1003 , must bo provided with meters.
Section 12. Cost of Service Pipe to
Curb : The city will deliver the water
to the curb line at the uniform price of
eight dollars forinch tap , but larger
taps and all taps on Norfolk avenue pro
vidlng for lead pipe shall be furnished
at prices to bo fixed by the water com
missioner of said city.
Section 13. That sections 3 , 14 and 15
and 80 of said ordinance No. 220 , and
all ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
Section 14. This ordinance shall take
effect aud be in force from and after its
passage , approval aud publication ac
cording to law
Passed and approved February 0,1002.
S. R. MaFAULANO , Mayor.
City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 264.
An ordinance to amend section 2 of
ordinance No 220 , an ordinance to
amend boctiona 84 and 35 of ordinance
No. 820 of the nlty of Norfolk entitled ,
"An ordinauco concerning the water
works of the city of Nor/oik , regulat
ing and governing the Hamo , establish
ing wntor rates , rules and regulations
for the government of wutor con
sumers , plumbers mid others and to
protect paid waterworks and providing
penalties therefor , passed aud unproved
May 18 , 1804. "
Aud to repeal nald ordinance No. 220.
Bo it ornninod by tbo mayor and
Council of the city of Norfolk :
Section 1. Water Raton : That BOO-
tiou two , ordinance No. 220 bo and the
same Is hereby amended to rend as fol
lows : The following la established as n
tariff of wntor rates per annum to con-
Humora of city water except as otherwise
specified :
Dwelling house , ono family ( ouo
fixture ) | 0 00
Each additional family 0 00
BakorioH , nvorngo for each barrel
of Hour used per day U CO
Bnrbor shops , ono chair 5 00
Each additional chair 2 50
Bath houses , per tub ( public ) $7 to 15 00
Bath tub ( private ) 8 50
Each ndditioual tub ( private ) . . . . 2 00
Blacksmith shops , ono fire 8 00
Each additional flro 1 60
Butcher shops $4 to 800
Bars , drinking saloons $10 to 30 00
Billiard saloons , ouo tnblo 5 00
Each addl'lonnl table 150
Breweries , distilleries , rectifiers
and malt bouses , special or
Candy manufactories $8 to 80 00
Cigar manufactories , five hands
or under 5 00
Dyeing uud scouring , including
laundries $15 to 80 00
Eaiug saloons $10 to 80 00
Fountains , special or motor.
Filling private cisterns , furnish
ing water only , each time 1 00
Hotels and boarding houses for
first ton rooms , ono fixture 10 00
Each additional room 1 00
Wash basins in hotels , same as
private residence.
Boarding bouses loss thau ten
rooms , same as dwelling.
Store front sprinkling by base , in
cluding washing and sprinkling
sidewalks nud washing store
frouts , fifty feet or less G 00
Enoh ndditional foot 10
Sprinkling lawns per lot or single
property , ouo hose 0 00
Stables ( priva'o ) one horse , in
cluding washing carriage 3 00
Stables , each additional horse. . . . 1 00
Stables , each cow 3 00
Stables , each sheep 1 00
Stables , each hog 1 00
Stables , livery aud sale , including
carriage washing , hose limited
-iuohnozzleeaoliBtallBiuglo 1 50
Offices ( general ) wash basin G 00
Printing offices , according to num
ber of persons , not including
engine $0 to 40 00
Public balls 15 to 20 00
Photograph galleries $10 to 20 00
Steam engines to be assessed as
per nominal horse power of ten
hours' run 2 50
Street sprinkling with wagon , per
100 gallons , meter rates 02
Steam boilers for house warming ,
each sounro foot of surface 80
No less charge than 5 00
Tobacco manufacturer ( not less
than $5) ) per hand 1 00
Urinals iu public houses or public
toilet rooms , per bowl 4 00
Urinals private houses , per bowl. 2 00
Wash basins , stationary , first
basin in dwelling , free ; all
others , each 100
Wash basin , or sink , iu stores or
banks , not including hose
sprinkling 5 00
Wash basin , or sink , public toilet
rooms GOO
Water closets in public houses or
public toilet rooms , per bowl. . . 6 00
Water closets in private houses ,
per bowl 250
Work shops , ten persons or under 5 00
Each additional person 25
Brick work , making mortar nnd
wetting brick , per 1000 brick. . . 05
Stone work , making mortar , per
perch , 1G ) cubio feet 05
Concrete , per cubic yard 15
Pop factories nnd bottling estab
lishments $20 to 80 00
Rents for all purposes not herein
named shall bo fixed by meter measure
Section 2 Meter Rates : Each thous
and (1000) ( ) gallons , 15 cents.
Meter measurements to bo computed
at the rate of seven and one-half (7 ( > )
gallons to the cubio foot.
Provided , however , that iu no case
where a meter is used shall the annual
charge be less than $ G , payable quar
terly at the same time and in the same
manner as regular meter rates.
Section 8. Rental of meters : There
shall be charged to the consumer an an
nual rental of two dollars ( $2) ) upon all
meters which are set and owned by the
city.Such rental shall bo collected quar
terly , at the sumo time under the same
rules as provided for the collection of
meter water rentals and in addition to
such water rentals.
Provided , however , that the consumer
may acquire ownership of such meter nt
nny time by paying to the city the
nmnnut which the purchase nud setting
of said meter has cost the city.
Section 4 Accounts : All accounts
for water service shall bo chargeable to
the owner of the promises supplied with
water and all receipts for water rental
shall be mode to sncli owner.
Section 5 , Collection of water
rentals : All rates , except for meters
and building purposes will be payable
soml-annnally in advance on the first
days of May and November in each year.
A penalty of five per cent ot the
amount due shall bo added to the rental
of the same if not paid within thirty
(80) ( ) days after becoming due , and the
water shall be shut off and remain BO
until all arrearages are paid , together
with the cost of turning the water off
and on. Rents and rates for building
purposes shall bo payable upon demand.
Water rentals under meter rates shall
be payable quarterly upon the first days
of May , Autrast , November and Febru
ary at the office of tbo water commis
Section G That Bald ordinance No.
220 and all ordinances or parts of ordi
nances In conflict with thin ordinance be
and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 7 This ordinance shall tnko
effect nud be in force from nnd after its
passage , approval and publication , ac
cording to law.
Passad and approved February 0 ,
Attest : Mayor.
OityOlfltk , .
It Isn't ' the Cook's ' Fault ,
It Isn't ' your Grocer's ' Fault ,
that the bulk coffee you just
purchased turns out to be differ *
cntfrom the "samekind"bought
before. Coffee purchased in
bulk is sure to vary.
The scaled package in which
LION COFFEE is sold insures
uniform flavor and strength , It
also keeps the coffee fresh and
insures absolute purity.
If you want a good
food for your child-
rcn , try Whentosc.
It io easily and
quickly prepared ,
nr.i very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have It.
California Breakfast Food
Stransky Steel = Ware
- )
A little higher in price , but outlasts a
dozen pieces of so-called cheap enameled
Forealo at
On Kovernber 5th , and 19th , and
December 8rd , and 17th , the Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer
tain points in the South , Southeast , and
Southwest , at the rate of one fare for
the round trip , plus $2.00. Final return -
turn limit 21 days from date of sale.
VFast Time and Superior Through Ser
vice. Reclining Chair Oars ( seats free ) . , iM. -S * *
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars.
For further information or land pam
phlets , address , W. O. BARNES
T. P. A. , Omaha ,
O. P. & T. A. A. a. P. A T. A.
St. Louis , Mo. Kansas City , Mo ,
To * " Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine ,
Rookford , Lacrosse , Dnbuqno , Elgin ,
Freeport , Madison , Janes villa
and other important points East , North
east and Southeast , via
An Electric Light in Every Berth.
The Milwaukee is the only Electric
Lighted Train that runs iu and out of
Omaha. All cars are supplied with incandescent -
candescent lights.
Palace Sleepers aud the finest Dining
Oars in the world are run on the 0. M.
& St. P. Ry. Wrlto aud got full in-
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWBI.L , 1504Faruam St. ,
Truv. Frt. & Pftsa. Agt. .Omaha.