The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 07, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Industrial Commission Submits
" "
Final Report.
.Would Qlve Largely Increased Power
to Ititerotnte Commerce Board Oi-
, posea Olccrlmlnatlon In Tariffs Fa
I vors Qovornmcnt Control Policy.
n , Pel ) . 7. The IndiiHlrlal
communion IIIIH submitted I tit dual retort -
| tort to coiiKit'HB. ' It IB a document
cf inoro tluui 1,000 printed PIIKOH. The
first pnrt donlHvllli tlio proRroHB of
the imtlon , HKrlctiltnro , mlnlni ; und
trnnsportiitlon. lluconlmondatlonn are
nmdo on the nubJoctH of tnuwportu-
tlon mid iiRrlcultiiro. The coniinluiilon
advlnuu list to transportation :
That the policy of Koverniunnt mi-
jicrvlslon anil control of rallrtmdH an
originally laid down In the tionato coin-
mitt oo report of 1880 and otnhodlnd
the following year , In the Intoratnlo
commerce net , bo rovlaod oiul
Huch luftliilnUon Rhould provldo :
Moro Htrlnpont regulation of the con-
dltloiiB under which freight and pan-
soiiKiir tariff n nro publlHhod ami fllod.
No rnto or cluBHlllcntlou oiiRht to lie
changed without at leant 60 dayn' no-
tlco to Hhlpporw , nnloBR BjiocKlcsaJly nn-
tiorl7.od by the Intoratato commerce
comrnlBfllon. That strict adherence
to publlBhud tariffs bo required and
that robntoA and dlBcrlmlimtlon bo pro-
NT en ted by an Increase of the ponaltlon.
For a npoclllo irnnt of power to tlio
Interstate commerce coinmlaflldn over
classification , both an to UOIIIH mid
Grouping. For the ostabllBhrnont of a
permanent corps of export auditors
iwho shall have authority under the
BUporvlBlon of the Intorstnto com
merce commission , to oxanilno period
ically the accounts of all rail rood com
panies , whether operating or financial ,
In their nature.
It makes the following recommenda
tions : That the secretary of ncrlcitl
tnro bo given authority to ( impact
Ualry jroiliuts : Intended for export
mid to certify their grade nnd quality ;
to fix standard grades for coroalH ,
ImBcd on season of growing quality
nnd weight per measure and when In
tended for export to Inspect and cortl
ty the same ; to cause stock earn and
Btockynrds to bo cleansed and disin
fected whenever ho considers such
action necessary ; to make adequate
rcgulatlonn prohibiting the shipment
of uninspected or dlsoiuied meat from
ono state to another or to foreign
Gtory of Stealing of Gainsborough
Painting Is at Last Told.
Chicago , Fob. 7. Adam Worth.
luiown as the "Napoleon of crime , "
IB dead In London and with the an
nouncement of the death yesterday all
the details of the iccovory of the cele
brated Gainsborough pointing wore
made public In Chicago. When the
famous plcturo was restored to Its
owner In Chicago last April there
[ were many surmises as to the medium
of Its return. William A. Pinliorton ,
fivho made the formal announcement
of the recovery of the painting , refused -
fused to confirm or deny "any of the
( stories. Now that Worth Is dead , Mr.
Plnkorton can speak. Worth gave
him written permission to reveal the
Gainsborough secret after ho had died.
Wrapped In oilcloth , the canvas wan
handed ever to C. Moroland Agnew
ono morning last April In Chicago by
Worth , who 25 years before had cut
the painting from Ita frame in the
lAgnow galleries In London. The re
turn of the painting took place In Mr.
Plnkerton's private office , Tho'ownor
of the plcturo hurried back to London
for fear the United States offlcora
would demand a duty on the work ,
which had been secreted In thla coun
try for 15 years.
Most Notable Social Event of the
Washington Season.
Washington , Fob. 7. Helen Hay ,
eldest' daughter of Secretary of State
John Hay , and Pnyno Wliltnoy of Now
York , sou of ox-Secretary of tlio Navy
Whitney , were married yesterday at
noon at tlio Church of the Covenant.
The wedding was the inoat notalilo
Eoclal event of the season In Wash
ington , being celebrated in the pres
ence of the highest officials in the
land , Including the president and his
cabinet , nnd of what la rccognfzod as
the best of New York and Now En
gland society.
British Losses In South Africa.
London , Feb. 7. The wur offlco
last evening published a nummary of
the British losses in South Africa. Up
to Jan. 31 , the total reduction of the
forces from death or permanent disa
bility was 25,135 men. The total of
the casualties , including surviving
wounded , vras 5,210 officers and 100-
701 men.
Schley Returns to Washington.
Knoxvllle , Tenn. , Feb. 7. The visit
of Admiral and Mrs. Schloy to ICnox-
vllle ended last night , BO far aa enter
tainment features are concerned , and
the visitors will leave today for Wash
ington. A reception tendered to the
admiral by the Cumberland club vras
the closing feature.
Phillips Fined for Assaulting Editor.
Ottumwa , la * , Feb. 7. Hon. T. J.
Phillips , late Democratic nominee for
governor , entered a plea of guilty to
the cbargo of kicking Editor Moore
because of an article publrshod In the
Ottumwa Herald reflecting on htm.
Ho was fined $25.
Extreme Care Delng Taken to Protect
Him During HU Visit.
Now York , Kob. 7. Wallace \T.
Downey , member of the firm which In
building rflinporor Wllllatn'n yacht ,
had a confnronco with President
ItooBovolt. The president IB nald to
mvo oiilied particularly about the ar
rangement for tlio crowds at the
uichlng. Ho In nald to have told
Mr , Downey thud Prlnco Henry IB to
bo the guest of the nation and that
the nation will bo responsible for bin
nafoty. Kor that rotu i croat care
In Itnporntlvo In odltlng the lint of
uonUi nnd seeing that no one not
vouched for by a rouponiiiblo portion
nhall bo permitted to attend.
Tlio Now York naval inllltla , COO
Btrong , will act nit opoclnl guard for
the prlnco and Uio president at the
launching. It will bo formed In a
iloublo line from Uio pier on which
the prlnco , the president nnd Inline-
Ing party will land and from where
they parly will march to the launchIng -
Ing illation eroded tinder Uio bow of
A force of oocrot oorvlco man. from
Washington , central odlco men and
policemen In uniform will also bo on
duty , A nqiiad of nocrct aorvlco mon
roprcflontlng nil foreign nations also
will bo jiroHctit to nco that no crank
In permitted to got near the prlnco.
These hit tor otllclalH , the loading mon
In their line of work In Uio greatest
IQuropoan cnpltaln , will. It la elated ,
accompany the prince on bin tour of
Uio country.
Indiana Investors Looo Upwards of
Sixty Thousand Dollars.
Michigan City , Intl. , Fob. 7. Amoa
II. Gould , a former Michigan City real-
dent , who IB under arrest at David
City , Nob. , for forgery in connection
with the wreck of the Plntto Valley
bank of Hellwood , bnu succeeded , It IB
said , lu obtaining over JGO.OOO of
Michigan City money for Investment.
An outato hero had $4,000 In titock In
Gould's prlvato bank mid under the
Nobranka stale banking laws stock
holders are llablo for double the face
ruluo of tholr stock , no that the OR-
Into nrobably will have to pay $4,000
as well as lese the ontlro Block.
Olher people hero have from $25,000
to $40,000 of mortgages and paper , so
that the IOBH to Mlchlgnn City real-
donlB will equal , if not oxcocd , the to
tal of $60,000.
Corn Product Company Incorporates.
Now York , Fob. 7. Tlio Corn Prod
uct company wan Incorporated under
the laws of Now Jersey. Capital $2,000
wll ( bo Increased to $80,000,000. The
object of the company IB to manufact
ure products and by-products , mix
tures and compounds of corn , augar
boots and other similar suhatitxicca.
France Accepts Invitation.
ParlB , Fob. 7. The United Stales
embassy hero was officially notified
Hint Franco had accepted the Invita
tion to ptirtlcljiiUo lu the St. Louis
exposition , which lo to bo held In
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chlcnjjo , Kob. . Hpuculoilun In grain
was dull ugalu today and the markets were
characterised by miicU hwltntlon. At the
Mitiet tlu icntlniont was bearish , but
with tb * uilvnuce of the icaxlon traders
loomed to Ito ready for n ball turn and
prlcea rnnctrd well. May wheat cloned
KSHc higher , May corn Vic up utul May
atn % c Mdvonced , Provision Late took a
good Himrt anr > cloKtxl IVAiWc to 17c high
er. OloRljig inlcwr
Whi'ftt-Mny , 78'Wi78 { c ; July. 787 V4o.
Com-Mny , 03c ; July , 03Uc.
OalH-Miiy , & < : : July , Mfcc.
I'ork-Mny , ( KMUtt ; July , $10.10.
Ixinl-Mny. JO.W ; July , $ l.GB. )
Hlbs-M jr , I8.57W : July , ? 8.C7V4.
Chicago Cash Markut No. 2 red wheat.
M R.1c ; No. . ' ( red wheat , 70384 0 ; No. 3
iprlnc wheat , 727flc ; No. 2 hard wheat. 70
jfaSo ; No. 3 hanl wheat , TOtfme ; No. 8
iu h corn , GOlMtfWftc ; No. 3 yellow corn ,
JOUKWVlc ! No. 2 cash oatn. 4tX i5 c ; No.
! while outs , 4Wjf-17'/c ( , ; No. 3 white eaU ,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , HVb. 0. Cattle itrcclpU , 10-
XXX LiicluilltiK MX ) Texaus ; good to prltno
i leers , Jd.MXiiT.'JO ; poor to medium , < 4.X > It
UQ.OO ; BtocVcra and focdem. 2.tX > 4M.N ) ;
COWD , fl.'JrxfiXi.OO ; hetfiira. ( ' . ' O n.SS ; din
ners. $1 5i'J5 ; bulls. 2.Wa-LPO ; calves ,
W.OO7.rO ; Texas fed Btix-ra. HOOO5.W.
UORH ItiKH-lpta toJ y , 30.000 ; touiorroTr ,
SO.OOO ; left ovar. 6.600 ; BtrouR to Be higher -
er ; mixed and butchers , JtVOOQtl.tX ) ; good
to choice henry , $0.40(34.X ( ( > ; roaeh heavy ,
10.10 (1.30 ; light. $ S.OT > ( ti0.10 ; bulk of Hales ,
HUOtt5. ) : Bhcci-Urc.ftlpt8 | , 12,000 ; sheep
ind Innilm strouc ; Rood to ctiolce wethers ,
M.Wiir'-'iO ; fulr to Choloi mixed , ? 3.80iS
I.Ot ) ; wcntcrn cheep uud yesrltuss , jil.SSQ
5. 05 ; uatlvc Inniba , $3.W > 4i0.aO ; western
lambs ,
Kansas City Live Stock.
City , 1'eb. 0.-CuttJV-lleclptf > .
; generally uteadj ; clii leo export and
lres ed beef steers , $3.WX30.60 ; fiilr to
teed , f-LlK > Q0.75j utoolterrt nud feeders ,
J3.Nr.rX ) ; western fed uUien , { 4 ,
aadvo COVYH , $3.003-1.70 ; heifers ,
( .40 ; canu m. Jl.TfAV ; bulls , Ji.
$2.4030.40. HORS Uneclpts. 11-
XX ) ; 0 10c Ulgher ; top , $0.58 ; bulk of salM ,
MS.OOStaOO ; heavy , 0.00O.K5 : mlxcU paS-
in ) . ? ( T.1 aa45 ; light , C5.40C.25 ; pig. ,
(4.00flS.40. ( Sheep-UecelpU. 3,000 ; strong
(0 lOc higher ; weuUrn ijtmbt * , JO.UXiit5.lU ;
western wcthors , ? * .25(24.7B ( ; ycarllnjpi ,
.OOQO.W ) ; ewai , (4.00iN.OO ; culU , | 2.COt
1.00 ; fed lambs , $3.GO3.25.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Qmaht , Fell. 6. Cattle Receipts ,
1,700 ; active , steady ; attire ute ra , (4.0OO
1.75 ; COTTB and heifers , I3.00Q4.75 ; weatero
itearn , lU.T&fiC.SO ; Texas sters , .CO@4JX > ;
tinners , $2.0063.00 : atockere and feeders ,
P.OOa-1.00 ; culvea , $4.00(30.75 ( ; bulls , etaja ,
ttc , ,2.2384.80. IlojIlecclpt8. . 10,000 ;
ICtlOc hlEhcr ; henry. f0.1&30.4fi ; mixed ,
JOA" < a .10 ; Hgbt , IS.7BfiO.lB ; pies , * 4.00 ®
1.00 ; bulk of nalec , $0.000.30.SheepIle -
relpu , 2.200 ; actlre , lOe bleher ; fed rnut-
tons , 4.502fi.fX ) ; westerns , r3.75 < 84.CO ;
twes , WMtfUJM ; eomraoa and etockero ,
f2.75fl-l.40j UuibH , S.X > i30.aS.
St Joseph Live Stock.
Bt. Joseph , Veb. < J.-C ttlc Jlccelpti , 1.-
XX ) ; steady ; natlv , 3.00ii ( .00 ; cow * and
iflfent , * 1.7&5.M > ; reals , J3.7IKiW.50 ;
itocLen and feederti , $2.5031.70. Hog -
llecclptri , 10.000 ; lOc blither ; llpht
JgUt inltcd , f5.802 < J-30 ; medlorn and
, t3.7C.Si3.05.
Klngnhlp IIIIH been Itln to Biipcratltlon
wnyH. Jnuien I. of KiiKlnml wnB nu-
jiorHtltloiiH about dntcn , nnd thcro were
reinnrknblo colncldencoH In hla Hfo
with certain dntcH of the cnlcndur. Tlio
dny of the month on which ho was
born WIIB BtruiiKoly Interwoven with
the dnyn of birth nnd innrrlnBO of his
wife nnd HOHIO o * lilu children and their
wlvcfl. But JaincB WIIB nn old fool who
inndo love to youiiR Ilticklnchnm , who
lnnf'licd in his face and robbed him of
bin jowolfl.
Napoleon wna mipcrstltlouB nbont the
wny ho put on bin HlocklngH. Frederick
tlio Great nnd the Krent rotor of RUB-
Bin were miperaUtlotiH about dozens of
lngH. MnrlboroiiKh , both nu Jack
Churchill und the Uukc , was flupcrati-
tloim IIH well nH n thief and n traitor.
Nearly nil the Stuarts wuro Hiiperatl-
tloim nnd donblo dealers In religion.
Henry of Navarro was superstitious ,
but that never Iccpt him from n thoti-
mind InlldelltlcB. All the children of
Cathcrlno of Medici wcro Beared to
dentil by their superstitions , but they
could lie , cheat and murder Just as
well. If Cromwell was a victim of su
perstition , ho kept It to blmuclf. Now
York Press.
PUhlnnr For Dnolu ,
In India nu Ingenious scheme is prac
ticed for taking ducks on n line , which
Is attached at ono end to a llexlblo stick
stuck up In the mud , the other uxtrom-
ity having n double pointed needle of
bone attached to It. The latter is bait
ed by stringing upon It some grains of
corn. Presently along comes Mr. Duck ,
swallows the needle and finds himself
a cnptlvo the moment ho tries to Uy
away. In olden times the Capo Cod
fishermen depended largely for bait up
on the senfowl they took on their voy
ages. To catch them they threw out
( lulling lines with hooks on the end , to
which wcro attached chunks of cod
liver. The latter floated because of the
oil they contained , and murres , gulls
and other birds swallowing them were
quickly pulled in , skinned und chopped
Hun t Peacock.
In the old days n peacock was per
haps the most gorgeous and decorative
dish on the Christmas board. This was
prepared by llrst carefully removing
the skin without losing the feathers.
Tlio fowl was then dressed , stuffed
with nil kinds of good things , roasted
and finally sewed into its skin , still re
taining the brilliant plumage. The
beak was gilded , and this dish , fit for
a king , was placed upon the table amid
the blare of trumpets and the raptur
ous applause of tlio revelers.
What Ho Blhmoa.
Mrs. Do Style It's a pity you could
not have heard that sermon today.
Mr. Do Style After paying for your
Sunday wardrobe I liaven't money
enough left to buy myself a decent
thing to wear.
Mrs. Do Style That's Just it , nnd
that sermon would have made you
blush for very shame. It was on the
"Idolatrous Worship of Flno Clothes. "
New York Weekly.
The Jnllcr
"What brought you here ? " asked the
temperance advocate who was visiting
the prison.
"I'm n wife beater , " replied convict
No. 41144 gruflly.
"Another case of llck'er , " murmured
the jailer , who , despite bis occupation ,
was a man of no little humor. Phila
delphia Record.
Whnt the Dnby Needed ,
"Papn , " mild Tommy , "little brother
la a week old tomorrow , Isn't he ? "
"Yes. "
"Let's you and me give him a birth
day present. "
"Very well. What shall It be ? "
"Let's buy him n wig. Ho needs
that more than anything. "
Saved Her Child's Life.
"In three weeks our ohnbby little
boy was changed by pneumonia almost
to a skeleton , " writes Mrs. W Watkiua
of Plewnut City , O. "A terrible cough
set in , that , in spite of n good doctor a
treatment for several weeks , grew
worse every day. We then used Dr
King's Now Discovery for Consumption
aud our darling was Boon sound nud
well. Wo are sure this grand medicine
saved his life. " Millions know it's the
only sure euro for cough" , colds nnd all
lung diseases. A. H. Kieaau guaran
tees satisfaction. 50o , $1.00 Trial bottle
Don't waste yonr money on worthless
imitations of Rocky Mountain Tea.
Get the genuine nindo only by the Mad-
son Modisine Oo. A great family rem
edy. 85 cts. Qeo. B. Ohristoph.
A Legacy of the Grip
la often n run-down system. Weak
ness , nervousness , luck of appetite , ener
gy and ambition , with disordered liver
nud kidunys often follow nu attack of
this wretched disease. The greatest
teed then is Electric Bittora , the splen
did touio , blood purifier aud regulator of
stomaoh , liver nnd kidueya. Thousands -
sands have proved that they wonder
fully strengthen the nerves , build up the
system , nnd restore to health and good
spirits niter an attack of grip. If Buf
fering , try them. Only 60o. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed by A , H. Kieeau.
Something That Will Do You Good.
Wo know of no way in which wo can
bo of more service to onr readers than to
tt 11 them of something that will bo of
real good to them , For this reason wo
want to acquaint them with what wo
consider one of the very beat remedies
on the market for coughs , colds , and
that alarming complaint. , croup. We
refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Wo have used it with suoh good results
in our family so long that it has become
n household necessity. By its prompt
nso we haven't auy doubt but that it
hns time nnd again prevented croup
Thn testimony is given upon our own
experience , and wo suggest that our
readers , epp ° cially those who have small
children.alwayak > ep it in their homna
nR a safeguard against croup. Cam den
( S. 0. ) Messenger , For Bale by Kieaau
Drug Oo.
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
s nil right , but you want something
that will relinvo nnd onro the mora severe -
vero aud dangerous rcaultn of throat
aud luug tronblos. What shall yon do ?
Go to n warmer and more regular oil-
nato ? Yea , if pOFfllblo ; If not possible
for yon , then in either onso take the
only remedy that has boon introduced
iu all civilized countries with BUCCOSH in
sovnro throat nud Inug troubles , "Boa-
ohoo's German Syrup " It not only
heals and stimulates the tissues to de
stroy tlio germ disease , but allays in
flammation , causes easy expectoration ,
gives a good night's rest , and cures the
patient. Try one bottle , Recom
mended many years by all druggists iu
the world. Got Qroou's Prize nltnanao.
A , II. Kicsau.
Mothers can safely give Foloy's Honey
aud Tar to their children for coughs and
colds , for it contains no opiates or other
poisons. A. II. Klosan.
The sky looks bluer , the sun nhinos
brighter , n feeling of youth nnd strength
creeps ever the noul after talcing Rooky
Mountain Tea made by the Madison
Mudioiuo Co. ! ! 5 cts. Goo. 13 Ohristoph.
For Stomach Troubles.
"I hare taken n great many different
medicines for stomach trouble nnd oo"-
atipatiou , " says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dun-
kotton , Iowa , ' 'but uovor had as good
results from any as from Ohauiborlalu's
Stomaoh & Liver Tablets. " For aalo by
Kiosau Drug Company.
A Thousand Dollars Thrown Away.
Mr. W. W. Baker , of Plniuviow.Nob. ,
writes : "My wifn hail lung trouble ever
fifteen years. Wo tried n number of
doctors and spout ever a thousand dollars
lars without any roliof. She woa very
low nud I loafc nil hope , when a friend
Buggeatod trying Foloy'a Honey and Tnr
which I did ; nud thanks bo to this great
remedy it saved her life. She is stronger
and enjoys bettor health than she has
over known in ton years. Wo shall
never bo without Foloy'a Honey nnd
Tar and would ask those afllioted to try
it. " A. H. Kiesan.
Bucklin's Arnica Salvo.
The boat and most famous compound
iu the world to conquer aches and kill
pains. Cures oats , heals bruiana , nud
burns , subdues inflammation , masters
piles. Millions of boxes sold yearly.
Wprks wonders in boils , uloors , felons ,
skin eruptions. It onroa or no pay.
35o. nt A. II. Kiosnn's drng store.
Wrinkles are smoothed nway by its
healing touch. Brain tired aud depress
ed people will find a euro iu Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 ots
Geo. B. Ohristoph.
Saved Him From Torture.
There is no more agonizing trouble
than piles. The constant itching nud
burning make life intolerable. No po
sition is comfortable. The tortnro is
uucoasiug. DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cures piles at once. For akin diseases -
eases , cnts , burns , bruises , all kinds of
wounds it is unequalled. J S. Gerall ,
St. Paul , Ark , says : "From 1805 I
suffered with the protruding , bleeding
piles nnd could find nothiug to help me
until 1 used DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo. A few boxes completely cured
me. " Beware of counterfeits. The
Kiosau Drng Oo.
The most reliable preparation for kidney -
noy troubles ou the market is Foloy'a
Kidney Onro. A. H. Kiesau.
A Night Alarm.
Worse than an alarm of flro at night
is the brassy cough of oronp , whioh
sounds like the children's death knell
aud it moans death unless something is
done quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar
never fails to give imtaut relief nud
quickly cures the worst forms of oronp.
Mrs. P. L Cordior , of ManningtonKy. ,
writes : "My three-year-old had a severe
case of croup ; the doctor said she oould
not live. I got n bottle Foloy's Honey
and Tar , the first dose gnvo quick relief
nnd savrtd her life. " Refuse substitutes.
A. H. Kiesan.
Foley's Houoy nnd Tar cures the
cough Cttusec by attack of la grippe. It
heals the lungs. A. H. Kiesau.
Winter coughs are apt to result in
consumption if neglected. They can be
coon brokou no bv using Foloy's Honey
and Tar. A. H. Kiosau.
The Last Heard of It.
"My little boy took the oronp oue
night and soon grew so bad you could
hear him breathe all over the house , "
says F. D. Reynolds , Mausfield , O
"We feared ho would die , but a few
doses of Ono Minute Cough Care quickly
relieved him nud ho wont to sleep
That's the lost we heard of the oroup
Now isn't n cough cure like that valu
able ? " Ouo Minute Cough Care is nb
Bolntoly safe aud nets immediately
For coughs , colds , croup , grip , bron
chitis aud nil other throat aud lung
troubles it is a certain cure , very pleas
nut to take. The little ones like it. The
Kiesau Drng Co.
When yon lack energy , do not rolls !
your food , feel dull nud stupid , after
eating , all you ueed is a dose of Cham
berlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets.
They will make you feel like a now
mau and give you nn appetite likonbonr.
For sale by Kiesan Drng Co.
Favorite Nearly Everywhere.
Constipation means dullness , depres
sion , headanho , generally disordered
health. DoWitt's Little Early Risers
stimulate the liver , open the bowels and
relieve this condition. Safe , speedily
'and thorough. They never gripe. Fa-
Torite pills. The Kiesau Drng Co.
Millions Put To Work.
The wonderful activity of the new
century is shown by an onomons de
mand for the world's best workers
Dr. King's New Life Pills. For eon
stipatiou , sick headaoVi" biliousness , or
any trouble of storm oh , liver or kid
neys they're unrivalltu Only..25o. nt
A. H. Kiosan's drug store.
Clerk's Wise Suggestion.
"I have late'y been much troubled
with dyspepsia , bnlnhing and sour stomach
ach , " writes M S Mead , leading phar
macist of Attleboro , Mass. "I could
hardly oat anything wi'hont suffering
several hoa MV olerk suggested I try
ICodol Dyspepsia Onro whioh I did with
most happy resnlts. I have had no more
trouble nnd when one can go to eating
mince pie , cheese , oandy and nuts after
auoh a time , their digestion must be
pretty good. I ondoreo Kodol Dyspepsia
Ouro heartily. " You don't havotodiot.
Lat nil the good food yon want but dou't
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspop-
In Ouro digests your food. Tko Kiosan
Drug Oo.
Question Answered ,
Yes , AugustiFlowor still has the larg
est sale of nuy modiolno in the oivilized
world , Your mothers nud grandmothers
never thought of naiug anything oho for
ndigostiou or biliousness. Doctors were
carco , uud they seldom hoard of nppon-
dioltia , nervous prostration or heart fail
ure , oto. They used August Flower to
clean out the system nud stop formoutn-
ion of undigested food , regulate the
notion of the livcr.stimnlato the nervous
and organ lo action of the system , and
hat is all they took when fooling dull
nnd had with hoadaohos nnd ether aches.
ITou only need a few doses of Green's
August Flower , in liquid form , to innko
yon satisfied there is nothing serious the
matter with you. Got Green's Prize
nlmanao. A. H. Kiesnu.
" Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; tlioy dry up the secretions ,
which ndhcro to the mombrauo nnd decom
pose. , causing n far inoro uorious trouble than
, ho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ng inhalants , fumes , ainokos and etiuffo
iml use that which cleanses , soothes and
icals. Ely's Croara Balm is such a remedy
aud mil euro catarrh or cold in the head
cosily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. AH druggists neil the
COo. sizo. ElyLrothors , GGWnrron St. , N.Y.
The Balm cures wiUiout pain , docstnot
rrilato or cause snoozing. It spreads itself
> vor on irritated aud angry surface , rcliov-
ng immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Ialm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Forcr.
She Recommends Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
"I have used. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for n number of years nnd have
no hesitancy in Baying that it is the best
remedy for coughs , oolds and croup I
mvo over used in my family. I have
not words to express my confidence in
; his remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore , North
Star , Mich. For sale by Kiosau Drug
Foloy's Honey and. Tar is best for
oronp nnd whooping cough , contains no
opiates , and cures quickly. Oarofnl
mothers keep it in the honso. A. H.
Kiesau ,
Kidney complaint kills more people
khan any other disease. This is duo to
the disease being BO insidious that it gets
n good hold on the system before it is
recognized. Foloy's Kidney Onro will
prevent the development of fatal disease
if taken iu time. A. H. Kiosau.
Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheuma
"During the winter of 1898 I waa BO
lauio in my joints , in fact nil ever my
body , that I could hardly hobble around ,
when I b3ught n bottle of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. From the first ap
plication I began to get well , and was
cured nnd have worked steadily nil the
year. R. Wheeler , Northwood , N. Y.
For sale by Kiesau Drng Oo.
When it becomes necessary to
sit up in bed to get your breath ;
when the least exertion such as
walking , sweeping , singing ,
talking or going up and down
stairs , causes shortness of
breath , fluttering or palpitation ;
then it is time to do something
to brace up and strengthen
your failing heart. Take Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. It is best
of all.
"I had palpitation of heart *
ray loft side became enlarged
and I could not sleep at night.
TTnfl to sit , n In bed and often
walk the floor to get my breath.
All of these troubles were cured
by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure , "
MRS. E. V. Tunus ,
Mt. Carroll , Ilia.
D * . Miles'
Heat Cte
stimulates the digestion , in
creases the circulation and
makes' weak hearts strong.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
There la a certain
disease that has
come down to in
through many ccn
Ulrica and la
BV *
outside of
those who have learned from bitter ex
perience know anything of Its nature or
characteristics. At first a little ulcer or
sore appears , then glands of the neck or
groins swell ; pimples break out on the
breast , back or some other part of the
body and fill with yellow pustular matter ;
the mouth nnd throat become sore and
the tongue is nt all times badly coated.
Headaches arc frequent , and muscles and
joints throb and hurt , especially during
damp , rainy weather. These are some of
the symptoms of that most loathsome of
all diseases , Contagious Blood Poison.
r + . _ , . This strange pois-
ContaglOUS on docs not affect
Blood Poison Sie
eaten up with It within a short time after
being inoculated , while others show but
slight evidence of any taint for n long
time nfter exposure , but its tendency in
every case is to complete destruction of
the physical system , sooner or later. m
8. 8. S. is n safe and infallible cure for
this bad disease the only antidote for
this specific poison. It cures Contagious
Hood Poison in every form nud stage
thoroughly and permanently. 8. S. 8.
contains no Mercury , Potash or other
lannful minerals , but is strictly and
sntirely a vegetable remedy , and we offer
5looo.oo reward for proof that it is not.
OXJIX. MEDICAL which - ns estab
lished years aero ,
is dolnsr a noble
work In roliovlngr Bufforintr. Glvo oar
physicians a short history of your ease
and erot tholr advlco. Thin will cost
rou nothing1 , and what you nay will bo
aeld in atrlctc-Bt confidence. With
their help and a copy of our book oa
Jontagioua Blood Foiaon you con
ronnaffo your own c&ao and cure your *
eclf at home.
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Oa ,
are the most fatal of all dis
eases. ;
Guaranteed Remedf
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi-
aent physicians as the best for
Etidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and $1.00.
For Sale by George B. Christoph.
It , all its stages there
should bo cleanliness ,
Ely's Cream Balm
ccaiisc8,8oothC8andlieal8 !
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
nway a cold In the head
Cream Balm la placed Into the nostrils , spreads
tfTcr tba membrane and Is absorbed. Belief la Im
mediate and a cure follow. It Is not drying doea
not produce sneezing. Large Size , 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall.
ELY BROTHERS. 00 Warren Street , New York.
At all tfnig * tof s. 25 DOK * 25 * .
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 33 cents. N v r sold
In bulk. Accept no aubstl-
tnti > A k vniir
Diamond "C" Soap
Complete catalogue nhowingover
300 premiums that may be secured
by saving the wrappers , furnished
upon request. Send your
nnmu on a postal card and
iniiil you the cnUlojjtie
Addw :
PremliM _
South Omaha , Neb , "