The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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' * > , „ NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JANUARY 2 < 1 , 11)02. )
Grand Jury Finds Bill Against
I John B. Mcscrvc.
Retention of Interest on a Part of
School Fund of the State Deposited
Jn Stock Yardo National Bank at
South Omaha Is Alleged.
V Omaha , Jan. 24. John B. Mcsorvo ,
former treasurer of the state of Ne
braska , haa boon Indicted by the grand
jury in Douglas county on the clmrgo
of embezzlement of money belonging
to the state school fund.
The indictment , with four bills
against other persona , was handed In
to Judge Baker yesterday Just before
the grand jury was finally discharged
by the court. The case of the former
Populist state treasurer was taken up
and investigated by the grand Jury last
fTuesday , when a number of witnesses
. who were supposed to have knowl
edge of the questionable transactions
. wore summoned to appear before the
jury. These witnesses wore mostly
officers and employes of the Union
Block Yards National bank of South
. .Omaha.
It is difficult to learn the facts
brought out in the grand Jury room ,
but sufficient Information has been
'gleaned to show that evidence was
adduced to Indicate that Mescrve , as
state treasurer , had on deposit at the
"Union Stock Yards National bank a
largo sum belonging to the state
school fund , on which he had been
paid Interest , which had not been
credited up to the school fund.
'said ' to Have Confessed Killing of
i WlllleNlckell and Others.
! Cheyenne , Wy. , Jan. 24. Tom Horn ,
'the ' scout , Indian fighter and stock de
tective , who was arrested ten days
RRO , charged with the murder of Wil
lie NIckolI , son of an Iron Mountain
ranchman , who was assassinated last
jttuly near his father's place , was
given a preliminary hearing yesterday
und he was held for trial in the district
trict court without bond on the charge
of murder in the first degree. The
testimony of the prosecution was of
the most sensational nature. Deputy
( Marshal La Fors , Deputy Sheriff L. B.
iBnow and Stenographer Charles J.
tohnhaus testified that they heard
Horn confess that he killed thfiboy ,
as well as Rriichmoa William Powell
and CharlesLewis , , who were assas
sinated near Iron Mountain eight
years ago.
i ;
Dryden for Senator , r
I Trenton , N. J. , Jan. 24. The Repub
lican caucus to select a candidate for
tUnitedJBtates senator to-'be supported
Vlurlng the present session of the legls-
jjature to succeed the late Senator
Bewell , selected on the 19th ballot
| . ( John F. Dryden of Newark , president
h- ; 'pt the Prudential Insurance company.
Mr. Dryden on/the 19th ballot received
exactly the necessary 33 votes. His
tirlnclpal rivals wore .State Senator
Btokes of'- Cumberland county and
V former United States Attorney .General
0ohn W. Grlggs.
Senator Beverldge Speaks.
Indianapolis , Jan. 24. Senator Bey-
, Wldeo last night addressed the In-
/ Yllona Editorial asc elation at its an
nual banquet. He said : "In our colonial
L' y nial policy our hands are to the plow
'end we will not turn back until the
Hast sod is turned. We will modify
and determine our tariff as existing
conditions may demand and not other-
prise. We will build up our commerce
juntll the merchant marine of this
felorlouB republic sails over every
ea. "
I Gunboat Ordered to Colon.
Washington , Jan. 24. As a result
I'f'I the renewed activity of the liberal
\ forces of Colombia on the Isthmus of
' Panama Secretary Long has ordered
the gunboat Marietta to proceed to
Colon on the gulf side , in order to co
operate with the cruiser Philadelphia
at Panama on the Pacific side , In keep
ing a close watch on any develop
ments which may threaten United
States Interests or treaty rights and
in stopping them when they take that
I Cables Authority to Sell Islands.
Copenhagen , Jan. 24. Authority to
sign the Danish West Indies treaty
fmis cabled to , the Danish minister at
[ Washington , C. Brun , yesterday. It is
expected that the treaty will bo
Signed today. It is understood hero
that it will bo Immediately transmitted
to the senate. Its prompt ratification
Is expected.
Brothers' Feud Ends In Murder.
Chicago , Jan. 24. Robert McFet-
rldee , the wealthy ice dealer who wat >
Ehot Wednesday night by his brother ,
William , as a result of a business
feud , died yesterday. William McFot-
ridge denies all knowledge of the
nhootlng , although there were a num
ber of people who saw him shoot his
Brother down.
/ Fighter Kills Saloonkeeper.
1 Muscatino , la , , Jan. 24. Tom Mor-
fcan , proprietor of a saloon , was shot
to death by "Kid" Noble , a prize
fighter. Noble IB still at largo. Ho
Is known in sporting circles in Iowa
BUI a flenter and gambler.
St. Louis Millionaire Is Killed and Po
lice Arrest the Negro Attendant.
St. Louln , Jan. 24. A. Denn Cooper ,
ho millionaire treasurer oT the Qra-
nun Paper company , died yesterday
as the result of an assault In which
his skull waa fractured while In the
cooling room of the Vista Turkish
bath house at Grand and Franklin
fivciiuos. William Strotllor , the nero -
; ro attendant at the bnth house , la
icltl ne a prisoner at the Dayton street
police station.
A diamond ring valued at ? 1GOO and
a diamond pin worn by Cooper when
10 entered the bath houtto wore found
n the basement of the bath IUMIRO.
They 'had been concealed under the
flooring In a crovlco above the top of
a Joist.
A sledge hammer bearing fresh
blood stains was found In the baoo-
ment soon after the police had boon
summoned to the scene of the assault
The hammer was ouo which Is used in
the basement for breaking up coal.
Developments in connection with
the niunler as the day progressed
were sensational in the extreme. It
became known that Strother was in
need of money , $ GOO or more , to re
claim his homo from mortgage sale.
The negro told a startling sensational
Btory of the alleged true character of
the bath house and the story was In a
degree corroborated by a state
ment from the police that they had
been making secret Investigation and
were going to raid and close up the
place. Strother stoutly maintains his
Innocence , but the police are entirely
confident that they have the right man
in custody.
Witnesses Testify to Mrs. Richard
son's Good Character.
Plattsburg , Mo. , Jan. 24. Mrs. Ad
dle H. Richardson's defense was be
gun yesterday in her trial hero for the
murder of her husband , Frank W.
Richardson , at Savannah. It was
shown that Mrs. Richardson's trips
about the streets of Savannah after
night In company with Stewart Fife
were to find her husband. Johnnie
Richardson , 14 years old , the first wit
ness , called by the defense , told of
going with his mother at 11:30 : at
night to find his father , and how , after
Fife had located him intoxicated in a
hotel , Mrs. Richardson had gone there
and taken him home. This was cor
roborated by Mrs. Gertrude Grant , a
slstor of the dead man , and by the ho
tel proprietor. Others told of Mrs.
Richardson's good character. . They
were Rev. John 'A'twlll ' , a rector 'df
he church where Mrs. Richardson at
tended and who had lived at the Rich
ardson homo ; Rov. A. R. Hunt and
Peter 'Chrlstjanpen , lhot Matter JK member
ber of the grand Jury that Indicted
Mrs. Richardson , Bruce Stanton tosti
fled that tie made tracks In he snow
about the Richardson house on the
night of the murder while , examining
the premises. * '
Louisiana Interests Presented at Cu
ban Reciprocity Hearing.
Washington , Jan. 24. The Cuban
reciprocity hearings before the ways
and means committee yesterday
devoted chiefly to the cane sugar in
terests of Louisiana , who are opposing
the proposed concosslons to Cubaon
the ground that it will cripple the
sugar production of that state. A
largo number of large planters and
manufacturers of the state were pres
ent and the allied Interests of beet
sugar and tobacco , which are similar
ly'opposed to concessions to Cuba ,
were also numerously represented.
The opening statement in behalf of
the cane sugar interests was made by
J. D. Hill of New Orleans , an extensive
planter. He assorted that the sugar
trust was behind the Cuban movement
and presented statistics to show that
the result of concessions to Cuba
would make the sugar trust the real
beneficiary , constituting that organiza
tion a colossal monopoly in Cuba.
Timothy C. Harrington , member of
parliament , has been re-elected lord
mayor of Dublin.
Michael Sheehan , who was the old
est person In Kansas City , died Thurs
day , aged 103 years.
Representative Brownlow of the
First Tennessee district was renom-
inated for congress.
The president sent to the senate
the nomination of E. R. Slzcr to be
postmaster at Lincoln , Neb.
Seven bandits robbed the entire
town of Santa Rosa , N. M. A posse
afterwards killed three of them.
Joseph Hlgginbotlmm , colored , was
convicted at Lynchburg , Va. , of crim
inal assault upon Mrs. Ralph Webber
and was sentenced to bo hanged on
Feb. 24. Ho pleaded guilty.
Former Secretary of State John W.
Foster appeared before the senate
commltteo on immigration Thursday
and spoke in opposition to the Chi
nese exclusion bills which have been
Introduced in congress.
The body of Mrs. Isabella Allen of
White Plains , N. Y. , was found In u
clump of bushes near her home Thurs
day. She had evidently been mur
drored , for her head was battered in
and badly mutilated.
Danny Daugherty was knocked out
In the fourth round by Harry Forbes
at the West End club , St. Louis
Thursday in what was scheduled as a
15-round bout for the bantam cham
I pionship of the country.
"LaSenorita , "
Oxfords ,
Light Flexible Self ,
Medium High Heel.
For Street or Dress
Exact Reproduction of this Style Shoe
. . . .OF
8 Inch.
Extra Heavy
Law Heel.
Out-of-Door Boot.
Commencing SATURDAY , JANUARY II , 1902 , we will close
out our entire stock of Boots , Shoes , Rubber Goods , Leggins ,
etc. This is a
for we are determined to get out as soon as possible , to engage
in ? 6ther business. Our goods are high grade and up-to-date ,
bought fr6m best factories in their respective lines. This sale
will interest everybody and vill continue till the entire stock is
disposed of. Call early before sizes are broken. Goods sold
for CASH only * *
5 : :
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'r *
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with caro. ;
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. ;
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- :
We aim to Give you the BestSValue
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 2d and 8d. Telephone 41. j
( W. K. HDCHOLZ. President.
. . .
Norfolk JALKXANDKIt 11K.VH Vies PrealiUnl
( E. W. KUTZ , Cashier.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business ,
Buys and Sells Exchange.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In
A General Steamship and Forcing Passage Business Transacted.