THE NORFOLK WEEKLY ft NOUFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JANUARY 17.11)02. ) fC > I. If/ Three Hundred Pattawatomies [ Terrorise Michigan Town. ' .BESIEGE A BANK AT DOWAGIAC. i tDemand Payment for Lake Front f Land In Chicago Which Is With held for Their Guardians , and , .Threaten Violence. Dowaglac , Mich. , ( Jan * e hundred , Eottawatomle Indians- are .on n , , rampage and are" besieging Lee Brothers' bank , which they .threaten fiTbreak'op'en if they rLro not paid the noney'tlley' oxp6ctod 'to rocellvo""ycs'- orday for signing over 'thejA'clairoa o lake front land in 'Chfcago. Many if the Indians are armed. ' TJho'to'wn marshal'has Bworn ln , a uitb cr if deputies. ( All other idtlzens 'ro | kqen ng1 Indoors , fcarlng/to 'leav'o heir . came'to ' ! , - homes. Tho-Indians own-syosterday to got Sg.OOO , which jvas to bo paid them .byl fid agent of.a. . Chlcagoj syndicate , to which they have ' ' Cigno'd over 'their power of attorney { o act in vthoildUoi front Irfnd case. The indlans , werq , to hoyo received $100 < JachTJust -as the agent * was "about to Issue the rnpney an.ordof wasyr.oy cefy d troili jtno [ probate jildgq of Jthef ro&nt A > nl4vtcfuio jgua/dians'-ofit ' e In - dlans. The Judge feared the Indians would spend the money In saloo'ils'ana \ - after becoming" intoxicated cttufq'trou- bio. IfAariVjdtttnipt sp"oJM ] ( jh/in efa to wrqcfv Ui&lliarikla sdrious ; fconflldt ! Is sure to follow. serfwires for. Help WhUe Posse. * " * * ' ' Guards 'ihe Hiding 'Place. , . Anad/trlto / t O , jfri. .rrA'j mcB- f age was ] rcjcej ejdj fJ-6mlSUlrff ! ) tldit ? < } i ( < f Garflefd county , whcTisJn comrnand < f'a"fofes"e'of. men"fivntlnj31 ; outlaws yho killed the'sh'ferin' of-Caddo cpuntf , i hOjbis'Ucpuiy , saying thit h htidlilife ! Bigltlves' ' corn'ered sin a canyon 'in 'th'o j lountains about t20 ' nll s , $ outh , of- 1 ere and % Va's ' holding hisi own from a ' ( 1 irtifled po'sltlon. " He a ked thatas - t Istance In the way of'ammunition and large fofcopfmen.sbelBent him as ' ' ' 1 as'ii'ly as p'ossiblo. . . Fifty armed men 1 ift as soon as they could complete t rrangemonts. | | Wife- Murderer ' Hanged. Michigan City , Ind' , Jan. 17. Jt > hn fi lllnkmrd , donVlcted of the murder of Ills wife at Marion in Juno-expiated fata crime on the gallows , a' few' min utes''past' ' ' ' midnight "at the northern I idjaiyi'jprjBpjnAJthdughj ; the doomed ian attempted , to preserve the same , .oical demeanor that has character- lie hlm sjnco he , attempted to ' , take ' his 'own 'life after killing his -wife , 18 n ontbd' agbr "hV "mounted the sca ffold Y 1th. astrbad nof'of the firmest and , ll1. d jclined to make "a stattrapnt . The , . B raps'- arid n'dose 'wefe adjusted , the t : ap proing af 12:11 al m * . and In five n Inutes Rinkard * was pronounced- daxl. . , /Thieves Rob Show window. Cincinnati , Jan. 17. The show w'ln- < 1 > w\ > William Fink's jdwelry store , ii Main street , -was brokqn laet nlglit n id a tray containingqO diamond riiigs , valued at $2,500 , was stolen. , Tpo robbers escaped after firing sev eral shots at Mr. Fink , 'who pursued , them. Bjforo . breaking the. window , the robberscarefully.fastened the door from i th'o outside''by ' fastening a' rope J V fromytho. doqr , tp he awnlng ; . Mr.-FinKi gojbj p jo lyJiitjf rfaHing , thoirbpe ! ' . which held the door fast. The thor- oughfarov.Jwa'croWae"dirar th'o' lime. 1 ; Two Shot'ln Arkansas Feud. Vrk. , 'Jant > 17. Thp feyd ; Bailey famtlle'iTin this county has cul minated In the shooting and probable killing of Green Bailey and the woundIng - Ing of Bailey's on , Green. .Bailey , his wljo and son PWrb fttassi < f llfd Ed- clalmed. a qyjajrrol.aroaei Oscar SBbr- X1C * 'it * * ? * > " j" i * * * fr * V * * * .T ff vinily , shot Green Balloy In the back of the head , inflicting a fatal wound and also shot Bailey's son through the leg. Sherman IB under , arrqst. f , D L J i L i ( > i " ' ' i' ' vj < c i k li Decapitated Bodyv Fqund. Rogers , NebC $ Kttl | f7. Tdo body of L. G. Garrletts , an indigent carpenter -of this place , was found near the rail road depot at this place last night shortly ftor rtfftUi No. 2ELhad/lefuthe' If I BtallOh. lfrh.blibody had been ? literally beheaded and only fragnjfint8jolthe head and""cap could bo found. The coroner's Jury fonndraiterlotts was ac cidentally run ovoVl/y * the train , ex onerating the railroad company. itness | Standj ; ( , h.n7.4ti > l of y4ipfe3'Jft ' ) rd ; ohargefl 'with 'cbm' ' pliclty in the killing of William Goo- bol , yesterday , Howard took the stand In his own defe\jsct W His ) defense In the present , as itttnd foVmer , trial Is an alllbl. He swore that ho was In Expects to yiplt4An > crIca. Now York , Jan. 17. The Staats Zel- lung prints a special dispatch from Borynr , . - Count Vfhlch jtatpa.-thatr rronj WihatUed nhd1 h 'Wd Vlft1 visit : America in April. The dispatch says' that the trip is Hhal'a health. . CHICAGO Dhi /c-V.y0 nE , , ° ' Ilcket Office In Union < . 0fr r\ \ . ously Damaged by Flam * Chicago , Jan. 17. Flro broke out In the ticket office of the Union sta- lion , Adams and Canal streets , yes terday and for a tlmo threatened the destruction of the building. The smok and flames spread o , rjipllly [ that 6 employes ofho several roaua ih nmkotho ( station their Chcagq | mlnal , .had an oxcliing tlmo to escape uuffocatlon. Tlio nion were busy at work on annual statements in offices Just above thq lic/ipt / ofllco , and a uum- Tiorjoacn.pcd/ jun\pltiR | \ , ifroin a low wlndow'trj 'thb-'smicturi or a * viaduct on the Adams ,6troot , sldo of the build ing , Two moil were helped .down lad ders by firemen , > but no ono was In jured. ' Over' ? 1,0J0,000 ( w6rth ot Un stamped tickets -ot the Pennsylvania , Bfirllngton.'Alton , St.'Paul , iho Pan * haildlo aWi 'F < jr $ 1 Wayne roads and ] Willfpan 'company were destroyed/ out It Is thought no valid tickets arn ' ' missing * The , station , 'Which ' ' - ' * - property of Uio4 Pennsylvan wns\damaged-"to Iho of The annual passenger staten ents nil \ho \ roads were destroyed.1 ' ' ' ; 'H'OLD UP PASSENGER TRAIN. ' ' * , i r . i.i Seven Masked Men Rob Express ana -Mall'Car'in'Indian ' ! - ' Territory. i Fort Smith- ' 'Ark.Jaiu 17.tJ-Tho * " southbound Kansas * City Southern .passonHer. tmbivwaa/'i'hpld aift Vlaet YifchtVl 10 i'clobk llajf | iVnjIl | > | n rJi prf Splro , n TJ. , by seven > na Tlio express and mall 'cars tored. The local safe In the express 'car'wnk ' * opened , but . nothing secured frtfm If. .The robbers trlqiL t6f | open flithhni glj isafM but fdl < J4 f They tlAsn rlhed'tn-o ' mhillcaK nncl.'lt Is' said , secured a quantity of , registered maik It Is'salfl that the robbers got away .wJtlu$2OJQ" ) % OfflclalssSentenced for Contempt Jen- 'rtillng .In the Washburn , Bayfleld and Iroii | Rlvpr railroad , Hi ding'Sher ' iff Lieri1 District Attorney R cLood , and six othcra Wilty * 6f cotillm [ it { " "offor- Ing forcible resistance to : ho ide'creo ot ' , { lie-court ordering the\tej iring up of th'e road. McLeod and Llei we're ' sen tenced to CO days ln'f.ho ounty jail and the other six men wer firmed $25 each. The officials' sentenced' " w'ere acting on an injunction Issued by the county court. Confesses , to Old Murder. Elkhart , Ind. , Jan. 17. James , Math- | er , formerly well known. In business , hero , has confessed to the murder of Peter. Olsoa * near Muskegan , 'Mich. , 20 years a o. The murder was the re sult of a quarrel. Olson's .bodV1 was ture explosion of a blast in the ! Wa ll ash mine. Grenfeldt left n family In Croriwall , "England , and Mills' family arrived in < New York yesterday from . .thfroftfoCirfry.r ; ] } rc Clothing Merchant Falls. er , a Vela ft clolhing , merchant of this cijy , yesterday filed a petlticjn n ank- jnfptcy. " His' liabilities jire pface'd at $59QQO and'the assets at $32,0.00. . . i . SPARKS FROM JHEVIRES. . " . * , * { * ; i i. J < -J. V. S. Oddle , seprjQ ary'orthQ : York Yacht club.dlpd-Thursday * ' The Texas railroad' oommissfon has announced a reduction of about 20 pcr4 cent in freight rates. . , . , Captain Samuel B/Logan dfed ut Ar'cola , Ills. , Thursday. _ aged , SO y'earst ! HO was a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars. t Firo- destroyed the five story- brick building occupied by'tho Michigan buggy company at Kalamazoo Thurs day. J oss , $200,000 , v tjegotiatlons are under way | n ! New York" for the consolidation of the Na tional Starch company and the Glucose Sugar Refining company. ' \ " ' , - Thomas Harbin died at ! Tacoma /Thursday. He was twlco mayor. of J3t.Jorfetfh ; 'Mo.1 an'd "ptomlrient'ln 'rail road and.bankiim . ( pnlcrpr cps in No- braskajO > " > ' * 1 11 < it * Two""h"un3red IrlB"enTpIoyed In the overall factory , 0KJ.r" | ? WfcW Si Co. , fPeorla , 'weht13tf * "strlko' 'Thursday. .Their only dqmand Is thief rocognltlob ; ( of fli6lrj'Yntojirj \/T \ / ] , i of the Louisiana Purchase exposition to have fPrlnco" Henry bf Germany Tlslt St. Louiswhenjhcj comesto.UiIa , - country- -BlnglpjBtatohQodideleBatcsc elect- M kVWo uSkbgeo cohVenllon - parted Thursday for WasHington1 - urge congress to enact speedy legjsla- tlotf In u'cfthlf ol autonomy. ' ' ' ' ' The price war In. the window glass . , trade Is practicnll 'on. The effort ko reconcile the differences oxlstlnc ( DetwbdVUjTolh'rcX ( ofnblnefa | t& af 'fpixxtrrantieai irrbJooiiiably 'difeitci ' Thursday. f I. I 1 V * * - I 1 ' > > M V . SHOES SHOES SHOES ! t\ IT fl V * , : , - -l ( . . G T ! " ' > : -t > - ' " ' . ' . ' . ' ? ! T. ' ' ' - ' ' t Commencing SAURAVy' AY 11 , 1902 , we will close out our entire * stock of Boots , Shoes , Rubber Goods , leggins , etc. This is a GENUINE CLOSING OUT SALE for we are determined to get out as soon as possible , to engage in other business. Our goods are high grade and up = to = date , bought from best factories in their respective lines. This sale * * will interest everybody and will continue till the entire stock is disposed of. Call early before sizes are broken. Goods sold for CASH only . . . i NCER I > "La'Senorita , " Queen . . , . . . i i / r [ / Quality ' ' % ' $2.50. ' o Light Flexible Sole * , r Medium HlEh Heel. .For Street brv-Dress Wear. Kxict Reproduction of tills Style Sfioc. 7 i i ING t < . , ' 11 i 'i OF BUSINESS ! TflF PfliBCT I ILL LHiljCluL NORFOLK * , NEB l * * -t v ? v fr * 1 * * * FOR GOOD LOANS AND. EASY PAYMENT * The .Norfolk B uildine and Loan Ass'r iVolf. [ / . ' "bij MfljD.-.SecfetaiT.- , . ' . ? H-H"M- Get What YOU Ask for'af,7. . ? fl ; liE's 6BW. , ; AWEQJIBEII $ aSi-o fftlod promptly and with caer Our goods arer FIRST-CLASS" in eVery particulrir. : ' ; 4Wo know precisely what is wantedtbyf .cujr-C Weaimto'Give you.the Best Vahie * , i | . for Voiir Money. . ' i" -ji Suthslo Main St. , between 3d jnd 8J. ' * M-M-I ! M- For Ail-Around Wear , is nriANDCD ON CVCUY SHOE. 8 Inch. 'Extra Hr.ivy - Sole. Low tied , Out-of-Door Bool. W. n. HUCHOLZ. Proeldont . . . , . , i ALKXANDER 11KAU Vlco PraaliUal E.V. . 2UT2 , Cailii r. - i ft i' , . * r . National Bank. - v * . ; OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA t /'V-'Capita / , $100,600.00 F'r ; - Surplus$20,000.00' , , ' , 4 > I Obe a-General B nkjnef : BuiiiQss- and ' i t f lotereqt Paid on Tlmo Dopoalta. i \ > v Drafta and Money Orders Sold on any Point In" Europe -vv 'A. ' Business Transacted ' " * : - ' * JU > enferal'Stdamahlp and PorolKn PasaaKQ . t , ' . .rC s * . v \ > . ' . ' A.JtRAH. P. P. IUNLON , P.fJ. w. uvnnoHOLt , WM. W.A. IUINBOLT , 8. B. COTTON ,