TUB NORFOLK NRWS : FRTD'AY , JANUARY 10,1002 , Buried Alive in Deep Shaft by Sudden Cave-In. SEVENTEEN ARE BELIEVED DEAD iRescuret Are at Work , but There ( Little Hope the Men Will Be Found Alive Only One of the Bodies la Taken From the Ruins. Negauneo , Mich. , Jan. 8. The most distressing accident occurring In this county for years occurred at the No- .gauneo inlno yesterday noon , when by A cavo-ln the lives of from 13 to 17 miners are thought to have been lost. , The cave-In was nt the bottom of the old shaft Had It occurred half an hour sooner , about 150 men would liavo been killed. The names of the dead BO far as known are : William Williams , John Sullivan , John Pascoo , John Pearce , Jacob Hunlalla. Thus far but ono body has been taken out , that of Ilunlalla. Hundreds of men are at the rnino eager to help in the work of rescue , but It Is thought the other bodies cannot bo reached before 24 hours. John Basco was rescued allvo and described the twrecked mlno as follows : "Wo were sitting around the pump at the bottom of the shaft when , without - out any warning , thousands of tons of ore came down. I remembered no inoro until I heard the sound of picks and shovels in the hands of rescuers. When found I was 75 feet from the place where I was sitting and found myself In a drift. How I got there is n mystery , but can only bo accounted for by the concussion of the wind. " Prom the condition of the shaft It would seem that the men are sur rounded by a mass of dirt and broken timber. A dull roar and the crashIng - Ing of timbers gave to the men on the surface the first Intimation of the dis aster below. A rush was made for the ehaft and when all had quieted down. 15 volunteers under Captain James Piper descended In the cage In an at- iempt to rescue. It was found , how ever , that the shaft was badly dam aged , It being Impossible to get with in 100 feet of the level In which the men were burled. Cries for help were heard at the lowest point reached , and the removal of the timbers which blocked the way found a man who shortly bctforo the cave-In had started for the surface. He was uninjured , but was drenched to the skin and suffering ereatly with cold. The man could throw no light on the fate of his asso ciates , the majority of whom ar thought to be Italians and Flnlandors. The steam pipes leading to the under ground pumps were so damaged that it would bo Impossible to operate the pumps If It were possible to reach them , and as the mine Is the wettest i ; In the Iron country , the shaft Is mak ing water fast. A big force of rescuers , working In relays , is making efforts to reach the / / damaged level before the water reaches It. NO NEWS FROM THE MISSING. Feared That All Walla Walla Passen gers Not in Port are Dead. San Francisco , Jan. 8. Nothing has been heard from the missing victims of the Walla Walla disaster and It Is feared that they all went down. The etatement of Lookout Johnson , made to the coroner's Jury at Eureka , that lie saw the lights on the bark Max and warned the officers on the bridge of the Walla Walla , Is denied by them. Other members of the crew of the IWallai Walla corroborate Johnson's as- eertion that the lights on the French bark were visible. Three Killed In Wreck. Roamoko , Va. , Jan. 8. In a head end collision on the Norfolk and West ern railroad at Alwlck , W. Va , , Hugh N. Smith , express messenger ; Flag man John Turner and Engineer Dalle wore klllod. A passenger train col lided with an extra freight in a dense fog , the passenger engineer having failed to see the flagman sent forward to give warning of the Impending dan ger. The flagman , John Turner , In his efforts to bo seen got on the track (1 In front of the train and was run over end killed. Hurricane Off Cape Flattery. Port Townsend , Wash. , Jan. 8. The United States revenue cutter Grant Bailed for an extended cruise along the coast south of Cape Flattery , to examine the largo amount of wreckage - ago reported along the beach during the past two weeks. The steamer 'Alice ' Gertrude , arriving from Neah bay ? reports last night's storm down Ihs-atralts as being of great vie lence. Off Capo Flattery the wind reached almost the velocity of a hurri cane , driving vessels out to sea. , Captain King Granted New Trial. Now Orleans , Jan. 8. Captain Cyril W. IClng , the United States volunteer army officer and assistant quartermas ter under sentence at Mobile for ac cepting bribes In connection with the 1 erection of barracks nt Fort Morgan , near Mobile , was granted a new trial 1)7 the circuit court of appeals. ' Killed In Boiler Explosion. Lander , Wy. , Jan. 8. Archibald Carter was killed yesterday In a boil er explosion at the Murphy oil wells , ten miles southeast of Lander. Carter was blown a distance of 30 foot. Ono , leg was torn off and his body was badly bruised. The cause of the ex plosion Is not known. ROB STOCK YARD3 BANK , Blno and Gag Watchmen and Take Their Time to Blow Safe. St. Louis , Jan. 8. Six masked men entered the National Stock Yards b'ank , north of East St. Louis , Ills. , and after capturing and gagging the two night wttlchmoti and fireman at the steam plants and blowing open the vaults with dynamite , secured $5 , < 000 In coin and currency , with which they decamped , For nine houro , from 7 p. m. until 4 a. in. , they were nt work on the vaults without being In terfered with. Leo Phllpot , ono of the watchmen , a rough rider friend of President Roosevelt , was the first to meet with the robbers. Ho wan standing In the stock yards , near the Exchange build ing , In which the bank Is located , when ho wns addressed by throe men who sprang out of a fence corner with revolvers in their hands , They said : "Wo want you , Phllpot , " and with that overpowered him before ho could reach hlu revolver. The three robbers took Phllpot to the composing room of the Daily National Stock Yards Re porter , near by , and laid him on the floor. He was bound hand and foot and gagged with towels. While lying thcro three other men came In. Ono of the six men was sent out with Instructions to secure the others. Albert Estop , the other bank watch * man , wns caught on the steps of the Exchange building. Under throats of death he was forced to go to the com posing room , where he was also bound and gagged. Night Fireman L. W. Clark was taken unawares In the steam plant of the Exchange building. Ho resisted and was badly beaten with a sandbag before subdued. Ho was also taken to the composing room and loft bound and gagged with his two companions. DENY COMPLICITY IN MURDER. Captured Desperadoes Say They Did Not Participate In Killing. Casper , Wy. , Jan. 8. Clarence Woodard and Jess Franklin , the two men who were captured , protest their Innocence. They say on the night that they broke Jail they stayed at a cabili 12 miles east of Casper. The next morning they separated , Charles Woodard going south and they going west ; that they walked to Woodard's ranch and have not seen Charles Woodard since. The coroner's jury Is in session and they will find out If possible who killed Sheriff Rlckor , and the crowd has decided to await their action. The excitement is in tense and only the fact that the coroner ner was Investigating averted the lynching of the captured men. Throws Acid In Banker's Face. Chicago , Jan. 8. Alfred M. Sny- dacker , senior member of a local firm of bankers , Is In the Michael Reese hospital as the result of Injuries from carbolic acid , flung from a syringe into his face by Paul Mueller , a dealer In artifical flowers. It is feared Sny- dacker will lose the sight of an eye. The attack was made In the banker's offico. The cause Is said to have been that Mueller placed goods In a build ing leased by Snydacker and failed to Insure them. The building burned and Mueller has attempted to hold Sny dacker responsible. Immigrants Settle In East. Chicago , Jan. 8. Ebon E. McLeod , chairman of the Western Passenger association , has Issued a statement , showing that during the 12 months ended June 30 last 487,198 Immigrants arrived in this country through all ports. Contrary to prevailing opin ion , a majority of these did not go west of the Mississippi river , but set tled in the older states In the east Has a Paralytic Stroke. Loup City , Jan. 8. J. M. Snyder , ex- senator , suffered a paralytic stroke yesterday afternoon while In Loup City doing some trading. Ho was taken to his home on the farm , six miles south of Loup City. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Cameron Tobacco factory at Rlchmand was destroyed by flre Tues day. Loss , $125,000. Warden Jewett of the Kansas peni tentiary has abolished the lockstep In the marching of convicts. The Hereford bull , "Perfection 92 , 1891 , " was sold for ? 9,000 Tuesday at the Union stockyards , Chicago. A. E. Glfford , a lumberman well known throughout the United States , died at Ashland , Wis. , of heart dis ease. Fire at Logansport , La. , Tuesday burned 33 buildings in the business part of tbo town. The total loss Is $125,000. The secretary of the nary has pre pared for submission to congress a bill providing for the establishment of a naval training station for the takes. A bill granting to Mrs. McKinley the postal franking privileges for oil her correspondence was favorably re ported by the house committee on postoulco and post roads. George W. Dlxon has been appointed receiver of the Silver Flake Cereal company. The company owns two plants , ono at Cragln , Ills. , and an other at St. Louis , both of which have been closed. Every governor In the United States has been asked by Governor Nash of Ohio to Issue an appeal to the citizens of his state to sot aside Jan. 29 , President McKlnloy's birth day , as "McKlnloy day. " Another step In the proposed com bination of all the window glass man ufacturers of the country was taken at Munclo Tuesday , when 47 manu facturers signed the agreement to regulate output and control prices. Replies to Volley of Questions Concerning Panama Offer. DEPRECATES FURTHER DELAY. Characterizes Agitation In Favor of Panama Route as an Attempt to Postpone Action Urges Adoption of the Nlcaraguan Route. Washington , Jan. 8. The debate on the Nicaragua canal bill In the hotiao was opened In lively fashion yesterday - day by Hepburn , chairman of the In terstate - and foreign commerce com mittee , which reported the bill. Fur two hours ho held the floor , replying to a volley of questions concerning the recent offer of the Panama Canal company to sell its property and fran chises to the United States for $40- 000,000. The Interest In th * debate developed almost entirely In this now phase of the subject. Hepburn main tained that the alleged now offer of the Panama Canal company was part of the plan of dolay. All his refer ences along that line were liberally applauded. Ho pointed out what ho considered the suspicious circum stances that the Panama company hold out for $109,000,000 and then sud denly dropped the prlco to $40,000,000. Morris ( Minn. ) gave notice that at' the proper time ho would offer an amendment to authorize the president , If ho could procure the property and rights of the Panama company for $40,000,000 , If concessions could bo procured from Colombia , and If the Walker commission so recommended , to purchase and proceed to cotnpleto the Panama canal. Representative Bnrthold Introduced a bill repealing all the Increased taxes under the war revenue act. War of Canal Routes. Washington , Jan. 8. The first notes of the contest between the Nicaragua and Panama routes for the Isthmian canal were heard In the senate yes terday. Morgan offered and secured the adoption of a resolution which In dicated his Intention to have the com mittee on interoccanic canals to In quire into the relations existing be tween the transcontinental railrdad companies of the United States and Canada and the Panama Canal com pany. In explanation of the resolution Morgan declared that the relations were a "wicked monopoly" which al ready had cost the people of the Pa- clflc coast millions of dollars. The relations Involve the control by the Panama Canal' company , of the Pan ama Railroad company and the agree ment existing between certain rail roads of the United States and the Pacific Moll Steamship company. At the conclusion of business the senate paid a graceful compliment to Senator Foraker ( O. ) by adjourning until 2 o'clock , in order that senators might attend the marriage of Miss Foraker , which is to occur at noon today , with out interfering with their duties. GRANTS APPEAL OF SCHLEY. President Roosevelt Consents to Re view Findings of Court. Washington , Jan. 8. The object of Admiral Schloy's visit to the white house Monday was to request the pres ident to entertain and consider an ap peal for the reversal of the action of Secretary Long and the disapproval of the majority Judgment of the court of Inquiry. The Interview was satis factory , the president granting the ad miral's request. Messrs. Raynor and Teague will assist Admiral Schloy in the preparation of the appeal. The interview with the president was arranged In advance , and at Its conclusion Admiral Schley left the white house in a satisfied state of mind. He had been given a full op portunity to present the case from his standpoint and to acquaint the president with many details with which the president could not other wise have had any knowledge. While Admiral Schley would not make any statement regarding the matter dis cussed , holding that any Interview between a naval officer and his com- mander-ln-chlof should bo regarded as confidential , It Is understood that ho brought to the president's attention many of the alleged Injustices and dis crepancies of the majority report of the court of Inquiry. Admiral Schloy's Interview with the president was the result of his deter mination to exhaust every means In his power to overturn the Judgment which has been rendered against him. His now appeal will bo different from that submitted to the navy depart ment , bringing out some new facts which hare an Important bearing upon the controversy. Woman Suffragists to Meet. Washington , Jan. 8. The meeting of the National Woman Suffrage asso ciation , to be hold in this city Fob. 12-18 Inclusive , will assume a na tional character. Fourteen nations have now well defined woman suf frage organizations. The organiza tions in each of these countries have been Invited to send delegates to this tonventlon and liavo accepted. Reception at White House. Washington , Jan. 8. President and Mrs. Roosevelt gave a reception at the white house last nlchLJn.honor of the diplomatic corps. It was the first formal evening lovco of the season and the first at which President and Mrs. Roosevelt bavo boon the host and hostess , A full representation of the diplomatic corps made the affair notably brilliant ROYAL PARTY ENTERS PEKING. Gorgeous Display Accompanies Return of Chinese Court to Cfapltal , Poking , Jan. S. The Imperial cor- go entered the Forbidden City at 1:30 : p , m. u wns the most brilliant ecoiio Peking ever witnessed. The procession confuted of a thousand gorgeously nttlred noblemen mounted upon gllttcrlngly caparisoned hometv The emperor , the empress downgor , Prince Chun , the empress nnd several prlnci'HBOH were bonio In yellow t-halrn , their escort carrying hundrodii of gay banners and silk umbrellas. The troopn of Ociiornl Yuan Shi Kul , gov ernor of Pe Ohl LI , preceded the om- poror. The foreign community assem bled on top of the Chlon gnto. The emperor and omprcHH downgor entered the toinplo In the gate and burned Incense. The dowager em press upon onu-rgltig from the temple Raw the foreigner ! ) pouring down and bowed. A double row of itoldlorH , kneeling , lined the four-mllo route. The ro-entranco of the Chlneso urn- poror was the most remarkable epi sode In the annals of the dynasty , save the flight of the Chinese court when Poking was bombarded by Iho allied forces. Tbo spectacular phases of the return of the court oxcoedqd expectations. The cortcgo wan anort of glorlllod lord mayor's show nnd wan a bewildering barbaric exhibition of the orlentnl tinselled splendor. The Bcono nt the Chlon gate , when the emperor nnd ompresH dowager en tered tlinnkH for their safe Journey , was nothing IOHB than revolutionary , when viewed In the light of all Chi- noHo customs. The horHunhoo wall , forming the uncleiit gate , wa crowded with Europeans , dlplomnta. army olll- corH , mlsHlonarloH , lady photographers nnd correspondents. FIGHT IN PROGRESS. Conflict Between Castro's Men and Rebels Is Reported. Colon , Colombia , Jan. 8. The latest reports from the Colombian general , Castro , locate him at Peso , with the revolutionary forces at Lns Tablan. The captain of ai milling vessel reports that when ho lofl Agua Dulco fight ing was going on nt Los Santos. The United States cruiser Philadelphia ar rived nt Panama yesterday. Information as to the conditions ex isting nt Panama which has been re ceived hero characterizes them as very unsettled. Ships belonging to the revolutionary forces were seen last Friday 50 or CO miles from Panama. Killed by Former Suitor. Knox , Ind. , Jan. 8. Henry Clem ents , aged 19 , shot and Instantly killed Mrs. Edward Davis at her home hero yesterday. Clements then turned the weapon on himself and sent a bullet crashing Into his brain , Inflicting a probably fatal wound. Clements nnd the woman were engaged to bo mar ried , but a week ago she broke the engagement and married Edward Davis. Tutulla Is Foreign Territory. Washington , Jan. 8. The secretary of the treasury has rendered a de cision on the appeal of John Effingor against the action of the collector of customs at Honolulu In assessing duty on merchandise brought Into that port from Page Pngo , Tutuilai. The secre tary sustained the collector , holding that Tutulla Is foreign territory within the revenue laws of the United Slates. Cleveland's Health Better. Princeton , N. J. , Jan. 8. Former President Cleveland , though not fully recovered from his Illness , Is much Improved in health. Mrs. Cleveland said : "Mr. Cleveland Is still weak from his Illness , but ho has become strong enough this veok to leave the room and come down stairs. Ho will not bo able to go out of doors until the weather becomes considerably milder. " Troops Held In Readiness. Jackson , Miss. , Jan. 8. Governor Longino has ordered the Capital City guard of this city to bo held In readi ness to go to Oxford. The sheriff hero Is apprehensive that a mob will try to lynch William Mathis , Orlando Lester , Jackson and Whit Owens , In Jail there. Throe of the men have re cently been convicted of the murder of the Montgomorys. Kentucky Senatorshlp Fight. Frankfort , Ky. , Jan. 8. The candi dates for the Democratic nomination for United States senator from Ken tucky arranged last night for a con ference for the purpose of determin ing when the first ballot shall bo taken. There are four candidates In the race ox-Governor McCreary , Con gressmen Wheeler and Smith and Judge Cantrlll. Call for Municipal League Meeting. Oskaloosa , la. , Jan. 8. President W. H. Wray of the Municipal league of Iowa and mayor of Oskaloosa , has called a meptlng of the 'league ' for Jan. 22 , to moot In Dog Molnes. The object of the session la to prepare for an active canvass before ' { ho state legislature. The committees have been appointed by the president. James O'Brien Dead. Laporte , Ind. , Jan. 8. James O'Brien , a wealthy attorney and real estate man , died hero yesterday' In his 58th year. Ho held county offices bore and at Holton , Kan. , was superin tendent of the Indian reform school and wae recently tendered the presi dency of a college In Nebraska. Implement Men In Session. Omaha , Jan. 8. Five hundred deal ers are attending the annual conven tion of the Nebraska and Western Iowa Retail Implement Dealers' asso ciation , now in session In this city. After the appointment of committees the convention adjourned for the day. Railway Men Boldly Admit They Have Paid Rebates. SEVERE PENALTIES PROPOSED , Interstate Commerce Commission De termined to Correct Abuse of Ship ping Rates Railway Magnates Must Explain Merger. Chicago , Jan. 8. Prosecutions UKuliiHt u | | the blj | packing homio con- coriirt In the vest Cor violations of Urn provlttlonu pf the Interstate coiiunoroe law AgnliiHl receiving prefonmtlul rates arc eoiitoinplntod by the Intor- utato cominoiTi ) cominlimlun. This fact developed yoHtunlny during an In- YQHtlKntlon begun by the eommlmilon Into the handling of pnekliu ; hmwo products and dressed meiitu. It altio became apparent that the cnmnilHHlnn and the railway nmnnKuinontn of the oiitlro country practically had entered Into an alliance for the purpoao of In- ducliiK conireiui to pium legislation permitting the rallrondn to pool under certain regulatlonit by the Intorslato commerce commission nnd that It IH bolluvoil such a law can and will bo passed. The third development of the day wan the announcement ( hut the eonimlRHlon requested the attendance - anco hero of ull the leading men In the advancement of the community of IntoruntH Idea , IneltidliiK J. P. Mor gan. James J. Hill mnd Ifl. II. Harrl- inan , and that It thoHo men failed to respond to the request harsher moan- urea would ho taken to compel their coming : , ISvIdonco upon which to biwo pros ecutions against the puckoru WUH ob tained In abundance. Traffic mining- or and vlco presidents of rouds east nnd west threw up their liiindH and ad mitted freely that there was 'no pre tense toward maintaining tariff ralcn on packing house products nnd dreHHod meats for export or domestic use , ex cept for a very whorl period of tlmo at the beginning of ench year. Paul Morton , second vice president of the Santa Fo , and other men of the highest standing In the railroad world took the stand and stated boldly that they are now and hud been continual violators of the law , that they are sick and tired of helms Hiich , that pres ent conditions are Intolerable , that they are powerless to secure a main tenance of rates and that millions of dollars are paid to the packing house Interests yearly by railroads at the expense - penso of legitimate revenue. The packing houses nnd their repre sentatives to whom rebates wore paid durliiB 1001 , according to Commis sioner Prouty , will , If possible , be made amenable to a maximum fine of $10,000 for every violation of the law. Iowa Legislators Assemble. DCS Molnes , Jan. 8. A number of the legislators arrived In DCS Molneu yesterday and many more are expect ed before the close of the week. A great many of the candidates for cler ical and minor positions In both houses arc on hand and engaged In buttonholing the members as they ar rive. Inasmuch as there Is no con test for speaker or for the senatorial nominations the interest Is not as In tense as It has been In other years. Death of Colonel Hoyt. Washington , Jan. 8. Colonel Sam uel Hoyt died hero last night , the ro- sull of Injuries received from a fall. He was 70 years of ago. Colonel Hoyt was a veteran of two wars , a partlcl- panl In various Indian campaigns and a 49er. He was the Intimate friend of Sam Houston , "Kit" Carson and other figures of the rough west of half a century ago. For the last 30 years of his life Colonel Hoyt resided In Washington. District of Lake Michigan Sold. Chicago , Jan. 8. The so-called dis trict of Lake Michigan , a tract of shore acres worth hundreds of thousands of dollars , which has been the cause of years of strife with alleged squat ters , was sold at sheriff's sale yester day to satisfy a Judgment of $7,500 against ono of the claimants. Before commencing the sale the sheriff said ho did not guarantee title of the property. Big Crowds Greet Liberty Bell. Ashovllle , N. C. , Jan. 8. The old Liberty boll , on route from Philadel phia to the Charleston exposition , reached Ashovlllo last evening. The big crowd at the railway station was enthusiastic and the historic old relic was given 01 rousing reception. There was a flutter of flags and a shout of greeting at every station. Laborers Lynch Murderer. Guthrie , 0. T. , Jan. 8. A lynching took place last night on the grade of the Oklahoma City and Southwestern railroad In an isolated district west of Chicksha. Ono of the laborers , while the men were In camp , shot a companion and the remainder of the party hanged the murderer to a tree. Rock Island Will Build. Guthrlo , O. T. , Jan. 8.Tho Rock Island Railroad company has an nounced that It will build from Ana- darko through Indian territory to Fort Smith , Ark. , aa soon as a right of way can be secured from the government. Soldier Train Is Wrecked. Chicago , Jan. 8. A Rock Island spe cial bearing 300 recruits bound for the Philippines , from Columbus barracks , Ohio , was partially wrecked In the Twenty-second street yards yester day. Three men were Injured. FIGHT ACAINnT MERGER ON. Attorney General of Minnesota File * Ills Petition In Supreme Court. WiiHliliiKlon , Jan. 8. Attorney ( len- ertil Witllnuo II , DouglunH of Mlnneiiota Hied yesterday In the United Hlulr Biipronio court the bill of complaint in the cano of the iiltdo of Minnesota , coiiipliilnuiil , agnliiflt the Nortlumi Bu- ourlllon coinpnny , defondaiiL Tli proceeding In the court " > * < tn > very brief. Attorney General iJoug- Innii wnn recognl/ed as HOOII an Iho court wait convened and ho then moved "for IIMIVO to fllo and preiienl a bill of complaint on the purl of tlnv ntutu of MlnneHola against the Northern - orn Securities company. " Chief JiiutUo Fuller united If nolle * hnd been given to tbo Hecurltloii com pnny , and being Informed In the nega tive , mild there wan no rulu requiring Hitch notlco. Hu added : "Wo will tnko the paponi. " Mr DouglaiiH hnndod In his bill of compliant , and a brief citing of au thorities. The attorney general anil his niiHlntnnt coumiol , Messrs. M. D. Miinn und Oeorgo P. Wilson , then ro ll rod The court took the motion un der ndvliiomnnt , n uniinl In such i e , nnd will clvo Itu decision In duo course of tlmo. TRIED TO TEAR UP RAILWAY. Fight on Between State and Federal Judiciary In Wisconsin. WiiHlibtirti , Wlo. , Jan. K. Oonurnl Munagor Clark of Iho WiiHhburn , Ilny- flnld nnd Iron lllver rallrond , together with a train crow nnd 3fi laborers. , whoso inovenionts be WUH directing , wns nrruRlod at Iron Hlver yesterday by Sheriff Lien and a POHHO of depu ties for attempting to tenr up Inct main line of thai road. The rallrond olllclnls were acting under the direc tions of Receiver KroHt , who ban di rections from the United Stntes court to tenr up the line. The county IH hnek of the movement to prevent the touring up of the roud. Takes Fatal Dose of Aconite. Ynnkton , S , I ) . , Jan. 8. Otto Krebr of Wakomln took his llfo onrly yeslor- dny In Yanklon by drinking aconltn. Ho had been drinking nil night iiml left bin compnntoiiH In a rcHlmirnnt about 3 u. m. A hnlf hour tutor they found him unconscious In nn alley with an empty bottle beHlde him. Ho wns a votunm of the Philippine war. ThlH In the second uulcldo In Ynnltton within a week. Proposed North and South Line. St. Paul , Jan. 8. The utato railroad and wnirehoimo commlnalon rcculvr.il from W. G. Smith of DOB Molnes , vlco president of the Continental Railroad company , maps showing Its proponed route from Lake of the Woods to the southern boundary of Iowa. Mr. Smith says the Intention Is to build via Kan sas City south to GalvoHlon. Lessler Elected to Congress. Now York , Jan. 8. Montague Less- ler , the Republican candidate In the election held yesterday for congress man In the Seventh district , has been elected by 394 votes over Perry Bel- monl , the Democratic candidate. Th total vole was : Lesslor , 7,677 ; Belmont - mont , 7,283. Fifty Below at Dawcon. Vancouver , B. C. , Jan. 0. Two por- conB have died as a result of the se vere weather near Dawson , according to advices brought by the steamer Amur. The weather Is very stormy and the temperature has been as low- as 50 below zero. Doctor Seriously Injures Himself. North Bond , Neb. , Jan. 7. Dr. Doano accidentally shot himself through the side yesterday. There la little hope of his recovery. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. The Crude Rubber company , with assets of $3,000,000 , Is In the hands of a receiver. The Exchange bank of Bethany , Ills. , was robbed of $2,000 , the Ihleves getting away without leaving a clue. Morgan Bates , author , playwright and newspaper man , died Sunday at Traverse City , Mich. , of pulmonary paralysis , In his 54th year. Robert Samuel Houston , the oldest choose maker In Wisconsin , died of dropsy at his homo In Milwaukee Sun day. Ho waa 82 years of age. Anton Chaves , his wife and 2-year- old boy , Joseph , and Miss Mary De- vlda , aged 18 , were asphyxiated Sun day at their homo In Hartford and all are dead. Thcro is no essential change in the arbitration situation In the Pan-Amer ican congress at Mexico City. The most hopeful feature Is that both sides contlnilo to negotiate. Four section men wore killed by a Burlington passengers train near Mon- raouth , ,111s. The dead : James Mc- Grath , foreman ; Joseph Brown , Sam- uej Mcttler and MIke Anderson. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tills preparation contains all of tbo dlgestants and digests all kinds ot food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want , The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Itsuso many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thing else fulled. la unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. Cures all stomach troubles