The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 10, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Former Kentucky Governor
Named for Senator.
Election to Upper House of Con *
Is Regarded as Foregone Con-
, elusion Judge Cnntrlll His Only Op
ponent In the Democratic Caucus ,
Frankfort , Ky. , Jun. 10 , SlundliiR
on tlm roBtnun of thu liull of thu old
Kentucky capital , whcro nearly 30
yoaro io ; lie lioRnn Ills public carour ,
the Hon. JntnoH McCroary of Mndlwm
county liiHt nlfjlit accepted tbo nomina
tion of tlio Democratic party to HUC-
rood William Duboo In tlm Houato of
the United BtntuH. Ho received tlio
nomination over Judcn Janum 10. Gun-
trill by volu of 02 to 37. Ho will
bo oloutod by tbo general atictnbly In
joint HOBBlou next Tuunilny ever Son-
ntor Doboa , who was ondorxoil by bis
party for ro-oloctlon. Tbo Democratic
caucus wan luirinonloim throughout ,
the only mirprlHo bolus tliut npruiiR
novornl hours before It convonud by
< ho withdrawal of CoiiKrosatnan
ChnrloB Whoolpr and ConRroHHiiinn
David Sin It li , who have boon In tbo
content for tbo piiHt year. Tboy with-
tlrow only when I ) , bucuino apparent
that MeCroary would bo named and
.1 ml go Cantrlll remained In the race
only to recolvo a coinpllincntary vote.
Intimates That His Departure From
Philippines Is Permanent.
San KrnnclHco , Jan. 10. Tho'trann-
jiortH KllpatrleU and Warren arrived
from Muulliv within an hour of each
other yesterday afternoon. The form
er VCHHP ! brought about 700 torm-ox-
plrod men , whllo the lutter curried nl-
in out as many moro. Among the War-
ron'8 piiRBoiiKurH were Urlgadlor Gen
erals Hughes and KuiiBton.
Ooneral FniiHton cmnoH homo on
Blck leave. While his condition has
greatly Improved since leaving Manila
lie hna not yet entirely recovered.
On arrival bore General FmiHton Im
mediately went to Oakland to Rrcot
MH family. Ho stated that ho would
romaln bore about two weokn and then
visit his old home and friends In Kan
sas for a few days , after which ho
would go to Washington on Important
business , the nature of which ho would
not divulge. General Kunston nald
Ills leave of absence was for two
months. lie thought ho would bava it
extended and It was possible that ha
> 'ould not return at all.
Indian Runs Amuck.
Miles City. Mon. . Jan. 10. Fort
Kcogh received n telegram from For-
nyth asking that soldiers bo IminodI-
atcly dispatched to the Lama Door
Indian agency. The disturbance orig
inated by an Indian named Will ! be
ing sent for by the agent In charge.
The Indian refused to obey the sum-
inoiiH and an Indian posse was dis
patched to bring him In. White
opened flro on the appearance of the
posse , killing om > of the Indian pollco-
mon. The warring Indian then turned
upon his own wife and daughter , kill-
Jug them both , and dually shot him
self , dying Instantly.
Marconi Starts for New York.
Ottawa , Ont. , .Ian. 10. Slgnor Mar
coni loft for Now York yesterday.
ITho plans for bis now station on Capo
Breton will bo prepared Immediately ,
and It Is expected ho will bo ready
for communication across the Atlantic
by the 1st of Juno. On his return to
London , Mr. Marconi will have the
electric power at his Cornwall station
creatly Increased so that by the time
the Capo Breton station in finished ,
ho will bo ready to resume tests of bis
system on a practical scalo. _ Ho ox-
pccts to return to Canada in about a
Identify Logan as Robber.
Knoxvlllo , Tenn. , Jan. 10. General
Manager D. S , Elliott and Messenger
C. Smith of the Great Northern Kr-
press company and Fireman O'Neill ,
tvho were on the train which was
robbed by bandits at Wagner , Mon. ,
July 3 last , have positively Identified
the man under arrest hero aa Harvey
Logan , as ono of the men who robbed
the express car of the now Montana
bank bills and other valuables.
Land Opened for Settlement ,
rueblo , Colo. , Jan. 10. The I'uoblo
land office has issued orders opening
for settlement moro than 250,000 acres
of land in the southwestern part of
Huerfano and the western portion of
Las Anlmas counties. This land was
withdrawn from settlement over a
fear ago for the purpose of creating
the Las Anlmas reservation. Tlio
area Is 24 by 18 miles In extent.
Collides With Freight Train.
New Orleans , Jan. 10. The Vlcks-
burg express on the Mississippi Valley
collided with a freight train 12 mllea
from Now Orleans. Henry Foster , a
negro fireman of the freight , waa
killed ; Engineer Campbell had his
Jaw and leg broken : Engineer Baldwin -
win and Fireman George Wasson of
tbo passenger train and three negro
fcrakemen were injured.
Finds Big Nugget.
Helena , Mou. , Jan. 10. A. gold nug
get that weighed 38.8 ounces was
melted at the assay office yesterday ,
ft was the largest ploco of virgin gold
ever received at the local assay office
of the government. Its value was
about $1,400. The nugget was found
by' Thomas Raymond , who uaid ho had
taken it out of the diggings ( n Alder
gulch. i
Interstate Uoard Concludes IU Hear-
Ino nt Kansas City.
KniiHiiB Ulty , Jun. 10 , The inter-
ntntu commwco commlHslonern Hpont
HX ! hoiirw hero ycHtorduy and oxam-
iniMl Rovurnl wltnuanoH regarding Brain
rntos from wcHtnrn polntH to Atlantic
utmboard mill othur ruHtoru dosllna-
tlotiH. They returned to Chicago IRHI
night after announcing tliat the In-
voHtlgatlon would bo resumed In that
city on Jun. 24 , when It IB bulluvml
Bovoral big railway olllclalii will bo
culled. The expected riiHli of rnllroad
nniclnlR and grnln Hhlpportt to confoHa
they had niiulo and rucolvcd freight
roliutofl or cut rates did not occur. In
fact what Information waa elicited
wan obtained only after persistent
aiientlonlng on the part of the coin-
inlHHionorH. The moat direct admla-
Hlon wan that of John A. Robinson of
thu linn of Hall & Uoblntwn of Kan-
nan City , which controlii the export
Kniln hiifllntyifl of the Missouri 1'aclOc.
Mr. Unbltuion admitted that W. C.
Stlth , freight traffic manager of the
Mlnnourl I'acinc , nuido him a , xato on
export grain of from a to G cents per
100 lower Uian the published export
Commissioner Jones Inaugurates Had
leal Changes In Treatment.
Iloflcbud , S. I ) . , .Inn. 10. Indian
Commltmlonor Jonott ban Inaugurated
ono of the moot radical cbangcH In
tlio treatment of the Sioux Indlnns.
After April 1 no free rations will bo
given to any ablobodted Sioux Indian.
Hut In lieu of rations work Is to be
provided for all such flit $1.2C per day.
Anyone refusing to work will be cut
off of the ration roll , but given work
whom ho applies. This work will bo
In building dams for holding water In
dry crooks rind constructing roads and
bridges and making IIro guards. The
old men and women and all Inllrm or
Invalid are not affected by this order.
Plant Remains at Des Molnes.
Dos Molnes , Jan. 10. President .
F. I'ltil of the National Starch Works
company of Now York announced that
the Den Molnes plant will be rebuilt
and enlarged 'on condition tht the
city lay a water main to It and remit
tn.xoB for ten years. Ho was assured
by Mayor Hartonbowor this would bo
done. The loaa sustained In the re
cent flro hero was adjusted at 83 per
cent of the policies , amounting to
$243.000. The not loss to tbo com-
puny approximates $100,000.
No Apology Made.
London. Jan. 10. The Dally Mall
is able to state that there has been no
diplomatic correspondence with re
gard to Mr. Chamberlain's speech
and that Mr. Chamberlain himself
convoyed the assurances mentioned In
letters written to reach Gorman pub
lic opinion. Hoyond these letters , says
the Dally Mall , the only other assur
ances volunteered were at one of the
foreign receptions and were verbal
and unofficial. There has been no
apology or withdrawal.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
OlilonK < > . Jnn. 0. After lioliiR nmliptl l > .r n
hull iiHivi'ini'iil to the hlgU paint of the
your , when ! HluniptMl tmilly , lost le mid
took tht > ni > lrlt out of the hulU In other
pits. MIIV wlioitt olimort nt n not hm of
% ( fHie , May corn 5i Jo off niul Miiy ont
( iWi1 lower. 1'rovlnlonn cloned iitichuiiEod
to n Mimle lower. Hosing prlvon :
Wheat Mnjr , Kt'KJiS.-Oic ' ; July , &l',4c. '
Corn Mnv , r.tVV ; .inly , . ) ; p.
Ont -Ma.T , MV.c ; July. ll ! ie.
1'orU Jnn. , $ lil8Ti : .Ntny , ? I7 U7'4. '
l.unlMay , $ ! > .771s : May. $ ! ) . ! VJVi.
Itllis Jan. , $ S. 5 ; May , $8.77Uj.
Chicago Cash Market No. 2 red wheat ,
S'iVjf.S'Ji/je ; No. red wheat , 8 > Sl Oe ; No. 3
eprliiR wheat , 77fiSOc ; No , 2 hard wheat ,
Sifter ; No. T hard wheat. SK'82o ! ; No. 2
canh rorn , IWV Kloj No. .T yellow corn ,
< VH5R ( n > 4e ; No. 1 ! oush oatH , 47VJn ; No. 2
white 0.1 tn. 41tV 6WI'uii ' > ; No. 3 wlilto oata ,
rye , 70c lild.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Jnn. 0.-Cattle-Heeelpt , 0,000 ,
Including 2fiO Trxana ; active and lOJJine
higher thrtn Monday ; cooil to prime , $0.00
07.00 ; poor to medlnni , $4.00Jitl.25 ( ; ; stack
ers and feeders. $2.23M.7ri : cows. S1.2T > @
4.75 : holfcrs , $2.HOif.,00 ( : cnnncm. $1,2S61
2.W ) ; bulls. $2.004.00 ; calves , $ ,1.500.r > 0 :
Tfi 8 fed steers. $ .f.2TKftr .25 , HoKS-Ue-
cslpts today , 33,000 ; tomorrow , 20,000 , pstl-
mated ; left over , 10,000 ; fi llOc hlchur ;
inlicd and liutchcr.i , $ flOOG.r > 0 ; good to
choice heavy , $0.50iT.00 ! ; roiiRh heavy.
$5.W ) W.20 : IlKht , ? 5.8Vf ! .15 ; hulk of 8 le ,
| 0.00 Ifl.40. Shecp-Kecelpts , 12,000 ; sheep
lower , light steady ; tnmhs stroin to lOc
hither ; Rood to choice wethers , $4.004G5 ;
f lr to choice mixed , $3.50 1.25 ; western
sheep , $4.00 > J,7r : native lamhs , J3.50O
0.00 ; western Iambs , $5,70.
Kansas City Ll.vo Stock.
Kansas City , Jan. O.-Cattlo Uecclpts , 3-
600 ; beef steers. ir > higher , ether cattle
steady to lOc higher ; choice lioof steers ,
J5.75(2 ( .50 ; fair to good , $4.7B < OC.G3 ; stockers -
ers and feeders , $3.003)4.50 ) ; western fed
steers. * 4.r5i r.,7B ; uatlre cows , $2.00 < ? J
4.0,1 ; helf ra. $3.rX > 36.2r > ; canncrs , jl.r It
2.50 ; liulls , $2.50M.25 ; calves. $3.CO < 30.00.
IIoES-Ilecclpts , 11,000 ; packing hogs DC
higher : pica and light 10 25c higher ; top ,
$ O.W ; bulk of sales , $5.76 0.K ) ; heavy ,
$ < J.r.O3 < J.GO ; mixed packers , $0.15 ( 0.50 ;
light , $5.40 0.50 ; pics. $5.UX3ri.3S. : Bhpfp
Receipts , 2,000 ; Iambi strong ; yearlings
15c hlgUer ; fed lambs , $5.00 0.00 ; fed
wethers. $4.00 t4.7S ; yearllnga , J4.7&SW.25 ;
ew , $3,50@4.10 ; culla infl feeders , $2,25.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Jan. 0. Cattle Receipt * ,
2,500 ; active , stronger , lOc higher ; native
steers , $4.00(30.00 ( ; cow * and heifers , $2.00 $ )
4.80 ; western steers , $3.7030.30 ; Texas
steers , $3.1XXQ-I.40 : canncrs , $1.502.75 ;
stoekers and feeders , $2.80@4.50 ; calves ,
$ .1.003fi.25 ; balls , stags , etc. , $2.00 < & 4.25.
Hota-Uecelpts , 8.000 ; OQlOo higher ; heavy ,
tO.20fiO.GO ; mixed , $0.1 0.20 ; Jlght , $3.75
® 6. ' > ; bulk of salra , $0.00R0.33 ( ; pits , $4.50
O5.50. Sheep-Receipts , 1,000 ; active , lOc
higher ; fed motions , $4.05 ; westerns , $3,50
0 .00 ; ewes , $3.0004.00 ; common and stockers -
ers , $2.50(33.00 ( ; lambs. $4.5030.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Jan. 0 , Cattle Receipt * , V
000 ; .steady ; natives , $3.33/35.75 ; cows and
heifers , $1.50O.S5 ; vtals , $3.0000.00 ; stock-
ers. and feeders , $2.2 4.35 , Hogs-Re
ceipts. 7,500 ; steady ; light and light mixed ,
$5.GO 0.30 ; medium and heavy , $0.1020.00 ;
pigs , $ S.CC@4.80.
I.I llunir I'luuiK * * "Hotivpiilr. "
When 1,1 11 ung ( 'IniiiK wax In 1'iirln ,
he went to rlslt the Credit hyonnaln
and showed lively Interest lu Its linllH ,
HH Htnlrn , HH mi fen find the room where
tlio bonds of the hint city of Paris loan
are kept. He was llrst shown bonds
of HOI ) fnincH iind 1,000 frnncH nnd thun
of 0,000 francH , Taking tlicm In ills
hnmlH , he Hcrutlnl'/.ud tlicm , exelalinlng
frequently , 'Moll , Jolll" Then be finally
thrust them In his pocket , saying ,
"Houvi'iilr do I'arlHl" Tlm governor of
the Credit LyonnalH went to the min
ister of foreign affairs with a list of the
bonds and asked what he was to do ,
It was agreed that It would not do to
ask 1,1 to give them up , and the foreign
olllce refunded his "souvenir do I'arls ! "
Klrrnrnin In Humln.
A.i an Illustration of bow closely
everything Is watched In Htissla , take
their system of registering firearms.
When a weapon of any kind Is pur
chased a permit must be secured from
the local authorities. The name of the
man who makes the purchase , with the
number of the weapon , Is recorded. 1C
the purchaser ever wants to dispose
t > f the weapon ho must notify the au
thorities and cause the transfer to bo
recorded on the books of the flrm
which sold It
UP Ilnil < he llo < | iilr < MiictitH.
Wife What are some of the require
ments noccHKiiry to make a successful
poker player , my dear ?
Husband ( thoughtfully ) Well , a man
must be cool , calculating , crafty , de
ceitful , Hellish , sly and have a touch of
meanness In his disposition.
Wife ( shocked ) I shouldn't think you
would care to play with such people.
Husband Oh , I nearly always win !
Chicago Ilecord-Hernld.
Volpc TrnvclliiK.
lOlghtecu miles Is said to be the Ion
gest distance on record at which a
man's voice has been heard. This oc
curred In the Grand canyon of the Col
orado , where one man shouting the
name Hob at one cml his voice was
plainly heard at the other end , which
Is eighteen miles away. Dr. Young re
cords that at Gibraltar the human
voice has been board at a distance of
ten miles.
A I'rUoiuT.
"I thought you guaranteed that suit
of underwear you Hold me not to
shrink , " said the customer who en
tered the store and stood In a HOIIIC-
wlmt cramped attitude.
"I did , " replied the merchant. "If It
shrinks , bring It back. "
"I have brought It back , " said the
customer In evident embarrassment ,
"but I got caught out In the rain and
can't get It off. " Ohio Slate Journal.
An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off.
"Somo time ago my daughter caught
a severe cold. She complained of pains
in her cheat and had a bad cough. I
cave her Chamberlain's Couch Remedy
according to directions and in. two days
she was well and able to go o school.
I have used this remedy in my family
for the past seven years and have never
known it to fail , " says James Prouder-
gast , merchant , Aunato Bay , Jamaica ,
West India Islands. The pains in the
ohost indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia , which in this instance
was undoubtedly warded off by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Life at Stake.
If you but know the splendid merit of
Foloy's Honey and Tar you would never
bo without it. A dose or two will pre
vent an attack of pnenmouia or la
grippe. It may save your Hie. Sold by
A. II. Kiesau.
The only direct route between Cali
fornia and the east is the Union Pacific ,
"Tho Overland Route. " This was the
first road to span tlio continent with
bauds of steel. It made friends in those
early days it is making them now , on
account of its superior service and
superb equipment and quick trains.
For full information call on or address
J. B. Elsoffer , agent.
Children Poisoned.
Many children are poisoned and made
uorvous and woakif not killed outright ,
by mothers giving them conch syrups
containing opiates. Foley's Honey and
Tar is a safe , certain remedr forcoutrhs.
croup and lung troubles and is the only
prominent cough inediciue that contains
no opiates or other poisons. Sold by A.
H. Kiosau.
Exposure to Wet ,
dampness and cold , invariably results
in a sudden chill , which if not attended
to immediately will cause a cold. By
mixing a toaspoonf nl of Perry Davis *
Painkiller in half a glass of warm water
or milk , the whole system will he heated
and the danger ot cold avoided. Avoid
substitutes , there is but ono Painkiller ,
Perry Davis. ' Price 35o and COo.
Will You Sleep Well
tonight ? Not if yon have a cough that
begins to torment yon aa soon as yon
Ho down. Yon can conquer the cough
with Allen's Lung Balsam , which will
relieve the pain in the chest , the irrita
tion in the throat and hard breathing.
Sinoo it contains no opium , this remedy
may bo given fruely to children , and to
the most delicate adults.
Don't Live Together.
Constipation and health never go to
gether. DeVMt's Little Early Risers
promote easy action of the bowels with
out distress. "I have been troubled
with oostivonees nlno years" saya J. , O.
Greene , Dcpauw , Ind. "I have tried
many remedies but Little Early Risers
give best results. " Kiesau Drug Co.
A Deep [ Mystery.
It is a mystery why women endure
backaoho , headache , nervousness , sleep-
losanoss , melancholy , fainting and dizzy
spells when thousands have proved that
Electric Bitters will quickly euro such
troubles. "I suffered for years with
kidney trouble , " writes Mrs. Phobe
Oherloy. of Peterson , la. , "and a lame
back pained inn BO I could not dress my
self , but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me , and , although 73 years old , I now
am able to do all my housework. " It
overcomes constipation , improves appe
tite , gives perfect health. Only COo at
A. H. Klosau's drug store.
Women and Jewels ,
Jewels , oandy , flowers , man that is
the order of n woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to tlio average woman , Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If a woman will risk her health to got a
coveted gem , then lot her fortify herself -
self against the insidious consequences
of coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular uno of Dr. Boschoo's
Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest
consumption in its early stages and heal
the nffcotod lungs and bronchial tnbos
and drlvo the dread disease from the
system. It is not n euro-all , but it is n
certain euro for coughs , colds and all
bronchial tubes. You can got Dr. G. G.
Groou's reliable remedies at A. II.
Kiosan's Drug Co.
Got Groou's special nlmanao.
The many friends of G. H. Hausan ,
ougiueor , L. E. & W. R. 11. , at present
living in Lima , O. , will bo pleased to
know of his recovery from threatened
kidney disease. Ho writes : "I was
cured by using Foloy's Kidney Ouro ,
which I recommend to all , especially
trainmen who are uanallv similarly af
flicted. Sold by A. H. Kiesan.
The prevention of consumption is en
tirely a question of commencing the
proper treatment in timo. Nothing is so
well adapted to ward off fatal Inng
troubles as Foloy's Honey nnd Tar.
Sold by A. II. Kiosau.
A Profitable Investment.
"I was troubled for about seven years
with my stomach nnd in bed half my
time , " says E Domick , Somerville , Ind.
"I spout about $1,000 and uovor could
get anything to help mo until I tried
Kodol Dyspepsia Ouro. I have taken a
few bottles and nm entirely woll. Yon
don't live by what you oat , but by what
yon digest and assimilate. If your stomach
ach doesn't digest your food you are
really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Onro
does the stomach's work by digesting
the food. You don't have to diot. Eat
nil you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Ouro
cures all stomach troubles. Kiosau Drug
Stop ill
A neglected cougn or cold may lead
to sorioas bronchial or lung troubles.
Don't take chances when Foley's Honey
and Tar affords perfect security from
serious effects of a cold. Sold by A. H.
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a largo number of poor
sufferers whoso lungs are sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climato. But this is costly nud not al
ways sure. Don't bo an exile when Dr.
King's Now Discovery for consumption
will euro yon at homo. It's the most
infallible medicine for coughs , colds
nud all throat and lung diseases on earth.
The first dose brings relief. Astound
ing cures result from persistent use.
Trial bottles free at A. H. Kiesau.
Price 50o and $1. Every bottle guaran
Makes the flro of life burn with a
steady glow. Renews the golden happy
days of youth. That's what Rocky
Mountain Tea does. 35 cents. Goo. B.
Brain t-opd Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent anthori-
ities. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that ono kind of food is needed for
brain , another for muscles and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body , but it will sustain every other
part. Yet , however good your food may
be , its nutriment is destroyed by in
digestion or dyspepsia. You must pre
pare for thoi appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower , the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A
few doses aids digestion , stimulates the
liver to healthy action , purifies the
blood , nnd makes yon feel buoyant and
vigorous. You can get Dr. G. G.
Green's reliable remedies of the Kiosau
Drug Co.
Get Green's Special Almanac.
In Bed Four Weeks With La Grippe.
We have received the following letter
from Mr. Rey Kemp , of Angola , Ind.
I was in bed four weeks with la grippe
and I tried many remedies and spent
considerable for treatment with physi
cians , but I received no relief until I
tried Foloy's Honey and Tar. Two
small bottles of this medicine cured mo
and I now use it exclusively in my fam
ily. " Take no substitutes. Sold by A.
H. Kiesau.
Children Especially Liable.
Burns , bruises and cuts are extremely
painful aud if neglected often result in
blood poisoning. Children are especially
liable to snob mishaps because not so
careful. As a remedy DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo is unequalled. Draws out
the flro , stops the pain , soon heals the
wound , ttewaro of counterfeits. Sure
cure for piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo cured my baby of eczema after
two physicians gave her up , " writes
James Mock , N. Webster , Ind. "The
sores were so bad she soiled two to five
dresses a day. " Kiesau Drug Co.
Child Worth Millions
"My child is worth millions to me , "
says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg , Pa. ,
"yot I would have lost her by cronp had
I not purchased a bottle of One Minute
Cough Ouro " Ono Minute Oough Ouro
is sure cure for cough , croup , throat and
lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough
cure which acts immediately. The
youngest child can take it with outiro
safety. The little ones like tbo taste
and remember how often it helped them.
Every family should have a bottle of
One Minute Oough Onro handy. At
this season especially it may bo needed
suddenly. Kiosan Drug Oo.
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful , drastic , purgative Dill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Lifo Pills , which are perfectly harmless ,
gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel -
pel poisonous matter , cleanse the system
and absolutely euro constipation nnd
sick headache. Only25oatA. H. Kie-
sau's drug store.
A Good Recommendation.
"I have not iced that the saloon Cham
berlain's Stomooh and Liver Tablets is
almost invariable to those who have
ouco used them , " says Mr. J. H. Weber ,
a prominent druggist of Oascado , Iowa.
What bettor recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call for
it when again in need of snob a remedy ?
Try them when you feel dull after eat
ing , when yon hare n bad taste in your
mouth , fool bilious , hnvo no appetite or
when troubled with constipation , and
you are certain to bo delighted with the
prompt relief which they afford. For
Halo by Kiosau Drng Oo ,
O yo people I have yo wanted the
golden moments of uovor returning time
in taking a substitute for the gonulno
Roclcy Mountain Tea made by the Mad-
'sou Modiciuo Oo. Goo. B. Ohrlstoph.
Remarkable Cure of Croup
A little boy's life saved. I have a few
words to say regarding .Chamberlain's
Oough Romody. It saved my little
boy's life and I fool that I oauuot praise
it enough. I bought a bottle of it from
A. E. Stooro of Goodwin , S. D. , and
when I got homo with it the poor baby
could hardly broatho. I gave the medi
cine as directed every ton minutes until
' 10 "throw up" and then I thought sure
10 was going to choke to death. Wo
had to pull the phlegm out of his month
in great long strings. I am positive
that if I had not got that bottle of cough
medicine , my boy would not boon earth
today. Joel DoMont , Inwood , Iowa.
For sale by Kiosan Drug Co.
When your system is wasting away
with melancholy thoughts , restless
nights , sorrowing days , renew life's
glorious pleasure with Rooky Mountain
Toa. 35 cents. Goo. B. Ohristoph.
A Cure for Lumbago.
W. 0. Williamson , of Amherst , Va. ,
says : "For more than a year I suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Olmm-
bcrlaiu's Pain Balm nnd it gave mo ou
tire relief , which all other remedies had
failed to do. " Sold by Kiosau Drug Oo.
NflSlU Catarrh quickly yields to treatment -
mont by Ely's Cream liahu , which is agree
ably nroinatio. It is received through the
nostrils , cleanses and heals the whole sur
face ever which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the GOc. size ; Trial size by , 10
cents. Test it aud you are euro to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catnrrhal trou-
bla , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form , which -will bo known as Ely's
T Cream inlm Price including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Pneumonia and La Grippe
Coughs cured quickly by Foley's
Honey and Tar. Refuae substitutes.
Sold by A. H. Kiosan.
It Girdles the Globe.
The fnmo of Bucklon's Arnica Salve ,
as the best in the world , extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect nealor
of outs , corns , burns , ulcers , felons ,
aches , pains and all skin eruptions.
Only infallible pile euro. 25o a box at
A. H. Kiosau.
Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can
always bo prevented by the use of
Foley's Kidney Cure. A. H. Kiesau.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the north
west corner of sootion twenty-five (25) ( ) ,
township twenty-one (21) ( ) , north , range
ono (1) ( ) , west of 6th p. m. , and running
thence east one mile and terminating at
the north-east corner of said section 25 ,
township 21 , range 1 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof and
all objections thereto , or claims for dam
ages , must bo filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 3rd day
of February , A. D. 1903 , or such road
will bo established without reference
Dated at Madison , Nobr. , this 2Gth
day of Nov. , 1901. PHIL. BAUCII.
County Olork.
There is no poison so highly contagious ,
so deceptive aud so destructive. Don't be
too sure you are cured because all external
signs of the disease have disappeared , and
the doctor says you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
Potash for months or years , and pro
nounced cured to realize when too late
that the disease was only covered up
M . . . * * KI driven from the
10 Bogota Uko.
surface to break
out again , nnd to their sorrow and mortifi
cation find those nearest and dearest to
them have been infected by this loath
some disease , for no other poison is so
surely transmitted from parent to child
as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism ,
Catarrh , Scrofula or severe skin disease ,
an old sore or ulcer developing in middle
life , can be traced to blood poison con-
The SIn of the
life , for it remains smoldering in the sys
tem forever , unless properly treated and
driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is
the only antidote for this peculiar virus ,
the only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of the blood , and
it does this so and effectually
that there is never a return of the disease
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards ,
cures Contagious Blood
Poison in any and all
stages ; contains no
nlmeral to break down
your constitution ; it is
purely vegetable and the only blood puri-
Qcr known that cleanses the blood and
it the same time builds up the general
Our little book on contagious blood
poison is the mosttcomplete and instruc
tive ever issued ; it not only tells all
about this disease , but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should
be in the hands of everyone seeking a
cure. Send for it
Ely's Cream Balm
Easj and pleasant to
use. Contains no In-1
lurlous druc.
It Is qulckljr absorbed.
Gives Itellef at once.
It Opens and Cleanses'
the Nasal Passages.
Allays Inflammation.
Heals and 1'rotecU the Membrane. Itcstorei the
Senses of Taste and HmcH. Large Bire. 60 cents at
Urugglstii or by mall } Trial Site , 10 cents bj mall.
ELY BUOTUUUS. 60 Warren Street. Mew York.
* ' *
is Nature's time for rest ;
and the man who doea not
take sufficient time to sleeper
or who cannot sleep when
he makes the effort , is
wearing out his nervous
strength and consuming his
vital power. Dr. Miles'
Nervine brings sweet ,
soothing , refreshing sleep.
Don't let another night
pass. Get it to-day.
"I nm a drucclst , 8O when I w *
troubled with insomnia a few years ago
I took Dr. Miles' Nervine and found
immediate relief. I have not been
troubled with that dUease since , "
H. L. HOWARD , Madison , Wis.
soothes the nerves , nour
ishes the brain , and re
freshes the entire organism.
Sold by drug-gilts on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkkart , Ind.
m"i' ' <
# 3
. ,
| T mt.itn
I" . flM".M.
| ri' ' i. " - i |
niAMOND'ir" !
§ OAJ > - WRAPP R5
Complete catalogue showing over )00
premiums ( hit may be secured by saving
the wrapper * , furnished free upon request
Send your name on a postal card , ajia we
will mail you the catalogue
AJrlrtH. {
[ The 'Cudahy Packing"Co\
Dinmuml " ( ' ' Soap fnr lair by all Ornctri *
fiB ivWtE
Fills ,
At all Vug stofta , 25 Do ts 25 .J
UMtxccuco PILLS
rthAlCIRRCCUUWrriCS.1 or even v PHYSJCU *
DCSvoiNE :
For Sale by George B. Ghristoph.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medlj
cine Co , , Madison , WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on cacti package.
Price , 33 cents. Nevxr o4 !
In bulk. Accept no ubitl
MQHMHATID tuU. Ask your druggist.