The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 10, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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I School Children's ' Eyes
Intellect r
Defective eyes stunt the mind
Can you expect fair progress
In school or success in
business if so handicapped ?
Examination of children for
glasses is a special feature of
-v' our Optical Department
Good lot nt Jniictioti $ 70.00
Honso and % aero , 3d St 850 00
HOUKO and large barn 4000.00
House , barn , % acre , 4th St. . . 1200.00
Honso at Junction 700.00
Loans on Real Estate Low Rates.
This is a good
time to re
mind you
that Chase &
Coffee is the
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 34 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 45
fj-b Minimum temperature 20
Average 35
Snow , inches 00
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 00
Barometer 80.90
Forecast for Nebraska. : Fair tonight
and Saturday. Colder tonight.
McCook hopes to have a sugar factory
located there in the near future. The
city is considering a proposition for the
erection of srioh a factory.
There is a postofflce fight on at
Creighton. A. A. Logan , editor of the
Courier and present incumbent , is meet *
ing with some opposition.
The decision of the district court in
the case of the Omaha Brewing associa
tion against Tillenburg was affirmed by
the supreme court at Lincoln yesterday.
The'civil service commission lias an
nounced dates on which examinations
will be conducted in Nebraska as fol
lows : Omaha , April 9 , 10 and 22 ;
Tgl'frico , April 10 j Grand Island , April
, * V" '
G. A. Rekow , pastor , announces that
quarterl } ith > tc" will take place at the
German L , angelical church this even
ing iit7:30 , conducted by Rev. H. Sohl
of'Fremont. ' Special revival services
will continue next week. All are cordi
ally invited to attend.
Those who have an olive appetite will
be pleased to learn that this year's
crop In California will be 6,000 barrels ,
as , dgainat'2)000 ) barrels last year. The
prlceTiaa dropped 83 per cent , making
it $40 per barrel as against $60 last year.
At this year's price there Is still a profit
of f20 a barrel to * the grower.
Homer'Quick , aged 47 and Mrs. A. R.
Room , 66 years brage , recently married
at JoHnaton , this state , start -out with
fairly good prfcspeota for a family. The
bride is'th'o mother'of 14 children , while
eevetf claim the groorii' as a father , inns
nmklng'as in'the'fumilyiftnd'wiU 'be' 'a'
houseful provided all live under the
same roof. f
riarry 0. Miller , the recently elected
clerk of Douglas county , took possession
of his office at 12:05 : Thursday morning ,
The reason for his early appearance
there is given that he expected to"be
confronted by on Injunction 11 he
waited until the hour county officers
are ordinarily expected to begin tholi
day's work.
Alvin Low has rold bin fine stooli
farm of 820 acres , located four mile
west of Norfolk , for $11,200 cosh. Mr
Low is to give possession to the pur
chaser on the first of March but doe
not contemplate removing froth thlf
vicinity , as bin sous' ore all located 01
farms near * hero and ho still considers
this county his homo.
A Washington correspondent Bays
"Senator Millard ended the Neligh post
office controversy today by selecting
Charles Willo for the place and notify
ing AssistantlPostniastor General Bris
tow that the suspension of his formoi
nomination to this office was with
drawn. Anderson , the present inonm
bent , put up a stiff fight.
President Marvin Hnghitt of the
Northwestern system has announced n
change in the pension system for the
employes of that road which will prob
ably bo gratifying news to such em
ployes. Itjis to the effect that hereafter
after any person who shall have boon 2C
years in the employ of the Northwester !
company may be retired on a pension
Tlio original limit of employment was
80 years.
E. A. Crnm , formerly of this city
writes from Fair Haven , Washington
to a Norfolk friond. Speaking of the
weather ho says : "Fine weather hero
no frost in ground ; grass green ; flowers
blooming in the yards. Wish some poor
devil back there had my fur overcoat ,
as it is absolutely worthless hero. "
George L. Whitham , writing from
Seattle speaks of the weather in some
what the same style with the additional
information that it had just rained.
At the regular meeting of Norfolk
lodge , No. 40 , I. O. O. P. , hold last even
ing , the following officers wore installed
for the ensuing term , Past Grand 0. P.
W. Marqnardt acting as installing of
ficer : E. R. Hayes , N. G. ; A. J.
Mosloy , V. G. ; H. L. Spaulding , secre
tary ; E. J. Sohorregge , treasurer ; Ed.
Dixou , W. ; Sidney Robertson , R. S. N.
G. ; F. H. Bools , L. S. N. G. ; Millard
Green. R. S. V. G. ; E. A. Lowe , L S.
V. G. ; W. R. Hoffman , I. G. ; W. E.
Ellwood , O. G.
The new board of county commis
sioners was organized at Madison yester
day J. J. Hughes retiring from the
board and S. J. Fiuuegau , the newly
elected commissioner from the Second
district , being installed in his place.
The board as now composed is II. W
Wiuter.SNorfolk ; Christ SchmittMadi
son and S.JJ. Piuuegau , Buttle Creek
The now county officers were also in
stalled yesterday , there being but three
changes. J. J. Clements of this city
succeeds Geo. W. Losey in the oilico of
sheriff ; Emil Winter of Madison , suc
ceeds Phil Bauch as county clerk and
Dr. D. B. McMahan of Newman Grove
takes the position of coroner in place of
Dr. Edward Tanner of Battle Creek.
Postofflce officials have determined
that when a carrier on rural free deliv
ery route finds a farmer's delivery box
stuffed full of circulars and advertising
matter , put there by traveling agents ,
lie has the United States behind him in
throwing out the stuff. The government -
ment frankly admits its inability to
cope with the advertising agents and
prevent them putting their stuff in the
boxes , but empowers the carrier to throw
it out when it fills the box or covers up
the mail. Numerous firms seek to ar
range with the carriers to deliver ad
vertising matter. This is prohibited ,
and the advertisers must pay the regu
lar rate of postage and address each
parcel to the farmer if it is to be handled
by the carrier.
Ed. Eraubo , a one-armed boy who
claims to bo 16 years of age , was this
morning sentenced to serve ten days in
; he county jail by Justice of the Peace
J. L. Daniel for petty larceny. Eraube
las'before served' a tdrm in the reform
school and it is said that he now makes
a practice of pilfering from farmers ,
visiting their'homes under the plea of
looking for work. The complaining
witness was A. H. Durey , a farmer liv-
ng southwest of the city. Eraube had
before stolen from him but no complaint
was made. Recently , however , he
entered the house and took a large num
ber of articles , including a now pair of
pants and other articles of wearing ap-
mrol , also a guitar , the estimated value
of the articles being more than $30.
The boy was located at Meadow Grove
> y Chief of Police Kane and Constable
Trank Jarmer went up and brought
ilm to Norfolk.
New line of Eastman kodaks and all
oamera and kodak supplies at the Book
Sturgeon IB the piano man.
Gardner & Seller Meal in improved
and unimproved 'lands. Ranches and
own property for sale in Pierce , Cedar ,
Indx , Wayrie'ond Holt counties , also
ands and ranches In North and South
} akota.
For Sale.
Thirty head -horses , 'consisting of
work horses , driving ; horses'and saddle
idrses. Must be sold at once , regardless
o * Price. G. R. SEILEK.
I have two customers for medium
priced residences. J. H. CONLEY.
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular annual meeting of the
rtookholden of Norfolk National bank
of Norfolk , Nebraska , will bo hold at lit
banking rooms on Tuesday , January 14 ,
1003 , between thu hours of 10 o'clock a.
m. and 4 o'clock p , m. of said day , foi
the election of directors.
Norfolk , Nobr. , Doo. 14 , 1001.
Wo moke loans on real estate at
lowest rates. Ulkhorn Building and
Savings association , T. K. ODIOUHB Boo.
Attention A. O. U. W.
There will bo n special mooting ol
Norfolk lodge No. 97 , A. O. U. W. at
I. O. O. P. hall on Friday at 7:00Bharp. :
Members are requested to attend ,
Master Workman.
A M. Ross of Ponder was a city visi
tor yesterday.
Bam Schneider of Battle Crook wiu >
in Norfolk Wednesday ,
II. A. Wllmordlng wont to Omaha to
day for a few days' visit.
Sam Botsford of Tildou was in the
city yesterday on business.
Thos. M. Mayor of Battle Crook was
a Norfolk visitor yesterday.
W. E. Bronsou of Albion transacted
business in Norfolk Wednesday.
Btato Senator Reynolds of Children
was a visitor in Norfolk yesterday.
Frank Oouway of Newcastle , this
state , is in the city visiting his cousin ,
Miss Nora Couway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Moroy of Pierce
wore in the city over night , guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kraut/ .
Dr. Bertha Ahlmau returned yester
day from a ten days' visit at the homo
of her sou , W. O. Ahlmau , in Omaha.
N. A. Lockwood loft this morning for
Rocky Ford , Col. , to assist in the sugar
factory there until the close of the cam
Mrs. T. P. Memmingor and Mrs , Ma-
louoy of Madison wore here last night
to attend the meeting of the Order of
Eastern Star.
Louis V. Haskell of Wakofteld , state
bank examiner , is in tlio city examining
the financial condition of the building
and loan associations.
Dr. O. A. MoKim loaves tonight for
the western part of the states being
called there on professional business.
Ho will bo absent several days.
J. H. Reid , manager of tile sheep
ranch at Columbus , was through Nor
folk yesterday on Ins way homo from
North Dakota wliero lie wont for his
fathermothcr and sister , who will here
after reside in Columbus.
W. A. Connolly , superintendent of
the Norfolk factory , loft yesterday for
Rooky Ford , Col. Ho will probably
stay until the close of the campaign at
that place.which is expected to continue
for about four weeks longer.
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
FOR SALE A good paying black
smith's business in a first class town.
Address A. 0. Connelly , Hartington ,
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular annual mooting of the
stockholders of the Citizens National
mnk of Norfolk , Nebraska , will bo hold
in its banking rooms on Tuesday , Janu
ary 14 , 1902 , between the hours of 10 a.
m. and 4 p. m. , for the election of di
Norfolk , Nob. , Dec. 14 , 1901.
For the State Volunteer Firemen's
convention at Nebraska City , January
21 , 22 and 28 , excursion rates of one and
one-third fare on the certificate plan
lave been authorized.
On January 21 the Missouri Pacific
have arranged to hold their passenger
rain at Omaha to connect with P. E. &
II. V. railroad passenger train' leaving
Norfolk at 0 :05 : a. m. on that date , ar
riving at Nebraska City soon after noon
on same day. Ample accommodations
will bo provided on these trains for the
firemen. H. 0. MATRAU ,
The complete service of "Tho Chic
ago-Portland Special" via Union Pacific ,
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time , but also
n the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner. The dining cars on this train
ore stocked with the best the market
affords. All meals served a la carte.
Farms rented for nonresidents col-
cations' made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seller.
For the Sons of Herman annual 001 . -
vontiou to be held
at Nebraska City on
January 20 to 24 , excursion rates of one
md one-third fare on the certificate
plan have been authorized.
On January 21 'the ' 'Missouri Pacific
railroad willhold , their passenger 'train
it Omaha to connect with P. E. & M.V.
railroad passenger which leaves Norfolk
t6:05a.m. : on that date , and will got
ilelegateff to Nebraska City soon after
noon on same day. Ample aocomoda-
lens will bo provided on these trains for
ill Sous of Herman desiring to go.
H. 0. MATBAD ,
Farm and city loans.
DciujLVD TaoBT Oo.
Appointment Announced by Su
preme Court Yesterday.
Immediately Entered Upon the Dis
charge of His Duties The Posi
tion Will Not Require His Removal
From Norfolk.
Judge J. B. Barnes of this city was
yesterday appointed as one of the nliiu
supreme court commissioners by the
judges of the supreme court in session
at Lincoln. He took the oath of office
yesterday morning before the Hupromv
court , thereby qualifying liiniHolf to at
once enter upon the discharge of hio
duties in the now position.
Jndxo Barnes was named to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of.
Judge Sodgwick , who lumumoH tlio posi
tion on the Hiiprome bench to which he
was elected last fall , Judge Norvul re
tiring. Judge BariiOH , while for yearn
ho has boon ono of the prominent juriHtH
of the state and served for five
years as judge of the old Sixth district ,
being appointed in 1871) ) for ono year of
an unpxpircd term by Governor Nance ,
and afterward elected for a term of
four years , ho has never exerted himself
to bo a factor in the judicial politics of
the state uutil last year , when ho was
announced as a candidate for the BU-
prome judgcHhip. In the Btato conven
tion he retired in favor of Judge Sodg-
wick and after that gentleman's elec
tion , ho made known his desire to nerve
as ono of the commissioners.
His friends have urged him for that
position , believing that bo had fully
earned the honor and will be gratified
to know that their efforts have been
crowned with success.
Judge liiirnuH returned last night and
a considerable portion of today has boon
spout in receiving the hearty congratu
lations of his Norfolk friends and ac
quaintances. On coming homo ho found
the necessary supplies for assuming his
duties awaiting him and has already
had Rubmittod to him a case to bo reviewed -
viewed and will take it up as BOOH as
circumstances will permit. His friends
will bo glad to learn that the position
will not require his removal from Nor
folk. While ho must bo in Lincoln fre
quently most of the actual work will bo
done in bin oilico here.
The position is ono created by the last
legislature , there being nine members
of the commission , the establishment
of which was made neooHsary by mason
of tthe supreme court calendar being
burdened with crises BO that the court
was several years in arrears on deci
sions. It is a place of honor mid much
responsibility and is one in which Judge
Barnes' experience as a jurist will stand
him in good stead and bo of benefit to
his constituents.
Wonderful West.
Towards which the eyes of the west
are turned ; where great opportunities
are open to everyone , is best and quick
est reached by the Union Pacific. No
better trains in the world than those
run via this
For full information call on or address
J. B. Elseffor , agent/ .
Owen O'Neill wont to Omaha Friday.
Sam Schneider went to Columbus on
business Wednesday.
A. 0. Osboru shipped a carload of cattle -
tlo to Omaha Monday.
J. H. Dufphey has rented the M. Connolly
nelly farm south of town.
John Miller is successor of S.F. Hoitz-
man in the Schneider saloon.
C. S. Hayes of Norfolk was transact
ing business here Wednesday.
Sheridan Williams of Meadow Grove
was visiting here Wednesday.
Jacob Sheets of Meadow Grove was
visiting friends hero Saturday.
Frank Bnsick lias built a largo ice
house for his butcher business.
Goo , Zimmerman has sold a half in
terest in his store to Loy Boyer.
Col. T. D. Proece mode a business
trip to Meadow Grove Tuesday.
August Gardols of Wiener was visit
ing here Sunday with his brother.
Fred Miller , sr. , will go to Omaha
Friday to have his eyes doctored.
Tom Lowe went to the implement
dealers' convention at Omaha Tuesday.
The directors of the Battle Greek Val
ley bonk divided their profits Wednes
Miss Ottelio Wienck has token a posi-
in Jos. Severa's general merchandise
Monday Misses Mattie Ingoldsby and
Belle Dufphey went to the Pern normal
again. ,
John Breoheisen of Fremont arrived
here Tuesday to visit his old father who
is sick.
Roluhold Relmers of Pierce visited
here the latter part of last' week 'with
John Connelly and family of Warner-
rillewere visiting hero Sunday with
Herman Maas of Norfolk was visiting
here Wednesday"with his'brother , Otto
H. , and family. '
The Modern Woodmen and Royal
- ( An actual nemo In tlilH ircal production. )
in a ilraimiH/fttion of Ilonrylc Bionldowiu/'H wotnlorfiil Htory , the Huimiition of thu
Ohrintinn world ,
Prices , 35c , 50c and 75c.
Neighbors hiid a big puctal blow out in
their hall Saturday.
Albert Hudnmn went to Bioux Olty
Sunday , to take a throe-months' courho
in a bimincHS collc o.
Win. Kirby , Ohrin Miller and Fred
Hoover wont to Tilford , H. D. , TnoBdiiy
where they took Home employment.
The German Mutual Fire IiiHuranue
company of Uuttlo Creek was in HOHHHHI
hnro TliurHdny. DcloKiUuH from about
six counties are represented.
Wednesday a whole K'IIIK ' of laborers
were uiiKUKcd by tlio Hattlu Crook Telephone -
phone company. Tlio now plant is quite
an investment to accommodate homo
C. W. Curr is putting up a now black
smith shop on Main street on a lot he
just bought of Mrs. Scott. With this
one there will bo four blacksmith
shops in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Massmann , who
have been visiting for about a week
with their daughter , Mrs. H. Cutkofski ,
and family , at Nicolet , Minn. , returned
homo Saturday.
A citizens' meeting was hold hero Sat
urday night audit was dcoided to put in
waterworks like that at Herman. It
will cost about $6000 , including city
hall and a room for the marshal. The
next election will show what wo think
about it.
Homeopathic Physician and Snrgeoii
Olllco , Citizens National IlanLHuilding. .
Toloiiliono 101.
Sanitarium nod Houidonco , Mnlu anil 13th Hi
Tolo | > hoiio 9 ,
Norfolk , - - Nebraska
r N. ,1. HOAGLAND ,
Oateopathlc Physician.
both ncnto ami chronic
treated without tit-o of druge or knife ,
Pliouo No. K 64. Offlcc at roeidonce ,
109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk , - - - Nebraska
U.J. . COLE ,
Office orer Cltlnflu'e National Bank. Retldenc *
one block north of Congregational church ,
Norfolk , . . . Nebraska
FnRhionnble Dressmaker.
Op Btnlri In Cotton block , over Banm'i etor *
Kiret-clats work guaranteed ,
Norfolk , . Nebraska
OsteopathicJPhysician ,
noomi overinnyee' Jewelry Houfe. Norfolk
Undertakersiand Embalmen ,
SMtloni Blk. , Norfolk Aye ,
Norfolk , . . Nebraska
Manicuring ,
'Shampooing ' ,
Rooms on North "Ninth Street
Teacher of
Special rUndolla tad OarUr LtlMoi age.
Yolc Culture * Specialty *
I'OH HICNT-HU room linnco , good order ,
Imniu-o liont , rlly watnr , 1 llMi ! ) per month ,
Hoviin room lionno for into or rout. Now biiru ,
com liminn , olo. Good order. Hunt , $12,00 ,
TOIl HAl K OIIKAP-Onn mid onii-biilf tor-
IOH , ft rooiiiH , l'i Hotim , Nliiblu , com crib , Two
lilooliH from Norfolk iivciiiiit , flliO.OO.
I'OH HAM's Two nlory and wing 7-rnorn
boniw , Jolf.0 by 170 fool , largo liiirn. good wnll ,
100-biirrnl rlHtcrn , hen IIOIINO , Hood cellar , In
om > of tlie Ixmt lilocLn In the city , $7(10.10. (
KOU HAM ! Ono and onn-hnlf loU in Doricy
I'liice. Tiono ell Improved nil mound tliom.
lleHl building idle In that purl of the city.
Other good loin vnry choiip In diiroront pnrtfl
of the oily.
Kill HA Mi- Kino corner lot on Norfolk HVIV
nno , M by I'll feel.
1 nlfo olTor for nle onn of tlio vnry bout bad-
iiefH loin mid linDdlngN In the limit of the bu i-
noMtriintor of tlio city.
Come find nee me. lot IIH tnlk , I ( into two
good iiiHiiinncocompHiiloH , Piilittlno of London
and American Central of Ht. I.,011 In , nnd will Ixi
glad to iuKtireyoii from liruor toriiiulo.
. ) . 15. SIMPSON ,
Olllco'i. . Coal Olllco.
See ! O ! See !
You Will Have to Hustle If You Fol
low me.
Now Look at this , will you ? This is
the price of Groceries :
Sugar , 'JO Ibt ) for $1 00
Piiclingo Coffee 12
Jnimil Tos. Imst , per Ib 40
Lynn Soup , 12 bnru for 25
Diamond 8o p. ( I born for 25
Diamond < ? Bonpi barn for. 25
No.l Swout Corn , per can 07
Tomntooa , p r can 08
Onl. Corn Hyrnn 35
1 Ib cnn Halting Powder jo
Hlbcnn linking Powder 05
CrncUurs , per Ib 07
Champion lye , per can 08
Cider Vinegar , per gnl 15
Navy Doane , per Ib 05
Chewing Tobncco , per Ib 2S
Brooking Tohncco , per Ib 13
Bo pU BinokitiR Tobacco 03
dimly , per Ib 07
NU'MHI'B Boat linking Cliocolato , par Ib. . . . 30
( /abbriK * , per Ib , 03
Ball , per liarrol i 49
Bait , Hook , ji r cwt , 55
Prunes , per Ib 04
Cob Pipes , 2 for 05
No. 1 Ilroorne 23
Crocks , par gal. . . 08
JnKB.por Hal.- . eg
Tiu. eut ] QraulteCvrara cheaper than yon can
bay liewhere ,
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter.
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
FirBt door West of Post Office
. : ; NO. 83
Office with J. D. Sturgeon ,
No oui , - - NBBHABKA.