The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 10, 1902, Image 1

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Only Two Members of House
Oppose Nicaragua Ditch.
'Amendment Providing for Considera
tion of Rival Route la Voted Down.
Aggregate Cost of Canal Is Fixed at
Washington , Jan. 10. The Hepburn
Nlcaraguan canal bill passed the
'bouse late yesterday afternoon by
practically a unanimous vote. Only
two members out of 310 voted against
lit. Fletcher ( Rep. , Minn. ) and Lassl-
tor ( Dora. , Va. ) woio the two voting
in the negative. The opposition to
committing the government to the
iXlcariiguan route attempted to sccaro
lunendmentH to lodge with the piesl-
'dent ' the dlscietlonary power to pur
chase and complete the Panama canal ,
'If ' It could bo purchased for $40,000-
COO. The test came on the first vote ,
' ; when the advocates of an alt01 native
route polled 102 , against 170 votes.
lAt each succeeding vote their
etrength dwindled until Cannon ( Ills. ) ,
under whoso leadership the flght was
nuwlo , was unable to got the yeas nnd
nays on a motion to recommit. All
other amendments failed and the bill
passed exactly as It came from the
committee. None of the votes except
that on the final passage of the bill
. was a record voto.
The debate which preceded the tak
ing of final vote was made memorable
jt y a clash between Hepburn , the au
thor of the bill , and Cannon , chair
man of the appropriations committee.
On several previous occasions they
'have ' measured swords over canal leg
! Two years ago a similar bill was
'passed ' by a vote of 224 to 30. The
[ bill as passed yesterday authorized
( the president to secure from the
of Costa. Rica and Nicaragua ,
a behalf of the United States , such
n portion of the territory belonging
jfto oald states as may bo desirable and
necessary to excavate , construct and
'protect ' a canal suitable to the wants
iof modern navigation and commerce
and appropriates such a sum as Is
made necessary to secure the control
< of eald territory.
Section 2 authorizes the president ,
nfter securing control of the needed
( territory , to authorize the secretary
of war to construct such canal from
the Caribbean sea at a point near
iGroytown , In Nicaragua , by way of
take Nicaragua , to a point on the Pa
* cific ocean , near Brlto , and also to con
struct proper harbors at the termini
of said canal and to make necessary
provisions for the defense of the canal
end harbors.
Sections 3 and 4 authorize the presi
dent to make such surveys and em
ploy such persons in constructing the
anal as to him may seem necessary
and directs that in the construction
of the canal the river San Juan and
Lake Nicaragua , shall be used as far
as they are available.
Section 5 authorizes the president
to guarantee to the states of Costa
Ilica and Nicaragua the use of the
'iCsmal ' and harbors upon terms to bo
agreed upon for all vessels owned by
said states and by citizens thereof ,
i The last section makes a present
appropriation of $10,000,000 to carry on
ithis work and authorizes the secretary
of war to enter into proper contracts
If or material and work as may be
neemed necessary therefor , such work
and material to be paid for as appro
priations may bo made from time to
( time. The section fixes the aggre
gate cost at 5180,000,000 , to be drawn
{ from the treasury on warrants of the
Senate Committee on Military Affairs
I Makes Statement of Investigation.
I Washington , Jan. 10. The open ses-
Uth JBlon of the senate yesterday was devoted -
( voted to routine business. After an
executive session the senate at 1:50
adjourned until Monday.
j Cockrell ( Mo. ) reported from the
committee on military affairs the re-
6ult of the Helstand Inquiry that was
conducted under the Pottigrew resolu-
[ tlon of the last session. No action was
taken on the report.
I The report contains a concise state
ments of the facts in the case , as
brought out by the Inquiry and casts
co reflection upon any of the officers
* of the government whoso names were
mentioned in connection with tbo caso.
The senate , in executive session ,
confirmed the nomination of Hon. L.
II. Shaw to be secretary of the treas-
nry and Hon. Henry C. Paynp to bo
poetmaster general.
Crownlnshleld's Flagship.
"Washington , Jan. 10. The battle-
hip Illinois will come out of the dock
at Now Orleans tomorrow and will pro
ceed cither to Pensacola or to Ha
vana to coal. She will then Join the
.North Atlantic squadron for a short
( time before coming north to make
teady to convey Rear Admiral Crown-
Inshleld , whoso flagship eho will bo ,
lo the European station and take part
In the naval display at the coronation
tof King Edward VII.
I Bryan In Boston.
Boston , Jan. 10. Hon. William J.
Bryan arrived In Boston yesterday
from New Haven to bo the cuest of the
Conunonwcalth club. . o . * > 'hold
a reception nt the Qulncj /Vo.'il
many men of political nnd w ' < ty
proriilnonco paid him tholr rce\i \ *
Following the reception , a bnnqiibt.
was served to the cotnpnny nnd Mr.
Ihynn was again the central flguro.
Secretary of War Claims Soldiers'
Presence Necessary In Philippines.
Washington , Jan. 10. Secretary
Hoot gave an Interesting exposition
of the condition of affairs In the Phil'
Ipplnes , together with the outlook for
terminating military by civil .rule In
the course of a hearing ycstoraay before -
fore the house committee on military
affairs In connection with the army
appioprlatlon bill.
The discussion of the Philippines
condition was brought out by a ques
tion of Mr. Hay of Virginia an to
whether civil government could bo
maintained In the Islands without the
presence of the army. In reply , Mr.
Root stated that the army was neces
sary as a moral force to maintain the
civil administration now established.
One of the main causes , he said , why
there had not been more progress In
the Philippines was that the Spooner
amendment passed by congress last
year and restricting the grant of fran
chises had the effect of preventing
the Investment of capital and the con
sequent employment of labor. Many
people wcro Idle , and many of thcso
became consplratois simply because
they were Idle , and as a result it was
necessary to keep 40,000 troops In the
Islands. In some provinces a very
satisfactory civil administration had
been set up , but Mr. Hoot pointed out
that even in provinces where civil
government had been a success there
wore men conspiiing to assist in the
agitation and warfare carried on in
nelghboiJng provinces. In the whole ,
however , the secretary expressed the
belief that If congress enacted the
bill proposed by Senator Ledge or that
of R firesentatlvo Cooper , providing
systems of laws for the Philippines , it
would be possible soon thereafter to
gradually reduce the military estab
lishment In the Philippines. He did
not believe it would bo a rapid or com
plete termination of military rule , as
the conditions among the natives were
firmly fixed and it would take consid
erable time to bring about the new or
der of affairs. Mr. Root sold that bet
ter progress had been jnade in the
last year than had been expected and
he expressed the opinion that civiliza
tion ultimately would be extended to
the people of the Islands.
Threatens to Make New Channel at St.
Louis and Renew Old Litigation.
St. Louis , Jan. 10. Despite the al
most summer-like weather that has
been prevailing here for several dajs ,
the river Is blocked opposite South
St. Louis , and matiuo traffic cut off
by an Immense gorge that formed dur
ing the cold spell in December. It
has formed a dam across the river at
Arsenal island and backed up the
water until It Is 111-2 feet over the
minimum stage of the river in Janu
ary. Unsuccessful attempts to break
the goige with dynamite have been
A new trouble is threatened. The
pent up water Is trying to make a new
channel around the east side of Ar
senal island , over which Illinois and
Missouri fought in the United States
supreme court for possession years
ago. It was decided in favor of Illi
nois In consequence of the channel
on the east side of the island being
choked up. If the channel is reopened
another dispute for the possession of
the island may ensue.
Redmond Gets Twenty-five Years.
Kansas City , Jan. 10. Thomas Red
mend , who killed Thomas Skruggs by
stabbing him while a general flght
was in progress at Troost park in this
city on June 23 , was yesterday con
victed of murder In the second degree
and sentenced to 25 years In the peni
tentiary. Skruggs was the son of a
prominent stockman.
Famous Miles Will Case.
Lincoln , Jan. 10. The taking of
testimony in the Miles will case was
completed before Judge J. J. Thomp
son last night and 30 days' time was
granted each side to obtain depositions
of absent witnesses , The hearing has
taken the entire time of Judge
Thompson since Monday morning.
lie Wn ( he Only Onr.
"Did they have a goat when yon
Joined the lodge , Dozer ? "
"M'm well , they had a scapegoat"
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Dr. Ernest Lelbor , the Centrist lead
er In the German relchstag , Is fatally
Dr. Ppole , who was attached to the
American legation at Peking as a sur
geon , Is dead of typhoid fever.
The president signed the parcel post
agreement recently arranged between
the United States and Bolivia.
President Havemeyer of the sugar
trust in his annual report said the
duty on raw sugar amounts to $85-
000.000 a year.
The British war offlco has issued a
call for 9.39C infantry volunteers ,
gra/lually to replace those now serving
In South Africa.
A largo meeting of cano sugar grow
ers at Now Orleans unanimously
adopted a protest to congress against
the proposed concession to the pro
ducers of cane sugar In Cuba.
fli LOW COST !
Commencing SATURDAY , JANUARY 11 , 1902 , we will close
out our entire stock of Boots , Shoes , Rubber Goods , Leggins ,
etc. This is a
for we are determined to get out as soon as possible , to engage
in other business. Our goods are high grade and up-to = date ,
bought from best factories in their respective lines. This sale
will interest everybody and will continue till the entire stock is
disposed of. Call early before sizes are broken. Goods sold
for CASH only
"LaSenorita , "
Oxfords ,
Light Flexible Sole ,
Medium High Heel
For Street or Dress
hxact Reproduction of this Style Shoe.
. . . .OF i
< SEE = v-
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the BestValue _
for Your Money.
South side Mala St. , between 3d and 8d. Telephone 41.
Wear ,
SHOE 8 Inch.
Extra Heavy
Low I led.
Out-of-Door Boot.
W. H. HOCHOLZ President.
. . , .
Norfolk JALKXANDKH BEAR vica Pr ! dtnt
{ E. W. ZUTZ , Cashier.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business.
Buys and Sells Exchange.
Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In
A General Stoamahlp and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.