tKV - THH NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JANUARY tt , 10.02. 0 'iV ' SATURDAY SIFTINGS. Mrs. Eli Rtisloy is on the sick list. W. J. Smith was ever from Warner- villo today. The Misses Lew. ' r of Omaha are in bo city to spend the holielays. W. A. Homlolon made a I uslness trip to and f loin Omaha yesterday Mrs. W. T. .louts and baby qf Win- Hide are visiting friends in Norfolk. Miss Maggie Meyers of Chicago is the guest of her liiond , Miss Ntttio Nenow. Grant Allen has icluimd fiom Kan sas , where ho has been for some time past , David Whithi was in the city today / , ' from Battle Creek greeting his Norfolk ) ' friends. The children should not neglect to look for Unit man with us many eyes us days iu the year tomorrow. Herman Snioring , who is 1 eve from Kaunas em his holiday vacation , will preach in the Christ Lutheran church tomorrow morning. Dr. 0. S. Parker went to Columbus today to meet his brother , Will , anil sister , Miss Martha , who arc emoiue fiom Kearney to Chicago. Superintendent O'Connor will leave . for Lincoln teimorrow to attend the ) an nual meeting of the state teachers' as sociation unit talco up his duties as a member of the Mute board of examiners. After their minstrel performance the Elks took up a purse of 27 which was presented to their director , Frank II. Dauio'.s of Chicago , us a mark of appre ciation , iu addition to the regular fee for his services. The weather suffered a win'or chiil last night that promised to be decidedly severe , but the blow passed over auel today the people are enjoying tempera ture and conditions of a very lamb-like quality. The Hastings insane asylum has been quarantined because of three severe cases of smallpox among its inmates. The disease broke out in the male ward and the thrcd patients have been taken to the asylum pest house. Madison Star : Judge Bates issued marriage licenses the past week to Fred erick Trennipold and Fanny Boreal of Norfolk , Fraud A. Trepan aud Alforetta Ban of Norfolk and Charles L. Kilpat- rick of Mills county , Iowa , auel Miss Mary E. Blcy of Madison. The Star has it that S J. Arnett the retiring Madison postmaster , will estab lish another republican newspaper at the county seat when he retires from the postofllce. It is alco said that Ex- Senator W. V. Alien will soon launch a new publication in Mndisou and that subscriptions are already being solicited. The senator's publication will probably bo of a similar character as the Com moner and Conservative , voicing the political views of the editor nnd making no pretensions as a news or local paper. Madison Uhroniolo : Gcorgo MadsBn took out an accident insurance policy two weeks ago against his better judg ment but upon the advice of his friends. Now'he is thanking them for thojr good judgment for he had an accident last week that mashed the big toe of his right foot. He was ironing shirt bosoms and pulled the board out too far aud it fell to the floor with his foot in b tween. The some board fell again Saturday and'.made a hole through the floor , showing its weight. Mr. Madsen's in surance brings him $25 a week. Nuptials of a Popular Younp ; Couple. Mr. and Mrs. O.O. Ball have returned from their wedding trip to the Black Hills nnd Chicago , and are getting set tled down to housekeeping. The Long Pine Journal contains the following ac count of their wedding on the 18th : "On Wednesday at high noon , at the Chester ranch fifteen miles south of town , occurred the marriage of Charles Curtis Ball ana Helen IneChester. . The ceremony , which was performed by Elder P. H. Eighmy , was witnessed by n limited number of relatives and friends. Mr.and Mrs.Silas Ball of Norfolk.father nnd mother of the groom , his sister , Miss Effie Bull , and Mr. and Mrs. John Beach of Norfolk were present. Mrs. Beach is also a sister of the groom. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hall , Rev. P. H. Eighmy , Mrs. W. A. Bncklin , Miss Elena Nichols , L. E. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Chester and Mr. and Mrs. Chester of Long Pine com pleted the company. "Mr.Ball is an employe of the Elkhoru road who is very popular hero as well as at homo , aud the fair bride is the ouly daughter of one of the most prominent and wealthy ranchmen in the county. The young couple will bo at home after January 1 at South Norfolk. As they eluded the scrutiny of their friends , it is supposed they went west on the pas senger Wednesday night. " The White Slave. The Cincinnati Times-Star of Novem ber 18 , has the following to say of "Tho White Slave" which is to bo presented in the Norfolk Auditorium on February 12 : "Few plays can appear before the public for nineteen years and still at tract the interest of the people , and , what is7perhaps of more importance to the manager , the crowds that greeted the performance of 'The White Slave1 at Heuck's opera house Sunday. Bart- ley Campbell , when ho wrote this , his masterpiece , had become an adopt at ap pealing gracefully and skilfully to the emotion * of his auditors , and to thlf fact the pluy undoubtedly ewes its long and successful existence. The pluy In well staged and acted and ought topiovc ono of the best attractions of the season for the house. Miss Thurlow'Hintoi po tation of the character of 'Li a , ' the white slave , was maflteiful and should prove the. stepping stone for something of a higher nature for this talented young woman. In the character of 'Nnnco , ' AlUH Loituski Young appears to advantage , while Frank N. Dunv , who as 'Mr. Stitch' bus been making love to a shrewish widow almost since the first performance of the play , seems to show added improvement as the yeuri- roll by. " _ * Not id ] for Publication. Department of the inteiior , Lmd Of- lice at O'Neill , Nibr. , December IS. 11101. Notice in heieby given that , ttie lollimitig iiimi.'d settler hns Hied notice of his intention to make Until proot in Kiipp n ot his claim , and that said proof \\ill be made befoio cl < rk of Ihu district court ut Maili-on , Nebraska , on Fobru- ni y I , I'.IO'J , viEmma : J Ferguson , II. K. No ll.i. ( ( > , for the w'i. ' lie l.i i no' ' . 11 , T. 2U N , It 1 W. He names the following witnesses tn prove his continuous residence upon and culiivati'iu nl said land , vi/ : William Bovd. .lolin Kberly , A. N. MeGinnis of Wnrneiville , Neb. , Win. T ForguHni , Nut folk , Neb. S. J. Wii us , The complete service of "The Chicago agoPoitland Special" via Union Pacillc , enables passengers to roach tlio princi pal cities between the north and Pacillc coast and Mipsouri river not only in the shortest possible space ot time , but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner. The dining cars on this train are stocked with the best the market affords. All meals served a hi carte. Northern WlHConnln llnllwuy Fnrin ( .limit .ForSHle. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for sale in North ern Wisconsin , at low prices aud easy terms of payment , about 050,000 acres of choice farm lauds. Early buyers will secure the advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with ( lnh and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply , both for family UFO and for stock. Laud is genprally well timbered , the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into ono of the greatest sheep aud cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Dnluth , Superior , Ashland and other towns on "Tho Northwestern Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particulars address : GKO. W. BELL , Laud Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or G. H. MACRAE , Asst. Geu'lPass. Ag't.St. Paul , Minn. A Cut in the Rates to Buffalo via the Illinois Central. . As the closing day ( October 81) ) of the wonderful Pan-American exposition draws near , the railroad rates have been reduced so much that the Illinois Cen tral is enabled to offer excursion tickets to Buffalo at rates considerably less than half fare. Tickets will bo on sale during the re mainder of October , and will be limited to leave Buffalo returning , for such trains as reach Chicago on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays , not later than midnight of the sixth day , includ ing date of sale. These six-day tickets will not be accepted in sleeping cars. Tickets bearing limits of fifteen and twenty days will be on sale every day until October 81 at corresponding rates. For a circular giving rates to Buffalo from principal Illinois Central stations , and a beautifully illustrated booklet de scriptive of the "Rainbow City , " ad dress J. F. MEBRY , Asst. Genl. Pass. Agent , Dnbuque , Iowa. Women and Jewels. . Jewels , candy , flowers , man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a'magnot of mighty power to the average woman. ' Even that greatest of all jewels , health , is often ruined iu the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem , then let her forfify herself rt gains } t the insidious consequences of coughs , colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boscheo'fi Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in itf , early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all , but it is a certain cure for coughs , colds and all bronchial troubles. Yon can get Dr G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Asa K. Leonard's. ' Got Greon's special almanac. [ i i TheU. S. qyil service commiesion will hold examinations at several places in 'oaoh state during March and April , to secure young men and women for the government service 9,889 persons secured positions last year through those examinations. All appointments are for life and for most positions only a common school education is required. Salaries at appointment vary from $ GCO ' 'O'f l&OO a'ycnr with liberal promotions afterward. Politics is not considered. This affords a good opportunity for people ple between 10 and 45 years of ago. Those desiring places of this kind can got full Information about them , free , by writing to the Columbian Correspond ence college , Washington , D. 0. and asking for its civil service catalogue , number thieo. MONDAY MENTION. Mrs. T. .1 , llanrahiin went to Omaha Satin day. T. 1 , Morrow was a p.issmigor for Omaha today. T F Meunnlnger was ever from Mad ison Saturday. Sydney Robertson Avas a passenger for Omaha today. H. 0. Saltier returned yesterday from a trip to Hultimoie , Md. Ohus. Flores will go to IVnder tomor row for a visit with filends , W. M. OlniHtoiul is hem from Ogood , Iowa , and is moving to Nollgh. Commissioner II W. Winter has sent another inmate to the poor farm. Mr. and Mrs K. A. Bullock will on- teitain the whist club tomorrow night. Judge J. II. Barnes leturned yenur- ( day fiom a business tup to St. Paul , Minn. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Mason wenr to Omaha yc.steielay to so Irving mid T ( rry. A. Hitehcork , who has baon confined to his home lor a week with a lame bjck , is able to bo ah tut again. S.UH Kent , sr , l ft this moining for an extended visit with his brother , RiohaidKont , at Minneapolis , Minn. O J Slock we'll of Si < ux City was in Norfo.k today greeting old frioniK Ho was emoulo to Oioighton on business. Mr. and MTH. A. N. Otreeko wont to Omaha today to see Irving and Teny in Ihe "Merchant of Venice" at lloyd'H to night. Tlio Livingstones have had their trunks forwarded to D mver whore they will reopen their thcatiical season with "Which is Who ? " the first of the year. Seven candidates wore initiated into the mysteries of Elkdom by Norfolk lodge at its meeting Saturday evening , and the usual good time was enjoyed by the Elks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flores enter tained a party of friends last night , the occasion being the baptism of their three-wee ks-old sou who was christened Earl James. Mrs. G. F. Durland and children re turned to their home in Plainviow today. Mra. Durland'8 sister , Miss Wood , who has been in Norfolk for some 'time , ac companied them for a visit. Warren Sisson has accepted a position in the Norfolk National bank , where he will acquire a knowledge of the busi ness preparatory to taking a position with his uncle in an Oklahoma bai k. The firemen have ordered bolts of ribbon which will bo used by the vari ons companies of the department in making badges to bo used on the occa sion of the state firemen's association meeting in Nebraska City next month Mr. and Mrs. Walker G. Baker enter tained a company of young people at an elegant ( > o'clock dinner Saturday even ing at their homo in The Heights Covers were laid for twelve and the six courses served were thoroughly enjoyed by the gueste. Following the dinner the evening was pleasantly spout at cards. At the annual meeting of the Lidics' society of the Congregational church , hold at the homo of Mrs. II. J. Cole Thursday afternoon the following of ficers were elected for the coming year : President , Mrs. F. E. Hardy ; vice pres ident , Mrs. Isaac Powers ; secretary , Mrs. H. E. Owen ; treasurer , Mrs. N A. Raiubolt. The Ewing and Doloit .Telephone company hold a meeting on Tuepday , December 24 , and organized , the follow ing officers being elected : President , JohuDierks ; secretary , superintendent and collector , M. P. Savage. The com pany's line runs southwest from Ewing , Holt county , through Deloit to Cham bers , also from Deloit running to the Thomson ranch where it connects with the'Thomson ' line of 200 miles. The ladies of the Woman's Relief corps rallied off the quilt , that has been on exhibition at the Fair store , Satur day evening , Mrs. W. P. Dixon liejd ticket No. 8 , which proved to bo the winner , the drawing being done by Miss Gladys Jonksus and Miss Delia. Harrington. A lunch of sandwiches and hot coffee was served aud the treas ury of the corps was benefited in 'the sum of $18 80 , which was cleared from the transaction. Died Saturday evening , December 28 , at the homo of her son , J. T. Bern- hardt , who lives two and one-half miles southwest of Hopkins Mrs. Sophia M. D. Bernhardt. The funeral services will be held tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Bomhardt was born in Waicow , Prussia , March 1,1821. She came to this country nud settled in Wisconsin in 1868. On May 7 , 1870 , she and her husband came to Nebraska , selecting the land known as the Bern hardt homestead , where they spent their last dave , Mr. Bornhardt dying In April , 1893. The deceased leaves a largo family of children , all of whom nro grpwn. Mrs. John Qnick and Mrs. E. 0. Adams were out soliciting Saturday afternoon for Mrs. D. K. Youco , the woman who has boon taken care of by Mrs. Adams for the past five weeks. The ladies mot with generous and prompt responses from the men and women of Norfolk and were successful in raising $30,70. Her railroad fare was p ild and she and her children teflon the noon train for her foimer homo at Unral Holreat , GrayHiui county , Vir ginia , thankful that slio had been pio- vtded with the inmitiH necessary by the generous people of Norfolk , who nro never solicited tn vain for uhuiUahlo objects of like character. Mr and Mrs. 0. J. Olmpnmn were given a farewell leeeptlon Saturday evening al tholr homo In South Norfolk , ( ho participants coming unannounced. Their married acquaintances were \\ol- coined dining the bout H bet ween Valid I ) o'clock and fiom I ) to U I ho young people called , the number altogether participating being eighty four. The visitors brought , lefreshmetits and the evening was veiy happily spent. Dur ing the evening * Mr. and Mrs Chapman weio presented with two v < ry hand some ings to remind them of the Nor folk IriendH tiny leave behind. Mr. Chapman has set v > ' I UH master mechanic of ( he Noifolk divNiMi of ( ho K. K. & M. V. for tlio pns 17 years and has niiide Hits city hi * homo doling ( hut time , lie has gained a lago number of filends among the rallivad men and among the penpUt in general with \\hoin ho has come in cuntaet , all of whom re- giot his departure very much but will unite in wishing him an ahimdanco of mien HSIII his new homo llissiicccHHir is W.M. Alton , foiemail of the shops at Long 1'ine , who comes well recommended for the position Mr. Oliupman lius resigned to accept a position that is considerable of an advancement and \sill leave the latter part of the wei k for Eureka , Hal. , where ho has accepted the position of master mechanic and muster car builder of ( lie Kur < ha and Klainath River rail way. In addition to hisrcguliirrailioiid duties ho will have charge of the erec tion of a ll'OO Inrso power plant , and Its operation after erection. Manager Bidwell and other Klkhorn olllcials are experiencing conulderablo ( lilllcnlty in selecting a route for the proposed extension of that line from Vcrdigro into Boyd cimnty. They have several routes to chooBO from , each about as favorable as the otrcrandthoso particularly interested in each ronto are exerting themselves to huvo the extension - tension come their way. The manage ment has thus far accepted nothing but a right of way , depot sites and entrance into towns from pcoplo along the line , but rival towns and localities express a desire to offer additional inducements to bring the road their way. Manager Bidwell is quoted as saying. "There haw boon no determination on the mat ter yet , but the route through Bristow to Spencer and on up to But to is now the ouo held in greatest favor. This fol lows the south branch of the work on which wo are now experimenting. It runs alongs Ponca creek. Spencer is about fifteen miles from Lynch , and the surveyors nro not yet there. Wo can got into the town silo of Spen cer easily , since it extends from the hills down to the creek bottom. To Butte it will be different. That town is lo cated on a high hill. BL von or eight miles farther on anil more than n. mile from the creek , and wo cannot outer it , though wo will bo within the distance named if wo follow this route. The other branch of the fork runs out of Lynch , northwest along Silver creek Both are tentative projectB , with the sentiment favoring the Butte line now. " Card of Thanks. Wo hereby express our appreciation of the manner in which the generous people of Norfolk mot our appeal on be half of Mra. D. K. Youce , who has , through their gonorosit , been permitted to depart today for her old homo in Virginia. Mus. JOHN QUICK. Mns E. C. AIJAMS. Card of Thanks. Wo hereby extend our sincere thanks to the pcoplo who aided in disposing of the quilt raffled off Saturday evening To Shnrtz & Jenkins for displaying the quilt in their Fair store ; to Miss Nettie Allbery for her kindness iu selling tickets , and to the people in general who so generously patronized us by purchasing tickets. LADIES OK THE W. R. O. Career nnd Chiiructer of Abraham Lincoln. An address by Joseph Choato , Am bassador to Great Britain , on the career uial character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character as developed in the later years of his life and his ad ministration , which placed his name so high on the world's roll of honor , and fame , has been published by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and maybe bo had by sending six (0) ( ) cents iu post age to F. A. Miller , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. Perhaps You Wonder if the tormenting cold that made last winter ono long misery will be as bad this year. Certainly not , if you take Allen's Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness in the throat announce the presence of the old enemy. Do not expect the cold to wear itself out. Take the right remedy in time. Allens Lung Balsam is free from opium. Doing the Rlght Thing. The trouble begins with a tickling in the throat and a nagging little cough. Soreness in the chest follows and the patient wonders if bo is going to have an all winter cold. Probably , if ho does the wrong thing or nothing. Certainly not ) f ho uses Perry Davis' Painkiller , the staunch old remedy that cures n cold in twenty-four hours , There isbut , one painkiller , Perry Davis' . TUESDAY TOPICS. Mrs U H. HrldKOlrtseilously III with pneumonia. Charles Madsen was a paMcngur for Omaha this mointng. Mrs P. MtalVoid goes to 1(1 ( n I r tomor row to visit. Irletiils ever Now Year's. Miss IVuil lees { gocfl to Lincoln to- moriow to attend ( ho tcachivV associa tion. MJss Anna /ticlow wont to Omaha i his iimniing for a visit of I hum or four dajs. MUs Opal Coiyell will spend a few days \\lth Miss Kdilh Woulhlvwr al Wnyno ctlllo.xo. The llrowniiig club mot wllh Dr. It. J Cole last evening and finished read * Ing Lo\voll'n "Oalhodial. " Miss Helen Mathowson and hi I' biolhitr Clmi'lts hiivo gone homo to the agency to spuiid a few days. Simon Miiyor of Lincoln who 1ms boon the guest of his brother , S. G. Mayor , r. turned to Lincoln'yeMtnrday. H. HVoHer of the Chicago Lumber company wenl to Onmlm today to bo iiliM nt sovoiul days on business. Hiaasi li /jimlow are today moving their gfoniy store from the Mi els block to the Asinus blook II < TO H the street. Mrs A. ,1. Durliintl wont , to Lincoln \eslerday to attend an executive i.pHsion of the Htatn federation of woman's clubs. Mis. 11. Mclliido and Mis. 0. 11. ItoynoldH went to I'lainvlow yostonlit } to spend the iilteinoon wllh Mis. H. G. Corel I. M ss Mamie Matraii has gene to Lin coln to visit her sifter Mrs O. R. lOller and attend the annual session of tlio Nebraska Teachers association. Mrs. Kd , Hummel returned to lur lionio in Sioux City ( hit ) noon , after a week's visit at the home of her paicnfs , Mr. and Mrs. August Bruminund. Mr. and Mrs. C. B Durland Will en tertain a company of friends at a ( I o'clock dinner this evening in observ unco of their wedding anniversary. Dr and Mrs. William Kiesau outer- taincd a parly of friends last night at their homo in The Heights , compliment ary to Mrs. Iviosau'H sister , Mrs. Mary Dean , who departed today. C B. Durland has just exchanged Norfolk property for ! li ( ( ) acres of land north of Pierce. This is the second sim ilar trade ho bus made this month , Mink ing a total of ( ISO acres acquiiod in Pierce county. O. L Ransom of Omaha was in the city yebterday and , accompanied by Superintendent Reynolds ami Road- miis/er Stafford , went to Vordigro to see about the propo-ied extension of the Crelghton branch into Boyd county. The advent of the New Year recalls the terrible accident that occurred in Norfolk last Now Year's eve when Peter L. Buhmann lost his lifoiwhilo firing a salute to the now year with the city saluting cannon The explosion of a charge while he was standing ever the cannon resulted iu his almost instant death , his body being badly mangled. The village board of Battle Crook is likewise wrestling with the lighting and water question. At a recent meeting of the board they allowed a bill of $ ! )0 ) for placing street lights , which are of the gasoline kindand one of the conncilniou handed in a minority rnport that his consent could bo obtained to sell the whole bunch for Ifi cents. The mayor and a committee from the board we re sent to Herman to inspect a now system of waterworks recently installed and if satisfied will recommend the es tablishing of a similar system at Battle Creek. Principal C. H. Brake of Brown's Norfolk business college has recently perfected and expects soon to publish a chart or map that will undoubtedly prove of great convenience in all school rooms. The main purpose of the chart if > to give the exact time at all the prin cipal meridians of the world when it is a certain hour at any one of them , and do it almost instantly. Other impoi taut facts that are of daily use iu school rooms and other places and only obtain able by the use of facts and figures are likewise shown on this chart and it is anticipated that it will be in large de mand when placed on the market. John C. Spreohor of Sohuylor has bid defiance to the seasons and his long form is now graced with a linen duster and crowned with a last Bummer's straw hat. During the last campaign ho wagered with Frank Faulkner that Nebraska would go for fusion and is now paying the debt by wearing sum mer garments between Christmas and New Year's. The weather has certainly been kind to one with such poor judg ment and ho is probably faring better than though payment ot the debt was in wearing a fur coat and n fur cap. Of the two the duster aud straw hat would bo far more comfortable the past few days. Tomorrow is New Year's aud a holi day , but ouo that is seldom generally ob served in Norf ollc. The banks aud post- office will close during all or part of the day aud some of the business houses will probably suspend business during a portion of the day , but the day will be quite generally devoted to striking a balance for the year among the business men with the object of ascertaining the profits or louses sustained. Some of the churches will welcome the now' year DENTIST Mast Block. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK. PLATES , 5155.00 TO $8.00. wllh a walnh nlghl moling. A nmn lur of thoMO who enjoy dancing will en the nmvyoarwat thii third animal b > ll < > f the Ludli H of the Maocnbeort to hn gi \ i"i In Marqunrdt's hull tonight ; . A iiiiin ! ' > of parties nnd fmiiMy g.ithciingn . IT.- . planned for tomorrow and Homo Cii'l- ' will bu i M-hungcd. The I'.io's Washington pnrriHponili Ml HUJH 10 today's i'-noo ; "Tho Noilnk HiiHinesH Man's asHoiiulinn Ins si ut letters to the members of I ho Nebrit-kn delegation calling upon them to support the bill providing for the eiwtion of a government building at that place. A copy of the Kilter which Hnuitor Millard - lard received today states that ( ( ,000- 000 pieces of mail are hiindl d lit Nor folk annually , and that as ground for a government building him been pmclmsed it is economy on the part of the govern ment to oniot n building , thereby saving rout and building a meeting place for the district court for tlto United States when it comes to Norfolk. The letter isfiignnd by ( J. A. Luikart , president ; 0. C. Gow , vlcop sidoni ; W. N. Huso , treasurer , and Burt Mapes , secretary. Mrs J. n. Adams was the mibject of a very pleasant surprise last , evening when Pastor and Mrs. Ryder mid a largo number of the members and friends of the Baptist church made their appear ance at her homo on South Fourth street and as the visitors streamed In by ones and twos , she opened her eyes con siderably and did not seem p"rfeetly sure nt first that the whole town had not turned out to see her. Needh ss to siy , a very pleasant evening was passed. Riddles conundrums and catah ques tions guvo sptoo to the time , but the chief sourca of entertainment wan given by Mr. Rouse with his excellent phone graph. A great many selections were given , humorous and othersviKo. Of the more serious selections which were much enjoyed were the "Bugler's Dream , " and a male quartette which sang with splendid effect "Nearer My God to Theo" ; and of the humorous , "Old Josh" and his account of his trip to Now York city seemed to 1m the fa vorites. Then after refreshments had been served the visi'ors took their de parture , assuring Mr and Mrs. Adams they Tiiul spent a most , pleasant ovoning. It is a sad thing to see fine ruit trees spoiled by the blight , /ou can always tell them from he rest. They never do well iftcrwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get fhcir rights. While the rest ; row big and strong one stays nail and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop at blight. There is no ason why such a child should ly small. Scott's Emulsion a medicine with lots of rength in it the kind of that makes things row. Scott's Emulsion makes hildrcn grow , makes them eat , jakcs them sleep , makes them Jay , Give the weak child a hance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest. ThU picture represents the Trade Maik of Scott's KimiUiou anil Is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free wmplc. SCOTT & 110WNE , 409 Pcatl St. , New Yotlc. 5 < x and ( i. all druggists.