1'lll'i NOIIVOLK NMWS : FRIDAY. JANUARY 3,1002. Superintendent O'Connor Docs Not Want to I3c President , NO AUTHORITY TO USE NAME. Would Liko'to Sea North Half of State I Ropruienled on Executive [ Ctwimlt. i too or Rending Olrclo Some of the Features of the Association. Siiporlntt'iidfiit 1) . 0. O'Oonnor of the city schools was soon logiinling the I'tin- neotlon of his iiitmo with the prr.sldowy of the Htulti ti'uoliors' association . .which will noon l > o in Hi'Hslon nt I.liu'oln. Mr. O'Connor dnnii'd ( hut ho luid aspirations in ( hut ilhrclioit mill hitld rniin < rning thai position us well as other mutlfrH connutitod with the iiH-toulatlon woik : "Tlio use of my iitime in that con- noclion was \vilhoitt authority. Siiifo this purl iif ( lie nlitto was reiresonttd ] last year In tliesnli'otlon of U. S. Uonn of Waynn for thn position II is not probable - able thut the n rlh portion of the Htnto will lie considnriMl in thu solotition to bo mndo th H your. The fontc.st.lf any taken place , \ \ ill b botwoun the tmstorn and and wosti in pnriinnH of the Htato , with ohnnooH favoring the WOH ( . "Tho northern half of tlio stnto would llko to ho ropivMjnlod on the oxt'outivo commit too or I ho rending oirolo , HuptT- intoudi'iit Omni of this county or Superintendent - porintondont Stahl of ( JumiliK county would ho dctiirablo in either plac.o. "Tho real purptifio of the aH.stmiiition , however , isi not the inattor of selecting the ollk'ials ' , hut to promote the oiuiho of education. The enrollment , at ouch mis- fiion for the hint thro.o or four yours has exceeded 1,000 toaohors. It is Hiifo to Bay that ] ) iobably not moro than 0 or iiO of this number tnko an active intercut in the politics of the association. Tlio great IIUIKS of the toiiohors who attend are among the most autivo and earnest workers in the Htato. They go to give the association the best of their oxpori- oiico and to rccoivo from others the re- suits of thuir oxporioneo in the work. Suoh teachers oomo nway from the as- soolatiou benefited and encouraged utul never fail to carry ou the work of their sohoolH with renewed /.oal and coiifi- donco. "This year in connection with the touch ( MB iihbooiation thu Htato library as sociation will hold its annual mooting. Oil account of the now law governing traveling libraries this Bossion will bo 0110 of the most important in the history of the organization. Everyone inter * estod in free libraries in the state should endeavor to bo. present at this mooting which will bo held on the afternoon of Wednesday , January 1. ' "Ono of the ilnost art collections over brought to the state will bo on exhibi tion in the art department of Library hull under the auspices of the Nebraska Art association The influence of those exhibits is already buing felt in the schools throughout the state in the way .of improved taste in pictures and Bchool room deooration. "Tlio lecturers this yonr are well chosen. They are men eminent as odu- oatora and their subjects and influence can not fail to bundle all teachers who hoar the lectures or como in contact with the men. " Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of real ustiilo in Madison county for the two weeks ending December ) J8 , 1001 , as reported by D. , T. Koouigstoin , oflleial abstractor : Pormlliv Nilsou to Charles V. Ander son wd Ht > ' 21-31-1. Pioneer Town Site Co. to D. B. Mo- Mahan wd lot 8 , block 21 , sub division entitled blocks la to 21 inclusive o ( H. R , add to Nowuiau Grove. Pioneer Town Site Co. to John Mag- nor wd part of outlet 4 of blocks 85 to 88 inclusive of Pioneer Town Sites Co. 2nd add to Battle Creek. D. B. MuMnlum to Haus Syvorfou wd lot 8 , block 21 , R. R. udd to New intin Grove. Francis L Dodriilgo to Helen O. Earn hardt wd nit in t-V , , of se } and u& of Yi H3-2-1-8 and land , in Platte Co , fJOOO. Mitria O. Bvrnum : to Columbus State bank wd hit in Mi , of sej 28 and n i of \S ' ) > Ol * it.l.l 't.U.t. . AttllAA oil M t > i uiunr , deo. II Spear to Joseph G. Gardner qcd s 04 foot of n 154 feet of lots ? and 8 block 4 , Norfolk. Jauo Mnflly to Daauo Stewart wt ueM2823-l , $1800. Ella O'Sliea to W. A. Wells wd o 22 feet of lot , 11 and w 8 feet of lot 10 block 8 , R R. add to Newman Urovi mid * < ? int. in a brick wall , $2000. L. II. Heppurly to John Elhott wd sw > 4 of nwK of uwj-.j 25-24-1. Cora E. llarvov to Saui Rasmassoi wd lots 25 20 and 27 , block 8 , R. R. add to Newman Grovo. Lillie N. Scott to Charles W. Oarr wd part of lot 4 , block 27 , Kimbitll & Blair tidd to Buttle Creek. Corn H. Bancroft to Kate Ochsner wt nt27 feet of lot 0 and s 57 foot of Ibt 8 Hick 15 , F. W. Barnes udd to Madison $500. David S. Gray to Ferdinand Zessiu wds of mvW 80-21-2. Katherine Kuapp to Biono Knap lots 5 and 0 , block 81) ) W. J. Barnes tuli to Madlion. Gt'o. L. Whithara to Emma Gardno wd lot 10. blok 8 , Dorsoy plaoo add t Norfolk Junction. Il.-rmun H Frioko to J. 13. Dougla wd lot 8 , block 0 , Banoh's add to Madi 8011,5700. Charles Schmidt to J. W. Davis w nwJif and \vi , { of BW 81-21 4 , O.trl Wildu to city of Norfolk wd e 1 feet of lot 8 , block 8 , Eoonigstoiu ad to Norfolk. , John W. Gibson to Rosomoml M Gibson wd part of lot 3 , block 5 Haase suburban lots to Norfolk , f 1910 G3. IjontsU Mlttlotitndt to.lolin W. ( lib- son wd part of lot II , block 5 UIIUHO'H Mibiirban lols to Norfo Ic , f'JI ) 1 0. ( Jit. Stuto of N' branka to Ernest Nathan jr , deed n\\ ' . , of no > . , and nw'-i ' ! ll-21 ( II if 1 570. D.ilmorn V Hwnn to KrntiU A. Dearborn - born wd int in o1 mv'y and m > if of n\v'.i ' and nol/i of 14 and HeVfof sw.f II- 21) , f 21)50. ) AtiKUNl ICeberg tn John D. 0. Koborg , wd n 'u ' of H ( I. , 12-22-1 , $1000. ( MuirhH H IJurland to.lolm A. Porter wd sot , of HW'.I ' llt-21 I and lot 0 , block ! l. I'.imnvalk'sadd and lots 1-2 8-4-5-t ( ( llinrli'H H. Dnrland'H suit division of loisl > 28 , block I , Koenigstein's 8rd mid to Norfolk , $8000. Cora H Mmoroftto Lauretta Nlchol- HOII wd pait of lot ( I , block 15 , V.V. . llnnios add to Madison , $ ( ! ( ) . Jacob Pr'tplcpch to August Mueller wd ni-i. , ! l02l-i : , Denth of Mrs. C. S , I'niiM Tliurmliiy'H Dully : Mrs. Unarlus S. Bridge \mtwA \ away lust evening , after a very flhort illness with pneumonia. The announcement of the death of Mrs Bridge comes with startling sud- donni'hs that brings a shock to the com munity and brings a Had ending to the joyous holiday soafon. 1 lor illness was a very Hhort one. She was taken violently ill with pneumonia1 Monday morning and passed away Wednesday . . t. i.i I . * . II.A It * , nl- l < i * rtf iltit , , ntlp m.iiitl- mo urnii unj "i mu nu j" . Just before 10 o'clock. She was un onsuious during the last hours and the ml canio without sulVerlng. There is a peculiar sadness attending 10 vlsltof the grim reaper to the homo where there are children , at all times , tit especially is this trno when ho omes during the holiday Heason with s little warning as in this case. Only 10 immediate friends of the family oali/.ed that her condition was so irioiiH. Other friends knew that aho vas v. ry ill , but only a few days before icy had Huon and talked with her , vhen Hho appeared in her usual good ealth and happy humor and it was loped that the unfavorable reports were 10 result of over anxiety. Whjlo the , world was rejoicing over ho birth of another glad now year and olobrating the event in a manner bu lling the occasion , inside the Bridge lomo all day yesterday , there wore loomy forebodings , for "mother" was ory sick , and early in the day it was onliv.od that she might not have the trength to chock the vigor of the incase. With fear-drawn faces the hildron questioned the anxious vatohors at the bcdsido asking for on- ourag'oment but fearing to have the ruth told. As the day grow older hope began to inspire the anxious hearts , but vhen the shades of night commenced to all it wns known that before the dawn of a now day there would bo another uotherlcss household. Mrs. Mellio Birohard Bridge was born it Boonsboro , Iowa , August 0 , I860 , lor father moved to Marshalltowu , owa , in 1870 , and there her happy girl- lood was spout. She graduated from ho high school in that city in 1878 and on August , lu , lasi , mio was married 10 Mr. Charles S. Bridgo. The greater part of their married life las boon spent in Norfolk , having lived icro for the last 15 years. Three i.of ojr four children were born hero. tlrs. bridge was a woman of lovcable character , ardently devoted to her homo , inr husband and her children , "yet she found time to form friendships in the community .strong and enduring. She will be sadly missed from a large circle of sincere friends , with whom she was very popuitir , and who will nuito their ; ears with those of her aged parents , uisbaud awl four motherless children , over the sudden ending of a lifo that md scarcely reached the noonday of its isofulluoss. Mrs. Bridgo'has been a member of the Congregational church since she was a young girl , and when her homo lutios and hot health permitted has jocm engaged in its various activities. Funeral arrangements have not yet icon perfected , except that it will beheld held on Saturday. Tlio hour will bo umounced tomorrow. Sherman Gravel. Concerning which so much has been said , is a disintegrated mica granite. It has been chemically prepared by the i r ut. flr * > a nf imt.nrn in BO as to gradually weld together with all the floxability of asphalt and the durability of granite. This gravel is ( luarried at Sherman , Wyo. , on the Union Pacific , and used on the road for abllast. Travelers over the Union Pacific therefore , escape the dust and dirt which makes a trip over the lines of its less fortunate rivals so annoying. No dust , no dirt , no jarring , smooth and easy riding. For full information call on or address J. B. Elsoffer , agent. Brain Food Nonsense. Another"ridiculous food fad has boon branded by the most competent of authorities. They have dispelled the nilly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain , another for muscles , and still another for bones , A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body , but it will sustain every other part. Yet , however good your food may Iw , its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular - lar doses of Green's August Flower , the favorite modioiuo of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion , stimulates the liver to healthy action , purifies the blood , and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Asa K. Leonard's. Get Green's Special Almanac. Secretary Gave His Best Finan cial Ideas Here. FAVORS . .ELASTIC CURRENCY. Addressed the Bankers oT Northeast Nebraska on April 22 , and Refers to that Speech no his Opinion on Asset Currency , The report that Gov. Shaw had oril- Icisnd Secretary Gugo's administration of the treasiiiy department has brought forth a vigorous dtmlal from ! ilm and in giving his views on the financial qiiosliim the govcrnor'statcd that ho ic- gardcd his ppceoh delivered in this city on April 22 , befou' the Notthcast No- branka Bankers' association , as the com- ploUst presentation of his views on the question , and that speech [ undoubtedly furnishes the ideas that will govern when ho ussumos the position. The Hpocch was published in the Bankers Journal of July and the following ( [ no tation from it has been given the press : "Htumomi hanks were uermitted to is- sue a volume of circulation equivalent to one-fourth of their capital stock , at a tax of say ono-t'ourth per jiitnt. Then permit an increase of ono-half its capital stock at ono'half per cent , then to in crease again to three-fourths at a rela tively increased rate , and then to in crease again to equal its capital stock , at 1 per cent. t.ix. I boliuvo this would induce the hrtnks to carry a larger vol ume of government bonds. Thou , in stead of selling these bonds to increase its' cash its circulation in time of strin gency they would bo kept on deposit in Washington and ou call an increase of circulation would bo isatied to bo retired - tired when not needed. "When a wefcteru bank now needs more circulation , nioro cash , it redis counts its commercial paper and is com- pulled to redeem it at a given date , and pay a much higher rate. Let the banks bo permitted to increase their circula tion whou needed , to bo'retirod UH BOOU a the demand for it ceases , and keep ovor-.presont the inducement to retire it whou not uoodod and elasticity is so- cured. "I repeat that currency based on as- nets contains , in my judgment , no olo- motit of danger except popular preju dice. This will vanish as the question is discussed andjoxplainod by those who uiako a study of it. The depositor would bo in no worse condition than now. Whenever a bank fails the as signee finds its bankable commercial paper hypothecated. In other words it has increased its circulation by sending its assets.to some other bank and bor rowing circulation at a high rate of in terest , and it does this oven 'after it ceases to bo solvent. It certainly would bo no worse to allow a rrovernmout issue after special examination. " "I have boon asked to say something ou the subject of bank circulation based ou assets. This is not an issue in politics nor have we any legal provision there for. I shall , therefore , not attempt to defend it. I am willing , however , to go on record as in favor of an elastic cur rency , and if I believed there was no other way to secure an elastic currency , other than assets cnrrency.thtm I should advocate such an issue. "I am mindful of the fact that it is claimed that an elastic currency places the control of the volume in the hands of the bankers. Who should control the volume ? I am willing the railroads shall determine the number of cars to , bo used , for they will build cars as long as there is a demand for them. The cars of the western railroads are all employed when the crops are being moved , but literally acres of cars stand on side tracks retired from circulation while the crops are growing. If the cars cpuld bo constructed as cheaply as currency can bo issued , they would bo burned in the spring and rebuilt in the fall. "But , as I have said , I do not believe it necessary to resort to assets banking in order to provide an elastic currency. I recognize a public prejudice , akin to fonr , against a currency based ou assets , and prejudice , so long a ? it exists consti tutes an element of danger , oven when the thing , itself , against which the prejudice lies , contains no element of danger. I believe that a graduated tax ou currency based on government bonds would result in elasticity. That I "may make myself clear , permit an illustra tion , but do not understand mo as advo cating or BO muoh as intimatingtho cor rectness of the scale of taxation I sug gest. I make it only to bring out an idea. Letter Lint. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofllco December 80,1001 : John Andrews , J. W. Cunningham , Harry Coleman , Harry Dillon , G. W. Dnfllold. Bert Emoriuo. Norman W. Hick , Sarah B , Harris , Mrs. L. O. Leo , James G. Leonard , O. L. Moore , Ros well R. Marsh , II. O.MaUan , Ella Rush , Earl Smith , Bump Smith , Edward Fey del , Frank Tomashek , Rubbo Miuiflold , 0. Williams. If not called for in 15 days will bo sent to the dead letter ofllco. Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. P. F. SPUKCHEK , P. M , ; TRUMPETER MUELLER , | * * SOLDIER - * The Story of it Mull Who \Vn Ihuuulit Tit Only to C'ulU. 11Y Kim'AHD II. GLAItn. f , . . . - ' - t Han * Mueller used to toot a trumpet In the Third cavalry. Hans was more or h'hs of a Unit for the Jokes of thV men of his troop. Ho tool : all kinds of gibes with a good nntun * that was as perfect as It was stolid. The trum peter knew more about music than lie did about immkutx. When for awhile he tried what the other men called Hlialght soldiering , he wns continually gelling tangled up with his equip ments , and on several omtHlons at bklrmlwh drill hu came within an ace of shooting liluiHilf. Ills comrades told I hi IIH that as long as he confined his elToiis lo killing himself they would offer no Htrenuous objecllon , but that If he got real careless and ahot Hie head oil' Koine one else he must look out for trouble. As a inn tier of fact , lie did one day come pretty close to put ting a bullet through the heart of Ser- gi'iint Peter Nelson , who forthwith thrashed HIUIH In an approved slylc. Captain Konurts called IIaim "gross" and wild that he must stick to his trumpet. The edict of his chief made Hans feel bad. lie blew the whole scale of calls from reveille through fatigue , recall and drill to taps , but lil.s noiil wasn't In his music. Down deep In Hans' Boul there came the thought that somehow he was not like other men. The smartness of appearance which characterised Sergeant Nelson , Corpo ral Itrndy and a score of privates he knew could never be his. There was lacking In his makeup that something which gives dash to a soldier. Hans used to fall over his feet In a most tin- military way. and his hands were nev er In the proper places. There was one thing , however , that could be said for him , he always tried to obey orders Implicitly. He generally blundered while making the attempt , but the In tent was right , and thai covers a mul- lllude of sins much more serious In nature than mere blunders. The Third cavalry was In the Wyo ming country In the Elkhorn creek re gion. There had been a good deal of trouble with the Ncz Perces , and L troop had been kept on the Jump'inoBt ' of the time for a month. L troop was Hans' oulflt. There bad been one con stant succession of scoullngs. It had been necessary to send small squads in half.a dozen different directions at one and the same time. The trumpeter had been forced to stay with the main body , which was not a very big main body at that , at all times. He had been In everything in which the whole troop was engaged , but the Idea of sending Hans out on a rcconnolssanco where coolness and the subtlety of the devil were necessary for safety was the last ( thing Unit ever entered tue head of Hie troop commander. One day , however , one of the coldest days of the second winter month , It became necessary to send a scouting party to Investigate the rumor of the approach of a band of savages. Now , It. happened that the whole command was fagged out , and this In a nutshell Is the reason why Hans Mueller found himself for the first tlm6 in his life in n position of acute responsibility. He was ordered by Captain Roberts to proceed with iSergcant Nelson and two privates norlhwest until something was "felt" or until the sergeant was satisfied that a wrong report had been turned Into the camp. 'When the little body set out. the fa tigue of the Individual members of the troop showed ithat It was not. so to speak , Btrong enough lo keep these same Individuals from giving linns n semloff. JIans had , a carbine and a re volver. Ills trumpet was hanging up on a peg , tneof the bystanders said to thctsergeant in command : "Look out for Hans If you happen to get into a scrimmage. The first thing you know he'll forget himself , and he'll try to blow 'retreat' on his carbine. You may lose one man If Hans puts his mouth to the wrong end of the barrel. " Then they said a few other things to Hans. Ho was told to be sure not to get his canteen mixed up with his car tridge belt and to make sure that ho took nole of the landmarks on the way out RO he could get back to camp In a hurry If he happened lo hear an Indian Bhoot off his gun. Hans took all this well enough , because the { bought of actually going out on a scout was suf ficient to knock all other Ihlngs out of his head , resentment along with them. They had left the camp far behind them. Sergeant Nelson , who was an old and tried campaigner , turned to his men and paid , "We are gelling near the place where we may expect lo see Bomclhlng. " Then he spoke seriously lo Hans. "Mueller , " ho said , "you're not half as bad perhaps as the troop makes out , but I tell you honestly thai I'm kind of- afraid of you when It comes to n pinch. Lo the best you can and don't run. As a matter of fact. 1 think that Jim Crosby was pipe dream Ing when ho brought the rumor of reds In this vicinity Into camp , but you may haven chance to see trouble and If you do plcasc'stlck. " Thai was a pretly lough llilng to have lo soy lo a soldier with Uncle Sam's uniform on his back. Slick MuolIer'H face wont utmost white tin tier realization thai the true slgnlfl cancc'of ' thai admonition wns that tlu sergeant had n pretty strong fear It hla heart Hint this trumpet looter was n coward. Stick ! He would show them 'If he was only given a chance. Sergeant Peter Nelson was an old ml tried campaigner , Indeed , but H.nt ny hemndo a mistake. Ho led his hrco HUM ) straight Into an ambush , 'hero were a HCOI-O of painted No/ 'crccH straight IUTOHH their track. Thu ndlans had very little cover , but they tKcd It so artfully thai the old soldier ergcanl had actually thought that the > lt of emlmnknfont and the few scat- era ! bowlders did not offer cover Hough to conceal a Jack rabbit. The first Intimation of the Indians' iroHiMii'o was a volley. Sergeant Ncl- ion went to the ground with a wound n his Hldtj. Outof the privates , shot hrough the shoulder and leg , fell with iliu. The two mi'ii crawled behind n ouplo of rocks and secured temporary hHtor. Al the savage volley Ilann lueller'H heart wont lo his throat. Vllh the other private , who , like IIIIIK , was nnlilt , he fell back about orty yards and went behind nn ado- tin lo cover. There for five inlntitc.s hey exchanged shots with the redH , vim , In accordance with Indian CHS- om , would not charge across the open , jut depended rather upon being able to ilck off the soldiers and then to go for- vnrd without ( lunger nnd Itke the cnlps. Hans Mueller found that ho ould use his carbine. Ills heart went own out of his throat. lie looked round him and saw that there wns omo chance of holding the savages offer or hours. Out beyond ho saw his two trlckon comrades. They were not end. He knew that because ho saw hem move and occasionally weakly also themselves and send a shol In Hie .Irectlon of the red foe. Hans snld to himself , "Those men mist be brought buck here. " Then he landed his carbine to bin cnmrniln nnd vlth It his belt nnd ammunition. "You nny need those , " ho Haiti , "If those fel- OWB ( ill me. " Then ho jumped over he rock In front of him , and with his eng , shnmbllng , ungainly stride he mule for the side of Sergeant Nelson. The Indians pumped at him. The balls whizzed by his head , cut his clothes In hree places and spat spitefully Inio he dust at bis feet. Telling Nelson to grub his carbine , Mueller raised the ergonnt In his arms and uinde buck or cover , his truck all the way marked out for him by the shots of the sav- geB. lie dropped the sergeant under he shadow of the rock and then stood on his feet. "Where yon going , Mueller ? " said Sergeant Nelson feebly. "I'm going afler Dodds , " sold Muel- er , and he cleared the lltlle rock to the rout once more. "God bless you , Mueller , " was what to heard above the cracking of the ri fles to his front. He reached the side of the wounded Dodds , raised him and lurted back with him across the strip of hell. Twice ho staggered as volleys ang out , but he reached the side of his comrades and placed Dodds between kelson and the unwounded trooper. Then Hans Mueller fell dead. Relief came to the three surviving cavalrymen. The two wounded lived , n the little cemetery at a post In the far northwest there Is a headstone which Is inscribed thus : "Hans Mueller , Trumpeter and Sol dier. His Cournge Was Bullet Proof. " Chicago Record-Herald. Attacked by a Heron. "I've himlcd everylhlng from gray squirrels to grizzlies , " said a velerau Philadelphia sporlsmnn , "and the near est I ever came to being seriously In ured by any sort of game was one line when n wounded bird attacked nnd tried to kill me. "I was a boy Ihen and went down tea a creek that flowed through my fa- her's farm to watch for a mink. It vas early In the evening , nnd a blue icron came nnd sat within tempting gunshot. I knew It would spoil my chances , at mink to shoot the bird , nnd didn't Intend to do it ; but , kldllke , I raised the gun and took aim just to sec how I could kill It If I would. I lower ed the gun and then raised It again. Every time I raised It I would touch he trigger gently. After awhile I touched It too hard , the gun went off , and I started toward the heron , which was wounded. "I thought It would bo a good scheme to catch the bird nnd starlet ! lo do so , when Us bill shot out like a sledge 1mm- ncr and struck mo between the eyes. When I came to my senses , It was dark , nnd It was several minutes longer be fore I could remember where I was or what had happened. A lltllo harder and the bird would have killed me. 1 shudder even yet when I think what would have been the result If the bill had Blruck one of my eyes. " Tamed Him. An American drummer , fresh from our direct methods of business , drop ped in on M. de Wltte , the Russian minister of finance , one morning to got certain Information necessary for the eale of his goods. The minister refused It. The young man persisted. The minister still refused. Then the young man made the eagle scream. "You're the only man who can give me what 1 want , " he said. "I'm not going back to my folks and tell them that I couldn't do any business. I've got to know. I could get the same thing In Iwo mln- ulcs in America , and I'm nol going lo leave the room until" The minister pressed nn electric but ton. In walked two guards. The min ister spoke to them In Russian , nnd di rectly Ihe drummer found himself walking down the Nevsky Prospect with an uncongenial escort. As he thought the mnlter over In Jail he con eluded llinl his hand wns not strong enough , as he put It , to bluff the whok Russian empire. Within an hour he wns led back Into the presence of De Wlttc , who toh him llml n decent apology would snve further trouble. Afler the drummer mndo It De Wltle gave him the In formation , with the reminder that I wns not wise to be rude to ministers of "state. waters who believes and is partlcuhti patrons , grocer who recotn Coffee that ir coffee -unglnrcd unadulterated. WHBATOSB If you want a good food for your child ren , try Wheatosc. It is easily and quickly prepared , ni 4 very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers have it. California Breakfast Food IM ° ORTED Stransky SteeI = Ware QUADRUPLE COATED. A little higher in price , but outlasts a lozen pieces of so-called cheap enameled vare. For solo at ALBERT DEQNER'S. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by noting directly upon the disease , without exciting disorder in. nny other part of the system. no , COZIES. micES. 1 I'ercru , Congestions , Inflammations. , 'JS " \Vornn , Worm Fovcr , Worn Colic. . . , a5 3 Teething , Colic , Crylng.Wokcfulnesa .25 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults 25 7 Couglu , Colds , Bronchitis 25 \curalgla. . Toothache , Faceacho .25 0 Headache , Sick Hendacho , Vertigo. . .25 10 I ) vspcpnln , Indlge8tIonWeakOtouiach.25 11 SupprcucJ or Painful Period * 25 13 Whiten. Too Prof use Periods 25 13 Croup , Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14 Salt Rheum , Erysipelas , Eruptions. . .25 35 niicuinutlam , KheumatlcFains ,25 10 Malaria , Chills , Fever and Ague 25' 19 Catarrh. Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 20 Whooplne-poiigh 25 27-Kldney UUcriBc 25 2S Nervous Debility 1.00 30-Urlnary Weaknem.WotUngBed 25 77 Orl p.i Hay Fever ,25 Dr. HumphreyB'Mannal of aU Disease * at TOUT Druggists or Mailed Kreo Sola by druggists , or sent on receipt of price , numphroys' Jlea. Co. , Coc. William & John SUw New York. A SWELL TRAIN , THE ELECTRIC LIGHTED LIMITED "SHORTLINE. " To Ohicapo , Milwaukee , Racine , llockford , Lacrosse , Dubnqno , Elgin , Freeport , Madison , Jauosville and other important points East , North east and Southeast , via An Electric Light in Every Berth. The Milwaukee is the only Electrio Lighted Train that runs in and out of Omaha. All cars are supplied with incandescent - candescent lights , Palace Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars in the world are run ou the O. M. & St. P. Ry. Wrilo and got full in. formation. 1 < \ A. NARII. General Western Agent , H. W. IIowEi.L , 1504 Farnam St. . Trav. Frt. &Pasa. Agt. Omaha