The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 03, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    THR NORFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY , JANUARY 'i , L902.
Sohloy Is oitHtly tlio paramount IHHUO
in llio opinion of hln I'tlondH.
Mftko it n happy now your clour
through to December ill , IDU'J ,
The old your in on thu edge mid ready
1o topple over Into tlio abyHH of tltuo.
Tlio fli HI. year of tlio nuw coiiturv IH
nlxutt to follow tlio hundred of the 0110
that in past.
If you are unable to quit any of tlio
old hubltN , nt Uwst try not to lonu now
OIIOH during tlio your.
A resolution to rehabilitate the Norfolk -
folk hospital for tlio Intmno IH recom
mended to Governor Savage ,
AM'iitintho Niw Yoilc Mock ex
olmngii was Kilil Thin-winy tor 80,000.
It must liavo bi'on a viry line onn.
Note from South Africa : The Hoers
nro treating their English visitorH to a
holiday onterliiinmont.
Mr. Hryan'H Commonrr insists that
the Hilvor ( | iu'ntion Is not ( load. At any
rate it Is taking n Bleep strongly re-
HOinbling oatalop.'y.
The bliy/.ard is now entertaining tlio
people of Norway 1th u few Htunts.
It is to bo hoped that its European tour
iniiy extend through the \ \ Inter.
If Undo Ham will upon the isthmian
canal , oHtablihh a inorohaiit inarino and
oonnoot the Philipplno islands by a
cable bis .year's time will bo quite well
"When the navy bccomoH equipped
with wireless telegraphy for signalling
pnrpobcs , the enemy can pnt its wits to
wet k to confuse the signals as n now
point iu warfare.
Tlio grand jury is after the slot ma
chine. operators iu South Oinahn and it
la expected that about seventy of thorn
will appear today and drop souio coin
iu the approved legal slots.
Souio of Admiral Schley's friends
think that ho should not only bo given
credit for whipping the Spanish ( loot at
Santiago but would desire that ho bo
credited with defeating Ids own govern
in out.
Senator W. J. Sownll died at hia homo
in Ciuudon , N. J. , yesterday morning
at 910 : ! after an illness of several weeks.
In the death of Senator Sowall Now
Jersey hua lost n faithful servant in the
.national congress.
Young Briglmm Young , Ron of his
much married ancestor , is sick at bit-
homo in Now Mexico. Ho is sick with
nervous troubles , probably inherited
from his father who had the best of
reasons for being nervous.
During n land donl in Arkansas recently -
contly throe persona were killed. They
must have strenuous real estate doaleis
down there , but perhaps they do not
aliow grantor resxilts than the Nebraska
agents when it comes to making sales . ,
If General Miles was indiscreet it
talking too much ho has certainly shown
that ho is not totally lacking in discre
tion by resuming his duties with n de
gree of grace that cannot but bo appreciated >
ciatod by the president and his advisors
The report comes from Michigan that
almost the entire peach crop is ruined
If the roi > ort concerns last year's crop j1
is probably correct but if reference i
made to the coming crop there are those
who will prefer to wait a few months
for a confirmation of the report.
Nebraska farms continue in good do '
maud and purchases are recorded vrltl
a regularity and at a price to warn pro '
pectivo buyers that they should bo on
the ground early or their opportmnitj
may bo lost. Prices nro rising and prom "
ifio to go still higher as the best soil on
earth cannot long bo kept nt a mini
maiu prico.
The United States government give
employment to 230,000 people ontsid
of the army und navy , and yet there
are those who would consider the num
ber of jobs too few if they were doubled
The timo'may come when we will all be
working on government salary , which
would bo nu ideal condition , iu the
opinion of mnjiy.
The improvements made nt Albion
during the post year foot up to the
handsome amount of $110,170 and the
News of that city is undoubtedly justified
fied in its belief that the town has boon
enjoying a boom. Next year will un
doubtedly witness further improvements
among which there is promise of n $20-
000 hotel building ,
Some of the tempernuco people of
Missouri nro objecting to the use of wine
iu christening the battleship soon to bo
launched at Newport News which will
boar the uamo of that state. It is a
woeful waste of good spirits , to bo sure ,
but it wns not supposed that the tern-
poranco people would be the first to ob
ject to the "busting" of u bottle.
The Stanton Register has the follow
ing to nay regiiidlng the lomovul of tint
Norfolk liOHpl'ul patients ; but It is veiy
doubtful if they hiivo inorcased their
political ohanccH , iw the HeglMur inn-
miitosi "Onoof the ino-ttwiiHlofiilaotH < if
the present administration the clos
ing of the Noi folk asylum and the trans
ferring of the pnlUnitH to Huntings and
Lincoln , The Male owned a half mil
lion of piopoity at Norfolk and by the
expundituro of $50,000 could have ro-
pain d the damages dnno by the tiro. It
was not in the IntorestH of economy that
the patlonlH were moved , but because
thu present Hlato oIlldlalH could inereaso
tholr political chances in another cam-
palgn. "
The populists would no doubt dcsiro
that while I ho hiiHlnof-H men and people
in goncriil tire Kiijoj ing prospuiity the
railroads and other largo corporations
should bo In pt out of tholr share , but it
can readily bo conceived that IhiH would
bo impossible therefore ( ho showing of
milload earnings may bo taken as an
indication ofhat the people are enjoy
ing. The not income of thu Union Pa-
clflo ro'ul ' for the your ending Juno ! ! ( )
WUH § 'Jll7a ! 001 , but while the gro s re
ceipts show an Inotoaso of 1121 per
uont , the operating expenses have increased -
creased l/i.rifi / per cent , indicating that
morn than the increase in receipts It IH
been expended in improvements , in
creased wages and moro holp. The
Southern 1'aclllo has n surplus of $11-
liill.CitiO and cxpondtd largo KIIIIIH in hot-
torments , rentals , eto.
It is said Thomas A. Kdison is literally
working himself to death. IIo spends
from twelve to twenty hours in his lab
oratory at Kast Oraugo , N. ,1. , often
working from early morning till mid
night without eating anything but n
breakfast. IIo has boon warned by
physicians that ho canno continue un
der the strain , as his stomach is at last
giving out. It used to bo questioned by
his doctors whether Edison wns consti
tuted as other inou , ho could stand so
muoh moro than anybody olso. But at
last the strain has told on him , and ho
is informed that ho must cnro for him
self or his career will come to an un
timely end. There are few men whoso
years of work nro worth so much to the
world as those of Edison ; but ho pays
no attention to warnings , going right
ahead with his work and keeping at it
every day till in sheer exhaustion ho is
compelled to stop. Sioux City Tribune.
. The Sixth district statesmen nro nl-
ready stirring the political pot in refer
ence to n congressman to succeed No-
vlllo next fall. For the first time iu
many years the counties comprising the
district show n republican plurnlity nnd
men of that party nro moro than anxi
ous to match strength with the fusion-
ists. The republicans mentioned for the
position nro : M. P. Kinkaid of O'Neill ,
P. M. Ourrio of Broken Bow , A.E Cndy
of St. Paul , Frank Boomau of Kearney ,
Judge Grimes and Senator Evans of
North Plntto , F. M. Dorringtou and R.
W. Montgomery of AllianceCaptain A.
G. Fisher of Ohadrou , II. K. Dicksou of
' O'Neill , W. B. Willia of Butte , 13. D.
J Owens of Oozad and F. G. Hamer of
I Kearney. Among the democrats and
populists , there is very little being said ,
but there nro sovernl mentioned for the
place besides the present incumbent.
Among them nro M. F. Harrington of
O'Neill , Judge W. II. Westover of
Rushville , Gonornl P. II. Barry of -
Groely.A.N. Morrissey of Valentine and
Homer M. Sullivan of Broken Bow.
Nebraska farmers may ho interested
in some of the conditions that confront
the fnrmeis of Canada and the follow-
ing takou from the Nnws of Oak Lake ,
Manitoba , contains some of them :
"Threshing is n thing of the past with
us. The trouble uow is to get the wheat
marketed , as elevators are full and the
streets iu n fair way of being crowded
with bags , ns not to leave room for any
more. You could not borrow or buy a
bng around hero if yon wanted to over
so bad , simply because they nro lying iu ,
0110 or the other of our villnges full of
ll"wheat. . How wo nro going to get our |
nol , clothing nud say nothing i-
ing about paying our debts , is n connu-
rum. $ It is evident that the 0 P. R s
not capable of handling our trade and
that some other way must bo found for
taking our produce to the seaboard.
Some say that the elevators at Fort William 1-
liam are full and blame the dominion
government for not allowing American
' vessels to carry the grain when the
Cnundinu supply was insufficient.
Wherever the blunio lies this country
has to suffer the loss and that Js not n
little. "
The year 1901 has proven a record-
breaker among the five succeeding years
in the expansion of United States com
merce and each of the five years has
shown a commercial advauco over the
year preceding. Iu spite of the steel
strike , the stock panic of May , several
largo failures and other accidents in the
commercial world tending to hurt busi
ness , this showing has been made , and
it is expected that some magnificent
figures will ho required to show the re
sult. People had thought that each of
these years must ho the highest iu n
commercial sense and that the succeed
ing year would show n decliuo , hut they
have kept right on advancing and may
do so for years to como. It is one of the
most remarkable eras of progress over
known iu any country , and if it is in
the power of the pioilo | to hi up it on'
lliu tip giadu it may bo expeitid that
iliny will no MI. icgnrdli-M of t IfoitH to
o niluM ) iliem on ilu main IH UO. With
, coiiM'ivailvo dealing It is piob-
tlml the excellent condition may
bii iniulo pormanoiH and it should cur-
tainly bo the endeavor of everyone to
have it HO.
The European commercial Interests
vlow with alarm the progress of Amor-
tea in such matters and have expressed
a do.iir to adopt A mot lean methods in
Ilioir business transactions , Tlmy may
learn to the best of their ability and yet
not succeed. The commercial enter
prise of America is undoubtedly inbred
and the European people can no moro
learn it than a person with no poetry in
his houl can learn to bo a pcot. Poi haps
ono of the most astonishing things to
European eyes IH thus roviowtd by the
Htuto Journal : "Tlio ooolnim with
which American pioperty owners tear
down good buildinns to make roe n for
something larger and liner has long
been a matter of surprise to fnroignms
Some parts of Now York city h.ivo bfen
rebuilt two and thruo times within the
memory of men now living. Chicago
will HOO dm ing the coming year a fair
Haniplo of this form ot ontrrprHo , when
two substantial and costly buildingsono
six and the other nine stories in height ,
will by razed to imiko room for n now
sixtoun-storiod bank building at Motiroo
and Itmi born htreels. One of the stiuot-
uros doomed to destruction is the Mon-
tank block , ono of the first of the Chicago
cage Hkyscrapors , which was erected only
fifteen years ago. "
The people of Norfolk may felicitate
themselves that this city has boon
brought intoromo prominence by reason
of the fnct that nu insight into the
future conduct of the treasury depart
ment of the United States government
wns first presented hero. When Governor
nor Shaw of Iowa addressed the bankc rs
of northeast Nebraska hero on April 22 ,
lust , no one was able to see into the
future far enough to know that the
coming secretary of the treasury and
ono of the most important officials in
the United States government to the
bankers and through thorn to nil the
people , was speaking. Late events have
demonstrated , not only that the future
secretary of that department was speak
ing , but that ho was delivering what ho
now considers to bo his best address on
the important questions over which his
influence may ho exerted. Those who
hoard the speech will nowjiave occasion
to recall it with satisfaction and those
not so fortuuato will have additional
cnuao for regret. It supports the con
tontiou that events of supreme import
unco may bo transpiring and bo given
but commonplace attention. From the
fnct that Governor Shnw has again re
ferred to that address , it may bo con I-
ceived that the future secretary was
then addressing the bankers of the
country and , in less degree , the people
and the world on matters that will
effect them during his administration.
Norfolk people heard President Roosevelt
velt talk but his address was similar to
those that bad been delivered iu other
parts of the country. In this case however -
over , the people enjoyed original ideas
and exclusively the thoughts of one of
the most important officials of the gov
New Year's Resolutions.
The practice of forming new resolu
tionsou Now Year's , calculated to cause
people to lead better and purer lives ,
boon in the hands of the funny men and
cartoonists so long that the rising generation
oration is beginning to believe that such
rocolvos never were anything but jokes
meant to bo broken not later than the
morning of the second day of the year ,
and are brought to the point of ridicul
ing anyone who turns over a new leaf
with the idea of reform.
It ia time they should bo undeceived
Thousands of good resolutions have
boon made on Now Year's day nnd have
been rigidly observedto the great benefi
of the person immediately concerned ,
as well as to the betterment of relatives ,
associates nnd acquaintances. It is n ;
new year custom that should notbecorn 10
the exclusive property of humorists , bu
its original purpose should bo cmphn ! -
si/.ed with ench passing year. Along
with the equnring of the year's accounts ,
the exchanging of social calls and othe
functions of the beginning of the year
the taking of resolutions designed to up -
lift and dignify has its place. Evi Pu
though such resolves are kept for but a
day they will have a beneficial effec
and influence others to rake and keo jp
like resolutions.
Tlio breaking of a silly and pernicion
Ihabit , the overthrow of a tendency teat
run into debt , the determination totrea
IIfamily nnd friends with greater kind -
iiess.a resolution to observe moro strictl aiy
the teachings of religion or morality , iya
rotolvo to greater endeavors toward sue -
cess iu n business EOUSO , and counties
other resolutions , may bo taken with
iibenefit that will endure through life. It
is probably duo to people who consider
thoao resolutions too lightly that there
oaro so mauy failures. They should
never bo taken without serious thought
and earnest consideration of the conso-
dquouces nnd when the mind is once
iiindo up it should bo backed by n deter-
miuntiou that knows not failure irnd
the resolutions will uot only bo firm nnd
enduring but will have n marked effect
upon associates.
' ' ( ! reator than his party greater than
the poopli * of the Mate IH Governor
Savage ,
Tlio poor follow who stole Juss than
$100 will piobably continue to serve
full time.
After that lecture , will the republican
party again have the temerity to ques
tion any act of Governor Savngo ?
All thu brains of the republican party
now occupy the cranium of the execu
tive and the patty may as well disband.
It is nald that there are cloven men
in congress who have not introduced
resolutions touching on thoScliloy con
troversy. They should bo presented
with medals.
The Missouri him binm MicccsHfully
launched and will now proceed to
"bhow" any of tlio enemies of the
United StateH who may bo inclined to
ruihe questions.
The governor was wino in onoparticti-
lut hia executive action \van taken
when an old and decrepit year , that had
no strength to resunt the insult , was
paHHtng into eternity.
The governor i.s also wiser than any
judge or jury that acted on the Ilaitluy
case they said ho deserved ! 20ytmiH and
the governor is of tlio opinion that u
fourth of that was too much.
No material changes appear to have
taken place except the substitution of
the ' ' 2" for " "
figure the 1" in thu num
ber of years A. D. and doubtless n great
tunny are forgetting even this change.
Now that the governor has made pub
lic the fact that Hon. Joseph Hartley
atood behind the banks of the state
during the panic and saved them
from financial ruin , perhaps ho would
uot mitid going a little further into the
subject and stating the names of a few
of the banks that were thus saved. So
far as wo have been able to learn , the
Hon. Joe was amply secured for every
dollar ho advanced to baiiki in distress ,
which moans that the money he pnt oat
iu that way was returned to him , and as
Joe wns uot in business for his health
wholly it is fair to presume that ho r
coivod a few cents of interest for the nc-
comodn'ions extended. As the gov <
ernor's statement now stands , the infer
euce is that all the banks of the state de
pended for their very existence upon the
good will of the state treasurer during
the panicky time that ho was in office ,
which of course is n direct insult to the
bnnkers of the state , as most of them' '
did uot in fact ask for or receive one
contof assistance from the state treas
ury. But the governor , iu attempting
to shield himself , like n cowardly child
trios to put the blame upon others , nnd
ho has banded the bankers a very liberal
Executive Incompetence.
The new year brought the startling
news from Lincoln that Hartley's sen
tence had been commuted , that the
largest theft in the history of the state
had been condoned by Governor Savage
and that the ex-treasurer was enjoying
his liberty ns the new yenr wns ushered
iu. The action wns tnkou regardless of
court decisions , iu spite of the notion of
the last republican state convention and
in the fnco of an adverse opinion on the
pnrfc of the majority of the people of the
Bartley was convicted on Juno 24 ,
1897 , of embezzling moro than $160,000
of the state funds and wns sentenced
two days later to serve 20 years in the
poniteutiary and to pay a fine of 5803 ,
708.00. At the time his sentence was
commuted by Governor Savage , count' '
ing the year ho was iu the Douglas
county jail , ho had served five years
seven months and eight days and had
not paid the fine imposed.
Last summer Bartley was paroled by
Governor Snvugo but his action mot
with such general displeasure that ho
wns influenced to put him back into
prison. Now , after the storm he raised
by that action had scarcely subsided , bo
gives the defaulter a full pardon under
guise of commutation of sentence and
Bartley is again a free man.
Iu taking this mutter into his own
hands the governor has decided to no
only ignore the will of his party ns ex '
pressed in state convention , but in addi
tiou administered n rebuke to the delegates "
gates representing that party , labeling '
their actiou n discourtesy and informing
the public that their creation wuf
greater than the party by intimating
that they were meddling with mutton
that were uono of their affairs.
Without professing a knowledge o
the pressure that has been brought t
bear on the executive to compel this no
tiou , it is evident that ho has roliu
quiahod all hopes of further politica
preferment , cares nothing for the future
success of the republican party and hi
notions speak louder than words , "The
people ho damned 1" In a cowardly
manner , instead of shouldering the
blame for the action , ho given n list of
promiuout people iu various parts of the
state who had boon induced to petition
for the defaulter's pardon , hoping un
doubtedly that a share of the public in
dignation would ho berne by them ,
when ho should know that petitions
were powerless without his action and
that ho is entitled to the full blame.
The pardon of this mau is a travesty
n justice , n slap at thu republican party
ml an outrage against the public , and
i view of the 'fact , Unit tint governor
coins to liuvo relinquished all hopes of
trthor preferment , ho will pr ibubly
ol rnfuso to anticipate such a result
ml lesign the position lie ha1) HO freely
nd utterly debasod.
Snoh action would unquestionably bo
ndorscd by ! ) ( ) per emit of the repttbll-
an p trty of Nebraska and a largo ma-
ority of the people.
An outraged people and a dishonored
omnioiiwealth demand that ho cease
rawing a salary for abusing MB cons'i-
uontH and ignoring their wishes.
Four Trainmen Killed and Several'
Passengers Slightly Injured.
Lynchbiirft , Vn. , Dec. 30. A land
slide on the Chesapeake and Ohio
allroad n nr Reuadn Station , flvo
ullrs Houlli of Lynrhburg , yesterday
caused a wreck , In which four train-
ii were killed nnd novcral other.
iwaons Inj'trcd , but none of them
seriously. The slide wua caused by
, due to the heavy raln .
The dead : Conductor E. A. Whit-
nker , Engine"- George Flohor , Bug-
; nfomnfitor Tliompsoji , Express Mcs-
longer Shannon.
A mnn named nnkor , a machinist
Clifton Fonjo , Va. , Is missing.
Several passengers from the scene'
of tlio wreck believe that probably
one or two passengers tire burled im-
; lcr the debris caused by the ulldc , but
no tinmen can be ascertained of any
passenrers known to bo missing. It
H stated that the train had run Into
n rocliHlldo without damage nnd the
trainmen and some of the passengers
me ! succeeded In pushing the pnssen-
er car back from under the cliff.
They wore trying to do the same
hlng for the baggage car , when a second
end heavy slide came down. The car
wns overturned and Thompson ,
Fisher and Shannon were crushed.
Conductor Whlttakor was knocked
nto the river and drowned. A shout
of warning as the second elide came
enabled most of those who were in
danger to escape without Injury. All
the killed were residents of Richmond.
Fire Spreads Rapidly and Twenty
Families Have Narrow Escapes.
Chicago , Doc. 30. A Christmas
tree , loaded with Inflammable orna
ments and candles , caused a flro last
night that destroyed the Alexander
apartment building ; , a six-story struc
ture on Cottage Qrovo avenuo. The
loss will exceed $100,000. Twenty
families lived in the building and the
flames spread so rapidly that a score
of persons barely escaped with their
lives. There waa only one stairway
J In the building and escape by that
arenuo was cut off by the flames and
Bmoke. When the firemen reached
the scene , the frightened occupants
were hanging to window ledges and
the flro escapes. Ladders wore raised
as fast as possible , but several of the
tenants were painfully burned before
they were rescued.
Wreckage Washed Ashore.
Port Townsend , Wash. , Dec. 30. Ad
vices from Neah bay eay that a large
amount of wreckage is being found on
the beach south of Cape Flattery ,
among which are life preservers ,
hatches , broken doors and a > quantity
of boards , probably belonging to the
deckhouse of some vessel. Some bed-
dlug was also found on various parts
of the beach. From information at
band no clew is furnished by these
findings , though it Is thought the
' wreckage was part of the collier Mat-
Floods In Tennessee.
Nashville , Tenn. , Dec 10. Incessant
rains for the past 4S throughout
east Tennessee Hire : . 10 do more
damage to property than the disas
trous flood of last May , when eight
lives were lost and fully $2,000,000
damage done to railroad and farming
property. The Southern railway has
annulled all trains between this city
and Asheville , N. C. , owing to water
covered and badly washed tracks be
tween Newport and Rankin.
" *
Flood Tide at Plttsburg.
Plttsburg , Dec. 30. Ileu y rains for
3G hours hero and at all headwater
points on both rivers has produced
a condition which will result in what
may be called a flood stage in the Ohio
. river today. Timely warning by the
weather bureau will bo the means of
saving much property and only tempo
rary Inconvenience Is expected by In
terests along the river fronts. Both
the Allegheny and Monongabela are
still rising.
I Body at Bottom of Shaft.
Cripple Creek , Colo. , Dec. 28. Mar *
tin Gleason , BO years of ago , superin
tendent of the Wild Horse , Damon and
| Deadwood mines , was found dead yes
terday at the bottom of the Kalamazoo
shaft , 500 feet , below the surface of
ortho ground. The body was horribly
mangled. The ground around the
mouth of the shaft bore marks of a
struggle and it is evident that Qleason
was murdered.
Sentenced for Neglect.
Now York , Dec. 28. Edward Glen-
non , ttoo former wardman of the West
Thirtieth street police station , was
yesterday sentenced to six months' 1m-
prlsonment in the penitentiary by Ro
cordor Goff. Glennon was found guilty
of willful neglect of duty in falling
to suppress a disorderly house.
Davy Is a County Judge.
Pierre , S. D. , Dec. 31. Governor
' Horreld has issued n commission to
II. E. Davy of Lead City as county
judge of Lawrence to fill the vacancy
caused by the election of P. J. Washa
I baugh to the circuit bench.
Warships Cast Anchor in
Waters Near Venezuela.
Internal Conditions Not Promising
of Great Results Plan Is to Pre
vent Introduction of Foreign Sup
plies Castro Will Offer Resistance.
Washington , Dec. 23. The gather
ing 01 German warships In the vicinity
' of Yoni'KucIn and the presence In the
Bruno locality of many American , Brit
ish , French and other foreign war-
chips , IB directing attention to the
Imminence of the naval demonstration
Germany Is about to make against
Venezuela. Thus far , the German gov
ernment has not made known the exact
act details of her proposed move , the
official communications to the United
Gtatcs being conllned to an Inquiry
ns lo the attitude of this government
on the question of a demonstration In
view of the purpose on the part of
Germany not to acquire any perma
nent foothold in Venezuela. The an-
i ewer of this government was entirely
| ' callsactory ! to the German nuthoil-
tics , who slnco have proceeded with
i the execution of llielr plans for co
ercing Venezuela. It Is said to bo
probable that the first move of Ger
; many will bo to establish a. blockade
j of Venezuelan ports , so ns to prevent
the Introduction of food products Into
Venezuela and thus starve the be-
clcgcd Into submission.
The Germans are expected to occu
py one or moro of the main ports of
Venezuela , probably La Guayra and
Mnracalbo. On the part of Venezuela ,
it Is semi-omclally stated that Presi
dent Castro has made known that he
is prepared for any eventuality. With
reference to German occupation ot
one or more ports , it is thought to be
likely that Venezuela will rely on ha
rassing the Invaders. The fresh water
supply of La Guayra and Maracaibo
a drawn from Interior streams and
akes and these are expected to b
cut off. The Interior of Venezuela IB
regarded as cafe , as It is said that it
would tak * at least 200,000 German I
soldiers to make any progress through
.ho uneven country against guerrilla
Reach Venezuelan Coast.
La Guayra , Venezuela , Dec. 28. The
United Ctates battleship Indiana has
arrivedat Wlllemsted , island of
luracoa. The British cruiser Tribune
and th * Dutch cruiser Utrecht have
arrived here. ' The German cruiser
Vlneta. IB expected to reach this port
Natives of West Indies Sit Forth Do-
Iret In Resolutions Sent to King.
St. Thomas , D. W. I. , Dec. 28. A
larg * orderly demonstration took place
At Chrlitlanated , Island of St. Crolx ,
Danish West Indies , yesterday. Those
who took part in it comprised repre-
ntatlTCB of the native , official and
planting elements. Resolutions wer
made urging Denmark to Introduce
reforms and improvements in the Dan-
sh West Indies islands and to lift the
islands out of the humiliations of the
past. It was also set forth that the
leading Inhabitants of the Islands do-
Blred that the islands be not sold , hut
that commercial , Industrial and so
cial reforms under the Danish flag be
Instituted. The resolutions express
confidence that King Christian and his
ministry will consider the demands.
The procession , which was headed by
bands of music , marched .through
Christlansted , carrying 900 flags and
cheering for the king.
Says Husband Is Anarchist.
New York , Dec. 28. Rudolph Gross
man , editor of the Austro-Hungary Ga
zette , was arrested yesterday , charged
with assaulting his wife with a k'nlfe.
Mrs. Grossman declared her husband
to be an anarchist and said that ho
repeatedly told her he would consider
himself highly honored if ho could"
but do to President Roosevelt what
Czolgosz did to President McKlnley.
She alleged that her husband on Dec.
23 last addressed a meeting of anarch
ists In this city , where he was intro
duced by Emma Goldman.
Seven Americans Killed.
Manila , Dec. 28. Captain Schoeffel ,
with a. detachment of 18 men of com
pany E , Ninth infantry , at Dapday , isl
and of Samar , was attacked by a largo 1
force of bolomen. A severe hand-to-
hand fight ensued , In which n ser
geant , n corporal and five privates
were killed. Captain Schoeffol was
wounded , but not dangerously , and
ono private was slightly wounded. No
porperty was lost. The enemy was
finally repulsed with heavy loss.
Chile-Argentine Dispute Ended.
Buenos Ayres , Dec. 28. It is gen
erally admitted that the difficulties
between Argentine and Chile have
been ended. It is true that a word In
the protocol was changed before the
text of the document was made public
nt Santiago , but Senor Portela , the Argentine
gentine- minister , protested against the
alteration and the Chilean minister
promptly ordered a rectification to ho
Ten British Killed.
London , Dec. 28. Details received'
hero from South Africa of the ambus
cading near Beglnderyn , Orange Riv
ed Colony , of 200 mounted Infantry
by 300 Doers and 40 armed natives ,
led by Commandant Drltz , show the
British losses to have been ten killed
nnd 15 wounded. The lessee of th
Boers are not knov-n.