The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 03, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Baltimore and Ohio Passenger
Goes Over Embankment.
Wrecked Cnrs Take Fire and Entire
Train Is Uurncd Quick Aid to the
Sufferers Engineer and Fireman
Horribly Mnngled.
PlUnliuri , ' , .Inn. 2. AB a romilt of n
tliroiiKh imHBtMiKi'r train on tlut Haiti-
inoro and Ohio railroad jumping thu
track yuHtvnluy two ini'ii am dead
and 17 Injtirwl , llvo of whom ate con-
Bldorcd Horlotwly hurt.
Tlio dead : ICiiglnccr John CollliiH
nnd Flroniun McCuno of CoiinullHVlllu ,
SurloiiHly Injtirod : 1) . J. 1'nrtolla ,
nuill clerk ; William A very , engineer ;
O. W. Uynn , Ilaltlnioro ; C. A. Young ,
innll clerk ; 11. II. Soumir , Napier , 1'a.
The train which was ditched WUH
the throiiKh pusst'iiKer , which left
licro at 8-10 : a. in. , hound for Now.
York. It WIIH a full voHtlhulod train. I
In golnR down the Hloop untilo near !
Olcncoc , the ( iiiKtno for HOIHO roiiHoti
not explained jumped the track nt thoj
ourvo and the tiuln piled on top of It ,
J'rohahly the only thhiK that prevented -
od an appiillliiK death llHtt\van the
fact that the heavy vcHllhulcil earn
did not hreak up In KolttK over the j
ontlmnkment. The work of renrun ,
had to ho done iiulekly , hecaiiHO the
gnu tanliH In the cars exploded and
not flro to the wreckage. The Damon
spread rapidly and In a short llmo
the entire train wan hurned. The en-
nlno WUH completely tleimillHliotl and
the two dead men , when taken from
the dohrlH , were horribly mangled.
As soon after the accident aa possi
ble a relief train with physicians iind
nurses was sent to the scene from
Cumberland and the Injured were
Boon after taken to Moyorduln , Pa. ,
were every attention Is being iwld to
General Superintendent Woodward
pays ho has been unable as yet to as
certain the cause of the accident.
Disastrous Collision Between Freight
Trains In Louisiana.
Kelthvlllo \ . , Jan. a. One llfo was
lost , two persons were seriously In
jured and several valuable race
horses on ronto from the winter meet
ing at Now Orleans were destroyed In
n disastrous collision between a Texas
Pacific fast freight train and m Hous
ton , East nnd Wcat Texas freight
train on the siding at this place nt
4 n. m. Twelve cars of the Houston ,
East nnd West Tuxaa train caught
flro and burned to the trucks.1 W. J.
Daniels of Houston , llronian on the
Houston , East nnd West Texns train ,
was caught under the wreck and olth-
er crushed or burned to death. The
engineer of the Houston , East nnd
West Texns train , who Is said to have
been Newton T. Bontcm , disappeared
Immediately after the nccldont. Of
the racers killed the most valuable Is
eald to be George Arnold , winner of
Christmas handicap nt New Orleans.
Montana Miner Tries to Exterminate
His Family.
Kalispol , Mon. , Jan. 2. Patrick Sul-
Itran of Jennings , Mon. , shot his wife ,
bis grandchild and himself last night
with fatal results to himself nnd the
child , while his wlfo Is In a dangerous
condition. Ho Is nn old miner , well
known nround Ilutte , where ho has
worked ninny years. His wlfo runs
the section house nt Jennings.
The citizens of Jennings sent to
Knllspel for medical nld nnd n special
train wns sent with two physicians
nnd the coroner.
At n noint lust west of Lucerne the
engine Jumped the truck , instantly
killing Engineer Horeson nnd serious
ly Injuring Fireman WIIcox. who was
Bcaldcd. The caboose did not leave
the track nnd the doctors proceeded
to Jennings. The dend nnd Injured
were brought to Knllspol.
More Pay for Railroad Men.
Philadelphia , Jan. 2. The Press
Bays : An Increase of from 4 to 12
per cent In the wages of nbout 45,000
trainmen will bo announced soon by
the Pennsylvania Railroad company ,
to tnko effect Jan. 1. It will apply to
all the trainmen on the lines owned
or operated by the company. The
clerical Is not Included. The Pennsyl
vania Railroad company employs on
Its system cast of Plttsburg and Erie
about 90,000 men , of which number
fully one-half are used in the running
cf trains.
Died of Natural Causes.
Ardmore , I. T. , Jan. 2. Philip Bar
rett , a stenographer of this city , held
by the authorities pending Investiga
tion of the death of M"ra. A. Empart ,
has been released from custody. Mrs.
Empart was found dead in Darrctt'a
backyard and the police , It Is said ,
alleged that Darrett assaulted ber.
The autopsy showed that Mrs. Empart
died of natural causes and that Dar
rett was In nowlso connected wltb
what was supposed to DO a murder.
Chinese Court Nearlng Capital.
London , Jan. 2. Cabling from
Shanghai , the correspondent of the
Times announces the arrival of the
Chinese court at Chen Ting Fu last
Tuesday nnd says the court will con
tinue its journey to Poking by rail
Boerv Losses During the Year.
London , Jan. 2. Official returns
show that the Boer losses by killed ,
wounded and surrendered during 1901
totaled 14,887.
Northern Pacific IBBUCB Formal Notice
of Its Withdrawal.
Now York , Jan. II , Formal notlco
fviiM Issued that In exorcise of the
power conferred upon It the Northern
J'aclllc Hallway compuny retired Its
preferred slock In whole yesterday.
ICiicli and every dollar of a certlllcalo
for preferred slock not heretofore uur-
rendered will upon presentation and
surrender of his certificate at the of-
flco of the company , No. 49 Wall
street , recnlvo payment In cash at pir. :
Except an to thin claim all rlghtn and
clntmti of the preferred stockholders
have ceased to exlHt , Notice was
nlno given by the Northern Pacific
Hallway company that It had elected
to require the holder of every 4 per
cent convertible ce/tlflcato of the
company to convert Uio same Into
common stock of the company.
The belief In Wall street was general -
oral that the rapid retirement of the
Northern Pacific preferred stock , fol
lowed by the redumption of the bonds
Issued for Its retirement , had removed
the obstacles In the way of the carryIng -
Ing out of the plan for the adjustment
of the difficulties which crow out of
the contest for the control of North
ern Pacific last May.
Outline of the Plans of the New
American International Bank.
Now York , Jan. 3. Plans of the
International Hanking corporation ,
which has been named by the presi
dent as repository for the portion of
the Chinese indemnity duo to the
United States , have been explained
by General Thomas II. Uubbard , the
president of the board of directors
of the new corporation. Ho says that
after the Philippine agency Is estab
lished , other branches will bo estab
lished In the principal cities of the
now Insular possessions of the United
States. The ultimate purpose IB that
the entire Orient and South nnd Cen
tral America shall be comprehended
by the operations of the bank.
Take Steps to Prevent Merger.
Minneapolis , Jan. 3. Governor Van
Sant and Attorney General Douglass
reached homo laat evening. Both
drove straight to the capltol and went
to work on the railway merger case.
The attorney general will leave to
night for Washington and will Insti
tute the state's suit Monday In the
federal supreme court. Ills appear
ance Monday will bo ( n formality.
The court will set a date for the hear
ing and Mr. Douglass will return to
Minnesota. When ho next gees to
Washington ho will bo accompanied
by George P. Wilson and M. D. Munn ,
his associates In the case. Then the
great battle will bo on In earnest.
Work Safels Combination.
Sac City , la. , Jan. 3. Mooro'a Jew
elry store was entered lost evening.
The safe wins opened by robbers workIng -
Ing the combination of the outside
door nnd prying open the Inside. Five
hundred dollars In cash and several
hundred dollars worth of rings were
taken , evidently the work of exports.
Features of the Day's Trade and Clos
ing Quotations.
ClilcaRO , Jnn. - . There WUH strength In
wlii'iit today wlilcli bruticlit a not gain
for tliu xc.ssluii ( or May nt % c , anil liuil n
bullish t'lTi'i't on the other pit * , nml Mnjr
corn vluMcil VMlV4c l > , mill Muy onts We
lilishor. 1'rovlsloiin htm toil out rather
weuU , but oiislly innclu up the loss. Cloa-
t-Mnr. S2Jc : July , RKc.
Corn -Miiy , titl'/jo ; July , ( ! O.
Outs - MuytllVic ; July. : t !
Kllis-Jan. , $8.5714 ; May , f.H.80.
l.nrtl-Jim. , $10.00 ; May , $10.00.
riilrtiKo cnuli nmrket No. il re > tl wheat ,
8T > sii877ie ; ( : No. II red wheat , ttiftftMIVic :
No , ! t NnrliiK wheat. 7-70c ) ; No' 'J haril
wheat , "Oy/uSlKc ; No. 3 hiinl wheat. 78V4
fcihOfti' ; No. : t now com , C SMo ; No. 3
new yellow corn , OaVi'itCa-'Uc ; No. ' ca h
outs , -UKjUnVjc ; No. 1 ! white outs , 4SifJ48Mic ;
No. 3 ni.sli ants , -roie ( ; No. 3 white oats ,
7Mi < 8 > So ; Itye , Mny ,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Jan. 2. Cattle Ilccclpti , 10-
f > 00 ; Ktouil.T ut former advance of week ;
C < mi | to prime , ? tl.07.7G ; poor to medium ,
J4.00ri ( < l.'o ; stockcra and feeders , f2.XXft
4'J5 ; cows , $ l.'Jr > < SH. < tt ; hclfera , $2.0044
D.'J : > ; canncrn. $ l.-5 < rf4.23 ; butli , $2.23(21.G5 ( ;
calves , ) . < xy ltr.'JO ; Trim fed steers , $3,00
( UM.OO. HoKH-llccclpts , today , 40.000 ; to
morrow , 80,000 , eatlmutod ; left ovr , 7,000 ;
opened weak , closed firm ; mixed and butch
ers. JO.OOsati.tJO ; coed to choice heavy , $ tt.35
(30.70 ( ; rotiRh heavy , $0.00(40.35 ; light. $0.00
( lt.or > ; bulk of sales , JO.10TUl.40. Sheep-
Itrcclpts , 15,000 ; ilieep ftteady to strong ;
lamlm strong to 10 * higher ; fair to choice
mixed , $3.M > Ii4i.T ; ; western sheep , fed ,
$4.'J54H.Co ; native tombs. $3.M > ( a0.10 ; west
ern lambs , fed , $5.00&tf.OO.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnsas City , Jan. 2. Cattle llecelpts ,
0,100 ; Htockcrs and feeders steady , other
cattle 10 < itl5c lower ; choice licef steers ,
$5.85(33.00 ( ; fair to Rood , $4.755.75 ; stock-
era and feeders , $3.50i4.83 ; western fed
steers , $4,7r > 4i < 5.85j western range steers ,
$3.50fl4.03 ; uatlvo cows , $2.75(80.00 ( ; uelf-
ers. $3.503(6.25 ; canucrs. J2.102fi.C3 ; bulls ,
$2.50(34.25 ( ; calves , $3.WXRO.OO. Hocs-Re-
celpts , 10,000 ; rXRIOc lower : top , $0.70 ;
bulk of sales , $5.8030.00 ; heavy , $0.550
0.70 ; mixed packers , $0.15&O.CO ; light ,
$5.15 < n0.30 : pigs , $4.50410.10. Sheep-Re-
cclptH. 1,500 ; strong ; fed lambs , $5.003
G.S5 : fed wethers , $3.75 ( .50 ; yeearlloKS ,
I4.00fi4.75 ; ewes , J3.25@3.85 ; culls and
feeders , . $2,2333.73.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Jan. 2. Cattle Receipts ,
3,200 ; active , steady , stronger ; native
steers , $4.00 < gO.SO ; cows and heifers , $3.00
G4.60 ; western Rteors , $3.SO < 30.aO : Texas
steers , $3.5034.40 ; canncrs. $1.50St2.73 ;
stockers and feeder * , $2,7534.110 : calves ,
$3.0030.25 * ; bulls , stags , etc. , $2.00(3-4.00. (
lIogH RecclptB , 0,500 ; nftlOc lower ; heavy ,
$0.WiO,55 ; mixed. $0.00J.15j light , $5.75
(1(0.10 ( ( ; pics , SJ.WVJlfl.OO ; bulk of sales , $5.00
C(1.30. Sheep-Receipts. 1,600 ; active , lOc
higher ; fed muttons , $1.0CXi-l.W ) ; westerns ,
$3.40fil3.80 ; ewes. $2.75 3.70 ; common and
stockers , $2.50(33.40 ( ; lambs , $4.50ft3.75.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Jan. 2.-Cattle Receipts , 1-
000 ; steady ; natives , $3.25 ( 7.35 ; cows and
heifers , $1.6056.25 ; veals. $2.5033.75 ; stockers -
ers and feeders , $2.23 < 34.35. IIocs-Re-
celpts , 0,200 ; steady to 5c lower ; light and
light mixed. $3.75i0.40 ; medium and heavy ,
$ U.30 0.S3 ; pica , $3.75 < U4.7S.
Phenomenal Activity in Ail
Lines of Business.
Greatest Evidence of Advancement Is
Found In Manufacturlno Resist
ance to Price Inflation Produce
Markets Share In the Gain.
Now York , Jan. 1. Dun's Hovlew
will say on Jnn. 4 :
Mont marvellous of all phenomenal
evidences of advancement In busi
ness during the year was thu progress
made In inunufacturlng. It Is Impos
sible to bo too extravagant In deline
ating the movements of the Industrial
world. Never In the history of this or
any ether nation has such develop
ment occurred within the space of a
twelve month. The expansion of pro
ductive capacity wns enormous , the
Improved methods of work nnd organ
ization were conspfcuous , wise econ
omies wore Introduced , but more than
all other factors that made for perma
nent prosperity was the conservative
resistance to price Inflation.
Whllo 1000 was the best year ever
experienced by domestic agricultural
Interests , the opening yenr of the new
century was In many ways more prof
itable and the two together have put
the farming population In much the
most satisfactory position In the na
tion's history. There Is a steady ten
dency to onla.rgo . the acreage sown In
the largo crops , but supplies do not
Increase owing to the better demand
both for homo consumption and ox-
port. Heat and drought caused a se
rious curtailment of the corn crop ,
which proved the most. Important
event of the year. Whllo this Inllu-
once naturally Induced nn advance
in prlco thnt practically prohibited
exports and thus seriously affected
the corn market. It was not an unmixed
evil , since the return to growers was
even larger than In a year of normal
production , while the enormous yield
of wheat was absorbed by stock feed
ing and foreign consumers In place of
corn. Hence , Instead of a low prlco
for wheat In proportion to the heavy
crop , there was maintained an even
higher average quotation than In the
short crop year preceding. .The crop
year opened with a now record of
wheat and ( lour exports , amounting to
34,130,380 bushels In August , far sur
passing any previous month , while for
five month ending Nov. 30 the aggre
gate WOB 120,928,102 bushels.
Women and Jewels ,
Jewels , caudy , flowers , man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If n woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem , then lot her fortify her
self against the Insidious consequences
of coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular nse of Dr. Bosoheo's
Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest
consumption in its early stages nnd heal
tho'affected lungs and bronchial tnbes
and drive the dread disease from the
system. It is not a cure-all , but it is a
certain cure for coughs , colds and all
bronchial tubes. Yon cau get Dr. Q. G- .
Grnon's reliable remedies nt A. II.
Kiosan's Drug Co ,
Got Green's special almanac.
When your system is wasting away
with melancholy thoughts , restless
nights , son owing days , renew life's
glorious pleasure with Rocky Mountain
Ten. 35 cents. Goo. B. Ohristoph.
A Profitable Investment.
"I was troubled for about seven years
with my stomach and in hod half my
time , " says E Domick , Somerville , Ind.
1 'I about and could
spout $ 1,000 ur-vor
g t anything to help mo until I tried
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken n
few bottles and nm entirely well. Yon
don't live by whnt yon oat. but by what
yon digest and assimilate. If your stomach
ach doesn't digest , your food you are
really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
does the stomach's work by digesting
the food. Yon don't have to diet. Ent
all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Onro
euros all stomach troubles. Kiesau Drug
Pneumonia and La Grippe
Oonghs cured quickly by Foley's
Honey nnd Tar. Refuse substitutes.
Sold by A. II. Kiosnu.
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whoso lungs are sere and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not al
ways snro. Don't bo an exile when Dr.
King's Now Discovery for consumption
will euro yon at homo. It's the most
infallible medicine for coughs , colds
and all throat and lung diseases on earth.
The first dose brings rehof. Astound
ing cures resnlt from persistent use.
Trial bottles free at A. H. Kiosuu.
Price COo and $1. Every bottle guaran
Children Especially Liable.
Burns , bruises and outs are extremely
painful and if neglected often result in
blood poisoning. Children are especially
liable to snob mishaps because not BO
careful. As a remedy Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo is unequalled. Draws out
the flro , stops the pain , soon heals the
wound. tJewaro of counterfeits. Sure
cure for piles. "DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo cured my baby of eozemn after
two physicians gave her up , " writes
James Mock , N. Webster , Ind. "The
sores were BO bad she soiled two to five
dresses n day. " Kiesnu Drug Co.
A Qood Recommendation.
"I Imvo noticed that the sale on Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is
almost invariable to those who have
once used them , " says Mr. J. H.Weber ,
n prominent druggist of Cascade , Iowa.
What bettor recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call for
it when again in need of such n remedy ?
Try thorn when you fool dull after eat
ing , when yon have a bad tiiKto in your
mouth , feel bilious , have no appetite or
when troubled with eonntipatton , nnd
you are certain to bo dulightcd with the
prompt relief whloh they afford. For
sale by Kiosuti Drug Co.
When Your Joints arc Stiff
and your muscles HOro from cold or rhou-
uuYtitmi , when you slip and sprain n
joint , Ktrnlu your Hide cr biniHo yonr-
self , Painkiller will tnko out the sere
JICH * and Hx yon right in a jiffy. Al
ways have it with yon , nnd UBO it frooly.
Avoid HUlwfitntcH , there is font 0110 Pain
killer , Perry Davis. ' Price 2Go and COo.
O ye people I have yo waited the
golden moments of never returning time
in Inking u substitute for the gunuino
Rocky Mountain Tea miuln by the Mad-
IHOU Medicine Co. Goo. B , Ohristoph.
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo ,
as the best in the world , extends round
the earth. It's the QUO perfect H'MU-
of outs , corns , barns , ulcers , foluuf ,
aches , palm and all skin eruptions.
Only infallible pile cure. ( Gu a box at
A. U. Kiomxu.
Remarkable Cure of Croup
A little boy's life saved I have a few
words to say regarding Ohamborlaiu's
Cough Remedy. It saved my little
boy's lilo and 1 fool that I cannot praise
it enough. I bought a bottle of it from
A. 13. Steoro of Goodwin , S. D. , and
when I got homo with it the poor baby
could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine -
cine as directed every ton minutes until
ho "throw up" and then I thought sure
ho was going to choke to donth. Wo
had to pull tlio phlegm out of his mouth
in great long strings. I am positive
that if I had not got that bottle of cough
incdieino , my boy would not boon earth
today. Joel DoMont , Inwood , Iowa.
For sale by Kicsnn Drug Co.
Don't Live Together.
Constipation nnd h > altn never go to
gether. DuWitt's Little Early Risers
promote easy njtion of the bowels with
out distress. "I have boon troubled
with costivoupss nine years" says J. O.
Greene , Dnpnnw , I'id. ' ' ! have tried
many remedies but Little Early Risers
give best results. " Kiesau Drug Go.
Drying iircpnrtitions simply devel
op dry catnrih ; they dry up the secretions ,
which mlhcro to the membrane nnd decom
pose , causing n far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of cntnrrh. Avoid nil dry.
ing inhalants , fumes , wuolccs nnd snuffs
niul use that which cloniiBcs , poothcs nnd
heals. Ely's Oream Balm is such n remedy
nnd will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily nnd pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists Boll the
GOc. size. Ely Brothers , CG AVnrren St. , N.Y.
The Balm cures v.'ilhout pain , docs not
irritate or cattso snoozing. It spreads itself
over nn irritated nnd angry surface , relieving -
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Br.lin you nro aruiod
ngaiust Nasal Catarrh nnd Hay Fever.
A Life at Stake.
If you but know the splendid merit of
Foloy's Honey and Tar you would never
bo without it. A dose or two will pre
vent au attack of pneumonia or la
grippe It may save your life. Sold by
A. H. Kiesan.
An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off.
' "Some time ago my daughter caught
a severe cold. She complained of pains
in her chest and had a bad cough. I
gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
according to directions and in two days
she was well and able to go to school.
I have used this remedy in my family
for the past seven years and have never
known it to fail , " says Jnnii'S Preuder-
gnst , merchant , Auuato Bay , Jamaica ,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia , which in this iuRtituco
was undoubtedly warded off by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
The many friends of G H. H-iusan ,
engineer. L. E. & W. R. R. , at present
living in Lima , O. . will ba pleased to
know of his recovery from threatened
kiduny disease. Ho writes : "I was
cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure ,
which I recommend to all , especially
trainmen who are usnallv similarly af
flicted. Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
The prevention of consumption is entirely -
tiroly a question of commencing the
proper treatment in time , Nothing is so
well adapted to ward * off fatal lung
troubles as Foloy's Honey nnd Tar.
Sold by A. H. Kiesan.
Brain Food Nonsense.
Anothur ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent authori-
itios. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain , another for muscles and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body , but it will sustain every ether
port. Yet , however good your food may
be , its nutriment is destroyed by in
digestion or dyspepsia. You must pre
pare for thoi appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower , the favorite
modiciuo of the healthy millions. A
fpw doses aids digestion , stimulates the
liver to healthy notion , purifies the
blood , and makes you fool buoyant and
vigorous. You cau got Dr. G. G.
Green's reliable remedies of the Kiosnu
Drug Co.
Get Groon's Special Almanac.
In Bed Four Weeks With La Grippe.
We have received the following letter
from Mr. Rey Kemp , of Angola , Ind.
"I was in bed four weeks with la grippe
and I tried many remedies and spent
considerable for treatment with physi
cians , bat I received no relief until I
tried Foloy's Honey nnd Tar. Two
small bottles of this modiciuo cured mo
and I now use it exclusively in my fam
ily. " Toke no substitutes. Sold by A.
H. Kiesau.
Month after Month
a cold clings to you. The cough seems
to tear holes in the delicate tisanes of
the throat and lungs. You lose wnight
and yon wonder if you are threatened
with a disease you scarcely dare to iiamo.
Are yon aware that oven a stubborn nnd
long neglected cold is cured with Allen's
Lung Balsam ? Do not spend more of
your life in coughing nnd worrying.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the north
west corner of section twenty-five (25) ( ) ,
by our Hew invention. Only those born dcnf arc incurable.
BALTIMORE , Mil. , March 30 , inai.
GtnUemtn ; Being entirely cured of deafness , thanks to your treatment , I will now give you
n full history of my case , to be HMH ! nt your discretion.
About five years ngo my right car began to slug , nnd thli kept on getting worse , until I lost
my hearltiK In this enr entirely.
I underwent n treatment for cntnrrh , for three months , without nny success , cotiMiltcdn num-
tirrof pliy Mela us , nmotig others , the most eminent car specialist of this city , who told met lint
4 nil operation could help me , nnd even thut only temnornrllv , thnt thu hend noiRCH uould
-n c , but the hearing In the nfTectcd enr would be lost forever.
iien nnwyout advertisement nccidcmnlly In n New York paper , nnd ordered your treat-
mint After I nnd utcd It only n few days according to your directions , the noises ccum-d. mid
to-day , nfltr live weeks , my hcnrlni ! In the illsenrcd car has been cntiicty restored. I UmnUynu
heartily uud I > CK to remain Very truly youts.
P. A. WURMAN , 7JOS. Broadway , Baltimore , Mil *
t docs not interfere icltlt yonr usual
Complete ciilntnguc showing over
300 pmniums that nmy be scented
by savin-j the wmppeis , finnislied
fiec upon toquest. Send your
tmmu on n poslul caul niul we will
iniiil you the c.itnln nu
Premium Dept. ,
South Omaha. Neb.
Diamond "C" Soap for utlr by all Qroetn ,
township twenty-oiio (21) ( ) , north , range
ouo (1) ( ) , west of Gth p. ui. , and running
thence east ono milo and terminating at
the north-east corner of said section 25 ,
township 21 , range 1 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof and
all objections thereto , or claims for dam
ages , must bo filed in the county clerk's
ofllco on or before noon of the 3rd day
of February , A. D. 1902 , or such road
will be established without reference
Dated at Madison , Nebr. , this 26th
day of Nov. , 1901. PHIL. BAUOII.
* County Clerk.
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful , drastic , purgative nill
has bedn exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills , which are perfectly harmless ,
gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex
pel poisonous matter , cleanse the system
and absolutely euro constipation nud
sick headache. Only 25c at A. H. Kie-
sau's drug store.
A Cure for Lumbago.
W. 0. Williamson , of Amherst , Va. ,
says : "For more thnu n year I suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Cham
berlain's Pain Bui m nud it gave me en
tire relief , which all other remedies h < xd
failed to do. " Slid by Kiesan Drug Co.
Child Worth Millions
"Mv child is worth millions to me , "
says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg , Pa. ,
'yet I would have lost her by croup had
I not purchased a boctle of One Minute
Cough Cure. " One Minute Ojngh Cure
is sure cure for cough , croup , throat and
lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough
cure which acts immediately. The
youngest child can take it with entire
safety. The little ones like the taste
and remember how often it helped them.
Every family should have a bottle of
One Minute Cough Cure handy. At
this season especially it may be needed
suddenly. Kiesau Drug Co.
Fatal kidney and bladder tronbles can
always be prevented by the use of
Foley's Kidney Cure. A. H. Kiesau.
A Deep JMystery.
It is a 'mystery why women endure
backache , headache , nervousness , sleep
lessness , melanoboly , fainting and dizzy
spells when thousands have proved thnt
Eleotno Bitters will quickly cure such
troubles. "I suffered for years with
kiduey trouble , " writes Mrs. Phebe
Oherloy , of Peterson , In. , "and a lame
back pained me so I could not dress my
self , but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me , and , although 73 years old , I now
am able to do all uiy housework. " It
overcomes constipation , improves appe
tite , gives perfect health. Only 50o at
A. H. Kiesau's drug store.
Stop itl
A neglected cough or cold may load'
to serious bronchial or lung tronbles.
Don't take chances when Foley'e Honey
and Tar affords perfect security from
serious effects of a cold. Sold by A. H.
CU11U i'OK
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
oie. Contama no In
jurious drug.
It In quickly absorbed ,
dives Relief at once.
It Opens and Cleanses . . . . . . _ , . _ *
' . pfl R IM W FA
Allays the Nasal Inflammatron. 1'assaccs. UULJJ ] "JnUrtW
Heals and Protects tbe Membrane. Restore ! tlio
Bfn ca of Taste and timcIL Largo 8ze | , 60 cents at
Druggists or tir mall ; TrIMSIze , 10 cents by mall.
ELY IMumililtS. CO Warren Street , Nor York.
Ptflse ,
paler , fainting , smothering or
sinking spells all point in the
same diredlion an impaired
heart action. A heart that is
weak or diseased cannot do full
duty and the circulation of the
blood is interfered with. There
is a medicine that gives new
strength to the heart , new
power to the pulse and puts
new color into cheek and lip.
"My pulse would jump and beat
at a fearful rate and then drop
almost to a stopping point. I
could not rest at night , feet
swelled and bad severe pains in
chest. Took Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure six weeks and was cured. "
T. H. JONES , Pittsburg , Texas.
D * .
regulates the heart's action ,
while it stimulates the digestive
organs to make new , rich , red
blood which gives strength to
the whole body. Sold by drug
gists on a guarantee.
Dr. Mllea Medical Co. , Pn
Al all rfrug itort * . 35 Dote * 25 * .
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no ubatl >
tute Ask your
ne ftintif
> < - AHO
For Bale by George B. Ohristoph ,