The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 03, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Seven Million Pounds of Spark
ling : White Sugar.
Thirty-one Thotisniul Tons of Dool !
Convorlod Into Sweetness Super
fmo Farmers arc Gratified Will
IVoiit Tlinr 'lny'H Dully t
The Norfolk minr | factory lias jiwl
COmpli'ttlt OIIH Of tllO IllOilt RWJI'OKHflll
rniiHin the hintory of the Institution
and Muungor Iwmllck , Supurintondnnt
Oonnolly mid thu otln'r ollloors mill em
ployes aio hlj'lily prntillod with the re-
miltq of tlio campaign.
The work on bootH was complotodyoH-
torduy morning nt 0 o'clock , while the
liint of tlu > miKiir hud pawed through itH
various proeotwn this morning "t 0 , nnd
the ponderous innohiiiory is now Hlloncod
until the opi iiing of another campaign ,
while u largo number of employes are
now permitted to rout up uftor the long
and todloiiH work.
Thn fnotory ntiirted its minimi grind
on October 7 and dosud down today ,
making iv run of 83 dixys of 21 bourn
onoh. Th nuuihlnery was in excellent
mood thoughout and run llko a clock ,
slicing about > IOO toim of boots a day ,
counting out the Bovoral half days that
the factory was Mint down while under
going its periodical oluannp.
During the cumpsilgn ill,500 tons of
boots woru tdiood and nnulo into some
thing nioro than 7,000,000 pounds of thu
llnost , brightest first quality Htigiir onu
would \ \ ish to HO. The management
has boon repeatedly complimented on
the giado of sugar produced , the com-
pllinonts coming from ovorywhoro. A
Htrong testimonial as to the excellence
of the product was received from Miu-
noapilis dealers who are reputed to be
the closest critics of grade and quality ,
A portion of the boots worked uji
were raised by farmers tributary to the
Grand Island factory , that institution
not having buon in operation till ?
The farmers generally were well sat
isfied with the result of their season's
work The tonnage was bolter tlniu
had boon expected on account of the
dry weather during July and August ,
nnd the roots stood a high test. The
nverago price paid waa more than $4. DC
a ton and many are anxious to contract
for the coming summer. It is consid
ered that there will bo no trouble in
getting plenty of contracts signed by
farmers for the season npproohing , pro
vided the same contracts are furnished
as those of last year. The present BOB
BISH of congress iray take action , how
ever , that will make favorable contract *
impossible , in which event the ftirmort
may refuse to contract.
Tno people of Norfolk and vioinit }
who have beoii benefited by the ifactorj
will sincerely hope that the manage
merit , may be able to renew the favor
able contract of last year and the factor )
bo given uiatorial that will enable it t <
run even longer than the campaign
Judge B.irnos waa a pussougor for
Omaha yesterday.
Mrs. A. J. Durlaud returned yester
day from Lincoln.
Dr. J. M. Aldou of Pierce waa a city
visitor this morning.
Dr. P. H. Suitor made a professional
visit to Pierce this morning.
L. L. Rembo waa homo from Neligh
to spend Now Year's with his family.
Allen Kuhu is homo and will tnko a
course in the business college until
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moldonhanor
spout Now Year's visiting relatives at
Miss Hattie Albcrry wont to Lincoln
yesterday to attend the state teachers'
The little son of Oarl Ott , living on
Thirteenth street , full Tuesday evening
and broke his arm at the wrist. '
The railroad company is laying a sub
stantial plank walk on Main street ad
joining the Stittler implement house.
Miss Bunder has been called to her
home near Fremont by the announce
ment that her mother is not expected to
W. 0. Andrews haa opened the pho
tograph gallery at the corner of Madison
avenue and Fourth street formerly oc
cupied by II. H. Johnson.
Win. Zutx of Iloskius and Ool. Frank
Ilaulou of Omaha were in the city yes
terday tu attend the directors' meeting
of the Norfolk National bank.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Qorocko returnee
yesterday noon from Omaha , whore
they had been vibitiug a few days. Mrs
P. H. Patterson returned with them.
A baby daughter was welcomed to th
homo of Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Van Houtou
on New Year's ovo. Mr. Van Iloutci
is employed at the Norfolk creamery.
Mifso.i Morrow entertained a company
ot friends at their homo iu The Height
Now Year's eve at a taffy pull. oThe
festivities lasted until the now year had
been properly ushered into existence.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kara and baby of
IjyoiiB were guests of Norfolk relatives
> vor Now Yeur'M. Mr , K.iro returned
to that place this morning but Mrs ,
Ivaro will extend her visit for Homo time ,
A number of thu young friends of
Miss Opal Minlson helped that young
lady watch the old year out and the
now year In at her homo on Madison
ivonuo. The young people had a jolly
tlmo ,
The Kindorgiinlon club mot with Dr.
mil Mrs. F. U. Sailor last evening.
I'lin doctor practiced Hiirgory upon flov-
oral lingo lobstuiH , portions of which
woru thoroughly inspected by the moni
tor H of the club and pronounced good.
Norfolk ledge No. .10 , 1. 0. 0. F. , will
wet in regular HOHsion tonight to in-
tall the ollluorfl recently elected. The
installation will bo conducted by Din-
riot Deputy ( Jrand Mauler QoHmird of
Madison and an interesting Hussion is
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. nirohard of Mar-
Imlltown , Iowa , parents of Mrs. O. S.
Jridgo , arrived in the city at noon to
ny. They were notified yesterday of
lor serious illness , and came on the flrst
rain , but were unable to roach here
in til after she had passed away.
A mooting of the directors of the Nor-
oik National bank was hold yesterday
iftornoon , when the usual dividend was
eclared. The affairs of the institution
voro found to be in a moat satisfactory
ondltion , the business showing a steady
ml decided gain during the year.
While running after some cattle at
Moroo Tuesday afternoon , Ooorgo Wil-
iuniH fell and hurt himself sin'oiely.
le was given attention by a physic/inn
here but he continued to Buffer after
uturning homo and this morning ho was
( ivon a more thorough examination by
i Norfolk surgeon who found that three
> f bin ribs had been broken. The in-
ury in likely to conllno him to his
lome for some time.
Mr. Frank Orocker of Sheldon , Iowa ,
mil Minn Jessie Mather of Tilden , this
tate , were united in marriage by Ilov.
W. J. Turner of the First Congroga-
iional church , at the Oxnard hotel yos-
erday morning. The bride is a sister of
Mrs. O. II. Vail of the Oxnard and only
olativos of the contracting parties were
iresont. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orooker do-
Htrtod the samoday for Sheldon , where
ihoy will make their homo , Mr. Orocker
aking charge of the Arlington hotel us
The Lndlon Aid society of the M. E.
church gave a very successful "Calen
dar" social in the parlors and lootnro
room of the church on Now Year's eve
and the fnn was thoroughly enjoyable.
There was a largo attendance and the
receipts of the ovouiug were very satis- ,
aoty.C Souvenir calendars were distrib
uted , each day ot the now year being
represented by the name of a person
vho had paid a quarter to the society.
The days were captained by weeks , the
vockB by mouths and the mouths by the
Tracy & Durlaud celebrated the last
lay of the year by Belling the Abram
White farm of 200 acres , south and cast
of the Junction , to James Blair of Butler
county for $ -15 per acre. This farm had
changed hands only one day before ,
when it became the property of M. O.
Ilnzou. It is expected that Mr. Blair
will remove hero , and that ho will re
side in the city. Henry Lucko , son-in-
aw of Mr. Blair , also purchased the
Heckman farm from the same firm , this
'arm consisting of 100 acres and Belling
lor $80 an acre.
A good many people of Lincoln and
other cities have been "rubbering" con
siderably during the past few days to
see the bright evening star , Vonns ,
which is said to bo now visible iu the
day time when the BUU is shining
brightly. It is said that people with a
keen vision can readily locate the planet
which will soon bo in conjunction with
the sun. Venus is now crossing the
meridian between 3 and 8 o'clock in the
afternoon at which time it is more
readily seem at a point about half way
between the /.otiith and the horizon.
News of a distressing accident that
occurred at the homo of Mr. Wiuchell ,
near Vordigro , Tuesday , was received
hero this morning , the infant child of
that gentleman being burned so that it
died in a short time. The mother was
out attending chores , leaving the little
one strapped iu a chair near the stove.
An older child got to playing in the flro
during its parents' absence and sot fire
to the baby's clothes. "When the mother
returned the room was filled with smoke
and the child had fallen to the floor , the
fire ha'ving burned through the strap
that held it in the chair. The older
child was likewise badly ovorc&rno with
The West Side Whist club mot will
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bullock on Now
Year's ovo. It BO happened that the
meeting foil upon thd thirty-third wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. N. A
Raiubolt , and the day was also the
eleventh anniversary of Mr. and Mrs
W. H. Buoholz. The whist club iusiste (
on celebrating the event , and in com
reliance with a rather imperative de
maud on the part of the members the
wedding ceremony wrs performed
again , Dr. Bear officiating in an impressive
pressivo manner. The ladies of the
club hud prepared a bride's cake am
veils and flowers were furnished for th
occasion. Each bride was presented
with a handsome silverr fork as a
memento of the event.
Norfolk Promised a Public
Judge Robertson Interviewed ] Chair-
Prom lsotoJF.ivor TlifsTJClty text
of Oil ) Introduced.
From Tlmrwhy'H Dully
Norfolk has received assurance that it
will hu given an appropriation for a
government building , if any are made ,
from a soiirco that is the highest , being
none less than the protniso of Don-
grcsman Murcer , chairman of the house
committee on public buildlngH and it is
conceded that what ho soys goes on mat-
crH of this character.
The following paragraph ' 'in the
Omaha correspondence to the State
ourual of Wednesday contains prob-
bilitioH that do not Boom to have the
uppnrt of Ohairinun Mercer :
"W. M. Robertson of Norfolk is in the
ity to BOO Congressman Mercer , with
eforonco to an appropriation for a fed-
ral building fcr Norfolk. It is stated
hat Senator Dietrich has set his heart
n scouring an appropriation of $160,000
or a building at Hastings , and that if
no is secured at the coming session the
thor must wait. This being trno , the
ndloatious are that if a satisfactory
eal can bo made between the senator
ml tlm nmiL'rnssmiui If'iKtiiiL'rt will ant
ho building and Norfolk will Imvo to
viut a while longer. "
Judge Robertson was soon this morn-
ng and in reference to the matter said :
"I had an interview with Congress-
mu Morcerwhon iu Omaha last Tuos-
ay and asked him what the prospects
wore for an appropriation for a federal
milding hero iu Norfolk during the
ircsent session of congress and ho told
no that if any city in the United States
; ot an appropriation from this congress
or the purpose named that Norfolk
hould have one.
"I asked him if the Hastings appro-
> riatlon would interfere with ours and
10 said no not iu.gtho least that if
lastiugs got an appropriation Norfolk
honld also Imvo one.
"I asked him if I could give his state
ment for publication and ho said I
ould ; that ho meant every word he
"I cannot suy that there will or will
not bo au appropriation for the Norfolk
building at this session of congress Jbut
am assured that if any appropriations
are made for public buildings Norfolk
villget one. "
Congressman Robinson's Bill.
Following is a copy of the bill intro-
luoed by Congressman Robinson , pro
viding for the erection of a.pnblio build-
ug in Norfolk. The bill was Introduced
u the house on December 10 , and was
referred to the committee on. public
mildiugs and grouuds , of which Mr.
ilorcor is chairman. It is known as
House Roll No. 4588 , and is as ] follows :
A bill tp provide for the erection of a
nnlilin hnildim * nr. TJVirfnllr. in tlio atnfn
of Nebraska.
Bo it enacted by the senate and house
of representatives of the United States
of America iu congress assembled , that
the secretary of the trea-nry bo , and he
s hereby , authorized and directed to
cause to bo erected nt Norfolk , in ] the
state of Nebraska , on the site already
purchased therefor by tho' government
of the United Statesa suitable building ,
noludiug fireproof vaults , heating and
ventilating apparatus , elevators , and approaches
preaches , for the uao and JJaccommoda-
iou of the United States courts , post-
office , land ofllcoaud other offices iu the
city of Norfolk and state of Nebraska ,
the cost of said building , including said
vaults , heating aud ventilating appara-
, us , elevators and approaches , complete ,
not to exceed the sum of seventy-five
thousand dollars , which said sum of
seventy-five thousand dollars is hereby
appropriated for that purpose out of any
moneys in the United States treasury
not otherwise appropriated.
Section 2. That so much of said ap
propriation as may bo necessary for the
preparation of sketch plans , drawings
specifications , and detailed estimates for
the building by the supervising archi
tect of the treasury department shall bo
available immediately ; and after the
said sketch , plans and estimates for the
building shall have been prepared { .by
the supervising architect aud approvec
by the secretary of the treasury , the sec
retary of the interior , oud the postmas
ter-genoral , the balance of said appro
priation shall bo available for the orea
tiou and completion of the building , in
eluding fireproof vaults , heating am
ventilating apparatus , elevators , and ap
proaches. The building shall boj'.uuox
posed to auy danger from fire by an
opou space of nt least forty feet on end
side , including streets and alleys.
Rudy Marquurdt is bore from St. Joe
Missouri , visiting his father , 0. F. W
Marquardt. Ho expects to return to St
Joe , Saturday to resume his duties. II
is very well pleased with his positioi
aud his employer is evidently pleasei
with Rudy , as ho has recoutlyj give
him an increase in salary.
The third animal ball of the L. 0. T
M. , given ou Now Year's eve in Mar
uardt hall , was an enjoyable function
lid .well patronizi-d by u good crowd of
ilo.iHuro scokorrt. The Norfolk orchestra
'urnlsnod ' the music and members of the
ociety and tholr friends sawj the old
year out and welcomed the now year , in
i manner hoartlly approved by those
vho like to dance.
Welcome as Sunshine
ftor a lout ? storm is a feeling of rnliof
vhon an obstinate , pitiless cold has boon
riven away by Allen's Lung Balsam.
) nly people who have been cored of
hroat-acho and sore lungs by this rom-
dy can quite realize what the feeling is.
riioro U no opium in thoAbalsam ; its
end i HVct is radical and listing. Take
i bottle homo today. *
By Bribing the Nerves
with opium a cough may be stopped
cmp > rarily , but the inlliunmat on of
which the cough IH a symptom goes from
ad to worse. Do not waste time and
nonoy on delusive "cough mixtures. "
L'jmembor that Allen's Lung Balsam
oos'not merely put the nerves to sleep ,
t gets right down to the root of the
rouble nnd so cures oven deup-seated
tFcctions of the throat and lungs.
Total of 11,076 Defaults , With Liabil
ities of $131,111,150.
Now York , Jan. 2. Reports to R.
0. Dun & Co. show that the failures
or 1901 were 11,002 In number and
IKl.OOL'.nTi ; In amount of liabilities ,
vhllo among banking and other
duclary Institutions there were 74
nsolvonclcs , Involving $18,008,774. a
otal of 11,07G defaults and $131,113-
GO liabilities. Those figures com-
mro very favorably with the10,833
allures in 1900 , with liabilities ot
U7-1,113,23G , of which C9 were banks
or ? 35G17,5G3. Manufacturing dlsas-
ers In 1901 numbered 2,411 , with nn
ntlobtcdncss of ? 44,9GO,983 , compared
vlth 2,409 In the previous year owing
151,702,142 , while there were 7,905
uspenslons of traders for $52OGOG40 ,
against 7.744 In 1900 , with liabilities
f $59,415,592. The defaulted llabll-
tlcs were 9G cents to each $1,000 of
mnk exchanges. A ratio to the nuin-
> er of firms In business shows that
ho ontlro amount of defaulted In
debtedness averaged $94.33 for each
oncorn. This amount compares with
119.G3 In 1900 , while going back to
893 the average was $290.08.
In many ways the prosperous con
ditions In the United States were
shared across the northern border , for
commercial failures In the Dominion
of Canada were fewer In number and
smaller In amount of liabilities than
n flvo of the preceding seven years.
As to banking Insolvencies the report
was even more favorable.
'romoters of Salt Lake-Los Angeles
Line Push Work of Construction.
Salt Lake , Jan. 2. The board of di
rectors of the San Pedro , Los Angeles
and Salt Lake- Railroad company lias
ust called upon the members of the
company for an additional $1,000,000
o push the work of construction on
ho Hue that Is to run from this city
o the coast. This money Is to be paid
at once and makes $0,000,000 already
nit up by the promoters. It Is said
o be the only case In the history of
his country where this amount of
money has been paid for such work
without the Issuance of bonds. It
s the Intention of the company to go
forward with the work on the new
road without a halt during the com-
ng your. A coiuniui win ue iui in a
ew days , It Is stated , for the grad-
ng of a considerable stretch of road
east of Pomona , Gal. , and It Is also
iroposed In the near future to put a
arge force of men at work on this end
of the lino.
Attendance of Nebraska Association
Equals That of Last Year.
Lincoln , Jan. 2. The Nebraska
State Teachers' association began its
2Gth annual convention yesterday with
an attendance about equalling that of
: ho first day of last year , there bo
ng 875 names enrolled when the
jooks were closed at 8 o'clock last
An innovation in connection with
: ho convention that Is receiving wide
attention Is the meeting of the county
superintendents of the state , which
was proposed In a call Issued by State
Superintendent Fowler. The flrst ses
sion was continued today. Superin
tendent Fowler presides at all ot
these meetings. The subjects dis
cussed relate to the management ot
schools from the standpoint of the
superintendent. It Is likely that several
eral changes in school legislation will
bo proposed before the meeting ad
No Decision Arrived at by Pan-Ameri
can Delegates on Arbitration.
Mexico City , Jan. 2 , The situation
in the Pan-American conference con
tlnues critical and probably not until
tomorrow will the fate of the gather
lug bo known. The Chilean delega
tlon were closeted with one another
today , but when seen they declined to
give any Intimation as to their ultl
mate action. If they remain firm and
refuse to allow the plan of compulsory
arbitration to be reported to the conference
feronce then either they or several o
the other South American delegates
must withdraw. The burden of peace
making falls on the Mexicans , as the
United States delegates remain nou
Funeral of Senator Sewell.
Camden , N. J. , Jan. 1. The funeral
of the late United States Senator Will
lam Joyce Sowell took place yestorda
from the Sowell mansion In this city
From 10 to 11 o'clock the public wa
permitted to vlow the body and thou
Bands passed around the bier.
Judge Lochren Acts in Northern
Pacific Case.
Refuses to Allow Appeal from Order
Setting Aside Injunction to Restrain
Retirement of Preferred Stock Says
Company Acted Within Its Rights.
Minneapolis , Jan. L Judge. William
Lochren of the United States circuit
court' yesterday dissolved the tempo
rary Injunction Issued In the case of
Peter Power against , the Northern Pa
cific Hallway company by Judgd El
liott of the district court of Ilcuueplu
county Monday.
The Injunction which was dissolved
> y the order of Judge Lochren re
trained the Northern Pacific fiom IB-
ulng any evidences of Indebtedness
o retire the preferred stock of the
company or to retire the preferred
lock In any other manner than by the
use of the surplus not earnings of the
road. It also restrained the Northern
'aciflc and Its ofllcers from entering
nto any agreement or doing any act
> y which the road would bo consoli
dated or merged , through the medium
of the Northern Securities company
vlth the Great Northern or the Bur-
Ington , or cither of them.
After the decision was made orally *
by Judge Lochren at the close of a
day's argument by the attorneys for
uukii OIUUD tin diui L \ > ua 1UU.UU uy tiiu
plaintiff's attorneys to have the court
Ix the amount of bond which would bo
required In order to appeal from the
decision and to stay all further pro
ceedings In the lower court pending
ho appeal.
Judge Lochren refused to allow a
suporsetleas bond In any amount to
> o given. Attorney W. A. Lancaster ,
representing Mr. Power , the plaintiff ,
asked In court : "Does your honor
nean to say that the damage which
would result to the Northern Pacific
company If an appeal from your order
dissolving the temporary Injunction
were taken and a supersedeas bond
staying proceedings were filed would
be so great that a bond could not bo
given largo enough to reimburse the
defendant ? "
"As the question of granting a super-
sedeas , " the judge replied , "Is discre-
lonary with the court , I decline to
lermit the staying of the proceedings
or the force of the order by a supersc-
deas bond on appeal. "
Judge Lochren held that the North
ern Pacific was acting within the au
thority of its charter , of the contract
entered Into between it and Its stock-
lolders as Incorporated in the certifi
cates of preferred stock , and of the
agreement of Nov. 13 , In attempting to
retire the $75,000,000 of preferred
Block in the manner alleged by Mr.
Mr. Power's attorneys authorized
; he statement that the fight had just
commenced and that they would ap
peal to the United States supreme
Van Sant's Course of Attack Approved
by Other Governors.
Helena , Mon. , Jan. 1. A definite
J1U11 Ul uv biwu Its uvi-wtti , luu i i uiJvsavt
consolidation of the Northern Pacific ,
Great Northern and Burlington rail
way systems was unanimously agreed
upon by the governors and attorney
generals of several northwestern
states In which those roads have mile
age.Legal action will bo Instituted Imme
diately In the Minnesota courts with
.his object In view , and to quote At-
: orney General Douglass of Minnesota ,
'the thing will be fought to a finish. "
Just how , when or where these
suits will bo brought neither Governor
Van Sant of Minnesota nor Attorney
General Douglass would state. The
conference adjourned late yesterday
afternoon after adopting resolutions
condemning the proposed merger as
contrary to sound public policy and
pledging support to any proper legal
action which may bo brought to test
Its validity. Other resolutions adopt
ed call on congress to Investigate the
subject and favor the granting of pow
er to the Interstate commerce com
mission to" fix maximum rates upon
interstate business.
Governor Herreid of South Dakota
left , for his homo before action was
taken , but rough drafts of the resolu
tions were presented to him before ho
Iqft and It IB understood ho favored
them. i
Governor Van Sant and most of the
other state officials who have been
present at the conference left last
night for their homes. Governor Van
Sant expressed himself as much grati
fied over the result of the meeting ,
which had been requested by him.
"So- far as I am concerned , " said ho ,
after the meeting adjourned , "I am
thoroughly satisfied with the work ol
the meeting. It accomplished all that
could bo desired. I am very much
pleased. " „
Governoro Hunt , and Toolo also ex
pressed gratification at the result of
the conference.
Deadlock Continues.
Mexico City , Jan. 1. The deadlock
In the matter of arbitration still con
tlnues. The Chilean delegates want
to prevent the compulsory plan from
being reported to the conference at
all , whereas the Argentine and Peru
vlan delegates affirm that they wll
not adhere to The Hague convention
unless their compulsory plan also has
the honor of a public presentation to
the conference.
A KOodlooklijR ! ,
tiortut nnd poor lookif' ' * *
IMR luiriionn M the . &
nnrnt kind of n com *
Harness Oil - / ;
not only mnkM the ImrncM nnd tlie IJI
lioirn look belter , lint nmkcn tli I
IcallicrBoftnnd pllnblo , putsltln conl | l
Jlllon to limt twice M long I
ns U ordlnnrlly would. J
, Cotl erefTwhtre la etoi ftll |
I , ilui. Uili b ;
OIL. CO. t
Horse a
Chance I
Sends Memorandum of Government's
View Regarding Venezuela.
Washington , Jan. 1. Secretary
Hay's view as to the proposed Ger
man program In Venezuela was com-
nunlcated to the German government
n the t shape of a written memoran
dum. This supplemented the verbal
exchanges that had taken place In
Washington between Ambassador von
Holleben and President Roosevelt di
rectly and between the ambassador
end Secretary Hay at greater length.
The state department positively de
clines to make public the memoran
dum or Us substance , but It Is pointed
out again that the basis of the United
States' representations Is to be looked
for In the utterances of President
Roosevelt In his annual message to
congress touching the Monroe doc-
irlne In its application to South Amer
ican countries which do not pay their
Nothing has been heard from Carac
as to sustain the report that United
States Minister Bowen , through ur
gent representations , has Induced a
postponement of the execution of the
German program. It Is certain that
no Instructions to that effect have
been given Mr. Bowen , though It Is
admitted that It would be the duty
of any United States minister to ex
ercise all of his powers within the i
lines of the general policy of this coun
try to prevent possible bloodshed.
Confirmatory evidence Is had from un
official sources of the purpose of the
Gorman government at least to delay
action against Venezuela until the Is
sue of tlHhpresent revolutionary move
ment directed against President Cas
Palma Hears.the News.
New York , Jan. 2. Tomas Estrada
Palma , in his homo at Central Valley ,
N. Y. , received the news that his elec
tion to the presidency of Cuba waa
conceded. He announced that the
new Cuba would be one of work and
high endeavor , that It would be hla
aim to strengthen the friendly rela
tions which exist between his country
and the United States aud to bring
about reciprocity.
The Sacred Heart college and St.
Ann's convent at Cohoes , N. Y. , were
destroyed by fire Dec. 31. Loss , $60,000.
Michael Shannon , aged 78 , one of
the oldest and best known millers of
the country , died at St. Joseph Tues-
3 HVttMMW wS # :
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