The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 03, 1902, Image 1

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' !
Said to Have Been Liberated
on Jan. I.
slews Is Not Confirmed , but Washing
ton Inclines to the Possibility That
Captive Missionary and Her Com *
panlon Have Been Released.
London , Jan. 3. The Sofia corrc-
bpomlunt of the Dally Telegraph has
Cabled un unconfirmed rumor to the
ffcct that Miss Stone and Mme. Tall-
: a were liberated In Turkey on Jan. 1 ,
nd that the Americans who conduct-
d the negotiations resulting In this
eported release agreed , In the pros-
nee of the captives , to maintain ab-
elute silence concerning the cap-
STB. If this promise Is broken , con-
tides the correspondent , vengeance
11 be wreaked upon the American
Washington , Jan. 3. The state de-
.rtment ofllclals say they have no
cent news bearing on the case of
MSB Stone and therefore cannot
cjnfirm the dispatch from Sofia trans-
njtting a report that she has been
released. At the same time such a
consummation of the efforts In her
buhalf would not ho surprising , as the
latest Information received here
ehows that responsible parties are In
communication with the brigands
who hold her captive and the latter
know these parties have all the
money that can be raised with which
to ransom the captives.
Cuba's President-Elect Gets 55 Elec
toral Votes to Maso's Eight.
Havana , Jan. 3. The board of
scrutiny has made public the follow
ing returns of the elections held In
Cuba on Dec. 31. Tomas Estrada
Palma. the nationalist candidate for
the presidency of Cuba , has 55 elect
ors , while General Bartolome Maso ,
the democratic candidate who with
drew from the campaign , has eight
electors. The following civil gov
ernors were elected : Perez In Plnar
del Rio , Nunez In Havana , Lecuona In
'Matanzas ' , Gomez in Santa Clara ,
Reclo in Puerto Principe and Echovar-
tla In Santiago province.
Report That It Meets Approval of
Both Argentine and Chile.
London , Jan. 3. The Valparaiso
correspondent of the Times says that
( it can he announced upon fjood author
ity that the protocol signed between
Argentina and Chile was conveyed to
Buenos Ayres personally by Senor
Portella , the Argentine , minister to
Chile , who left Chile/Dec. 29. and
that it will be accepted by Argentine.
The correspondent adds that the call
ing out of the Chilean reserves has
teen postponed , jj
Collier's Insanity/ Not Due to Blow.
Chicago , Jan. > ' 3. Sliced Into min
ute flakes and Hiounted on glass slides
the late Franlt Collier's brain is being
subjected to/'the searching sight of a
microscope under Dr. Thorthstein of
the Unive/rsity / of Chicago. The first
discovery of importance was made
jyosterd/jfy , when the doctor announced
tlnt Df * bad found some peculiar de-
genenftlon of the brain cells of the
once ifcrllllant attorney. As a result
of the ) discovery it Is said that the
that Frank Collier's insanity
| ue to a blow on the head may
be altered substantially.
a Big Dry Goods Store ,
la. , Jan. 3. The Brown
jre was robbed last night
itely two wogan loads ol
lider secured. Manager
estimated the loss at
| stlng of clothing , dry
ewelry. Bolts of cloth
Icattered along the road
liBtanco , after which the
we followed.
5k Parliament to Aid.
FJan. 3. It IB understood
against his will , King Ed-
bo compelled to ask par 11 a-
a grant towards the Queen
| Ta memorial. The hope that
money for this purpose would
flsed by public subscription has
been realized. Only 185,400 have
fa thus far subscribed and this
will not nearly suffice.
Patrolman Charged With Murder.
Evansvllle. Ind. , Jan. 3. The Van-
tierburg county grand Jury late yester
day afternoon returned a verdict
against former Patrolman Wilbur S.
Bherwell , charging him with the mur
der of Fannie Butler , whose dead
body was found In a stable in May
last. The coroner said the woman
choked to death.
1 , Naval Cortege Follows Body.
Washington , Jan. 3. Impressive fu
neral services were held yesterday at
Bt. John's Episcopal church over the
late Rear Admiral Francis A. Roe ,
U. S. N. , retired. The body was es
corted to Arlington cemetery by a de
tachment of marines.
Think They Have Beardeweel.
Paplllio iob. , Jnra. 8. Sheriff Me-
'Avoy last evening arrested a man
supposed to bo Joe Bcardowcel , the
Assyrian charged with the murder of
jeeb Saldy in Omaha Nov. 30.
- " -
Three Men Killed and Several w
rlously Injured.
Mason , Ga. , Jan. 3. A freight en-
cine , jiint out of the repair shop and
fired up In the round house of the
Central Railroad of Georgia , exploded
without warning yesterday , kllllnc
throe men , Injuring a number of oth
ers and shaking the entire city. The
report was heard seven miles and
houses three miles distant felt the
Ehock. The news instantly spread
that many were killed and In a few
minutes there had gathered at the
gates hundreds of people , including
wives and children of shop employes ,
weeping and clamoring for Informa
The dead : E. W. Hodges , machin
ist ; J. M. McDonald , machinist ; U.
Cornelius , colored helper.
J. J. O'Neill and Henry Fox are fa-
lally Injured.
The negro Cornelius was In the cab
assisting the Inspector , John McDon
ald , who was on top of the engine.
They wore blown to atoms. The oth
ers were at some distance ftom the
engine. The cause of the accident
Is not known. It Is supposed , how
ever , that the negro found the water
of the boiler too low and had suddenly
Injected a stream of cold water on
the red hot crown. The englno was
reduced to fragments.
Convicts Arraigned on Charge cf
Murder In First Degree.
Leaivenworth , Knn. , Jan. 3. The
most novel court which ever sat In
Kansas convened In the library of the
United States penitentiary yesterday
for the arraignment of the ringleaders
ot the mutiny of Nov. 7 and who are
Implicated In the killing of Guard
Waldrupe. Every person In the court
with one exception was either a Unit-
oil States ofllclal or a prisoner , wear-
Ing the stripes. United States Com
missioner Bond was on the bench
and Edward McKeever , United States
assistant attorney , represented the
government. The mutineers , 17 In
number , were brought in , each wearIng -
Ing the ball and chain , and the follow
ing men were arraigned on the charge
of murder in the first degree : Turner
Barnes , Bob Clark , Frank Thompson ,
Gilbert Mullln and Fred Robinson.
Four others , who have not yet been
captured , are Included In the charge.
The warrants were served by a dep
uty marshal , and upon being ar
raigned each of the prisoners entered
a plea of not guilty. The trial will
be held In the prison library at 3 p.
m. today.
Beautiful Detroit Society Woman Ac
cidentally Takes Arsenic and Dies.
Detroit , Jan. 3. Miss Beulah
Wheeler , a beautiful young society
woman , died at her homo on Second
avenue from arsenical poisoning.
Last evening she retired to her room
to rest before starting for the the
ater. Soon afterward Miss Wheeler
called to her mother for aid and said
she had taken the wrong medicine.
What the young woman had taken for
antlpyrln proved to bo arsenic.
Physicians were immediately sum
moned and they worked over Miss
Wheeler all night. Despite their
treatment she died just before day
break. Miss Wheeler , who was 22
years of age , was born In Rome , N. Y.
Many Firemen Are Overcome.
New York , Jan. 3. After a hard
fight the blaze in Keith's theater was
extinguished. The loss Is estimated
at $30,000. Twenty-two firemen were
overcome by smoke.
W. Murray Crane took the oath of
office Thursday as governor of Massa
chusetts for his third term.
Fire Thursday destroyed the dry
goods store of B. I. Winter at Hart
ford , Ind. Loss , $50,000 ; Insurance ,
Judge Eugene S. Elliott of the cir
cuit court of Milwaukee county , Wis
consin , died suddenly Thursday from
heart failure.
A report has been received at Sofia
to the effect that Miss Ellen Stone ,
the captive missionary , has been re
leased. The report lacks confirma
Dr. Royal B. Prescott , who died at
Nashua , N. H. , Thursday , always
claimed that ho was the first union
soldier to enter Richmond after its
Joseph and Mamlo Kelly , children ,
were drowned In a pond near Provi
dence , R , I. , Thursday while sliding.
The boy perished in an effort to save
his sister.
Superintendent of Masonry Steph
ens of the Illlonls Central was ground
to death Thursday near Watson , Ills. ,
while attempting to take from the
track a railroad velocipede.
General Tomas Estrada Palma , the
newly elected president of Cuba , has
received many dispatches and tele
grams of felicitation from various
pa > rts of Cuba and this country.
The Montana supreme court Thurs
day grants a stay to the Anaconda
company' of the order which Judge
Clancey .had given P. A. Helnzo per
mitting 'aim to go into the Anaconda
mines. '
The ( jircat Northern railway has begun -
gun an extensive campaign among
the farmers of Indiana and Illinois
with tjio object In view of securing
them JRB settlers for northern Minnesota
seta and North Dakota.
Evcrctt-Moorc Syndicate Fi
nancially Embarrassed.
Concern Operates Electric Railways
and Telephone Lines In Ohio and
Michigan Depositors Make Run on
Dime Savings Bank.
Cleveland , Jan. 3. The financial af
fairs of the Everett-Moore syndicate ,
owning or controlling u number of ur
ban and Interurban electric railways
and an extensive system of local and
long distance telephone lines In Ohio
and Michigan , passed Into the control
of a committee composed of seven
prominent hankers of this city yester
day. This action was taken , It Is
stated , ns n result of temporary flnan-
clal embarrassment on the part of
the syndicate , which IIIIH for some
time past been affected by the string
ency In the money market.
The aggregate capitalization of nil
the vnrloim properties owned and con
trolled by the syndicate Is said to bo
about $130,000,000.
As a result of the announcement
of the financial embarrassment of the
Evcrett-Mooro syndicate n run wnn
started on the Dime Savings and
BankhiK company , of which Messrs.
Everett and Moore are directors , late
yesterday. All demands were prompt
ly met.
Report That Road Passes Over to Bur
lington and Rock Island.
Kansas City , Jan. 3. The Journal
says : It was authoritatively stated
yesteruay , uiougn omcmi continua
tion was lacking , that the Omaha ,
Kansas City and Eeastern and the
Kansas City and Northern Connect
ing lines had been sold to the Burling
ton and Rock Island railroads and
would be operated by them jointly erIn
In their Joint interest. Instructions
have been received here by officials
of the "O. K. " line to turn over to
the Burlington at Osborn all freight
for Omaha. Heretofore the "O. K. "
and Northern Connecting lines have
been exchanging Omaha business
with the Wabash at Pattonuburg , the
line of the Wabash between that city
and Omaha having until a few months
ago been part of the Omaha , Kansas
City and Eastern system.
Alleged Murderers of Oscar K. Miller
Bound Over to District Court.
Shenandoah , la. , Jan. 3. Oscar K.
Miller , coming from Meredosla , Ills.f
who was assaulted and left out In the
cold two weeks ago , died here yester
day. His head contained nine gashes
and his feet were frozen severely.
Both his feet were amputated Monday
and for a time ho rallied , but the
shock was too severe. The funeral ,
will be held here. Dennis , Mason and
Invin , who are under arrest , were
given a preliminary hearing and bound
over to the district court In $500 ,
which they were unable to furnish.
Disasters to Shipping.
Halifax , N. S. , Jan. 3. The schoon
er Marlon , ashore at Cape D'Or , went
to pieces in last night's tide and the
wreckage of the cargo and vessel Is
scattered along the Yarmouth shore.
The schooner Bobs dragged ashore
yesterday on Porter's Island , West-
port harbor , and Is In a dangerous
condition. The schooner Southein
Cross dragged out of St. Johns harbor
yesterday , losing an anchor and breakIng -
Ing another. She hoisted sail and
ran before the gale. On roacnlhg
Yarmouth she was caught and lifted ,
and filled with water while trying to
make a wharf.
Life Savers Kept Busy.
Chatham , Mass. , Jan. 3. The lifesaving -
saving crews of three stations , the
Chatham , the Old Harbor and the
Monomoy , did good work yesterday In
assisting crews of disabled vessels.
The crew of the schooner Emma D.
Endlcott were kept constantly at the
pumps , for the Vessel was almost
sinking. The Endlcott was taken In
tow for Portland by the tug Buccan
eer. The crew of " 10 schooner Com
merce , which was blown to sea Wed
nesday , were brought ashore by life
savers. They had been rescued by the
tug Lackawanna ,
Honor Henry C. Payne.
Milwaukee , Jan. 3. Postmaster-
elect Henry C. Payne was given a re
ception at the Hotel Pfister last night.
The reception was given at the In
stance of the Milwaukee Merchants'
and Manufacturers' association and
was Intended as a tribute to the es
teem in which Mr. Payne Is held by
the citizens.
Coast Strewn With Wreckage.
Victoria , B. C. , Jan. 3. The lighthouse -
house keeper at Caramanah reports
that the coast is littered by wreckage
In the vicinity of the lighthouse , hut
nothing has been found to fix the Iden
tity of the craft which evidently came
to grief.
"Boss" Stout's Sudden Death.
Washington , Jan. 3. W. H. B.
Stout , formerly of Nebraska and at
one time a conspicuous figure In busl
ness and politics in that state , died
suddenly from heart disease at his
home In Washington Jan. 1.
Armed Ship With Prominent Vene
zuelans on Board Makes a Start.
Fort , do Franco , Island of Martin
ique , .Ian. 3. The British steamer
IliiurlKh , recently rouamcMl the Lilian
udor , linn left tlilti poit for the Vuno-
Kiiuliui count. It carrion among Itn
piHBongurs : Honor MaloH , who In now
referred to as ( lonorul Milton , and HOV-
oral generate and other important
personages of Venezuela , who joined
General Mat OH heto. HesldeH Iho
lendorn of the expedition the Liber-
ador IIIIH on board 300 volunteers and
It IH undunUood It will embark a num
ber of other volunteers on its way to
tin * coast of Venezuela.
The local nownpnporn have pub
lished articles expressing hopon for
the prompt success of the expedition
and the downfall of President Castro ,
whono attitude , the papers add , has
earned for him the enmity of the
whole world.
Previous to his departure from
Fort do Franco General Mates iHMied
a manifesto culling on all hit ) follow
countrymen to take up arms.
Whllo the Lllierador wns nt thin
port Its HldoH were strengthened l y
light nrmor and Its gun portions were
protected. Us armament la of the
modern type.
Tranquillity and Contentment Prevail
In Porto Rico.
San Juan , P. O. , Jan. 3. Governor
Hunt's message to the legislature of
Porto Rico wan read yesterday by a
committee of that body. The mes
sage congratulated the legislature on
the fact that Its work In 1901 had been
vindicated as wise and progroHBlvo and
conducive to the establishment of free
trade between Porto Rico and the
United States seven months before
the existing tariff provided for the re
cession of such duties. In his men
sago Governor Hunt said : "Tranquil
lity and contentment prevail In Porto
Rico ; schools have multiplied ; rail
roads airo being constructed ; the com
merce of the Island IIUH been devel
oped and exports have Increased ; ag
riculture has become more profitable ,
roads are being built and do-Jits are be
ing paid. Toleranct of opinion has
become more common , former antag
onism being forgotten. "
Discovery of Alleged Secret Docu
ments Shows Collusion.
London , Jan. 3. The Times this
morning publishes three alleged BO-
orct documents , communicated b > ilr.
Ular , a prominent student of Chinese
affairs , who recer/y * returned to Europe -
rope from Manchuria and Mongolia ,
which go to prove the existence of a
bargain negotiated between the late
LI Hung Chang and Russia. Under
the terms of this bargain the "Boxer"
movement , which It is hinted was fo
mented by Russia , was to bo turned
against the foreigners. Russia engag
ing to protect the dowager empress
against the western powers In return
for permission to occupy Manchuria
and a free hand In Mongolia.
Says Tuberculosis Is Not Contagious.
New York , Jan. 3. Dr. S. A. Knopf ,
the well known authority on tubercu
losis , in addressing the Academy of
Medicine last night , said that , con
trary to the opinion of the United
States government , tuberculosis was
not contagious. A man with well de
fined tuberculosis could do his work
daily If the proper precautions were
taken. The government , ho said , had
stamped all of those allllcted with the
disease with a stigma which was not
proper. '
To Meet In Minneapolis.
Minneapolis , Jan. 3. Miss Eatolle
Reel , government superintendent of
Indian education , has decided to have-
the annual convention of those Inter
ested in Indian education , Including
the teachers , held here next July In
connection with the session of the
National Education association.
Senator and Mrs. Chauncoy M. De-
pew left Nice Thursday for the United
Silas M. Moore , a pioneer Insurance
and real estate man of Chicago , is' '
dead at Pasadena , Cal.
Stephen D. Fcssenden of MlsolBsIppl
has boon appointed as the statistician
of the department of agriculture.
Paul Blouct ( Max O'Rell ) , tha
French author and lecturer , under
went a successful operation for ap
pendicitis In Now York city Thursday.
The breaking of a largo flywheel
at the Chesapeake and Ohio shops at
Huntington , W. Va , wrecked the
planing shops and seriously Injured
six men.
Territorial Secretary Crimea Thurs
day granted a charter to the Lawton
and Wichita Mountain Railway company -
pany to build a railroad from Lawtoa
to White Sulphur Springs.
According to bacteriologists of the
American Society of Naturalists some
kinds of germs have such an antip
athy for water that they actually com
mit suicide to escape the fiuld.
Flro at Memphis , Tenn. , early Fri
day morning destroyed the building
occupied by Morrlwothcr & Co. and
the Kramer Co. , dealers in millinery
nd dry goods. Loss , $175,000.
A crow of linemen of the Western
Union Telegraph company arrived In
Anacunda , Mon. , Thursday , having
walked all the way from SL Paul and
strung 8 > * ew wire from that cltyt.
At less than
Half Price at
Miss E. J. Bender's.
W II IIUHIOII'nmlilmit. .
Norfolk i AUCVANDICU IIKAH Vloo t'rnililcnl
1C , WAIT / . Cimhliir.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
a General Bankine Business
lluyn luul SollH Exchange.
IntcrcHt Paid on Time Do
DraftH mid Money Orders Siilcl on ajiy Point In IC
A General Steamship and Foreign PIIHSIIKO HtiHlnoHS T
A. HICA.ll , I' . I1. HANL.ON. IT. J. llAhK. W. II. HUUIIOhZ , WM.fcinj
Ezolualvo agent tor the Celebrated Swcetwatcr Rook Spring Coal the
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all Hlzes. TELEPHONE 1.
< SEE = >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
nnnufacturers of the
Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours.
TliolontlitiK Imkomof tlio Htaio ueo It nnd Pr tCi -lr fin r-n4-sn.r1
. /r t- / - t * - * .
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We aim to Give you the Best Value ' ' .
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"The Overland Limited , "
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For full information call on or address
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