THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , DKOEMBRR 20 , 1001 , 3 PRO-BOER TALK NOT IN FAVOR. Lloyd-George Arousen Government Supporters to Pitch of Fury. I IxHidqn , Doc. 19. David Lloyd- , George , M. P. , In speaking hi Ulruilug- ham town hall last night , proclpltatod a Bccno uuprccodontcd In that city elnco the Aston Park riots. The ma ? Jorlty of the audience wore hostile to the speaker and wore enraged hy his pro-Doer and anti-Chamberlain utter ances. They rushed the police cordon Guarding the platform. In the moan" while the hulldlng was besieged from the outside hy a mob of several thou sand people , who fusilladed the audi ence with atones through the win dows. The police reserves wore turned out. and succeeded In dispersing the mob after repeated charges. A num ber of persons were Injured and the town hall was completely wrecked. Lloyd-Georgo and his friends were compelled to retreat to an Inner room for safety. They were unable to leave the building for fear of mob violence and were thus kept prisoners until a late hour , when Mr. Lloyd-Georgo , disguised as a chief constable , left the town hall with a posse ot police men. men.Many Many constables wore seriously In jured In their attempts to clear the streets , which they did not succeed In doing until a heavy downfall of rain nnd sleet came to their assistance. It is rumored that ono civilian has died of injuries received. Several arrests for resisting the police htrvo been made. At a meeting held outside the town hall , resolutions of confidence in the government were adopted. Estimates of the number of demon strators vary from 10,000 to GO.OOO persons. WOMAN LEADS REBEL FORCE. Takes the Place of Her Husband and Brother Who Have Been Killed. V : New York , Dec. 19. A dispatch to the Herald from Colon , Colombia , says : A woman colonel , Senora Ramona - mona Mendozn , fought bravely with the Insurgent forces In the conflicts between the Colombian government and rebel troops at Nombro d'Dlos last week. Her husband and brother were killed last Thursday. When the government troops drove the Insur gents from the trenches on Friday Senora Mendoza escaped to SanDlas in a small boat with Indians. Senora Mendoza has been an Intrepid fighter during the last two insurrections on the Isthmus. She displayed gallantry * n the recent battle at Buena Vista. According to the latest advices the rebels are still offering resistance to the government near Nombro d'Dlos. Rr Strikes Decided Lawful. St. Louis , Doc. 19. In the St. Louis circuit court yesterday Judge Taltey decided that strikes are lawful and that any number of men may band to gether for the purpose of enforcing a demand for an Increase of wages , by leaving the service of their em ployers. The case In which the de cision was rendered was that of El- bridge W. Chase against the Journey men Steam Fitters' union. San Bias a Total Wreck. Colon , Colombia , Dec. 19. The Pan ama agent of the steamer San Bias from San Francisco has issued the fol lowing account of the loss of that ves sel : "Tho San Bias ran ashore five miles north of La Libortad , Salvador. All the passengers and crew were saved. The baggage and deck cargo will bo saved. All the other cargo is under water. The steamer will prob ably be a total wreck. " Storrs Formally Resigns. Creston , la. , Dec. 19. H. S. Storrs , division superintendent of the Bur lington , with headquarters at Creston , yesterday announced his resignation , to take effect Jan. 1 , to accept the po sition of assistant general superin tendent of the Lake Erie and Western , with headquarters at Indianapolis. Mr. Storrs' successor will probably be Trainmaster Fabens of Ottumwa. More Trouble In Ireland , Londno , Dec. 19. The sentences of Conor O'Kelly and the other officials of County Mayo , at Castlebar , are like ly to be the beginning of further trou ble In Ireland. The sentences were secured under the old crimes act of 1887 , which has long bepn dormant. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. The navy department has an nounced the final acceptance of the battleship Wisconsin. Governor Van Sant of Minnesota has granted the requisition of Ne braska for Charles E. Kates , wanted at Omaha for forgery. It has been decided to canonlzo Joan of Arc. A great formal cere mony for this purpose will shortly bo Tield In St. Peter's , Romo. Dr. Matthew D. Mann , In a public statement , said ho and his colleagues look to congress to pay the physicians who attended President McKlnley. Dr. W. E. Bowman of Elkhart , Ind. , surgeon for the Lake Shore road , and au unknown companion were struck by a fast mall train on that road Wed nesday and instantly killed. While suffering from an attack of violent insanity Dexter Knight , a ranchman living near Bryan , Ida. , killed his 5-year-old boy and severely Injured two other of bis children. Dr. Scott Brown , a prominent resi dent of Chllllcothe , Mo. , Wednesday slipped on the icy sidewalk and fell on bis head. Ills skull was crushed and death resulted In a short'time. Two daughters of Mrs. James E. Wing , 6 and 4 years of age , were burned to death In a flro that de stroyed the house occupied by Mrs. Wing and her six children at Canon City , Colo. Another of the children falu-ly burned. JL Wntrr Cnrult nrni The number of carnivorous uronturca found In the water seems out of nil proportion to the usual order of nature , hut thin Is perhaps because the minute , nlmost Invisible crcntnren of which the riven * and ponds are full and which are the main food of the smaller water car- nlvora , live mainly on decaying vege table substance , which Is practically converted and condensed Into micro scopical animals before these become In turn the food of others. It Is as If all the trees and grass on land wore first eaten by locusts or white ants and the locusts and white ants were then eaten by semlcarnlvo- rotis COWH and sheep , which wcro In turn eaten by true carnlvora. The wa ter weeds , both when living and decay ing , are eaten by the cntomoBtraca , the cntotnostraca are eaten by the larva ) of Insects , the perfect Insects arc eaten by Uic fish and the flab arc eaten by men , otters and birds. Thus we eat the products of the wa ter plants at four removes In a fish , while we eat that of the grass or tur nips only In the secondary form beef or mutton. Flali Thnt Uo Forty Mile * nn Hour. Few of us have an accurate Idea of the rate at which llsh swim. When we say that a person Is "as fast as a porpoise poise , " we hardly associate a quick rate of swimming with that Individual , yet he and everybody else would like to be able to get through the water as rapidly. 1'orpolses have been seen to dart round and round a steamer travel ing seventeen miles an hour , thus prov ing their capacity to swim at a greater late than that. The dolphin may be placed on a level with the porpoise , but the bonlto has occasionally boon known to approach forty miles for short distances. Herrings , In shoals , move steadily at a rate between ten and twelve miles ; mackerel swim much faster , and both trout and salmon go at a rapid pace when migrating up a stream for spawn ing. Wlin'es ' are not fish In the scientific sense , but It Is Interesting to note that these monsters swim at a rate of six teen miles an hour when excited , al though their ordinary speed Is estimat ed at between four and five miles. The Question He Ankcil. Sir Peter Edlln of the British bench was noted for his courtesy to prison ers. On one occasion an Incorrigible culprit was sentenced by him to twelve months after the mendicity oillccr had given the usual evidence of bad char acter. "Can't I speak ? " said the prisoner. "Am I to be sentenced without 'avlng 'ad a chance ? " "Certainly you may speak , " said the learned judge. "Say what you please. You shall have every opportunity. I withdraw the sentence I have Just passed until I hear what you have to urge. Take your time. Pray take your time. " "I want to ask a question , my lord. " "By all means. Put any question you wish. " "Look at him , my lord , " said the old rogue , pointing his finger at the men dicity officer. "Isn't he an ugly beg gar ? " Sir Peter laughed till the tears came , but he didn't reduce the sentence. The CoHtllcnt PnlntlnR. The Duke of Marlborough Is believed to be the possessor of the costliest painting In the world , which was at one time the property of the first Duke of Marlborough. The picture Is known as the "Blenheim Madonna , " painted by Raphael In 1507 and now valued at no less than 70,000. It Is eight feet high and represents the Madonna and Child seated on a throne , with a figure of St. John the Baptist on the left and that of St Nicholas of Barl on the right. Its almost fabulous value Is due to the fact that It is one of the best preserved of the artist's works In existence. Dnld ThrouRh FrlKht. The recent case of a boy who be came bald through fright has been dis cussed by sonic people who do not be lieve It possible. But other cases have occurred. Dr. Pozzl , a Paris physician , once treated a fashionable woman who had been frightened by spending a night In a lonely country villa evading the attacks of her husband , who 'had been seized with violent hydrophobia. When rescue came , she dropped para lyzed , and during the next few days every hair of her head fell out Lon don Standard. EnUImn AVrentllnR. Next to gambling the Eskimo men like to wrestle. The usual way of doIng - Ing this Is a test rather of strength than skill. The wrestlers sit down on the floor or In any convenient place side by side and facing In opposite di rections , say , with right elbows touch- Ing. Then they lock arms , and each strives to straighten out the other's arm. UnuTvare * . "Oh , my ! " she exclaimed Impatiently. "We'll be sure to miss the first act. We've been waiting a good many min utes for that mother of mine. " "Hours , I should say , " ho replied rather tartly. "Ours ? " she cried Joyfully. "Oh , George , this is so sudden 1" Philadel phia Press. A no Put it. "I have been upon a llttlo excoria tion , " once said the first Lord Balti more , who constantly misused one word for another , "to see a ship lanced , and there Is not a finer vessel upon God's yearth. You have no Idiom how well It sailed. " We do not believe that any one who makes It n practice to go around and tell people what they should be thank ful for Is ever liked. Atchlsou Globe. r.csncDiNQ o- THE RANGCO , Railroads to Take Up a Work of Vast Importance to the West. Omaha , Doc. Ill , It has Just leaked out from rallmml sources In thin city hat a plan Is now on foot which con- omplates the ultimate rosomllng of all ho western ranges. Thin proposition s one of great significance and many ramifications. Should It bo carried to i successful tssuo , the ranged of No- braeka , Wyoming , Montana , Utah , Ne vada and Idaho will bo vastly affected , f the proper grass plant or plants can > o found , the different railroads most nterostcd In these tcrrltorlco will go a any reasonable oxttmt In furthering the plant. Ilowovor , a condition nocosnnry to any extensive promotion of the schema by the railroads has been plainly stated by thorn to bo the hearty co operation of the government ; to bo given as soon as the possibility of sue- cuss haa been demonstrated by the experimenting of the railways Inter ested. FURNITURE DEALERS COMBINE. Western Iowa Retailers Unit * Orders to Make Carload Lots. Webster City , la. , Doc. 19. A now combination among furniture dealers n central and northern Iowa him Just jcon formed for buying purposes and .o get the benefit of lower freight rates. Dealers will buy wholly In car- oad lots and ship to central points 'or distribution. They will save near- y half the freight rates. Webster City will bo a distributing point for northern and central Iowa. This now combination will hold Its first meeting In Webster City Jan. 3. Over 100 deal ers In this section are In the combine. They hope thus to bo able to compote with the big catalogue houses. FLOUR MILLS CLOSE DOWN. Slack Foreign Demand and Car Short age Given as the Reasons. Minneapolis , Dec. IS ) . Four flour mills of the Consolidated Milling com pany wcro shut down yesterday. There Is every probability that nearly all the Minneapolis mills will bo closed before the end of the weok. The clos ing of the mills results In part from a temporary depression In the demand for flour from abroad. A. C. Lording , president of the Consolidated Milling company , said that a very serious ele ment In the conditions which had com pelled a shut down at this time was Lho shortage of cars in the northwest. Zero Weather In Kansas. Topeka , Kan. , Dec. 19. Light snow Toll In eastern Kansas yesterday. Zero weather generally prevails. Nu merous narrow escapes from death by freezing are reported. Some alarm Is Colt among stockmen on account of the great scarcity of water. , * Hayward Is Bound Over. Lincoln , Dec. 19. The preliminary hearing of C. E. Hayward , on the charge of murdering John J. Glllllan on the night of Aug. 22 , last , was com pleted before Judge Comstock yester day. Hayward was bound over with out bail. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. ChlenRO , Doc. 18. Numerous licnrlnli con- dltlnriH , nbt'ttiMl by llbcrnl HcllliiK nftor n firm opt'iiliiK , brought a Hliarp Hlunip In nil pjraliis today , May whiwt cloiliiK MIC down , May corn 14" ' % ' ' lower uml May oats Vl ® % tlower. . Provisions closed 'JnTic down. Closlnn prices : Wheat-Doc. , T.'i'Xic ; May , 7nfii79 . Corn Dec. , lKle ; May , ( . ( % . - . Oats-Doc. , ll'/ic ; Mny , 44c. Pork Jan. , $1I. ( : ) ; May , $111.75. UlbH-Jan. , JH.-IO ; May , $8.00. Lnril Jnn. , $ ! ) .8Ti ; May , $ .Ki. Chlf.iKO canli quotations No. 2 red whpnt , 80@ttiV&c ; No. 3 red wheat , lOV/nSSc ; No. 3 sprlnK wheat , 71r < i75V4c ; No ? 2 hnrd wheat , 707U'/jc ; No. : i hnrd wheat , 75'Xj/n ) 7lc ( ; No. 3 IIO\Y corn , 04'//if'We ' ; No. 3 new yellow corn , GSV $ < < I(5.c ; No. 2 cash outs , 4(5Ho ( ; No. 2 white oats , 48V4sH8ic ( ; Nu. 3 cash oats , 40c. Chicago Live Stock. . Dec. 18. Cattlp-Uccelpts , 21- 000 , IncludhiK 2.V ) TPXIUIS ; westerns gen erally ir > ( fi2oc lower ; good to prime , JG.2r > ( < J 7.35 ; poor to medium , $ : { .75 < ft5.f 0 ; stockers and feeders , $2.00R4.50 ; cows , 51.00JI-I.05 ; heifers. $2.00rtf > .2fi ; dinners. $1.00CFr- ; bulls , ? 1.7rxa4.M ) ; cnlves , $2.fXXS.7G ; Texas fed steers. $4.30 < gr > .Si. ! Hojfs Receipts , to day , 48,000 ; tomorrow , 40,000 , estimated ; left over , 10,000 ; steady to 5c lower ; mixed nnd butchers , $5.85fi(1.515 ( ( ; Rood to cliolrp heavy , $0.2oJfl.70 ; rough heavy , $5.0050.15 ; light , $5.00@5.X > ; bulk of sales. S5.80 < S .20. Sheep-Receipts , 22,000 ; sheep lOc lower ; lambs ir > < ft2T > c lower ; Rood to choice weth ers , J3.7r.Jl4.40 ; fair to choice mixed , J2.70 @ 3.50 ; western slioep , $3.034.00 ; ntlve lambs , $ > .50&G.55 ; western lambs , $2@4. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City , Dec. 18. Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; lOffiric lower ; choice steers , J5.755J C.40 ; fair to Rood , $4.C.VH8.70 ; utockers and feeders , $2.8. > @ 4. < 50 : western fed steers , ? 4. . ' > OJJfl.OO ; western range steers , $3.rM 4.75 ; native cows , $2,704M.50 ; heifers , $ .1.00 ( W.2.V runners , ll.T.Vii-.CO ; bulls.$2..r.Xft 4.25 ; calves , $3.GO@5.23. HoRS-Recelpts. 18,000 ; lOftlfSc lower ; top , $0.75 ; bulk of suli-s. $5.7.Via.CO ; heavy , $0.05 0.75 ; mixed puckers , $0.00 fl.CO ; llpht , $5.25ffl ! .3T ; pigs , $4 2WHS.OO. Sheep-Receipts , 3,000 ; stronR to lOc higher ; native lambs , $4.75 © > .40 ; western lambs , $4.0@50 ; native wpthers , $3.70(34.50 ( ; western wethers , $3.50R4.2.5 ( ; ewes , $3.00(33.85 ( ; culls and feeders , $1.23. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha , Dec. 18. Cattle Receipts , 3,500 ; slow , best steady , others C10c low er ; n&tlvc beef steers , $4.0Ofi0.75 ; western st rs , $3.7GiT5.70 ( ; Texas steers , $3.60Jj4 40 ; coirs and heifers , $2.80 )4.05 ) ; canners , $1 50 C12.70 ; stockers and feeders , $2.254 40 ; calves , fa.OOQO.OO ; bulls , stags , etc. , $1.75 M,10. Hops-Receipts. 12.WX ) ; slow and lOo lower on nil kinds ; heavv , $0.0000.70- mlied , $0.20510.40 ; llKht. $5.80Qfl.l5 ( ; plRs. jn.CXVjIG.W ) ; bulk of sales , $0.00ft0.30 Sheen Receipts , 3rXX ) , steady to stionR on sheep , lambs unchanged ; fed muttons. $4,0t rtt-1.25 ; fed lambs. $ .7.rxfiG.r > 0 ; ewes. J3.00JJ 3.43j : ommon und stock sheep , $2.75 < Q3.25 St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph , Dec. 18.-Cnttle-Rccclpts , 1 , 000 : steady ; natives , $3.25Jt7.15 ; cows am hulfprs. $1.00fi5.25 ; veals , $2.50fti.23 ( lockers and feedera , $2.001.25. HORS Receipts , 11,000 ; weak to lOc lower ; llfiht and light mixed , $5.SO < Q.GO ( ! ; medium nud hoary , fp.U54iO.75 ; ptgv , $3.75&l.25. A Woman's Awful Peril. "Thuro is only ono ununuo to savn our life and that Is through an oponv ion"woro the Hturlltng words heard by Mm. I 11 , Hunt of Llmo Itldgo , WlH , , 10 in her doctor attur ho had vainly rlod to cure her of a frightful oiuui of tomaoh tronblo and yellow juunilleo. Gall Htonos had formoa nud she con- liintly grow worse. Thou she began to IRO Klootrlo Hitters whtuh wholly cured icr , It's u wonderful Htomuoh.llvor and cldnuy romudy , Ouros dynpnpHlaJ IOHM of apimtlto. Try it. Only f > 0o. Guar anteed , For mile by A. II. Great tonlo , braoos body and bruin , Irives away all impurities from your ystum. MalcoB you well , Hooky Mountain Tea. itrxi , Goo , 1) ) , OlirlH- oph. _ Just ns n Fire proads in dry gratm and woods , NO does in inflammation of the throat the ro- nit of a cold grow down into the sen * Itlvo iitr-piiHHi\KOH of the InngH. The old , like the lire , should bo promptly loalt with. When yon begin to cough , iso Allen's Lung Hiilmun. It will our- ninly heal the sere throat and lungs and it may MIVO you from ooiiHumptlon. The only direot route between ( Jull- ornia and the oust is the Union Paoillo , 'Tho Overland Houto. " This was the Irst road to span the continent with bands of steel. It made friends in thono arly days it Is making them now , on iccount of iln superior Hervico and uport ) emiipmont and qnlolc traiiiH. Kor full information call on or mldronH " . 13 , KlHotTor , agent , Saw Death Nenr. "It often nmdo my heart uuho."writos i , 0. OverHtreot , of Klgin , TOMII. , "to iear my wife cough until it Hoeimtd her veak and sore lungs would colhipm - < eel ( doctors Hiild she was so fur gone vith consumption that no medlolno or rrthly help cop'tl ' HIVO her , but a fiieiul ocomineuded Dr.Klug'H Now Ic.ovory ind pornistont UNO of t'iin ' oxcellunt mod- olno saved her lifo. " It.'s absolutory ( uarantoed for conKliH , colds , bronchitis , iHthmaand all throat und lung dko.iKOH. > 0o and $1 at A. II. Kiosau's. Trial hot- Jo free. _ A Good Cough Medicine. From the Gn/.otto , Toowoombii , AUH- ralia. I find Ohamborlam'H Cough Ilumedy is an oxcolont medicino. 1 uivo bson sull'oring from a Kovuro cougher or the liiflt two months , and it IIUH of- 'eotod a euro. 1 have great pluiuuroin ecommcndlng it. W. O. .Woc'knor. This is the opinion of ono of our oldest ind most rospeoted rriidontH , und han ) eon voluutiiirily given in good faith hat others may try the rommly mid bo lonofitcd , as was Mr. Wooknor. This remedy is sold by Kietmu Drug Co. A cold , cough or la grippe onn ha "nipped in the bud , " with a iloso or two of Foloy's Honey nnd Tar. Beware of substitutes. A. II. Kiosnu. Nasnl Cuturrh quickly yields to treat- nont by Ely's Croniu JJnlm , which in agree ably nroinutio. It is rocoivcd through the noiitriln , clcnimos and licnla the whole Biir- nco over which it difmaoB itself. DruggiatB Bull the GOc. 8i7.o ; Trial eizo liy mail , 10 couts. Test it nud you nro euro to cautiiiuo , ho treatment. Aiinounccnicni. To ficcomimxliUo those who nro partial o the UHO of ntoinizora in applying liquida nto the lineal jinssngoB for catarrhal trou- 'iles ' , the proprietors jiropnro Cream Ilnlm iu iquid form , which will bo known ns Ely'a Liquhl Cream Unhn. Price including the spraying tube it 75 cents. Druggists or by nail. The liquid form embodies the incd- cinnl properties of the Kolid preparation. To Stop a Cold. After exposure or when you fool a : old coming ontako , n dose of Foloy's lonoy and Tar. It never fails to stop n cold if taken in timo. A. It. Kiosau. H. T. Mclutyro , St. Paul , Minn. , who ms been troubled with ndwordord atom- ich , says , "Ohamborlaiu'H Stomach and Liivor Tablets do mo more good than inything I have over taken. " For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Wonderful West. Towards which the eyes of the west are turned ; where great opportunities are open to everyone , is best and quick est reached by the Union Pacific. No bettor trains iu the world than those run via this line. For full information oalljon or address J. B. Elsoffer , agont. Says He Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk , " writes H. Robin son , HillaboroDgh , 111. , "but Bnckleu's Arnica Salvo completely cured them. " Aots like magio on sprains , braisescuts , sores , scalds , burns , boils , ulcers. Per fect healer of fikiu diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by A. H. Kiesau. 25c. Coughs and Colds in Children. Recommendation of a well known Chicago physician : I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for al most all obstinate , constricted coughs , with direct results. I prescribe it tc children of all ages. Am glad to reo- ommeud it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bron chial afllictions. It is non-narcotic anc safe in the hands of the most unprofes sional. A universal panacea for nl mankind Mrs , Mary R. Molendy , M D. , Ph. D. , Chicago , 111. This remedy is for sale by Kiesau Drug Co. A Blow in the Back. An overcoat is a necessary nuisance and the tendency to take it off on warmish days in late autumn and win ter is as strong as it is unwise. A treacherous wind bits yon in tbe back and the next morning yon have lum bago. Rub well and often with Perry Davis * Painkiller and yon will bo aston ished to flnd how quickly all soreness is banished. There is but one Painkiller , Perry Davis * . Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the Intestines pro duces effects like those of arsouio , but Dr. King's New Lifo Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels , gentlv , enoily but surely , curing constipation , biliousness , sick headaaho , fevers , all liver , kidney nnd bowel troubles. Only 25o at A. H. Kioeau. Brain F-ood Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has boon branded by the most competent nuthori- ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is uoodod for NOISES ? ALL , CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention , Only those born deaf arc incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. ' F. A. WERMAN , OF BALTIMORE , SAYS : IULT1MOHK , Mil. , Mnrch v > , toot. GtHtltntrn . - Ilf Inn entire ly rur t d of ilenfneM , tlunkt to your treatment , 1 will now give you R full lilnlory of my c r , to tie ined nl your illxcretlon , AlKint ( we ycHtR iuo ; my tight ear bcRim to line , and thli krpt on RCttlne wore , until I Io t my hearing In tnUenr entirely , . I underwent n ticiitineiit furrntnrrli , for thtf c iiioiilln. without nnvMicceM , con iHed num ber of pliynlclnnii , nnmtiK otheri , the moit eminent rnr upcclnlliil of thin city , who to d me Hint only nil nperntlon rntild help inr , nnd even Hint only tetniwrnrlly , Hint the liend nolic * woulij thenrenne , 1ml the hrnrlliK in the nlTrcIrd rnr would lie lout finever. I then Hnwvout nilvertUeinriit nccldminlly in n Nrw York | > < Mirr , nnd onletrd yourlre * ! . menl. Afterllmd uneil It only n few ilnyn ncronlliiK l' ' < your direction * , Hie noi ciice ed , nnd loilny. nfler five wrrku , my lienrlny In thedl rnrrd enr ha * tieen enlltelyieitoted. I tlmnk you lictttlly niulbcc liMcnmln Very Ituly your * . 7 V A. WURMAN , 7jo8 Ilroauirny , Ilnlllmore , Md. Onr treat mnnt. donn not. intcrfnt'c with / / i/r HHIUII occupation , YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIfi , 59R ' ft SALLE AVE. . CHIH/iOO / , ILL. train , another for numoloH and Htill an- ither for bones. A unrrimt dint will not mly nourlHh u partitutlur part , of the tody , but , it will mmtaiii ovnry other ) i\rt. Yet , howovi-r good your food may HI , its nutriment In destroyed by In- Hgestlou or dyHpnpula. You miiHt pro- > urn for thi'lr uppniiraiu-o or provunt heir coming by tailing regular doses of Green's August , Flower , the fnvorlto nodliiino of the htmlthy milltoim. A 'ow doses aids dlgoslion , stiuiulatos the Ivor to lumltliy notion , purilli-H the ) lood , and million you fuel buoyant , and vigorous. You can gnt Dr. O. ( J. irnon's reliable reinodlos of the Itiomvu Drug Co. Got Qroou'H Special Almnnao. Satisfied People are the best advortlmirH for Foloy's Honey and Tar and all who UKO it ngroo that it is a splendid remedy for oougliH , colds or Here lungH. A. H. KloHiiu. Had a Good Time. A J. Snoll wanted to attend a party , tut , WIIH iifruid to do HO on account of miiis in bin Htonmoh , which ho fuiirod would grow worm ) Ho HiiyH , "L was oiling my troubles ton lady friend , who wild : 'Ulmmbnrliiin'H Colio , Oliolorii ind Diarrhoea Hemody will put you in xmdltion for the party. ' I bought u bottle and lake pleumiro in Hinting that ; wo doHOH ournd mo and enabled mo to nivo a good time lit the party " Mr. 3nell iH a resident of Rummer Hill , N. Y. This remedy IH for Halo by Kicmiu Drug Co. Olios. Ropioglo , Atwntor , O. , was in very bad Hhapo. Ho says : "I HtilTorod i great deal with my kidneys ai.d WIIH requested to tiy Foloy's Kidney Ouro. I did so and in four days I WOH nblo to go to work again , now I am entirely well. " A. II. Klesau. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them When you fool dull nftor eating. When you linvo no appotito. When you hnvo n bad tusto in the mouth. When your llvor is torpid. When your bowels nro constipated. When you hnvo n hendnuho. Wlion you frol bilious. They will improve your nppotito , cleanse and invigornto your stomach nnd rpgulnto your liver nnd bowols. For sale by Kiesuu Dnig Co. A beacon light to the Hick and af flicted. A lifo enoonrngor. Take counsel with yourself today nnd UHO llocky Mountain Tea tomorrow. Pence and comfort follow its use. Goo. H Ohristoph. Women and Jewels , Jewels , cnndy , llowors , man that is the order of n woman's proforouces Jewels form n magnet of mighty power to the nvorugo womnn. Even that greatest of all jewels , hnnlth , is often ruined in the Htronuous efforts to mnko or HIIVO the money to purchase thorn. If n womnii will risk her health to got n coveted gem , then lot her fortify her self against the insidious consequences of coughs , colds nnd bronchial nffootioiiH by the regular UHO of Dr. Boscheo's Gorman Syrup. It will promptly nrrest consumption in its early stages nud honl tho'nffected lungs nnd bronohinl tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not n euro-nil , but it is n certain cure for coughs , colds nnd nil bronchial tubes. Yon can got Dr. G. Or. Green's reliable remedies nt A. II. Kiesau's Drug Co. Got Green's special almanac. Information Wanted. The mnnnfncturors of Banner Snlvo hnving always believed that no doctor or medicine can euro in every case , but never having heard where Banner Salvo fniled to cure ulcers , sores , totter , eo- 7. < mm. or piles , ns n mnttor of curiosity would like to know if there nre such cases. If so they will gladly refund the money. A. II. Kiesau. J. W. Bryan of Lewder , Ills. , writes : "My little boy was very low with pneu monia. Unknown to the doctor wo gave him Foloy's Honey nnd Tar. The result wns mnglcnl and puzzled the doctor - tor , as it immediately stopped the rack ing couKh and he quickly recovered. " A. II. Kiesau. Headaches , dizzy spells , bad blood , rheumatism , indigestion , constipation , absolutely cured if you take Rocky Mountain Tea , made by Madison Modi- son Co. 85o. Geo. B. Ohristoph. O. W. Lynch , Winchester , Ind. writes : "I owe the life of my boy to Foloy's Honey and Tar. Ho had membranous - branous oronp , nnd the first dose gave him relief. Wo continued its use nnd it soon brought him out of danger. " A II. Kiosau. Editor Lynch of Daily Post Phillips burg , N. J. , has tested the merits o Foloy's Honey and Tnr with this result "I have usrd a great many patent rome dips in my family for coughs nnd colds nnd I cnn honestly say your Honey nw Tnr is the best thing of the kind I hnvo over used and I cannot say too much iu praiseof it. " A. H. Kiesau. fluttering or irregular pulsa tions are an indication of weak ness of the nerves or muscles of the heart. A weakness long continued produces deformity and organic disease. If your heart action is weak , make it strong. Huild up the muscles and strengthen the nerves with the greatest of all heart reme dies , Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Tho Icnsti PxcrtJon or excite ment caused my heard lo throb nnd pound and I hud aiH'lls , | Kiln and Thrw boltloHof Dr. Miles' Ilcarf , Cuns ( ivcrc.atiK ! all these dlaturl > - anci'.s and made mo well. " Mua. .1. A. COUTH , Upper , Ohla D * . Miles' quiets the nervous heart , regu lates its pulsations and builds up its strength as nothing else can. Sold hy druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind HEADACHE At alf rfrug itorti. 25 Do * . 2St. RED CROSS * F I L-L. DC CINCHONA CO DCS -r For Sale by Of or go B. Ohriptnph. CATARRH Druggist 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm Gives Rellal at once. It clcnn-es , soothes nnd I liealo Ikeillsem-iMl momI I brnne. It Catarrh L . cure * , - - > * r % and drlvrg nwuy a Cold U A V FF V t R In the Head quickly. It M I lK.VK-11 Is absorbed , llruli and Protects the Membrane. Kf stores the Sen PCS of Taste nnd Smell Full slro 60C.J Trial Slzo lOc. ; at lriiBKi ta < ir by mall. KLY I3HOTHKH8 , 60 Warren Street , Kcvr York. Road Notice. To all whom it may concern : The commissioner appointed to view and locate a rood commencing at the north west corner of section twenty-five (25) ( ) , township twenty-one (21) ( ) , north , range one (1) ( ) , tveet of Gth p. m. , and running thence east ono mile and terminating at the north-east corner of said section 25 , township 21 , range 1 , has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto , or claims for dam- apes , must bo filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 3rd day of February , A. D. 1903 , or such rood will bo established without reference thereto. Dated at Madison , Nebr. , this 2Cth day of Nov. , 1901. PHIL. BAUCH. County Clerk. DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mude only by Madison Medi cine. Co. , Madison , \Vj. | It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 centd. Never sold In bulk. Accept no jubstl tute. Ask i' > tcoKp < mToi > jour