The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    TIIK JSQltFQLiK NEWS : tflUDAY , DECEMBER 20 , ! OU1. n
/ /
iamond Rings ,
T aKRjiias ; ; ; ' '
Grape Rijgs ,
'Wo h TO a larko icloctl'oa of tint QolU'RIngi '
with other .Prccloui HtoaeR. Wa bar * Dln-
vBibud HlnRt ffrtm fl 00 np , Will he pleated to
. , how what wo hats in tbo RDR ! Link. '
p. .
Good lot at Junction $ 70.00
House and ) acre , 8d St 850 00
House nnd largo barn 4000.00
' 'House barn , % acre , 4th St. . . 1200.00
House at Junction 700.00
'Loons on Real Estate Low Rates.
Wishes to call your attention to
the faot that ho has a specially
large and fine stock of candy for
Christmas. He has mixed candy |
from To per Hi np. 'All the load
ing makes in the finer grades ,
Allegretti's , Baldnff's , Wood-
wardst | in very handsome paok-
agon. If 'in doubt what to 'buy !
for a Christmas present , remember
a IOE box of candy is always
r. acceptable and always appro
priate. We would also ask you to
select your remembrances early.
Towards tho'week''s end come * the
crowds and consequent confusion
and hurried purchases so dften
unsatisfactory. For the next few
days we can give you all the at
tention yon may desire. Don't
forget that if you buy it hero the
one who receives it will kuow it
is right.
& *
Conditions of the Weather as recorded
for the 2"4 ' 'hours ' ending at 8 a. m. ' to
day : , t ' , ' A " ' f"i
' Maximum temperature 0
Minimum temperature -12
' Xverhgelv.-.1. ' -fl
fenow , Cinches 00
Preoip'itakion 00
Total precipitation for month 59
Barometer 29.80
Forecast , , for Nebraska : Generally
air tonight and Saturday. Warmer to ?
Bight.'aud east portion Saturday.
\ . Santa Glaus paid an early visit to the
homo of ; Mr and -Mrs. Wm. Schwert. ,
Merger'and left "them a nice lnew
W"owLwas recovod < this week lof the ,
arriogp.of ifls Lydia B. Donhatisen ,
, to Mr.'Clarence AtMonroe , offLovolaml.
' ' Stole1 ; on Thanksgiving1 day. J- r <
, J * 0 $ < salef.oc the Elks , minatrJjls
"Jon the 26th opened this morning at
* JLieonard's with quite a lively demand ,
f ijwhich promises well for the attendance
* "at that entertainment , j - j
Miss Minnie Brummund , of THE NEWS
jforce , returnedj last QTening from 'Blonx
* City , where she has been visiting her
/sister ' , Mrs. Ed. Hummel , for the past
'ton days. Mrs. Hummel and son re-
* Burned with her.
\ f Mrs. Katie Rutherford , who has been
vifliting at the homo of her unole , L. A. '
lost evening by her Norfolk friends and
departed today for Colorado , whore she
will join her hnaband.
' President Roosevelt , ycstorday sent
tho-namo ofJohtol II. Socor to the
senate , dominating hhn for postmaster
at Madison. Mr. Bocor luocoods Seth J.
Arnott who has served in that capacity
for a term of four yearn.
The Sixth grade , Lincoln building ,
Miss Sisson toaohor , gav6 for their "clon
ing exorcises this afternoon n cantata
entitled "A Visit to Santa Clans. "
They had for their guests members of
the Sixth , grade , High flchoolhnUdtog , ,
' fholndiorfof MyttloHlVo.iNo.jaO , I// /
O.-T , ( St. , are preparing to giro their
third ainual ball.iu Marqbanlt ? hall on
Now Tear's ove. They have engaged
good music and it is promised that their
reputation for entertaining pleasantly
will be sustained on this occasion.
Milton Qunchlo , general agent Quo
Yadis , was hero today making arrange
ments for the RppoaraucV ) of that , at
traction in on tile night of Jan
uary If ) . "QuoVadis" 'is oho of the
western attractions of the Carpenter
company that so satisfactorily presented *
"For Her Sake" hero some wcolcs ago
The Mahara minstrel troupe performed
to a rather light audience at the Audi ;
torinm last evening but gave a fairly
good minstrel show. Their bass and
tenors deserve especial mention and the
member who assumed the role of a
ballot girl was very clever , it being a
surprise to many when ho removed his
wig. The orchestration was likewise
very good.
The 'Christinas trade is beginning
early this year , especially in the ox-
ohau'go of gifts between distant friends.
C. R. Haggard , the genial jlocal mana
ger of the American Express company
and his obliging assistant , Dan Frazor ,
are already realizing that their positions
will not be sinecures for the next week.
They "wish/the r people understood that
by getting "packages in early 'for deliv
ery they may preventfdieappointmont ,
as 'iWs expected ihat from now on tthe
largo carrying facilities of the company
will bo taxed to the utmost capacity.
The sale 'of state property at the Nor
folk hospital for the insane yesterday
afternoon , conducted by Governor
Savage's representatives , was ' not a
financial success , the property being
disposed of at about one-fourth its actual
value. The proceedings resulted in
squandering about 70 per cent of the
value of the property sold , that the
governor's idea of economy might be
gratified. If the governor's other econ
omic moves show as gratifying results
as the removal of the Norfolk hospital
from Norfolk the state is not likely to
got out of debt during his term of olllco.
Jonathan Perrian of Chicago , 111. , was
a city visitor today. Mr. Perrian was
manager of the first beet sugar factory
that at Ohatsworth , 111. during the
last three years of its existence and
takes an especial interest in the beet
sugar industry of today. The Chats-
worth factory was built in 1803 nnd by
the old process then in use could secure
but 76 per cent of the juice of the beet
and 8) Per cent of the sugar content.
They used what he describes a "slam"
press , bone filter , used the open coil for
reducing'jnico , and vacuum pans about
on the same principal as now. Owing
to these inadequate processes the factory
was a failure , not being able to extract
enough sugar to pay for the beets , let
alone enough to pay for the expenses of
running , the factory.
Great Bargains
in ladies' fine winter jacket. Through
a mistake with our New York manu
facturer we just received 15 more ele
gant jackets than were wanted. ' They' '
go with o'uf closing , out Bale at cost.j
J WPLBASE.NOTICE There' willj be { .no
Sunday school Institute at the Baptist
church Saturday afternoon and evening
as Dr. Stephenson is afraid he cannot
make necessary connection for his next
appointment.If yon read this please
tell others abont it that they may not'be
disappointed. >
When yon want a load of hay call A.
T. Pettitt. - Phone 'A 179.
Eastman kodaks at the Bookstore.
Fine china at the Bookstore.
Christmas trees and holly at Schor-
regge's. '
Farm and city loons.
CUT GLASS Never diminishes in
value , and we can show you pieces of
lasting beauty5rr . , , . , , , ,
WATOTE&T-NO ; jeed , to guess , fThe
o'orrecflime' "alwaysnf handvlf'yon
ate .prowdedVwithtoruo ! \ olt Gayest * celo-
bratfld--watohes. . , Rghttojthe { : second.
"li'Aiglon" pud tlefwil } fit-any eel *
lar at Norfolk Tailoring company.
A full line of fresh fruits always on
hand at Bohnort's.
ri - - - 11 - i
VWatonesin" styles , sizes and grades'
at Wra. BrVttil's jewelry land optical
store. „ . . . . . , . . - „
Men's underwear , glovosmittenshats
and caps at cost at Bohnert's.
JEWEUIY Nothing but guaranteed
goods leaves our coses. Yon con rely
6n-wEaVyou YniyVlHiu you1 lity : ,
out KMB ! or-jowelry horo.fffhut.'B worth
everything ,
A big lino'of nome nmdo candies' at
thd 'oanay Mtohonf 'jv f , *
homo made chocolates nt
Notice to Stockholders ,
The regular annual mooting of the
stockholders of Norfolk National bank
of-Norfolk Nebraska , will bo hold at.s .
banking rooms on Tuesday , January 14J
1003 , between the hours of 10 o'clock a.
m. and 4 o'clock p. in. of said day , for
thp elect jpn of directors , * " ' '
Norfolk Nobr. , Do. 14 , 1001 ,
> , d t < tv1. U. fcuciioi.7. ,
, , President.
Beautiful out glows at the 'Bookstore ,
Spare ribs at Glisauian's.
Dressed chickens 8 cents n pound at
the Palace moat market.
Celery 5 and 10 cents a bunch at the
Palace moat 'nmrk'pt.
' The "Mao-Horldlo" full dress shirts
at Norfolk Tailoring company.
Christoph for flue line of holiday
goodsr '
Gardner & Boiler deal in improved
and unimproved lands. Ranches and
town property for sale in Pioroo , Cedar ,
Knox , Wayne and Holt counties , also
lands and ranches in North and South
W. B. Vail , the jeweler and optician ,
has a Sleigh for sale for $7.00.
0. II. Reynolds was a passenger for
Omaha yesterday.
Dr. P. H. Salter made a professional
trip to Osmond today.
Miss Louise Fricko and Miss Kate
Moran of Madison wore in Norfolk yes
Mr.-amlMrs. G. W. Box of Sioux
City wore meeting their friends in Nor
folk today.
Miss Maud Deuol is expected from
Madison tonight to spend the holidays
with Miss Lulu King ,
Charles Verges is homo from Water-
town , Wis. , where ho is attending
school , to spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakoman and
son , Olato , returned last night from a
trip to eastern Iowa , Chicago and other
Al Hopkins and Pat Chambers of Til-
don are in the city to attend a meeting
of Elkhorn encampment , I. O. O. F. ,
Mrs. O. R. Ellor and BOH , who have
boon visiting n Norfolk for n month ,
will leave tomorrow for their homo in
Miss Bertha Willo is in the city today -
day ourouto to her homo in Neligh to
spend her Christmas vacation with her
Miss Gortrndo Elont/ , who is attend
ing the Wayne normal school , is ex
pected homo tonight to spend her holiday -
day vacation.
Dr. R. A. Mittleatadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
We moke loans on real estate at
lowestrates. Elkhorn Building and
Savings association. T. E. ODIOUNE Sen.
Don't fail to go to Bohuert's if you
need anything in fruit.
Brookfield farm sausage the very
best for breakfast at Gliesman's.
Souvenir spoons with cut of burning
hospital at Hayes jewelry store.
School and Sunday school committees
are invited to inspect our line of candy
and < nnts for Christmas , purposes. . Our
prices are as low as any and you can do- '
pend'on the' goods. ,
A'large'assoHment of confectionery ,
' ' '
qanj'ao'w be { seenat , Thu'm's candj
kitchen and restaurant.
Beautiful lamps at the Bookstore.
" Nuts ahd fruits at Schorregge's.
'State streetr ( folded * imperial ties at
Norfolk Tailoring company. \
The largest line of solid gold rings ,
over 700 to sejept from , at W. B. Vail's.
'HolibaV Excursion Rates.
The Union'Poclflo.will sell tickets on
its lines for the holidays at greatly re
duced rates.
For dates of sales , limits and points to
which tickets will bo sold , apply to J.
B. Elsofferr agent.
Fresh oysters at Bohnort's.
Christmas tree ornaments at Schor-
reggo's. * * _
. Oysters ,35tcen3 { a quart at the Palace
meat market. '
bollBBt Oh'risfoph'B.
" 'On'ocoouritoi going away I wish to
dispose of alVmy hoosqhold. , goods and ,
cqw within , the next JO , days. . ? '
Mince moat 10 cents a pound at the
Palace meat market.
y' "Toys at Sohorrogge's. 9
" ' '
' 'dnYgUss peiffumo bottles and fine
perfumes at Ohristoph'a.
Pork tenderloins at Glissmau's.
Fine pictures at the Bookstore.
Sturgeon U the piano man. ' , .
t 1 , V
Council Petitioned by Ereq-
) holders ,
Protest Against Acceptance of the
Norfolk Electric Light and Power
Qompanyts-OfTcrvrAttornQy Thinks
Horse Owners Should bo Pnld.
The city council mot in regular ( ten
sion last night with the mayor and all
thocounqllmon , present except Dcguer ,
The public worlfB oouimljtoo Htatod
that complaint had been made that tlid
pipes in the ; pumping station' ' had boon
allowed to freeze , thereby making \i \
temporarily unable to punjpand that the
committee had invofltigatod and foniuY
the matter greatly exaggerated , but had
put in a stove to jut vent a recurrence of
the trouble.
A communication from the olootrlo
light company amuuliug Uieir proposi
tion to furnish the city with lights was
road , OH follows :
Norfolk , Deo. 1 , 11)01. ) To the Hon
orable Mayor and Council , City of Nor
folk. Guntlomuii : On the mime hufllu an
our proposition of December 5 , 1001 , wo
will f urntHh :
Twenty lights for $5 per month each.
Twonty-fivo lights for f 1 7r > p r
mouth oaoh.
Forty lights for $ -1 25 per month each.
Fifty lightu for f-i per month.uiioh.
Lights to start at setting of moon and
stop at rising at moon , when rising or
setting takes place during the livening
By U. II. PuttorBon , ProH.
The communication was ordered filed
with the original proposition , to betaken
taken up and considered , with that.
A petition signed by. Albert Wilde and
187 other citizens protesting against the
acceptance by the connoil'of the propo
sition of tbo Norfolk Electric Light and
Power company , was prosoflto'd and road
and ordered filed.
t t i \
The following petition signed by 10
resident freeholders of the First waid
was presented : ,
To the Mayor diid Council of the City
of Norfolk , "Nebraska : Wo , the under
signed resident freeholders of the First
ward of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska ,
do hereby respectfully ask that an elec
tion bo called for the purpose of enabl
ing the electors of said city to vote UJKJII
the preposition of issuing the coupon
bonds of said city in an amount not exceeding
coeding five per cent of the taxabloprop-
orty of bald city as bhown by the last
annual assessment , mioh bonds to bo ia
sued by the city for the purpose of rais
ing money Hnlllciont to construct , oper
ate aud maintain an electric lighting
system for said city aw provided in art-
clo 5 , of chapter 14 , of the compiled
statutes of Nebraska , the electric light
ing plant to bo operated in connection
with the waterworks system of said
Petitions of the same intent wore pre
sented from the Second , Third and
Fourth wards. The Second ward poll
tion was signed by 19 free holders , the
Third ward by 10 and the Fourth ward
by 14 free holders.
The city attorney was asked for at/
opinion as to the legal right of the
council to make such a contract as that
proposed by the Norfolk Electric Light
and Power company. Ho thought the
council could not legally ontcr into
such a contract without first making
an appropriation Rufllciont to fulfill
such contract , which could not be done
at the present time.
It was moved by Brummund and seconded
ended by Uhlo that the council proceed
to pass an ordinance calling a special
election to vote bonds as requested by ,
petitions from the several wards. On
roll call Brummund and Uhlo voted for
the motion and Clements , Gow , Spell-
man , Westervolt and Walker voted
against it. The motion was declared
A motion then prevailed that the
entire , electric lightvmattor bo laid over
until the next meeting. ' J
i "ported , in .the
matter of damages claimed by T. ' "L.
Denningor and O. P. Dudley for horses
killed and damaged in waterworks ex
tension 'ditch that , as far as he could see ,
the city would bo obliged to pay the
actual vallne of the horses killed and
damaged , but as to the claim of 0. A.
McKim for veterinary services in same
cages , ho was of the opinion * , that Mr.
McKim would have to collect his bill
fronijtho. owners of the horses or the
persons who employed him.
The mayor was authorized to appoint
a special committee of three who in
connection with the city attorney should
confer with the claimants and settle on
the amount to bo paid. The mayor ap
pointed as such committee : Wester-
velt , Gow and Uhlo.
An ordinance requiring the building
of a sidewalk on the south side of blook
10.HoAse > suburban Jot addition , ! ! 'was
, reed and laid ever ( until ho noxtmoot ( >
The city attorney requested more
time tyr thq cpnqidcffation cjf tho. K water
rate ordinance stating that , ho , thought
it would be necessary to' draw 'an en
tirely new ordinance. The request was
granted , the attorney and committee on
water rates to consult in regard to the
inatter , and the council adjourned. ' * ' H ' '
Before "buy ing elsewhere got prices on
Christmas trees , candles and trimmings
at Thnm's candy kitchen.
Remember our closing out sale is go
ing'on right along jind there are plenty
of.gpods which jon will need ( and can
buy of un at n great Having to yourself ,
drr goods and clothing'
' '
'liu'ob ,
Win. I ) , Vail , the jeweler and opti
cian , hnn the Inrgost holiday line in the
, A largo variety , of line candy at Hohor-
Farinn WIUM ! for iionronldmitR col-
lections' nmdo. Insurance written by
Gardner & Boiler.
at the Bookstore.
The best of bulk oysUirs at GllflH-
Christmas true ornaments at Schor-
Moprnqhantn pint * at
See the Holiday line of neckwear at
Norfolk Tailoring , company.
dnoks and turhuyn 10 cents a
pound at the Palace meat market.
Furs of all kinds for OliriHtnuw pros-
sonta Clusters , collarettes , muffs ,
boas and capon at Damn Bron. ' closing
out pale. A ohauuofo , you.
Holiday Presents in Gents' Furnish
ing Goods.
A stock full up-to-date in everything
you may \visli. Elogiint ties , bowR ,
four-in-liatids , gloves , suspenders , shirts ,
mufilors , silic and Ilium handkerchiefs , '
underwear , lints and capH , at closing
out priccH. DAKM Duos.
- 1
HOLIDAY Goons A magnificent allow
ing. No trouble in dueling what you
deslro as hqliday romombrant'OH. We
can satisfy every taste and suit all
pocket books.
HAYICK Jitviti. . nv AND
If you want a good suit of clothes
cheap try Bohuort'H.
OhrlstmoH trees and holly nt Schor-
Everything now in hosiery at Norfolk
Tailoring company.
Holiday goods at the DoolcHtoru.
Fresh fish at Gllssnmn's.
Howard Miller BOld HO tons of coal in
otio day Tuesday.
O , L , Fibber pf Oalulalo was down
hero on business Saturday.
Howell Avery of Tildeu was visiting
hero Sunday , with relatives.
Sheriff Losoy of Madison was traim
acting business hero Friday.
George Funk went to the Black Hills
Monday for a visit at hovoral points.
Frank Schinldns shipped a * carload of
fat cattle to the Omaha market Sun
Tun Curnibiuo of Sioux City was vis
iting ins sick brotherThomas , hero Sat
Ray Evann of Norfolk was hero Mon
day socking a job in one of our printing
Postmaster Willis , Conrad Werner ,
HT. , Carl Praouuor and Mrs. Mo/er , sr. ,
are on the sick list this week.
The holiday vacation of the Battle
Creek schools will commence December
20 aud will last to January 7 , 1902.
Mrs. GHousoloit returned Monday
from a week's visit with her daughter ,
Mrs. Ernst Relkofski at Warnorvillo.
Wednesday our creamery was not in
operation. The caueo was hick of cus
tomers on account of bad woathor.
Ouo of the boys here played a game ,
that they call "rough town. " He paid
his occupation afterwards , amounting to
The members of the Battle Crook
Geman Mutual Fire Insurance company
will moot hero on the 10th day of Janu
ary , 092.
0/E. Fields of Omaha was transact
ing business here Tuesday for ( the Ne -
broska R-etail Ljqnor Dealer Protective
" " ' < f ' " '
< * , ) . s < -r > r t \ i ,
'Since the snowy weather most of rour
sidewalks are in a bad condition to walk
on. The ordinance to that effect should
bo enforced. ,
Wm. O'Brian of Madison was work
ing here the latter part of hist week in
the interest of the Security L'ifo and
Trust company of New York.
, , Apgust Steffon , second teacher of the
Norfolk German School , played Ihe
.organ in tho' Lnthprn clinch hero' Sun
day. Pr9fessor Deering was abbent.
Mrs. Geo. S. Venable , who was re
ported sick last week , died Tnosday
morning of paralysis. The funeral took
place Thursday morning from the M. E.
church , Rev. Leedom officiating.
Banm Bros , ore offering a good oppor-
tpnity to got your Christmas presents of
cost. PlonV of fine Ue'sirable. goods' to
select from. , j
a Notice to Stockholders. j.j' :
, The regular , annual1 meeting of the
Btockhold'efS of' the 'Oiti&ns National
bank of prfolk" , Jfqbraskn wUl Jiotd
in its tanking rooms QU Tnoeday , Janu
ary 14 * , Io02betfween | the hbureof * 10 a.
m. and i pm. } far the , elettionv. of dl- !
Norfolk , Neb. , Dec. 14 , 1001.
f "G. A. LUJKART ,
Log cabin and. Canada eap maple
syrup , the best on the market , at Boh
nert's. _ j
The White .House and Mellowrich
coffece.oome and try them ut Bohnert's' . '
' > N a 11
Notice Tor Publication. , ,
Department of the interior , Land Of-
Heo nt O'Nolll , Nobr. , Docetnbor IH ,
1001. Nutleo in hcroby glvon that the
following niunod sottlur has tiled notice
of hlH inuintlonto make final proof in
npporU > f hia dlalm , and that Raid proof
will lfr.nialo before olnrk of the dlHtriot
court nk Mmlunn , NobraHkii. oil Fobrn-
ary I , 11103 , iEmma : J. ForguBon ,
1 no > B0
' - ' ' ° -
Ho nainofl the following wltnonnon to
provo hip continuous residence upon
and cultivation of Raid land , viz : \
William Doyil , John Kbnrly , A. N ,
MoGlnnlH of Waniorvlllo , Nob. , Wm.
T , ForgiiHon , Norfolk , Nob.
RoglHtor ,
Get your Christinas bon bon and
ohw'olato IK > ( > at Thuiu'a candy
kitchen ! lib hiu ) noino very line ones.
I I I U * M .
Ma } Q jour money got inoro and bet
tor vnlno for your , ChrlstmaH proHontw ,
by nttniidlng Banm Bros. ' closing out
' ' ' *
Im ] > orlod silk and llslo hand woven
handkorohiofH at Norfolk Tailoring
OUr Winter Stock
iH now comploto. Qixll and
nomparo qHalltloH with
oily stores anywhoro.
J. & E.
fltlmits It ,
The goods are difl'orcnt. .
The finest in town.
Pine China ,
( Jut ( I hiss ,
E-.usy llockors ,
.Heautiful Couches ,
, /'Jlogant ' Dining Tables ,
Chairs of all kinds ,
$27.00 Hugs , only $18.00 ,
$ H.OO Hugs , only $2.00 ,
Prettiest Center Tables ,
Host Piano bargains ,
Host Organ bargains ,
Hlatuary ,
Lamps that give the host
light , use the least oil ,
easiest to wick.
The entire stock is different
from what you can find in any
other stores , and the prices as
low as Omaha or Chicago.
Tim following mpnengo linn
bewi received at tlio Sniitu
( , lmin hmidciuiirtorn for Nor
folk and North Nobnuku :
"BANTA CLAUS CAHTI.K , Utopia. North
Pole Dncomtor I , 1001.
Kir.HAii Drum Co. , Sautn Cluns Head-
qanrtnre for Norfolk und North Nabrai-
ka , W 111 arrive nt your store Mondsy ,
Docomtio * ! l , nnrt will mnko my head
cHfirtnrn | with you only 1 find 1 can
carry more nrotty and useful piftsatid
difttrlliiitn thorn hatter tlmu atiywhero
else in tlio whole of North Nebraska ,
itasnreto atinouuce to tlio people my
beftdquarUrB. SANTA CLAUB "
v We will devote almost our entire -
tire store { o-the display of
fop and >
.fjolaij Goods ,
consisting of
Fancy Goods ,
Celluloid Goods ,
Books ,
( All Books Sold at Coit. )
Perfumes ,
> ; Dolls ,
i FancytStationery ,
fToys , 'etc. , etc. ,
pf qvery1 imaginable kind , boll-
vday goods for use and ornament.
0nf e.ntire atorq is. taVlngjon * that
UhriNtmas tone that makes holi
day shopping so satisfactory.
Kiesau Drug Co.
Finest line of Cigars
la the City.
* i '