The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    i ! * - " " * , i
Federation Convention Acts on
Several Questions.
Opposition of. Telegraphers Voted
Down After Lively Debate Chinese
Exclusion Resolution Adopted Uni
versal Label Not In Favor.
Scniutou , Pa. , Dec. 11. The oxclu-
blon of Chlimmun , Japauuso and other
Asiatics from Ainorlcau territory ,
ticket scalping Icgluliitlou anil tlio ad
visability of adopting n uuivursal label -
bol for uulon-mado goods wore the
principal Questions that claimed the
attention of the delegates at yester
day's session of the American Ketlora-
tlou of l abor. The resolutions advo
cating the exclusion of the Chinese
were adopted by the convention with
considerable hurrah , but In the matter
of excluding natives of Japan and
other Asiatic lands a snag was struck
and that part of the anti-Mongolian
legislation was killed so far us the
present convention Is concerned.
The special committee having charge
of the exclusion matter was unani
mous In favor of supporting the Chi
nese exclusion , but was divided In
regard to the Japanese. The Pacific
coast delegates led the discussion on
Chinese exclusion , but were divided
when it came to excluding other Ori
entals. The burden of the remarks of
those opposed to the Japanese resolu
tion was that Chinese Immigration
was the greater evil of the two and
that to insist upon some restrictive
law to prevent a Japanese Invasion
may ehjlangor the passage by con
gress of the Chinese act
The ticket scalping debate was
quite a lively affair. The delegates
representing the railway telegraphers
opened the fight against the resolu
tlon , making the point that such ac
tion was beyond the jurisdiction of
the Federation. The "typos" were
helped along in their argument for
the adoption of the resolution by so
eral socialistic members. When the
viva voce vote waa taken those in fa
vor of permitting ticket scalping won
by an overwhelming majority. The
agitation for a universal label , which
I has been carried on for a long time ,
vras again defeated.
\ The convention disposed of much
routine business during the course of
I the day. The important question of
trade autonomy will bo sent to a spe
cial committee , which will bo an
nounced today.
.Annual Meeting of American Beet
Sugar Association.
Washington , Doc. 11. At the annual
meeting hero yesterday of the Ameri
f can Association of Beet Sugar Manu
facturers the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year : Presi
dent , Henry Oxnard ; vice president ,
W. L. Churchill of Michigan ; secre
tary , W. L. Hamilton of Now York ;
treasurer , Julius Stroh of Detroit.
About 30 members of the association
were present at the meeting , includ
ing representatives from California ,
Utah , Nebraska , Minnesota , Michigan ,
Wisconsin , Ohio and New York. Vari
ous committees were appointed and
the work of the association for the
future outlined. The condition of the
beet sugar Industry vras discussed by
the members and statements were
presented showing that the capital In
vested at this tlmo amounts to over
. $30,000.000. The association is strong
ly opposed to the proposed reduction
of tariff on sugar imported from Cuba
'Rejected Lover Shoots Girl and Self
Portland , Ind. , Dec. 11. David
Carlo , the rejected lover of Mabel Dar
lington , adopted daughter of John
Bpaher , a wealthy farmer residing
near Elaine , this county , fired two
bullets from a revolver into the girl
and then shot himself twice through
the headd. The girl is still alive ) " but
as one of the balls penetrated the
chest below the left nlpplo and tlio
other passed clear through her side ,
, her recovery is doubtful. Carle at
tempted suicide by hanging a few
weeks ago.
Reward for Arrest of Fleishman.
San Francisco , Dec. 11. I. W. Hell
man , president of the Farmers' and
Merchants' bank of Los Angeles , has
authorized the offering of a reward of
? 2COO for the arrest of H. J. Flelsh
man , the absconding cashier of the
bank , and an additional reward of
$2.600 for the return of the money
taken by Fleishman , amounting , it is
eaid , to $100,000.
Sold Negroes In Bondage.
Now Decatur , Ala. , Dec. 11. Ben
Milan , colored , an ox-slave of Law
rcnco county , Is under arrest , charged
with an unusual crime. It is alleged
that Mllam has for some time been
engaged in kidnaping negroes and sell
ing them ao slaves to the white man
ugcr of a Tennessee river island , some
miles below Decatur.
Bomb Thrown Into School
Corder , Mo. , Dec. 11. A bomb was
thrown by an unknown person Into
the hallway of the public school build
Ing while the pupils wore practicing
for their Christmas exercises in the
second story. The explosion shool
the building and tore up a portion o
the lower floor. No one was Injured
Schaeffer Beats His Record.
Philadelphia , Doc. 11. E. C. Schaef.
for , national swimming champion ,
representing the University of Penn
sylvania , established a now record To
300 yards last night in the champion
Bhlp contest und.or tlip auspices of th
\nmt"ir Athlollc union , at the
nan rliow. Ho covered I ho dint mini
n four mlmttoH ami two-flfthn of a
second. Tlio previous best record
undo In a cbamplonahlp race was four
ninnies and seven sucundn , hold by
Springer Says If Passed It Will Be
Vigorously Fought In Courts.
Chicago , Dec. 12. lion. .John W.
Springer , president of the National
/Ivo Slock association , returned you-
onlay from Washington , where ho
md an Interview with Prosldont
loosovelt upon matters now before
congress , and In which the stockmen
of tlio country are Interested. Mr.
Springer expressed lilmsoff as fully
satlslled that the stock and Irrigation
ntorests will receive Just consldera-
Ion. Speaking of the Grout bill , In-
.reduced In congress last week , Mr.
Springer expressed himself strongly
against the measure and said : "Tho
dairy Interests have brought all their
ntlucnco to bear to secure an immedi
ate passage of this bill and I will note
) o surprised to see the measure a law
at an early day. "
Speaking for the packing Interests ,
Mr. Springer declared there was but
one way In which the measure could
jo defeated and that was for every
man identified with the Interests op
posed to the Grout bill to writ * to the
senators representing his state and
ils representative In congress de
manding that they vote against It.
Mr. Springer declared that even
should the bill become a law It will
bo contested through the supreme
court of the United States.
Ask Insurgents In the Field to Lay
Down Their Arms.
Manila , Dec. 12. The Woman's
Peace League , organized under the
leadership of Senorlta Pobleto , a Filipino
pine , has transmitted letters with
the permission of General Chaffec ,
urging peace upon the Insurgent gen
eral , Malvar , and other Filipino chiefs.
These loiters remind the Filipino lead
ers in the field that the war has de
stroyed Innumerable homes and dev
astated largo territories , all of which ,
while it abundantly proves the tenac
ity of the insurgents and their faith
in their cause , does not remove the
fact that the operations of American
soldiers throughout the Islands dally
demonstrate the resolution of the people
ple of the United States to make their
sovereignty respected throughout the
archipelago. The league urges the
leaders to make peace to avoid great
er evils.
Costly New York Blaze.
New York , Dec. 13. Fire broke out
in tko Denniaon Paper Manufacturinc
company's storehouse early this morn
ing. Within half an hour the Donnl-
eon company1 * plant waa a wreck.
The whole building was filled with
paper and a varied uiortmont of nov
elties made of it , such as flowers ,
shades , napkins , etc. , as well as a
stock of heavy paper and an assort
ment of tags and the machinery with
which these ore made. The fire at
tacked the roar of Hegeman's drug
store , but was kept from the principal
stock. The loss will reach $250,000.
Condemned Man Will Ask New Trial.
Des Molnes , Dec. 12. The two men ,
Brooks and Phillips , condemned to
death for the murder of John Sunblad
of Albert City , will appeal to the supreme
premo court and ask a now trial.
They have been taken to the peniten
tiary at Aanamosa to await the exe
cution of the sentence ono year hence ,
but their attorney has prepared pa
pers asking for a new trial and If re
fused ho will appeal to the supreme
court. Forty reasons are assigned
why a new trial should be granted.
Funston Coming Home.
Manila , Dec. 12. General Funston
will sail for the United States on Dec.
16 , on the transport Warren. The doc
tors have ordered a change of climate
and the general is going homo on sick
leave. Ho has improved in health
since ho left the hospital. Governor
Taft will sail for home on the Grant
on Dec. 20. Ho says that the rumors
to the effect that ho will not return
here are incorrect
MacArthur Ordered to Denver.
Washington , Dec. 12. Major Gen
eral Arthur MacArthur , who has been
stationed In this city recently as a
member of the board on army posts
and as a member of the army provost
board , has been ordered to Denver , to
assume command of the Department
of the Colorado , vice Brigadier Gen
eral H. C. Me rlar , retired.
Kitchener Takes the Field.
London , Dec. 12. "Now that Gen
eral Ian Hamilton Is hero , " the Pro
torla correspondent of the Dally Tele
graph cables , "Lord Kitchener has
personally taken the field and is dl
reeling the movements of the troops. '
Absorbs the De Smet Mine.
Lead , S. D. , Dec. 12. The Homo-
stake Mining company has absorbed
all of the stock of the Father Do Smet
Mining company and has taken pos
session of the De Smet mill and the
now hoisting plant.
Yukon gold is declared by a Cana
dlan metallurgist to contain largo
quantities of platinum.
Insurgents in Iho province of Cama
rlnes attacked American troops , kill
ing three soldiers. The Filipino loss
was heavy. Fighting In Batangas is
causing many to leave the province
Count von Buelow , in reply to an in
terpollatlon In Iho German relchstag
declared that the powers concerned in
Polish affairs woreunjled lo proven
agitation looking toward the Independ
of Poland.
neifectual Effortu to Gain Lnpa Re
sults In Increased Speed ,
Now York , DOI12. . HlRht thousand
icoplo at Miullstm Square Garden
nut night saw Wiilthour , fresh from a
wo-hour'R roHt , try to steal a lap on
he- other riders In the six-day bicycle
moo. Ho was unmiccoHftrul. Later
MrUnehcrn'n middle broke ami Wall-
lour was dragged out from a sound
E > k'c > p and obliged to Jump Into litn
uaddlo to relieve his niato , Half
asleep Wnltliour struggled out onto
ho track amid the wildest excitement
on the part of the moors. Although
Jutlor was out to rollovo McLean , the
alter had not dismounted and was
sprinting wildly around the oval.
Waltliour did not know who to follow ,
ho men bofng strung around the oval.
U'llofu ciuiiu and wont and at times
> otli team malt's of a team Would bo
riding al once. McLean and Uullor ,
loth riding at a terrific pace , finally
sucreodcd In getting a lap. It was not
illowcd on the ground that neither
man dismounted while they ratulo the
gain , Holes roqulro that ono of the
men shall dismount when his relief
gees on the track.
The Hcoro at 2 a. in. was : Fischer
and Chovullur , 1,422.4 miles ; llutler
and Mel.oiin , 1122.5 ; NoAVklrk and
Munro , 1.-J22.G ; MolSachorn and Walt-
iour. 1,422.5 ; Maya and Wilson ,
1.122.5 ; LnwRon and JulltiH , 1122.3 ;
King and Snmuulunn , 1,422.3 ; Habcnck
and Turvllle , 1,522.4 ; Fredericks and
Jnak , 1,422.1 ; Hnll and McLaren ,
1.422.1. The riders were 30 mllea
ichlml Iho rqoord.
Boers Charged With Shooting Blacks.
London , Doc. 12. Lord Kltchonur'R
promised statement specifying 37 sep
arate Instances In which unlives huvo
boon shot by Boors and which Involve
the loss of 84 lives was Issued by Iho
war office tonight In some of the
cases mentioned the blacks wore shot
afler an Informal court-martial or
upon being accused of spying , but In
numerous Instances Lord Kitchener
intimates the natives were shot In
cold blood In order to hide traces of
the movements of Boor commandoes.
The period covered by Lord Kitch
ener's statement Is over a year.
Mies Frlzzell Gets Vordlot for $14,000.
Omaha , Dec. 12. A verdict in favor
of Miss Frlzzoll was returned about
4:30 : o'clock last evening in the fed
eral court by the Jury trying the suit
of Miss Agnes Friezoll of Fort Smllh ,
Ark. , against Joseph C. Root , sovereign
eign commander of the Woodmen of
the World and nthorn fnr a. tinhllrn.
tlon In Iho TIdlngB. That publication
Miss Frlzzell alleged was llbclous and
tended to brine her into disgrace.
O'Gorman Reported Archbishop.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Doc. 12. There
is a well authenticated report that IU.
Rev. Thomas O'Gorman , 'bishop of
Sioux Falls , Is to bo made archbishop
of Manila , P. I.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chlcnco , Dec. 11. Unlvrrpal M-IIInc In
grains todiiy placed the control of markrtx
In the ImmlH of the benrn it ml practically
routed the lilt ; bull campaign tlnit IIUH ter
rorized Hhorts for tlio punt wn-k. A fulut
effort wns made at times to xupport prlcrx ,
but the louses of today , with those of yes
terday , ncKrcKnted too much and every
thing felt the dlsaitron * depression. Miy
wheat clostrt lc lower , M y corn Ic down
nnd May oata Ic lower. Provisions cloned
a'/y ZSc lower. CloHlnp prleen
Wheat-Dec. . 7(5c ; Mny. KHf.'a '
Corn Dec. , 3Wcj Muy. 6 < ! V4c.
Oats-Doc. , 44e : May , 4SV4P.
Porlc-Jnn. , $18.55 ; May , JHI.
Itlbs-Jin. , $8.45 ; Muy , $8.110.
Lard-Jaa. , $9.85 ; May , $0.82 .
Cash quotations No. 2 red wheat. 82
84V4c ; No. 8 spring wheat , 1Wj@7tlc ; No. 2
hsrd wheat , 77'X.eeOc . ; No. 8 hard wheat.
TOV4 V70e ; No. 2 rash corn , OCVic ; No. 2
wbltc corn , 07c : No. S n w corn , C4'/4c ;
No. 2 CBBU oats , 47 < ft47H ; No. 2 white o t ,
Chicago Live Stock.
ChlcaRO , Dec. 11. Cattle Ufcclpts , 23-
000 , Including 100 Texans ; choice westerns
steady , all others Hharply lower ; good to
prime , ? 0.2.r.a.7.75 ( ; poor to medium , J4.00 < g
5.00 ; stackers and f der , $2.00rl.l5 < !
oow , $1.0OJM.r 0 ; hclftri , Jl.2nfi3.80 , can
ners , $1.00 < 2' > .1M ; bulls , $2.00314.00 ; calves
$2.tXXfJ5.50 ; Texas fed iteera , $4.fiOSO,40
HOKS Hccelpt8 , today , 65,000 ; tomorrow ,
45,000 , estimated ; left over , 15,000 ; heavy
steady , others Sftlfic lower ; mixed and
butchers , 5.8rflUO ; Rood to cholc heavy
$0.2390.00 ; rough heavy , $ B.OOQ .00 ; light
. , . .
Sheep-necelpts , 23,000 ; slie p steady to
utroue ; lambs strong to lOe higher : good
to cholcn wethers , $3.GO < S4.i5 ! ; fair to
choice mixed , $2.75(33.40 ( ; western sheep
$3.0034.00 ; native lurabs , $2.505.25 ; west
era lambs , $ L..00&4.10.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City , Dec. ll.-Cattlc-Hecelpts
10,300 ; beef steers steady to lOc lower
other cattle steady to strong ; choice expor
and dressed beef steers , $5.83ft'7.00 ' ; stock
ers aud feeders , $ y.00 < 34.50 western fed
steers , $5.00(20.25 ( ; western ranjo steers
$3.5OJl .00 ; native cow * . $2.75 5.00 ; helf
era , $3.50(25.75 ( ; bulls , $2.4034.00 ; calves
$4.25(38.75. ( Hogs-nocclpts , 23,000 ; heavy
hogs steady to 6c higher , light 6OT10e low
er ; top , $0.75 ; bulk of salex , $0.0000.70
heavy , $ O.G5fi0.75 ( ; mixed packers , $8.25(2 (
0.70 ; light , $5.50 10.76. Sheep-Uecelpts
6,000 ; strong to lOc hlnher ; native lambs
$4.60(34.85 ( ; western lambs , $3.85 < ii > 4.03 ; ua
tire wethers , $3.504.00 ; western wethers
$3.2533.75 * ; ewes , $3.00B3,75 ; culls and
feeders , $1.75(20.25 ( ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Dec. 11. CattU-Ilecelpts
3,300 ; generally nUadyj native beef steers
f4.007.00 ; weMern steers , $3.75 3.23
Texas steers , $3.504.40 ; cowi tad heifers
$2.00 < 3 < .7& ; cancers , $1.BO2.7C ; stocker
and feeders , $2.7634.53 ; calves , $3.00il5.73
bulls , stags , etc. , $1.7VR4.00. ( Hogs-Ue-
celpts , 13,000 ; MWo higher , light slow
heavy , $0,25iJl ,40 ; mixed. $0.10'30.20 '
light , $5.80170.16 ; pigs , $4.75410.75 ; bulk o
salds. $0.1 51 .30. Sheep-Receipts , 2,600
steady ; fed muttons , $3.0'SI'.1.85 : gris
wothers. $3.00n3.33 ; fed Iambi , $4.2. % < < t4,75
grass lambs , $3.7534,23 ; ewes. $2.503.SO
common and stock h p , $2.0033.10.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
Rt. Joseph , Dec. ll.-Cattle-Kccelpts , 2
600 : natives , $3.4027,23 ; cows and heifers
$1.2. 0.60 ; veals , $2.50raC.25 ; bulls Mil
stagr $2.005K > .00 ; stackers and feeders
$ ' . > .UO'34. 5. Hogs-Itocclpts , 11,000 ; stean
to 5c lower ; light and light mixed , $5.05 (
0.55 ; medium uml heavy , $0.25(30,70 ( ; plgi
$3.5025.00 ; bulk ,
Snvco Children From Fire Panic.
ClilciiBo. Hue. II. Whllo t'louihi of
RinoUo IIlied the liiilhvityn from a DOITO
lin which niKoil In the ImmMiitMit of
ho Lincoln Hchool ycHtonluy , ICtliol
larkur , ill yearn of am' , mil at a piano
n thu innlii 'oiTlilor uiwtnlrH unit
ilayotl a llvoly t\voHtoi | for tlio ! ll)0 )
lillih-t'ii to hoop tlmo to wlillo march-
\\K \ \ out of the Imriilni ; bitllilliiK. 'I'll1
child did not coano | ilaylii | ; until the
oHt pupil had loft the hiillitlnt ; anil
vlicn Him tried to < MidiHI ] HIOvan !
\vlt-o driven back by cloudu of ili'iim *
nmoUo , which by that tlmo rolled
hrotiKh the corrlilorH. Mho Dually
reached a door and wont to the llt'Hl
lour by KropliiK aloni ; the wullii and
tiloni ; Iho HtalrH lnmlntoni ,
A Woman's Awful Peril.
"Thoroisonly ono ohanno to mvvo
our lifo and that < H through an opora-
itm"woro thu ftarllliiK wortlH hoard by
, lrn. 1 B. limit , of Mum Hid o , WH. ! ,
rein her doctor after he had vainly
riod to euro her of a fright fill CUHO of
tomneh trouble and yellow jiumdlco.
lull HtonoH had formed and Him con
duit ly grow worm ) . Thou Him buKau to
IHO Klootrlo Hlttorn which wholly an rod
lor. It'n a wonderful Htomanhliver and
cidnoy romody. Oimw dyspopHla , Ions
f appotito. Try it. Only fiOo. Ouar-
ntood. For Halo by A. 11. Kiomui.
Great tonlo , hraucH body and brain ,
riven away all inipuritUw from your
yHtom. AlakoH you well lloulty
lountaln Ton. line. Ooo. 1J. OliriH-
Our Frlomls , the Druggists.
It iH a ploiiHtiro to testify to the Konor-
illy high oharaotor of drugKiHtx. Hut
MH'.miHo of a few oxc.optioiiH to the rule ,
t IH necesHiiry to caution the public to
10 on guard ag.iiiiHt imitatioiiH of I'orry
) aviH * Paiulcillur. See that you got. . the
ight article , the Hoothing , liolpful
'alukillor that WIIH UHod in your family
mforo you were born. Don't bo taken
nto buying a nubHtitntu. There in but
ouo Painkiller , I'orry Davit * ' .
Saw Death Near.
"It often made my heart aoho."wrltoH
j. 0. OvorHtroot , of Hlgin , Tumi. , "to
leur my wife cough until it Hoemwl her
vuak and nore ItufgH would collupno.
jpod dootorH Bind Him WIIH HO far gene
vitli coimumption that no medicine or
earthly help could PIIVO her , but a friend
ocommondod Dr.King'H Now Discovery
ind pondHtont UNO of tliiH excellent , ined-
oiuo Havod her lifo. " It'fl absolutely
guitrumood for couglm , colds , bronchitis ,
iHthmaand all throat aud lung diseases.
fiOo aud $1 at A.II. KioHuu's. Trial hot-
lo froo.
A Good Cough Medicine.
From thn Oa/.otto , Toowoomba , AUH-
; ralia. I find Ohamberlaln'H Oough
lomedy ( H au uxcoloiit medicine. I
lave boon sufforimr from a Bovoro couuh
or the last two months , and it has of-
eotod a euro. I huvo great pleasure iu
recommending it. W. O. Wocknor.
fills ia the opinion of ouo of our oldest
ind most roHpoctod residents , and has
> oou volnutairily given m good faith
hat others may try the remedy and bo
benefited , as was Mr. Wockuor. This
remedy is sold by Kicsau Drug Oo.
A cold , oough or la grippe can bo
'nipped in the bud , " with a dose or two
of Foloy'H Honey and Tar. Beware of
substitutes. A. H. Kiosau.
Nnsnl Cdlarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Crcnm llnlm , which ia nfjrco-
ably aromatic. It iw received through Iho
notitrilB , cleRiiHcs and lionls the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Uniggihtfl
sell the COc. Bi/.o ; Trinl size by mail , 10
conta. Tout it nnd you are euro to continue
.ho treatment.
To ftccommodnlo these who fire pftrlinl
, o the UHO of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for calarrhal trou-
'jlei , the propnolors prepare Cream Unlm in
liquid form , which will bo knowu as Ely'u
Liqukl Crenm Balm. 1'rico including tlio
praying tube is 71 > conln. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form cinbodioa the ned-
ioinal properties of thn solid preparation.
To Stop a Cold.
After exposure or when you fool a
cold coining on , take a dose of Foloy'H
Elouoy and Tar. It never fails to atop a
cold if taken in tiuio. A. H. Kiosau.
H. T. Mclntyro , St. Paul , Minn. , who
laH been troubled with a difiorderd Btom-
aqh , sayB , "Ohamborlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets do mo more good than
uiything I have over taken. " For sale
jy Kiosau Drug Co.
Says He Was Tortured.
"I Buffered such pain from corns I
r\ 1 1 ImWIlvirn1lr * ' irrifna TT T.nliin >
son , Hillsborongh , 111. , "but Bucklou's
Arnica Salvo completely cured them. "
Acts like magic on sprains , bruisescuts ,
sores , scaldfl , burns , boilH , ulcerH. Per
fect hoalcr of skin diseases and piles
Cure guaranteed by A. H. Kiesau. 25o
Coughs and Colds in Children.
Recommendation of a well known
Chicago physician : I use and prescribe
' for almost
Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy
most all obstinate , constricted conghs
with direct results. I prescribe it to
children of all ages. Am glad to rco
ommend it to all in need and Booking
relief from colds and coughH and bron
chial afllictiouB. It is nou-narcotio and
safe in the hands of the most unprofon
sioual. A universal panacea for al
mankind Mrs. Mary R. Meleudy , M
D. , Ph. D. , Chicago , 111. This remedy
is for sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Victory to be Proud Of
is the final and absolute euro of a sere which the rawness aud tender
ness have been spreading dangerously
near those guardians of life , the lungs.
The luxury of a Bound throat and ro
bust lungs is most keenly on joyed by people
ple who , having Buffered all the conso-
quoncoH of a''little cold , yon know , "
have boon rescued from misery and dan
ger by Allen's Lung Balsam.
Food Changed to Poison.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro
duces effects like these of arsenic , but
Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels , gontlv ,
easily but surely , curing constipation ,
biliousness , fiick headache , fevers , all
liver , kidney and bowel troubles. Only
25o at A. II. Kiesau.
Brain f-ood Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad hafl boon
branded by the most competent authori
ties. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that ouo kind of food is needed for
Vk < * ) * * ; /
' 'i
by our new invention , Only those born deaf arc Incttrnble.
llAt.TIMOKIt , Mil . Mntrll jo , I'mj.
Guttlrmtn - tletiii ; entirety mini of dcntiicM. llinnk'lo your ticiitinciil , I will IK W c.lvc you
n full liMoty of myniHi' , ( n In-nml ul join illwri-lloii.
About live yciiiH nn m\ \\K\\l \ \ \ cur l > Ciin to nine , nml tills krpt on Krllliii : wotur , tllilll I lo t
my 1iriuliilti | OilNciit riilliely , , . .
I uiiilet\\fiil u tinilniriit lor riitiuili. for ( lure iiioiiMm. ulllum ! iinymicrcm , rnnwilkilii 1111 n.
lirrof iiliyMclinx , iinioim ollieii , tin-mo.I rinlilcnt rnr npi i inlihlof llilmiiy , who lo il tin-1 il
cinly nil oiicrutloii i-iinlil littn me. Mini rvcu Unit only ti'iniK.riitlly , Hint Hit Ill-nil iiolHci w.n .il
, lint Ilielicilillll ! Ill tliciilUclnli-tii wmilil lir toil '
Illicit wiiVMiiir nilvettUrmiMt nreMiMi-nllv In it ' < Vul. | .nipi. | nml nr.lctri ] viiitrltr
mpiil. Afterllmil mnl It onlv n few IHVH | inviiillni ; lo your illrirliuiiii. Hie
lo day , niter fiviMviTU * . tny licailni in lIuMlimwrileiii liuHliKti cnlllcly tmtuiril. 1 tliillil :
. , cntllylmllc .oKMnin Viry tuilv yo
, mllmfle ( , , Mll
OKI- rent mail / ' " ! nut tniay'i'i'i' it'llli your itmiat tiwuMtllnn \ *
AWAI P-UHHS n'n * SAII-ftx'F | rrJ > l'M"1'
train , nnntlmr for imiHoloH and Hlill nu
ll luir for hniioH , A corra-l dint , will not.
) iily nourish a particular part of the
mily , but it. will Himlaln iivnry ether
inrt. Yol , howovi r good your food may
10 , ilH niilrliiinnt IH dontroyod by In-
HgoHtlon or dyHpopHla. You nitiHt pro-
inro for their iippoaranco or prevent
biiir coming by taking regular ( Uwos of
Uruon'H AugiiHt Flower , the fnvorlto
uodluinn of thn healthy millloiiH. A
'ow ' clonus alilH dlgoslion , HtimulatoH the
Ivor to boalthy notion , purilli'H the
ilood , and miilum you fool buoyant and
vigorous. You can got Dr. O. G.
"Iroon'H reliable remedies of the Klimau
Jrng Oo.
Out Qreon'H Special Alnmiiao.
Satisfied People
ire the b ( > Ht udvortiwirH for Foloy'H
lonoy and Tar and all who mo it : agree
that it. is a Hplondld remedy for cougliH ,
colds or mm ) lungs. A. II. KioRau.
Had a Good Time.
A J. Snoll wanted to attend a 'pwty ,
nit WIIH afraid to do HO on account , of
miiiH in bin Htonmoh , which ho foarud
would grow worm ) . IIu HnyH , "I waH
tollliiK my troublofl to a lady frimid , who
Haid : 'Uhamborlain'H Ooliu , Oholura
ind Diarrhoea Homody will put you in
jondltloii for the party. ' I bought a
jottlo and talco pleasure in Htating that
.wo doHOH cured me and enabled mo to
mvo a good time at the party" Mr.
3noll IK a ronident of Bummer Hill , N.
Y. This remedy IH for sale by Kiesau
DruK Co.
OlioH. Roploglo , Atwater , O. , was in
very bad shapo. Ho Hays : "I milTorod
a great deal with my kidneys ai.d wan
oquoHtod to try Foloy'H Kidney Oaro.
[ did HO and in four clnyB I wan able to
go to work aRain , now I am entirely
well. " A. II. Klosan.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Try them
When you fool dull after oating.
\Vhon you have no appetite.
When yea have a bad taste iu the
When your liver IB torpid.
When your bowolH are constipated.
When yon have a headache.
When you frol billons.
They will improve your appetite ,
cloaiiHO and invigorate your Htomach and
rcgulato your liver and bowels. For
sale by Kiesau Drug Oo.
A beacon light to the Hiok and af
flicted. A life oncoaragor. Take
counsel with yourself today and use
Rocky Mountain Tea tomorrow. Peace
and comfort follow its UBO. Geo. B.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels , candy , flowers , man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
.Towels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined iu the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If a woman will risk her health to got a
coveted gem , then lot her fortify herself -
self against the insidious consequences
of coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Boschon's
German Syrup. It will promptly arrest
consumption iu its early stages and heal
the affected lungs and bronchial tubes
and drive the dread disease from the
system. It is not a cure-all , but it is a
certain euro for coughs , colds and all
bronchial tubes. Yon can got Dr. G. G.
Green's reliable remedies at A. II.
KioBan's Drug Co.
Got Green's special alumnae.
Information Wanted.
The manufacturers of Banner Salvo
having always believed that no doctor
or medicine can cure in every case , but
never having heard where Banner Salvo
failed to cure ulcers , sores , totter , ec
zema , or piles , as a matter of curiosity
would like to know if there are such
cases. If so they will gladly refund the
money. A. H. Kiosau.
J. W. Bryan of Lewder , Ills. , writes :
"My little boy WOB very low with pneu
monia. Unknown to the doctor wo
gave him Foloy's Honey and Tar. The
result was magical and pnzzlod the doe-
tor , as it immediately stopped the rack
ing couch and he quickly recovered. "
A. H. Ktesan.
Headaches , dizzy spoils , bad blood ,
rheumatism , indigestion , constipation ,
absolutely cured if you take Rocky
Mountain Tea , made by Madison Modi-
sou Co. 35o. Geo. B. Ohristoph.
0. W. Lynch , Winchester , Ind.
writes : "I owe the life of my boy to
Foloy's Honey and Tar. Ho bad mem
branous croup , and the first dose gave
him relief. We continued its use and
it soon brought him oat of danger. " A
II. Kiosau.
Editor Lynch of Daily Post Phillips
burg , N. J. , has tested the merits of
Foley's Ilonoy and Tar with this result
"I have iisod n great many patent remedies
dies in my family for coughs and colds
and I can hoitOHtly say your Honey am
Tar is the best thing of the kind I have
over used and I cannot say too much in
praise of it. " A. II. Kiosau.
fainting , smothering , palpita
tion , pain in left side , shortness
of breath , irregular or intermit
tent pulse ana retarded circula
tion all come from a weak or
dcfeclivc heart. Overcome
these faults by building up the
heart-muscles and making the
heart-nerves strong and vigor
ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
is the remedy to use. It is
the best.
"I would have spoils when I
would got < weak and faint and my
lioarL would BOI-III to Hton boatIng -
Ing , then it. would boat very
hard. I began talcing Ur. Miles'
Heart Cure nml when I had used
twelve bottles my hoarfc was uU
right. " Una. .7. L. TAYTOU ,
Owonsboro , Jvy.
D * . Miles'
is a heart and blood tonic of
uncqualcd power and never
fails to benefit if taken in time.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Mllop Alcdln.'ii rv. T , , . < T
Al all 4ruf store * . 35 DOM * 2St.
For Sale by Oeorgo B. Ohritttoph.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Relist at once.
It cleanses , soothes and
lie-Ms lliedlitawd mem
brane. It cures Catarrh
and drives nwnjr a Cold HAY FEVER
in the Head quickly. It I
Is absorbed. Heals and Protects the Jlemlirane.
Keetores the Scutes of Taeto and Smell. Full elzo
COc. ; Trial iSIzo inc. ; at Druggists or by mall.
ELY UKOTIIUUS , 68 Warren Street , Kevr York
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern : The
coinmiesiouor appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the northwest -
west corner of section twenty-five (25) ( ) ,
township twouty-ono (21) ( ) , north , range
ono (1) ( ) , west of Gth p. m. , and running
thence east ono mile and terminating at
the north-east corner of said section 25 ,
township 21 , range 1 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof and
all objections thereto , or claims for dam
ages , must bo filed in the county clerk's
olllco on or before noon of the 3rd day
of February , A. D. 1003 , or such road
will bo established without reference
Dated at Madison , Nebr. , this 2Cth
day of Nov. , 1901. PHIL. BAUCH.
. County Clerk.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison MecTN
cine Co. , Madison.Vj. | . It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no ubstl
tute. Aslc your i