The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 13, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE NOUFOLK NEWS : K1UDAY , DKOEMMIl 13 , 1001. 11
. . , .
A good Watch atul Olmln
makes a very appropriate
Christmas present.
We have a very nice se
lection of Fine Watches.
Make your selection now
by making a small deposit
wo will lay it away un
til Christmas.
Oar prices are right value considered.
c. p. w.
Good lot at Junction $ 70.00
House nnd > acre , M St 850 00
HOUBO and large ham 4000.00
House , haru , % acre , 4th St. . . 1200.00
House ut Junction 700.00
Loans on Real Estate Low Rates.
Those frosty mornings
you like Pan Cakes for
breakfast. We have the
Old Fashioned
Buckwheat Flour
besides four different lines
of Pan Cake Flour. Three
lines of Maple Syrup , and
they the best. Dome in
and see them and get a
tree sample. We have just
received a few jars of Ap
ple Butter like Mother
used to make. It isworfch
trying. You don't get
goods like 'em very often.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 34 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 22
Minimum temperature 12
Average 5
Snow , inches 50
Precipitation 01
Total precipitation for month 35
Barometer 29.50
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight and Saturday. Colder
south portions tonight.
Prof. Chambers has started another
dancing class.
It is rumored that in one of the geog
raphy examinations in the school this
morning , this question was asked :
"Whero is the Norfolk Insane Hospital ,
and where is it to bo ? "
Ohas. Ahlman entertained a few
friends last evening at the homo of his
parents , corner Fifth street and Philip
avenue. The time was very pleasantly
passed by those in attendance.
The person who is without coal in his
coal bin , flour in his flour chest , warm
clothes to cover his back and with no
money to purchase these requisites will
readily agree that this is an unlucky
The Hayes jewelry and music store
kas been remodelled , a new lighting
generator installed and it is now a
; model of neatness and brilliancy , dis
playing a flue array of holiday goods ef
The dance given by the young ladies
of Trinity social guild , at Marqnardt
hall was well attended last evening.
The music , furnished by Rouse's orches
tra , was excellent and so inspired the
lancers that they NSore loath to leave
thn hall until the woo small hours of
ho morning.
The impression that the Elks Honoflt
Minstrels to he given in the Auditor-
urn on the evening of the 20th is for
the Elks nnd their wives alone should
not bo received. The entertainment is
for the public generally and a program
s being prepared that will make it
worthy of the patronage of everybody.
On his way to Madison with the oil
wagon Tuesday Wellington Fox mot
with an accident that interfered with
the business of the Standard Oil com
pany , The wagon was put out of ser
vice by one of the wheels breaking
down nnd ho was compelled to abandon
ono of his teams as well as the wagon.
This morning ho started out to fix up
the wreck and complete his journeyer
or return with the outfit to town.
The dance by Norfolk camp , No. 4H2 ,
Modern Woodmen of America , given in
the Mast hall last evening was well at
tended , the hall being full of members
and their friends. Fifty couples partic
ipated in the pleasures of the dauco and
the entertainment was a pronounced
success socially , financially and in every
other particular. The Italian orchestra
furnished the music and the occasion
was thoroughly enjoyed by all partici
This is another of these unlucky days
Friday , the lUth. There were two
of those days this year and the last ono ,
September the 13thwas when President
McKiuloy was dying and the nation
was in gloom. Ho didn't die on the
15Jth , hut the superstitious will connect
that day with his death to make their
belief good. What will happen today
remains to bo seen. It is to bo hoped
that nothing serious will happen , how
ever. There will bo but one of those
unlucky days next year and that will bo
in Juno.
The fair and dinner conducted by the
ladies of the Congregational church yes
terday and today in the Rudat building
has been most successful. The ladies
had their Christmas goods displayed in
booths and they mot with such generous
patronage that most of them have been
disposed of. There was a large attend
ance at the dinners and the receipts
from the fair promise to bo largo. An
interesting feature was a voting contest
in which a large and handsome doll was
the prize , votes being cast for the most
popular little girl. The latest report
from the contest was that' Rohinetto
Bear was loading but there wore many
other competitors and the contest will
probably close with a lively finish.
When the sun rose this morning his
splendor was reflected by two brilliant
snndogs which were companions dur
ing the greater part of his majesty's
trip to the zenith. The sun ittolf was
eushouded in a golden halo of daz/.ling
brilliancy and a bright shaft of light ex
tended above and below. About 11
o'clock another strange feature of the
exhibit was noticed , being a crescent-
shaped exhibition of brilliant prismatic
coloring directly overhead. It was sug
gested that it was a rainbow , but it
wasn't there was no rain and it
must have been either a frost or snow
bow. The entire morning presentee
beautiful phenomenon in connection
with the sun and he was fortunate who
saw them.
AnyoneJ snpplied with a reasonable
share of nerves would not have to be
told that the weather was cold last
night but many were surprised to learn
the extent of the coldness. There wore
few readyjtojbeliove that the tempera
ture hadfroached a point 12 degrees be
low zero but that is the record indi
cated by Dr. Sailer's government thermometer
mometer and it is a fairly reliable in
strument. The suddenness of the drop
took many unawares and several mer
chants and citizens met with losses , per
ishable goods being frozen in cellars in
some instances. The temperature has
not warmed to any appreciable extent
during the day and it will not be sur
prising if the thermometer registers
still lower tonight.
Wm. B. Vail , the jeweler nnd opti
cian , has the largest holiday line in the
Christmas tree ornaments at Schor-
See the Holiday line of neckwear at
Norfolk Tailoring company.
Got your harpolntes tuned. Leave
orders nt Utter's Book Store or phone
447. IKA HULL.
Nuts ahd fruits nt Schorreggo's.
W. B. Vail , the jeweler and optician
has a sleigh for sale for $7.00.
Attention Elks.
All members of the above order are
expected to turn out for practice this
evening at 7:30 : at the Elks rooms in the
Marqnardt block. The orchestra wil
also be in attendance. This request is
not directed to individual members but
should be taken collectively and one
and all will bo expected. This is of im
portance as the 2Cth the date for the
minstrel show is rapidly approaching
and the potts must be perfected.
0. E. GUKKN ,
Deliciousjhomo made chocolates at
Hardy screens all his coal before it
leaves the yard8both hard and soft coal
Remove Two Hogs from Cars
at the Junction.
Trail of Wagon Is Followed and Ar
rests are Made , but It Is Probable
that a Conviction Cannot bo Se
cured ,
A peculiar case of hog stealing was
brought to light nt the Junction during
; ho past 21 hours. A car of hogs con
signed to South Omaha was discovered
to bo shy two when it reached its ties-
tinjitiou besides containing ono dead
animal. The proper ofiluors were noti
fied and investigation by Chief of Police
Kane and his assistants Nhowed that the
car had boon broken into hero Wednes
day night and some of the stock re
moved and butchered in the railroad
A wagon supposed to have boon used
, n hauling the booty away was traced to
n house in Nonow's addition , und in
vestigation of u wagon there showed
; lmt it had recently been used in haul
ing hogs , ns thuro wore blood marks ,
nxir and other indications of the purpose
tor which it had boon employed , but a
search under warrant failed to disclose
the property. Therefore , evidence that
would secure a conviction was lacking.
The otllcors investigating the caoo are
satisfied in their own miuds as to who
was guilty of the theft , but they are
lacking in evidence that would convince
a court of the suspected parties' guilt
They are still on the outlook for ovi
deuce but are of the opinion that the
facts necessary have boon covered up or
destroyed and that a conviction will he
Henry Carson and Paul Burns were
arrested last night on suspicion of hav
ing knowledge of the theft and will bo
given a [ preliminary hearing tomorrow
morning at 0 o'clock but unless some
convincing testimony is developed con
necting them with the case they will
probably bo dismihsod.
Superintendent Reynolds of the Nor
folk division F. E. & M. V. has ener
getically endeavored to locate the per
sons guilty of the theft nnd while his
effoitsnmy not prove successful it is
notice to those who are so inclined that
stealing on his division may not bo
conducted with impunity.
State street folded imperial ties at
Norfolk Tailoring company.
The largest line of solid gold rings ,
over 700 to bolect from , at W. B. Vail's.
PRESENTS If you want homothing
your wife will appreciate , order a ton of
that nice clean Rock Spring nut coal for
her cook stove of Hardy.
Fresh oybtors at Bohuort's.
If yon want the best coal in the mar
ket for your heating stove THY HAKDY'B
HANKA lump coal.
Christmas tree ornaments at Schor
The "Mac-Horldlo" full dross shirts
at Norfolk Tailoring company.
Closing Out.
I will sell any or all books in my li
brary at one-fourth of catalogue price if
taken at once. J. L. DANIHL ,
Mrs. P. T. Birchard will give an art
exhibition nt her homo in The Heights
all of next week , beginning Monday
evening , and during that time , after
noons and evenings , she will bo pleased
to have all those who are interested in
beautiful pictures call. The exhibit
will be composed of fifty original water
colors by famous artists and which are
considered very fine , also work done by
Mrs. Birchard nnd her pupils. While
all the work is for saleIadies and gentle
men interested willbe _ welcome whether
they buy or not.
The Fair store has a competent man
in their shoe department on repairs of
all kinds at reasonable prices.
Myrtle Vinton and her big company
in "A True Kontnckian" at the Audito
rium , Monday , December 10 , a play all
should see. Contains a heart's story
and makes one better for having seen it.
A plenitude of good rich comedy.
Prices reduced to 85 and 50 cents.
Seats on sale at Leonard's.
Imported silk and lisle hand woven
handkerchiefs at Norfolk Tailoring
Notice to Stockholders.
The regular annual mooting of the
stockholders of Norfolk National bank
of Norfolk , Nebraska , will bo hold at its
banking rooms on Tuesday , January 14 ,
1001 , between the hours of 10 o'clock a.
m. and 4 o'clock p. in. of said day , for
the election of directors.
Norfolk , Nebr. , Deo. 14 , 1001.
Toys at Schorreggo's.
Sturgeon hi the piano man.
The Mahara Minstrel and Operatic
After many years of experience in the
minstrel field the well-known managers
of the Mahara Minstrels and Operatic
Stars this season have hit upon a now
idea in minstroly. And in view of the
old time performance they present
mil th , melody and muslo of a newer
and iiiorn titlriiutlvu kind ; in fact , it IH
said the elaborate programme "a hi mus *
oulti , " is 0110 of the host things over in-
troducud in any hill of the kind. Thn
ouniudiiuis am many and from a school
of humor where only the bunt omiuiato
from , while the dancing outotto and
numerous other clover ohups who have
a hand in the fun-making nro u de
cidedly worthy up-to < date lot. Ma-
Imni's Minstrel Operatic Stars conio to
the Auditorium Thursday Duo. 10 , 1U01.
If you want a good milt of tlothos
cheap try Bohnert's ,
Christmas trees and holly nt Sohor *
"L'Aiglon" puff tkm will fit any col
lar nt Norfolk Tailoring company.
J. W. Williams was over from Madi
son yesterday.
Tom Moore of OHIIIOIH ! was in Nor
folk yesterday.
W. B. Halo was in the city yesterday
from Battle Creek.
L. G. Bley of Madison WIIH in the
metropolis ytHtorday.
1' . G. Story of Randolph was u Nor
folk visitor yesterday.
Senator Allen of Madison was greet
ing his Norfolk friends yesterday.
Mrs. Korby , who has boon visiting
Mrs. Bluy , returned to her homo in
Waco , today ,
R. B. Wellor of the Chicago Lumber
company , loaves tomorrow for u bust -
ness visit to Omaha.
Mrs. Frank Diivonport and children
loft yesterday for Kansas , where they
will spend Christinas.
II. A. Drebort returned today from
Meadow Grove , where ho took the oper
ator's place for a few days.
Dr. R. A. Mittlostadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
A full line of fresh fruits always on
hand at Bohnort's.
Garduor & Seller deal in improved
nnd unimproved lauds. Ranches and
town property for sale in Pierce , Cedar ,
Kiiox , Wayuo and Holt counties , also
lands and ranches in North and South
Christmas trees and holly at Bohor-
Everything now in hosiery at Norfolk
Tailoring company.
A. M. Lovelace drove to Norfolk on
business Monday.
T. D. Preeco tranbactod business in
Sioux City Tuesday.
Maas & Hainan have a fine show win
dow of Christmas goods.
T. L. White returned Saturday from
a two-mouths' visit in the southern
Henry Wiuklor of Newman Grove
visited with friends in Battle Crook
George Pratt of Madison was visiting
here , Tuesday , with his parents and
other relatives.
Tom Oarrabino , also well known in
Norfolk , has boon very ill for some time
with lung trouble.
Mrs. Goo. S. Venablo is very sick at
this writing. Her husband was buried
a week ago Monday.
W. J. Stavoly , who is still on the sick
list , has moved into the Bates residence ,
south of the Catholic church.
James Mink and some of his friends
started Monday for Soldier , Idaho , with
the intention of locating there perma
Thos. Wade loft last Saturday for a
two-weeks' trip through Iowa in the in
terest of the Western Wheeler Scraper
J. E. Hale , who is working for the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber company
at Petersburg , was visiting his family
Saturday and Sunday.
Wm. Reikofski , proprietor of the
Emerick creamery was transacting bus
iness hero Tuesday. Ho was also look-
far a good butter maker.
W. E. Harvey , vice president of the
Newman Grove State bank , was trans
acting business Monday with Cashier
Harry Barnes and Judge Nouwork.
Ray Gloasonwho was on an extended
visit with relatives at Hoskins , returned
Saturday as manager of the creamery
for the Harding Creamery company.
The Woman's Relief Corps of Battle
Creek gave a nice program at the opera
house Saturday evening. "Tho Spinsters'
Convention" they called it and all bach
elors "got it in the nock. " Wo would
like to see those old molds on the stage
A large variety of fine candy at Schor-
reggos. !
Watches in all styles , sizes and grades
at Wm. B. Vail's jewelry and optical
Men's underwear , glovesmittenshats
and caps at cost at Bohnert's ,
Farm and city loans.
| Log cabin _ oud Canada Bap maple
syrup , the best on the market , at Boh
Land Marks
Made famous by the early traders , ex
plorers , pioneers , Mormons , emigrants ,
pony express riders , overland stage
At less than
Half Price at
Miss E. J. Bender's.
0 , AJIiUIKAUT , I'lirNiniiNT , W. II , JOIINHON , OAniitRR ,
UHAH. H. IlltllXlIC , Vitm LICO I'AHKWALK , Aim'r
The Citizens National Bank.
Cnpltnl , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000.
liny ftnil null ninliniiKn on lhln ooiintry nnil allpitrlii ] ( it Itnropn , IKnrni Loans ,
Dlrtclori , ( Uui , AHMUH , W II , JOIINHON , CIUH. K , UiinxiK , ( ) , W , lliiAAmm , ( I , M
coarhim , Iiiiliiin oticDiintorH , etc. , nni
seen from tlio car \\liido\VH of thu Union
i'noillu tntiiiH. Do Hiiro your ticket
roads viu IliiH routu ,
.1 H. Ki.sicrncii ,
Wo niiiUo IOIUIH on real estate ut
lowest rut OH. Klkhorn Ihtllding and
SuviiiKH association , T. K. ODIOUNB Hen
WANTICD aX ( ) ( ) farmers to got the
old reliable Continental iiiHiiranco com-
pany'H cnlondurH at my olllcjo , nppoHtlo
the poHt olllco. VV. W. UOIIICUIH.
Foit SAI.K Uoiiuino Knglish iniiHtilV ,
eight niontlm old , weight llii ponndH.
Inquire of U. H. Seller.
Don't full to K" to Bohnert's if you
noud anything in frnit.
For Christinas Presents.
Wo have the handsomest line of fnrn
in scarfs , collarettes , Htorm collarflmnlTH
nnd children'H fur Hottt for the monuy
over shown in Omaha.
Art neudlo work of all kinds , Fronoh
hand omhroidurud and Mexican drawn
work in liiuiu. OhristmaH counters of
real olxjiiy and ul > onoid goods. Hand
kerchiefs from 2ft contH to | 3 , real lace
trimmed nnd hand embroidered from fiG
contH to $18 r 0. Jewelry ; Hilk and mor-
ori'/.od putticoutH ; huuntlfnl IIinnel (
waists $ U up ; dressing HUCIIIIOH ; neckwear -
wear ; kid gloves ; dolls and other choice
OhriHtmiiH goods and novelties.
Afnu .T lipui.rMJ
South Kith htroct ,
Omnha , Nohr.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
Thu Union Pacific will neil tickets on
ts lines for the holidays at greatly re-
luced rates.
For dates of sales , limits and points to
, vhioh tickets will bo sold , apply to J.
[ J. Klsotfor , ngent. J7ZT
Farms rented for nonresidents col-
cottons' made. Insurance written hy
Gardner & Seller.
The White HOUND and Mollowrioh
3offoosconio and try them at Bohnort's.
OUr Winter Stock
is now complete. Gall and
compare qualities with
city stores anywhere.
J. & E.
See ! O ! See !
You Will Have to Hustle If You Fol
low me.
Now Look at this , will yon ? .This is
the price of Groceries :
Sugar , 20 Ibe for $1 00
Package Coffee 1 !
Japan Ten. best , per Ib. 41
Lynn Soap , 12 bare fur 21
Diamond Boip , 9 bars for 21
Diamond U Soap , 12 bars for , 2 !
No.l Sweet Corn , par can 01
Tomatoes , i > or can 0 !
Qal. ComBjrap SS
1 Ib can IlalcliiR I'owilor. . . II
} 41b can Hakim ? Powder 05
Crackers , per Ib 0'
Champion Lye , per can OS
Cider VlnoKar , per Kal is
Navy Roans , per Ib , a
ChowliiK Tobacco , par Ib
Smoking Tobacco , per Ib ]
5c plcg Smoking Tobacco
Candy , per Ib o
NoUon'i Host naliing Chocolate , per Ib. . . .
CabbaK * , per Ib
Bait , per barrel 14
Salt , Hock , par cwt
Prunes , per Ib
Cob Pipes , 2 for
No. 1 Brooms , j ;
Crocks , per gal
JDKB , pergnl
Tiiiyand jQranlteJware [ cheaper than yon can
For I'lumbiDg ' , Steam Fitting , Pomps , Tank
And all work In this line call on
First door West of Ahlmau's Bicycle Shop.
Leave orders at Telephone I ) 31.
Teacher of
SptcUl n ndolln and OulUr Lesson * age.
Voice Culture a Specialty.
Special rates miulo to hoardeiH
by wmtk or month. Rooms
Htumii Hmitod and Klootria
First Class
04) Dm following niPFBiiffn linn
boon riioolvnil ut llin Hniiln
( JlnUHh < mdiiinrtnrH | flr Nor
folk nnd Nurlli NiilirnHkn :
CI.AIIH UAHTM : , Utopia , North
I'oln Ducomtor 1,1WJ1.
KIKIIAII Dinui Co. , Bantu Claim Head-
niinrlnri for Norfolk nml North Nohrne-
kic Will arrive nt your More ) Monday ,
Dficimilinr U , nnd will initkii my hand
MunrlurH with you only I ( InI | Cnn
ciirry iniitn iirotty nnd nxntnl KirUnnil
diHlrllintn Ilinin hnltor llniii iinywliaro
MKII In tha uholnot North Nolirimku
Ho mirn to miiinuncn to thn pooiilo my
liiiiidturtoiH | HAN'IACLAUH "
Wo will dnvoto almost our entire -
tire store to the display of
Toijs and
Holiday Goods ,
consisting of
Fancy Goods ,
Celluloid Goods ,
Books ,
Perfumes ,
Dolls ,
Fancy Stationery ,
Toys , etc. , etc. ,
of every imaginable kind , holi
day goods for use nod ornament.
Our entire store is taking on that
Uhrintmas tone that makes holi
day shopping so satisfactory.
Kiesau Drug Co.
Finest line of Cigars
In the City.
Eneryboflg Hflmlte It-
The goods are different.
The finest in town.
Fine China ,
Cut Glass ,
Pictures ,
Easy Rockers ,
beautiful Couches ,
Elegant Dining Tables ,
Chairs of all kinds ,
$27.00 Rugs , only $18.00 ,
$3.00 Rugs , only $2.00 ,
Prettiest Center Tables ,
Uest Piano bargains ,
Best Organ bargains ,
Statuary ,
Lamps that give the best
light , use the least oil ,
easiest to wick.
The entire stock is different
from what you can find in any
other stores , and the prices as
low as Omaha or Chicago.