THE NOBFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOTJKNAL ' 7/ , NO UFO Llv , NKHUASKA , FRIDAY , DFA'KMHKU 0 , 1001 , McComas Proposes Death Pen alty for Attack on President. SENATOR HOAR HAS PLAN TOO. Would Select Some Desolate Spot to Which All Anarchists Should Be Deported - ported Measures Proposed In Upper - ' per HOUBC Day's Work In Senate. Washington , Dec. 6. Senator Me- Comas ( Md. ) muilo nn extended and carefully prepared speech In the sen ate yesterday with anarchy for his theme , and waa followed by uomo brief remarks by Hoar ( Mans. ) on the diniciiltles In the way of dealing with anarchist assassins. McCouias' remarks showed careful examination of the legal authorities. Ho main tained that congress had full power tmdor the constitution to enact a law punishing with death any peraon kill ing a president or assaulting the president with Intent to kill , or aidIng - Ing , Inciting or procuring such an act. Ho favored rigid provisions In the im migration laws for the deportation of ullen anarchists. Much of the speech was devoted to an explanation of the dangerous doctrines of anarchy and the extent to which these doctrines had been propagated within recent years. Senator Hoar's remarks were Interesting , as coming from the ven erable chairman of the judiciary com mittee , which will have- much to do with the framing of any legislation on this subject. lie said the difficulty was that assassins of kings and rulers always gloried in their crimes and wore in nowise deterred by the fear of. punishment. For this reason ho thought it was almost useless to mul tiply punishments. The most effect ive remedy , he suggested , would bo to have the civilized nations of the world agree upon some desolate spot on the earth's surface , to which all anarchists who upheld assassination or the overthrow of government should bo deported. In such a community the anarchist could carry out his the ories of living without a government and the world would be rid of his presence. The senate passed a bill extending the life of the Industrial commission until Feb. 15 next , to complete the work It now has In hand. The com mittee which will consider an appro priate tribute to the late President McKlnley waa announced. The senate adjourned until next Monday. OPPOSE SENATE'S ACTION. Is an Invasion of the Prerogative of the Lower Body. Washington , Dec. G. Members of the house of representatives are sho\V' ing some opposition to the origination of Philippine revenue legislation In the senate , and In particular to Sena' tor Lodge's bill , which deals with this eubject. Representative Tawney ( Minn.holds ) that the constitutiona provision that "all bills for raising revenue shall originate In the house of representatives" applies to Philip pine measures , and the Minnesota member will oppose any senate bill on the subject as an Invasion of the prerogatives of the house. Overstreet ( Ind. ) and quite a num ber of other influential members main tain that the senate Philippine bll involves no Invasion of house rights 1 ns it extends an existing law to the Philippines , and is not a revenue measure within the meaning of the constitution. In any event the ques tlon of the right of the house over the subject Is likely to bo discussed oil the floor of the house. Deadwood Jeweler Shot. Deadwood , S. D. , Dec. G. Sol Lovl son , a prominent jeweler and pawn , broker of this city , will probably die from the effects of a/ bullet througl the left breast , fired by Leo Wlnsberg "Wlnsberg was taken Into custody 1m mediately after the shooting. He stated to the police that he hoped he had killed his man. Ho said ho ha < been brought out to the Hills on mis representation of the business by Lovison. Refuse to Intervene In South Africa The Hague , Dec. G. The attemp of the socialists la the chamber to Induce the foreign office to Intervene In South Africa failed ngaln yester day , Foreign Minister Van Lyndon In forming the Interpolators that the goy crnment could not Interfere with the concentration camps except to relieve its own subjects and could not take .the initiative in any appeal to the powers. Boys Confess Murder. Cleveland , Dec. G. Griffin Mayo colored , and Frank Strong , white both 1C years of ago , were arrestec last night and have confessed tha they were implicated in the murde of Emll Goodman , whoso store was robbed Monday night. Mayo sale that a third boy killed Goodman and the police are looking for him. Evidence for Mrs. Bonlne. Washington , Dec. G. Experts called by the defense continued their testi raony at the trial of Mrs. Lola Ida Bonlne , charged with the murder o James Seymour Ayres. The ovldenc related almost entirely to the state o Mrs. Donlno's health at the tlmo o the killing. * - _ ' 'Arrrs r r r- ° iv THRh.CV < > ( N TRAIN WRECK. ° ct Thirty-eight l > tl- a Injured In a Collision on on Mountain. Malvern , Ark. , LH.O. G. Thrco per- ons were killed and 38 Injured in a lead-end collision between two pan- ongor trains on the St. lx > itls , Iron ilountaln and Southern railroad ono ml one-half mllen south of here last vonlng. The dead : .lorry Ulckson n Unknown man and woman , all col- 10(1. 10(1.Train Train No. 3 was to meet No. H at lalvern , but the latter train was late nd No. 3 moved ahead , expecting to loot the other train at the next sta tion. A nillo and a half south of Mal vern the two trains mot In a torrlflc collision. Engineer Robert Harriott f No. 14 jumped In tlmo to save him- elf , while Engineer McCampboll of > Io. 3 did likewise. The two engines wore wrecked and the colored coach next to the baggage car bn the south- > oitnd train was badly smashed. It vns crowded with colored emigrants , n route from North Carolina , Georgia and Alabama to Texas. The smoking ar on the northbound train was badly lamagod and many of Us occupants voro Injured , but the roar conches on his tialn did not suffer. The dead and Injured were biought here as soon as possible. POSSE BRINGS IN BLACKS. lattle Between Races Is Result of Negro's Crime. Andalusia , Ala. , Doc. G. Sheriff inulslmw returned here with " 2 no- ; ioos , who are ncciiHod of complicity n the killing of J.V. . Dorsoy , a mer chant , and Kale Atkinson , city mar shal , lit Opp. The negroes were hasod with bloodhounds and cap- urod by the sheriff and his posse. The sheriff landed the negroes safely n the jail here and is prepared to re sist any mob. Dorsoy and Marshal AtKliibon went to the turpentine quar ters near Opp to arrest a negio who was accused of stealing a pistol from a white man. The negro wjis barri caded in his cabin and flrcd on the mon ns they approac-hod. It ( level opod that the negro had about 50 of ils follow workmen In the house with ilm. A general battle ensued , In which Dorsey was killed and Atkinson fatally wounded , ho dying of his wounds shortly afterwards. A white man named Kltzsimmons was shot : wlce In the leg. Two negroes were killed and several others wounded. ORDER REIGNS AT RICH HILL. Troops Have Not Arrived , but No Further Trouble Is Anticipated. Kau B City , Dec. G. A telephone message from Rich Hill , Mo. , says that everything In the miners' camp is quiet and that no further trouble Is expected for the _ present. It Is not believed that the' wounds of the two miners , shot by deputies , will prove serious. The wounds of the two offi cers aio slight. No militia have arrived yet , and none Is expected unless there should be more rioting. Governor Dockery ordered Adjutant General Dameron , the state labor com missioner , the state mine Inspector and the state board of mndlation and arbi tration to come hero at once and try to settle the trouble. The governor stated that If the efforts of those ho had ordered to come here were futile he would call out the militia to sup press the strikers , Killed at Grade Crossing. Chicago , Dec. G. While guarding the lives of passengers In his trolley car Conductor Michael J. Dunworth of the South Halstead street line lost his life at a grade crossing last night. The car , northbound , was crowded with people going to the stock show As It approached the Grand Trunk tracks at Fortieth street Dunworth ran ahead to see If the way was clear A passenger train was approaching from the east. While ho was stll swinging the danger signal a switch engine approaching from the wes1 ground him to death In slgh't of the passengers on the car. Results in Billiard Tournament. New York , Dec. G. Seven of the 15 games of billiards scheduled for the International championship , which Is now4 in progress at the concert hal In Madison Square Garden , have- been completed and the standing of the players is as follows : Slosson am Barutel have won two games eacl and lost none ; Schaefer won the only game ho played ; Sutton and Morning star have won ono and lost two while Howlson Is the only player who has failed to gain a winning bracket three games lost being market against him. Faculty Decides In Favor of Football Lawrence , Kan. , Dec. 6. The fac ulty of the State university decided by a vote of 150 to 5 to permit out o town games next year by the footbal team. There was much discussion on a resolution Introduced by A. J. Ca ruther to restrict the playing to loca games only. The fear that footbal will be alfillshcd at the school is now over and the schedules for next year' games will bo made. Salsbury Resigns His Office. Grand Rapids , Mich. , Dec. G. City Attorney L. K. Salsbury , convicted o bribery in a proposed city water sup ply deal , last night gave out a letter t the public , In which ho states ho ha presented his resignation to th mayor. Ho declares his innocence am claims the verdict of the jury agalns him was unjustifiable. So Says Washington Dispatch to New York Press. FIVE COUNTS AGAINST HIM. Delay of Flying Squadron , Disobedi ence of Orders , Failure to Destroy Colon , Misrepresentation and Con duct Unbecoming an Officer. Now York , Doc. G. A special to the Press from Washington flays ; Rear Admiral Schloy has boon omul at fault on 11 vo counts by the ourt of Inquiry. This comes from a ) orson who Is In a position to loam ho opinion of the three admirals on ho different speclllcatlona of the pro- opt. It Is understood that the court finds igulnnt Schloy : 1. For the delay of the llyluc squad- on off ClentuogoB. 2. For misrepresentation of the ioa- ROIIH for returning to Key West to coal. 3. For disobedience of orders In uaktng the rotionrado movement. 4. For failure to destroy the Colon. 5. Fur conduct unbecoming nn offi cer and gentleman In the Suhloy-IIodi- bon controversy. j It Is Impossible for the AHBocttilod 'ross to confirm the report oftho } 'rcss' statement In logard to the find- ng of the Schloy court. NELSON STILL AFLOAT. Vesuel Reported Lost Is Towed Into Port After Battle With Waves. Poitlnnd , Or. , Doc. G. The Ui'Ulsh ship Nelson , \\lilfli was reported lost off the Columbia river yesterday , \um owed into Puget sound by the steam er Walla Walla. The hull of the Nel son Is practically Intact , but her bul warks were smashed , lifeboats and 'ororigging carried away and cabins damaged. There are only throe nchos of water In her hold , but the extent of the damage to her cargo of heat Is not known. The Nelson had a \iarvclous escape from destruction , according to Captain Perrlam of that craft. She crossed the Columbia river bar a week ago and before she had gone a great distance she encountered countered a severe storm and was roughly handled. Her cargo of wheat shifted , causing her to list to starboard - board and almost on her bcnjn andn. In this condition she was plcko ? * up by the tug Wallula and an effort made to tow her to Astoiia , but the tug had to abandon her. Later the powerful Tatoosh took hold of her , but found It Impossible to tow her owing to the fury of the gale and the high seas. The captain of the Tatoosh decided to tow her to Pnget sound , but had not proceeded far when the gale In- not proceed far when the gale in creased In fury and on Tuesday night at 10 o'clock the hawser parted and the Tatoosh was unable to find the vessel when daylight came. The Nel son fired rockets and burned flash lights all night , but failed to attract the attention of the vessel. Yesterday the steamer Walla Walla picked her up north of Grey's Harbor. A high sea was on at the time and It was with much difficulty a line was gotten on board. VESSEL POUNDING TO PIECES. Ernest Reyer Goes Ashore Off Mouth of Qulnalt River. Aberdeen , Wash. , Dec. G. While the terrible storm was raging along the coast the French bark Ernest Reyer went ashore off the mouth of Qulnalt river. She struck heavily on the beach and the full force of the waves pounded her further uii the shore , every Incoming sea washing clear over her. In the darkness and storm It was impossible to see how far away the land lay , but the officers and men cleared away the boats and made for the shore , all reaching land in safety. The 28 shipwrecked men are being cared for on the beach by the Italians but they have no hopes of saving their ship , as she now lies hard aground with the breakers pounding her to pieces. Masts , rigging and sails have gone and she will be a total loss. Life Sentence for Wiseman. Pontlac , Mich. , Doc. 6. Henry Wiseman , the confessed murderer of Miss Ellen HUBS , was found guilty of murder In the first degree and sentenced tenced to life Imprisonment. After Wiseman's attorney had stated what he hoped to prove In order to secure a verdict of manslaughter instead of murder in the flrst degree , Wiseman took the stand as the only witness In his own behalf and told how ho killed the woman. Hotill insisted that I was a blow from his fist that killed Miss HUBS and that It was delivered during a quarrel with the woman. Buttermakers Elect Officers. Huron , S. D. , Dec. 6 , The South Dakota Dairy and Buttormakers' as soclatlon yesterday elected Lolam Griffith president , Charles Sherwood secretary and L. S. Tiler treasurer together with one vice president from each judicial district. Woman Found Guilty of Manslaughte Clinton , la. , Dec. G. The Jury I the case of Anna Crawford , charge with the murder of Jenks Dillon 1 the first degree , brought In a verdlc of manslaughter yesterday. ROBERT UTTER : HOLIDAY GOODS TO Wo iinnin only n few of HIM ninny nhui prnmmlH wo ourry In Hlook : niul Heel ( of nil kinds , Out OIiiHH , duo Ohlim Wuro , MlrrorH , Viiwm , TrivyH , Uvor ! IUO Modiillloim ivnd 1'iotnron to Huloi't from , Tnyn Outiins , Novultk'H , Oaiululnhrii , Ort-fit Wuvo Wuro , JilMiiu | UoodH , Mnidiml IiiHtrinnontH , Host Porfnmo In Knnny ( ! UHIW , Kinont , Most I'orfoot and hnwoxt I'riuoil hiunpH in Ulty , All the your around you oun Iliul u nluti line of prummlM ut TZHZIE ZBOOIKI STOIRIES. . I . 11. T. 1IOLD1CN ! oiii oiatlilc | I'hyHlclan anil N Olllco , CltUnnn NiillDiuil Hunk lliillilliiK. Toliiiliiii | ( ( ) 101. miltiirlnm mid Kntlilnncn , Miiln mid IHlli Hi T Norfolk , ) K. N. .1. HOAClIjAN'D , Ostcopnthlc Physician. 'inmiKCH ' liolli m'liln nnil rlirnnlo trimttxlllliiiiil Hhiiiif ilriigHin Unlfii. 'hiiiui No I' ' 'il , Olllcn at innliliinoo , 10 < .l Nnrtli lOlli HI runt , Norfolk , , T. COLK , lUlNTIHT. Illro ovnr Cltlrnu'H Nntlniiiil Dunk. Knnlilnnci DUD blooL nortli of CiiiiKioKatlniiiil church , Norfolk , Nuhriudui VISS MARY SHKLLKY ' [ > utiilre In Coltoti lilork , ovnr Iliium'n alor work Norfolk , Nubriutka \JRS. \ SADIE HAHT MILLER. OstcopathicIPhysician , ovorlHiijos1 Jovsolry lloimn. Norfolk pOWEIlS & IIAYS , AttorneyH nt Lair. Koome 10,11 and 12 , Mail lilock , Norfolk Nebraska SESSIONS & BELL , Undertake and EinlmlinorA , BoasIoiiB Dlk , , Norfolk Avn. Norfolk , Nebraska MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TlLKPIIONF.JNO , 447 , [ looms on North Ninth Street M. E. SPAULDINC , UKALKItOIN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 3 MILLARD GREEN , DRRY and TRKNSFER LINE Piano Moving a Specialty. 'Phono 53. Oilh Pronntly J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO TUNER. Office with J. D. Sturgeon , NOUFOLK , - - NEHKABKA. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work Flrnt door Weat of Post Office J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist. Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , CarnationsPalms , Ferns Flowers shipped in fresh condition , 'Phone 466 ! , . City ofllco : Cor. Oth and Plorca' Wood and Willow Wnvo , all IClndH of I'ookot HoolcH , ( ! ooiln , nil KlnilH Fountain I'IIIIH , OooilH , HllKlldTH1 AlllnlllH , DollH , Doll ( ! uliH and do O.uln , Wa oim , Hobby Hlioo KlyH. Hwlng HormiH , a Kino Linu of Kodalcn , OninitriiH and Hupplliw. Wo Frame I'inturoH. and ninny moid wn 01111 idiow you at very lowimt prlocn. : W. U. IIUOMOlPrnnlilnnt. . . , , . Norfolk ! AUAANDIIlt llliAll Vlon I' 1C. W. HUTCimlilnr. . National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business , HuyH mid Sol IB IntorcHt Paid on Time DoptmllH. Draft H and Money OnliTH Hold on any I'olnt In Hunum A General jjtoaniHlilp and Foreign I'mm c IlimlnoHs TnuiHiioUirt. A.IIKVlt , K.I' IIVNLON. I' . J. IIAUC , W. II . IIUOIIIU/ , WM.KUfV N.A. ItAINIIOI/r. H.H. COITON. FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS < SEE > The Norfolk Buildin ? and Loan Ass'n C. B. DURLAND , Secretary. 'J I If you can't niako up your mind what to give your $ friends for Christinas , drop in at 11 oilman X < i > it Smith's and uuo their Uno of % & FANCY ROCKERS , CENTER TABLES , MORRIS CHAIRS , LAMPS , CHINA , etc. I And about that China , wo have bought a line of sam- $ pics at a big discount and can .soil them to you at about | > what we usually have to pay for such goods. Hoffman & Smith's. ' SUGAR CITY GEREAh ( DIiIiS , nnnufacturers of the Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours. The the boat loading Krocuro Imknra Ininillo of tlio it. Stnto ute It mid Every Sack Guaranteed. See ! O ! See ! You Will Have to Hustle If You Fol low mo. Now Look at this , will you ? .This is the price of Groceries : Sugar , 20 Ibs for . $100 , boat , per Ib . 40 Lytm Soap , 1'2 bn for . . . 25 Diamond Soap , 9 b.ira for . 25 Diamond 0 Soap , U bars for . 25 No.l Swout Corn , par can . 07 Tomatooa , par can . 08 Qal. Corn Hyrnp . 35 1 Ib can HalcIiiK Powder . 10 Klbcan Halting Powclor . 05 ( 'raclton , par Ib . . . . . . 07 Champion Lya , par can . 0 $ Cider Vlnottar , par KA ! . 15 Navy Doftin , par Ib . 05 Chewing Tobacco , per Ib . 25 Smoking Tobacco , par Ib . , . 15 So pkg Smoking Tobacco . 03 Candy , per Ib . 07 NoUon't Bolt Baking Chocolate , par Ib. . . 30 Cabbnut , par Ib . 03 Salt , per barrel . MO Salt , Rock , par cwt . 65 I'rnnei , per Ib . . . . . Oi Cob Pipes , 2 for . OS No. 1 Brooms . 23 Crocks , p r gal . OS JDKB , par gal . , . 09 Tin.ranlQranlto3war9cli8apor | | than yon can bayioliawhere B. MYERS. For Plumbing. Sleam Fitting , romps , TanVt Wind Mills And all work in this line call on STITT & WHITE. SfctlsfactloulGauraoteed , First door Bontli of THE IH .r NEWS Offlo * . Leave onlere at Telephone A K\ \ , Pacific Hotel. Special rates made to boarders by week or month. HOOHIK Steam Heated and Klectno Lighted. First Class Accommodations HENRY E. RYDER , Toncliorof PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN. Special nandolln and QuIUr Lesson * ase. Voice Culture a Specialty. C.R.SEILER , Sale and. Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. Braascrt Avenue ' and Third St. 'PHONE 44