THE NORFOLK NEWS : FJttDAY NOVEMB'ER 20 , IflOL Government Forces Lose Heav ily in the Fighting. ALDAN MARCHING ON COLON , Decisive Battle Likely to De Fought at Monkey Hill Cemetery , Outside the Capital Liberate Sorely In Need of Ammunition , Colon , Colombia , Nov. 27. The overdue tmHHcngcr train , with n mix- rlno guard on board , Ima arrived hero. The train brings IUJWH to the oftoct tbnt ( lunonil Allmn , with about 300 Eovornmonl troops , bus crossed Ilur- bacon brhlKo and In continuing his march to Colon. Ho In now at Tavorn- lltn , where bo IB resting. The llbural forci-fl continue to retreat before him. They oxplaln their retreat by saying they have no nmmunltlon. All of the fighting occurred ycutorday &t Bur lirliluc. PuHfluneoru by the do layed train assort that fully 100 con- jK'rviitlvcR were killed and wounded during the fighting thcro nnd that the liberal losses were liiHlKiilllcant. The liberals are now approaching Oatun station , about flvo mllt'H from Colon , nnd It IB holloved a decisive engage ment will probably be fought today at Monkey 111111 romotory , distant oiui mile from the llmltH of Colon , The traliiH which left hero yoslcr- flay for Panama with the Iowa ma rlnns and the passongcrH from the steamer Orizllm were delayed In transit , but reached Panama In Btifo- ty. Ueportfl current hero thjit the General Plnzon had bombarded Porto Hello , have been found upon Investiga tion to bo unreliable and not authen tic. BRIGANDS WILL HOLD OFF. Walt Till Snow Disappears Before Proceeding With Negotiations. Sofia , Bulgaria , Nov. 27. The brl- garnis are determined to wait until the dlflappearanco of the snow per inltB them freedom of movements before fore roHiinilng negotiations for the ru- Icano of Miss Ellen M. Stone , the American missionary , and Madame Talllcn , her companion. The Impros nlon which prevails among the best Informed people hero IB that Mr. Dick luson's departure for Constantinople increases the dlfllcnlty of gaining the confidence of the brigands and expu riltlng a Bottloment of the rntiRou question. Work of Pan-American Congress. Mexico City , Nov. 27. The commit tecs of the pan-American congress are rapidly completing their work , -will the exception of the arbitration com inlttco and the commuted on com niorco and reciprocity. The latter is withholding action until It learns the stand which President Roosevelt wll take on the subject of reciprocity in his forthcoming messngo to congress The work of the arbitration committee too is delayed by the dlfllcultloB of the subject and the many conHlctlng * Interests which it is necessary to conciliate. Judge Dunne Hears Whole Story. Chicago , Nov. 27. The habeas orpu8 case of Andrew W. Lawrence and H. S. Canfleld , convicted of con tempt of court by reason of their re sponslblllty for articles appearing In Hearst's Chicago American , came before fore Judge Dunne yesterday. The day was occupied by Attorney Sam uel Alschuler , acting for the editors In reading to Judge Dunne a complete report of the proceedings of the con tempt case heard by Judge Hanccy a fortnight ago. Sea Gives Up Its Dead. New York , Nov. 27. A dispatch from Tom's River , N. J. , last night says that live bodies have now washed nshoro from the five barges stranded along the coast. Four of the barges have gone to pieces. The fifth lies out on the bar , tossing about and pounding. She will probably break up In a day or two. Only two men have been saved from the flvo barges , fcut no ono at Tom's River knows Jiow many were drowned. Studebaker Is Dying. South Bend , Ind. , Nov. 27. Clement Studebaker rested comfortably last night , but In spite of this his condi tion is extremely critical. It is evi dent that ho is much weaker. Mr. Studebaker last evening surprised his physicians by recovering conscious- DOBS and recognizing the members of his family. This period , however , lasted only eight minutes and the end Is in sight. .Semple Jury Unable to Agree. Philadelphia , Nov. 27. After delib erating for nearly 30 hours , the Jury in the cuss of John L. Semple , the Camden lawyer who was tried in the United States district court hero , charged with aiding and abetting counterfeiters , was unable to agree and was discharged by Judge MePher- eon. Two More Deaths From Tetanus. Camden , N. J. , Nov. 27. Two more deaths from tetanus following vacci nation were recorded in this city yes terday , making a total of nine deaths from that disease during the past three weeks. Yesterday's victims \roro Ada Heath , aged 13 years , and Gcorgi- ana Overby , aged 9 years. Predict Severe Winter Abroad. London , Nov. 27. Danish meteorol ogists predict a severe winter , with great cold. Snowstorms have oc curred in Belgium and Spain , with eelous interruption to railroad traf fic. The temperature In Spain Is lower than In several years. NEW BASEBALL CIRCUIT. Western Magnates Agree on Division of the League , Kt. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. 27. A now Imxelmll league , ( o tale In Mlnneapo- UH , St. Paul , KantciH City and Omaha In the west and Milwaukee. Indianap olis , Columbus and Toledo In the cast , was formed here yesterday , uud the revolt of the Wostoin league WUB ended , an agreement having been reached between President Hlckey , W. T. Van Ilrunt , owner of the St. Jo. soph ehib , nnd ( loorgo Tebeau of Kan sas City. President Hlckey will re sign al the annual meeting of the league to ho held next week and hiu Bticccnsor will be appointed. Van Ilrunt will glvo up hlfl St. Jo seph franchise Blnco St. Joseph IB to bo placed In the minor league , and Tobeati , It Is said , will go with the Denver team. Tehean agreed to nl n a pledge not to employ a single Kan- Ban City player. The league formed yesterday will be distinct from the new WcBtern league , as now planned , and which IB to comprise Denver , Ht. Joseph , Colorado Springs , Slosix C'lty , Des MolncB and probably' Lincoln , CHARGED WITH BIG SWINDLE. De Molncs Man on Trial for Using the Malls for Purposes of Fraud. Dos MolnoB , Nov 27. The trial of , etson llalllett , mine owner and large- y Interested In the properties at Hit- ior City , Or. , was begun yesterday In ho United StitteH federal court. Hal- let t watt Indicted by ( bo fcdr > m\ \ grand lury two yeara ago , charged with us- ng the United States malls to furthei i ftcheinu to defraud by Bending out L-opleB of a linker City ( Or. ) paper nnil clrcuhua ndvertlulng the White Swan gold mine of that place , adver tising the mine as a lucrative pleco of property and offering to sell Htork. The prosecution assorts the mine IB worthless and that llnlllett has real ized $250,000 by selling stock In what they call only a hole In the ground , llalllett is a mm of Judge S. F. Hal- llott of DCS Molnvu. Witnesses are here from San Francisco , Portland , Salem , Haker City , St. Paul and Min neapolis. , Congressional Party Back. San Francisco , Nov. 27. Among the passengers of the Btoamer Doric , released from quarantine yesterday , were Congressmen Mercer , Jack , Galiieo and Greene. These gentlemen have been to the Philippines and will report on the condition of affairs at the next meeting of congress. They were on the Sheridan when she got Into trouble , and weie later trans fened to the Warren , which went ashore. Choctnw Judge Convicted. ParlB , Tex , , Nov. 27. llotenm , the Choctaw Judge who Is charged will : murdering three persons because ho believed thorn to bo witches and re spoiiBlblo for the deaths of a nuin her of children who were aflllctei with meningitis , was yesterday con vlcted of murder In the federal court If the ease IB alllrmed by the supreme court ho will bang , as the jury made no recommendation. Fines Violators of Injunction. Chicago , Nov. 27. Judge Kohlsaat in the United States court yesterday passed sentence on the men iicainei of violating the Injunction against the Allls-Chnlmers striking machinists. Alexander Story was sentenced to 30 days in Jail , while Herman Poggen- dorf and James Crevlo were given fines of ? 50. An appeal was taken and the prisoners allowed to furnish ball. Death Ends 20 Years of Suffering. St. Louis , Nov. 27. Mrs. Nancy A. Burns , widow of the late Colonel James N. Burns , congressman of this district , died yesterday afternoon , Having been a constant sufiorer for 20 years. Mrs. Burns was heiress to part of the $10.000,000 estate of Dan iel Burns of Platte county. She was 73 years old. Alleged Wife Poisoner Arrested. Guthrle , 0. T. , Nov. 27. James M. Nix of Shawnee was arrested yester day on the charge of having poisoned his wlfo , who died suddenly last Fri day. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Mrs. Nix's sister as an accomplice. The stomach of the dead woman was examined and found to contain arsenic. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. The battleship Missouri will be launched at Newport News Dec. 28 Reports have been received of fight Ing between Turkish troops and Ar mcnlnns at Sassoun. The French chamber of deputies after a stormy sitting Tuesday , passei the second article of the Chinese lii demnlty bill. Martin llogan , the Irish patriot , who has been lying at a Chicago hos pital for some days , died Tuesday , aged 93 years. Professor James Henry Thayer , professor emeritus of New Testament scriptures of Harvard university , died Tuesday in his 74th year. At McCoy , Tex. , Tuesday J. A. Hurst shot and killled his brother. Hurst then turned the revolver on himself and blow his brains out. The large packing plant of the G. H. Hammond company at Hammond , Ind. , is to be moved from there to the Union stock yards In Chicago. The dead body -of Bert Williams , a union miner , was found near Nor- tonvllle , Ky. , Tuesday. The coroner's verdict was that ho was shot by un known parties. John T. Hayden , formerly treas urer of the Swift Beef company at New York , who , it was alleged ab sconded In July last with several thousand dollars belonging to his em ployers , Was arrested Tuesday at Wil mington , Del. CONVICTS GUil.TY OF MURDER. Lesvcnworth Mutineero Charged With Capital Punishment Offenses. LeaMiUHh < , Kan. . No27. . - United ed HlntrH Attorney Dean was hero with Warden ycHterdny In i-nnmiltatloii den .Mic'liuiKlioy of the federal prison. After tin- consultation Mr. Dean Haiti that every convict that was In the mutiny would be tried for murder at the April term of the United Statcfl district court here. Mr. Dean sayB each one of the IB prlHoners recap tured IB guilty of murder and ho be lieves several will bo hanged hero. Warden MeClaughey haB received word of the capture at TiiBrumbla , Ala. , of JamcB Seymour , one of the convicts who cBraped during the mu tiny. Word III.H also been received that a JIOBHO of deputy United States inarBhalH have surrounded Kilting and Murray In the Shawnco hlllB , In the wcstein portion of the Indian terri tory. Thcflo men are dcfiporato and battle IB expected. The man held at Council Bluffs , at first Biipposod to bo Frank Lawrence , IB now thought to be John Morgan , alias Baldwin , who escaped Nov. 22 , MHS. BONINU'3 Told the Day After Tragedy to Attor ney Gardner. Washington , Nov. 27. The fact was brought out In the trial of MTB. .ola Ida Honlno for Iho killing of lames Seymour Ayrcs , Jr. , that flho iad iiuido a private confession of her nut In the tragedy on the evening ifter the homicide , several days be- foie she took the pollco otllclals Into icr confidence. This recital was made to Mr. George B. Gardner , an at- orney employed In the law division of the Interior department , who was a Hoarder at the Kenmore hotel and iHiiatly sat at the same table at which Mrs. llonlne took her meals. Mr. Gardner was on the witness stand yesterday and told his story for the IrHt time. Ho Bald Mrs. Bonlno had Bought him out and asked his advlco is to whether she should make a pub lic statement , and ho suggested to licr that she should delay her con reunion until the theory of sulcldo , which was first entertained , should bo fully exploited. WRECKED CATTLE ARE WILD. Attack the Men Who Rescue Them From Overturned Cars at McCook. MeCook , Neb. , Nov. 27. AB the Bur lington and Missouri special stock train No. 70 was pulling Into the yards here yesterday morning from the west It ran into a broken switch , which caused two cars to leave the track , turning one car completely over and leaving the other on Its side. The cattle In one car were able to got out , but the roof of the other had to bo removed before they could bo liber ated. Three of them were killed and a number crippled. After being liber ated the cattle were crazed for the time nnd attempted to attack the per sons present. The Blow speed at which the train was going la all that saved a serious wreck. The stock were being shipped from Denver to Sovth Omaha. Nine Indictments Returned. Denver , Nov. 27. The special grand jury which has been Investigat ing alleged irregularities In the crlm- i Inal division of the district court dur- ng the first trial of W. W. Anderson , charged with attempting to kill the proprietors of the Denver Post , re ported that whisky was furnished to the jurors In the case and young women Introduced to the Jury room by a Imlllff. It further charged that the trial of Police Judge W. J. Thomas , Court Bailiff Robert Schrader and Daniel J. Sadler , on a charge of em bracery , was not In good faith. Nine Indli'tments were returned. Lark Is Acquitted. Springfield , Mo. , Nov. 27. Joe Lark , the 'Frisco porter charged with the murder of Gazelle Wild , which caused three lynchlngs and the run ning out of all the negroes In Pelrco City months ago. was acquitted yester day In the circuit court at Mount Ver- non. He left at once for Kansas City , accompanied by the sheriff as a pro tector. Stories of an Intended lynch ing caused precautions to be taken. Shooting Affray In Hotel Lobby. Salt Lake , Nov. 27. William Haynes , a traveling man from Chica go , was Bhot and probably fatally wounded yesterday by Roy Kalghn , the 19-year-old son of Colonel M. M. Kalghn , who is prominent In law and G. A. R. circles of this city. The Bhootlng occurred In the lobby of the Knutzford hotel at noon and created a panic among the guests and em ployes of the hotel. Indiana Bank Robbed. Valparaiso , Intl. , Nov. 27. The bank of Julius Conltz at Wanatah was broken Into by robbers last night. The burglars effected an entrance to the vault and attacked the big safe with explosives. Until the safe Is opened by an export now working on It , It cannot bo known whether or not the robbers secured the $10,000 The doors In the safe are Jammed In Union Miners Defy Court. Madlsonvllle , Ky. , Nov. 27. The news from the strikers' camp is that a contract was let by the union men today for the building of a temporary box house , 20x100 feet. The building Is to bo used by the campers as n home during the winter and they claim It as their place of legal resl- 1 dence. There are at least 100 men ' in and around the camp. Kitchener Atks for Staff Officers. Calcutta , Nov. 27. It is said here that Lord Kitchener has again applied for a number of staff officers from In dia to be sent forthwith to South Af rica. To the Public. Allow mo to Hay a few words in praise of ( Jhamborlnin'H Oough Hemedy , I had a very hovero cough and cold and feared I would get pneumonia , but after taking the sucond done of tlilH medicine I felt better , three bottles of it cured my cold and the pain in my chest diHiip- poured entiroly. 1 am most respectfully yonrn for health , KAI.PII S. Mi'.Yi'.ltH.UI L'hirty-sovi'iith .St. Whtiolli-g , W. Va. For sale by Kie au Drug Co. Recommends It to Trainmen. Q H. HiiUHiiii , Lima , O. , Engineer L. 13. it W. H , 11 , writes : "I have been troubled u great deal with backache. I was induced to try Foloy'B Kidney Cure , and one bottle entirely relieved mo. 1 gladly recommend it to any one , espec ially my friend * among the train men , who are 'usually similarly aflllcted. " A. II. Kiesau. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give n free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach , and Liver Tablets to any ouo wanting a re liable remedy for disorders of the Htomach , biliousness or constipation Tliis IB n now remedy and a good one. Kiesau Drug Co. Spreads Like Wildfire When things uro "tho bebt" they bo- como"tho best selling. " Abraham Hare , u leading druggist , of Belleville , O. , writes : "Klootrio bittorH are the best Belling bitters I have handled in 20 years. " You know why ? Mostdis uses begin i i disorders of the stomach , liver , kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves. Elec tric Bitters tones up the stomach , regu lates liver , kidney and bowels , purifies the blood , strengthens the nerves , hence cures multitudes of maladict ) . It builds up the entire system. Puts now life and vigor into any weak , sickly , run down man or woman. Price 00 cents. Sold by A. II. Kiisau , druggist. For Hoarseness. Bonj. Ingerson , lud. , says ho had not spoken a word above n whisper for nonths , and one bottle of Foloy'B Honey \ Tar restored his voice. Bo . .suro you got Foloy's. A. H. Kiesau. _ jMothers write us that they have solved the problem of keeping their children well. Give them Rocky Mountain Tea each week. A blessing to mother and child. Qeo. B. Chris- toph. Seymour Webb , Moira , N. Y. , writes : I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried sev eral physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottle of Foloy's Kid ney euro. After using two bottles I was absolutely cured. I earnestly reo- ouimcud Foloy's Kidney cure. " Take only Foley's. A. H. Kiesan. Goo. A. Points , Upper Sandnsky , O. , writes : "I have been using Foley's Honey anil Tar for hoarseness and find it the best remedy I ever tried. It stopped the cough immediately and re lieved all soroncps. " T Foloy's. A. II. Kiesau. .W. J. Shivoly , Batesvillo , O. , speak ing of Banner Salvo , says : "I used it for piles , and it has done mo more good than any salvo I have over used , and I have tried u great many kinds. " A. II. Kiesau. . , The beauty thief lias come to stay , unless you drive the pimples and blackheads - heads away ; do this ; don't look like a tright ; take Rocky Mountain Tea to night. Geo. B. Christoph. [ Experience Convinces. Prove its vnluo by investing 10 cents in trial Bio of Ely's Cream Unlm. DruggistH supply it nnd wo mail it. Full size 50 cents. ELY BROS. , C ( > NVixrrcn St. , Now York. Clifton , Arizona , Jim. 20 , 181)9. ) Messrs. ELY BROS. : Please eond mo a50 cent bottle of Cream Itahn. I find your remedy the quickest and most permanent euro for cntnrrh and cold in the head. DEII < M. POTTER , Gou.Mgr.Ariz.GoldM.Co. Messrs. ELT Bnos. : I hnvo been afllicted with catarrh for tweuty years. It niado mo so xvenk I thought I had consumption. I got ono bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in thrco days the discharge stopped. It is the bent medicine I have used for catarrh. Proborta , Cal. FRANK E. KINDLESPIIIE. A Violent Attack ofCroup Cured. "Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form , " saysF' . .or John W. Rogors.ft Christian Evangelist , of Filley , Mo. "I gave her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past ad the child recovered. " This remedy not only cures croup , but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear , will prevent the attack. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may bo given as confidently to n baby as to an adult. For sale by Kiosau Drug Co. It is Easy to Say "Bo careful , " but we must all go from heated houses into chill outer air , and the change sots us coughing and wheez ing. Avoiding winter colds is difllcult ; curing them is not hard if yon take Al len's Lung Balsam. Better begin when the cold is young and not wait until it settles deep into the lungs , for then , even with Allen's Lung Balsam , com plete relief will be slower. Out this out and take it to' Kiesan Drug Co.'s drug store and got a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets , the best physio. They cleanse and invigorate the stomach , im prove the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular si/.e , 25 cents per box. Inspires ono to nobler and better [ leeds ; unlocks the gates of happiness , pours glowing vitality into your system. That's what Rocky Mountain Ten will do. ! ! 5o. Goo. B. Ohristoph. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for pick and nervous headaches. l > v f-jxke pure blood and build up your ntiuu. Duly 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by A. H. Kie- san , druggist. Brain t-ood Nonsense. RTAnothpr ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author- ! ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain , another for muscles and still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body , but it will sustain every other part. Yet , howevrr good your food may be , its nutriment is destroyed by in- illKOHtlon or dyspepsia. You must pro- jmro for their iippcarniicu or prevent I heir coming by taking regular dosuH of Urwn'H August Flower , the favorite inediulno of tlm healthy inillioim. A few doMM aldH digestion , BtimulntcH the liver to healthy notion , ptirifli-H the bloo/1 , and inalteH you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can got Dr. O. G. Onsoii'H reliable remedies of the Kiesau Lrug Ct. Get Green's Special Alnmimo. Jumped on n Ten Penny Nail. The lutlu daughter of Mr. . ) . N. Powell jumped on nit inverted rake made of ten penny uallH , and ilirusc one nail entirely through her foot and a second ono half wuy thruiiKh. Ohauiborlain'H Pain Balm was promptly applied and five minntt'H later the pniu hud disappeared and no moro BUflferinR wns experienced. In throe days the child was wearing her shoe nsutmul and with absolutely no dis comfort. Mr. Powell is n well known merchant of Forklnnd , Va. Pain Balm IH an antiseptic and heals such injuries without maturation and in one-third the time required by the usual treatment. For Bale by Kiesnu Drug Co. To Cure a Cough stop coughing , as it irritates the lungs , and gives them no chance to heal. Foley's ' Honey and Tar cures without causing n strain in throwing off the phlegm like common cough expectorants ants , A. II. Kiesau. Great Luck of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to euro Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed , " writes Editor II. N. Lester , of Syracuto , Kan. , "then I wns wholly cured by Huekleu's Arnica Salve. " It's the world's best for eruptions , sores rfud all skin diseases. Only 25o at A. II Kio- san. Women and Jewels. Jewels , caudy , Hewers , man that is o order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels , health , is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem , then let her fortify her self against the insidious consequences of coughs , colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boscheo's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a euro-all , but it is a certain cure for coughs , colds and all bronchial tubec. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at A. II. Kiesan's Drug Co. Got Green's special almanac. "Today take Foley's Honey and Tar. It positively prevents pneumonia , or other soiious results from colds. It may bo too late tomorrow. A. H. Kiesau. Astounding Discovery. From Coopersvillo , Mich. , conirs word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before re tiring by any one troubled with a bad cough alwa.ys ensures a good night's rest. "It will soon euro the cough too , " writes Mrs. S. Himmelburger"for three generations of our family have used Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption and never found its eqvml for coughs and colds " It's an unrivaled life-saver when used for desperate lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles COc and $1 at A. H , Kiesau. Trial bottles free. Adolph Bluuer , Grand Mound , la. , writes : "I have used Honey and Tar in my family and think it is the best cough cure on the market. I would not be without it in my home , as there is noth ing BO good for coughs and colds. A. II. Kiesau. wander when the brain n tired. Overwork , nervous irritation , worry and mental strain exhaust the b-ctin forces and diminish t'Kir ' thought power. 1'ecci * . brain , strengthen the r.c" * ' and build up new vigor , N i- tality and mental power. The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I have used Dr. Miles' Nerv no at various times for years. 1 have found it a perfect remedv in cases of nervous ness and insomnia , caused by pro tracted mental strain and overwork. Have also used it in my fami y and I know it is a true brain and nerve food. " R. II. MARTIN , Charleston , W. Va. Dr. Miles' Nervine feeds and nourishes the brain and nerves , over comes irritation , and brings sweet , refreshing sleep. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind. Nasal CATARRH In all Ita Btftgea there ebould bo cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanes , soothes and beala the dlteued membrane. 11 cures catarrh and drives away a cold In the bead quickly. Cream Halm is placed Into tbe nostrils , epreadi aver Iho membrane and Is absorbed. Iteltetls Im mediate and a cure follows. II la not drying-don nol produce sneering. Large Size , 60 cenls at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Blze , 10 cents by mall. ELY BIIOT11EU8,60 Warren 8tt t , New Y rk TWE &FFSPRSNG OF HEREDSTARY BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula in but n modified form of Bloocl Poison and Consumption. The parent who h tainted by cither will sec in the child the panic dtt.canc manifesting itaulf in the form cf swollen glands of the neck and throat , catarrh , weak , cyeq , offensive sores j and abscesses and of-j tcntimcs white swelling - ' ing sure signs of < Scrofula. There may ! be no external signs for j a long time , for the disease develops slowly in some cases , but the poison is in the- blood and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. S.S.S. cures this wast ing , destructive disease by first purifying : and building up the blood and stimulating' and invigflJating the whole system. J. M. Bents S PublicSquare , N. hvlllc.Tenn. . sn > i : "leu yenmngomy daughter fell mid cut her forehead. 1'rom thli wound the glands cm the side of her fncc liecamcswolleii nnd Imrstetl. Some of the t > cst doctors here nnil elsewhere attended her without nny benefit. We decided to try S. S. 8. , and a few bottles cured her en tirely. " \ ZsM "I'ltcs new mm pint ; it KT blood to nourish and SofSfZsM strengthen the body , fetorw rViiJ n" 1S n Pos'lvc ' a1i VVU1' " . "Si safe cure for Scrofula. It overcomes nil forms of blood poison , whether inherited or acquired , and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble , or your child has inherited some blood taint , take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no- charge whatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. . ATLANTA , GA. YOURCROCER FOR PREMIUM LIST. LIST.a 'I PREMIUMS GIVEN FOR SOAP WRAPPERS ASK HIM FOR DIAMOND "C" SOAP THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAP. Complete catalogue showing over )00 premiums that may t'f secured by saving the wracpm. furnished free upon request Send your name on a postal card , and we. , will mail > on ihr catalogue PREMIUM DEPT , The Cudahy Obrintoph.'I : SOUTH OMAHA , NEB/ ( ' ' Soap far tatt by all Ofitri , DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It keeps you well. Our trademark . mark cut on each package. Price , .15 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no aubstl * . . tute. Ask your drugget. HEADACHE At oil rfnig ttom. 35 Dotta 25e. + RED CROSS * RCDCROSV PILLS ARC PUHI VCGITABIC crrtai TM ' ortvcnv PHYSICUW MrtlUANWITHTHl FORMULA DC CINCHONACOk DCS MOINCS.f' ' For Bale by George B. Obrintoph.