The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 29, 1901, Page 3, Image 4

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Detroit Building Wrecked by
Boiler Explosion.
-Besides List of Mortalities Many
Others Are Badly Hurt and Still
| More Are Mlcslng Large Force of
1 Rescuers at Work Searching Ruins.
Detroit , Nov. 27. Twenty-seven are
dead , llvo of them unidentified , niul
no badly burned that Identlllcatlon IB
almost Impossible , ntul 2-1 other
men nre lying In the various hospitals
of the city suffering from cuts and
burns and other Injuries , all reHultliiR
from the explosion of ono of the boil
ers .In the Ponbcrthy Injector conip-
ipany's large plant at Abbott street
nnil Brooklyn avenue at 9:30 : yesterday -
day forenoon.
Following are the dead : A. 10.
Hoffman. Louis Hennlng , Patrick
Walloy , A. 13. Mllor ! , Eugene Bertram ,
II. Mulkoy , Joseph Coffcy , Charles
Melvln , Joseph Kosoi-k , Stephen
Chrlsp , Oeorge Schenor , Charles Lldy ,
Jacob Keobol , William Mann. Cbls-
tophcr Wnllman , Robert Crecr , I2d-
ward Btirch , John Schalllc , Richard
Jlynn , Douglas Dickinson , Peter Dole ,
five unidentified bodies.
Seriously Injured : Unknown boy ,
nbont 15 years old , dying ; John Hof-
flcln. badly burned ; John Kllnswlcz ,
will probably die ; Peter Doll , badly
burned ; Tony Walker , 1'oremnn of the
molding department , HOBO broken and
burned ; Samuel RHoy , engineer , bad
burns , condition critical.
* " Many Are Missing.
Eighteen men and boys have not
ns yet been located either at their
lipm'os , pr at the hospitals. The five
unidentified bodies account for live of
those. ' " >
'A great force of men are searching
the ruins and work will not be stopped
until every foot of debris has been
it examined'
' I The.Penberthy . Injector company's
.i plant occupied half a square of
_ < f , ground. It was composed of two brick
v'V buildings separated by a 10-foot al-
* \ ley. The rear building , In which the
'JT boiler was located and which was do-
' | Btroyed , was three stories In height.
It is Impossible to toll exactly how
many men were at work In the various
departments of this rear building
when the explosion occurred , but the
company officials Insist that the num
ber was not over 85. There were four
boilers In the plant , two horizontal
ones , which furnished steam for the
engines , and two vertical boilers ,
. -which were used solely to test In
jectors. It was the horizontal boiler
that was In use yesterday morning
that caused the awful loss of life.
Fire Adds Its Horrors.
The awful crash came without the
slightest warning. Those In the front
- building said It seemed like the con
cussion of an Immense cannon. Tho.
floors nnd roof of the rear building
bulged upward and'then crashed down
with their heavy loads of machinery
and' foundry , apparatus. Walls roof
and all dropped into a shapeless mass.
Windows in houses for a block around
were broken by the concussion and
flying bricks filled the neighboring
yards. A dense cloud of dust 'arose
nnd as it settled and was succeeded
by denser clouds of smoke and steam ,
agonized cries began to come from the
heap of tangled wood , metal and
brick. Those only partially buried
frantically dug themselves out and
then as energetically turned to dig
ging for their comrades who were bur
Er led deeper. Flames broke out almost
I Immediately and the horror of fire was
added to the sufferings of the Imprjs-
oned ones.
Almost Immediately after the fire
alarm was turned in calls were sent
out for all the ambulances In the city
and they hurried to the scene. Pend
ing their arrival , neighboring houses
j -were turned into temporary hospitals
i and those physicians who were in "the
vicinity eased tlie suffering one.s as
much as they wore able. The first
ambulances on the scene were totally
Inadfctjuato'to carry thos'e who had al
ready been extricated and express
wagons and similar vehicles were
pressed Into service.
Work of Saving Lives.
As soon as the gravity of the accl-
dent was realized calls for additional
firemen were sent In and apparatus
came flying to the scene from all parts
of the city. While part of the firemen
directed their efforts toward the fire ,
which was burning fiercely In the
center of the ruins , the greater num
ber of them seized axes and crowbars
and began prying out the victims who
could bo seen or whose faint cries
were audible.
The floors and roof had fallen at an
angle and formed a sort of huge
cover , under which the fire burned
fiercely. Not until the flremeri had
chopped through this did their
. streams begin to have an appreciable
.effect on the flames. The sufferings
of those buried beneath were mutely
testified to by the charred and blackened
ened bodies.
'Gradually the rescuers worked their
way downward through the pile. By
this tlmo there were no cries or
groans to aid them , for the flames had
destroyed those unfortunates wound
ed by the explosion. But the work of
rescue continued with unabated haste.
Stretcher bearers stood by and bore
nway the blackened nnd burned bed
The property loss , according to Sec
retary George W. Clillds , Is about
Nothing is known ns yet about tha
-cause of the explosion ,
John Bertholf of Jersey City , .1 West' '
ern Union Manager , In the Tolls ,
Now York , Nov. i2. ! John 11. llort
holf , manager of the eastern dlvlfton |
of the Western Union Telegraph com *
jmny In Jersey City , N. J. , wus arrest
ed yesterday on the chnrgo that ho
has been carrying on a "greonjjoodB"
IniRlni'HH. The complaint wan made
by Chief of Police Murphy. The po
lice have In their possession several
circulars sent to tha south and went
and claim they can show that the telegraphic -
graphic ropllcn of prospective vlctlmu
went direct to Bortholf.
Isaac Kershaw , a telegraph oper
ator who transmitted seine of the tele
grams alleged to have been received
by Ilertholf and who gave the pollco
a statement against him , was also arrested -
rested on a charge similar to that pro-
farrod against the manager. Ball wag
fixed at $2,000 In each case.
Burlington Officials Consider Pros *
pectlvo Connections.
Lead. S. D. , Nov. 27 , Intelligence )
was received here yesterday that the
Burlington Railway company has un
der consideration the advisability of
building into Rapid City. (1. W.
lloldrege , H. 12. Harris and 10. M.
Westervelt were hero this week loolc-
Ing Into the recent purchase of the
Black Hills and Fort Pierre road.
They mot Chauncey L. Wood of Rapid
City , who lo the attorney for the old
Wyoming and Dakota Railroad com
pany , with a road partly built from
Mystic to Rapid City. It IH said that
the Burlington company lias practical
ly closed a deal for the right of way
of the above company and that an
extension will bo made to Rapid City
from the Burlington main line.
Whisky Men Want Tax Reduced.
Cincinnati. Nov. 27. Representa
tives of the whisky interests of the
United States held a meeting hero
yesterday to discuss the present tax
ation of whisky. The sentiment was
unanimous an favoring the reduction
of the present tax of $1.10 per gallon
and for the extension of the allow
ance for evaporation or outage on.
goods made subsequent to Jan. I , 1899.
It was decided to draft a bill covering
those two points for introduction Into
congress. It Is said that 70 cents a
gallon was agreed upon as the total
amount that would be considered a
Just tax.
Helps Omaha Jobbers.
Omaha , Nov. 27. The Union Pa
ciflc'o action In abrogating the through
rates which the St. Joseph and Grand
Island has heretofore enjoyed on the
Union Pacific main line west will re
sult In shutting out St. Joseph and
Atchlson Jobbers from Nebraska ter
Record Price for South Dakota Cattle.
Sioux City , Nov. 27. A choice load
of Hereford beeves from South Da-
Uota sold for 7 cents per pound on the
Sioux City market yesterday , breakIng -
Ing all previous records of high priced
sales at the stock yaiV . The cattle
averaged 1,083 pounds and the aver
age price was $118 a head.
Sully Under Arrest.
Sioux City , Nov. 22. Jack Sully , a
noted South Dakota squawman , who
has been accused of seven murders In
the last 20 years , is under arrest hero.
He Is charged with having tried to
Itlll Peter Wnugh for recovering cat
tle. Waugh , with Sheriff Taylor , am
bushed Sully.
Representative Nicholas Mullcr of
the Seventh New York district has
tendered his resignation a member
of congress.
Mrs. Lafayette Boyer of Payson ,
Ills. , was burned to death Thursday.
Her clothing caught fire from the
stove. She was 70 years of age.
Colonel John W. Jones , who went
out to the Philippines in command of
the First Idaho volunteers , died
Thursday at his home In Blackfoot ,
aged 62.
The championship Wrestling match
between Tom Jenkins and Charles
Wittmer took place Thursday at tho.
Southern Athletic club , New Orleans.
Jenkins won.
Governor Bcckham of Kentucky
signed the death warrant of Reuben
Qulnn , who killed Policeman Crumm
at Danville and ordered that he bo
executed on Friday , Due. 20.
What Is claimed to lie a remark
able find of lead ore has been made
near Frlendsville , Tenn. A vein 20
feet In thickness and of an undeter
mined depth has been uncovered.
Six drunken men rode their horses
into an Oklahoma school and. killed
a girl. They may be lynched.
The sugar refinery at Neufahrwas-
ser , western Prussia , has been de
stroyed by fire at a loss of 4,000,000
Ono block , with eight business
houses , was swept away by fire at
Neoga , Ills. , Monday. Loss , $30,000 ;
Insurance , $14,000.
An Incendiary fire at Tufala , I. T.
Monday destroyed the store and gen
eral merchandise stock of James Bur-
dette. Loss , $60,000.
Army officers at Washington whol
ly discredit the published Btory of the
reported conspiracy to secure the In
dependence of Alaska.
Conflicts , promoted by peasants
have occurred at Rosales and Hlnlcs
tra , Spain. Two persons have been
killed and eight wounded.
Colonel E. K. Hayward , who had
charge of the construction of the Han
nlbal and St. Joseph railroad and was
afterward president of that road untl
188C , died nt Chicago Monday.
Governor Jenkins of Oklahoma had
a long conference with Secretary
Hitchcock Monday , In which ho
Bought to explain to the secretary
BOino of the charges filed against him.
Pittsburgh Switchmen Have Not
Effected Complete Tie-Up.
nstead of the Predicted Six Hundred
Men , Only Four Hundred Are Out ,
Other Trainmen Withhold Sympa
thy From Strikers.
Plttsburg , Nov. 27. Judging by ap
imrcnt conditions the Hwltchmen's
Btrlko Inaugurated yesterday IWB
proven a fiat failure , but a reversal of
Lhlfl may result If the Hlrlkunt can
make good their claims. Only ono road ,
the Lohlgh Valley , vvaw Horlounly af
fected. On this road but ono crow
was at work , and the road Is badly
crippled. None of the ot/ior roads suf
fered much Inconvei/lenco , IH'CIUIHO
now men were readily secured to taku
the placou of the st/liters , and some
of the men upon dlucoverlng that the
strike order had not been generally
obeyed , returned to their places.
The strikers have not the sympathy
of the other trainmen. About 400
switchmen are out.
The strikers lust night gained eight
men In the yard of the PlttHburg , Vir
ginia and Charleston road. This Is
the principal yard of the road on the
south side and the defection lias crip
pled the company considerably. The
olllcluls claim to bo able to put on
now men today. The strlKers claim
to have crippled the Baltimore and
Ohio In the Glenwood yards. They
say that only ono crew out of the 12
regularly employed are at work and
that no attempt to move freight Is
being made.
A meeting of the Luwrencovlllo
branch of the Brotherhood of Trainmen -
men was hold last night behind tight
ly closed doors. The striker appear
"confl'lpjit that the brotherhood men
will refuse to handle trains switched
by nonunlonists.
Naval Hero's Visit to Philadelphia
Develops Into an Ovation.
Philadelphia , Nov. 27. Rear Admi
ral Schloy , who , with Ars. | ( .Schley , ar
rived hero yesterday td remain until' '
today as the 'guest of Colonel A. K.I
McClure , was the center of an enthu
siastic demonstration at the Broad
street station of the Pennsylvania
railroad as they passe'd Into the shed.
More than 1,000 persons were con
gregated In the station to pec the ad
miral and when ho stopped from the
train the crowd set up a wild cheer.
The people massed around him and It
was with much difficulty that the po
lice opened a passageway for him to |
leave the station.
Meeting of Cabinet.
Washington , Nov. 27. The time of
the cabinet meeting yesterday wus
largely devoted to a general going
over the prcsjdent's mcBsagcj. Some
changes were 'madSlfln the verbiages ,
but they were not important. Secre
tary Wilson talked to the cabinet for
a short time about what ho regards
ns the failure of Canadians to keep
an agreement made with the United
States as to the bringing of cattle to
Canada and this country , from Great
Britain. This agreement ; ntado n
number of years ago , provided that an
American or Canadian Inspector of
cattle should be kept In Great Britain
to Inspect cattle coming to Canada ,
destined either for Canada or the
United States.
Unearth.Smuggling Scheme.
Cleveland , Nov. 27. Detectjves
from the treasury department of the
United States government believe
they have unearthed one of the most
extensive smuggling schemes in the
history of the country. They estimate
that $100,000 worth of furs have been
smuggled Into this country from Can
ada and of this quantity about $25-
000 worth have been confiscated by
the government from some of the
most fashionable women of northern
Ohio. A big fur firm In Montreal Is
accused of sending goods Into this
country and avoiding the duty ,
Heimrod Formally Named.
Washington , Nov. 27. The state de
partment announces that George
Heimrod of Omaha has been appoint
ed consul general at Apia , Samoa.
George Holmrod was born in Ger
many in 1845 and came to the United
States In 18CG. He spent a year In
New York city and then went to Oma
ha , where he has since been a success
ful business man. He always has
taken a deep Interest in public affairs
and educational matters. Ho has
served In the state legislature and In
1895 and 1897 was elected county
House Republicans to Hofd Caucus.
Washington , Nov. 27. The Repub
lican members of the house of repre
sentatives will meet In caucus Satur
day at 2 o'clock for the purpose of
nominating house officers. There Is
no contest and Speaker Henderson
and the other elective officers will be
re-elected. It Is expected that there
will be quite a sharp contest over readopting -
adopting the Reed rules. The Demo
cratic caucus will be held at 11
o'clock Saturday to nominate minority
Temperance Restaurants a Failure.
San Francisco , Nov.27. The temper
ance restaurant proprietor. A. W. Den
nett * who once conducted a chain of
restaurants across the continent from
Now York to San Francisco , has
failed for $92,000. with no available
assets. Ho has nominal secured as
sets of $39,000. Most of his creditors
uro women and missionary societies.
Federal Judge Declines to Interfere
In Secretary Smlley's Cnsc.
Topohn , Nov. 20. - United HlaloH
District Judge Hook yonterday re
fused writ of habeas corpim prayed
for by 10. J. Smlloy , Hocrclary of the
Kiinmifl drain uHmx'lutlon , cummonly
known an the drain trust , Hnilloy
was summoned before the district
court of Reno county to niiHWur qnon-
tlotiH unil to produce bookH and pa
pers concerning the oporntloiiH of the
grain atmoclatlon. Ho nppoarod , but
when the iiuoslloiiH wore asked him
ho declined to nmuvor , claiming that
the Boctlon of the antl-trUHt law under
which ho had boon mininioiiod IH In
violation of the Nineteenth amend
ment to the United Staten constitu
tion. For refusing to answer ho wan
adjudged to bo In coiitompt of court
and muit to Jnll. Judge Hook wiyn
Hmlloy must exhaust all remedy In the
Btato courlH before appealing to the
federal courtH and that the federal
courtH have no oxclualvo Jurisdiction
over federal CIIBOH.
Union Miners Surprise Authorities by
Making Show on Devastated Camp.
Knrllngton , Ky. , Nov. 2G. Trno to
their threat to maintain the camp at
Nortonvlllo , the union mlnorH erected
another tout yotttonlny on the nllo of
the camp which Judge Hall broke up
only Knmlny mid hauled to Mndlmin-
vlllo. At the time I | IITH | Roonoy
and Reed , who worn nl Noitonvllle ,
wore not nrrctUnd and Arllo OHIOH ,
who had command of the CHIMP , OH-
raped after nrroHl. The ro-OHlalillHh-
incut of the camp watt a gieut mir-
The union men are mild to bo rely
ing 011 Judge-elect dlveiiH to ligiiin
permit the ramps In Hopkins county
after Jan. 1 , although Juilgn dlvoim
announced Hint ho will stringently
uphold the Inw. Koine of the local
companion , who have not already dnnn
HO , nrfl taking opportunity to take for-
clgn HuirtorH and got Junior the pro
tection of the United Staln rouitn.
State Canvassing Do.ird Reviews pig.
ures' of County CI6rks. |
Lincoln , Nov. 21 ! . The majority of
Judge S. II. Kedgwlck over Conrad 1
C. Hollobeck. IIH returned by the Hlnln
canvassing hoard , IH lii.OM ) . The aver-
ngo innjorlty of the Republican enin | | .
dates .for regents IH 15,171.
The total vote rust WIIH 201,192 , and
for the varloiiH eumlldntuH WIIH IIH fol
lows :
For Supreme Judge S. II. Sodg.
wick ( Rep. ) . S)8.9)3 ) ! ) ; C. H. llollen-
beck ( fu. ) , 8(5,331 ( ; W. L. Clark ( Pro ) ,
4,072 ; J. B. Randolph ( HOC. ) . 1.83(5. (
For Regents I2niHt , 9f,98'l ) , and
CalkliiH. 9(5,845 ( ( Rep. ) ; Hawkby. K.'J.-
805 , and Bayston , 81,819 ( fu. ) ; Walk
er , 4,297 , and Blllsworth , 4,013 ( Pro. ) ;
Wilklo , 1,924 , and Shram , 2.007 ( HOC ) .
Semple Denies Charges.
Philadelphia , Nov. 22. Lawyer
John L. Semplo of Cnmdon , who Is on
trial in this city charged with aiding
and abetting counterfeiters In the
making of counterfeit dollar notes
while the latter wore in prison , went
In the witness stand yesterday and
occupied most of the time of the l\\o
sessions of court. Ho made a gen
eral denial of ( lie charges against
him , saying that he had been engaged
as couiiHol for Arthur Taylor and
Baldwin S. Bredell , the convicted
counterfeiters , In a regular manner.
Firemen Rescue Four Women.
St. LonlH , Nov. 20. Luytles Bros. ,
wholesale and retail grocers , were
burned out yesterday. Loss , $75,000 ;
Insurance , partial. Four young
women employes wore rescued from
death from the fourth story by fire
men , who carried them out In an In
sensible condition. Mike Doran , fore
man of ono of the fire companies , WIIH
overcome by smoke and nearly suffo
Studebaker Nearlng the End.
South Bend , Ind. , Nov. 20. Clem
Studebaker Is falling , his condition
since yesterday being far from en
couraging. Inquiries concerning his
condition are coining Into the city
from' all parts of the country. If Mr.
Studebaker should die the football
game scheduled by the South Bend
Athletic association with Notre Dame
will not bo played.
Icebergs in Path cf Steamers.
St. Johns , N. F. , Nov. 20. Four
large Icebergs are visible today from
this port. They are drifting south Into
the track of Atlantic shipping. Ice
bergs have never before been known
to pass here so late In the season.
Their presence Is consequently all the
more dangerous to ocean shipmasters ,
who do not expect to find Icebergs
on the Grand Banks.
Safe Crackers in Oklahoma.
Guthrle. O. T. , Nov. 20. Masked
men entered the general store of
Brown & Cress Sunday night at Cres
cent City , O. T. , blow open the safe
and secured cash and papers estimat
ed to bo worth $500. Officers believe It
the work of Ben Cravens , the Okla
homa outlaw , for whose arrest $5,000
In rewards have been offered.
Semple Jury Still Out.
Philadelphia , Nov. 26. The jury In
the trial before Judge McPherson In
the United States court of John L.
Semplo , the lawyer of Camdcn ,
charged with aiding and abetting
counterfeiters In the making of spuri
ous notes In prison. Is still out.
Due to licnnrancc.
"He thinks he's famous. "
"Well , he never was much of a man ,
for ncqulrlns knowledge. "
"What has that to do with it ? "
"Why , he probably never has con-
Milted the dictionary and learned the
difference between fame and notoil-
ety.-Chlcrt. < ? o Post.
Secretary Wilson Reports .De
velopments in Agriculture ,
Vast Foreign Market Preserved Only
by Most Rigid Inspection of Meats ,
Hopes for Macaroni Wheat In the
Dakotas nnd Nebraska.
Washington. Nov. 20. The fifth nn-
nun ) report of the nocrolary of agri-
cult uro , Hon. JanumVlhtou , made
public yoHtordny , In coimlditrahly
larger ( bun In former yourH , collecting
thoi'ohy the great growth and development
mont which IIIIH uttenilcil ( bin depart
muni during bin admlnlHliiillixi.
A largo portion of the reports cov
em the mihjcct of animal IndiiHtry.
The grand total of animals and an
imal productn oxporlod during the
year exceeded $250,01)0.000 ) In value.
Thin viiHt foreign market IH only pro-
nerved to our prodnconi by the Indn-
fatlgnblo offorln of the department and
the rigid Inspection exorcised through
the human of nnlnnil IndiiHlry.
The hlghoHt record previously at
tained In the export of agricultural
prodnclH In IS98 wiiu nnrpnnnod by
ovf-r $ ! ( ) ( ) ( ) , In the lineal year of
1901. when n vulne of over $1)50.0110 ) ,
000 WIIH reached. Of the nierchiindliio
ncnl nbroiid during ( he year 115 per
cent originated on the farm.
The Hocii'tiiry iiHHciIti Mini much
IOBS IIIIH remitted lo the cnlllo Indiiu-
try In I ho went In recent yearn owlni :
to ( ho InlndlcloiiH iniinngcnient or
rangoH. The dopm-lincnl'it expert
mi'iilH tdiow Hint much could bo done ,
under proper control , lo restore Ilio
rnngoH to ( heir original condition , nnd
ho rcconimcnilu action by CMIIKI'CHH ,
giving Hi" proHldonl authority to w
cure for the o.xporlmonlal noodn of
lib dopiulmont finch Irnclii of pnblii
iiingo landH an may bo u"ceHHiiry.
OYonl activity linn ehnrnclorl/oil
tli\ ( Introduction of vnhmhlc HOMCH |
and' plnnlH fioni nbroiid. with innxl
Mil Inflictorv roHiillH. The I'nlteil
KlntoH linpoitt ! yoiuly nearly $ soonoo
worth of macaroni. Macaroni whralit
] have been Introduced In ( ho hint I wo
yours very mieeowifnlly Inlo the Dakotan -
tan , also Into KaiiHiii ! and Nebraska.
Emery Promoting Connection
for Keokuk and
Oltiimwn , In. , Nov. 2i. ( There hnnj
been broached In thlH city n gigantic
Hellenic to coiiHlrnct a Hyiilcm or nhlp
ciinalH out of DOH MolnoH river from
Keokuk lo Dos MolncH. enabling
Rlenmors to ply between the two olt-
ICH. It IH proponed to bnlhl a HVHlem
of lockH and daniH that will accommo
date light draught boatH. John H.
Ktncry of Dos Molneo callgd on Sena
tor Harper , J. H. Morrell and others
and broached the matter to thorn.
All of them arc Bald to bo In favor
of It and bollevo It can be accom
plished. The plan IH to ask congresn
for an appropriation and have the
government do the work.
Mrs. Dale Still Hysterical.
Now York , Nov. 2li. Mrs. ICII/abeth
Howe. Dale , who Is detained in cus
tody at a hospital at lloboken , N. J. ,
pending InvoHtlgatlon of the causa of
the death of her lltllo daughter , con
tinues hysterical and unlit to bo ar
raigned in court. She Insists thai her
husband , Harvey S. Ii.lo of Chicago ,
will not appear ngalnut her. Dale WIIH
expected to reach Hoboken yesterday
from the west , but thus far the author
ities have received no respoiiHO to any
of the numerous telcgianiH that have
been sent to him asking him to come
I Plttsburg Switchmen Strike.
Plttsburg , Nov. 20. The switchmen
on seven roads In PittHburg have de
cided to strike today. A meeting of
the switchmen laHt night was attend
ed by about 000 men , and tills action
was decided upon , and the result of
this movement can only bo conjec
tured. In the Baltimore and Ohio
yards fully 100 Plnkortous are on
duty. The claim made at the switch
men's meeting was that 700 to 1,000
men will obey the strike order. The
Klumund of the men Is that the Chicago
cage rate be paid here.
Son Avenges His Parents.
Marietta , O. , Nov. 20. At Union-
vlllo , Morgan county , last night Rob
ert Wllking and wife had a family
quarrel. Mrs. Wllking. taking her
baby , hurried to her father's , Jacob
Stokes , a Bhort distance away. The
husband followed. Stokes and his
wife were on the veranda. Robert
Wllking , on arriving , shot and mortal
ly wounded Mr. and Mrs. Stokes. A
son of Mr. Stokes then appeared nnd
shot and killed Wllking. No arrest
has been made.
Will Be Lynched If Caught.
Texarkana , Nov. 2C. News reached
hero that Edward Rochellc , a promi
nent Red river planter , had been
killed by two negroes. Rochelle was
formerly Jailer and deputy sheriff of
Bowie county and" was a brother of
Representative Will Rochclle. It is
reported that the negroes entered
Rocholle's store , brained him and
then robbed the place. Mob violence
Is feared In case the negroes are
Irish Patriot Dying.
Chicago , Nov. 25. Martin Hogan , an
Irish patriot , who was rescued from
Van DIoman'B Laud , Australia , In 1809 ,
by a sliip sent out for that purpose ,
Is dying at the county hospital. He
is ono -of the seven men convicted
with John Boyle O'Reilly In 18CG ol
treason against the British govern
ment and sentenced to bo shot.
" We have three children. Before the
birth of the last one my wife used four bot.
tics of MQTIIIHl'S FIUI'NI ' ) , If you had the
pictures of our children , you could sec a )
n glance that the last one
Is healthiest , prettiest and
finest-looking of llicin nil.
My wife thinks Mother's
Friend Is the greatest
ami grandest
remedy In the
world for cxpccl-
ant mothers. " '
Written by a Ken
tucky Attorncy-ut
prevents nine-tenths of the
suffering Incident to child *
birth. Thccomlnp mother's
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal , because this relax
ing , penetrating liniment relieves ( he
usual distress. A good-natured mother
Is pretty sure to have u good-natured child.
The patient Is kept In a strong , healthy
condition , which the child also Inherits.
Mother's Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly a ml almost painlessly. It
assists In her rapid recovery , and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
SoM liy itruircl" ! * for $1 u Imtlle.
Krixl for our firn M " 't ii > I hunk written
r liH'i lv f..i . t-ntii mi * > In r
' At all dfiiR tlorr * . 20 I > UM * 25e.
o "Why Should Ca- |
: ; lamily Be Full of \ \
Words r
The mere saying of words is < >
easy , and some men devote { " >
their whole lives to it. They < \
talk rather than act. The caJ J J
lamity howlers in any community - *
nity arc of this kind.
While the unsuccessful busi
ness man is talking the success
ful man is acting. When he
speaks he uses words , but he
tells facts. He seldom , how
ever , depends upon his own
He brings to his aid the trumpet tongucd
< > voice of the press.
I' He purchases space in the
{ | advertising columns of his local
< > paper , and he uses it to good
This is your local paper.
There is space in these col
umns for use. Are you add
ing its strength to your voice ?
| > Properly used it will aid you.
This Ii a dnrlnir itntement , but Sal.
r It out over/tliniv
croptlx wetVb alter ow
WhaT lti ?
Catalogue U1U.
4 IkU NOTICE w. >
tlf Mtil OUloy , 10 Gl
r > * n ) r > l M lac I adair ftbOTt , &U9
fj IU ( M bu.
( iij kwb.1
John A.SalzorSeodCo.taCro M ,
For 14 Cents
mill tht followlof rtr * Do
> ' fi O lo S .d ,
I UljG.rd. . llxINcd ,
I ll-Dir lUdUh K l ,
i LX. BtrkO UU r < S r < J ,
i llrUUutlltntrbttJ ,
Worth $1.00
Abort 10 paeki | l rtrt oovtlUu t wlU
mall jou fre , toi tlnr with our cretl
P.Utr1. llllllon Dollar Oruu
AUo C'bolco Onion herd , UUr. a Ib.
r llh thoo. ndiof ctrllril vrif
n.l firm x-eji upou receipt ot 119.
u I thUnotlrr. M'heu ouo you rlaal
Stint Socdi you III mur iliwltbuul.