THE NOUPOLK NtiWS : FlUfoAY , NOVEMBER 20 , liTOl , CLOSING OUT I " * " * " * 'K' * " * " * " * " DETERniNED TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS And Will Sell Everything in My Store at is no "HOODOO , " but a BONA FIDE SALE. . . _ . . . - - - - 5J- - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j ! - - - - - - - - - disposing of all my property in and around Norfolk , and shall remove from the city. For this reason I am making a GENUINE * My , ' stock is clean and well selected. A large proportion of it is NEW GOODTbut all must go , WITHOUT RESERVE. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH. . . . H C. * * t > * * t > * * * * - * - * - * * * - " * B IS YOUR BEST CHANCE s and Boy's Suits and Overcoats , Underwear , Shirts , Hats , Caps and Mittens , and in fact , everything arried in a First-Class Clothing Store , , CHEAPER than you ever bought them before in Norfolk' . COME see for yourselves that BUSINESS. CLOTHING STOR P . B. KENYON , Proprietor NORFOLK , NEB. X Defeats McGovern in Second Round of a Fast Battle. TERRY SEES HIS WATERLOO. Tries Hard to Struggle to His Feet , but Count of Ten Finds Him Still on the Floor Walcott Defeats , Voutifl Peter Jackson. OlartforU , Conn. , Nov. 29. Knocked out Ju the second round , of which one anlnuto and forty-four seconds hud iaj > acd , 'was the referee's verdict ot the fistic battle between "Younjj Coitoett" of Denver and Terry Me. Govern of Brooklyn , who 1ms hold the featherweight championship unlllnch- iasly since ho won It from George Xttxon 18 months ago. Outwitted ana outpointed with a fighter Just the same & himself , McQovcrn had to lower fclB colors yesterday at the Nutmeg Athletic club to "Young Corbott" with- la lx minutes from the start of the fight. "Young Corbett , " who outside of ring parlance Is known as Billy uoth- well , got the bettor of the champion in less than two rounds of lighting and ho did It so perfectly that there was no doubt about It When McGovern was knocked down in the opening round there were cries of dismay from his backers , but his wonderful recuperative powers were equal to the occasion , and he was on Ills feet within seven seconds. Ho tried all his rushing work , which proved so profitable on former occa sions , but Corbott met his every curve and countered hard on neck , Jaw ana head. Down went Terry again In the second end round and when ho got up quickly he nished like a wild man. Ho showed a lack of self-restraint and In a hurst of bad temper hit out left ana right Irrespective of all rules and asagcs. These tactics apparently % vore just what Corbott was looking top. Terry was mixing things up with whirlwind velocity and throwing sci ence to the winds. Suddenly a right , winging uppercut landed squarely on the point of his jaw and McQov- cra went down and out. Ho was not rendered unconscious , but It was evi dent to all present that ho know the championship had taken wings , as he made wild efforts to regain his feet. Referee White called off ten seconds , while McGovern valiantly struggled. After the light a purse of $10,000 was offered by the Twentieth Century Athletic club of San Francisco for another fight between McGovorn and Corbett , and McQovern accepted the BURGLARS WOUND CONSTABLE. St. Joe Officer Shot and Pounded Till He Cannot Recover. St. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. a1. ) . For sev eral nights Constable- Wesley Gun nnd several deputies huvo boon en- deavorlng to capture a Knng of burg lars Unit have robbed numerous stores nnd residences In the suburbs , but never came upon the robbers until early yesterday morning. Constable Gun was separated from his deputies , but did not hesitate to attack three of the burglars nnd endeavor to cap ture them. Ho was shot and poundeit Into Insensibility and left for dead. Ho cannot recover. Young Short $23,000. Louisville , Nov. 29. Beyond the statement made to Mayor Granger bv one of the expert accountants that a shortage , amounting to | 23,000 , hud been found In the books of the former city treasurer , Stunrt R. Young , who committed suicide Wednesday even ing , nothing definite Is known as to how the accounts stand between the city and its former treasurer. It Is said that the accountants will require two weeks of constant work to go over the books. During his four years as city treasurer Young handled $11- 000,000. Berlin Council Approves Kaiser's Plan Berlin , Nov. 2D. After a lively de bate yesterday , the municipal coun cil , by a vote of C4 to 51 , adopted the plans for altering Unter den Linden that were approved by Emperor Will iam. During his speech , In which ho accused the members of the munici pal council of lacking backbone and In which ho referred flippantly to the deference shown the emperor's wishes , the socialist deputy , Herr Singer , was called to order. Miss fitone Alive on Nov. 24. Sofia , Bulgaria , Nov. 29. A tele gram received from a private agent nt Dubnltza says that Miss Stone and Mme. Tsllka were alive Nov. 24. BATTLE CREEK 0. 8. Hayes of Norfolk jwasj visiting hero Friday. Howard Miller shipped two carloads of hogs Tuesday. F. L. Putney of Tildeu was here Saturday ou business. "Wm.iLow , No. 2 , was transacting business here Thursday. Geo. D. Smith was visiting hero Thursday with Warner Daniel and fam ily. FraukIIaman | of Clearwatar was vis iting here froiu Monday till Wednes day. day.Mr. Mr. Yund ot"Grand Island , an intl- mate friend of Prof. Vantmo , WOK hero Monday , Otto Encker of Lindeayj wa8 visiting here 11 week with his brother , Herman , and family. About 18 members of the Masonic lodge attended the extru mooting at Norfolk Tuesday. A largo number of Battle Creek people went to Norfolk Friday to see the play in the Auditorium. MrH. .7. Ilofmnu , Mrs. Sohlieu and llov. F. Koestor wont to the Luthoruu lospital Monday for treatment. W. .T. Stavely was in his store again Thursday the first tluio in two mouths. Mr. Stnvely is troubled with neuralgia. Ooo. Songvouior , foreman of the Muus & Breohlor cattle ranch ncnr In- inaii , came Friday for n visit with rela tives. J. D. Mink , who lives about 10 miles south of hero , will sell out a week from next Saturday and intends to go to Idaho. Thanksgiving exercises were held in our High school Wednesday afternoon and a nice program was carried out in all rooms. The Lutherans ore having Thanksgiv ing service in their church. Tonight some will enjoy in a social hop in the opera house. Horinuu Werner , contractor in the carpenter business , has bought J. L. O'Koo'sarm , six miles southeast of townfor f'KXX ) . Ernest llikof ski of Warnorville arrived hero Wednesday to visit his father-in- law , Gottleib Hensolnit and family. Mr. Heusoloit is very siok with rheumatism. Clark Cutroii , who lives on the Con nelly place , one mile south of town , is going to leave and will locate in Ante lope county , where he has rented 800 acres. E. F. Hans and Paul Nenow went to Clearwater Friday to look at some farm Innrt. Thnv came back and stated thai they wouldn't go any further west than Madison county. The Battle Crook local reading circle will moot on the second Saturday in January , 1002. The work at that time will be chapter 4 and 6 , write a review of preceding work. The Young Ladies Good Time club will have a social dance at the Battle Creek opera house Friday night. The Italian orchestra of Omaha will furuisl the music. George Berry has received the poles fo his telephone line out to his sheep ranol five miles north of town. This investment mont will cost him , when completed about I COO. But within a couple of day ho can talk to anyone in the U. S. with out coming to town. * -HH-H--H"H"H"I"I-H"I-H-I"H"H' ' IT SOUpS BflD For a dealer in lumber or * i anything else , to be forever - : ; ever blowing about his prices being lower than everybody else's. Men ot common sense know that : where conditions are the same , one dealer has no : particular advantage over another in the matter of prices. On some things we know our prices to be , ! a little low , but our great advantage lies in the sut t p e r i o r it y of our stock , ; ; which is , without exception - tion , the finest you ever saw , so don't build or make any repairs till you figure with us. ' LOUIS 0. MITTELSTADT , Lumber Dealer , NORFOLK , - - NEBRASKA. ' -H-H-H-H-1-H'i'l ' ' M. . I'H-I-H- Wonderful West. Towards which the eyes of the wes are turned ; where great opportunitie are open to everyone , is best and quick est reached by the Union Pacific. No bettor trains in the world than thos run via this line. For full information cnll.'on or addres J. B. Eheffer , agent. Q. A. tiUIKAUT , PB-SIDENT. W. HiJOHNBON , CASHIEB , HAS. B. BBIUOK. VICE PBKSIDENT. LEO 1'ASEWALK , ASS'T CASHIM The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. - Surplus , 85,000. Buy and eoll exchange on this country and all.'partaof Knropo. ( Farm Loans , Director * . GAEL ASMUB , W H. JOHNSON , CnAB. S. BBIDOE. 0 , W. OBAABCH , 0 , M WANK. G. A. LUIRABT. T. F MKUMINOEB. L. SESSIONS. BARNES & TYLER , J J. B.'Bnrnes ° \ M. D. Tyler Attorneys at Law , Norfolk , - - Nebra tu ) R. H. T. HOLDEN lomcopiitiiic Physician nnd Snrgeon Otllco , Citizens National Bank Building. Telephone 101. anttnrinm and Itosldonco , Main and 13th 81 Telephone 9. * Norfolk Nebraska , - - [ ) R. N. J. HOAGLAND , Osteopathic Physician. ) ! eenBes both acnta and chronic successfully treated without UBO of drugs or knifo. Phone No. F 54. Office at residence , 109 North 10th Street , Norfolk , . . . Nebraska H.J. . QOLE , DENTIST. Jfllce over Citizen's. National Bank , Residence one block north of Congregational church , Norfolk , Nebraska MISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. rs In Cotton block , over Banm'i First-class work guaranteed. Norfolk , Nebraska JyJRS. SADIE HART MILLER. OsteopathicIPhysician , Rooms OTerlHayes' Jewelry House. Norfolk pOWERS & HAYS , Attorneys at Law. Rooms 10,11 and 13 , Mast block , Norfolk - Nebraska SESSIONS & BELL , Undertakers and Einbaimerg , Sessions Blk. , Norfolk Ave. Norfolk , . . . Nebraska HENRY E. RYDER , Teacher o ! PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN Spiclal ritndolln and QuIUr Leiiono ajc. Voice Culture a Specialty. ' Pacific Hotel , Special rates made to boarders by week or month. Rooms Steam Heated and Electric Lighted. First Class Accommodations See ! O ! See You Will Have to Hustle if You Fol low me. Now Look at this , will you ? This is the price of Groceries : Sugar , 20 Ibg for . $1 QO Package Coffes . 12 Japan Tea. best , per Ib . 10 Lynn Soap , 13 bars for . 25. Diamond Soap , 9 bars for . 25 , Diamond C Soap , 12 bare for . 25 No.l Sweet Corn , per can . 07 Tomatoes , per can . OS 3al. Corn Syrup . 35 1 Ib can Baking Powder . 10 'Alb can Baking Powder . 3 05 Crackers , per Ib . 07 Champion Lye , per can . OS Cider Vliioear , per gal . 15 Navy Beans , perlb . Q3 Chewing Tobacco , perlb . 25 Smoking Tobacco , per Ib . 15 60 pkg Smoking Tobacco . 03 Cnndy , perlb . 07 Nelson's Bejt Baking Chocolate , p r Ib. . . . 30 Cabbngs , per Ib . 03 Salt , per barrel . j 49 Bait , Rock , p c cwt . 65 Prune * , par Ib . . . Q CobPipes,2 for . \ \ \ M No. 1 Brooms . < > 3 " " ' Creeks , per gal . , , , 05 JnRs.psr gal . 't w TIn'and IQranlta'ware ' 'cliMper tban you can bar.elsewtiere. - B. MYERS. M. E. SPAULDING , DEALEROIN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : NO. . 83-