-1 * ' . THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOUBNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NUHRASICA KH11UY MOYKMBKU 21) ) 1MI. ! ) I-H--H"-l ! ! J I HIH ! VH -H ! IMIIlIlJHMl H-I-I H"H-H THE CLOSING OUT SALE BY"Z5 / * " * % C JnCv.JwX is now in full swing , and goods are moving fast , but as the stock is not broken , there are plenty of : Great Bargains on hand for any one who is anxious to secure their Winier Supplies At Actual Cost. Plenty of fine , choice goods in every department to make your selection from , both Dry Goods and Clotliing , The Best of Everything. Call and see what we are doing , and you will find out that we are in earnest. . BKUM BROS. i [ .H.W.W..H..H-H..H H KT iCMAfrf.CH 4 MiDI MI M-M- Wolverines Roll up Fifty Points Against Hawkeyes. YOST'S MEN SCORE AT WILL. Have Iowa City Eleven Completely at Their Mercy Missouri Beats \i \ Kansas by Score of 18 to 12 Wisconsin i - consin Defeats Chicago. Chicago , Nov. 29. Michigan scored almost at will ngalust Iowa yesterday , making 50 points to the Hawkeyes' naught. Thus Michigan closes the regular football. season with a total record of 501 points , while not one of the teams she has met has been able to score a single point against her. Iowa played a sturdy , plucky game , but was outclassed. Hcston and Shorts played a spectacular game Tor the Wolverines. The teama began play at 11:10 at the National League baseball parkr The ground was in good condition , except In , the clay which marks the path between second and third bases. It was in this mud that Iowa made her best stands. Eight thousand people occupied the stands when play begun. The wind was blowing across the gridiron and there was no advantage In having either goal. Iowa had the kick off , and for a few minutes gave the Mich Igan supporters the only scare they had during the game. Sweeley caught the punt and ran back to Iowa's 45 yard line. Iowa gained ten yards through the mud by masses on tackle. Michigan held and Iowa punted. Michigan lost the ball on a fumble and Howell carried It 15 yards. Line plunges'netted ten yards more and then Howell tried a goal from field , but missed , the wind carrying the ball to the right of the goal post. Thereafter Michigan's goal was never in danger. The Wolverines had the ball nearly all the time In Iowa's ter ritory. They seldom failed to make their distance on first downs and fre quently made eight or ten yards. Missouri , 18 ; Kansas , 12. Kansas City , Nov. 29. Missouri university eleven yesterday won a val iant victory from their old-time vic tors , the Jayhawkers. The final score : Missouri , 18 ; Kansas , 12. Forester of Kansas City made all three touch downs for the Mlssourlans. It was Missouri's first victory over Kansas Blnco 1895. Playter , Missouri's left half , suffered a broken collar hone and retired In favor of M. Anderson , The Kansans average weight was ten pounds heavier than that of the Mis sourl men and the Jayhawkers were the favorites In the betting. Wisconsin , 35 ; Chicago , 0. Chicago , Nov. 29. Wisconsin , 35 ; Chicago , 0 , and Wisconsin's goal only twice In the slightest danger. Thus did Coach Phil King's Wisconsin eleven make good their boast to defeat feat the University of Chicago foot ball team by a good round number over the score of 22 to 0 , made by their rival for the western cham plonshlp , Michigan. Straight footbal won the day. Chicago throughout the game putup a manful , though unavailing defense. -L. Nebraska Is Champion. Lincoln , Nov. 29. Nebraska 18 Haskell Indians 10 , was the ending yesterday of the fiercest and most sen satlonal football battle ever waged on Nebraska field. Three hard earned tpuchdowns for Nebraska with as many goals by Drake accounts for No braka's tallies , while two Hold goals by Bain were the sources of the Red skins' score. Has Collar Bone Dislocated. Kearney , Nob. , Nov. 29. The game of football between the second lean of the University of Nebraska mid the Kearney Military academy , played hero yesterday , resulted In the defeat of the latter by a score of ( I to 0. Finch of Kearney was injured In the second half , having his collar bone dislocated. Sioux Falls Wins Championship. Sioux Kails , S. D. , Nor.29. . In a game of football here yesterday be tween Sioux Falls and Sioux City ( la. ) high school teams for the Inter state championship , Sioux Falls won by a score of 21 to 5. Cornell , 24 ; Pennsylvania , 0 , Philadelphia , Nov. 29. The Uni versity of Pennsylvania football team ended Us disastrous season with a crushing defeat atf the hands of Cor nell , the Ithaca boys scoring 24 to the Quakers C. Minnesota , 16 ; Illinois , 0. Champaign , Ills. , Nov. 29. In the fiercest game ever seen on Illinois field Minnesota yesterday defeated Il linois by the score of 1C to 0. The game was witnessed by a record- breaking crowd. South Dakota , 12 ; Iowa Normal , 5. Slonf City , Nov. 29. South Dakota university , 12 ; Iowa Normal , 5. TRAIN JUMPS THE TRACK. Engineer and Conductor Killed In a Tennessee Wreck. Turktown ) , Tenn. , Nov. 29. A northbound freight train on the At lanta , Knoxvllle and Northern rail road was- wrecked two miles south of here last night. Conductor Harvey Ott of Knoxvllle and Engineer Edward Dawson of Blue Ridge , Ga. , were killed and the fireman and brakcmau were seriously Injured. The locomo tive Jumped the track while running at a high rate of speed around a sharp curve. It rolled down a 40-foot em bankmcnt and was followed by sev eral Iron cars. THIRTY DEAD IN ALL. Injured Victims of Detroit Boiler Ex plosion Making Progress. Detroit , Nov. 29. The list of vie tlms of the Ponberthy Injector works' boiler explosion will probably remain at 30 , two more bodies having been recovered yesterday. All the Injured In the hospitals are reported as mak' Ing satisfactory progress toward re covery. Superintendent Dons and Bookkeeper McEldownoy went over the pay rolls and succeeded In ac counting for all of the employes. Knights in a Wreck. Syracuse , N. Y. , Nov. 29. A special train northbound on the Delaware , Lackawanna and Western railroad , carrying 300 Syracuse Knights of Co luinbus , i an Into a freight train on a siding at Tully at 1:15 : o'clock this morning , wrecking both trains. A Wrecking train has Just been sent to Tully , and officials say the accident Is not serious. A special press dls patch from Tully says several were injured. Shot While Hunting. Cutbank , Mon. , Nov. 29. James Me- Kllloups , aged 21 , was shot and killed by Frank Gagglns yesterday. A party of young men were shooting for tur keys when a 22-callber rifle held by Gagglnswas accidentally discharged , the bullet entering McKllIoup's head. Boys Start Fatal Blaze. Guthrle , O. T. , Nov. 29. Herbert and Howard Glllman , aged 2 and 4 sons of Tllden Glllman , were burne < ] to death In a stable at Shawnce yes terday. The fire was started by the boys. Several head of stoqk and 125 bales of hay were also consumed. Father Clark Sails for Europe. Boston , Nov. 29. Rev. Francis 13. Clark , president of the World Chris tlan Endeavor society , will sail for Europe , where he will give his per sonal attention to establishing the so clety more firmly on Uis continent. At Least Eighty Lives Believed to Have Been Lost. HARD TO IDENTIFY COnPSES. Charred Remains Crumble Into Pow der When Dragged Forth Exact Number of Victims Not Yet Deter mined Railroad Man's Estimate. Detroit , Nov. 29. Those who have been Investigating the awful calamity on the Wabash railroad near Seneca , Mich. , have found nothing to alter the estimate of about 80 lives lost as a result of the collision. Superintend ent George M. Burns of the division on which the wreck occurred Insists that the estimates are too high. "I do not consider , " said lie , "that the total deatli list will exceed 20. " However , ln support of the larger estimate It is pointed out that there are now 14 passengers known to l-e dead. The bodies of eight of these have been recovered and It is consid ered that the fragments of other bodies ies now In the morgue will account for many more than the 12 dead neces sary to make up Superintendent Burns' estimate of 20. In addition to the comparatively few fragments re covered and -sent ' ' { o the morgue , those who were early on the scene say that many more pieces were discov ered which crumbled to powder while they wore being removed. The Free Press says that the loss of life was , In round numbers , 100 , and that the statements made by the Ital Ian Immigrants on train No. 13 bear out this claim. These Immigrants say that there were about 125 of their na tlonallty on the train and that only about 25 of them escaped. Only one man was found who was an eye-witness to the collision. A. W. Ely , an old man 70 years of age , residing at Seneca , stood at the depot platform and saw No. 13 go by. Ho watched the train as she went down the level track to destruction. Ills attention was arrested by a crash. Then a stream of flame and smoke shot 100 feet Into the air. Ely rushed to the wreck and was the first outsider on the ground. According to his state ment the scene was one of awful her ror. He said : "When I got there the Immigrant car was already on fire and the shrieks wore terrible. I got hold of one man In the collapsed car and pulled him out. Ho was horribly crushed and his legs were broken. He died almost as soon as I got him out of the car. Then I went to the burning cars and what I saw made mo wish I had never gone to the wreck. I don't believe more than 15 of the Italians got out of the wrecked car , for I saw very few. Those who could get out ruslucd around like crazy men calling to heaven for protection and weeping and wailing In their horror Those poor Italians ! Nothing could bo done to save them and wo were Blraply compelled to let them burn. SMALLPOX AMONG HOGS ; Alleged Discovery Made by Inspector at Buffalo Stock Yards. Buffalo , Nov. 29. Dr. C. H. Zlnk , In epoctor In charge of the United States bureau of animal Industry at the East Buffalo stock yards , discovered yesterday what ho believes to bo an outbreak of smallpox among a con signment of hogs. The animals were received from St. Louis last week and they passed the first Inspection After they had been slaughtered Dr. Zlnk , In making a microscopical examination of the viscera , discovered what ho believed to bo evidence ol smallpox. The slaughter houses nru In the Polish district , where the loca health authorities are at present en In lighting an outbreak ol Hinnll- lox. Dr.Ink brought pnoclmoiiH of .ho diseased UHHIIOH to tlin board of tealth and Riiliuiltlcil tliom to Dr. Wondo. After examining ( lioni Dr. Wendo unhesitatingly confirmed the illagnosls of Dr.vlnlc. . JUDGE TAFT WILL COME HOME. Has to Leave Philippines to Uccovcr From Recent Operation. Cincinnati , Nov. 21) ) . Ex-Congresn- man Charles 1' . Tivft , a brother of the governor general of the Philippine ) ) , William H. Tart , yesterday received a cablegram from Manila , stating that Surgeons Stafford and Rhodes liuvo successfully grafted the skin on Gov ernor Tal't's wound and ho will prob ably bo able to pay his projected visit to the United Statea"at the end of Do- comber. Presbyterian Creed Revision. Washington , Nov. 29. The prelim inary work of revising the creed of the Presbyterian church so as to make It more popularly understood was In augurated hero yesterday at a meet ing of a section of the committee of 20 appointed at the last Presbyterian assembly to accomplish this ri.'Bi K. The committee began the preparation of a new statement of the doctrine of the church. It spent several hours In discussion , but no action wns taken on any phase of the subject. The creed to be adopted will make It clear that the Presbyterian church does not hold the belief that those who die In Infancy are "lost. " Start Work on New Road. Fort Dodge , la. , Nov. 29. McArthur Bros. , contractors on the Great West ern road , have started a largo force of men and teams on the Omaha main line of their now road from this city to Omaha. Work on the Clarion- Hampton branch of the Great Western line will not be completed as expected this year. Work on the Omaha main line will bo pushed with all speed , as there Is much heavy work to bo done. A large cut on the west slrto of the long bridge over the Des Molnes river In this city will neces sitate much heavy work. Deadly Butter Color. Grand Fork , S. D. , Nov. 29 , A sen sation has been caused in the vicinity of Walsh Center , Walsh county , over the death of the IS-months-old child of J. P. Kouba , as the result of a swal low of butter color which the child took from a bottle. The father took a swallow from the same bottle to see If It was from the effects of the butter color that the child became 111 and ho too became very sick , but recov ered. An Investigation will bo held. Boy Fatally Wounded at Perry. Perry , la. , Nov. 29. A 14-year-old son of Oscar Swanson , an employe of the St. Paul railroad , was seriously shot yesterday. Ho had been out huntIng - Ing and when a St. Paul freight stopped at the railroad crossing ho undertook to get on the caboose with his shotgun , which was discharged , the full charge entering his person. The attending physicians say ho can not live. Chicago Sees Comet Chicago , Nov. 29. What appeared to many to be a comet was visible hero In the southern sky last oven- Ing. It was difficult to judge of Its length , as It was pointed directly up ward and was going from the earth , but Professor Cox , in charge of the United States bureau , said that In his Judgment It was about two degrees long. Stevens Case on Trial. Mitchell. S. D. , Nov. 29. Little progress was made In the Stevens case yesterday , even though court did not adjourn for Thanksgiving. 0. P. Auld , present receiver of the bank of Planklngton , was'on the stand all day , giving testimony as to the assets of the bank to show Us Insolvency at the time of failure. \ \ II III Norfolk \I.K\\NUKIt I'.I'TC C National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN K Capital , $100,000. Surplus , $2 Does a General Bank Buys prul Solla IntcrcHt Paid on Time DraftH and Money Orders A General Steamship arid Foreign Piuumjgo Huujn ] A. BKAIl , F. P. HANLON. I' . J. 11ALK , W. II. 1 N.A. UAINHOLT. B.H. COTTON WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH ( JO TO W , D , Hall's Barber Shop , MAIN 8T. . THIRD DOOIl KAHT OK KOOUTI1 MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TliLEI'MONUjNo. 417. Rooms on North Ninth Street J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO TUNER. Office with J. D. Sturgeon , NOUFOLK , - - NKUUASKA. James Richards , M. D OCULIST And Expert Refrac- tlonlst. Kxnmltmtlon of the oyoa VO.RK to pntlonte nnil patrons. Ofllco 1101 Knrnnm St. , Omnlmopposite I'uxtou Hotel. J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist. Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , CarnationsPalms , , Ferns Flowers shipped in fresh condition. 'Phone 466L. City oflico ! Cor. Oth nnd Piorco. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First , door West of Post Ofllce MILLARD GREEN , DRRY and TRANSFER LINE Plnno Moving a Specialty. Phone 5S. Calls Promptly Answered. I- For I'lainliing ' , Steam Filling , Wind Mills AD" all wofl < STITT Biitlifnctlon Gunrnntood. First door Booth of TIIK DAILY NEWS OIHoo. I-ionvo onlnrs nt Tolopliotin A 221. Italian Ol' OMAHA , will nmiiln In Norfolk during the wlutor Boaton. MUSIC FURNISHED i - for all occasions. L. LAGROTTA. MAN. NORFOLK. NEB C.R.SEILER , Sale and ! * Boarding Barn. Horses Bought Cand ! Sold on Commission , Braojcli Avenue ] ' and Third St. 'PHONE 44 . . . .TRY. . . . THE NEWS. FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING. Road Notice. f To all whom it may concern : The I commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the north west corner of section twenty-five (25) ( , township twenty-one (21) ( ) , north , range one (1) ( ) , west of Cth p. m. , and running thence east one mile and terminating at the north-east corner of said section 25 , township 21 , range 1 , has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto , or claims for dam- apes , must bo filed in the county clerk's oflioo on or before noon of the 3rd day of February , A. D. 1002 , or such road will bo established without reference thereto. Dated at Madison , Nebr. . this 2Uth day of Nov. , 1001. PHIL. B.vucu. County Clerk. , - . ,