The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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E. II. Tracy returned liut night from
n business trip to Knox oounty.
v Mrs. Qeo. Honks of Missouri Valley ,
Iowa , is visiting with Mrs. lliilin.
U. A. Stewart is in the city from
\ Omnha renewing old acquaintances.
Mrs. M. E. Lobnow is in the city from
Omaha visiting iclativos and friends ,
O. A. Lulkart , president of the GUI-
/ens National bank , lias returned from
u trip west.
Mrs. Mathowson cutortalno'd n small
party of friends last evening in honor of
her guest , Mrs. Darius Mathowsou.
Dr. P. II Salter made -IS-milo drive
yesterday , in Pierce county , on a pro
fessional visit to a patient beyond Plain-
The 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Stewart who has boon very
Hlok with pneumonia , is now very much
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. G. Mayor enter
tained a few friends At n ( I o'clock dinner
nor last evening at their homo ou South
Tenth street.
Mrs. Christian , mother of Mrs. 11. J.
JMohle , has boon called to Plainview by
n message announcing the serious illness
of her mother.
Mr. and Mr. Geo. A. Brooks of Bav.ilo
Mills were hero over night and attended
the social session of the Elks. They
nro ourouto homo from a trip to Omaha.
The 5-monthB-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. Mohlo , died last night at
their home over the Misses Durlaud's
millinery store and will bo burled to
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Hayes went to
Lincoln today to visit their eon , Clyde ,
and will attend the dedicatory services
of the magnificent now M. E. church in
that city tomorrow.
The young friends of Miss Lulu Tay
lor gave her a surprise party last night
at her homo on Norfolk avenno , west of
the tracks. An enjoyable evening was
spent at games and choice refreshments
were served.
The Randolph foot ball team a rived
in the city this morning and this after
noon is engaged in a gamn of foot ball
with the boys of the Norfolk High
schoolan interested crowd of spectators
being in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bntterfleld have
left on a trip to Seattle , Wash. , called
there by a message announcing the very
serious illness of Mrs. Butterfiold'b
brother. It is feared that he will not
burvive until they reach their destiua-
H. E Owen has returned from a trip
to Encampment , in southern Wyoming.
He is very enthusiastic over the pros
pects of the place , which is enjoying n
great boom , and exprebses the opinion
that it will become a second Cripple
Creek. Mr. Owen left today for Omaha.
Pierce Leader : It is learned that
Chris Duerr , the man who shot and
killed George Fettorly last week , has
moved away from the farm where the
tragedy occurred. He desired to get
away from the place which was sur
rounded with such unpleasant and horrible
rible memories.
A biscuit baking contest was held in
York last Saturday which was partici
pated in by 25 girls under 14 years of
age , the pri/.o for the best batch of bis
cuits being a handsome range. A little
girl 9 years old was awarded the pri/.e
but all showed themselves adept at
making and baking biscuitis. It was a
contest with many peed features and
the firm responsible for it is entitled to
u great deal of credit.
The telegraph of the 14th gives the
following account of a peculiar accident
that happened to a Menominee , Mich. ,
hunter : George Richardson yesterday
shot a deer. The bullet passed through
itfi body , hit a tree , glanced off and
etrnck William Everhardt. It went
through his wrist , then hit his gun
stock , glanced up and entered his month
through his cheek , finally lodging in his
neck. The wound is serious. "
Mrs. D. E. Budenz of Martinsvillo ,
Indiana , who has been the guest of Nor
folk friends for ten days , expected to
leave for her home today , but was de
layed by a telegram from her brother ,
J. W. Rose , stating that ho and Mrs.
Rose would arrive in Omaha on Sunday
to remain a few days , during which
time Mr. Rose will transact business ;
with the Omaha ofllco of the American
Beet Sugar company , of which he is
traveling auditor.
The social session of the Elks , given
last night in the club rooms of that
order in the Marqnardt block , was
largely attended and most heartily en
joyed. The evening was largely spent
in danping , but other entertainment was
provided for those who did not wish to
participate in that amusement. An ap
preciable feature of the entertainment
was the serving of delicious refresh
ments and each lady in attendance was
presented with a carnation. The com
mittee responsible for the pleasures of
the evening was composed of Messrs.
Otto Tappert , A. J. Durland , Clarence
Salter and Ralph Braasch.
A story of exposure and suffering
comes down from Alliamo. Some time
ago Ed. Looinis and Mr. Blair , two
young men from the east , arrived there
in search of employment. The former
got a job on the Spade ranch and the
latter was employed about 30 miles
north , on the Niobrara river. While
riding the range last Friday Mr.
Loomis was- thrown and kicked by
his horse , both bones of hln right leg
being broken below the knee and was
loft on the prairie helpless. Ho lay out
nil of Fddivy night , all day Saturday
and Saturday night , having drawn him
self fully four miles backward on his
hands. Sunday morning his friend ,
70 miles awny , felt that ho wan In
trouble and resolved to start out and
tlnd him. Ho had n uhoico of four long
valleys in riding to the Spade ranch and
was fortunate in choosing the one in
which his friend lay disabled. Ho found
him with just enough strength to attract
his attention by waving his hat. The
injured man was taken to n hospital at
Alliance and It is now doing as well
as oould bo expected. Ho suffered
frightfully from cold , hunger and pain.
" "
Letter Lint.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
At the postofllco November 18,1V01 :
J. II. R. Colorann , Egyptian Remedy
Co. ( . ' $ ) , Sarah Farmer , Miss Loretta D.
Hames , package , D. M. Halo , Mrs. Ida
E. Halmes , Geo. T. Hughes , B. O.
Kelly , Wm. J. Keith , R. S. Price.
If not called for in 15 days will bo
sent to the dead letter olllco.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised. .
P. F. Si'uticiir.ii , P. M.
AH persons are hereby cautioned not
to llsh on my promises after this date ,
with either not or line , or they will bo
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Norfolk , Nebraska , Nov. 11 , 11)01. )
Cureer HIII ! Ctiurnrtrr of Ahrntutin Lincoln.
An address by Joseph Choato , Am
bassador to Great Britain , on the career
akd character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world his character as developed In
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration , which placed his name so
high on the world's roll of honor and
fame , has been published by the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and maybe
bo had by sending six ( G ) cents in postage -
ago to F. A. Miller , General Passenger
Agent , Chicago , 111.
The only direct route between Cali
fornia and the east is the Union Pacific ,
"The Overland Route. " This was the
first road to span the continent with
bauds of steel. It made friends in these
warly days it is making them now , on
iccouut of its superior service and
iuporb equipment and quick trains.
For full information call on or address
J. B. Elsefl'er , agent.
Wonderful ] West.
Towards which the eyes of the west
ire turned ; where great opportunities
are open to everyone , is best and quick
est reached by the LUiiiou Pacific. No
better trains in the world than these
run via this line.
For full information calKon or address
J. B. Elsefl'er , agent.
A Cut in the Rates to Buffalo via the
Illinois Central.
As the closing day ( October 81) ) of the
wonderful Pan-American exposition
draws near , the railroad rates have been
reduced so much that the Illinois Cen
tral is enabled to offer excursion tickets
to Buffalo at rates considerably less than
half faro.
Tickets will bo on sale during the re
mainder of October , and will be limited
to leave Buffalo returning , for such
trains as reach Chicago on Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays , not later
than midnight of the sixth day , includ
ing date of sale. These six-day tickets
will not be accepted in sleeping cars.
Tickets bearing limits of fifteen and
twenty days will be ou sale every clay
until October 81 at corresponding rates.
For h circular giving rates to Buffalo
from principal Illinois Central stations ,
and a beautifully illustrated booklet de
scriptive of the "Rainbow City , " ad
dress J. F. MERRY ,
Ass.t > . Genl. Pass. Agent ,
Dubuque , Iowa.
Perhaps You Wonder
if the tormenting cold that made last
winter one long misery will bo as bad
this year. Certainly not , if you take
Allen's Lung Balsam when tickling and
rawness in the throat announce the
presence of the old enemy. Do not expect
the cold to wear itself out. Take the
right remedy in time. Allens Lung
Balsam is free from opium.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels , candy , flowers , man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form n magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined In the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase thorn.
If n woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem , then lot her fortify herself
against the insidious consequences of
coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Boscheo's
German Syrup. It will promptly arrest
consumption in its early stages and heal
the affected lungs and bronchial tubes
and drive the dread disease from the
system. It is not n cure-all , but it is n
certain euro for coughs , colds and all
bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G.
G. Green's reliable remedies at Asa K.
Get Green's special almanac.
Welcome as Sunshine
after a long storm is a feeling of relief
when an obstinate , pitiless cold has been
driven nwny by Allen's Lung Balsam.
Only people who have been cured of
throat-ache and sore lungs by this rem
edy can quite realize what the fooling is.
There is no opium in the balsam ; its
good effect is radical and lasting. Take
a bottle homo today.
W. O. linker returned today from a
trip to the w iHt.
,1. H. LUC.IH is a city visitor today
from Urolghton.
Miss Maud Undorborg visited in Stanton -
ton over Sunday.
Fred French of Wayne spent Sunday
with Norfolk friends.
A W. Wuunor spent Sunday with
Stanton relatives and friends.
Mrs. S. N. Oato and daughter of
Pierce were city visitors Saturday.
Fred and Frank Gabelman of Madi
son visited over Sunday with their
brother , OlmrloH.
Mm. Mtko Stafford and daughter ,
Edna , made the round trip to and from
Omaha Saturday.
Miss Brooh of Columbus IH the guest
of Miss Sohmockor , clerk in the Western -
torn Union olllco.
Mrs. Robert Craft catno np from Mis
souri Valley Saturday for n short visit
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McNolll arrived
from St. Paul , Minn. , at noon to visit
at the homo of Dennis NcNeill.i
Rev. W. R. McKim has accepted n
call to the Episcopal church at Siilina ,
Kansas , from Toeuniholi and will take
charge about the first of December.
Dariuu Mathowson was here from
Wakefleld over Sunday and returned
homo today , accompanied by Mrs. Math-
oWKon , who has been visiting here sev
eral days.
Prof. II. Ninimer of Stanton has ar
rived in Norfolk and accepted the posi
tion as teacher in St. Paul parochial
school mid will assume his duties next
Rov. O. W. Brinstoad , state secretary
of the association of Baptist churches ,
is in the city today on business con
nected with the printing of the proceed
ings of the late association mooting at
Blair. Ho is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Adams during his stay in Norfolk.
The Lincoln game wardens seized an
innocent looking case of eggs and a bar
rel of poultry at that city Saturday.
Under1 a layer of eggs in the case and
four turkeys in the barrel they found
! ) ! i prairie chickens and quails. The
packages wore in charge of the Adams
ExprcsS compauy. The name of the
shipper has not been disclosed.
Mrs. L. Hart has resigned her position
as manager of the Western Union Tele
graph oflico hero and will leave Thurs
day for Fremont whore she will join her
hubband and go to housekeeping. It
has not been announced who will take
her position horo. Mrs. Hart ha.H won
many friends in Norfolk who will bo
sorry that bho is to leave the city.
Mrs. Frank Suiter and Mrs. A. N
Gorecko entertained about hixty lady
friends Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Saltor. A novel voting contest
furnished considerable amusement , the
successful candidates being awarded ap
propriate prizes. During the evening
dainty rofieshrnents wore served and the
afternoon was heartily enjoyed by the
guests in attendance.
The smallpox scare on the Winnelmgo
reservation was brought to the attention
of the authorities at Washington and an
investigation showed that there was
more of n scare than the facts warranted.
It appears that there are but few cases
on the reservation and a Homer mer
chant makes the assertion that the
traders and merchants in the northern
part of the reservation resorted to a trick
to prevent the Indiansamong whom the
government had just distributed $15,000 ,
from spending their money among the
m rchants of Homer.
One of the important cases brought
before the district court of Madison
county at this term is a suit for damages
wherln Mrs. Nora B. Lewis is plaintiff
and Fred II. Horst , a saloon keeper , and
others are defendants. The suit was
for $10,000 damages for the death of Mr.
Lewis who fell from his wagon in Au
gust , 1000 , while drunk and was killed.
Mrs. Lewis received a judgement for
$2,250 Saturday. Ex-Senator W. V.
Allen and W. E. Reed were attorneys
for the defense and Congressman John
S. Robinson and S. O. Campbell ap
peared for the plaintiff.
Lincoln people are soon to receive
their heat from a central plant the same
as they do their water , gas and other
comforts and necessities now. The
Lincoln Traction company has asked for
a franchise to use the streets and alleys
of the city for laying steam pipes. The
traction company uses a large amount
of steam and it is figured that if they
can save the steam wasted from the ex
haust and reenforco it with other steam
for heating purposes it will add consid
erable to their income. The next
scheme will probably bo to distribute
cold air for cooling purposes and the
modern house or business place will be
come a place of comfort , summer and
winter , for a cash consideration.
A horse , attached to n buggy and
being driven by the son of S. G. Satter-
lee of South Norfolk , ran away Satur
day afternoon and created considerable
havoo on Main street. In crossing the
bump left over the ditch in front of E.
J. Schorreggo's place of business the
shafts of the vehicle got on top of the
horse's back the belly-band being un
fastened. The horse from there made n
lively dash to Uraasch & Zuolow's store
ou the corner and broke loose from the
buggy a few feet east. The momentum
acquired sent the buggy crashing into the
delivery timm of Hrimsoh Asuelow ,
breaking the leg of one of the IIOISCH
which belonged to Mr Hnmsoh , nndjlhn
boy wan thrown out , striking the wheel
on his head and chouldor and receiving
a bad out and Homo HO veto biulses. Mr.
HraaNoh found it nccoHmvry to shoot
his horse and there win mourning In
his family that evening UH the animal
w is a great pot. The actual value of
the animal was probably not more tlum
$ : ir > orflO , but Mr. BraiiHoh states that
ho would sooner have lout $100 than had
the accident happen. After breaking
IOOHU from the buggy the Sattorloo
horse made n dash noroHH the brick pave
ment In front of the Htoro and landed
between a team hitched west of the
store , breaking the wagon tongiio. It
wan captured before it got untangled
from UH predicament. There were a
number of women in front of the Htoro
before and after the accident uiul if the
runaway had occurred earlier or later
than it did someone would have been
killed or badly hurt. Mr. Hattorloo
offered to make good Mr. BraaHoh'H IOMH.
A I'nllirtlc Incident of Illn Itciiiui nl
( < > l.iinu ; llrniirli.
A pathetic Incident IH related apropos
of the dny of fasting and piaycr which
was appointed by al ! the governors of
( lie Unhcd SI n I CM n I ( lie lime President
d'arlleldVHH lemoved from Washing
ton to Long lltanch In the hope that
the change might help him to iccover
from the bullet wounds Inflicted by
"C'rele. " wild the president to hiH
brave little wife about II on that
Thursday morning an the ringing
strokes from the belfry of the Hplnco-
pal church almost acrosH from the cot
tage icached lil.s earn , "what are they
ringing that bell for ? "
"That ? " said MI-H. Carlleld , who had
been waiting for the surprise. "Twit's
the church where we were when you
first came down. They're all going to
pray for yon to get well. " and , falling
on her knees , she said , "And I'm going
to pray , too , James , that It may be
Hoon , for 1 know already that the other
prayer has been heard. "
From where lie lay ( arlleld could HOC
the carriages draw up and gronp after
group go In. lie could even hear the
mibduod refrain of "Je.siiH , Lover of My
Soul , " a.s It wriH borne by on Its heaven
ward way. Thrilled with emotion , a
tear trlekd ! down the president's face.
Then he closed his eyes and turned his
face as a sweet WOIWIII'M voice arose
singing from one of Sir Michael Costa's
oratorios. "Turn ( lion unto me and
have mercy upon me , " sang ( lie voice ,
"for I nm desolate 1 am desolate mid
nllllcled ; the troubles of my heart are
enlarged. Oh , bring then me out of my
distresses out of my distresses my
Ood. "
The people In the church sat almost
spellbound under the voice , for the
singer was affected deeply and made It
seem to all , what It must have been to
her , a prayer In music.
To DMiirf TIM-CM.
To dwarf trees as the Chinese do you
miiHt follow their methods. They take
a young plant , say a seedling or a cut
ting of cedar when two or three Inches
high , cut off Its taproot ns soon as It
has enough other rootlets to live upon
and replant It In a shallow pot or pan ,
allowing the end of the taproot to rest
upon the bottom of the pan. Alluvial
clay molded to the sl/.c of beans and
just sufliclcnt In quantity to furnish a
scanty nonrlshmunt Is then put Into
the pot. Water , heat and light are per
mitted on the same basis.
The Chinese aljjo use various me
chanical contrivances to promote sym
metry of growth. As , owing to the
shallow pots , both top and roots are
easily accessible , the gardener uses the
pruning knife and the searing Iron
freely , BO that the little tree , hemmed
on qvery bide , eventually gives tip the
unequal struggle and , contenting Itself
with the little life left , grows Just
enough to live and look well.
Grcnl SIciiiorlcK.
Otto Schultze. a stenographer , wrote
la the Brandenburg Kclmlblntt that
Bismarck had a wonderful memory.
"When he had delivered a two hours'
speech and looked over our shorthand
reports tlie next day , he remembered
every expression he hnd used exactly
and did not forget them for years. "
The novelist Splelhngen once told
Schultze that he could recall vividly
every one of the thousands of persons
he hnd met In his life and every word
spoken by casual acquaintances , to
gether with their gestures and the cut
of their hair and clothes.
A Iltmtinir Storjr.
Once Rogers was shooting where his
host happened to have killed n boy and
a keeper In the same season , and he
asked n beater whether his master felt
the matter very much. The answer
was : "Well , sir , he didn't cure much
about the b'y. He gle his mother five
pounds. But he were wery wcxed
about the man. He didn't go out shoot-
In' for n whole week. " This In Norfolk
was considered an evidence of the cli
max of human emotlon. George Arch-
dale In Temple Hnr.
At the Kxnminntlon.
Teacher ( to little Isldor , who Is very
poor at fractions ) If I need 3'Xt ynrda
of cloth for n suit and the cloth costs
2 % gulden a yard , what will the suit
Isldor To begin with , teacher , 3
yards would be enough for a suit , and
you could get It at our store for 2 gul
den. The suit would cost you 0 gul
den. Fllegonde Hlnttcr.
The < lesert of Snhnrn Is no little spot
It covers 2,500.000 square miles between -
tween the Atlantic ocean and the Nile
W. M. Mloik of Madison is in ( ho city
today on iHittlncss.
Adnlph I/IIINOII IH a Noifolk visitor
today on huHliicsH.
S. U C.irnny loft ycHtenlay on a bnsl-
IICHH trip to custom Iowa.
Mayor I ) . ,1. KoenlgHloln wont to
Lincoln today on busings.
Krnont Kcnskc of llosldnsviis In ( ho
city yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Durland returned
last night from a week's visit at Plain-
1'Milor W. 15. POWHFH of the Pierce
header was In the city today grouting
bltt Norfolk friends.
Stnnton people are to enjoy the com-
forlHof , electrio lights hereafter , a com
pany having boon organized with F. A.
Hanbo as president. Contracts for plao-
Ing the poloH and wiring will bo awarded
.1. H. Blgelow of Sioux City haH
opened a shooting gallery in the Htoro
room lately vacated by Busier Daniel'H
bowling alloy. The targets are me
chanical and are moved with a snmll
gasoline engine.
M. D. Tyler this afternoon recoivcd a
telegram from hiH law carnor ! , Judge
J. It. Hivrnes , who is in Lincoln , Mating
that Auditor Weston IIIIH refused to ac
cept for registration the bonds of this
city voted for the purpose of establish
ing a muniuipiil electric lighting plant.
The impression seems to Imvuhcon re
coivcd'by ' HOIIIO from yesterday's ac
count of Halnrday'H runaway that it
started from the sewer ditch in front of
K. J. Huhorrege'H. Htieh IH not the cami.
The horeo Htarted to run on Second
Htreot , where a bolt dropped from one
Hide of the shaft.
The CongregationalistH of Pierce
dedicated u hnndsomo new building hint
Sunday , Rav.'tC.D.Gearhart of Newman
Grove preaching the dedicatory sermon
in the morning. Rov. F. V. Moslandor
of Nuligh proiichrd in the evening. The
church building complete cost $5,000
and will be lighted with acetylene gan.
Stanton Picket : Senator Young is
still confined to his bed from the injury
sustained to his knco eight days ago.and
Htill HtifforH a good deal of pain. It is
not probable that ho will bo about again
for several days yet , and even then it
must bo by the aid of crutches. The ao-
cidont happened on Mr. Young's -fL'tid
birthday and is a present ho dooH not
euro to Imvo duplicated.
Gamu Warden Kimpkins has made
another captuio at Lincoln. This time
ho found a consignment of ' - " ! prairie
chickens in a tub of butler. They were
billed from Thedford to Ht. LOIU'H. Ho
expects to prosecute both the shipper
and the express company. Those who
dusiro to run the riMc of prosecution un
der the game law are finding that it re-
quireH some pretty smooth smuggling ,
and then the offender may bo caught.
.IiiHtico of the Pence Hayes has it
figured out that his is ono of the posi
tions not benefited by prosperity. Debt
ors have money and find it unnecessary
to crowd their creditors and if they ask
the money the creditor is always able to
make aomo kind of payment or satis
factory promise. Then again people are
paying cash to a considerable extent
As a consequence suits for the collection
o1 debts are few and far between.
J. H. Drinnin of Columbus wan in the
city thisafternoonou his way homo from
O'Neill where ho attended a t-alo of
school land conducted by H. M. Eaton ,
deputy commissioner of public lands
and buildings. All the school land in
Holt county was sold or redeemed yes
terday between the hours of 1 and -
o'clock. Mr. Drinnin secured a piece
of university land and purchased an
other 1GO acres near Atkinson this morn
ing , closing the deal about suuiiso.
The fire department responded to on
alarm this morning about 10:80 : but
their services were not required. The
fire was in a heap of rubbish in the rear
of the Marquardt block and is supposed
to have been started by a cigarette stub.
Harry Lodor of the Trocodero and his
help got quick action on the bla/o with a
small hose and it had no opportunity of
making a good start. Its proximity to
the old frame building in the rear of the
block was the only occasion for alarm.
Last night a party of ladies assembled
at Mrs. O. L. Hyde's homo on South
Ninth street , the occasion being a birth
day surprise. The evening was spent
in games and other amusements , after
which dainty and delicious refresh
ments were served. Mrs. Hyde was
presented with a beautiful piece of china
by the guests in remembrance of the oo
cosiou. The evening was ono long to
bo remembered by both hostess and
guests. Those present were : Mesdames -
dames Blakeman , Cummins , Estabrook ,
H. H. Patterson , Lugger , Hall , Jones ,
Patersou , Whitnier , Canlfield and Alex
Commissioner II. W. Winter , ascer
taining that a woman who has been
staying in Norfolk , but whose homo is
in Bloomflold , was likely to become a
county charge , ordered her to return to
Bloomfleld yesterday morning. Instead
of complying , however , she sought to
evade the commissioner's demand by
driving into the country with two com
panions. Mr. Winter detected them in
their effort and stopped them at the
bridge on Main street , ordering the
woman oat. He'providcd her with ao
Mast Block.
PLATES , $5.00 TO $8.00.
commodatloiiH Tor tliu night and tlilw
morning put lior on tlio train mid Htnrtod
her Inuilt to Bloomllold.
Oakdalo Sentinel : Jon OoHKrovo hnd
tlio mtofortuno to nhoot hlnmolf Wed
ncsday morning while In Mr. MCH'H
timber and riding on u load of wood
\vitli I' ] . ( ' . Morgan. Ho WIIH holding
liiH KIIII , n i'J ! caliber rillo , by the iim//li
when t ho haininor caught on HOIIKI brush
and tlio gun WMH illsrlmrgcd , tlin bullet
striking liiiu in the loft Hide and coming
nearly to the surface on the abdomen.
Ho wan taken to Dr. Mlnton'H ollleo
where DrH. Mintoii and Lee placed liliu
under an anacsthutio and removed the
hall and dressed tlio wound , lid in not
thought at tlilH writing to ho in a hori-
OUH condition except the UHtial danger
of septicaemia from mioh bullet woundH.
A { .recent decision of the Hiiproino
court , nlllrniH the decision of I ho Knox
county dlHtrict court in UH roftiHal to
grant n permanent injunction to rent ruin
the movinglof the Knox county seat
from Niohrarn to Center and thoolllclalH
niiiHt , move their olllcim and effects-or go
to jail. 'J'ho now county Hunt in 12 miles
from any town and tlio ollleiuls will ho
compelled tomovo [ hi a frw weeks. A
temporary court IIOHHO will prohahly ho
built , and the town will grow up around
it. 'J'ho now county Heat v/ill ho in the
exact geographical contur of the county.
The citi/ons of Vordfgro propose to have
the sent within eight miles of their
town , duoeast , by opening and grading anew
now road , putting in bridges , oto.
West Point Deinoeraet : .loo DrahaH ,
our genial harness niultcr , in IIH ! love for
curious and strange pets , had quito a
thrilling ( \perienco tliiH weok. Albert
Wobig caught an animal in one of those
largo wire rat daps and knowing .Too to
bo voiscd in animal lore toolc it to him
to find out what it was. .loe , thinking
ho knew a pri/.o when ho Haw it , begged
Mr. Woh'g ' to let him have it to place in
hiH show window. And now ho is norry
that ho spoke. After placing the ani
mal in the window homo of the boys got
to tunning it , which caused it to make
known to what family of the animal
kingdom it belonged. Joe in now busy
fumigating hiH place of business and
can now tell a Hkunk a mile on" . Experience -
ienco w a very good teacher but borne-
timcH very unpleaHaut.
Is all right , if you are too fat ;
and all wrong , if too thin already.
Fat , enough for your habit , is
healthy ; a little more , or less , is
no great harm. Too fat , consult
a doctor ; too thin , persistently-
thin , no matter what cause , take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
ThCrc are many causes of get
ting too thin ; they all come
in.Lr these two heads : over-
-ork and under-digestion.
Stop over-work , if you can ;
hut , v , hether you can or not ,
tak'j Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil , to balance yourself
vita your work. You can't live
on it true bi t , by it , you
car. . There's a limit , however ;
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil io the readiest cure for 1
"can't cat , " unless it comes of
your doing no work you can't
long be well and strong , without
some sort of activity.
The genuine has
this picture on It ,
take no other.
If you have not
tried it , send for
free sample , Its agreeable - .
greeablo taste will } \
surprise you.
Chemists ,
4O9 Pearl Street ,
New York.
5Oc. and $ l.OOall ; druggists.