li * * -i nv t * v\ MTV i r $ * * i \ CLOSING OUT ! i : Of- I AM DETERniNED TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS And Will Sell Everything in My Store at This is no "HOODOO , " but a BONA FIDE SALE. I am disposing of all my property in and around Norfolk , and shall remove from the city. For this reason I am making a GBNUINE ? SKLJE. My stock is clean and well selected. A large proportion of it is NEW GOODS , but all must go , WITHOUT RESERVE. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH. THIS IS YOUR BEST CHANCE to buy Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats , Underwear , Shirts , Hats , Caps and Mittens , and in fact , everything usually carried in a First-Class Clothing Store , CHEAPER than you ever bought them before in Norfolk. COME EARLY and see for yourselves that I MBMN BUSINESS. WIDEI E. B. KENYON , Proprietor I W. N. HUHB. Publisher. DAIIA * . KitablUhod , 1887. Krorr day except Snmliiy. Hy enrrlor per weak , 15 coute. lly mull per year , (8.00. WKKKI.Y NKWS-JOUUNAr , . liii Nawa , 08tab ) lulled , 1SS1. Tlio Jouriml , oetnbllsliod 1877 , Krary Friday , lly mail per your , $1.50. Kntorod at the FostoUlco at Norfolk , Nob. , nt eocouil clnta mutter , niiliortps : Kdltorliil Doimrtment , No. 22 ; IfueinoBe Olllco ami Job Rooms , No. 822. Anyway 0. K. Fields of Onmlm at- tninod to u little notoriety in his efforts to swing the "saloon vote" to Judge Holloubcck. How Mr. Havemoyer would taako us scratch for sugar if bo had n mortal cinch bnt he will never got it. The .American sugar interests are bound to be respected and strongly established. Senator Dietrich is quoted largely by western papers and his views on all pnblio questions are based upon good sound business judgement. It is prob able that many have under-estimated the value Mr. Dietrich will bo to his home state. Not long ago wo heard a , young lady sing a familiar hymn , and this is exactly the pronunciation she gave its sacred words : "Ond I shell zee Him face to face. " And there seems to bo no legal recourse. It seems that you can't keep idiotic fads out of music any more thai : out of other departments of instruction. .Man was born to trouble , and bo gets it at every turn of the road. Bixby in the State Journal. The Nebraska branch of the McKiu ley memorial fund committee have completed arrangements for raising No Lraska's shore of the money and they will probably have no difllcnlty what ever in doing so. Subscriptions will be solicited from everybody , bnt no sum over $25 will be received. Postmasters teachers and editors are to bo asked to assist in raising the money and it is to bo hoped that it will bo a popular tribute to the murdered president. They hop that the contributions will bo many though small. The Boers are confidently expecting some favorable terms from the Britis that will result in the war being ended It would seem that England could afTer to treat with the people opposing them Not only ij the war proving expensive bat popular feeling is that the desperat stand of the Boors is justifiable and no war over engaged in by England IIIIH occasioned more criticism of that country and its methods. England can prob ably win out if it is desired , but it will undoubtedly prove the most disastrous victory she has over won aud her friends' best advice would bo that the English government should como to terms. A Swedish woman is conducting in England an institution for girls which a said to bo like no other school in the vorld. During the course of two years lie girls wear rational woolen oostuuies , vithont corsets or hats. They have an bumlauco of hygienic food , sloop bo- 0 in thn nvoniiiLr until 0 in the morning , and spend practically all of ho rest of the time in exorcising and in ilaying games in the open air. It is aid that wonderful results in building up strong constitutions have boon achieved in this modern "health fao- ory. " The girls study hygiene and an atomy and a few things like that , bnt ill of the iiervo straining studios of a regular college course nro discarded. The theory of the course is that health makes for happiness more than any. ac complishment that may bo secured at an ordinary school. The idea is cer tainly worthy of imitation on this side of the water. State Journal. BEG A. Andrew Johnson of Hosldus attended the box sooial in Bega Friday evening. Miss Myrtle Meiskoy , from north of Hoskins , is visiting with her uncle , John Wothorholt. Miss Anna Nelson of Hoskins visited with friends in this vicinity , Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James and family ol Iowa are visiting with Mrs. James brother , John Wothorholt. Mr. Littell , who IB teaching east ol Hoskins , attended the social .at the school house Friday evening. Rev. Mr. "Winfrey and wife attendee the social Friday evening. Mr. Win frey preached Saturday evening. Messrs. Wilson , Littoll and Eliot drove to Winsido Friday afternoon where they visited with friends and rel ntives until Sunday. Miss Anna Lnudqnist left on the noon tram at titanton Monday to go to Whit ing , Kansas , whore she will visit wit ! fneuds for a few weeks. Rev. E. P. Quivoy , who is state super inteudeut of the Children's Home soci ety , conducted the Sunday morning ser vices in the school houso. The League gave a box social at th school house Friday evening. The pro oeeds will be used in buying new hymn books for the Sunday school. BATTLE CREEK Sam Schneider was v isiting in Nor- oik Saturday. Frank Pngh loft Wednesday for Nance county , to stay. Win. Hawkins of Meadow Grove was ; ransaotiiig business hero Monday. Owen O'Neill was up to his ranch near Long Pine from Saturday to Tues day. day.Col. Col. Osborn of Mullen , Nob. , came Saturday to visit his many relatives and riouds. L. M. Thomson was up to Tildeu Tuesday to look after his business inter- tufa nf flint nlnnn Henry Stefl'eu and Glaus Brandt of Norfolk were hero Wednesday to look after some laud for rent. The Fremont Brewing company is re wiring their building , which is occupied' > y P. H. Ingoldsby's saloon. Geo. S. Venablo's condition is grow- ng worse every day and doctors say hat there is no chance for his recovery. Sam Goodman of Meadow Grove was lore the fore part of this wook. From lore ho wont to Pierce to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Maas and baby were visiting with Judge Bates and 'aiuily and other friends at Madison VIonday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gleoson and family went to Hoskins Tuesday for an extended - tended visit with Mrs. Gleason's parents. A spelling school will bo started here in the near future. The writer has joined the society and also has ordered a Webster dictionary. Rev. A. J. Edmondsoii , late of the Baptist church , delivered a very inter eating sermon in the Maxwell opera house Sunday evening. Abrain Oilman , who lives north of the river and has boon very sick for some months , is Tory feeble. Ho is an old settler hero and well acquainted. Mr. and Mr * . H. O. Moroy of Bow man Grove were visiting hero Sunday with friends. Mr. Morey worked here once in the Republican ofllco under Lee Pryor. We have thirty-five bald headed men in this town and they will organize a olub. It is understood that Dr. Daniel will bo president and Sam Schneider secretary and treasurer. A now sidewalk has boon built from the corner of the Baptist church west to the Nenwerk residence on Herman street , and the village is putting in the necessary crossing on Depot street. Sturgeon i the piano man. Leaders there always were , and always will be , in business as well as in politics. Our ambition is to be recogni zed as the leading bargain giv ers in lumber and building material. We have a complete assortment of every thing needed to build a'houso ; it is of finest quality , and our prices are most at tractive. It will be well worth your while to go a little out of your way , if neces- sarv. to b u v w h a t lumber you need , ; ; here. : A LOUIS C. MITTELSTADT , : ' Lumber Dealer , NORFOLK , - - NEBRASKA. MILLARD GREEN , DRBY and TRHNSFER LINE Piano Moving a Specialty. 'Phono 08. Calls Promptly Answered. MUDITORIUM. One Night Only. Friday , November OS1 JSOAH'S A RKV6R"AFTER FLOODS THE WORLD RENOWNED HERRMANN The Great. In a now and marvelous of program original export- ments. Accompanied by Me Walters & . Tyson and- Company. Seats on sale , Leonard's Drug Store , 50 , 75 , $1.00 O. A. LUIKAHT , . PBISIDENT. . . W. H. JOHNSON , . . . CAsniKB. CIIA8. B. BBIOQB , VICE PBESIDENT. LEO PASEWALK , ABB'T CABBIM The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000. Bay and soil exchange on this country and alljparts of Europe , ( Farm . nirecton. CAUL ABUUB , W B. JOUNBON , CHAS. S. DBTDQE. , . Loano. , . 0 W. , HWANH G. A. LuiHADT , T , F MEUHINOKB. L. SESSIONS , BBAABOH o. Get What You Ask for at D UHLE'S GROCERY. ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care. Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. We know precisely what is wanted by our custom ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value : i for Your Money. South side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. . . . . Telephone 41. & &J5Tfrj.I.M..l | I II I I'M-1 I I M M I 1 1 II I H H-IM-M-I - - Mill M H-H