The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 22, 1901, Image 13

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    rn X * TVTjUH , ( J , H.MInniM
AttornejB nt
Nebrix In
Norfolk ,
Homeopathic IMijMoInn mill Surgeon
tilllco. CUUci N tlin ( l llniik llulUUiiJt ,
Toloi-hiino - 101.
Bnnllnrlnm rm.l . lleylilonco , Mull. ml " " > Hl
Toloi > huno 9 , , .
- Nobriwka.
Norfolk , -
Oatcopatlilc Physician
DIuwtoKB both nontn ntnl rlironlo
truMmJ without m > o of druRtor luilro ,
IMiono No. V 64. Olllco nt roohloiiro ,
100 North 10th HUoot ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
J 4J. . OOL13 ,
Onion ever Oltlrnn'd National Ilnnk. ItoMilnnoi
ono block north of OoiiKro i llonnl church.
Norfolk , Nobnwkn
Outtnlri lii Cotton blooU , over llnnm'i ' etort
Flrnt-clnst work KiuiniiUoocl.
Norfolk , NebroHka
OstoopatliiclPliysician ,
Itonmn ovorllliiynR1 Jewelry llonno. Norfolk
' AtlornojH at Law.
Itoomi 10,11 ami 12 , Must block.
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertake anil K
BomloiiB Illk , , Norfolk Avo.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Toucher of
Special Hnndolln and Oultar LCMOIII > sc.
Voice Culture a Specialty.
Pacific Hotel ,
Spooial rates made to boarders
by week or mouth. Hooms
Steam Iloatod aud Electric
First Class
SiouxlGity Florist ,
Awarded llrst premium on 7HIT/
Funeral ] Designs.
Handsome Roses , CarnationsPalms , , Ferns
Flowers shipped in fresh condition.
Phone 4 ( > ftL. City olllco : Cor , nth inul Piorco.
See ! 6i See !
You Will Have to Hustle If You Fol
low me.
Now Look at this , will you ? .This is
the price of Groceries :
8nunr,201b for . J > M
I'ucknRO Cotloo . ' -
JnpsnTes. host , porlb . ' 0
Lynn Soap , 1- bars for . . . . . . ' - >
Diamond Soap , 0 bnr for
Diamond 0 Soap , 12 bnrs for
No.l Sw ot Corn , par can 07
Tomatoes , par can . 03
Gal. CoruByrnp . 3 *
1 Ib enn linliin. ! Pnwilar . 1 °
Hlb can HaVttiK Powder . - ° 5
CrnoVora , par Ib . ° '
Champion Ly o , par cnn . OS
Cider Vluosar , per K'U ' . ' 5
Navy HoatiB , porlb . m
Chou intf Tobacco , per Ib . 25
SmolilucTobtcro , pur Ib . 1 * >
5o plfR Smoking Tobacco . 03
Cnndy , per Ib . 07
Nelton'a Heat Dalclng Chocolate , par Ib. . . . 30
CnbbnRipor Ib . , . . . 0,1
Salt , par barrel . 1
Salt , Uoclt , par cwt . 65
Prnnei.perlb . 01
Cobl'ipas.2 for . 05
No , 1 lirooraa . , . 23
Croois , per gal . 05
JOK , per gal . . . TO
TlnlaudQrAiiUe3vraretcU , apor tlmu you can
B baVieUewGare , : . . TTS
. . ,
Sale and
Boarding Barn.
' '
Horses Bought and ] Sold on
"Commission. '
Braasch Avenue ] 'DUAllE '
od Third St. rHUNt
Liberals Still Hold Colon , but
arc Orderly.
MlnUtero Visit Mexico for Confernco
With Colombian Delegate Condi-
tlono on the litthmua Too Strained
to Long Exlot Without Strife.
Colon , Colombia. Nov. 22. The city
of Colon WIIH perfectly < iulut all yea-
torduy anil luut nlBht , It IB clalmc-d
In hiiliulf of tlio llboralH that there liaa
beuu no miHoomly buhavlor. Foreign-
orn uro btjlnj ; roupcctoil and protected
and transit acroaa the Isthniua Is un
Colonel Harrorn , commander of the
liberal foroon. aanurtH that Uo him notl-
Hod the dlatrlct roproflontatlvo of the
department of the Interior am ) other
nlllrluln of the government that ho
hou appointed a commlaalon to takeover
ever their nfllcun , formally , today.
The feolliiK of the community can
not bo ruKimlod aa nntiiKonlntlc to lib-
erallam. The oxlHtlng conditions huvo
created no panic1 , but It Is recognized
that the fact that the liberals hold
Colon , while the coiiBorvatlvou are In
poHHi'HHlon of I'anamn , creates a state
of affairs which cannot poaslbly con
Reyes May Be Ruler.
Mexico City , Nov. 21 ! . Clonorat
Pedro Osplna and General HolKUln ,
the former minister of war of Colom
bia and the latter formerly finance
minister , have arrived hero to confer
with Oenoral Reyes , a member of the
pan-American coiiKresa. It Is under-
utood they will offer him the presi
dency of Colombia , assurluK'blui that
his taking olllco will bring peace to
his country.
Given Permission to Enforce Quaran
tine Against Sac and Fox Tribe. |
Washington , Nov. I ! ! ! . Governor i
Shaw of Iowa yesterday telegraphed
to Secretary Hitchcock for some ac
tion looking to enforcing some small
pox regulation against the Sac and
Fox Indians.
The governor wired : "Smallpox Is
raging among the Sac and Vox. In
diana on their reservation In Tama
county , Iowa ; 35 deaths. Doubt exists
as to the authority of the state board
of health to quarantine. Indians will
nolther consent to quarantine among
themselves nor stay on reservation. '
Will you wlro or direct state board
health ? "
Secretary Hitchcock replied : "Gov
ernment will bo glad to co-oporato
with state authorities In protecting
the people against smallpox among
the Indians and will also Instruct the
Indian agent In charge. Under the
exigency shown In your telegram
your state board of health and gov
ernment authorities may take any nec
essary action. "
Abner McKlnley at Brother's Tomb.
Canton , O. , Nov. 22. Aimer McKln-
loy , brother of the late president , was
hero yesterday. During the day ho
accompanied Mrs. McIClnley on a
short drive , which Included a visit
to the cemetery. Acting on the ad
vice of her physicians , Mrs. McKln-
ley has ceased to enter the vault , but
Mr. McKlnley went Inside. The cas
ket Is almost entirely concealed by
llowors , which are received from time
to time. Mr. McKlnley went to Cleve
land last evening to visit his sisters ,
Mrs. Duncan and Helen McKlnley.
Portland Next Meeting Place.
Fort Worth , Tex. , Nov. 22. Al
though the final meeting of the W. C.
T. U. convention was held Wednes
day night and Us members have been
departing for their homes , the execu
tive board remained to select the next
place of meeting andv transact other
business. Portland , Mo. , was chosen
for the next convention. The date
will be fixed by the executive board.
The board was In session all day con
sidering routine business and appro
priations to bo allotted to the various
divisions for expenses.
Strikers Stand Firm.
New Haven , Nov. 22. One hundred
and twenty-live switchmen and rail
road brakemen held a meeting hero
last night to discuss the strike situa
tion on the Now York , New Haven
and Hartford railroad. After the
meeting It was said that under no
circumstances would the men go back
to work until the railroad had ac
ceded to their demands. In the
freight yards here thousands of cars
are stalled , waiting for switching
crews to move them.
Consldlne Goes Free.
Seattle , Wash. , Nov. 22. John W.
Consldlno left the King county court
house last evening : a free man. Ac
cording to the verdict of the Jury he
Is not guilty of the murder of ox-Chief
of Police William L. Meredith. The
verdict was read In the court room at
6:35 : , exactly three hours after the
time the Jurymen were locked up for
deliberation. There was no demon
stration of any kind from the big audi
Iowa Election Figures.
DCS Molnca , Nov. 22. Final figures
on th November election were re
ceived by the secretary of state last
night and footings were made on the
semi-official county returns , showing
the following on the head of the tick
ets : Cummins ( Hop. ) , 220,830 ; Phillips -
lips ( Dem. ) , 141,415 ; Coates ( Pro ) ,
15,507 ; Baxter ( So. ) , 3.404 ; Weller
( Pop. ) , 778 ; Cummins' plurality , S3-
X.- _
Game Warden Brewster Captures
Eighteen Mllea of Tackle.
St. Joaoph , Mich. , Nov. 22. Deputy
Oamo Warden Ilrowster returned hero
last night , having made the biggest
Holznro of nets and flail over reported
on the great laket ) . Ho captured 18
Dillon of new trout netit belonging to
the A. lloolh company of Chicago ,
valued at $10,000. ,
Hlg legal lights are expected to fol
low. The neta , It la claimed , were
found In Mlchlgnn water , having Ixk-n
not there contrary to Michigan law.
luld In direct defiance of the'game
warden and his cruiser.
IlruWBlor resumed his crulso today
with a big force of deputies , fully
armed , In case Hooth discldoH to have
hla tuga and crow Interfere. Yester
day 5,000 pounda of flah were confis
cated and stored In the hold 'of the
Business Men Do Not Like Bank
ruptcy Legislation by States.
Now York , Nov. 22. The National
Aaaoclatlon of Referees la Hank-
ruptcy has about completed Itn Inves
tigation to learn the aontlmont of
bualnesa men throughout the country
regarding changes desired In the na
tional bankruptcy laws. No report
can be published until the results have
been turned over to the Judiciary com
mittee of the house of representa
tives. It was at the request of lion.
George W. Ilay of this committee that
the Investigation was undertaken.
According to the Journal of Com
merce many local bualncas men say ,
however , that there Is no doubt that
the report will Indicate a. sentiment
In favor of national as against stale
legislation , and , If HO , amendments to
I ho present law In accordance with
the bill prepared by Mr. Roy.
Decides Against" Bucket Shops.
Chicago , Nov. 22. The appellate
court yesterday added another to the
board of trade's victories In Ita light
to prevent bucket shops from trading
on its quotations. I3y this decision
the court reversed the decree of Judge
Vail of the circuit court , who granted
n permanent Injunction restraining
the cutting off of quotations from the
Central Grain and Stock exchange.
The Centra ! Grain company Is the
last bucket shop In Chicago still postIng -
Ing board of trade quotations and the
decision is the more Important be
cause it was supplying them to
branch offices In many cities.
Northwestern to Open New Line.
Chicago , Nov. 22. Offlclala of the
Northwestern road announced that
the now Pcorla. line would be opened
by Jan. 1. It is also announced that
on Sunday next the portion of the
line between Nelson and Buda and
also the Sargent's Bluffs extension be
tween MovlUo and Sioux City will be
opened. The entire line when com
pleted will extend from Nelson to
Peorla , a distance of 85 miles. The
Important feature of the now Peorla
line la the fact that It will make a
largo territory In Iowa , Nebraska and
Kansas tributary to Peorla.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ChlfUKo , Nov. 1M. Dulliu-HH prevailed In
Krnlns toilny mid liiflui > mvil lower prices
lleci'inlier wheat eloneil Ke lower. Decem
ber corn ( iUKc clown nnd December outs
He hlulier. Provisions closed "ViSlOc to
17V4 ! ' lower. ClosljiK prices.
Wlifiit-Der. , TL'e ; Miiy , 7. > % c.
Corn Dee. . COr : Mny , | Ke. |
OiilHIlee.lOVje ; Mnyll e. '
I'orkJim. . . .fin.n-JVj ; Mny , $ t.-J2V4. (
Ullis Jan. , $7.S.Mny ; , SS.OUS.
J.nrd-Jiin. , $8.8iV4 ! : ) .
Cash quotalons-N'o. ! i ! red wlipat ,
Toe ; No. ! l red wheat.
72i(7te ( : ; No. 3 s
wlii-iit , < ! ST-71e ( , ; No. _ > hard wheat , 7
i-'V < ( " , No. : i hard wheat. 71ST71Vjc ; No "
eash eorn. tile ; No. _ ' white corn. tllc ;
No. 1 ! yellow eorn , . ( llVje ; No. 3 new corn ,
I0i'i7lle ! ( ( ; No. L' cash oats.
- WllltC OItH | ,
Chicago Live Stock.
ChlriiRO , Nov. IM.-Catth Receipts. 0-
DOO , Ini'lmlliiR r.K ) westerns ; mostly lower ;
ROIH ! to pi line steers. JO.'OdiO.SS ; poor to
iiUMllnui , $3.75 < ! i5.H ! > ; stnekfrs nnd feeders ,
J'.OOfHI.OO ; cows , $ l/.53 < ij4.7r > j liolfero. $1.50
( lii.OO ; eanners , fl.'jriWLVJS ; bulls S"00fff
4.50 ; calves. $ ' . ! .00&.V.3 ! ; western bteurs ,
? .l.)0 ) < fts > . ' . ' . ) . HoRs-Rocelpts , today , 45,000 ;
tomorrow , 40,000 , estlinuted left
; over , 7-
500 ; JVTilOo hlRhcr ; mixed nnd butchers ,
Jo , . > 0i ( < 5.ll3 ; Rood to choli-t > heavy , $ r > .70 ®
0.10 ; roiiRh to fair heavy , $5.4.ViC.ti3 ? ; light.
$ . > . : > . > . > . 73 ; hulk of sales , J3.tt3@fl.83. Sheep
Hooolpts , J2.000 ; sheep wonkj lambs
steady to Mrong ; Rood to cliolwVPtlicr.r
ji.4X'(4.X ; ( ( ; fair to choice mixed , J .DO
3.10 : weMern sheep , JH.OO .OO ; native
Imiibs , ? . ' .r)0in.75 ; western lambs , JIJ.OO.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas C'lt.r , NOT. 1M.-Cattle-Receipts ,
11,000 } beef steers r 'IOc hlRher , other ent-
tle steady to NtroiiR ; eholi-u export and
drowsed beef steers , J3.dOi < ] .15 ; fair to
Rood Jl.r.Oli.'i.riO ; stockerH and feeders ,
J3.00 < it-t.U3 ; wt-storn fed steers , Ji.riOffio.liO ;
western rnnce steers , J3.5V4.40 ( } ; native
cows , J2.ri0 4.00 ; heifers , $2.8r ( J(5.00j can-
. ers. Jl.WHjLMO ; bulls. J2.00Jjt.R : ) ; calves.
Rt.00rti..r. ( ) . Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; r > © 10c
hlRher : top , $0.05 ; bulk of gales , $3.508 *
C.OO ; heavy , $3.03(50.03 ( ; mixed packers.
J3.73fiJ.OO : light. $5.20(30.87 ( ; plKs. J4.00
(5K5.10. ( Slieep-Rscelpts. 1,000 ; steady ; na-
tlvo lambs , J4.il55l4.03 ; western Inmbs ,
f4.00JH.M > ; native wpthers. J3.2.V38.80 ;
western wethers. $3.00573.50 ; ycarllnRa.
$3.40(514.00 ( ; owes , J2.83S3.20j ( culls aud
feeders , $1.25(23.25. (
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha. NOT. 21. Cattle Kecrlpts ,
5.200 ; active , stronger ; native beef Hirers ,
J3.75iiJO.75 ; western steers , J3.75Q5.35 ;
Texas steers , J3.5&IM.40 ; cows and heifers ,
J2.1XXiT4..v3 ; cauners , $1.25(2'J.CO ( ; Htockers
and feeders , $2.75 4.40 ; calv M , $3.00i.2T > ;
bulls , st Rs , etc. , $2.00(34.00. ( HoRS-Re"
cclpts , I'--itOO ; strong , Closed CKlOc hlRhor ;
heavy , $3.75 < Ito.OO mixed. J3.77tyUGJSO ;
light , $ . ' > .fi.'i < > .80 ; pigs , $4.DO r > .50 ; bulk of
sales , J3.77V i0.82V4SheepRecolpts , 3 , .
500 ; steady : fed muttons , $ : ! .ri0ft.0o : ) : west
ern wethurs , J3.203.00 ; ewes , $2,75i7n.OO ;
| common nnd stock sheep , $ l2.Wiji.-IO ; ;
, lambs. J3.7yj4.50.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , NOT. 21 , Cattle Receipts , 2-
GOO ; steady to 10o lower ; natives , J3.00ti *
0.50 : COWH Hiul heifers , J1.2.n.lO ( | ; voals ,
Ji50C)3.75 ) ; stackers and feeders , J1.50 { :
I.U. . Hogs Receipts. 12 , ; ! < X ) ; nio.stly 5c
higher ; HtUt nnd lljlit mixed , $3.15(113.0 ( ! ) :
medium and heavy , $5.G01iU.Oj ; pigs , $3.75
fi4.S3 ; liulk , $ -.702o.r3. "
Spreads Llko Wildfire
When tnhiKfl nro "tho bee > t" they bo-
conie"tho bent nulling. " Abraham Hare ,
u lendiiiK drn KiHt , of Uulluvillo , 0. ,
writes : "Kloctrio bittern nro the bent
Hulling bittern I have handled in 20
ara. " You know why ? Moat did OBOH
xln in diHordera of the Btoiimob , liver.
IdilnojH , bowolB , blood nnd norvcu. Eloo-
trio Ulttors tones up the Btoiimob , rcgu-
latoH liver , kidney and bowels , purities
the blood , strengthens the nervofl , honoo
euros multitudes of innlndloH. It builds
up the entire system. 'PutR now life
and vigor into nny weak , sickly , run
down uwn or woman. Price CO cents.
Sold by A. II , Kicsau , druggist.
W .T. Shivoly , Batesvillo , O. , speaking -
ing of Banner Salvo , says : "I used it
for piles , and it has done mo more good
than any salvo I have over used , nnd I
huve tried a great many kinds. " A. II.
KieHau ,
To the Public.
Allow mo to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain's Oough Ilomody , I
had a very severe cough and cold nnd
feared I would got pneumonia , but after
taking the second dose of thin medicine
I felt bettor , three bottles of it cured
my raid and the pain iu my chest disap
peared entirely. I am most respectfully
yours for health , HAMM'I S. MiSYnus,0-l
Thirtv-soventh St. Wheeling , W. Va.
For Bale by Kiosau Drug Co.
A Liberal Offer. '
The undersigned will give a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach , and
Liver-Tablets to any 0110 wanting a re
liable remedy for disorders of the
stomach , billoiiHiioHS or constipation.
This is n now remedy and a good ono.
Kiesnu Drug Co.
Seymour Webb , Molrn , N. Y. , writes :
"I had been troubled with my kidneys
for twenty-five years and had tried sev
eral physicians but received no relief
until I bought n bottle of Foloy's Kid
ney cure. After using two bottles I
was absolutely cured. I earnestly rec
ommend Foloy's Kirtnoy euro. " Take
only Foloy's. A. H. Kiosau.
Recommends it to Trainmen.
G II. Hiuisan , Lima , O. , Engineer L.
13. & W. H 11 , writes : "I have boon
troubled a nreat , deal with baokaobn. I
iimuuuu 10 cry ji oiuy a i\.uinoy utire ,
and ono bottle entirely relieved me. I
gladly recommend it to any one , espec
ially my friend * among the train men ,
who are usually similarly aftllctod. "
A. II. Klesjiu.
_ _
Into each life some ruins must fall.
Wise poopleidon't sit down nnd bawl ;
Only foola suicide or take to flight ,
ESniart people take Rocky Mountain
Tea at night. Geo. B. Ohristoph.
Astounding Discovery.
From Cooporsville , Mich , comes word
of u wonderful discovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that when used before re
tiring by any ono troubled with a bad
cough always ensures a good night's
rest. "It will soon cure the cough too , "
writes Mrs. S. Himmelburgor , "for three
generations of our family nave used Dr.
King's Now Discovoryfor consumption
and never found its. equal for coughs
and colds. " It's an unrivaled life-saver
when used for desperate lung diseases.
Guaranteed'bottles ' 50c and $1 at A. H.
Kiesau. Trial bottles free.
Adolph Bluner , Grand Mound , la. ,
writes : "I have used Honey and Tar ir
my family and think it is the best cough
cure on the market. I would not bo
without it in my home , as there is noth
ing so good for coughs and colds. A. H.
For Hoarseness.
Beuj. Ingersou , Ind. , says ho had not
spoken a word above a whisper for
months , nnd one bottle of Foloy's Honey
and Tar restored his voice. Be sure
you get Foloy's. A. H. Kiesau.
Out this out and take it to Kiesau
Drug Co.'s drug store and get n free
Bauiplo of Ohambprlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets , the best physio. They
cleanse nnd invigorate the stomach , im
prove the appetite and regulate the
bowels. Regular size , 25 cents per box
It is Easy to Say
"Bo careful , " but \ve must all gofrou
heated houses into chill outer air , and
the ohango sots us coughing and whoez
Ing. Avoiding winter colds is difficult
curing them is not hard if you take Al
leu's Lung Rnlsam. Better begin when
the cold is young and not wait until i
settle * deep into the lungs , for then
even with Allen's Lung Balsam , complete
pleto relief "will bo slower.
T Drying1 preparations simply dpvol
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretiotis
'which ndhero to the meinbrauo nnd decora
poses , causing n fur more serious trouble thnn
the ordinary f onn of catarrh. Avoid all dry
iiug inhalants , fumes , smokes and enuffi
and use that which cleanses , soothes am
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a romed
nud will euro catarrh or cold in the lieiu
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will b
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell th
COc. size. ElyUrothors , CG"Warren St. , N.Y
The Uahn cures without pain , does no
irrituto or canso euoozing. It spreads Use
over an irritated and angry eurfaco , relieving
ing immediately the painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Balm you are ariuoi
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
A Violent Attack ofCroup Cured.
"Last winter an infant child of min
had croup in a violent form , " saysl'uO
John W. Rogors.a Christian Evangelist
of Filley , Mo. "I gave her a few dose
of Chamberlain's Oough Remedy and In
a short time all danger was past and
the child recovered. " This remedy not
only euros croup , but when given as
soon as the first symptoms appear , will
prevent the attack. It contains no
opium or other harmful substance and
may bo given as confidently to a baby
as to an adult. For sale by Kiosau Drug
If young ladies think sores , pimples
and rod noses look well with n bridal
veil and oraugo blossoms , it's all righf ,
Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive
, them away. 85o. Goo. B. Ohristoph.
Goo. A. Points , Upper Sandnsky , 0. (
writes : "I have boon using Foloy's
Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find
it the best remedy I ever triod. It
stopped the cough immediately nnd ro-
llovod all soreness. " Take iiouo tint
Foley's. A. II , Kiesau.
Vitality , nerves like stool , clear eyes ,
active brain , strength , health and happiness -
piness comes to those who take Rocky
Mountatu'Tca made by Madison Medi
cine Co , 35c. Geo. B. Ohristoph.
( ,
A complete catalogue showing ovcntX ) ( ) premiums thnt Diny be1 eectncd
by saving the wrnpjieiB , furnished frcf upon request. Send your name
on a postal card , and wo will mail you he catalogue. Addrest :
Premium Dept. , THE CUDAHY PACKING CO , ,
South Omaha , Neb.
Diamond "O1' Soon fo sale by all 'Grocers ' =
i * f , ' ' t' ' ' ' 1 7 ' 1 ' I * " "
Brain Food Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has boon
jnuidod by the most competent authori-
ies. They have dispelled the silly no-
ion that one kind of food is needed for
iraiu , another for muscles and still au
thor for bones. A correct diet will not
nly nourish n particular part of the
ody , but it will sustain every other
> art. Yet , however good your food may
> o , its nutriment is destroyed by in-
igestiou or dyspepsia. You must pro-
mrp for their appearance or prevent
uoir coming by taking regular doses of
Jroon's August Flower , the favorite
uiodicino of the healthy millions. A
'pw doses aids digestion , stimulates the
.vor to healthy action , purifies the
load , and makes you feel buoyant and
igorous. You can got Dr. G. G.
Jreou's reliable rouiodios of the Kiosan
Drug Co.
Got Groon's Special Almanac.
Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail.
The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell
umpod on an inverted rake made of ten
> euuy nails , and thrust one nail entirely
ihrough her foot and a second ono half
vay through. Chamberlain's Pain
Balm was promptly applied and ilvo
minutes later the pain hud disappeared
md no more suffering was experienced ,
u three days the child was wearing her
hoe as usual and with absolutely no dis
comfort. Mr. Powell is a well known
merchant of Forkland , Va. Pain Balm
s an antiseptic and heals such injuries
without maturation aud in ouo-third the
; ime required by the usual treatment.
? or sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
To Cure a Cough
stop coughing , as it irritates the lungs ,
md gives thorn no chance to heal.
? oley's Honey and Tar cures without
causing n strain in - throwing off the
phlegm like common cough expector
ants. A. H. Eiesau.
Great Luck of an Editor.
'For two years all efforts to euro Ec
zema in the palms of my hands failed , "
writes Editor H. N. Lester , of Syracuse ,
Kan."then I was wholly cured by
Buoklen's Arnica Salve , " It's the
world's best for eruptions , sores and all
skin diseases. Only 25c at A. H. Kio
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if vou used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
1'h v T-.uke pure blood and build up
your ntaitn. Only 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by A. H. Kio
sau , druggist.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels , candy , flowers , man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
.Towels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined in the strounous efforts to make
nr onvn mnnnv tn nnrnlinsn thfiin.
If a woman will risk her health to pet a
coveted gem , then let her fortify herself -
self against the insidious consequences
of coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Boscheo's
are m ° st frc-
quently to be
seen "Pon the
facCi ncck or
breast , .though .
they nre liable to appear upon other parts
of the body. When they begin to spread
nnd eat into the llesh , sharp , piercing
pains nre felt as the underlying tissue is
destroyed and the tender nerves exposed.
Cancerous sores develop from very trifling
causes ; a carbuncle or boil , swollen gland ,
a little watery blister on the tongue or
lip , n wart , mole or bruise of some kind
becomes nn indolent , festering sore ,
which in time degenerates into cancer.
" Ton years ago I
had a sore on my loft
temple , which the
doctors pronounced
a cancerous ulcer ;
it would itch , burn
and bleed , then scab
over , but would
never heal. After
taking- . S. S. awhile
the sore bearan tp
dlmoharire , and , when
all the poisonous
matter had passed
out It tfot well. I
took In all about
thirty bottles , continuing It.foy * oreo
time after 'the sore had healed , to be
uro all the poison was out of my sys
tem. Have seen , no sign of the cancer
in ten years. JO3EPHTJ3 REID ,
Gant , Audrlan Co. , Mo
is strictly a vegetable
remedy , and , while
possessing purifying
and healing properties
that no other medicine
does' , contains nothing that could derange
the system. AVhile cleansing the blood
it.also builds up the general health.
If you have n suspicious sore , or other
blood trouble , send lor our free book on
Blood and Skiu Diseases , and write to us
for any information or advice _ wanted ;
we make no charge for this service.
Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest
consumption In its onrly stages nnd heal
the affected lungs and bronchial tubes
nud drive the dread disease from the
system. It is not a cure-all , but it is a
certain cure for coughs , colds and all
Bronchial tubes. You can got Dr. G. G.
3roen's reliable remedies nt A. H.
Kiestiu's Drug Co.
Get Green's special almanac.
Today take Foloy's Honey and Tar.
It positively prevents pueumonia , or
other serious results from colds. It maybe
bo too late tomorrow. A. H. Kiosau.
are Nature's warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased 'heart. ' If you would
avoid debilitating diseases , or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings. Strengthen the
heart's muscles , quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate its
adtion with that greatest of all
heart remedies , Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure.
"Darting pnlns through my
heart , left side and arm would
be followed by smothering , heart
spasms and fainting. Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure has entirely-relieved
mo of those troubles. "
2J6 Kewaunee St. , Milwaukee , Wls.
D * . Miles'
Heatt Cute
controls the heart adion , accel
erates the circulation and builds
up the entire system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. . Elkbart. Iml.
CUK13 tfOU
r. ly's ' Cream Balm
nnd plensnnt to I
ise , Cuntams no In-j
iurloue drue.
Iti \ quickly absorbed.
Olvea Relief at once.
It Oyens and Cleanses
the Nasal I'ussagca.
Allays Inflamuiatron.
Heals and I'rotccta the Membrane. Restore ? the
5cnees of Taste and Smell. Large Sze | , CO cents at
Unicclstg or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall.
ELY DHOTHEUS , BO Warren Street. New York.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison , Wls. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no substl
< conpo TiDi..i tute. Ask your
jM iJt drug 25 OQW * 25 * .
For Sale by George B. Ohristoph ,