I THE NOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , IT Hyperopia Ilyporonia is n condition when rays of light entering the eye , do not focus on the retina Many young peoplu will overcome thin defect by using nn extra supply of uorvo force in order Jo m o , iiuil sometimes can see butter than a person with normal eyes , but nt the same ttuio they hnvo all sorts of trouble , Hiich as hoadnoho , stole Etomaoh , indigestion , constipation , piles , female disorders , AL MOST ALL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS Some people will ask , how cnn Hypor- opio Eyes cause all thin trouble ? Ask any Ophthalmolist and learn the reason why. There is only ONE remedy for Hyporopia , Properly Fitted Classes. C. W. . p. . Ophthalmologist , Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA. Good lot at Junction f 70.00 House and } acre , JJd St 850 00 House aud largo barn 4000.00 HOUPO , barn , > acre , 4th St. . 1200.00 House at Junction 700.00 Loans on Real Estate Low Hates. T. E. ODIORNE. * ? FREE ! I IMPORTED JAPANESE NAPKINS- , TO All CHUUCH SUPPERS AND SOCIETY DINNERS FOR & ! p BRAND COFFEE THE FINEST GROWN- 15 PURCHASED ! FOR SALE.JLT PARISH , GROCER. The Weather. Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. in. to day : Maximum temperature 51 Minimum temperature 25 Average 88 Snow , inches 00 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth 1.37 Barometer 20.03 Forecast for Nebraska : Generally fab : tonight and Saturday. Warmer Saturday. FRIDAY FACTS. The plumbing shop of Stitt & White is being removed from North Fourth street to the room on Main street recently occupied by Oonloy's bicycle shop. While playing shincy Wednesday lit tle Alfred Massaclc was struck in the face by a brick thrown by a companion. The boy's nose was broken and his face was quite severely bruised. The body of the late Mrs. Herman Naogolo was escorted to the train this morning by members of the Sous of Hermann , to which Mr. Naogelo bo- longs. The lodge also sent a handsome floral offering. The remains were tnkou to Sohnylor , the former homo of the de ceased mid interment took place this attoriicon. The marriage of Kruest Wlohman uml Miss Emma MoUlcnlmuor , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Moldonhauor , i announced to take place in St. Paul Lu theran church Thanksgiving afternoon at t ) o'clock. The It-yoar-old son of T. II. Mareolhts of Gross foil into a box of slacked llmo Wednesday and remained in it ilvu minutes before its plight was discovered. The little ono was so badly burned that death ensued in a short time. The mooting called at the city hall last night to discuss the hospital situa tion was fairly well attended aud the matter was very thoroughly discussed. It was decided to hold another mooting next week on call of the chairman , W. II. Buoholz. Members of the Presbyterian church aud other friends of llov. aud Mrs. L. W. Sonddor gave them a surprise ponud party last evening at their homo on North Eighth street. The evening was pleasantly spent and Mr. aud Mrs Scnddor received numerous acceptable gifts. gifts.Mrs. Mrs. Henry Stewart of Lynch had her hand shot off accidcutly Wednesday She woswith { ' , l rfthusband who was hauling wood aud in attempting to re uiovo a stick the hammer of the gun was struck aud the weapon discharged She bled frightfully aud is not expectei to survive. Mrs. J. N. Buudick outortaluod her lady friends yesterday afternoon to the number of about fifty. Tho. afternoon was pleasantly spent and at G o'clock the guests were seated at small tables am served with a dainty threo-courso sup per. AJ unmber of the young lady friends of the hostess assisted her in serving. There was a fair attendance at the hard times sociable aud bean supper given in theG. A. R. hall last evening by the ladles of the W. B. O. and they were successful in clearing about $0 The supper wns up to tbo usual standard of the meals prepared by that society and was thoroughly enjoyed by those attending. 0. W. BraaEohJ'received a telegram this afternoon announcing that his sou Edward W. Brnasch , had died at hi.s homo iu Tildon. The young man hat been suffering from consumption for n number of years and while it was ex pected that the disease would result fatally , the uows of his death fame with a shock to his family aud friends. Mr. and Mrs. Braast-h will leave for Tildou tonight. . A company of twenty Russian immi grants arrived iu Norfolk last evening and expect to locate iu this vicinity. They were largely married people with a uumber of children. Amoug them was a deaf aud dumb young man who as a boy made his home hero for Eoveral years with Mr. and Mrs. John Prey- thalor.g He was very glad to return to this country and was overjoyed at meet ing Mr. Freythaler. There was a vary large attendance at the M. E. church last evening on the oc casion of the reception to Rev. J. F. Poucher and family. Short speeches were made by representatives of the eight different societies of the church and were followed by a social good time with entertaining amusement features to ndd to the pleasures of the occasion. The ladies of the church served choice refreshments during the evening and the entire time wns spent most enjoy- ably. Jas. McAllister was before Police Judge HayesJLthis morning , charged with stealing coal. O. W. Braasch bo ng the [ complaining witness. He pleaded not guilty aud testimony was submitted. The possession of the coal was not denied by McAllister but ho claimed to have secured it from Frank 3rady as pay for helping unload a car. Brady denies that ho made any such agreement with McAllister. The coal n controversy was perhaps 300 or 400 pounds. Judge Hayes took the case under advisement and will render a de cision this afternoon. E. F. Strain of Creighton , news agent on the F. E. & M. V. , between Fremont and thisjplace , had his foot crushed be neath the car wheels at Fremont yester day morning and narrowly escaped bo ng killed. In jumping from the cars 10 slipped under but clung tothehandlo mrs and managed to drag himself out of harm's way with the exception of his right foot , the toes of which were so Kidly crushed that several had to bo amputated. The young man was given urgicul attendance aud today was taken hrough on his way to his home in Oreighton. The case of the State against Edmund George was tried in district court last week. The Madison Chronicle says of t : "Tho criminal suit of the state against Edmund George was heard Fri day. George was charged with selling a team belonging to Oarl Schlounlg and onverting the money to his own use with intent of stealing it. When George was put on the witness stand , 10 produced a letter purporting co have > eon written by Schlenning , telling him o sell the team which the writer had oft in his posschsion , The witness said hat ho complied and subsequently of- ered the receipts to the owner , but ho had refused to receive it. The prosecut ing witness swore that part of the let tor relating to the wvlo of the team was a forgery. The jury took tint CIVKO and re turned a verdict of not guilty. " llunmami , the great , and his coin- puny of entertainers an Ived today from Grand Inland \\horo their norfornmm't was given at the U.vrtouhaoh last night and will appear at the Auditorium thin ovonlug. They showed in the oporu hoiiKo at Kearney Wednesday night am tins Huh says of it : "As u wholn the en tertainment was clean and enjoyable and is a great advance on the old style Icgordomaln show. " The paper nays the entertainment given fully supported the reputation and claims of the company , several features being entirely now iu that line of woik. In the "Escape from Sing Slug" " an attendant disappears from a cage on one side of the stage am ? reappears at a cage on the other sido. There is also a mysterious disappear ance of both guard and convict. In the representation of 'Noah's Ark * Horr- maun nrndo another big hit , bringing forth from a supposedly empty ship various fowls and animals , aud when the ark was supposed to bo empty the doors wore opened and a woman was soon seated iu the ark. In the 'Turkish Elopement * the moz/.o soprano of the vaudeville sketch is transferred from a basket at one side of the stage to a Turk ish carriage at the other Hide , without showing any material evidence of the exchange while iu transit. " An attempt at a confidence game in a small way was neatly frustrated hiHt evening iu the XiNoho cigar store. Two boys , ono perhaps 12 and the other 1 ( years of ago entered the store and while the elder was endeavoring to sell a pioci of metal which ho claimed to bo Soutl Dakota silver the other placed himsoll handy to the gum stock and dcxturi- onsly "lifted" a package of the confec tion. Ho did uot notice that ouo mem ber of the cigar firm was in the factory part of the store with his eye on him aud when ho was requested to remove the package from his pocket ho neither afllrmod or denied that ho had ono and assumed an air of indifference. How ever , when Mr. Zischo started out to feel in his pocket ho confessed that he had the gum but intended to purchase it. Ho was allowed to go without an ofllcor being called but was warned uol to attomgt such a trick again. A num ber of larger boys on the outside who wore interested spectators to the trans action would indicate that there other.- interestcd in the plot. The theft of a package ot gum is a small thing iu itself but it indicated a youthful deprav ity that might well lead to worse criu and unless the boys arc put on a differ out track they may como to a bad end. It is to bo hoped that this unsuccessful attempt at pilfering will result in a ref ormation before moro drastic measure * are necessary. The Ladies Aid society of the M. E church will open their exchange tomor row afternoon at 2iJO. : Please notice change of time. LOST On Main street , a purse con taining between $2 aud $ a in silver. Finder please leave at THE NKWS office Horses and Mules Wanted. A carload of horses and mules 14's to 15 hands high are wanted at Dudley's Livery barn tomorrow , the 23d. J. W. RECCT. . An entertainment of stereopticou views will be given in the old Jonas building on Main street Mouday night. The assassination of President McKm- ley and scenes connected therewith will be shown , also a number of views of the fire at the hospital for the insane. There will bo a Thanksgiving turkey rafllo at the Turf Exchange Thanksgiv ing eve and all day Thanksgiving. The finest lunch ever attempted in the state , including roast pig , roost turkey and other delicacies of tbo season will be served. Plenty of fine largo turkeys will be on hand and everybody should secure ouo for their dinner. For bulk oysters go to Glissmau's. A large stock of St. Louis white lead just received at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. Six cents per pound while it lasts. A good homo for sale cheap. W. J. Gow & BKO , Just received , a barrel of those extra fine mackerel at Gliasman's. 160 acres of irrigated land , with free and perpetual water rights in Morgan county , Ool. All in alfalfa. Fair buildings , out 800 tons alfalfa this year , within 3 miles railroad station. Plenty of fiuo cattle range around , price $40 per acre. GARDNER & SEILEK. Farms rented for nonresidents col- odious' made. Insurance written by Gardner & Seiler. Grand Mask Ball. Prof. Chambers will give the biggest mask ball of the season at Marquardt mil Mouday evening , November 25. A costumer from Grand Island will bo n Norfolk on above date with elegant ino of costumes which can bo obtained at Marquardt hall next Monday at reasonable prices. Throe prizes will bo given. Musio by Norfolk orchestra. Admission , gentlemen $1 , ladies free. St. Louis white lead ( i cents per pound at Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. * Farm and city loans. THE DUULAND TUDBT Co. BONDS NOT REGISTERED. Auditor Explains Why Norfolk Llfhl- in Bonds Worn Not Acceptable. The I'olluwlng opinion of Auditor \YVston ooiu'Ornlng the eleelrlo light bonds is m-lf explanatory. This uillng annuls the election held lust Hpilng for the purprmo of Voting bonds for the election of a municipal electric lighting plant. , Lincoln , Nub. , November 21 , 11KI.- ) D. .1. KoenlKHtoln , KMJ. , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Blr : After n careful rovlow of the evidence Hiibmittod in the matter of the Norfolk light bonds , this department does not belluvo it would bo .Instilled Iu reglHterlng the homlH when presented. The principal defect lies iu the ne- NOHHed valuation , which In not largo enough to permit you to IHHUO bonds to the extent of sixteen thousand nix hun dred dollars. Another point I would rail your at tention to in that some ordinance or resolution must bo priKontcd and panned by tho.cotuuill before you could proceed in the matter , In thin instance no such proceeding was performed by the council. Respectfully yours , GIIAHUCH WKHTON , Auditor. ( Signed ) K\m , MATHICWH , Bond Clerk. There will bo a Thanksgiving turkey radio at the Turf Exchange Thanksgiv ing eve and all day Thanksgiving. The lluest lunch over attempted iu the state , including roast pig , roast turkey and other delicacies of the ncanin will he survod. Plenty of line largo turkeys will be on hand aud everybody should secure ono for their dinner. Fresh ( tali at ( ilissiiiun'H. House paint $1.25 per gallon at Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co. Gardner < & Holler deal in improved and unimproved lands. RanohcH and town property for Halo in Pierce , Cedar , Kuox , Way no and Holt counties , also landsjand ranches in North aud South Dakota. Card from Mrs. McKinley. On the death of Prooident Win. McKiuloy Mayor KoonigHtoiu Rent a message of consolation to Mrs. MoKin- ley convoying the regrets of the people of Norfolk. Today ho received a mourning card acknowledging the message which bore the following : "Mrs. McKinley acknowledges with grateful appreciation the tender ex presBions of syuiyathy extended to her in her sorrow. September , I'.IOI. Canton , Ohio. " Just received several hundred gallons lens of high grade house paint which wo will sell at .i < l.25 per gallon while it lasts. KDWAKDS A ; BiiAnroitu LUMIIP.II Co. PERSONAL. Mr. ami MM. Fred Ilollingsworth wont to Omaha yesterday. J. II. Poverott of Randolph was a city visitor yesterday on business. Miss Eggcr of Columbus is expected hero tomorrow to visit Miss Schmocker for a few days. Owen O'Neill and sisters , Misses Kato and Nellie , wore iu the city yesterday from Battle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunham of Oak- dale arrived iu the city tcday to have some dental work done. Miss Winnie Baird leaves tomorrow for Cedar Rapids , this state , to take * a position iu the city schools. Mrs. Nora Blue aud son Josef of Juniata , this state arrived today to spend Thanksgiving with her aunt , Mrs C. J. Hibben. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Hibbon aud fam ily and Mr. Hibbon'H brother and fam ily returned y.esterday from an enjoy able trip to Blaci : Hills points. Mr. Hibbon states that things are booming in the hills and great sums of money are being invested. They looked over the work of the F. E. & M. V. which is building its rood from Deadwood to Lead. The stupendonsuess of the un dertaking may bo realized when it is known that it will cost about a million and a half dollars to build the four miles of road necessary. Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop block. Telephone 147 A. There will bo a Thanksgiving turkey rafllo at the Turf Exchange Thanksgiv ing eve and all day Thanksgiving. The finest lunch ever attempted in the state , including roast pig , roast turkey aud other delicacies of the season will be served. Plenty of fine largo turkeys * will bo on hand and everybody should secure ono for their dinner. We make loans on real estate at lowest rates. Elkhorn Building and Savings association. T. E. ODIOHNE Sen. Among the articles to be sold by the Ladies guild during their sale the first week in December will bo fancy aprons , sofa pillows , dresser scarfs aud many other household couveuiencies of like character. Oilr Winter Stock is now complete. Gall and compare qualities with city stores anywhere. J. & E. arc selling a line of Cook < ; Stoves and Cast ratines Known as 1 : the Novelty , They are made by { ) an old eastern firm LhaL has been I in business since 1847. They arc , ' , ' close to the iron and the coal ' < ' mines and can make a better stove for less o money than the western factories , and our customers get the benefit of these facts. G. E. MOORE. ! INSKEEP'S ' MILLINERY FOR MILLINERY. STREET HATS At less than Half Price at BVIiss E. J. Bender's. . * " - fiWu"VLJ-fi. y % Easles , Screens , PIcate Racks , Cabinets , | c ' $ > > Sofa Pillows , Roll Bolsters , Couch / y Covers , Sham Holders , etc. # All those little things which do not cost much but mid lots to the beauty and comfort of your home. You'll lind them at S , Hoffmen mith' ! * SUGAR CITY CEREAL MIliliS , rinnufncturers of the Bon Ton. and Sun-Shine Flours. DID loudinff Imknrs of ( ho Ktiito uio It nnil Sack . .he Ix.'Bt Krocurt ) luuiillo It. Every Guaranteed. OF OMAHA , will r jmuln In Norfolk daring the wintomoaeon , MUSIC FURNISHED for all occasions. L. LAGROTTA. MAN. NORFOLK , NEB L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force &nt Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Ofllco M. E. SPAULDINC , UKALKUaiN FLOUR FEED , - , TELEPHONE : : NO. 83' J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO TUNER. Ofllco with J. D. Sturgeon , NOHKOLK , . - - NEURASKA. WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W , D , Hall's Barter Shop , MAIN UT. . THIlin DOOU EAST OF FODRTB MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TELEPHONE No , 447 , Rooms on North Ninth Street For Plumbing , Steam Filling , Pomps , Tanki Wind Mills And all work In this line call on STITT & WHITE. BfatlifactlouIOaaranteed , Flrit door Bonth of TUB DAIL.T NBWS OfBe , Leave orders at Telephone A 221 , James Richards , M. D OCULIST And Expert Refrac- tlonlst. Examination of the eyes FUEE to patlenta ami patrnni. Olllra 1404 Farnura St. , Omaha , oppotito Faxtou Hotel.