The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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r\i \ NORFOLK , NE1HIASTCA , FRIDAY , NOYHMHUR 22 , 11)01. )
1 V
Fatalities of Mine Disaster
I . Less Then Feared. '
Ninth Level of Bullion Tunnel Still
Filled With Smoke Superintendent
Leads Party Through Most of Work
ings Without Adding to List.
Tollurlde , Colo. , Nov. 22. The do-
Tclopments in the Smuggler-Union
mine disaster have not served to re
move the doubl as to tliu numb or of
victims and It Booms unlikely that the
exact number will bo known for sev
eral hours. As yet the list remains
the same as last night , 22 dead and
one in a precarious condition from
inhaling the deadly gas and smoke
drawn into the mine from the burning
buildings about the mouth of the Bul
lion tunnel. It is possible that a
ccarch of the ninth level , which Is still
in part inaccessible , will reveal the
bodies of other victims , but n party
headed by Superintendent Edgar Col
llns went through all the other pop
tiona of the mine and found no more
bodies. The unexplored portion of
the ninth level Is about 400 feet In
length. Superintendent Collins said
that he did not believe the death roll
tvould be increased by more than one
or two and possibly not at all. It Is
Bald two or three men are raising ,
but It Is not certain , as the men are
mostly foreigners and many of them
did not report after making their escape
capo from the mine. The work of
clearing away the debris of the burned
buildings and repairing the tramway
has already begun , but it Is said that
it will bo some time before the mine
can bo reopened.
The funeral of the 22 victims will
bo held tomorrow afternoon. Mayor
Illganhuas has Issued a proclama
tion asking that all business houses
close during the afternoon.
Conductor Hlgglns Succumbs to Inju
rles Received In Santa Fe Wreck.
Log Angeles , Nov. 22. Conductor
H. R. Hlgglns , the eighth victim of tbo
Santa Fe wrnck In Arizona Wednea
day , died yesterday at the Sisters
hospital. Those injured In the accl
dent are progressing favorajily and no
more fatalities among them are proba
ble. Concerning the probable loss to
the road as a result of the smash-up
n railroad man In this city gave it as
his opinion that It would amount to
1 Passenger Agents In Wreck.
Truckee , Gal. , Nov. 22. The pas
senger agents' special had a headend
collision with a freight train at Boca
yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Parker of Chicago were slightly
bruised , Mrs. H. N. Butterfield of Mil
waukee received bruises on the neck
and back and Mrs. L. W. Price of Kan
sas City bad a broken rib. Many oth
er passengers sustained slight In
juries. The freight was taking water
at the Boca water tank when the spe
cial came along. The grade at this
point Is heavy and the airbrakes failed
to hold , although the speed of the spe
cial was greatly reduced.
Fatally Stabbed by Pupils.
St. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. 22. Professoi
John Montgomery , principal of the
public schools of Cawood , Mo. , Is dy
ing from pocket knife wounds re
ceived nt the hands of four pupils , all
yet In their early teens. The boys
said to bo guilty of the assault are
John Miller , Virgil Craig , Roy and
Joseph Bedford. Professor Montgom
ery reprimanded one of the boys yes
terday and was at once assaulted by
the quartet.
i Gives Bullet for Blow.
Joplln , Mo. , Nov. 22. W. R. Gray-
jton , a prominent attorney , was shot
and Instantly killed on the street yes
terday by George G. Dayne , superin
tendent of the waterworks , whom he
had struck with his fist. Grayston
and wife have been sopaiatfd a year
or more and Grayston , it is said , be
lieved Bayne , who Is a widower , was
Intending to marry Mrs. Grayston as
EOOII as she was divorced.
, Four Killed , Seven Injured.
Birmingham , Ala. , Nov. 22. Four
trainmen were killed and seven In
jured In a headend collision yesterday
between two Louisville and Nashville
freight trains at Hughes siding , seven
miles from this city. The dead are :
.T. A. Coghlll , engineer ; J. C. Ritten-
berry , conductor ; William Bell , brakeman -
man ; Anderson Irving , fireman. The
two trains came together with a ter-
rlblo shock.
i Leaps Into Blast Furnace.
Plttsburg , Nov. 22. A few/moments /
after midnight an unidentified man
throw himself headlong into one of
the blast furnaces at Schoenberger's
mills , Fourteenth and Aetna streets.
Almost his entire body was roasted
beyond Identification , his loft foot be
ing the only part not disfigured.
I Engine Jumps Track.
Pine Bluff , Ark. , Nov. 22. Near
Goldman yesterday , the engine of a
Cotton Belt fast freight jumped the
track and turned over. Conductor
Walter Noble of Jonesboro was killed
and a brakeman , a fireman and an en
gineer wore probably fatally injured.
Six cars were demolished.
' h/o i " Claims to Have Docu-
> ' ' * /Of.f ' 'Q Conspiracy.
Seattlb , Cl > iSo " 2. The Times
prints n storj cfat. every ilo-
tall the Btory ot , . .splracy on
the part of certain minors to attempt
the overthrow of Canadian authority
In the Klondike , as published In the
San Francisco Call last Sunday. The
Times claims to have In Its possession
dofumcnta and seals of the "Ordor of
the Midnight Sun , " the secret socloty
which was organized for the solo pur
pose of accomplishing the overthrow
of the Canadian rule In the gold
The total membership of the Order
of the Midnight Sun Is placed at l.COO ,
although the members confidently ex
pected outside nsBlstnnco that would
bring the total of the army of Insur
rection to almost r > ,000. The Times
says that In the early days of the or-
ganbatlon a circular was Issued and
secretly distributed to disaffected min
ers on the upper Yukon , In which 19
different causes were given as being
reasons for itn uprising. These dealt
with defective mining laws , corrup
tion of ofllrlals , royalty , liquor tralllc
and gambling.
The conspiracy Is said to be dead
owing to the publication of Its secrets.
Assistant District Attorney Presents
Case for Government.
Washington , Nov. 22. The trial of
Mrs. Lola Ida Bonlno , on the charge
of killing James Seymour Ayres , Jr. ,
was fairly launched yesterday. The
preliminary presentation of the case
was made by Assistant District Attor
ney Hugh T. Taggart , and after ho
bad finished a number of witnesses
were heard. Mr. Taggart's statement
consumed an hour and flftoji minutes
and consisted for the most part of n
review. Mr. Taggart stated the the
ory of the prosecution to bo that
Ayres was murdered by Mrs. Donlne
and that she gained admission to his
room through the window. , reaching
that by means of the flro escape. Ho
attempted to show that she wa&
piqued by his nonattentlon to her.
Mrs. Bonlno apparently was unmoved
by his representations. Once or twlco
during the address she leaned over
and spoke to her attorneys. The wit
nesses of the day did not throw any
new light upon the killing.
Benediction Is Called Down Upon La
bors of President.
Washington , Nov. 22. The annual
meeting of the archbishops of the
catholic church In the United States
begun at the Catholic university yes
terday. Cardinal Gibbons presided
and the attendance Included Arch
bishop Williams of Boston , Corrlgaii
of New York , Elder of Cincinnati ,
Ryan of Philadelphia , Ireland of St.
Paul , Kaln of St. Louis , Keane of Dubuque -
buquo and Christie of Oregon. The
meeting considered a number of matters -
tors of interest to the welfare of the
Catholic church and reviewed generally
orally the affairs of the hierarchy.
The only feature of the proceedings
formally made public after the day's
work had been concluded was that the
meeting had adopted resolutions of la
ment at the assassination of President
McKlnley and containing an Invoca
tion of the benedictions of heaven on
his successor's administration.
Cnllfornians Seek Re-Enactment of
Chinese Exclusion Act.
San Francisco , Nov. 22. A state
convention , composed of 1,500 dele
gates from all cities of California , as
sembled In this city yesterday for the
purpose of Inaugurating a movement
in favor of the re-enactment by con
gress of the Chinese exclusion law ,
which expires next May. Former
Congressman T. J. Geary , the author
of the present restriction act , was
chosen chairman of the convention.
The day was consumed In perfecting
organization. The principal result of
the convention will bo the adoption
of a memorial to ( engross urging the
re-enactment of the present law with
out modification and the appointment
of a delegation to do propaganda work
In the west. There is some sentiment
In favor of extending the restriction
to the Japanese.
Robbers Indicted for Murder.
Storm Lake , la. , Nov. 22. The
Buena Vista county grand jury yester
day returned new indictments against
Lewis Brooks , white , and Albert Phil
lips , colored , who were arrested for
blowing open the safe In the bank at
Greenville last Saturday morning , for
murder In the first degree , in the killIng -
Ing of John Sundblad of Albert City.
Charles Lodlne , the constable of Al
bert City , who was shot by the alleged
robbers , Is sinking rapidly and cannot
Goes Back to Prison.
Wichita , Kan. , Nov. 22. Arthur
Gates , colored , a paroled convict , was
returned to the penitentiary yesterday
because ho became Intoxicated and attempted
tempted to stab a man at Wichita.
Ho had kept his parole nlno mouths.
He was In prison for killing a inau
and he had served eight of 14 years
when paroled.
Madrid Journalist Assassinated.
Madrid , Nov. 22. As Senor Romeov
n journalist , was leaving the chamber
of deputies yesterday , ho was fired at
by three men. He ropelvcd two bul
lets in the head and Is dying.
Joseph Chamberlain Writes An
other Blunt Letter.
Growing Resentment at British Colonial
nial Secretary's Remarks Soldiers
Continue to Hold Anti-Chamberlain
Meetings London Press Alarmed.
Berlin , Nor. 22. Fresh offense
npaliiBt Mr. Chamberlain , the British
colonial secretary , has been taken In
Germany over an open letter , ropio
duced here , In which Mr. Chamber
lain alludes to the "socalled ueltntlon
In Germany , HO evidently artificial
nnd entirely based on inlsapproht'ii
nlon of my speech , " and says that ho
does not propose to notice It , bul that
"no sensible Gorman could bo af-
fionted by my wonlH justifying Bill-
Ish action In the Transvaal. "
The North Gorman Gazette , sc'iul-
official , hitherto silent on the imbjwt ,
today denounces Mr. Clmmhoiluln'H
original utterances at Edinburgh as
Inconsldcruto and offensive , but con
siders thorn to have been nuvlllled by
the letter. The paper exhorts the
army not to ho affected or persuaded
Into Joining in the agitation. Sol
diers , however , continue to hold antl-
Chumhorluln meetings.
London , Nov. 22. The fact that the
anti-Chamberlain agitation in Ger
many has at last extracted n seml-
olllclal expression of approval from
the North Gorman Gazette has hud
the effect of convincing the British
press that the situation Is becoming
serious. Now the papers are taking
the trouble to explain that Mr. Cham
berlain's comments on the brutality of
Germans during the war with France
wore not intended to Insult or offend
"Tho temper of the German public
Is dangerous , " says the Morning
Post , "nnd It behooves our people to
bo on their guard. The Germans np
pear to regard Great Britain as cov
ctous , rapacious and barbarous.
From that belief to the corollary that
a barbarous nation ought to bo sup
pressed Is a short and easy stop. "
Referring to the scurrilous at
tacks made by the Gorman press , the
Dally Chronicle says : "Unless the
authorities restrain the unlicensed
abuse of England In the Gorman press
wo fall to see how this country can
much longer Ignore accumulated In
suits. "
The Standard and the Dally Tele
graph are much less alarmist In tone ,
but they recognize that "such agltaj
tlons , even when artificial , are not al
ways harmless and It Is a good thing
that the relations between the two
governments are so friendly and that
Queen Victoria's blood runs In the
kaiser's veins. "
All the papers publish long specials
from Berlin describing the public feel
Ing and declaring that the article In
the North German Gazette is proof
that the German emperor is power
less to stem the agitation , which Is In
tended , If possible , to force Count von
Buolow into some anti-British pro
Soldiers Guard Palace and Students
Defend University.
Athens , Nov. 22. Strong military
detachments guard the palace and the
residence of the premier. Every
where anxious groups are discussing
the riots. Heartrending scenes oc
curred when the bodies of the dead
wore handed over to their relatives.
It Is rumored that armed men have
arrived at the university , but the
building is still guarded by the stu
dents , who are adopting military dis
Mutiny on Brltlch Steamer.
Montreal , Nov. 22. Advices re
ceived here from South Africa state
that a mutiny occurred among the
horsemen on board the Allan line
steamer Clclllan , which sailed from
this port Oct. 23 for South Africa will
a cargo of horses for the British
army. The officers of the ship quelled
the mutiny , and several of the lead
ers were placed In irons and handoc
orer to the military authorities at
Capo Town.
Burghers Joining British Forces ,
London , Nov. 22. The Pretoria cor
respondent of the Standard remarks
as a "significant proof of the growing
cleavage In the Boor ranks and a
hopeful sign , " the fact that an In
creasing number of burghers are join
Ing the British forces In the field. He
says that several such corps are now
doing excellent work.
Lynch Elected to Parliament.
Dublin , Nov. 22. The election yesterday
torday In the parliamentary contest
Galway district , between Arthu
Lynch , who fought as a colonel In
the Boer army , and Horace Plunkott
unionist , resulted In a victory for the
former by the following figures
Lynch , 1.247 ; Plunkett , 473.
Iglesias Released on Ball.
San Juan , P. R. , Nov. 22. Santlag
Iglesias , who was arrested here abou
a fortnight ago on a charge of con
splracy has been released on $50
ball. The ball was furnished by Samuel
uol Gompers , president of the Amor
ran Federation of Labor. Iglesias wll
bo tried Dec. 2 ,
The Great
Hayes' Jewelry House
Rstnbliahoil 1S81. 319 Norfolk Avenue.
The Grab Will Sale Tuesday , Nov. 26 j
\\rc have selected from ouV stork over 1,000 articles , ranging in value from
< > § 10.00 to 25 cents none worlh loss Hutu the latter price. These articles comprise
These articles are all wrapped in packages , and will ho thrown in our window on
u Monday morning before the sale opens. He on hand early and make your ( j RAH from
o the entire 1000 articles , and the price will be
A few of the goods that will bo included in the packages are on exhibition in our.
; : show window.
Every other article in our store will also bo reduced for this sale and marked in
' ' plain figures. The Grab Sale will not open till 10 o'clock to give the ladies a chanco.
U Be prompt and GRAB early.
Hayes' Jewelry House ,
Trooper Buchanan Commits Sulcldo
Before Law Can Avenge Murder.
Junction City , Run. . Nov. 22. W. D.
EBuc'hannn of troop D , Fourteenth cav-
airy located nt Fort Illlcy , nour here ,
who killed Policemen White mid
Cooper on Tuesday night , was found
dead in his cell , Buchanan hud com
mitted sulcldo by hanging , having
made a rope of u towel. The dead
body was found when the sheriff sent
In the prisoner's breakfast.
Ducliaimn ran wild through the
streets , shooting at every one ho
passed. There seemed no cause for
Iho killing of the ofllcers. Ho escaped
and was not arrested until the next
day , when ho was found hiding In a
stable at the fort. There was talk ot
lynching him , but this had subsided.
Gets Verdict Under South Dakota Law
Forbidding Sale to Drunkards.
Sioux Tails , S. D. , Nov. 22. A Jury
In the state circuit court yesterday
awarded Mrs. Mary Oarrlgan of this
city a verdict for $1,800 damages
against Samuel Kennedy , a Dell Rap
ids saloon keeper. The plaintiff's hus
band committed suicide after exces
sive drinKlng.
This Is the first case brought under
that section of the new state license
law prohibiting the sale of liquor to
habitual drunkards. Mrs. Garrlgan
has similar cases pending against two
other Dell Rapids saloon keepers.
Iowa Hunter Is Drowned.
Storm Lake , la. , Nov. 22. Yester
day afternoon , while out hunting
Henry C. Hill was drowned In the lake
at this place. He shot Into a. flock of
geese and one of them fell on the Ice
some distance from the shore. Ho
started to walk out on the Ice after
the game , but before ho reached If
the Ice gave way and ho went down
to death.
Meet Next In Michigan.
Lewiston , Me , , Nov. 22. The clos
Ing hours of the National Grange con
vontlon yesterday wore well filled
Officers were installed In the after
noon. The next national gathering
will bo held In Michigan , but the qucs
tlon of the exact place was left to the
executive committee.
Gusher at Pagosa Springs ,
Denver , Nov. 22. Specials from
Pagosa Springs , Colo. , where a com
puny has been drilling for oil , announce
nounco that u gusher has been strucl
at 300 feet. The htrlko Is 150 miles
from the Florence oil dlbtrlct , whlcl
has boon producing for years ,
W. II. IIUCHOIVA Pronlilmit.
Norfolk AU\ANI : > IH : m < : ut vicu
I. . \ V.IJTZ , Cufclilor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business6
liuya and Sells Exchange.
IntcrcHt Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts uud Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business TranHaotcd.
For ( lollcIouaneBs of flavor nnd purity
of material tills brow In uu > urpn& ed , Order a
cnso of our Peerless llottlo liccr tout homo nnU lot
every motnbor of the family enjoy It.
Our lithographed booklet sent to you free on request.
John Gund Brewing Co. , La Crosse , \Vis.
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the'
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all Blzes. TELEPHONE ( $1.
y SEE 5 =
The Norfolk Buildine and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.