* * * " r1 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 8 , 1901 The fiottf oik fleuas An echo front the president Inl cam- "Groat IB Tnmmnny , mid CroUor Its prophet I" The Nebraska Independent nays llio poopln love Hrynn. They have n voiy pcoollnr wny of showing It. Tlio ftiRlon rooster in u mighty rnro "bird thin fall moHt exchanges of tlioau parlies rcnioiubor only the crow. Ouster county , the lioinn of Slli\H Uolcomb , gnvo Sodgwlck n ma jority of 17fi. Last year It wont for JPojntor by 108. The Soliloy inquiry in over nnd the popplo can now give their undivided attentIon - tontIon to the approaching ThanltHgiv- liig foot ball games. Pierce county didn't do so bad , from a republican standpoint. It gave Sedg- > vick 11) ) plurality , whoroiiH last year it gave Pointer n majority of O'l. The Kansas Oity .Tonriml explains that "ono roaHon why Mr. Bryan is no longer the idol of the plnin people in bo * cause HO few of the plain people arc now Milwaukee in ongngcd in a war ngaiiiHt vice , or at leant some of ItH oltl- 7.onn arc. Many of them probably con- elder that it wan vice which made Mil- wankoo fatuous , Now the price of jam IB to bo regu lated by a ( runt , the seventeen large preserve mannfaoturerH of the country having gone into a combine with a capi tal Btook Sa.BOO.OOO. It is probable tVat if the officers of , the Tfltnil liquor dealers association had , made , tholr exhbi ) ( earlier in the cam paign , ifldgo Sodgwiok's election would hqvo boon unanimous. k" * The O'NoJH frontier jabs a thorn \n \ a nero spot when It says : "Thoso 10,000 voters that the fnsloulBts have boon olixlinlng were brought back to Nebraska by the republicans last year to vote must have become permanent residents. " Wnyno county was ono of the few that backslid a llttlo. Last year it gave Dietrich a majority of 170. This year Sedgwick'H plurality is 150. The re publicans there should coaco their quarreling and nnlto against the com mon enemy. The Wahoo Democrat of Sauudors county thinks the returns from that count } ' indicate that there was fusion Iwtwcon the populibts and republicans. A good many individuals of various parties have been fused by republican prosperity and republican good govern ment. The Fremont Tribune would now like the fusionists to state whether the late campaign in Nebraska was fought on ntato or national issues. The fusion press was confident i ( ; know what the issues were before election but they probably know nothing of thorn by this time. Church ladies are accredited with many curious and devious methods of enticing the modest nnd elusive dime , .ranging from teas to bloomer parties , bnt perhaps the latest idea is a , "ceme tery dinner"which must be appropriate and meet the requirements of not u few churches. Among the counties that turned polit ical snmmoisahlts at the Into election were Holt and Antelope counties , two fusion strongholds that wont republi can by good majorities iwd elected al most nil republican county candidates. Antelope gave Sodgwick 228 majority. No wonder Nebraska 'republicans are cheerful. If Nebraska must bo represented at the St. Louis world's fair TUB NBWS is hero to suggest that the people relieve the state of the burden of making such nu exhibit and that the funds bo raised by popular subscription. That the exi hibit then bo something original and of benefit to the state. Last year Thurston county gnvo Die trich n majority of 88. This year it went for Sodgwiok almost two to one , giving him a majority of 807 while Hoi- enbeck received but 39G votes. This is the county where Editor Mosea Warner , who a year ago deserted republicanism for populism , lives. With a few more .flops Thurston would go it unanimous. The dailies report that the beef supply of'the country is endangered. If thia is a scheme of the plutocratic cattle raisers to raise the price of that neces eity Mr. Bryan can well afford to get his sword and his pistol and go out in defense of the common people , most of whom eat beef when they can get it as they have been doing with the aid of re publican prosperity. Tbo Kansas convicts who broke jail may have secured a brief liberty bnt many of them paid for it at terrible cost and it is safe to presume that nouo enjoyed - joyed it , When a person is punished by the law , experience teaches that the better way is to patiently submit unless liberty can be secured through the B or by pardon. There are few who tire permitted long to otijoy liberty Bootired by foreo when they are once In till' tollH , Hurglnnt nro doing a wholesale busl- with tin ) hanks of Houth Dakota and north wont Iowa and few nlghtH an * but that n bank vault is artlHtlcally lipped and thoUHandH of dollars taken , luiiy of tluMo having largo NUIIIH of money In olmrgo are posting nrmod nardH an a precautionary measure. The nines and Younger brothers were icarcely moro bold and successful than ho Iowa-South Dakota robbers. They to grlof and the latter are almost curtain to sulfor calamity. Tliqrn maybe bo shrewd burglars but there tire shrewd UlcorH of the lawus , well. Unolo Siim'H now pOBHCFHlona , it ap [ ) oarH , would bo not altogether ndvorbo io 801HO of their uncle's homo protection dona. The , State Journal Hays of the unugural mcBsngo of Governor Hunt of 'ortoHloo : "Tho most notable of hie ocommondatioiiH in that congioBR bo asked to impoHo a duty upon coll'oo im IKirtod from any country to the Island. This IH to give the coll'oo growers of ? orta Hico the bunefltH ot their homo narkot and alno to prevent the ro-oxpor atlon of foreign coffees us Porto Hico cotVoo , which , being a superior brand , in njurod in KB reputation in the world'H imrkotH by thin sort of counterfeiting. " Unolo Sam'H prosperity Is still going up and those astonished at the remark nble showing of the treasury depart ijiont for the year 11)00 ) arc duo to re colvo a greater surprlso when they note ho extraordinary showing for the UHCII ! yuar ending Juno DO , 11)01. ) The receipts from revenues for the preceding fiscal year were in excess of those of any other year , bnt thin year has topped those figures by 120,000,000 , , the not ordinary revenues being $ fi87,885i10 , , ; ! , SIn.ee 181)1) ) ) the government has had extraordinary expenses bnt its financiers have managed to accumulate surpluses. During thp past year the receipts exceeded the ox pondUures by almost $78,000,000. This was it little loss than $2,000,000 below the surplus of KKX ) which may bo ac counted for by the lopping oft of a largo percentage of the war revenue. The re publlcau party may evidently bo entrusted trusted with the financiering of the government with perfect safety. Cure I'roicntH Condition. The question of compulsory vacchm tiou is being strongly agitated in the state and Superintendent Fowler has ruled that boards nro empowered to compel the vaccination of children or refuse them admittance to the schools. The need of precaution to prevent an epidemic of smallpox or other infcctous diHease is apparent and the people should bo willing to co-operate with of lloials in preventing or stamping out the disease. Many people would bo glad if there were BOUIO other method of pro- volition and not a few believe that there are , than by vaccination , Recently people have come to fear iu > nooulation almost as much as the dis ease. The experience at St. Louis with anti-toxin , the number of serious re suits from vaccination , late of which is that of n Now Jersey boy lying death's door from lock jnw , nro tending to increase this opposition to what i popularly considered the only preventive ivo of smallpox While this may not establish n righ for people to refuse vaccination if tin order of officials command it , certainly it should result in compelling the use o pure nud healthy virus. No person will wish to take sovora' disonses into his system for the purpose of preventing one. But if n person should not wish to toke the vacoin preventive ho should certainly comply with the other alternative of official making such a ruling. THE NBWS believes that a person having such a disease and not taking tin proper precaution to prevent infection of others is guilty of criminal negligence and should be prosecuted , or at least ru < quired to isolate himself. With the , exercise orciso of proper core by the people theri would bo absolutely no need of prevon > lvesnud no epidemics. When they Vf il not do this , however , th y force others to submit to inconveniences that they ore not ready to undergo. A rooou case in Norfolk emphasizes the fact tha some people have absolutely no concop tiou of the rights or the privileges o : others. They nro extremely selfish and if a rigid law could be enforced in such cases it would mightily please all citi zeus. When people will not use voluntarily they should be forced to so. Norfolk ut present has no opidoml and n proper precaution would proven : one , and that should be required in one way or another , the most satisfactory method being for people having a cpn tagious disease to prevent its spread. t < ; others , Time to Call u Unit. Governor Savage has given it out thai he favors the idea of Nebraska ninkin a big display nt the St. Louis exposition in 190 ! ) . Ho does not , however , regnp it as judicious to call n special session of { he legislature for the purpose making an appropriation of funds fo that purpose. Ho suggests that a fun be raised by private subscription suill oieutly large to make a creditable exhibl at the big show. He believes , ho says the next legislature will reimburse th Conors and thereby convert the private ' subscription into a Hta'o obligation , thus obviating the nxpi'MNC of a notion of the It'glhlnturi ) , and I ho dnn cnt of ono with none too good a reputation at best. Thorn IH precedent for this procedure , t may bo found in the advancement of loney to bring the Nebraska troops omo from Hiin FianeiHco , and its epaymont by the legislature nt its last CHftion , Hut there will bo n greater dl > /talon of muniment than in the matter I f bringing homo the troops , There nro | miny persons who will not bo dtaposod o consider the ono as patriotic a pur- > OHO as the other. The Tribune bollnvcs the fltato should nnko no appropriation for the St. Louis xpqsition. Nebraska is n part of the joulfllana purchase that can afford to ; ot along without it. The condi- ' ion of the state treasury Is not itich ns to justify an appropriation 'or ' that purpose. Already there JH moro him a million dollars of floating indobt Warrants for that amount arp now outstanding nnd drawing intercut. Svory Houston of tie | legislature seoa ni | ucrvaslug deficiency in the cost of state iiBtitutioiiH , Of Into the state 1ms suf- 'orod heavy IOHBOS by fire In the burning f the penitentiary nnd the Norfolk nsy- nin. These must bo u'mdo good nnd ho public debt therein' smaller. Siini- ar institutions elsewhere nro constantly calling for increased appropriations and ho debt grows and grows. It IH time to talce some practical stop o got out of debt nnd prevent incronH- ng taxation. Nebraska has indulged n a good deal of exposition luxury in ate years. It made a good appropria- lon for the Chicago fair. It nuido u nrgor one fqr the Omaha exposition. There was a second Omaha exposition carried on by private capital , This year ho flto.tp had n modest exhibit nt Buf falo. It also invested $50,000 in n state 'air ' site. In view of nil this wo believe t about time to call n halt on exposition ixpeuditurps. An exhibit of n clean balance sheet vfould bo a bettor advpr- isomout than n display of alfalfa and corn. Wo believe the tax-payees of Nebraska are ready to forego the latter n the interest of the former. Fremont Tribune. SOLDIERS READY FOR THEM. Insurgents Attempt to Re peat Tactics of Sqmar Rebels. Manila , Nov. 12. Major William L. Ditcher of the Eighth regiment of In- 'nntry , commanding the Mindoro ox- : iotltlois ( , reports that the garrison of Abra do Hog was attacked yesterday by n force of Insurgents commanded by Leiiocoa. The Filipinos apparent- y attempted to repeat the Samar tac tics , but the Americans , who wore breakfasting , fully armed , completely outed the Insurgents , who left flvo uen dead on the field , each having n rlllo and ammunition. Quo American ivas seriously wounded. Captain Noyes of the Thirtieth In- 'nntry , commanding 'n ' detachment of 50 men , has captured n deserter named Klchtor of the Sixth artillery , wearing the uniform of an Insurgent lieutenant. Major Pitcher says ho recently captured three officers and a largo part of an Insurgent company , all fully armed. It Is bolloved the Insurgents recently received nn Illicit supply of munitions of war. The insurgents In Snmar nrss flockIng - Ing northward. They are suffering greatly from famine. Many Isolated bolomen hnvo surrendered. Only fear caused by Lukbnn's proclamation , threatening with death those who sur render , prevents a general submission of the Insurgents , but It Is expected this will bo assured In a few days. KILLS IOWA SPORTING MAN. Anna Crawford at Clinton Fatally Shoots Jenks Dillon. Clinton. la. , Nov. 12. Jenks Dillon , a sporting man of this city , was shot and killed last night by Anna Craw ford. The woman , who was Imme diately arrested , stated that she shot Dillon In self-defense. However , this IB denied , ns two shots took effect In Dillon's back. Dillon , a number of years ago , was n well known pugilist and later a manager of prlzo fighters. At ono time ho was manager and trainer of Oscar Gardiner. Ho con ducted a saloon here. About a year ago the Crawford woman was nrrested nt Davenport , with her husband , J. McKeen , who she had married but n few dnys be fore , on the charge of horse stealing. She was acquitted , but McKeen was sent to the penitentiary. RUHLIN'S STOCK GOES UP. Jeffries Still a Strong Favorite In the Betting. San Francisco , Nov. 12. Gus Ruhlln , who Is to meet James Jeffries on Fri day night In a struggle for the heavy weight championship , Is growing in popular favor and yesterday crept up In the betting BO that the local odds are holding fairly steady , at 2 to 1. where but a few days ago a consider able sum of money changed hands at 3 1-2 to 1. This is partially accounted for by the fact that George Slier , who has reached here from Chicago , has expressed confidence In Ruhlln's chances and looks for the adveut of anew now champion. Tlie Hr t nnd Moit Honey. The finest honey In this country U gathered from hives where white clover - ver nnd bneswood nre acoosslble. In quantity , however , It falls behind that made from the goldcnrod and buck wheat bloBEom. From New York , Pennsylvania and Vermont comes the most of the comb honey nnd from Ari zona and California the largest amount of extracted or liquid honey. LUKBAN 13 DEFIANT. nsurgent Leader In Samar Sends Smith a Dictatorial Letter. Manila , Nov. 11.- According to ad- ICCH from ( . 'ntlmloKiin , Saninr , l.uk- J mn , the liiHitrgi'iit li-nilor. has sent n ] n nuuHngo to ( Icnortil Smith , declaring tl lint ho will not llHton to negotiations tlfi fi 'or mmciidor until all the AmuricaiiB fiIt It itivo withdrawn Horn Oniidtra vnl- oy. ( lonoral Smith has ordered every juldlur on the Island nnd the Island of Loyto to never bo without nrniH , oven nt meal tlmcH. Ho IB determined oa ot lint there shall be no moro HiirprlHos , and coinmnndlng olllcerH will bo held responsible. General Smith also ill- recta that Hcontlng nniBt continue In- c icsHantly and that nil rice nnd hemp c inpturcd must bo destroyed. Ho con- Bldorfl the capture of Lttklmn only n of n very short time. TIPPECANOE DAY OBSERVED. Anniversary of Battle Celebrated at Now Tomb of First Harrison. Cincinnati. Nov. 11. The annlver- nnry of the battle of Tlppcconoo was celobrnted yesterday with n very argo nttondnnco at the now tomb of General William Henry Harrison at North IJpnd , O. , near this city. The ate President Honjnmln Harrison be fore his ( loath had a now tomb built over the grave of his Illustrious grand father. The principal address was by Congressman Jacob II. Hronnvcll of Cincinnati , followed by Jndgo Con nor , Captain McClnng nnd others. The wreath of flowers was placed on the tomb by Carl Schmidt , president : ) f the United Gorman Singing socloty of Cincinnati. None of the members of the Ilatrlson family were present. Anti-Vice Crusade at Milwaukee. Milwaukee , Nov. 11. An nntl-vico crusade Is on In this city. A com mittee of three , which has boon mak ing nn investigation for several woekn , made Its report last night. The report brings out a variety of al leged disregards for the lawIt Is bnscd on < q written and somewhnt ex tended statement prepared by an un named agent who made a thorough canvass of the city with reference to the subject under consideration. The clergy of the city took up the sub ject yesterday and from a dozen pul pits there was expressed hearty ap proval of the movement. Nebraska Runs Up Big Score. Omnlm , Vov. 11. The University of Missouri team was too light and weak for Mio Nebrnsknns Saturday , the score ngnlnst them being 51 to Q. Substitutes were plentiful In the Ne brnska lineup , owing to Injuries re celvcd In the Wisconsin nnd Mlnne seta games , but the Interference was nevertheless excellent , nnd Missouri was unable to make any adequate re slstancc. Over 1,000 rooters cnmo from Lincoln on a special train nnd 5,000 spectators witnessed the game Robbed Army Paymaster. Atlanta , On. , Nov. 11. The police department of this city have plated under arrest J. H. Alexander , n negro In the employ of the United States government , chnrglng him with Imv ing stolen $ ,500 from the valise of Major P. C. Stevens , n United States paymaster , last Friday evening. Ma jor Stevens states that the money was loft In a valise In the negro's cnrc , to bo taken to the Union depot In this city prior to Major Stevens' depart ure for Pensncoln. Buy American Trotters. Lexington. Ky. , Nov. 11. F. Dally nnd L. Lamina of Bologne , Italy , who have been hero buying trotters to race In Italy , have purchased of John D CroigHton's ngents the 8-yenr-old bay mnro Letn , 2:131-4 : for $5,000. Engineer Killed In Collision. Pnoln , Kan. , Nov. 11. A Mlssour Pacific train crashed Into a freight cnr nt the Missouri , Kansas and Tex ns crossing near here last night , kill Ing Engineer Dowers of St. Louis ant seriously Injuring the fireman. Election Riots at Barcelona. Barcelona , Nov. 11. The munlclpa elections here yesterday were nttend cd by bloodshed and excitement. Revolver volver shots were exchnnged and one person was killed and 40 others were wounded. _ South Dakota Buttermakers. Huron , S. D. , Nov. 11. The annua mooting of the South Dakota Butter makers' association will be held In this city , beginning Dec. 3 nnd contln ulng three dnys. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. King Edward celebrated his COth birthday Saturday. Thirteen persons In Kenosha were poisoned by tainted cheese. Mmo. Chrlstansen ended her 30-day fast In London , having lost 261-2 pounds. Electric rnllwny promoters plnn a combination of roads in Michigan , In diana and Ohio. Flvo kings and ono emperor have accepted Invitations to attend the coronation of King Edward. The British war office Is alarmed at the outcry raised over the unsanitary condition of detention camps. Senator Lodge In a speech before the Middlesex club in Boston said the Monroe doctrine must be defended at all cost. Witnesses in the trial at Seattle of. John W. Conslcllnc for murder said ex-Chief of Pollco Meredith was help less when killed by the accused. In a fire which Sunday destroyed the homo of Joseph Tomashiskl , a Polish minor at MInonk , Ills. , his 13- year-old daughter and 11-year-old son burned to death. The scliooner Emily Taylor was wrecked at Zelzer bay , 20 miles north of Menomlnee , Mich. , Sunday and the crew , consisting of Captain Stone and five men , were rescued by fishermen , Dickinson Insists Brigands Sub mit to His Proposition. WARNED BY UNITED STATES. Bulgaralna Continue to Embarrass Ne gotiations nnd Are O'ficlally Noti fied of Uncle Sam's Attitude Con sul General Dickinson Places Blame. Sofia , Bulgaria , Nov. 11. Informa tion has boon received hero from Doitbnttza , that the band of brigands holding captive Miss Ellen M. Stone , the American missionary , called about fortnight ngo at the village of Smetchevo , nnd subsequently pro ceeded to the monastery of Ililo , but the movements of the troops com pelled the brlgnnds to flee toward the frontier , where they nre now In hid ing. It Is also asserted that lUio bri gands have recently been treating Miss Stone with moro severity In or der to oxcrclso pressure and to com pel a more ready acceptance of their conditions. Consul General Dickinson Is Inflexi ble. He Insists that the surrender of Miss Stone must precede or bo sim ultaneous with the payment of the ransom. His attitude Is justified by the known determination of sonic members of the band , particularly the captain , Ynnno Sandansky , to kill Miss Stone nnd her companion ns soon ns the ransom Is received , owing to the fact that the captives have now acquired Information regarding the secret committees. Competent persons , however , ex press the opinion that the cupidity of the brigands will overcome their fears of revelation , nnd nil such approve the declaration of Mr. Dickinson. Yesterday Mr. Dickinson made ener getic representations to the Bulgarlnn government ngajnst the movement of the Bulgarian troops , reproaching the ofllcinlp with the fact that notwith standing their solemn promises to give all the assistance In their power , their action ws embarrassing the ne gotiations regarding a settlement and placing In jeopardy the life of Miss Stone. He made a declaration that the Bulgarian government would beheld held responsible for the death of Miss Stone and of all the -consequences of her death , should It be proved that the attitude of the Bulgarian government mont forced the brigands to kill their captives. POOR CROPS IN RUSSIA. All Are Below the Avreage and Some Pronounced Very Bad. St. Petersburg , Nov. 11. The minis try of agriculture has published Its annual autumnal crop report for Euro pean Russia. . The ministry has 7,600 correspondents. All ciops wore be low average , It Is stnted , and In some parts of the east and south they were "bad , In many places very bad. " The staple grain , rye , was paitlculaily de ficient. Winter wheat was "bad" in the Don provinces , and good only In the southwest. All summer grains were below average , and ranged from "bad" to "very bad" In the east and southeast , summer wheat nnd oats be ing notably deficient. Bethany College Celebration. Lindborg , Knn. , Nov. 11. The 20th anniversary ceremonies of Bethany college ( Swedish ) yesterday were at tended by several thousand visitors from nil parts of the west. Bishop Von Scheele , representative of the king of Sweden , preached In the audi torium In the morning. In the after noon there was a great welcome meetIng - Ing , with 5,000 present. Addresses were made In seven languages. The bishop , In responding , paid a high trib ute to Bethany and to Kansas educa tion. First Monument to McKinley. Tower , Minn. , Nov. 11. To this vil lage belongs the honor of having erected the first monument In honor of William McKinley. Representa tives from the entire northwest were present yesterday at the unveiling , including Governor Van Sant and other men of prominence. When the monument was unveiled all the bands that Tower nnd 4he surrounding country could muster played the hymn "Nearer , My God , to Thee. " Fatal Shooting Affray In Church. Hopklnsvllle , Ky. , Nov. 11. At a colored church near here yesterday , during services , Henry Davle quar reled with Abe Allen , with whom he wns occupying the same pew. / Davlo shot at Allen with his pistol. The bullet missed Allen , but pierced the heart of Jerry Wilson , on the opposite side of the church , killing him instant ly. Davlo was arrested. Schwantes Is Convicted. Wnsau , WIs. , Nov. 11. The jury In the Schwante < murder case , after being - ing out all night , brought in a verdict of guilty. The convlQted man , a young farmer , was charged with setting fire to the home of an aged couple named Klokow , thus causing their death. Father Tlmphaus Dying. Topeka , Kan. , Nov. 11. Father J , M. Tlmphaus , a priest who CO years ago performed arduous labor among the Indian trlb.es of the whole western continent , is dylne at Wathenn , Kan. , where he has qontlnued In charge of a church for 20 years. Oelweln Strikers at Work. Dubuque , la , Nov. 11. The Chicago Great Western strike at Oolwcln wns settled by the men returning to work Saturday , though the objectionable ( qreman was not removed. Three hundred strikers were out for three SCALDED BY STZAM. Two Killed and Two Seriously Injured' In Kancao City Packing Plant. Kansas City , Nov. 11. Two steam- litters were killed and two others se- rlously Injured by the blowing out of a valve In the water pumping nppnr- nttm nt the Schwnrzelilld & Sulzber- gcr packing plant In Armourdalo , Kan , , yesterday. The dead : N. R. Murphy , suffo- rated or drowned , nnd J. II. Russell , , bcnldcd. The Injured : James McMahon nnd W. 1J. Hoover , scalded. The accident occurred In a depp- pit In which , Is located the packing plant's machinery. The apparatus la nil below ground , where the men were working on repairs. Suddenly the- Inrgo "T" valve , which is used to reg ulate the pressure nnd flow , was blown out nnd the men were 9nvol- oped In a cloud of scalding water and' ' steam. Nothing could bo done to rescue tho- men until the flow of steam had ex hausted Itself. Murphy was dcnd when tnten out. Russell lived four hours. The injured men nro In n serious condition. Me- Mnhon has a slight clmnce of recov ery. NON-UNION MAN MURDERED. Struck Down in San Francisco by Unknown - ' known Assailant. San Francisco , Nov. 11. Otto M. * Ekborg , a nonunion teamster , was m " murdered last night at Third and Townscnd stieots by nn unknown man. Ekborg was struck on the head with a gas pipe fully two feet long . s nnd killed almost Instantly. The only ' ' witness to the murder was Mrs. Alma. Miller. She does not think she would be able to Identify the murderer. During the recent strike In this city Ekberg and another nonunion teams ter were attacked by 20 or more union teamsters. In defending themselves Ekberg and his friends shot Into the x crowd , wounding ono of the union men slightly. It Is thought this oc currence supplied the motive for the murtler. . HIGHWAYMEN HOLD UP 'BUS. Eleven Passengers Robbed of Their Money and Valuables. Valley City , N. D. , Nov. 11. Whllo an omnibus was on its way to Nortn Valley City last night It was held up by masked men and a number of the passengers robbed of their valuables. There werell passengers and they lost money and valuables to the amount of $400. A lawyer who was riding with the driver jumped from his seat In the darkness , ran back to the nearest house jand telephoned for the police. By the time officers arrived , however , the robbers had escaped with their booty. The hold-up took place within the city limits and was a bold piece ot work. Shot by Six Year-Old Boy. Devil's Lake , N. D. , Nov. 11. Th G-year-old son of William Barber yes terday secured a revolver and began shooting at persons passing his home. Miles Miller , a merchant , was made a target of by the boy , but was missed. Bert Crary , a 12-year-old boy , was the next person to pass and young Barber shot him through the apex of the right lung , probably fatally woumbng him. The Barber boy seemed to < hlnk he was having a good time and did not realize the gravity of his act. Ratifies Joseph Smith's Selection. Salt Lake , Nov. 11. At a special conference of the general officers of the Mormon church the action of the council of apostles In selecting , Jo seph Smith as president of the church In succession to the late Lorenzo Snow was sustained. The conference also ratified the selection of Joseph F. Smith , John R. Winder and Anton H. Lund as members of the first presl- dency- .J , ; . , Confesses to Bank Robbery. St. Louis , Nov. 11. John Callahan , who was arrested In the Union Iron foundry , after attempting to hold up the night watchman , Michael Henne- berger , has confessed that he was one of the three men who robbed a bank at Turon , Reno county , Kan. , In Octo ber , 1899. After the safe was blown open by nitro-glycerlne the money was divided equally among the trio. Mrs. Richardson Scores a Point. St. Joseph , Mo. , Nov. 12. The wid ow of murdered Millionaire Frank Richardson scored a point In her fa vor at Savannah yesterday when the court granted a change of venue on grounds of prejudice. The case will go to Platte City for trial. Richard son wns shot to death In his homo last Christmas evening when ho un expectedly appeared. His widow IB indicted ( or his murder , but It Is the belief of the prosecution that the shot was fired by some unknown man. Diplomatic Relations Resumed. Constantinople , Nov. 12. The French flag waves above the French embassy in Constantinople for tbo first time since Aug. 26. M. Bapst , counsellor of the embassy , has called upon the Ottoman minister of affairs , thus foreign formally diplomatic renewing the relations between Franco and Turkey. The destination of the vessels of Admiral Cnlllard's ron , which left squad the Island of Mltyleno yesterday , Is the Island of Syra. Machinists Return to San Work. nounced Francisco , Nov. 12. It Is an that nearly 500 machinists employed by the Fulton Iron hnvo works returned to work after been having on strike for an effort to several months In obtain ten ' hours' nine hours' pay for work. It Is understood that they return to their schedule of benches on a nlno ' hours' hours' work. pay for nine