The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Two More Fugitives From
Lcavenworth Prison Taken.
Country Is Terrorized by Cooperate
Criminals , Who Loot Houses , Steal-
1 Ino Arms and Horses as They Go.
I Thompson and Lewis Wounded.
Kansas City , Nov. 12. Another day
'lias added two more to the list of escaped -
capod Fort Lcavenworth convicts cap
tured , that of Frank Thompson , the
negro leader of the mutiny , and IAVT-
rcnco Lewis , who was mortally
wounded. Now there are but 12 pris
oners at largo.
Thompson was captured near Coun
cil Grove by a posse under Deputy
United States Marshal Prescott , after
n hard light. He was slightly
wounded In the head. Nona of the
posse was Injured.
Lewis Is a white boy 20 years of
nge , who wns sent up In October , 1900 ,
to undergo a five years' sentence for
larceny. He was tracked to a wooded
place near Qiiencmo by the city mar-
filial of that place , which Is situated
40 miles southwest from Fort Leaven-
worth , and a dozen men bearing rifles.
An order to surrender wns met with
defiance , and Lewis , unarmed , and al
though practically surrounded , darted
for the nearest opening. He had
gone scarcely 100 yards when a bul
let from a Winchester , In the hands
f one of his pursuers , pierced his
lung from behind and brought him to
the ground.
Three distinct gangs of convicts
liave been reported at points within
15 miles around TopeUa.
From the descriptions received
"Warden McClaughcy believes that the
two captors of Sheriff Cook of Topeka -
peka arc Arthur Hewitt , white , and
lon , Sutherland , a part Indian.
At Alma , Kan. , a running light with
two escaped convicts Is reported.
The convicts had stolen two horses
and made good their escape after
shooting a horse from under one of
their pursuers.
From Council Grove , where Thomp
son was captured , six convicts have
started to Cottonwood Falls and arc
freely holding up and robbing and
plundering farms all along. Many
liave had encounters with the men
and people along the route are afraid
to venture out of their houses. In
Lyon county citizens and ofllcers arc
armed and are patrollng the approaches
preaches to the town , as the convicts
will probably pass that way.
The convicts are seemingly becom
ing bolder and are Invading iowns.
In the Union Pacific yards at Wamego
last night two of the runaways held
up a man and compelled him at the
point of a revolver to give them $92.
They then boarded a freight train and
went west without any attempt being
made to capture them.
Confesses Plan to Collect $4,000 In
surance on His Life.
Louisville , Nov. 11. Newell C.
Hathbun , who was supposed to have
died In a Joffersonvllle , Ind. , hotel
last Thursday , was arrested In Louisville
villeyesterday. . According to Rath-
bun the corpse which was shipped to
Little Rock for burial as Rathbun , was
the body of W. L. Teneyke. The po
lice say Rathbun has confessed to de
sertion from the army and to forming
a plan to collect $4,000 Insurance on
his life , but he denies having killed
the man who died In the Jeffersonvllle
hotel. The police are trying to estab
lish the Identity of the dead man. One
of their theories Is that ho was a
tramp whom Rathbun had fallen In
with. The police have telegraphed to
the Little Rock authorities to hold the
Rathbun said In an Interview that
at Plattsburg barracks , New York , he
and a corporal fixed up the plan to
collect the $4,000 Insurance , lie said :
"Tho" plan was to 'slip a stiff' Into
some hotel , then set flro to the buildIng -
Ing after having left papers of mine
In the pockets of the stiff's clothes.
Of course , when the hotel burned we
expected the stiff to be burned up , too ,
or at least so scorched that no one
could recognize him. "
Dig Gun for Fort Hamilton.
Troy , N. Y. , Nov. 12. As soon as
the now trunlon hook can bo received
from the Bethlehem Stool company
work will bo resumed at the United
States arsenal at Watervllet on the
now IC-lnch gun which Is to bo made
for Fort Hamilton , in New York har
bor. This gun will bo the largest over
made In the world. It is a breech
loader and the breech will bo so con
structed that a child can open and
flro It. It will shoot a distance of 21
miles , but In order to do so the shot
will assume an altitude as high as
Pike's peak.
Kills Sweetheart and Self.
Ellzabethtown , Tenn. , Nov. 12.
Frank Kldwell , aged 23 , yesterday
shot and killed his sweetheart , Ada
Thompson , aged 1C , and then com
mitted suicide. The cause of the
tragedy Is said to ho the refusal of
the girl's father to allow Kldwell to
visit his daughter. Doth are mem
bers of prominent families.
Banker Joyce Arrested.
Chicago , Nov. 12. John H. Joyce ,
former president of the Stoughton Na
tional hank of Stoughton , Wls. , was
arrested In this city yesterday. Ho Is
charged with defaulting with $10 ,
000. For more than two years Joyce
It In said , has been eluding the po
lice of all the principal cities of the
President Fuller's Annual Address Be
fore Wardens' Association.
Kansas City , Nov. 11 ! . Delivering
his annual address before the war
den's association at the n initial con
gress here of the National 1'rlson as
sociation , Otis Fuller , president of the
association and superintendent of the
Michigan state reformatory , said :
"The good citizen must stand between
the state Institution ami the political
plunderer. "
Mr. Fuller had spoken of the
mighty strides America had made In
the past decade and asked : "Is prison
management keeping up with the pro
cession ? "
Continuing , ho said : "I think that
In most respects It Is. I am sure that
In one respect It Is not. I refer now
to the political brigandage , which Is
still prevalent In a few states the
bold , bad brigandage which ruthlessly
seizes not only the prisons , but all
the other public Institutions and holds
them for political ransom. Honest ,
clllclcnt , wise and humane prison
management cannot reach Its highest
stage of development until the out
raged taxpayers and the humanitarian
takes the ward heeler by the throat. "
Mr. Fuller said that prison reform
must start further back than the pris
on. It must educate the lawmakers.
"It must above all , " said he , "wipe out
the pernicious fee system which gives ]
the constables so many dollars for ,
arresting a fellow dtl'/on , the justice
of the pence so many dollars for con
victing him and the sheriff HO many
cents a day for feeding him or starving
ing him , as his humanity or avarlco
may dictate. "
The fee system , ho declared , was a
blot on the fair pages of the 20th cen
tury. Mr. Fuller urged a more Intelli
gent discrimination between first of
fenders and hardened criminals.
Will Hold Important Conference at
Dubuque Today.
Dubuque , Nov. 12. A most Import
ant conference In Its Iniluenco upon
the passage of the Grout bill ami of
great Importance to the dairy Inter
ests of the entire country will bo held
here tomorrow. The meeting will bo
attended by many of the friends of
the Grout bill from the west. At the
conference will bo such well known
advocates of the dairy Interests as
Governor Hoard of Fort Atkinson ,
Cy Knight of Chicago and Congress
man J. A. Tawney of Wlnona , Minn.
The purpose of the meeting Is to meet
Speaker D. B. Henderson and confer
with him on a general line of conduct
In order to secure the passage of a bill
providing for a tax upon butterlne and
oleomargarine colored in Imitation of
Adrift in a Gale on Lake Huron.
Alpena , Mich. , Nov. 12. The old
schooner Sweetheart , with a crew of
eight men , is adrift in the gale that
prevails on Lake Huron and grave
fears for the safety of the men are
expressed. The schooner went ashore
ast week near the entrance to Geor
gian bay , where a great boulder was
driven into her planking. She was
released by a change of wind and
drifted out Into the lake with the crew
on board. The steamer Armenia
picked her up yesterday and attempt
ed to tow her to this port. The Ar
menia , however , ran short of coal and
the captain was obliged to cut the
schooner loose in order to save his
own ship.
Independent Biscuit Bakers Meet.
Cincinnati , Nov. 12. Representa
tives of over 75 independent cracker
baking concerns In all parts of the
United States are In secret session at
the Grand hotel hero. While It Is
said to bo a voluntary coming to
gether of the cracker bakers for the
purpose of bettering the conditions
among the Independent bakers , yet
It is evident from the air of secrecy
which envelopes every action that an
attempt will bo made before the se
cret conference adjourns to effect an
organization which will become a pro
tective association against the Na
tional Dlscult company.
Dies at Husband's Funeral.
New Albany , Ind. , Nov. 12. Mrs
Mary Mott , 63 years old , died yester
day at St. Mary's Catholic church
while attending the burial services of
her husband. She fainted during the
services and friends started to walk
out of the church with her. At the
door she died and the body was car
rled to a carriage and taken to an
undertaker's establishment.
Timekeeper Slain by Miner.
Spokane , Wash. , Nov. 12. Eugene
Klein , timekeeper for the Standard
mine , was shot and killed In the com
pany's office at Mace , Ida. , yesterday
by G. B. Shuff , a minor who was dls
satisfied with the time check given
him Saturday. Shuff. was caught near
Gem and is now In the Wallace jail
Fined for Giving Out Tips.
Chicago , Nov. 12. Samuel C. Kan
ter and B. H. Loveless , charged with
furnishing civil service examination
questions to police candidates In ad
vance , were fined $1,000 each by
Judge Neoly yesterday. A now trla
was granted David B. Weber , the
other alleged conspirator.
Cape Town Guard Again Called Out.
London , Nov. 12. Dispatches to th
Dally Mall announce that the Cap
Town guard has again been called ou
and that Lord Kitchener has Issued
an order directing that all Boers cap
turcd In British uniforms are to b
Mercer Asks to Be Relieved.
Bralnord , Minn. , Nov. 12. Captain
Mercer , agent at Leech Lake resorva
tlon , was In the city yesterday am
confirmed the report that ho had aske
to bo relieved as agent and sent baclt
to his regiment.
Great American Staple Falls
Below Usual Output ,
This Year's Yield Per Acre Is 16.4 ,
Compared With Ten-Year Average
of 24.4 Bushels Decline of Twleve
Per Cent In Quality.
Washington , Nov. 12. The follow
ing crop bulletin was Issued by the
dopartmi'iit of agriculture : The pre
liminary estimate of the average yield
per aero of corn , as publlsed In the
monthly report of the statistician of
the department of agriculture , Is 10.4
compared with nn average yield of
25.3 bushels per aero In IDOO and 181)9 ) ,
and a ten-year average of 24.4 bushels.
The present Indicated yield per aero
Is the lowest general average over
recorded for this crop , being 2.2 bush
els per acre below the yield of 1881 ,
which has stood for 20 years as the
lowest on record. The Indicated yield
In busholH per aero lu the seven prin
cipal states Is as follows : Ohio , 1515.1 j
Indiana , 1D.8 ; Illlnolr. , 21.4 ; Iowa , 25 ;
Missouri , 10.1 ; Kansas , 7.8 , and Ne
braska. 11.1. Of the 23 states having
1,000,000 acres or upward In corn , all
but Pennsylvania , Virginia and Mich
igan report an average yield per aero
below their respective ten-year aver-
ages. The general average as to qual
ity Is 73.7 per cent , as compared with
85.5 per cent In November last and
87.2 per cent In November , 181)0. ) It
Is estimated that 4.5 per cent of the
corn crop of 1)00 ! ) was still In the
hands of farmers on Nov. 1 , 1901 , as
compared with 4.4 per cent of the crop
of 1899 In farmers' hands on Nov. 1 ,
1900 , and 5.9 per cent of that of 1S9S
n hand on Nov. 1 , 1899.
Board of Inquiry Begins Its .Task Be
hind Closed Doors.
Washington , Nov. 12. Admiral
Jcwey and Hear Admirals Bcnhnm
and Hamsoy , composing the SchU-y
court of Inquiry , met at their head
quarters in the McLean building bo-
ilnd closed doors yesterday and be
gan the discussion and consideration
of evidence brought forward In the in-
estlgatlon concluded last week.
The sittings of the court are to ho
strictly secret. Admiral Dewey said
hat as yet ho could not foretell how
eng It would be before the court
would bo ready with Its finding. Ho
pointed out that It had taken nearly
eight weeks of searching examination
o produce the material In hand and
.hat the court could not bo expected
.o draw Its conclusions in a hurry.
When asked If the work was divided ,
n the interest of expediency , among
the members of the court , the admiral
said : "No , wo are working together
us a court should. "
Fires In Washington Suburbs.
Washington , Nov. 12. Fire that
swept the woods for a considerable
area near Cleveland park , just be
yond the city limits , yesterday for a
.imo threatened to destroy the sum
mer home of Admiral Di'wcy and the
former homo of former President
Cleveland , but was finally extin
guished without damage , except to the
woods. Several fires in oilier sections
of the suburbs reached alarming di
mensions and threatened a largo
amount of valuable property , but for
tunately wore extinguished before
causing much damage. They were
lielped by the accumulation of dead
Protest Against Igleslas' Arrest.
Washington , Nov. 11. Samuel Gam-
pers , president of the American Fed
eration of Labor , yesterday saw the
president to protest against the arrest
at San Juan of Santiago Igloslas , who
was sent to Porto 'Rico ' by the federa
tion to organize the worklngmen of
the Island. The president Immediate
ly sent an Inquiry to Governor Hunt
as to the cause of arrest. His deten
tion was duo to his nonappearance
after having been twice summoned
by the local courts to appear In a case
against him and seven others brought
In July of last year , when the cur
rency was changed.
Mrs. Eastman Granted Divorce.
Deadwood , S. D. , Nov. 12. Judge
Moore of the Eighth judicial district
yesterday granted a decree of divorce
to Mrs. Sophia Harrison Eastman , a
sister of Mayor Carter H. Harrison
of Chicago , from Barrett H. Eastman ,
a well known Chicago journalist. The
divorce was granted upon the grounds
that Eastman had failed to support
his wife. Her brother , William Pres
ton Harrison , has been with her dur
ing her stay In South Dakota.
South Dakota Files Suit.
Washington , Nov. 12. An original
bill In equity was filed yesterday In
the United States supreme court by
the attorney general of South Dakota
against the state of North Carolina to
compel a settlement on bonds issued
In the name of the Western North
Carolina. Railroad company. The state
of South Dakota is the owner of ten
of these bonds of $1,000 par value
each , donated for the benefit of the
state university.
New Missouri Road Chartered.
St. Louis , Nov. 12. A charter was
Issued by the secretary of state yes
terday to the Kansas , Peorla and Chicago
cage Railway company of Kansas
City , with a capital of R945.000. Tha
road Is to bo 2G3 miles long , and will
extend from Kansas City , Mo. , to i
Gower , In Buchanan county , and from
Kansas City to Qulncy , Ills. The com
pany Is formed by the John W. Gates
Arraigns Indiana Executive for Refus
ing to Honor Requisition.
Frankfort. Ky. , Nov. 12.- Governor
Bockham last night addressed to Gov
ernor Durhln of Indiana a hit tor ro-
plyhiK to the criticism by that oxoeu-
tlvo of the courts and olllclahi of Ken
tucky In hln recent letter rofUHliiR
to honor the requisition for Taylor
and Flnloy , wanted for alleged com
plicity In the asHUHHlnntlon of Govern
or Ooobol. llo Hovorely arralgmi Gov
ernor Durhln for hlii rofumil , charg
ing that In doing HO ho violated bin
oath of olllco to nupport the constitu
tion of the United Slates and that ho
became "a party after the fact to
the moHt Infamous crlnio In the his
tory of thin Htato , the cold-blooded
and dastardly murder of an eminent
and distinguished citizen of Ken
tucky. "
The Kentucky oxocutlvo ahio
charges that Governor Durbln'H ac
tion In refusing WIIH the romilt of thn
political bargain made before hln
oloctlnn to olllco and charactorlzott bin
charges agalimt the courts and olfl-
oliils of Kentucky an Hlaudoromi and
Inexcusable inlHrcproHoiitntlonn. Ho
takes the stand- that ( bo governor of a
Btato him no discretionary poworti , but
only ministerial power , in the honor-
lug of legally drawn requisitions from
other HlntoH. and this hi taken hero an
an Indication that stops will shortly
bo taken In the courlH to compel Gov
ernor Dnrbln by miindamuH to honor
the requisitions.
Three Killed and Eighteen Injured at
Prescott , Ark.
ProHcott , Ark. , Nov. IJS.-Mn a wreck
on Hie Iron Mountain railroad yotitor-
day about ono mile south of ProHCotl
three men were killed and 18 Injured ,
all negroes.
Whllo going backwards at a high
rate of spooil an englno carrying 40
workmen struck a ploco of now and
crooked track , left , the nil hi and the
men were thrown In every direction ,
some In front of the engine , ROIIIO un
der It and ono man WIIH wrapped
around n guy polo on the Hide of the
track. The dead and Injured were
brought to ProHcott on hand cars and
wagons and taken to the hospital In
St. I.onlK. The track was lorn up HO
badly that It Is nocoHmiry to build
around the wreck to permit the pas
sage of regular trains.
Whole Train Passes Over Supposed
Member of First Nebraska.
Oimwn , In. , Nov. 12. No. 30 , the
fast stock freight train on the Sioux
City and Paclllc railroad , ran over a
man at Whiting , la. , late last night ,
mangling him beyond recognition. Ho
had tried to climb onto the head car
of Ihe train and foil bonealh the
wheels , the entire train passing over
him , distributing the body along the
track. Papers found Indicated that
his name was Bonestoll and that ho
was a soldier of the Spanish war and
served In company I of the First Nebraska -
braska reglmont. Ills body wan liter
ally ground to pieces. His homo IB
supposed to bo near Lincoln.
Keeps Cage Going In Burning BuildIng -
Ing Until Overcome.
New York , Nov. 12. Flro In the car-
pot-making plant of the Planet mills
In Brooklyn yesterday endangered the
lives of 800 women at work on the up
per floors of the building , but they
were all gotten out. William Stewart ,
an elevator man , kept his cage going
until the last woman had left the
building and then fell unconscious
from the smoke and flro fumes ho had
inhaled. Three firemen were over
come by smoke and were rescued by
their comrades. . The loss was $25,000.
Gun Accident on British Warship.
Athens , Nov. 11. A terrible gun ac
cident occurred Saturday on board the
British battleship Royal Sovereign
outside of the Astoko harbor. An
artilleryman forgot to close the
breech before the gun was fired. Ono
officer and six artillerymen were
killed outright , the bodies being ter
ribly mutilated and the captain and
13 sailors were seriously injured.
Foes of Saloon to Meet.
Washington , Nov. 11. Active prep
arations are making for the meeting
here in December of the sixth annual
convention of the American Anti-Sa
loon league. The sessions will be
held In one of the comn Odious buildIngs -
Ings of the city and beginning Tues
day , Dec. 3 , will continue through
Thursday. A largo attendance Is ex
For Killing Jesse Rodgers.
Lincoln , Nov. 12. The drawing of a
jury to try the case of Michael Kll-
roy , who is charged with murdering
Jesse Rodgers , was begun In the dis
trict court yesterday. Kllroy Is a
farmer residing near Raymond.
About two months ago ho shot and
killed Rodgers because ho believed
Rodgcra had assaulted his wife.
Devery's Application Denied.
Now York , Nov. 12. The applica
tion of Deputy Police Commissioner
William S. Devery to make absolute
a temporary writ of prohibition re
straining Justice William Travers Jerome -
rome from trying charges of neglect
of duty preferred against him was
yesterday denied by Justice O'Gor-
Seizes American Vessel.
London , Nov. 11. The Exchange
Telegraph company has received a
dispatch from Lisbon announcing that
a Portucueso gunboat has seized the
American schooner Nettle and Lottie
at Horta , island of Fayal. the Azores ,
for clandestinely convoying 20 emi
grants who were trying to avoid mili
tary servlca.
Proposed Constitution Carries
by Large Majority.
Educational or Property Qualifications
are Included , Which Will Disfran
chise Ninety-five , Per Cent of Col
ored Population.
Montgomery , Ala. , Nov. 12.From
thu rot unit ! no far received It hi he-
llovod the new coiiHtllutlon linn car
ried by a majority ranging between
25,000 and 30,01)0. ) The nogrooH voted
In much larger nutnhont than had
boon expected , but woio uiiahlu ( o
control the romilt. Thin WIIH the hint
opportunity they will have to vote tinder -
dor the old plan If ( lie now limtru-
inont ban been rallllod , iiml In many
counlloH they turned out on miumo.
If the now comUltntlon IM adopted 95
per cent of the negro vote will bo
eliminated from politics In Alabama.
It WIIH framed primarily to Improve
the character of ( ho min'rago. II pro
vides educational or property qunll
llcatloiiH for ( hone who were not mil-
dlorti or ( IcHceiiiliinlH of mildlcni , nnil
conlalnn u good ebnraetor clamie.
Abducted Missionary Emlurcu Hard-
shipo With Fortitude.
Solla , Iliilgarln , Nov. 12. From an
other letter that bun boon received
from MHH | Kllcn M. Htone , the ah
ducted American inlmdoimry , It up
poarH that HIO ) IH enduring the ( rials of
her hard experience with fortitude ,
forgetting horHolf In her anxloty for
her companion , Mine. THlllui. Minn
Stone dooH not complain of the treatment
mont to which they are subjected ,
but nhe llmlH the confinement IrltHomo
and the weather oxtcomely ti > lng
The tone of Hie latest letter received
from her IH hopeful. The brlgamlH.
by dating the letters nl placcH In
Macedonia and delaying their dellv
ory , Hook lo create the apponrnneo of
being far distant. The Itiilgarlan
government eonllimcH to Interfere in
the negotiations with the object of
forcing a tnuiHl'erence of thorn across
the frontier.
National Business Leaguers Want One
of Commerce and Industry.
Washington , Nov. 12. Elliott Du-
rand , Lavorno W. Noyen and several
other ChlcagoaiiH , representing the
National Business league , ycHtonlny
presented to the president a memorial
urging him to recommend In his mos-
tmgo to congress the establishment of
a department of commerce and indus
tries , and also the reorganization of
the consular service on a civil service
Farmers' Relief Union In Session.
Ciirbondalo , IllH. , Nov. 12. The an
nual general assembly of the FarmcrH1
Rollof union , an organization among
farmers similar In character to laborer
or trades unions , IH In session In thin
city. The order WIIH founded two
yours ago by Thomas CniwHlmw of
this city and has grown tapldly. The
object of the union IH the sale ami
purchase through an agent of nil farm
goods needed and Hold on farms.
Every local union is represented by
dolegatoH. Philip Haiglor Is president
and George Halglcr secretary.
Nebraska Bank Examiner.
Washington , Nov. 14. .John Rush
of Omaha was appointed by C'ornp
trollor Rldgely as national bank ex
aminer for Nebraska , vice C. F. Me-
Grow , resigned.
Twenty-four students of St. Stanis
laus' college. Bay St. Louis , Miss. ,
were expelled for going to a circus.
Edna PaHsmore , aged 5 , was kid
naped from a school at Holding , Mich. ,
and carried away by her mother and
The Beckwlth Iron works nt Paterson -
son , N. J. , were destroyed by flro Mon
day night. The loss Is said to be
about $50,000.
Three persons have been killed and
25 others Injured In a mining acci
dent at Stassfurt , Prussia. Thirteen
are still entombed.
Richard A. Garland , aged 80 , father
of Hainlln Garland , took out a license
at LaCroHso. Wls. . Monday to wed
Mary Bowles , aged CO.
A spirited contest Is on for the Ken
tucky collectorshlp of Internal reve
nue , made vacant by the resignation
last Saturday of C. E. Sapp.
Jimmy Handler of Newark and
"Young" Peter Jackson of California
fought 18 terrific rounds to a draw at
the Trenton Athletic club Monday.
A now and powerful dynamite gun i
was given a successful test at Fisher's }
Island , Its destructive powers exceedIng - .
Ing those of any weapon yet designed. ,
It Is reported that the National Salt
company has absorbed the Colonial' '
Salt company of Akron , O. , which has
one of the largest plants In the coun-l
Senator Warren of Wyoming took
luncheon with the president Monday I
and had a general talk with him re
garding the Irrigation of arid lands In
the west.
A big landslide In the clay banks )
of a brick yard at Mechanlcsvlllo , N.
Y. , Monday caused the death of three
Italian laborers , who were burled un
der about 1,000 tons of clay.
James Thomas and James Flood
were fatally hurt and flvo others esrl-1
ously Injured by a falling wall at the
National stock yards , In East St.
Louis , where an old packing house
was being wrecked.
Every woman In the country
ought to know about
Mother's Friend
Those who do know about It
wniider how they ever jjnt aloni ;
without U. It ban tobbed child-
liith ) of its terrors for many u
yonnj ; wife. It has pic-ierved her
Klrlinli lijuro ; and saved her much
Hiiffcilmf. H is an external lini
ment and cartles with It therefoic ,
absolutely no danger of upsettinjj
the Hystcin as drills taken Intern
ally are apt to do. U is to bo
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and stietigtht'ii the muscles \vhuh
mo to bear the stiain. This means
much less pain. It also | nevents
mornimr sickncns and all of the
other ( liHcomfotts ol piegnancy.
A druH ls ! of Ma'on , t'.i. , says :
"I have Hold a lai o ( | Uiinlil y of
Mother's l''riend and have never
known nn instance where it has
failed to produce the jjood results
claimed for it. "
A prominent lady of Lant-
lieiton. Ark , writes : "With my
list six children 1 was in labor
fioni 2j lo , v > hours. After usinjf
Motbei'M Fiiend , my seventh was
born in , | hours.1
< Jcl Aliillirt'ii IVIi'iid at lli drill ;
hlniis WI.OO | t tr hotllo.
AI UN I A , ( , A.
Will , for oar fr.,1 , "IIKFOIIK IUIIV
At all drug itorrv 25 Dowi 25c.
] ; "Why Should Ca
ll lamily Be Full of
| Words r
< The mere saying of words is
JI easy , and some men devote
0 their whole lives to it. They
| > talk rather than act. The ca-
1 > lamity howlers in any commu
nity arc of this kind. >
While the unsuccessful business - <
ness man is talking the success
ful man is acting. When he {
speaks he uses words , but he J ;
tells facts. He seldom , however - ; ;
ever , depends upon his own < >
He brings to his aid the trumpet tongucd
voice of the press.
He purchases space in the
advertising columns of his local
paper , and he uses it to good
This is your local paper.
There is space in these col
umns for use. Are you add
ing its strength to your voice ?
Properly used it will aid you.
'l/f f This la a daring BUtement , but S.d.
' " - ieir' p < l bear It out every tlin
Combination Corn ,
nrratfttcoruonearth wlllposltlrety
roTolutlonlie cora Kruwtctf
Billion DollnrCrnss.
Drratoit marvel of tlio k' l
13 toniot harper acre. First
cropilz weeks alter towlof
WhaTFlti ?
Catalogue U1U.
llf w d catalot , 10 Orala
f-IU < Wlu. | > A.OaU ,
rfiO bo.b.1 ft A. ) IU ( . . ,
John A.SalzorSeodCo.L CroM8 , Kit. I
For 14 Cents
W < null lh following tut K l oor ! ll i.
1 kf . llli. Blood Te l 8 J , . 1 1
Hirlbtn Lt t * * ] , ,1 |
< > fliai'i r rll O l P * J , .10
ii I. r IJlir..lut. b.rSt J , .10
ti UlUr < lH U lt * J , .10
ii l.DIU < ll > Iit > Mil , .10
II LX. Hlrk ! UtlutlStrJ , .11
ii BrUlUBl l .rb .J , .U
t 10 | , tekaM rtr * noTtltltfl vt will
mill you frt , loceihtr with our ( real
UUmii t K 4 Cmloi , lilllni all atMul
PaUrrVlinilon Dollar 4raia
Alto Choice Union h eil , tioo. n | b ,
Toitthrr olih Ihou'tnJiot f illicit if M.
ttbl > and farm ac 4i uponrwtlpt of 113.
aal thli notice. Whtuouoo jou plan !
Hilm > 8o4i you W mnr dj without.