i . KHTHAY. NOVHMKKH 1/1. mm. Man Who Shipped Body as His Own Makes Confession. CORPSE WAS THAT OF GOO.OMAN. Newell C. Rathbun , Held at Louis- vllle , Admlto That He Conspired to Beat Insurance Company , but De nies Giving Poison. Louisville , Nov. 13. Newell C. Rath- bun , who , according to the police , has confessed that ho planned to defraud an Insurance company out of $4,000 by pretending that a corpse shipped to Little Rock was his own body , has admitted , according to the authorities , that the man who accompanied him to the hotel in Jefforsonvllle , Ind. , and was found dead the next day was Charles Goodman , who Is said to have come from Kvansvllle , lud. Chief of Detectives Sullivsn and Coroner Coota of Joffersonvllle Inter viewed Rathbun yesterday. Ho list ened , as one by one the circumstances Were laid before him by Chief Sulli van. According to the officers , Rath- bun suddenly sprang up and , walking hastily to a window , looked out for n. few minutes , then turning like an an imal at bay ho faced the crowd of men in the room and asked In a shaking voice : "What Is the punishment for offenses of this kind In Indiana ? Does the death penalty exist there ? " "Never mind about the penalty , Rathbun , " said Captain Sullivan , "what we are Interested in is the name of the dead man. " For a moment Rathbun looked at the group of faces before him and then he said : "You are on the right track. Goodman is the name of the dead man. I met him in front of the Salvation Army hotel and determined to keep him drunk for several days K and then fix him. " Here he stopped and then said : "If I should make a confession It would be printed in the papers and would turn the people against me. " He then lapsed into a sullen si lence , bnt finally said : "I admit everything except that I killed Good man. I meant to kill him and kept him drunk for the purpose , but he died of alcoholism , and I was not forced to make way with him. " When questioned further lie denied \ having given Goodman laudanum , and said ho would have made Use of chloroform. He then refused to go back to Indiana without requisition papers. * SHERIFF MAKES ANOTHER FIND. Other Crimes Than Shepard Murder Laid at Ward's Door. Deadwood , S _ . D. , Noy. 13. The 'sheriff of Lawrence county has made another important discovery in the cabin of Ward , convicted of the Shepard ard murder. The sheriff went there to search for evidence that might lead to the finding of a man who disap peared from this city suddenly about two years ago. The man was witl Ward a great deal of the time am when he disappeared Ward statei that the man had gone to Alaska Sheriff Doten found in Ward's cabli a trunk belonging to the missing man in which there were a number of let ters addressed to his relatives. The sheriff has the letters in his posses sion and he intends to look into the matter thoroughly. In one of the rooms of the cabin ths sheriff found three boxes of dynamite , which Ward may have stolen , there being about 150 pounds of it In all. The body of Kirk Shepard , the second end brother , has not yet been found , but it Is suspected that it has been Juried some place in Ward's garden. Kills Himself on Wedding Day. Logansport , Ind. , Nov. 13. Elmer Montgomery of this city , while dress ing himself for his wedding last even ing , shot himself through the temple , dying within a few minutes , without assigning any cause for his act. Mont gomery was to be united in marriage to Miss Edyth Thomas , a pretty young woman of this city , Miss Thomas is prostrated by the news of her sweet heart's death and his terrible deed is more of a mystery to her than to any one else. Human Bodies In Fargo's Refuse. Fargo , N. D. , Nov. 13. The remains of two persons were found on the city dump , just north of the city. One was almost a skeleton , while the other was in a horrible state of decompo sition. There was no clothing on either or means of identification. It is believed the remains had been used for dissecting purposes. Authorities are Investigating. Kansnn's Death 'Creates Suspicion. Topeka , Kan. , Nov. 13. Edward Edwards , an old soldier who was a private in company H , Ohio volun teers , was found dead in a wagon at the Highloynmn Implement com pany's sheds. Ho cashed his pension check Friday and Is said to have been drinking heavily since , but there are strong evidences of foul play. Sure They Have "Bossle" Francis. DCS Molnes , Nov. 13. The police yesterday arrested a colored man who they assert is "Bossio" Francis , the negro wanted at Independence , Mo. The police seem to be confident that they have the right man. Ho fits the description. Killed In Street Duel. Paul's Valley , I. T. , Nov. 13. At Hart , 30 miles east of hero , James White , a Chlckasaw Indian , and Will iam Miller , a prominent cattleman , engaged in a street duel. Miller was shot dead and a bystander seriously Injured. DULGArtlA TO DE YIELDING. Its Repl > to Dickinson's Note Ex pected to F'romlse All He Asks. Sofia. iHilgarla , Nov. 13.-Consul General Dickinson of Constantinople ha supplemented hla verbal repre sentations by a note In which ho roca- pltulatcB the history of the abduction > y brigands of Mlns Ellen M. Stone nml her companion , Mine. TtiUUn , and the steps tuken to. obtain her release and reminds the foreign minister of Us promise to give every assistance , lie noten limtuncen where the nttltudo of subordinate officials has not ton- 'ormod with this assurance. Finally Mr. DtckiiiHon repeats his demand for the noninterference of the govern ment In the negotiations. The government's reply , according to the opinion expressed In official circles , will sot forth that whllo hofll- Latins to establish the precedent that the government give protection < o bri gands In treating for the ransom of captives , In the present case involv ing the safety of two women , the gov ernment , as an act of courtesy and hu manity , will comply with Mr. Dickin son's request. THREE MORE CONVICTS TAKEN. Captured by Pursuers Near Cottonwood - wood Falls After a Battle. Kansas City , Nov. 13. Three more of the 20 fugitive convicts Irom Kort Lcavenworth prison were captured at Bazar , near Cottomvood Falls , Kan. , late yesterday afternoon by penlton- tlary guards after a light , in which one of the convicts was shot. The captured men are Gilbert Mul len , Frederick Robinson , mulatto , and Sol Southerland , Indian. Soiitliorland was wounded , but not seriously. lie was also shot whllo making his escape J from the prison last week. None of : the guards was Injured. Only nine of the escapc'd convicts are yet to betaken taken and the whole country is on the lookout. PANAMA NOT TAKEN. City Still Holds Bravely Out Against the Rebels. New York , Nov. 111. Passengers ar riving last night on the steamer Orizlba confirm the report that the city of Panama lias not been taken by the rebels. Among those who ar rived were St. C. Hunt , agent of the Panama Steamship line at Panama. Mr. Hunt said things were quiet v/hen lie left that city , Nov. C. The reports as to the danger of the city falling have been much exaggerated , lie said. "Tho Iowa was at Panama when we left and the Maclilas at Colon , with sufficient force to protect the foreign interests. The rebels have been care ful and have not molested American property. " Igleslas' Arrest Still a Mystery. Washington , Nov. 13. Governor Hunt of Porto Rico has cabled to the president his report on the arrest of , Santiago Igleslas , the representative of the American Federation of Labor , whose arrest on a charge of con spiracy as ho landed at San Juan a day or two ago , was called to Presi I- dent Roosevelt's attention by Samuel Gompers , president of the Federation of Labor. The report Is withhold for a time. Whether Igleslas is still In custody or has been released since complaining of his detention is not known here. Trouble on Indian Frontier. London , Nov. 13. It Is reported here , says the St. Petersburg corre spondent of the Dally Telegraph , that Jehand Khan , who fled from Afghan istan on the death of the ameer , has been making trouble on the Indian frontier. He gathered several hun dred followers and attacked an Af ghanistan post of 200 troops , com manded by All Alikbar , near the fron tier , losing one officer and nine sol diers killed. The British authorities , according to the report , then arrested AH Alikbar , while Khan fled to Kurran valley. Dunning Nurses Blame Physician. Chicago , Nov. 13. Mrs. Kate Green and Miss Mae Shea ; the attendants at the Dunning asylum charged with neglect and underfeeding Insane wom en committed to their care , denied yesterday before the county civil ser vice commission that thpy had de prived the patients of their meals , and put all the responsibility for the treat ment of the patients received on the shoulders of Dr. Clara Ferguson , formerly physician In the asylum but now In Europe. The commission ers reserved a decision. Merrlam on Retired List. Washington , Nov. 13. Brigadier General Henry C. Merriam was placed on the retired list today on account of age. His present command , the Department partment of the Colorado , will bo as sumed temporarily by Brigadier Gen eral .JC. Bates , commanding the De partment of the Missouri. It is expected pected that Major General Arthur MacArthur , about the 1st of : January will be assigned to command the De partment of the Colorado. Freedmen Take Up Finance. Pittsburg , Nov. 13. Yesterday's 009- slon of the Freedmen's Aid and South crn Educational society of the Moth odlst Episcopal church was devotee principally to the consideration of the annual appropriation bill. Last year the conference asked $251,950 and re celved $114,537. This year the conference ferenco ask $300,000 and will receive $131,000. Bishop James N. Fitzgerald presided. Attorney Anderson Again on Trial Denver , Nov. 13. The third trial o Attorney W. W. Anderson , clmrgei with shooting T. G. Bonflls and P. H Tamoau , proprietors of the Post , witl intent to kill , was begun yesterday. At the two previous trials the Jury failed to agree upon a verdict. Dublin and Yorkshire Flooded and Wrecks Strew Coast. BOATS COLLIDE IN THE CHANNEL Lightship Is Run Down and Crew of Sixteen Is Drowned Many Ships Imperiled In the Storm Three Ves sels Founder. London , Nov. 13. A tromondoiiR Btorm , with torrontu of rain , IH HWOOP- ing the north of Britain and IrNuuil. There have been Horloutt ilooilu In Yorkshire. Several of the miburlm of Dublin are Hooded and olnowlioro In Ireland great damage has boon done by Hoods. Several fatal accldoutu have occurred and railway communi cation Is delayed. In some parts of the country the rain has continued for 3i ( hours. The gale Is still raging unabaU'd along the coast. i'teportH continually arrive of nhlp.ng | casual ties , especially on the Northumber land coiiHt , where the Htorm Is extremely - tromoly violent. Three vessels were driven ashore I at the entrance to the Tyno. Four Hinall vessels have boon wrecked In the vicinity of Suiidorland and an other has been wrecked off llartlo- pool. Altogether nine pornoiiH wore drowiu'd In tliono dlmiiUorH. The lighthouse on Siinderland pier has been washed away. The mall boat Nerd ran down the lightship off the now Dover pier. The ' crow of the lightship , 1C persons , were drowned. The Nerd him gone ashore at the foreland , but. her pas sengers are snld to bo safe. The gale in the Irish channel Is the Boverest known In many years. Five vessels have been wreeked in Kings town harbor , which la strewn with wreckage. Alaskan Const Storm-Swept. Port TowiiBiMid , Nov. 18. Tlio coast of southeastern Alaska contin ues to bo swept by storms , according to reports brought by the steamer Al Kc , which arrived from Skagway. Strong1 winds and snowstorms have prevailed almost continuously during the jmst two weeks and there Is much floating ice In the channels. Lake Shipping Damaged. Detroit , Nov. 13. A telegram re- celved here yesterday states that the steamer Porter Chamberlain and con sort II. J. Webb are on tlio rocks at Dortch Island , Georgian bay. The crows are safe , but the vessels are In bad shape. Reports from various lake portB tell of great damage to chipping by the galo. LIVES SAVED BY FIRE NETS. Girls In Fifth Story of Burning Build ing Have Thrilling Escape. Cleveland. Nov. 13. A lire which destroyed M. O. Stone & Co.'s building Iat -1C and 48 Euclid avenue yesterday afternoon was attended by the thrill- ing rnHcue of over a score' of women and girls , who were employed on the fifth floor , In Miss Graham's corset factory. When the flro broke out , " all the girls made a rush for the flro es capes and ladders. The flro spread BO rapidly , however , that they could not use the flro escapes and It seemed that many of them must perish. Lad ders were quickly sent up , however , and all but three of the women wore taken from the windows and carried to safety by the flromen. Three who could not bo reached , including Miss Graham , jumped from the fifth story windows into nets held by the fire men below. Miss Graham was fatally hurt , her side having been crushed In her spine fractured and an arm broken. She died at the hospital Other occupants of the building In jurcd wore Miss Jcanetto Strattod who Jumped from the BCCOIK ! story and sustained a broken hip. She wil recover. Kato Mulcahy , who Jumitei : from the third story , received splna injuries and a broken leg. M. O. Stone & Co. , shoo dealers Buffered a loss of about $70.000 am1 the Jewelry firm of Arnstoln Bros. & Meyer , occupying the second floor sustained a loss of about $40,000. Boston Firemen Fight Stubborn Foe Boston , Nov. 13. A little under $250,000 was the loss by an all day flro which started in the seven-storj granite building at Broad and Frank lln streets , occupied by the Murphy Varnish company. A steady rail helped the flro department. The flro proved unusually stubborn because o the nature of the stock. Varnlsl tanks exploded during the morning and blazing fluid ran In all directions on the surface of the water. Abou 25,000 gallons of varnish were burned Dies at Age of 104. London , Nov. 13. Lady Cathorlna Jane Carew , grandmother of the present ent Baron Carew , died yesterday a Woodstown , Waterford , aged 104. She was a guest at the famous Brussels ball on the eve of the battle of Waterloo lee and wan a noted beauty at the court of Louis Phllllppe. Ten Perish in Odessa Fire. Odessa , Nov. 13. The Mandlovltch building , ono of the finest blocks In Odessa , which include a fashionable arcade of shops , has been destroyei by fire. Ten persons perished and 3 others were injured. The damage I estimated at 1,000,000 roubles. Orders Millard Hotel Sold. Omaha , Nov. 13. Judge McPherson - son lias fllod an order in the fedora court providing for the sale of th Millard hotel to satisfy a claim of J Paul Sorg , the Ohio tobacco king amounting to about $35,000 for grouni rental. BUHLINOTON MEETING. Directors Agreed Upon by the HIM and Hnrrlmnii Intercuts. Chicago. Nov. 13. The Trlbuno Biiyn regarding the mootlni ; of the iitockholdorH of the llurllngton road on Thursday : "It IH underHtood that 11 the 11 dlrootorH have boon agreed pen by the Hill and Hiirrlmaa Inter- Hit ) . It can bo utatod that Uiroo of lie now dlroctont will roproticiit the larrlman InUmmtH , ono the Hooko- ollora. ono the Vanderblltti and Iho ost. will bo on the Hill Hide. It IH HO stated that there will bo no hango In the management of thu Bur- lugtou for the pronont , except that ) . Mlllor will bo elected iiocond vlon incident to fill a vacancy and he will 10 the traffic director of the 11 111 road , vlth lieadquarterH at Chicago. "The Chicago , Burlington and Qiilnoy Railroad company , the Mitt- HOitrl MUCH of the Burlington and the turllngton and MlHHourl River rail road In NohniHka will ho. loaned to the Chicago , Burlington and ( Jiilncy Rail road company , which will operate all ho Burlington Hues. " REDRESS IS HARRISON'S TASK. Takes Up Practice of Law to Carry Out That Purpose. IiidlamipollH , Nov. 111. Colonel llun- Bllll 11. HlllTlHOIl , HOII Of OX-1'rOHldollt lenjaiiilu Harrison , wan yoHtonlay ad- nltleil to practice law by Iho Htnto mil federal oourtB on the motion ol' 'X-Unlted Hint OH Attorney General W. II. II. Miller former law partner or ho Into cx-l'roHldoiit I Ian 1mm , anil State Attorney General Taylor. Col onel IlarrlHon will open a law olllco n IndlanapollH. Colonel llarrlHoti , In reply to an In- inlry , ald : "Thin consummation of a long clierlHhuil intention IUIH been laslonod by my own denim and my father's ( lying WHI ! ! Hint I should carry out his Intention to fight to the end the unjust and iiiimllltary treatment meted out to mo by the war depart ment. "To do thla RiircoHHfnlly I found It noeoHKary to have a complete training In law , and I have , thereforeHluco my father's midden Blrknoss and death , devoted all my I line to com pleting my final studies and oxumtiia- Lions. " KING DECORATES A KANSAN. Oscar of Sweden Sends Special Honor for Bethany College's President. LIudRhorg , Kan. , Nov. 13. Largo at tendance1 marked the closing and moHt Important day of Bethany col- lege'H anniversary celebration. Two great iiK'otlngH were addroKHod by Governor Stanley , Bishop Von Seheelo and others. At the afternoon HOBslon Dr. Carl Swcnnon , proHldont of the college , was decorated with the Order of the Northern Star , an honor from King Oscar of Swollen , conferred by his representative , Bishop Von Schcolo. Meet Next at Philadelphia. Kansas City , Nov. ] .1. Professor Charles R. Henderson , university of Chicago , was elected president of the National Prison association. Philadel phia was chosen for next year's con gress , which will meet In October. Resolutions wore passed urging upon congress the adoption of a general parole law and tin Indeterminate HOII- tenco law for the benefit of federal prisoners. Breaks Linotype Record. Des MolncH , Nov. 13. Dan Tow , a linotype machine operator Inthe Dally Capital office , this city , yester day broke the world's record for Bpeed. He sot 3,344 lines of non pareil In eight hours , newspaper meas ure , equal to 80,944 cms. Estimating two and one-half touches per cm , ho touched the keyboard 217.3C' times. Still Blowing Iowa Safes. Des Moines , Nov. 13. The bank of Plymouth , la. , was dynamited by rob bers last night. The safe , vault and building were badly wrecked. The robbers escaped , leaving no clue. This IB the seventh bank robbery of the kind occurring In .Iowa within a month. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The federal council of Germany has approved the bill embodying the pro posed new tariff. The American Sugar Refining com pany Tuesday reduced the price of re fined sugar 10 points. Drillers encountered oil at a depth of 510 feet In a well about three miles from Fossil station , Wy. A swamp flro near Ovanda , a small town a few miles west of Helena , Mon. , is endangering the town. Fire at Thomas , W. Va. , Tuesday destroyed C2 buildings and left over 100 families homeless. Loss , $200,000. A speed of 105 miles an hour has been attained on an electric railway between Manlenfclde and Zossen , Ger many. The Nicaraguan presidential elec tion has passed off peacefully. Gen eral Santas Zelaya has been re-elected president by a largo vote. Thomas Sikcs , Sarn Davis and Will- lam Woodson were killed at Blucfleld , W. Va. , Tuesday. They were engaged in opening a keg of powder. The Missouri supreme court sen tenced Albert Garth to bo hanged in Kansas City and Joshua L. Craft to bo hanged In Jefferson City , both on Dec. 20 next. Hon. Henry Clay McDowell has been selected to succeed Judge John Paul as United States district Judge of the western district of Virginia. Ho is a groat-grandHon of Henry Clay. Near Marlonvlllo , Mo. , Mrs. Gcorgo Justice locked her two small children in the house and went a considerable distance for water. When she re turned the house was in flames. The children were cremated. Consul General Passes Away at His Post in Samoa."j M APPOINTED FROM NEBRASKA. His Services During the TroUblcoome Days Before the Partition of the Islands Moat Notable Ncwa Cornea by Way of Auckland. WanliliiKton. Nov. 13. A cable gram received at the iituto department yoHlerday from Auckland , New /.mi- land , annouiieoH tJio death at Apia , Samoa , on Oct. 17 , of Luther W. On- horn , United Htnlou consul general at Apia. Mr. Ofiborti wan born In New York and appointed to ! IH ! preiiont , poHt from NobraHha July lt ! . IS',17. Tlnm ho wan the principal roproHoulallvo of ( ho authority of Iho United HlJitmi In the Samoa group In the troiitleiiomo diiyn before Iho partition and It up- poared that. he. alone , of all the for eign roproHontnllvoH at Apia nrouned no opposition. Ho obtained tlio coiill- iletico of the natives and the other roproHoulatlvoH of ( ho foreign powern. In addition to ! IH ! pout at Apia , Mr. OHlmrn wan aliio eoiimil general at. MnhunloHii , the capital of Iho Congo group "I' iHlundii. Judge OHlioni had applied for n leave of iilmi'iico , In order thai ho might revlHll NolmiHku , ami wati grunted 7T > dayn , but an ho would have had to upend uO dnyii of that In going anil coining from the InlandH , ho de clined ( o accept and remained at hhi pOHl to dio. TOWNS THREATENED BY FLAMES Forest Firco in Mloaourl , Arknnnns and Illinois Do Great Dnmanu. St. LoulH , Nov. 13.- According to dlHpatehoH received here , forotit 11 rim aru raging In the vicinity of Red Hud and Alto 1'ami , | ) | H. ; 1'ophir HlnlT , Mo. , and Sedgwlck. Ark. North of the first named plnco the woodH iiloni ; Black creek ami Rlchland crock but- tomii , are on lire and the fnrmmi are fighting hard to have liiolr IIOIIICH. Farm property In the vicinity of Alto Pass , IllB. , IH In great danger Irom foroHl HrcH , which are raging In the timber west and south of then- . Dense Hiuoko envelops the whole terri tory. The townspeople turned out last night In resjionno to thu country pooplo'H call for help and are Htronu- oiisly fighting the encroaching llanum. Rain dually checked the foreiit fires at Alto 1'aHH. The farmerH In the neighborhood are woin out from guarding their property am ! fighting flro night and day. Forest ( Iron have broken out Bouth of Poplar Bluff , Mo. The Bky IH cov ered with doiiHo volumcH of Hinoko and great damage to property IH feared. Hunters who have boon driven In on account of the Intense heat and Hinoko report deer , wolven and other game fleeing north to OHcapo the flro. Americano Secure Control. London , Nov. 13. An American syndicate has purchased 1,000 HhurcH of the Hamburg-American steamship lines through a Vienna bank , says the Berlin correspondent of the Dally Mall. The purchaser Is thus enabled to demand at the next meeting a re- vlBlon of the articles of the aHHoclii- tlon In ItH own favor. There Is a general - oral feeling here that the American danger to European shipping la mure serious than had been supposed. Nearly Drowns While Being Baptized. Thorntown , Ind. , Nov. 13. Miss Minnie Coddlngton , near this place , whllo being baptized by a minister of the Christian church , In some way slipped from his grasp and narrowly escaped drowning. She was rescued by the bystanders , and the minister and physicians restored her to con sciousness after two hours of hard work. Start War on Rag-Time Music. Chicago , Nov. 13. A call was sent out from the Chicago Federation of Musicians asking for the united ef forts of all musicians in the United States to make a fight on music of the rag-time variety. The local union declares that rag-time composition Is "Immoral , obscene , degrading and tin worthy of production. " Off for W. C. T. U. Convention. Chicago , Nov. 13. The national offi cers of the Woman's Christian Tem perance union left yesterday for Fort Worth. Tox. , to attend the 28th annual convention of the organization. In the party were the president , Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens ; and the vice nresident , Miss Anna Gordon. Carnegie Increases Donation. Pittsburg. Nov. 13. Just \jforo the clOBo of an all-afternoon meeting of the board of trustees of the Carnegie Institute yesterday , Andrew Carnegie fiurprlscd and delighted the members present by the announcement that ho had decided to increase by $2,000,000 his already largo donations. Land Grant College Convention. Washington , Nov. 13. The 15th an nual convention of representatives o "land grant" agricultural colleges and United States experiment stations throughout the country began hen yesterday. Almost 200 men proml ncnt in the study of ngrlcultura science were present. t Rate War In Prospect. Chicago , Nov. 13. The Chlcr.c Milwaukee and St. Paul road has ti augurated a ten-hour passenger trail schedule between Chicago and R Paul. It Is said that all the other Paul lines will follow suit and that I all probability a rate war will rci 5CND3 NEWSPAPER MEN TO JAIL. Chlcntjo Judge Flndo Two of Them Guilty of Contempt. (1hlrnio ; , Nov. 111. On the o.hargo of contempt of court , ludn ) ; llaiincy no.ii- lenceil Andrew W. Lawroncn , man aging editor of llearnt'H Chicago American , ( o four dayn In the county jail. Tin. iicntmico of II. H. Canflald. who wrote the article objectionable to the court , VVIIH fixed at 30 dayn In jail. Judge Iliiuecy declared that the CHUCK agaliiHl W , R. lli'iirHl , owner ; Homer Davenport , cartoonlnt , and Cluro llrlKKii , IIHO | a carloonltit , would pond until Hiich time an thoHo roHpondcntn rould be brought Into court by the nhorlff. Kornior Governor Altgold , one of the couiutel for the ronpond- cnlH , entered a formal exception to the diiclHlon. When Momini. Caiiflold and Lawrence - ronce appeared before Judge Hanecy ready for commitment to the county Jail , the court announced that Inan- iiiuch an he iimlonilood Judge Diinno had liiimeil a writ , of habeas corpiui before the men were Hontoneod ho would take no action In the matter until that writ had been vacated. It wan decided , however , to hold the writ. In 4iheyance until the commit * nient piiponi have been made out ami tlio men delivered Into Iho ciiHlody of the Hlierirf. Thin will probably bo done Friday. Scalded Patient ID Dead. IIiiHtlngH , Neb. , Nov. I , ' ! . Wnyno Pavilion , ono of the patient u l.rami- furred recently from tlio Anyhim for Incurnhlo Insane at. Norfolk to the nlmllar Iniilllullon hero and whotm hack wan ncalded Monday morning whllo i wo employoH were giving him a hot. bath , died yeiitorday of hyntoro- mania. lluil HiMiril Tin-in All. Mrn. Hi ypecl ; ( In the midst of her readliigi Here IH an Item which B.'iy.s that there are mon ? than U.'O.OOO words In the lOtigllsh language. Mr. lleimypccli-YcH , my dear ; no I've heard I'uck. A Rood looking ' . , lioriniitnil poor look IIIK liurnimit H HIM worm kliul of u coin- lilnutloii. Eureka Harness not only fnnkni Dm Imrwwi nml thn I liomii liink iK'ttiir , lint iimVrfl llin M loiitlicr nofl nml iilinlili' , imtnllln ron-1 illllou la luMtiwlcn mi long f , mil orillniirlly woulil. j ( j/ / Poll .ftri'lutn In ctnill | iltil * by m STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your , Horse a Chance ! ( BREAKFAST THE ONLY ROLLED WHEAT WITH AIL THC GUUTCN IN , AND ALL THE INDIGCBTIDLC WOODY riHRC OUT Itrt "iniiii-iiili-il fnr ( lilMfrn nnd Inv.iiul lin , . il , IM i. y niul liuumliiin utaic iciunc | i At all Reliable Grocers IN 2 LC. PACKAGLO. NEVER SOLD IN BULK -I-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H- "One Is Quick to ± Suspect Where One PI as Suffered : : Harm Before. " Perhaps there are some busi11 ness men in this town who have ; I tried advertising and found the j * results unsatisfactory. If so. something was the trouble. Contracting for space in a newspaper is not enough. When secured the space must be used to advantage. . A con vincing story should be told. A plant will not grow unless it is tended. An impression can not be made upon the purchas ing public except by careful , persistent work. Many merchants err grievously in be lieving that time spent upon their ads is time wasted. No time can be made more profitable. We believe the advertising columns of this paper can be used profitably by any one who seeks to reach the buyers of this community. We will gladly aid any one who desires to try it or who is trying it and is not satisfied. i H-