The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 15, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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San Francisco Ministers Inter
fere in Vain.
u Their Ea Inv
Both 'Flohtors Take o
v Last Moments Jcffrlea IB Kept
' Dusy Entertaining Friends Ruhlln
! Spendo Quiet Day ,
San Prnnclsco , Nov. 15. 1'ubllc lu-
toroBt In tlio Jottrlon-Huhllu chain-
plonslili ) tight IB keyed up to ttio hlsti-
est pitch iiinl tlio HoumlliiK of thu
ROIIK Unit will bring thu I.OH MiReUm
bollormnker unil the AUrun Rlnnt to-
Bother tonlKlit IB nwnltod with Cover-
iDh nnxloty. All day IOIIR onlluiHliuitB
have boon nockltiR In from nonr and
ftfnr and the sulo of Hunts haa already
run Its loiiRth. It In evident nt thin
tlmo that the Mochnnlc'n ; pavilion ,
where the HtniRRlu will tulto place ,
will ho taxed to Itn utmoHt capacity
and that fully 10,000 pcoplo will wit-
liens the nvont.
A Rrouj ) of mlnlBtors of the Ronpol
have boon BtrlvliiR to Induce the law
dlllcorB tn Intorfcro and Htop the mill ,
but they have received no oncournRo-
inont. They paid tholr reHpectH to
Mayor .Imnos I ) . 1'holan and thorn
received thu wimo Infonnuttou that
wan Imparted to them by the dlntrlA
'ntlornoy. In other wordn they have j
boon apprised of the fact that while i
a Bt4tto law prohibit ! ) prl/.e flKlitl"S. a
local onllnauce countonanroH boxliiR
oxhlhltloiiH held under the aimplcoH of
an arRiinl/ oluh , and the latter
inonsuro proeliidoH nil poHHlhlllty of ,
the city fathers ntoppliiR the light at
this juncture. The police , If they ho-j
llovo the mill to ho brutal and there
fore to he beyond the palo of a le ltl- ,
nmto exhibition with the Rloven , may ;
outer the rliitf and stop the bout after
It'HtartH , but not before.
,0(18 ( Tliihlln spent a day Of Inactivity
and quiet. ' ,
Joffrloa was a trifle more active ,
but bin exertions were provokud by
the social demnndR niiido upon him
by admlrliiR friends with 'whom ho '
walked and talked , Joffrloa la full of
life and smilingly declares that ho
will beat Huhlln aloiiR about the
tenth or .twelfth round.
( Vavr hots have boon made and In
all known Instances Jeffries was on
the IOUR end and at even bettor odds
than yesterday. Harry Corbett , who
will reforco the light , says ho Is In
condition to part the blR fellows If
they resist him or fall to follow his
commands and that he will rigidly en
force the rules of the gamo.
Says He Secretly Buried Wife's Body
to Avoid Disgrace.
Oskalooaa , Kan. , Nov. 15. William
Klusmlre , the farmer who Is being
tried bore on the charge of murdering
lila wife , took the stand yesterday In
his own defense. Klusmlro said his
wife had boon dissatisfied and threat
ened to leave him. He pleaded with
nor. ho said , to remain and told her
that If ho was in the way ho would
loavo. She had said If ho went away
she would kill all the children nnd
burn the house. She returned with
him to the house , but ho missed her
during the night nnd going to the barn i
found her hanging to a rnftur. To
avoid the disgrace that would follow
publicity he had , he suld , hidden the
body In the hay. burying It the next
night , and invented the story of her
death in Texas.
Asks Governor to Send Troops.
Earllngton , Ky. , Nov. 15. Adjutant
General David U. Murry , who has
been In Madlsonvlllo for two days
looking Into the mining situation , tele
phoned the governor recommending
that troops again bo sent to Hopkins
county. There Is agitation among
the union minors over news of the re
straining order against ofllcors and
members of the United Mlno Workers ,
granted by Judge Evans In the United
States court at Louisville , to restrain
the union men from capping within
gun shot of the property of the mine
Breda Suspect Bound Over.
"Carroll , la. , Nov. 15. Henry Krtzof
Preda , charged with Intent to murder
by poison his brother-in-law , Joseph
Naberlmus , nnd the hitter's wife , ap
peared before Justice Lynch at Car
roll yesterday nnd waived preliminary
bearing. After some parley Ertz was
admitted to ball In the sum of $1,000
nnd bound over to appear before the
grand jury nt Its next sitting , whlcl
Is next Tuesday. Doth Ertz and Na-
borhaus nro men of considerable prop
erty and prominent In the farming
community la which they live.
Favor Reduction of Ransom.
Sofia , Bulgaria , Nov. 15. Miss El
len M. Stone and Mmo. Tsllka , the
captives of the brigands , arc now said
to be occupying a hut In a village of
southern Bulgaria , to which they are
closely confined. There Is reason to
believe that a conference of the se
cret committee , held at Dublnitz , fa
vored a reduction of the ransom de
manded and that as soon as It comes
within range of the funds at tbo dis
posal of Consul General Dickinson ho
Js ready to seal the proposal.
Physician Is Implicated.
Chicago , Nov. 15. Miss Irrna Brown
of Garden City , Kan. , Is dying at Cook
County hospital as the result , physi
cians tbero assert , of an operation.
Dr. B. It. Gray , also of Garden City ,
who is charged with having per
formed the operation , has been ar
rested. Police officials say they will
ask for the arrest of the sou of a min
ister at Garden Cltj , . .
READY FOR W , C. T. U. 8E83ION ,
White Rlbbonera Gather at Fort
Worth for Convention ,
Kort Worth , Tex. , Nov. IB.With
the arrival yesterday of the "Whlto
upeclal , " thu last of the special trains
bringing white rlbboners to this city ,
the preliminary work fur the great
KiitlinrliiK of temperance women of
tlio land received an added Impctuu ,
nnd desplto a pouring rain the nlno
Biibfltltiito meetings nt the various
churchoH wore well attended.
When the gavel of Mrn. L. M. N.
Btovens of Portland , Me. , national
president of the W. C. T. U. , falls to
day she will face one of the largest
conventions In the history of the W.
C. T. U. ISvery Htatu and territory
Is represented , as well as England ,
Canada , Mexico and Hawaii.
The national purity conference hold
two sessions yesterday. This Is ono
of the Important adjuncts of the con
vention. Mrs. Helen L. Bullock pre
sided. Dr. Mary Ward Allen read a
paper on elevation of the homo * The
afternoon session was devoted to rou
tine work ,
It Is learned that the executive com-
mltteo Is determined to oppoae with
all Its power separate statehood of
Oklahoma If It Is coupled with present
territorial feature authorizing the
nalo of liquor.
Brazil Increases Duty on That Im
ported in Bags Instead of Barrels.
New York , Nov. 15. Tlio Ulo Ja-
uulio correspondent of the Herald ca
bles : The chamber of deputies has
passed a bill Increasing tlio duty on
Hour Imported In bags Instead of bar
rels. There was a lively discussion
over the measure. It was contended
that flour , Imported In bags , Is apt to
contain dangerous germs , but this as
sertion was combated vigorously.
One member of the budget committee -
too rrinlily ; declared that the object
of the bill was to protect United States
producers against the Argentine.
After tlio vote hud been taken several
dOputlcn said : "Tlio Yankees have
routed the ArgentIIIOH. "
Public opinion and the newspapers
generally disapprove of the now law ,
H It Is known that flour from the
United States nrrl.vos In barrels , while
the Argentine product comes In bags.
Newspapers of Buenos Ayres unani
mously condemn tbo measure and re
monstrances will bo filed by the Ar
gentine millers.
Hill Elected President.
Now York , Nov. 15. James J. Hill ,
president of the Great Northern rail
way , was yesterday elected president
of the Northern Securities company ,
the now $100,000,000 corporation ,
through the medium of which tbo
northwestern railroad tangle will bo
disposed of.
Cole Dies From Wounds.
St. Joseph. Nov. 15. William T.
Cole , ti prominent contractor nnd
Ivetivy landowner across the Missouri
river In Kansas , died yesterday from
n shotgun wound received while en
deavoring to drive poachers from his
hunting preserves.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ChlrnKO , Nov. 11. StitMiKtti In ( imitations ,
llOtll llll O.ISll llllll HH'CUlllllvO | uVimillllM ,
bronchi model n U'ly active umi-Ki'U on tin *
board of traili1 today , Doci-inliur wheat
rinsing fii'tii. * liljjlii'i- , Di'i-iMiilior corn > { , o
up mid Dci'i-mbi'i' oats % ( . hlKlior. I'ro-
visions doMi'il uiii'liungod to 'M > ii3u higher.
UlotliiK prices :
\ Vluiiti' ! ' . , 7 Vsf ; May , T. . c.
Coin -Dei- . . r.t'c . ! ( ; May. IJJ'V-
Oats -Dec. , : m r ; May , ll' e.
1'orh-Jan. , $ ll.1 > 7 < 4 ; May , ? ir..l7W.
llllis-Jnn. , $7. < ! 7' ' , ' . ; May , $7.80.
l.ard-Jan. , $8..V'fc , ; May , JS.IIT& .
( . 'iisli quotations- . 'J red wheat. 72(3 (
7nic : ; No. II MM | win-lit , 7 1 V/v T.'lo : No. It
HprhiK wlient , tlS4i7-r ; No. L' hard wheat , 7-
Gfiilc ; No. it liaid wheat. "I'.yiiT'-V ; No. J
asli corn , tlt'/ic ; No. U yello\v corn , i\\V& \
K.V ; No. II new corn. Ole ; No. I ! yellow
corn , tUVlfrl'ic ( ? ; No. a ench oats ,
Chicago Live Stock.
No\ ' . n.-Cattle-UecolpU , 7 ,
"MX ) , liidiulltti : 'J.MI TexaiiH and 500 west
erns , nrtl\o and strong ; good to prime
Hteors. $ t'J.it7. ] ( "i ; poor to medium , $4.00 ®
O.IKi ; stoi'kers and feeders , VJ.OOt&t.lO ;
eow , $ l..Vi(4.X ( ) ; hclfcru , $1.5OTliVJO ; can-
ners. $ l. iiii * . > . JTi ; bulls , I'J.OO-iU.'u - ; calves ,
S-.Ddao.'J. : Texas fed steers , fli.aO&T-t-OO ;
westurn steers , $ : i. < io < < iriVi. Hogs Itecelpts ,
today. S..QOO ; tomorrow , i8OOO ! ; left over ,
4,000 ; active nnd fully fie hlchnr ; mixed
nnd butchers , fri.ACMiti.S'JKj ; coed to choice
heavy. ( A.iSO ri.S.1 ; lotiuli lisavy. $ " > .
ti.fiR ; llKht. $ .VJ.ViNl.GO ; bulk of sales , ? . " > .
n.75. Sheep Receipts , 13,000 ; sheep fctcndy ;
lambs stronger , good to choice. wetUors ,
$ : i.'J.Xn4.i."i : , fair to choice mixed. ? 'J.755J
a.10 ; wphtoin sheep. $ : t.00 < 2a.70 ; native
lumbs.J.rK > 3-l.0 ; western lambs , $4.30
for feeders.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnsas City , Nqv. 11. Cuttle llocolpts ,
7f > 00 , steady to lOc higher ; choice export
and dressed beef steers , $ Ti.TOU'J3 ; fair to
good. SI.MKiiCi.riO ; stackers nud feeders ,
f-.WXiH.itt , wtotern fed steers. 4.40ft.50 ;
western range steers , $ : t.U. " > ( it-l.50 ; native
cows , $ ' - > .r M.2.1 ; heifers , $3.'J5iro.3n ( ; can-
uers , $ l.r Xu 40 ; bulls. jL'.i-XftSJ.lW ; calves ,
$3.003.VJ5. Ilogs-Uecelpts , L'O.OOO ; heavy
hogs r > o higher ; light hoks and pig * fie
lower ; top , $ .VA1 ; bulk of salttJ , $5.30 ®
5.S5 : hear.y $ . " .8uQri.l ! , ' ; mixed packers ,
$5.r.5fi ST. : light. $ l.80 tr > .SOi pigs , $4.M ®
l.'fi. .Shfep-Kecclpts , 3,200 ; strong to lOc
higher ; native Inmbs , JI.004tl.GO ; western
lambs , $3,75IK&0 ( ; native wethers , $3.20 ®
It.OO ; wehtcrn wethers , $2.8&S3.33.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , Nov. 14. Cattle Uecelpts ,
4,000 , active and steady ; native beef
Btpi-rs , Jl.OOao.r-Oi wcbtorn steers , $3.703
0.25 ; Texas fctevrs , $3.fiO < ti.40 ; cowa and
heifers , f..StXR-I.SSi cauners. $ ! .00 < ii2.0iO ;
stackers and feeders , $2.GO@4.50 ; culves ,
$3.00 3.50 ; bulls , > tag , etc. , $1,750HOO.
Hoga-lteeelptti , 8,300 ; r lOc higher ;
heavy , $ r > .G7//ifi.75 ! ; mixed , $ S.avnfi.C7 i ;
light. $5.00 .70 ; pigs , $4.50 5.00 ; bulk
of talcs , $5.UTxSfi.70. Shcep-ltecelpts , ( ) , -
000 ; steady ; fed muttons. . ( KVga.lM ) ; fair
| to choice wcbtcrns , $ ; i.204i3CO ; owes. $2.80
, dl'common \ ; and stock surep , $2,753
! 3.50 ; lambs. $3.503-1.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Nov. 14. Cattle Uecflpts , 1-
000 ; steady to strong ; natives , $3.001(41.75 ( ;
cows und heifers , $1.25AjC.10 ; veals , $3.00
( nO.50 ; utoc'kers and feeders , $1.50 fl.2o.
llORS-Uecolpts , 10,000 ; light nud light
mixed , $5.'J5iu,75 ; uiedliim neil heavy ,
visa , J3.7&a5.00j bulk , { 3.00.
Great Northern Trainmen Call on
District Attorney at St. Loulo.
St. 1/nilH , Nov. 15. K. H. Klllott , the
Northern 1'acltlo Rxpross company of
ficial , accompanied by Michael F.
O'Neill , fireman , and Channlni ; Smith ,
oxproHB messoiiKor of tlie Grout North
ern train which was robbed near WOK-
nor , Moji. , last July , called on United
States District Attorney Uomlor yes
terday and laid before htm all the
faots In tholr possession In connection
with the robbery and the suspect un
der arrest hero.
The district attorney requested
Chief of I'ollco Kloler to produce
LoiiKbaiiKh , the nllcKcd Montana
train robber , and his companion ,
Laura Bullion , In the federal court ,
nnd the woman wcro nr-
before Judge Adams to an
swer the Indictments returned against
them by the federal Brand Jury. The
prisoners refused to plead and Judge
Adams ordered a plea of not guilty
National Master Jones Delivers His
Annual Address.
Lewlston , Mo. , Nov. M. About 30
states are represented by GO delegates
here at the session of the National
GratiKO , which was culled to order yes
terday by National Master Aaron
Jones. The forenoon session was de
voted to addresses of welcome. In a
public mooting In the afternoon Jones
delivered his annual address.
National Master Jones said : "Im
mediate stops should bo taken to so-
euro the teaching of scientific agri
culture In every public school In our
country. "
Among the subjects proposed for
national legislation are : Rural frco
delivery , postal savings banks , con
trol of corporations by congress , pure
food laws , anti-trust laws , construc
tion of Nicaragua canal and the canal
between the great lakes and the Mis
sissippi and JH t taxation.
In the evening a reception was ten
dered to the National Orange by the
I.owlston board of trado.
Awards on Butter Contest Announced.
Grout Bill Discussed ,
nubuque , Nov. M. At the Iowa
State Dairy association last night
former Congressman Grout of Ver
mont and Congressman Dahle of Wis
consin discussed the Grout bill. The
speakers agreed that the bill would
pass at the coming session of con
gress If the dairymen used their Influ
ence ' with members of congress.
Former Governor Hoard of Wisconsin
presided. Awards In the butter con
test were announced as follows :
Creamery class , A. 13. Thompson , Pop
lar Grove , Ills. , first ; P. H. Klofer ,
Strawberry Point , la. , second. Dairy
class , B. P. Norton , Crcsco , la. , first ;
B. J. Delloogh , Boyden , ' "la. , second.
Now Have 500,000 Cases In' Cold Stor
age and Lines Out for More.
Chicago , Nov. 14. Local packers
are believed to be cornering the egg
market and now have 500,000 cases
In cold storage. The combination ex
pects , It Is said , to have the market
completely under Its control before
the middle of January. Conditions are
such at this da'e that prices are ad
vancing rapidly , bavins go'ne up to 27
cents within the past week.
To Otinrf TrecH.
To dwarf trees as the Chinese do you
must follow their methods. They take
n young plant , say n seedling or n cut
ting of ccdiir when two or three Inches
high , cut off its taproot as soon as It
bus enough other rootlets to live upon
and replant It In n shallow pot or pan ,
allowing thu end of the taproot to rest
upon the bottom of the pan. Alluvial
clay molded to the sl/.e of beans nnd
Just sulllclent In quantity to furnish a
scanty nourishment Is then put Into
the pot. Water , heat nnd light are per
mitted on the sumo basis.
The Chinese also use various me
chanical contrivances to promote sym
metry of growth. As , owing to the
shallow pots , both top nnd roots nro
easily accessible , the gardener uses the
piunlng knife and the searing Iron
freely , so that the little tree , hemmed
on every side , eventually gives up the
unequal struggle and , contenting Itself
with the llttlo life left , grows Juat
enough to live and look well.
Grent Mcmorle * .
Otto Schultzc , a stenographer , wrote
la the Brandenburg Schulblatt that
Bismarck had a wonderful memory.
'When ' bo had delivered a two hours'
jpoech nnd looked over our shorthand
eports the next day , ho remembered
jvcry expression ho bad used exactly
nnd did not forget them for years. "
The novelist Splulhageii once told
Scbultze that he could recall vividly
every one of the thousands of persons
he had met In his life nnd every word
spoken by casual 'acquaintances , to
gether with their gestures and the cut
of their hair and clothes.
A Ilantlntr Storr
Once Kogcrs was shooting where his
host happened to have killed a boy and
a keeper In the same season , and he
asked a beater whether hla master felt
the matter very much. The answer
was : "Well , air , be didn't care much
about the b'y. Ho gle his mother five
pounds. But ho were wery wexed
about the man. He didn't go out shoot-
In' for a whole week. " This In Norfolk
was considered an evidence of the cli
max of human emotion. George Arch-
dale In Temple Bar.
For Hoarseness.
Bouj , Ingersou , Ind. , Bays ho had not
spoken n word above a whisper for
mouths , and ono bottle of Foloy's Honey
nnd Tar restored his voice. Bo euro
you get Foloy's. A. H. Kiesau.
Spreads Like Wildfire
When tilings nro "tho bout" they bo-
como"tho best soiling. " Abraham Ilaro ,
n loading druggist , of Belleville , O. ,
writes : "Elootrio lllttorB nro the best
Hulling bitters I have handled iu IX )
yearn. " You know why ? Moat ( Usasos
iMigln i t disorders of the stomach , llvor ,
IdiluojH , bowels , blood nud norvun. Kloo-
trio Bitters tones up1 the stomach , roga-
latofl llvor , kidney ami bowola , purifies
tbo blood , etrotigthouH the nerves , honoo
cures multitudes of maludloH. It builds
up the entire system. Puts now lifo
and vigor into any weak , sickly , run
down uiau or woman. Price CO cents.
Sold by A. II. Kiosau , druggist.
Vagaries of a Cold.
You can never bo quite sure where n
cold is going to hit you. In the fall and
winter it may nettle in the bowels , pro
ducing Hovero pain. Do not bo alarmed
nor torment yourself with fears of up-
pondloitia. At the first sign of a cramp
take Perry Davis" Painkiller in warm ,
swooteuod water and rollof comes at
ouco. There is but ono Painkiller.
Perry Davis' . 25 nud GO cents ,
W J. Shivoly , Bntesvillo , 0 , , upoak-
ing of Banner Salvo , Buys : "I used it
for piles , nnd it has done mo moro good
than any salvo I have over used , nud I
Imvo tried it great mnuy kinds. " A. H.
To the Public.
Allow mo to say n few words in praise
of Ohnmbcrlaiu's Cough Remedy. ]
had n very severe cough turn cola nnu
feared I would got pneumonia , but after
taking the second dose of this medicine
I felt hotter , three bottles of it cured
my cold and the pain in my chest disap
peared entirely. I am most respectfully
yourri for health , RALIMI S. MitYKUSG-l
Thirty-seventh St. Wheeling , W. Vu.
For Bulo by Kio au Drug Co.
To Cure a Cough
stop coughing , as it irritates the lungs
nnd gives thorn no chance to heal
Foloy's Ilouoy and Tar cures without
causing a strain iu throwing oil' the
phlegm llko common cough expector
untu. A. II. Kiesau
Brain hood Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has boei
brauded by the most competent uuthori
itios. They have dispelled the silly no
tiou that ono kind of food is needed I'o
brain , another for muscles nud still nu
ether for bones. A correct'diet will no
only nourith n particular part of the
body , but it will sustain every otho
part. Yet , howovt r good your food ma ;
bo , its nutriment is destroyed by in
digestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare -
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coining by tukiug regular doses of
Green's August Flower , the fuvorito
medicine of the healthy millions. A
few doses aids digestion , stimulates the
liver to healthy nctiou , purifies the
blood , nud makes you feel buoyant aud
vigorous. You can got Dr. G. G.
Green's reliable remedies of the Kiesau
Drug Co.
Got Green's Special Almnuao.
A Violent Attack ofCroup Cured.
"Last winter an infant child of mine
had croup in n violent form , " saysElder
John W. Rogersa Christian Evangelist ,
of Filley , Mo. "I gave her a few doses
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in
n short time all danger was past and
the child recovered. " This remedy not
ouly cures croup , but when given as
eoou as the first symptoms appear , will
prevent the attack. It contains uo
opium or other harmful substance and
may bo given as confidently to a baby
ns to au adult. For sale by Kiesau Drug
It is Easy to Say
"Bo careful , " but we must all go from
heated houses into chill outer air , aud
the change sots us coughing and wheez
ing. Avoiding winter colds is difficult ;
curiug them is not hard if you take Al
len's Lung Balsam. Better begin when
the cold is young and not wait until it
pottles deep into the lungs , for theu ,
evou with Allen's Lung Balsam , com
plete relief will be slower.
Recommends it to Trainmen.
G II. Hausan , Lima , O. , Engineer L.
E. & W. R. R , writes : "I have been
troubled n great deal with backache. I
was induced to try Foloy's Kidney Cure ,
and one bottle entirely relieved mo. I
gladly recommend it to auy one , espec
ially my friends nmoug the trnin men ,
who are usually similarly nfilicted. "
A. H. Kiesau.
If yon want some "just as good. " "I
make it myself" Remedy , try an imita
tion Rocky Mountain Ten. 'Twill make
you sick nud keep yon sick. Goo. B
Goo. A Points , Upper Sandnsky , O. ,
writes : "I have been using Foley's
Honey and Tnr for hoarseness and find
it the best remedy I ever tried. It
stopped the cough immediately and re
lieved nil soreness. " Take none but
Foley's. A. H. Kiesau.
Kiudles anew the fires of youth , bal
ances up the joys and sorrows of life.
It's vaiu and foolish not to use Rocky
Mountain Tea made by Madisou Medi
cine Co. 350. Geo. B. Ghristoph.
Jennie To have a round beautiful
neck wiggle your head from side to side
every uight take Rocky Mountain Tea.
It's n short cut to n graceful form. 85.
Geo. B. Onristoph.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treixt-
mont by Ely's Cream Balm , which is agrco-
nbly aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils , cleanses and heals the whole surface
face- over which it diffuses itsolf. Druggiels
soil the 50c. size ; Trial size by wail , 1,0
cents. Test it and yo\\ are sure to continue
the treatment. * " - * * i
Announcement , * *
To ftccoimuodato those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou-
llet , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form , which will bo known as Ely's
Liquhl Cream Bnlm. Trice including the
praying tube ii 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels , candy , flowers , man that is
the order of n woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If n woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem , then let her fortify her
self against the insidious consequences
of coughs , colds aud bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Boschoo's
Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest
onfiutnptlon iti its early stages nud heal
ho affected lunga and bronchial tubes
and drlvo the dread disease from the
ystotn. It is not n euro-all , but it is n
iortaiu cure for coughs , colds aud nil
irouohlul tubes. You can got Dr. G. G.
troon'H reliable remedies at A. II.
HORUU'B Drug Co.
Got Green's special almanac.
Jumped on a Ton Penny Nail.
The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell
umpod on nu iuvortod rake made of ton
> ouuy nulls , aud thrust one unil entirely
hrough her foot nud a second ono half
way through. Ohamborltxtu'H Pain
3nlm was promptly applied nud five
mlnutcH later the paiu had disappeared
md uo more Buffering was experienced ,
[ n three days the child was wearing her
shoe as usual nud with absolutely no dis
comfort. Mr. Powell is a well known
iiorohaut of Forklaud , Va. Pain Bnlm
s au antiseptic and heals such injuries
without maturation nud inouo-thirdtho
; imo required by the usual treatment.
For sale by Kieenu Drug Co.
Today take Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr.
It positively prevents pneumonia , or
other serious results from colds. It may
bo too late tomorrow. A. H. Kiosau ,
Astounding Discovery.
From Goopersvillo , Mich , comes word
of a wonderful discovery of a ploasaut
tasting liquid that when used before re
tiring by nuy ono troubled with a bad
cough always ensures n good night's
rest , "it will soou euro the cough too ,
writes Mrs. S. Himmelburgor"for three
generations of our family have used Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption
nnd never found its equal for coughs
aud ( jolds " It's an unrivaled life-saver
when used for desperate lung diseases.
Guaranteed bottles 50o and $1 nt A. H.
Kiesau. Trial bottles freo.
Cut this out nud take it to Kiosau
Drug Co.'s drug store aud get ti free
sample of Ohambnrlain's Stomach nud
Liver Tablets , the best physio. They
cleanse nud invigorate the stomach , im
prove the nppotito nnd regulate the
bowels. Regular size , 25 cents per box.
A Liberal Offer.
The undersigned will give a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach , and
Liver Tablets to any 0110 wanting a re
liable remedy for disorders of the
stomach , biliousness or constipation.
This is n new remedy aud a good ono.
Kiesau Drug Go.
Seymour Webb , Moirn , N. Y. , vvrites :
"I had been troubled with my kidneys
for twouty-five years and had tried sev
eral physioiaus but received uo relief
uutil I bought n bottle of Foley's Kid
ney cure. After nsiug two bottles I
was absolutely cured. I earnestly rec-
ommeud Foley's Kidney cure. " Take
ouly Foley's. A. H. Kiesau.
Adolph Bluuer , Grand Mound , la. ,
writes : "I have used Honey and Tar in
my family nud think it is the best cough
cure ou the market. I would not bo
without it in my home , as there is noth
ing so good for coughs nud colds. A. H.
Great Luck of an Editor.
"For two years all efforts to cure Ec
zema in the palms of my hauds failed , "
writes Editor H. N. Lester , of Syracuse ,
Kan. , "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. " It's the
world's best for eruptions , sores and all
skiu diseases. Ouly 25c nt A. H. Kie-
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick aud nervous headaches.
They make pure blood nud build up
your health. Ouly 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by A. H. Kie
sau , druggist.
fainting , smothering , palpita
tion , pain in left side , shortness
of breath , irregular or intermit
tent pulse and retarded circula
tion all come from a weak or
defective heart. Overcome
these faults by building up the
heart-muscles and making the
heart-nerves strong and vigor
ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
is the remedy to use. It is
the best.
"I would have spells when I
would gefc weak and faint and my
heart would aeem to stop beat
ing , then it would beat very
bard. I began taking Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure and when I bad used
twelve bottles my beart was all
rigbt. " MKS. J. L. TAYLOR ,
Owensboro , Ky ,
D * . Miles '
is a heart and blood tonic of
unequaled power and never
fails to benefit if taken in time.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical On T- ' , . *
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Rellil at once.
It cleanses , soothes and I
heals the diseased memI I
brano. It cures Catarrh'-- , % < ar"gttrra
and drives away a Cold U A V F F V t R
In the Head quickly. H I1H I r W Ull
la absorbed. Urals and Protects the Membrane ,
lleatoree the Sensen of Taste and Smell. Pull size
GOc , ; Trial Sl/e lOc. ; at UriieclaU or by mall.
LY lIUOTUUltS , 60 Warren Street , New York.
Sores nnd Ulcers tievcr become chronic | J
unless the blood is iu poor condition Is
sluggish , wcnk mid unable to throw oil
the poisons Unit accumulate Iu it. The
system must be relieved of the unhealthy
matter through the sore , nnd great danger
to life would follow should it heal before
the blood has been made pure and healthy
nnd all impurities eliminated from the sys
tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleansing - \
ing and invigorating the blood , building
up the general health and removing from
the system A CONSTANT DRAM
eiTetem ° arUedn "PON THE SYSTEM.
When this has been accomplished the discharge - t
charge gradually ceases , nnd the eore or
ulcer.hcals. It is the tendency of these old . * < .
indolent sores to grow worse nnd worse. ;
nnd eventually to destroy the bones. Local )
applications , while soothing nnd to some
cxtcut alleviate pain , cannot reach the scat
of the trouble. S. S. S. does , and no matter
how apparently hopeless your condition ,
even though your constitution has broken
down , it will bring relief when nothing
else can. It supplies the rich , pure blood
necessary to heal the sore and nourish
the debilitated , diseased body.
Mr. J. II. Talbcrt , I,6ck Dor ns.Wlnona , Miss. ,
says : "Six years nee my leg from Uieknceto
the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians
treated me nnd I made two trips to Hot Springs ,
but found no relief , I was induced to try S. S. b ,
nnd it made n complete cure. I have been a per-
fectly well man ever since. "
fi " ctable blood purifier
Sm m. known contains no
tfer"al JLfcnJP poisonous minerals to
"fESF " aF ruin the digestion and - ,
add to , rather than relieve your suffer- f
ings. If your flesh does not heal readily
when scratched , bruised or cut , your blood
is in bad condition , and any ordinary sore
is opt to become chronic.
Send f9r our free book nud write our
physicians about your case. We make no
charge for this service.
SOAP ! " * ? * * THE ECONOMY
Complete catalogue'ehowing
over 300 promiu-ns that - maybe
be BCCUIOI ! by saving the
wrappers , furnished free up
on request. Send your name
on a postal card , and we will
mail you the catalogue. ' '
* Address : *
0Iamontf"C " " 5oap for lalt t > y alt Oroctn. I
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Alnditon Medl >
cine Co. . Madison. Wls. It
keeps you well. Our trade !
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no substl
tute. Aak
co roRATfD your
twa *
'At all tag itoro. 25 Don * 25 * .
ii L e
X :
'orati V / | ; I > H \ * ijf CNDCRsirttM *
rtf . " * *
tEiRntcuiARiTits. orcvcnv PHYSICMH
, fa"v\rt rAMlUAKWITHTHt
p sg . - „ . . „ „
v S ffin DC CINCHONAcq
For Solo by George B. Ohristopb , J