The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 15, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    TUN ivruws. iwrruv Tsrnvimuui ? IK mm
Address by Rev. C. H. Young ;
of Omaha.
Dtshop Williams Is Present nnd Pro-
stdos nt the Celebration of tlio Holy
Eucharist This Morning Twenty-
Flvo Clergymen Horo.
1'nim Wriliimilm' * Dnl'jr.
The luimml convocation of the clergy
men of thortlorohoof Nebraska opened
in Trinity church last evening ixt 8
o'clock , being present Bishop Williams
nnd about twenty-five of the clergy.
Service wasoponiid wlthovonlnglprnyor ,
iiftor which the rorodos recently put in
as n inoiiiorinl to Mrs.Wollls was blessed
nnd di'dlentod to the Horvlco of God.
After the dedication mi address wlm
given by the Hnv. 0 II. Young of the
iiBMMilntu mission of Omaha on tho"Sym-
bollsni of the Oliuroh. " The address was
crowded with Information an to the
forum and ceremonies of worship in the
Kplscopnl ohnroh and oxplanatlon was
made of many usages which to the un
informed have Roomed trivial and unim
portant. Those present resetted that
the address was not heard by more of
the general public as It was highly in-
Btruotivo and very edifying.
Another feature of the servloo was
the hinging , which was heartily joined
in by all the congregation and clergy >
nnd was an Inspiration to all who heard
Holy cuchaiist was celebrated In the
church tills morning at 7 : ! ! < ) , Bishop
Williams being celebrant. There will
bo n choral celebration tomorrow morn
ing at the hamo hour.
The hurvlcesof the convocation will
continue through today and tomorrow
nnd end Friday morning , and all are
open to the public. It Is hoped the
public ( . ' ( morally will appreciate thifTop-
portuniry of listening to some of the
most distinguished clergymen in the
stnto , it being assured that they arc
heartily welcome nt any or all of the
Mrs. llouso of Bancroft was here
D. M. Owen onmo homo last night
from Omaha.
Bert Kbcrliart returned today from
Huron , S. D.
II. II. Mohr of Pierce was n city vis
itor yesterday.
A. Hoover was n Norfolk visitor from
Gonon Monday.
Jacob Kix wont to Madison yesterday
to do jury duty.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Durland drove to
Plainviow today.
Harvey Fry of Fierce was a Norfolk
visitor over night.
Mrs. L A. Pohlnian of Fierce was in
the city yesterday.
Miss Helen File of Wayne ia visiting
with Miss Louis , , /hipp.i.
L L. Smith of Minden transacted
business in Norfolk yesterday.
H. H. Nowhouso was n business visi
tor yesterday from Bloomflold.
Mrs. 15. O Mount went to Omaha
this noon to remain a few days.
Mrs. John Elliot nnd daughter of
Winsido were city visitors yesterday.
Attorney Fred Free of Plainviow has
boon renewing Norfolk acquaintances
J. W. Flake of Gonon was hero over
night with nn Indinn boy whom ho was
taking to the school.
Geo. D. Buttorfiold was in the city
today on his way homo to Croighton
from Davenport , Iowa.
Miss Gertrude Klontv. loft Monday
for Wnyno to resume her studies in the
normal college at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Alexander went
to Lincoln this morning to attend n con
vention of womnn suffragists1.
Miss.Tenuio Mumford of Springfield ,
this state , shot herself through heir
heart yesterday for reasons unknown.
Daniels nnd Seslor are tearing up their
bowling alley in the east room of the
old Fair store building and will move it
to Piorco.
Mrs. Ed Grant arrived today from >
Pocatolla , Idaho , called by n message
announcing the serious illness of her
sister , Mrs. Orvnil Satterleo.
Eight tables of West Side Whist club
members spent nu enjoyable evening at
the homo of Dr. and Mrs. II. T. Holdeii
on West Norfolk nveuuo last evening.
Mrs. Bixler , n patient nt the hospital
for the iusauo from North Bond died
Monday night and her remains were
taken to her former homo for interment.
Congressman Cannon of Illinois has
just purchased n 500-acro farm near
Ashland , paying $00 an acre for the
property. Gannon hit the bull's eye of
financial wisdom whoii ho invested in
Nebraska dirt.
Mr. nud Mrs. W. R. Hoffman happily
entertained n company of friends at
their home on North Eleventh street
last evening in celebration of their
twentieth wedding anniversary. The
host nnd his wife readily ovcrcnuio all in
clination toward formality nud the oven-
iug wns .heartily enjoyed with games i ,
charades and In vUltlng. The guostH
wore nerved with delicious refreshment ) ) ,
while Mr. and Mrs , IlotVinan were ro <
momberud witli n number of beautiful
gifts of china.
The people of western countlcH arc
guarding against possible damage by
prairie ( Inn , IIB the grass is unumially
heavy this fall. There in no little tin-
cultivated prairie left in the eastern
portion of the state that the fear of
pralrlo ( Ires has boon greatly reduced
nud slight precaution is necessary.
In district court Monday Maud Won-
rtok was granted n divorce from her
husband , H. P. Wonrlok , by Judge
Boyd , the wlfo given alimony and the
custody of the children. lxulim An
drews also secured a divorce from her
husband , . ) . 15. Andrews. The case of
the ntntoand , vllllago of Burnettngninst
Patrick Stnnton , for allowing gambling
in his pliioo of business , WIIH dismissed.
The Fort Dodge , lown , Dally Ohroir
Iclo of Saturday , November 1) ) , gives an
interesting sketch of the Central Iowa
Mutual Fire association of which 0. B.
Holahan , formerly of this city , la secre
tary. The association was orgnni/.ed in
1808 , 1ms 250 agencies nnd is operating
in every county in Iowa. The nssooln-
tion fools especially proud of its homo
endorsement , having over 100 policies
with Fort Dodge people among whom
are the leading business men of the city.
The General has not an unsettled loss
on its books. The excellent record and
standing of the company is readily conceded
coded by Norfolk people who know the
secretary , nro cognizant of his business
ability and judge the othir olllcors by
his standard.
Ponder Republic : The fatal termina
tion of ono of the smallpox patients in
the Lemmon homo emphasizes the no-
comity of grout caution on the pint of
our people. It makes no difference that
some are unwilling to admit that the
malady is smallpox. Competent physi
cians here and elsewhere have positively
declared that it is smallpox. The health
of the community is fnr more essential
thnn that somebody's opinion , formed
without any knowledge of diseases
whatever , should bo respected. The
rights of the community are bound
to bo and must bo respected. The com
munity has been greatly endangered bv
the willful commingling among our
people , of persons coming from families
having the discnse , which Is no loss than
criminal and should bo treated ns such.
A set of agents nro canvassing Nor
folk on n scheme thnt has very much
the appearance of a fake and people will
probably do well to require the fulfill
ment of tholr generous offer before partIng -
Ing with their money. For n cash con
sideration of $1) ) in installments these
gouoroiiH people propose to give nine
books nnd a number of nrt premiums
besides allowing their patrons to cheese
a handsome piece of furniture , which if
of nny vnluo whatever , is worth moro
than the entire price asked forbookspio-
tures and furniture. People will do well
to remember that no firm or com
pany , it matters not how generous , can
alVord to give Bomothiug for nothing.
It is said that these agents have refused
a number of offers to soil tholr goods to
reliable business men nnd nccopt cash
on delivery , which is pretty J good
ground for suspicion ,
All persons nro hereby cnutioned'not
to fish on my promises nftor this dnto ,
with cither not or line , or they will 'kbo
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Norfolk , Nebraska , Nov. 11 , 1001.
rthern Wlitfonxlii Itnllwny Fur in is
; F r8nlR.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
> fc Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin , nt low prices nnd ensy
tonns of payment , nbout 850,000 nores
of choice farm lauds.
Early buyers will soouro the advnn-
tngo of locations ou the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with :
fish and furnish n iiovor ending nud
most excellent wntor supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile nnd ensy of cultivation nud
this is rapidly developing into one of
the grentest sheep nud cat'tlo raising
regions in the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland nud
other towns on "Tho Northwestern
Lino" furnish good markets for stock
and fnrm produce.
For further particulars address :
Laud Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
G. H. MAoIUi : ,
Asst. Geu'lPass.Ag't.St. Paul , Minn.
Get your feed ground nt the windmill
mill , uonr the Croightou depot.
WANTED A good girl for general
housework. Mus. A. H. ALLINSOX.
The complete service of "Tho Chic-
ago-Portland Special" via Union Pacific ,
enables passengers to roach the priucl-
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time , but also
in the most comfortable nud enjoyable
manner , The dining cara on this train
are stocked with the best the market
ntl'ords. All nioals served n la carte.
THK NEWS keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of poj
nud does its work in approved stylo.
Scholarly Papers Read and'00'
Tolcgrnm of Greeting Sent Bishop
Worthlngton Invitation to Visit
Doot Sugar Factory Accepted "Tho
Crozior" n Financial Success.
I'mm Tlmrwlay'n Dully
Yesterday's session of the annual convocation -
vocation of the cleigy of the Episcopal
ohurcli of the dloceso of Nebraska , be
ing l l hold in Trinity church , corner of
Madison and Ninth streets , began with
n celebration i of the holy communion at
7 i ' . ' 10 n. in. The lit. Uov. Arthur L.
Williams , D , D. , blshop-coadjiitor of
Nebraska , was the colobrnnt. The Her-
vioo < wan wull nttonded. At 0:110 : the
olllco . of morning prnyor was said
by the Ilov. F. S. White of Omnhn nud
the Hov. W. O. Butler of Fullorton.
The rest of the morning was devoted to
the rending nnd discussion of nn able
paper on "The Essential Character of
the Church" by the Ilov. Philip G.
Davidson , rector of St. Matthias church ,
Omaha ; n business session at 11 o'clock
nnd intercessions for missions. At the
business session the report of the busi
ness mnnngor of "Tho Oro/.ier , " the
diocesan newspaper , was rend by the
Ilov. W.II Moor of Omaha , Tho'fluaii- ,
olal report was highly [ satisfactory !
showing n small balance on baud.
The essayist of the morning gnvo n
clear exposition of the church , defining
it MH the extension of the incarnation iu
the world nnd having ns its essential
work the uniting of man to God. 'Ho
showed how that this woik is wrought
by the siicran.onts of Christ's appoint-
nient nnd how that the apostolic in in1
istry is a logical and necessary require
ment for the work of the church. The
paper was ono of marked ability and
was listened to with intense interest.
The afternoon session began nt 20 : ! !
nud was opened with devotions by
Bishop Williams. The Rev. Win. J.
Moody of Falls Cl y , opened nu interest
ing discussion by n well written paper
on "Tho Best Basis for a Diocesan As
sessment. " Ho advocated as the best
basis of assessment for the necessary ex
penses of the diocese n pro ratn tax npou
the parochial income rather than a per
capita tax. This scorned to bo the prevailing -
vailing sentiment of all the clergy pros-
out. Mr. J. B. Mnylard who wns re
quested to speak from the layman's
point of view endorsed the plan advo
cated by Rev. Mr. Moody.
A bnsiuoss session followed the dis
cussion , nt which nu invitation to hold
the next convocation in Falls City was
ncceptcd. Various committees were ap
pointed. A telegram of greeting wns
sent to Bishop Worthington. An invi
tation to visit the boot sugar factory
was also accepted. At fi o'clock evensong -
song wns said by the Ilov. Juo. T. Fos
ter of South Omaha and the Ilov. E. S
Murphy of Auburn.
At the evening session , which began
ntiO : ; , the Ilov. II. 13. Jefferson of
Fremont rend n scholarly pnper on
"Tho Observance of Sundny" to n large
and appreciative congregation. The
speaker urged n moro careful observ
ance of Sunday on the grounds of diviuo
commandment nud man's spiritual nud
phyticnl need.
This morning there wns n choral celo-
brntinn of the holy communion nt 7 : ! o0 ,
lead by the full vested choir. Bishop
Williams wns celobrnut ; thr Rev. .T. O
S. Woills , gospeller nnd the Ilov. D. O.
Pntteo ot Schnyler , epistoler. The
musio was well rendered. For such an
onrly hour n good congregation wns
Morning prayer wns said nnd the
discussion of Sunday Observance wns
then tnkou up nnd was followed by an
admirable paper ou "Tho Relations of
the Clergy to Missions" by the Ilov.
James Wise of South Omaha. The
writer emphasised the clergy man's
duty of informing the people ns to mis
sionary needs , urging that knowledge
begets interest
II. E. Owen c imo iu from Omaha
II. F. Bnruhardt was in Norfolk yes !
terday from Pierce. Sr
L. L. Edmisten of Wayiio was n Nor )
folk visitor yostordny.
J. Ilndbnck wns n city visitor yester -
day from West Point.
Mrs. S. Friedman of Madison is visit
ing with Mrs. Rasloy.
Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Sloan were hero
from Pierce yesterday.
Miss Clara Fierheim wns in the city
yesterday from Stanton.
Mrs. J. J. Mack of Omaha nrrivod in
Norfolk Inst night for n few dnys" visit.
Mrs. O. J. Trent nnd Mrs. Briggs of
Stnutou were visitors in the city yestor-
Miss Ettn Smith will return todny
from n six months' visit with her sister
in Iowa.
Mrs. Helen Hamilton of Sioux City
visited with J. D. Sturgeon and fnmily
between trains todny.
Mr. nud Mrs. II. W. Christiansen ,
Miss Roua nnd Chris. Ohristlnnson were
I in the city yesterday from Plnluviow.
Louis Wichmnu of Hndnr nud George
Lambert of this city nro now students
enrolled : nt Brown's Business college.
A ditch is being dugnoros | Bast Main
street by Stitt & White , who will con
' nect ' 15. J. Soliorroggo'fl . .building with
the ( sowor. ,
Mrs. Sophia Stollo , who has boon vis
iting her daughter , Mrs. Wi A. Uouilo-
ben who has boon qnito ill , returned to
her homo in Madlsot. yostordny.
A. A. Mlllnrd of Aurora , state agent
for the Western Cottage Organ innd
Piano company , is transacting business
today with their local agent , J. D. Stui-
D.irlus Mathowsou of Wukoflold
is visiting nt the homo of Col. S. H. Cot
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Mithows'on expect
to loivvo in n wouk or ten days for Callca
fornhi to spend the winter.
The Elks lodge will give another so
cial susjlou nt their olub rooms ln the
Marquimlt block tomorrow night. All
members of the order nro expected to I
attend and bring tholr ladles.
Superintendent Llewelyn has ap
proved of n route 20 miloa long out of
Madison thnt will servo 110 families.
Charles G. Ilynoarson wns 'appointed
carrier and J. L. Ilynoarsou snbstitnto.
The auditing committee of the city
council . mot last evening aud nwnrded
.los. A. Light the contract for hauling
coal from the cars to the waterworks
pumping stntiou during the ensuing six
A spcoinl to the Boo from Long Pine
states that the report of sixty cases of
smallpox in that town isn provnrncatiou ,
pure nnd simple nud that there is no
such man ns Dr. Dodd iu Brown county.
The ' dispatch states that there nro no
moro cases of the disease there than in
many other Nebraska towns fnnd thnt
nil nro under quarantine regulations.
The first of n series of lectures on the
Life of Christ , illustrated by Tissot's
famous picture" , wns given nt the First
Baptist church hist evening by ll v. II.
B. Ryder before n Inrgo audience nnd
these attending expressed themselves ns
pleased nud impressed with bath the
talk nnd the pictures. Another Jof the
lectures will bo given tonight nnd ouo
tomorrow night.
Mrs. 'kOrvnil E. Satterleo'formerly
Miss Mamie Mather , whojhas been ser
iously sick for several days past , died
yostordny afternoon aud it is under
stood that the funeral will be hold to
morrow nftemoou , interment to tnko
place in Prospectj Hill conietery. Mrs.h
Satterleo was 21 years of ago and her
death was surrounded with circum
stances that make it particularly sad.
The husband and relatives who survive
have the sincere sympathy of all their
acquaintances in their hour of afllictlon.
Astronomers who wore looking for a
grand meteoric shower last year now
consider that tholr figuresj may have
been off n yenr nud are , preparing to
take account of the ' phenomenon this
fall. If the event happens it is ex
pected that it will begin tonight , per-
haps'tibout 1 to It o'clock , nnd may be
continued for three or four nights fol [
lowing. It is expected that the earth
will pass through or near the Leouis
during that time aud n grnud displny of
celestial fireworks that will
seoiug is anticipated. The oveut is one
of a lifo-tiuio ns it takes place at inter
vals of ! ili years. No doubt ] there are
many i Norfolk people who would like to
see i it aud n number hnvejinnde arrange
ments to keep vigil , but that all may
see it who do not wish to ] stay up till
that time Mayor Koenigsteln has ar
ranged to give notice by sounding the
flro whistle or ringing the fire boll , or
both , if there is a displny worth seeing ,
but cnro will bo taken that it does not
resemble a fire alarm. Thirty-three :
years ago it is said thnt the display * was
n very benutiful one nud nil would bo
disappointed if thsro is nuother such
display and they should miss it. The
Illustrated Bee of Sunday gives n very
complete nccouut of what Lmny bo ex
pected from this astronomical phenome
non. To locate the constellation which :
is in the northeast heavens the nrticlo
gives the following direction : "Tht
constellation Leonis rises shortly ro
midnight ou November 14 , but it is ot
well in view till 1 n. in. It can bo found
readily by using the "pointers" in the -
dipper iu n reverse direction from the
customary use in finding the North star.
Loonis will bo identified ibout as far off >
as the North star } s the other way nnd
ns n very good outliuo'of n [ sickle , th
the bright stnr , Regulus , nt the or
end of the hnudlo. A hotter way is to
use the two stars forming the side of
the dipper nearest the handle for point
ers. Those point , again in the direc -
tion opposite to the North star , directly
nt the sicklo. The radiant of the Lo- (
onls is within the curve of the blade (0of
the sickle , near the center. The whole >
of the constellation , however , Jdoos not
como into good view till nbout 2 n. in. "
Beautifully dressed dolls from COo to
$2.50 each at the Congregntiounl fnir
December 11 , 13 nnd 1 ! ) . Also Shoe ,
Darning , Scrap and Shopping bags ,
Doing the Rightf.Thing.
The trouble begins with n tickling in
the throat nud n nagging little cough. ;
Soreness in the chest follows and the
patient wonders if ho is going to have an
nil winter cold. Probnbly , if ho does >
the wrong thing or nothing. Certainly
not if ho nsos Perry Davis' Pninklllor.
the stnnuch old remedy thnt cures n cold
in twenty-four hours. There Is but ono
pniuklller , Perry Davis1 ,
Two Fugitives Surrounded in
Farm House , but Escape.
Cherlff Cook and Deputy Are Them
selves Made Prisoners Forced to
Promise Immunity From Arrest.
Farmer's Wife Used as Shield.
Topckn , Kan. , Nov. 11. Sheriff
Cook of this county and Deputy Slier-
Iff Williams were capturoil by two es
caped convicts from the Fort Leaven-
worth military prison yesterday after
noon at Pauline , flvo miles south of
Topeka , nnd held prisoners In the
fnrm housa of n man named Woostcr
for several hours. They finally es-
caped between n line of police sent
from Topeka to reinforce the sheriff
and nro now nt largo. BoMi were
slightly wounded. Woostor was badly
wounded by one of the convicts when
he tried to flro on Ihom. Mrs.
Woostor and Sheriff Cook were hold
before the convicts as a shield by the
prisoners in making their escape. A
posse is in pursuit.
At 2:30 : p. in. some farmer boys
near Pauline learned that the convicts
were In the neighborhood. Hastily
forming a posse armed with target
rifles , pistols and clubs , they gave
chaso. Neither of the convicts was
armoil nnd they wcro unnblo to make
a stnnd. Later Sheriff Cook and De
puty Williams arrived. Coming upon
the convicts , both officers llrcd ,
wounding the men , but not disabling
thorn. The convicts then Hod through
n small opening In the timber and
ran _ . Into the house of Farmer Woostor.
Sheriff Cook telephoned to/Topeka for
assistance and then took up the chase.
Thinking that the convicts had run
around the house , Cook darted
through the open door , Intending to
surprise thorn nt the roar door. But
Instead of this , the convirts bad gone
Into the house and the officer almost
fell Into their nrms.
Sheriff Gives Up His Gun.
Sheriff Cook was ordoreil to give up
his gun , which ho did. Deputy Will-
lams by this time had reached the
house and entered without knowing
what had happened Inside , and ho ,
too , was made captive by the con-
In the meantime Chief Stahl of To-
pckn with eight officers wore on the
way. They arrived nt the Wooster
house about an hour after the officers
had been Imprisoned. Chief Stahl Im
mediately began negotiations with the
convicts to give up their prisoners
nnd to surrender themselves , but the
convicts only laughed. Farmer Woos
ter then managed to get a gun and
was about to make an attack on the
convicts when one of them laid him
low with a blow from the butt of a re-
volver tnken from one of their cap
tives. The convict broke Wooster's
right hand nnd cut a gash in his
head. One of the convicts told Sheriff
Cook that bo would bo killed If he
made the slightest move looking to-
ward their capture. In the meantime -
time , the police officers on the outside
had surrounded the building , but were
nfrald to make a move for fear that
Cook and Williams would suffer.
Walk Off Unmolested.
Mrs. Woostcr had fainted during
the excitement. She finally revived
and nt 7 o'clock the convicts placed
the woman and Sheriff Cook In front
of thorn ns shields and made for the
door. Then , after exacting a promise
from the sheriff that he would not
permit any of the officers to fire itn
them , they started for the open. As
they left the house with the frlght-
cnod farmer , wife and the submissive
sheriff before them , the convicts
passed between a cordon of police ,
who could have easily captured them : ,
and started for the railroad track. The
sheriff had In turn exacted a promise
from the police that they would not
molest the convicts and they did not.
After covering n considerable dis
tance down the track , the convicts :
suddenly disappeared through a hedge ;
fence , bidding the officers n mocking
farewell. One of the police sergeants -
geants later said ho could have easily
touched the leading convict with his
hand as ho passed.
The convicts had secured a good
start before the officers had recovered
from tholr surprise. Then some of
the policemen wanted to pursue , but
Sheriff Cook would not permit It , as
ho had promised the convicts Imraunl-
ty from arrest.
Sheriff Stahl left some of his men ;
on the sccno and with the others
started back to Topeka to take up the
chase later on. The convicts are well
armed , having taken all the guns In
the farm house , Including those of the
sheriff and his deputy. They are both
white men , but their Identity was not
Sheriff Cook arrived from Pauline
nt 10 o'clock last night. Ho was
somewhat disfigured and his clothes
were ragged , but ho had lost none of
his ncrvo by his usage at the hands
of the convicts. In telllnc the story
of his experiences he made no attempt
tempt to conceal the humorous aspect
of the affair. Ho said "
: "Deputy Will-
lams was not captured , as at first re-
ported. When ho saw mo taken he
stood off from the house and the convicts
victs did not molest him. "
Masked Men Raid Lodging House.
Chicago , Nov. 11. Two masked
men entered a lodging house at 383
South Clark street at 9 o'clock last
evening and with revolvers Intimi
dated the hotel clerk and 15 guests
seated about the office. They pro
ceeded to empty the cash rrawor of Us
tents , about $10 , and Mien without
hindrance made seed their escape.
Colombian Liberals Think He Is PlayIng -
Ing Dual Role.
Wlllcmstad , Nov. 11. Advices re
ceived here from Capacho Vlojo , dated
cd Nov. 5 , say that the report from
President Castro to his brother Coles-
tlno Castro , at San Cristobal , to the
effect that the United States Govern
ment "Insists upon mediating be
tween Venezuela and Colombia"
caused the greatest excitement among
the troops on the frontier. General
Urlhe-Urlbo and General Modesto
Castro Immediately set out for San
Cristobal to obtain details.
It Bccnis that General Urlbc-Urlbo
refused to believe the report , declar
ing that ho had no fears as to the fut
ure of the liberal cause , because President
. .
ident Castro had given him n cnst-lron
pledge not to forsake him.
"Should President Castro prove untrue -
true to the liberal cause , " exclaimed
General Urlbc-Urlbo , "tho result
would ' bo his ruin. The war will enter
Colombia before Christmas. "
Dr. Eduardo Blanco , Venezuelan
minister . of foreign affairs , has re
signed his portfolio. Ho will bo suc
ceeded by Dr. Paclmno.
Denver and Rio Grande Switch En
gines Fully Manned.
Denver , Nov. 11. The strike of
switchmen on the Denver and Illo
Grande railroad Is having but little
effect on the traffic of that road , ac
cording to the statements of the rail
road officials. The switch engines
all over the system were fully
manned , with the exception of those
at Sallda nnd Alnmosn. The Brother
hood of Trainmen say they will stand
by the decision of Vice Grand Master
Lee , In which he declared that the
agreement between his organization
and the Rio Grande was still In opera
tion and that It covers switching. The
switchmen employed on the Colorado
and Southern railroad , who , It was re
ported , would aid the Rio Grande men
In their strike , say they will continue
Northwestern Said to Have Completed
Deal for Through Line.
Chicago , Nov. 11. The Record-Her
ald says : A new through railway
line from Chicago to St. Louis Is be
lieved by residents of Springfield and
other towns In the central part of the
state to be a certainty In the near fut
ure. . . The rumor that comes from
those . cities Is that the Chicago and
Northwestern railway has completed
a deal by which It * will absorb the
Chicago , Peoria and St. Louis line
and thus gain an entrance Into the do-
slrablo , St. Lduls territory. For some
time the Northwestern road has been
at work building a branch road from
Dlxon to Peoria , and this would con
nect with the Chicago , Peoria and
St. Louis road to make a through line.
Deposed Priest in Church Again , but
Has to Take Obscure Seat.
Chicago , Nov. 11. Father Jeremiah
J. Crowley , the Roman Catholic priest
of Oregon , Ills. , whoso severe crit
icism of the church authorities of the
archdiocese of Chicago was followed
by his excommunication , and whose
presence In Holy Name cathedral was
the cause of a dramatic scene there
last Sunday , when solemn high mass
was stopped and the lights put out ,
appeared at the cathedral again yes
terday at the hour of solemn high
mass. Father Crowley was admitted ,
after some parleying at the door , and
In a rear seat he sat through the sol
emn service.
A Clever Dojc.
"A Duraugo man. " remarks the
Floresvllle ( Mo. ) Chronicle , "was showIng -
Ing to n friend the good points of his
dog nnd threw a half dollar coin Into
the river. Obediently the dog dived for
the coin and brought up a two pound
catfish anil 3. > cents In change. "
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