The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 15, 1901, Image 1

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Five Bodies Taken From Shaft
at Pocahontas , W. Va.
Explosion Occurs Just In Time to
Malm or Burn Twenty-five Who Had
Come to Save Ten Others Burled
I Alive In Burning Shaft.
Blucflold , W. Vn. , Nov. 15. Five
dead bodies Imvo been tnkou from the
Baby mlno nt 1'ocahontns , Va. Sov-
crnl other persons are unaccounted
tor and 25 persons have been rescued
moro or less severely burned.
At 3 a , m. It was discovered that
the Baby mlno of the Pocuhontaa col
liery company was on lire. In a short
time after the firemen reached the
mines a terrific explosion occurred
and many miners and their friends
wore more or less Injured. It Is sup
posed that the mines caught fl-e from
a defective electric light wire. Five
bodies have boon recovered and it In
\incortaln how ninny more are dead ,
though It Is now known that there are
eovoral , perhaps eight or ten , mon in
the mines , unless they succeeded In
making their escape through the Tug
river entrance. Twenty-five persons
have boon rescued , all more or less
burned , some seriously and perhaps
The Injured were carried to their
homes In wagons and all the physl-
' 1 clans In Pocnhontns wore busy all
clay attending the Injured. One or
two other explosions followed that of
the early morning. The mlno Is still
burning and clouds of smoke are con
stantly Issuing from Its mouth. The
fan has been stopped and as noon as
possible to do so the mine will ho reentered -
entered with hope of extinguishing
the fire.
In 1881 Pocahontas experienced a
like occurrence , in which over 100
lives were lost.
A Hungarian named Urica , Louis
Woolwlno , Will Montgomery and M.
D. Koontz wore killed while attempt
ing to reach and bring out a dead
Eleven of a Crew Near Yarmouth
Added to List of Storm's Victims.
London , Nov. 15. The loss of a life
boat and 11 of Its crew nenr Yarmouth
bends the list of wrecks by the contin
ued gale. The lifeboat was on Its % vay
to the rescue of a distressed vessel
when It was struck by a great wave
and capsized. The crew were Impris
oned and only three of them suc
ceeded In making their escape.
Innumerable minor casualties con
tinue to bo reported on nil the coasts
of the United Kingdom , marking the
Etorm as the most disastrous that
lias occurred In many years. Snow is
falling In many parts of the country.
The Norwegian bark Erratic has
been wrecked in the vicinity of Salt-
burti and eight members ol' its crew
have been drowned.
Altogether it Is known that some 50
vessels have been wrecked along the
British coasts , 31 of these have been
absolute wrecks , Involving a loss of
more than 180 drowned. The Yar
mouth lifeboat disaster alone leaves
44 fatherless children.
Earthquake Does Heavy Damage.
Salt Lake , Nov. 15. A special from
Richfield , Sevler county , states that
the damage to property In that county
from Wednesday night's earthquake
will amount to almost $100,000.
Scarcely a building escaped damage
of some kind. The Mormon tabernacle -
naclo at Richfield was damaged to the
extent of $2,000. The members of
the choir were in the structure at the
time of the shock and fled , terrified ,
to the street. In many parts of the
country landslides have occurred ,
blocking roads , changing streams and
causing general disorder.
Find Bodies of Mother and Daughter.
Wichita , Kan. , Nov. 15. News of
the finding of the bodies of Mrs. Arm
strong and her daughter at Gage , near
here , has been received. The bodies
were found scantily clad on the prai
rie south of Gage. It Is supposed that
they wandered out from their home
nnd were overtaken by the blizzard
that passed In the region of Gage
Saturday night and died of the cold
and exposure.
Three Shot In Family Feud.
San Francisco , Nov. 15. An Italian
family fucd resulted yesterday In two
pistol encounters and the wounding
of three men , one probably fatally.
Philip Caldarella Is In a hospital with
a bullet hole In his head and another
wound In the shoulder. Ho is not ex
pected to live. Special Policeman
George King was shot In the hip and
George Orlando was wounded In the
Passenger Train Has Close Call.
Rod Wing , Minn. , Nov. 15. The
Chicago Great Western passenger
train on the Red Wing and Zumurota
line miraculously escaped being
wrecked near Goodhuo yesterday. As
the train was passing over a bridge
the structure fell to pieces behind
the cars , while In front It swayed , but
Btood until the train was safely over.
The passengers wore badly frightened.
Freight and Passenger Collide.
Osage City , Kan. , Nov. 15. Roy
Ream , an engine wiper , was killed and
" \ ShiBBor , a Santa Ko fireman , fa-
' / / . , ' 'trod hero last night by a col-
HsiiJlVy'MI Santa ! '
( -MI a > passenger
train anoty ourl Paclllc freight
train. The ° lf occurred at the
junction of the i.vo roads. No pan-
ncngera were hurt.
Slayer of Nora Kelfer Goes to His
Death Singing.
Michigan City , Intl. , Nov. 15. Jo
seph D. Keith wau hnngcd In the
state prison here this moinlng
for the murder of Nora IColfor. Ho
was removed from his cell at 12:11 :
a. m. and led to the scaffold. At 12:12 :
the drop fell and In no von and ono-
half minutes the physicians pro
nounced him dead , when his body wan
cut down.
Keith confessed that ho committed
the crime. He had the chaplain with
him from 8 o'clock last evenIng -
Ing to the time ho was removed from
the coll.
He ascended the scaffold Hinging :
"I am going homo to dlo no more , "
and finished the mmg as the drop fell.
The confession rovers two closely
written pages of typewritten mutter
and la addressed to his wife. Ho says
Nora Kelfer annoyed him and foarlng
her much , ho put the girl out of the
way for the sake of his wife.
Trial of the Alleged Poisoner Soon
Begins at Jeffersonvllle.
Jeffersonvllle , Ind. , Nov. 15. New
ell 0. Ilatlibun , suspected oC killing
Charles Goodman In a hotel here by
poison , was yesterday afternoon posi
tively Identified by an onicer and an
acquaintance of the prisoner Irom Little -
tlo Rock , Ark. , where ho lived for a
while. Later Rathbun wan arraigned
before Mayor llader In the police nla-
tion on a charge of murder. Rathbun
pleaded not guilty and Mayor Under
hold him over to the circuit court
without bond. The prisoner had no
lawyer. After being arraigned he wan
taken back to Jail. The circuit court
will convene in special term Monday
and a grand jury will bo empaneled
to consider Rathbun's case.
Fast Freight Tosses Him High In Air ,
j iiit He Survives Without Injury.
vjlinton , la. , Nov. 15. Hert Smith ,
the of Michael Smith
13-year-old son ,
had a wonderful escape from death
last night near Low Moor. IIo was
driving across a private crossing and
failed to see the approach of a spe
cial freight going at the speed of GO
miles an hour down grade. Witnesses
to the accident say the engine struck
the hovso and buggy and the boy was
thrown Into the air. He came down
on the engine , slid off to the ground
while the train was still going at a
frightful speed and walked back to
the wreck. His horse was dead and
the buggy ruined , but ho sustained
only a few bruises.
Private Bank at Leroy , Decatur Coun
ty , Loses $2,000.
Leroy , la. , Nov. 15. The First Na
tional bank of Leroy was broken into
last night and $2,000 taken. The rob
bers effected an entrance through the
door and exploded the safe by the use
of nitro-glycerine. The bank buildIng -
Ing was wrecked and the entire con
tents of the safe scattered about pro
miscuously. No one was awakened
In time to see any of the robbers or se
cure a clew. All the cash was taken.
Boers Accused of Murder.
London , Nov. 15. In an article on
the war In South Africa the Times
says today : "The Hocrs , as far back
as last May , were guilty of murdering
whole kraals of Kafllrs In order to de
stroy the traces of the movements of
their own commandoes. The British
authorities at the time , for some rea
son not specified , prohibited any men
tion of these outrages. "
Schley Board Is Hurrying.
Washington , Nov. 15. The Schley
court of inquiry began yesterday to
hold sessions twl < < dally Instead of
the one session in the morning that
has been held since the court met in
the McLean building. The afternoon
session will be from 2 to 4 o'clock.
It Is the universal desire to have the
findings presented at the earliest
possible dato.
Queen Vvllhelmina's Condition.
London , Nov. 15. The condition of
Queen Wllhelmlna , according to a dis
patch to the Standard from Brussels ,
Is worse than has been officially re
ported. Three physicians are in at
tendance upon her majesty , and the
queen's mother has been summoned.
The royal patient will be obliged to
keep her couch for six weeks.
Fire Thursday gutted the five-story
etono building , 251 East Madison
street , Chicago , inflicting a total loss
of about $50,000.
A bank watchman at Minster , O. ,
hold a gang of robbers at bay until
citizens came to his assistance and
drove them away after a fight.
Miss Helen Vandorbilt-Wackerman ,
the American girl whoso character
was assailed by Herkomer. the Lon
don artist , has become Insane.
Major Hugh R. Belknap. paymaster
In the army and former representative
in congress from the Third Chicago
district , died at Calamha , Luzon.
J. Frankol Sons of New York bought
the Hope diamond of Lord Francis
Hope , which , at cording to cable adVices -
Vices , cost the pun hasor $200.000.
Oklahoma and Indian Territory
Enthuse Over Statehood.
Delegates Meet In Joint Convention
at Muscogee to Boom the Idea.
Seek to Have Barriers Removed.
Washington Delegation Appointed.
Muscogeo , I. T. , Nov. 15. Nearly
300 delegates met hero In convention
yesterday and took the IlrHt active
atop to bring the question of Hlnglo
statehood for Oklahoma and Indian
territory before the coming congreHB.
The delegates worn equally divided
between the two territories. General
cnthusti.Hiu was displayed. The Okla
homa delegates arrived at noon on a
Bpeclal train ii'ml were much In evi
Before the convention mot Uio dele
gates held a caucus and divided the
olllcers , appoitlonlng the chairmen ,
temporary and peimanent , to Indian
territory and the secretaryHhlps to
W. T. Hutchlns was decided upon
for temporary chairman and 13. N.
Rntcllffo of Vlnlta for permanent
The convention mot In the United
StatoH court room and was called to
order at 2 o'clock. Hon. P. C. WoHt
welcomed the delegates In an elo
quent address , to which Colonel Roy
Hoffman of Chandler responded.
Colonel Hoffman delivered a strong
argument In favor of single state
hood. He referred to the assertion
by the opponents of single statehood
that the movement In that direction
was a political movement , made by
the Democrats. This ho denied , de
claring that the leading Republican
paper in Oklahoma had favored the
movement In forcible editorials.
At the night session a resolution
was adopted authorizing each terri
tory to select 15 members each , the
30 to constitute a permanent execu
tive committee to raise funds neces
sary for maintaining a delegation of
six members , three from each terri
tory , at Washington , and another au
thorizing the chairman to appoint a
special committee of 15 from each
territory , each committee to select
three members of the Washington del
egation. These special committees
were named and the two territories
elected a joint oxecutlvo committee.
The resolution committee's report a
adopted , accompanied by a perfunc
tory memorial to congress , outlined
existing conditions In both territories ,
called attention to their vast re
sources , Insisted on a single form of
government and demanded the admis
sion of Oklahoma and Indian territory
as a whole , according to their present
Dinner to Croker.
New York , Nov. 15.--Richard Cro
ker was the guest of honor last night
at a dinner tendered htm at the Demo
cratic club by the board of governors
and the officials of the club. Covers
were laid for 24. At the conclusion
of the dinner a handsome silver Jar-
donlerc was presented to Mr. Croker.
The trend of the speeches was to the
effect that Mr. Croker would undoubt
edly act as the leading spirit In the
movement to unite the Democratic
party In the state and to lead It
again in the municipal elections.
Grangers Make Great Gain.
Lowlston , Me. , Nov. 15. Nearly
2,000 members are In attendance upon
the annual meeting hero of the Na
tional Grange , Patrons of Husbandry.
Various reports were considered yes
terday. The report of the national
secretary , John Trimble of Washing
ton , showed that during the year 192
now granges were instituted In the
United States. The treasurer , Mrs.
E. S. Do well , showed total receipts
$21,210 and expenditures of $17,572.
Iowa Dairymen Elect.
Dubuque. Nov. 15 The Iowa State
Dairy association closed Its conven
tion here yesterday with the election
of the following officers : President ,
D. S. Shillings , Mason City ; vice
president , II. R. Carpenter , Elkader ;
secretary , J. C. Daly , Charles City ;
treasurer , M. W. Ashby , Hazleton.
The association endorsed E. Sudden-
dorf of Elgin , Ills. , for superintendent
of the dairy exhibition at the St. Louis
Knlghta of Labor in Session.
Indianapolis , Nov. 15. At the na
tional convention of the Knights of
Labor yesterday General Master
Workman Simon Burns submitted .his
annual report , which consisted largely
of an attack on the American Feder
ation of Labor. The general oxecu
tlvo committee and Secretary Hays
also reported. Hays recommended
that the order aocuro the Introduction
In congress of laws to control the
Suffragists Elect Mrs. Ballard.
Waterloo , la. , Nov. 15. The Iowa
Equal Suffrage association closed Ha
30th annual convention hero last
night. The convention has been a
successful ono. The following officers
were elected : President , Mrs. Ade
laide Rallard , Hull ; secretary , Mrs.
Nellie W. Nelson , Des Molnes ; , treas
urer , Anna Ankcny , Des Molnes.
Ovation to Helen Gould.
New York , Nov. 15. Miss Helen M.
Gould was accorded an ovation at the
jubilee dinner ot the International
committee of the Young Men'H Chrln-
tlnn nmtoclatlon of North A met lea ,
which wan hold at the Waldorf-Astoria
IftHt night. Dr. Luelon J. Warner pro-
fildod at ( ho dinner and ( hero were
about COO dlnerx and KiietUtt.
Fight Now On to Qunah Indictment
After Many TrlnlB.
Now York , Nov. 15. Two former
governors of New York David H. Hill
and I'Yiink S. Bluek mot In argument
yesterday In the court of general HOB-
Hlotw on the motion to quauh the In
dictment charging Roluiid It. Molt
notix with the murder by mailed pol-
Bon of Mra. Katherlne , J. Adainn. Mol
Inoux wan once convicted and Hen
tenced to death , but the court of ap
pealn ga\o him a. new trial for error
on the part of the court. Mr. Hill , an-
Boclatod with Annuitant Dlntrlct At
torney JUIMOH Onhorno , opposed In
behalf of the state the motion to
quanh and Mr. Black Joined with
Weekn , Battle and Marnhiill and
former Dlntrlet Attorney W. M. 1C Ol
cott in pronnlng the motion In behalf
of the alleged polnoner.
Colored Porter on Snnta Fc Train line
Experience Similar to Cook's.
Florence , Kan , Nov. 10.-Two of
the convict H who escaped hist week
from the Fort Leavenworlh penlten
tlary boarded a went bound Santa Fo
passenger train at Clementu during
the night and forced the porter , who
tried to put them off the blind hag
gage , to put out his lantern light and
remain on the platform with thorn
The pair Dually jumped off the train
nt Florence at.I.JIO a. m , anil took refuge -
ugo In the heavy timber near there
A posno of Leaven wort li gunriln came
on the fast mall two houis later and
started In puimill.
Another Delay in "Q" Affairs.
Chicago , Nov. 15. Another ad
journment of Hie HtockholdeiV meet
lug of the Chicago , Burlington ami
Ouliiry railway wan taken yesterday
this time till Nov. 21. The ntorkhold
6rs met at 11 a. m , and promptly took
fi recess till noon. At that hour they
fcuHHomhled and agreed on another
postponement. The Pont Bays that
While detalln which would show Hit
fcaxon for the delay In the election
of directors are lacking It IB apparent
that the Hottlomont of the Great
Northern difficulty doen not carry
with It a settlement of the Burllngtot
troubles. It IH evident , nays the PoHt
that the proportion of reproBontatloi
which should bo accorded the differ
out Interests Is still a stumbling block
Blizzard In York Stale.
Syracuse , N. Y. , Nov. 15. The nmnv
storm throughout central New YorU
continues with unabated novel Ity
Country roads are In many casus
blocked and huge drifts are piling
along the fences Streams are rising
and several places report threatened
Hoods. About ten Inches of mum luifr
fallen The meieiiry Is about at tin
freezing point.
Foraker-Matthews Wedding.
Cincinnati. Nov. If. . The weddlnp
of Miss F. I.auienco Marguerite Koi
akor , daughter of Senator ForaUer
and Randolph Matthews occurred yes
terday at the Church of the Advent
Walnut hill , near the snnator'H rent
deuce , and was followed by a brilliant
reception at the bride's home.
Nurses Are Not to Blame.
Chicago , Nov. 15. Mrs. Kato Green
and Miss May Shea , nurson charged
with starving two female patlentH at
the Dunning asylum , are exonerated
from all blame In connection with the
death of the patients by the report
of the county civil service commis
sion , made public yesterday.
Falls Into a Corn Husker.
Paplllion , Neb. , Nov. 15. Mike Sow-
erbol , whllo working around hla corn
husking and shredding machine. , accl
dentally foil Into It. His left arm was
badly mangled to the elbow and It la
thought that he is hurt Inwardly.
A suicide club was formed at Allan
tic City. N. J.
Fire Thursday cleaned out the
Pankratz Lumber company's yard at
Sturgeon Bay , Wis. Loss , $10,000.
The BritlHh cabinet Is divided by i
dispute over the war taxes. Joscpl
Chamberlain leads one faction am
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach the other.
According to the latest reports fron
the republic of Salvador , that country
Is enjoying a period of peace am
prosperity almost unparalleled In he
The remains of Major Adam Kra
mcr , U. S. A. , retired , who died a
Iowa City a few days ago , were Interred
torred at Arlington Thursday wit !
full military honors.
The stage and mail coach running
between Marlow and Bailey , I. T. , was
hold up Thursday by highwaymen
Mall pouches were rifled and the pas
Bcngors and driver robbed of all casl
and valuables.
The Society of the Army of the Ten
ncsseo refused to authorize an In
qulry into the conduct of General Wai
lace at Shlloh , as requested by him
The entire plant of the Aurora Mln
Ing company was swallowed up by r
cave-In of Its mines at Oronogo. nca
Joplln , Mo. The minors had a narro\
A hollar explosion near Esmond , Is
D. , caused the death of Englncc
George Saundcrson and Fireman Joseph
soph Miller. The boiler belonged t
a thresher outfit.
; w. ii. minimi.nn. .
Norfolk AIiXANIiit : : IIIJAU Vlco I'rotl.ltal
11C. W. XUTUiuhlor. .
National Bank
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business ,
ItnyH and Solln ICx
Ititort'Mt I'uTd on Tltno
DruftH uml Money Ordont Hold on nny Point In Kurojm.
Tri imiotod.
KxolnHlvo a cnt , tlic Oclobrutcd Swi-ctwatcr Hock Spring Coal the
ln > Ht In the iniirlcot.
Scrunlon Hard ( Jtml In nil Hl/i-H. THLI8IMIONIS < H.
rinmifnctiircrs of the
Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours.
'I'liD liiail I III' ) Nlntii IIP" it.
. Sack Guaranteed.
tlin IIIM lln It. Every
' H-HM-M-H-H-H-M--H"M-H-H-K-l-H-I-HH-H-H-l-H ! I-H-H H-H-4-
Get What You Ask for at
ALL Oil DEI 18 iiro filled promptly and witn euro.
Our goods are FIItST-CLASS in every particular.
Wo know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We ssinr to Give you the r < j vt Value
for Your Money.
South aide Main St. , botwtsnn 2d and ! ) d. Tolopliono .
to towi ? .
A good story about good beer.
Yours for the asking.
I'rom one side of tin- continent to the other
we- get inquiries for this little booklet.
Address JOHN GUND BREWING CO. , La Crossc , Wis.
1810 Mormon Coolie Rood.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000.
liny Kinl Hnll OICIBII | O on this country ami allJimrlit of Kurufu , | Ir rm Loatin.
Director * . ( Urn , AHMCH , W H. JOHNSON , ( 'HAH. S. lluroou. o , W , HUAAHCU , U , M
< SEE >
The Norfolk Building and Loan Ass'n
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary.
Tonchor of
Special rtandolln and Qultar Lesions 150.
Voice Culture a Specialty.
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter.
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First , donr West of Post Oftlca
Italian Orel
will nmnln In Norfolk daring
\vlntereeaeon. .
for all occasions.
James Richards / . D
And Expert Refrac-
' Kxaminntiun of the oyea
FBKE to imtlonU mill imtronB , Ofllco HOI
fu run in St. , Omalmoi > poeito I'axton Hotel.
House and three lots on the
corner of 10th St. and Philip
avenue. Address ,
Elinwood , Ohio.
, - ,