THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 8 , 1901. , v " I AM DETERMINED : to go out of business , and will sell everything in my store at nit ACTUAL COST ! it v This is -'HOODOO , " itH but a It FIDE SALE ! t : I I am disposing of all my property in and around Norfolk , and shall remove from the city. For this reason I am making a GENUINE SKUE. My stock is clean and well selected. A large proportion of it is NEW GOODS , but all must go , WITHOUT RESERVE. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH. I THIS IS YOUR BEST CHANCE to buy Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats , Underwear , Shirts , Hats , Caps and Mittens , and in fact , everything usually carried in a First = Class Clothing Store , CHEAPER than you ever bought them before in Norfolk. COME EARLY and see for yourselves that I MEMN BUSINESS. WIDE AWAKE CLOTHING STO E. B. KENYON , Proprietor. NORFOLK , NEB. *