THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , XOVKMlJKIl 1 , iflOL The Norfolk \V. N. UUUK , DAILY. KilfltilUlin.1. tssl. Kvorj tiny nxcnin Snmlaj. Hy ri rrlrr per wok , 15 rnul * , II ) nuvtl | > n > ) onr , ttf.iw. WKKKl.Y N i\VSMMItMlN.\li : , tm Newt , ciUlxlilimli list. Thn Joiunnl , pMnlilUliril IM1. Ktflry Krlilny. Hy nmll ptir ) rnr , f I.M ) . Knt r v1 nt tlin rootoltlca nl Norfolk. Nrti. ni mutter. T lrtiniiFM ) Kdlturlnl Doiinrlmnil , No. lluilniM > Oillco mill Jnli Rdoinr. No. SI ! . REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stntc. Fc Jtutur of tlio Htipri tup Ctmt - S. II. BKIHIUICK. * , Ft * llrKciiUot Ilia Stain Unhetnltj C. J. KKNHT . Lincoln E.O. OAUUNH . . . . . Konrney County. Forfonnly Irpnmlrrr . H. ( ' . MII.I.H Fcr ronnty clotk . I'llll. JUl < H Korcnuiit ) Jiulm . Ji'WiK M. J. Moiicii For comity niliotliitmiloiit. . . > l II , HAIIM.H , Jr. PurilKirm . J. ' U.MKMH .For Miwjor . \\.h.l.o K For comity cnromu. . . . . Dit. 1 > . II. MrilAiHN VLT count ) ctimmlrnldtiT JAN. lntiiuniioiuii ( : Procinct. For AM iwnr . II , ( I. Iliil'l IKIKMAN FiirJuiUciiinttliB 1't'iira . M. . IA\KH | U K. KiHU.i : * For ( \inMiitiloi . I. M.VIIM.III \V. II. UIMNIIHIOI For lliinil ( hnrinorii . . 1) Kt. Nil. I , I.IINI MT 11(11. ( HI Dint. Nil. \ W.M. HAAM II A vote for H. U. Milt'N'will lie u votn to hoop u HUOI ! "inn In Phil Hunch him ivi'ii good HutlHfitullon H county clrrlf unil hliould Imro-clcutnl. The OMunnlo ml by St'iitoinlior urn ) October should bu of bom-lit to July unil Jitxt your. S. W. HiiymiuulU. l < \ Kimi- loy tor jiiHticuH of the JHW o tlmivo tint 4uy l vuiipcrt. of ivury republican unil they Hliuuhl bu eluded. For county coroner Dr. U H. McAlu- huii is fully quiiltltid niu ) will look iiliu thu dutioH ot thu olllco , with u profts- tiioiml knu\vlu < lo | { to ussint him. When In doubt mulct ) your murk lit the top of ihu bullet whuro it suyn , ' Uu- jmblk'im" and IH followed by it ImlMnoli clrclo , biK enough to contain uny ordin- ury X. .hid 'ii M .1. Moyur will uuruiullv i t- tvnd to tluidutiuH of Ins old pomtion , county juilgo , if uliTlutl and thoMi who huvo mvcHtigiiU'd his iiimlillcntionH will vote tor him. J [ ( ! . Hrun oiimn is u iniui who nuiy bo dusted to muko a fair und just iih- tiOMmioiil. The ropubliuiins of the pro- uiat should rally to his support and m- .euro his Carl J. Krnest and Kli.iha ( J. ( Jalkins uro the citmlidutOH for rcguntH of thu univt'i > ity who will iksurvu u cluction ixnd every voter nliould flutter his bit-t judgumont by voting for thoni. Judge Sudgwiuk will honor the KU promo bonuti of the Htutu ho has the ability , the logul capacity and the per- BOiiul < iuiilitk > s that suuh a poHition re quiroH. Da not uiuko n miataku Vote for Suimiol 11 Sudgwick. Mr. Hryau desires that Nubrusku should return to the fuld this year and probably t-xpocts that it will , but Mr. Hryau Hhould , by this time , bo almost proof against disappointment und the ramlt of the vote is iiot likely to grtatly shock him. W. II. Lowe 1ms attended to nil the duties of the oillco of county snivoyor iu n creditable mannermado possible by his knoU'd rt of tlio business and years of prauticiil experience. Ho will cor taiuly bo re-elected if qualitlcatioti counts for anything. J. J. Clements hus demoustrntod his ability to care for the oillco of ctuuty Eheriil' and the voters will make uo mis take in ngniu eutrnstiug him with the duties of tlmt position. Ho ntteuds strictly to business and bis incumbency will bo u credit to himself and the voters responsible for his election. The average fusion editor of Nebraska is uot following the World-Herald's lead as friskily and as blindly as in years past. There was a time when that paper had the implicit confidence , not only of the fusion editors , but of its readers , but it has EO frequently been detected at fakery and error that its conscientious followers and worshipers are about as scarce as flies iu mid-winter. It id doubtful if the republicans could have chosen a better candidate for the position of county superintendent than J. B. Barnes , jr. , and the wisdom of their belectiou is becoming more appar ent ns the campaign progresses and the voters are becoming informed as to his qualifications. It is not unlikely thai when the votes are counted the returns on Mr. Barnes' name will occasion some iu the ranks of the opposition 1'rotcttt Now. The Conservative gives the following challenge to those who would favor tb retiring of capital from Nebraska Oitj and invites them to say so if they don' want more factories to employ mon men to consume more raw material : "If there are any citizens in Nebraska Ci'y , iu Otoo county , iu the whole coin moiwraith ot NebraskawhoftiooppOHi'd to the po sihlit und qullopiobabhi organ yalion of iiiittw company , with largo iipttnl in mull , > hilled labor and onvl iblit rlmriu'tt'r , for thu purpOHii of hero tutting ii | ) u now manufacturing plan ! let them protest against Mich incom ing now. Them IH no botlur way to [ irotrht against moro money and morn inanufactuio hero than to vote for UryanaiohiHtH for Htato and county olll- cms Kvviry man who voted for thu utgarlcH and llhihloiiH of Hryan in 1HUO night to bo voted agnliiHt In UK)1 by all good oltl/niiH who btilluvoln thu material i-lit of the Btato by mcaiiH of Htroi'g , ilull , wageH'paylng and raw- irodnotH'buying fiictoriim and by nil IIOHII who wish moro Induntrlal plants n our midst. Kvnry candlduto who entered Jho mallclotm und untruthful H of Hryan 1 Co. upon the in- liiNtricsof tills oily and vicinity lust year ought now to lie voted against no nut'or whut ticket ho dofuccH with his iiiinu by every tn-paylng property idlder. "I'roti'St now ! I" TREASUnER ROBERTS' REPORT. Treasury Never Stronger Than at Clou : of Last Flac.i , V nr. WashlngHni. Nov. 1.Hon. . K\\\n \ \ \ II. H , trciiHiircrif UKIfnltcd KtatcH , M hln report of the traiiHactloim of hlH illlic ilurltiK tin' lasl limal year. Hiiyn thai the treasury was IKVIMHconger ( Ilinn at the close of that | iecloil. 'I'lio opecatloiiH , which were of the llcst order , both In variety and magnitude , resulted In noteworthy cluiiiKcH In the paper cucicney , an well UH a Hteady and hcalthlul gcowth of gold In the treasury and In I lie general stock. Tim net ordinary revenues for the year were $ fiS7iSrii7 ( ; ; ! , an Increase of $ ! ! ( ) , - tlt.lSti over these of IJIOO. which wore the next highest recorded. The In crease came from each of the heads of resource , but chlelly from Internal rev enue. On the side of the cNpcudlturcH the total of $ nOtl7.n5i ! ! ) ! : has boon ex ceeded only four times , In ISti : ? , 18(11 ( , 18ir. ( and IS'.IO. ' The mirphiH of $77.- 717.SOI was slightly under $2,000,000 less than In 1DUO. luchislvo of the traiisactlons affecting the public debt the aggregate receipts were < * ! . . ' KvIS1.- ) and the aggregate dlsburnementH $1.077.0ii.ori2. ( : IMPLEMENT DEALERS ELECT. MlnncnpolUi Chosen ns Convention City for Next Year. Kansas C'lty , Nov. 1. The National Association of Agricultural Imple ment and Vehicle .Miinnl'ucturers last night oli'Ucd the following olllcors : I'rosldenlV. . S. ThoiutiH , Sprlngtleld. O. ; treasurer , s. 10. Kwalnee ; secre tary K. 13. I.likens , Chicago. Minneapolis was chosen as the con vention city for 100 and it will go to St. 1.011 la In lUOll. Among the resolutions wore these favoring the Isthmian canal very strongly ; approving reciprocity ; urg ing the question of Irrigation aitd ac tion looking thereto ; asking the com mittee' on patents to have patents ro- classined ; urging congress to send business men as consular agents at adequate salaries ; approving the KYyo bill for a department of commcrco and asking President Hoosovolt to em brace such a recommendation to that effect. Milwaukee May Extend. St. Paul , Minn. , Nov. 1. The Pion eer Press says : The reports that the Chicago , Milwaukee - waukee and St. Paul will build Into Montana wore partly confirmed by an olllclul statement that the extension Is only awaiting the termination of the llurllngton deal. It Is announced that should the Burlington and allied lines attempt to control western busi ness In the Interests of a single line out of St. Paul or a single line out of Chicago , the Milwaukee will Immodl atoly extend from the Missouri river. Cummins Again Campaigns. Dos Molnes , Nov. 1. A. 11. Cummins Republican candidate for governor who has boon ill for several days , compelling polling the cancellation of several of his dates , was able to resume his tour of the principal part of the state yes tcrdiiy. Monday evening Mr. Cummins will participate In a final rally in this city , which will Include a parade and a torchlight demonstration. Pan-Amerlcan | Congress Admits Press. Mexico City. Nov. 1. The Pan American congress baa received from the Spanish colony at Itucnos Ayres a cablegram congratulating it on the sentiments favorable to Spain , ex pressed by General Rafael Reyes , delegate gate of Colombia , at the municipal ban quet. The session yesterday finally re suited in the admission of the members of the press to the sessions of the con gross. Glucose Sugar War Is On. New York , Nov. 1. The fight between - tween the Glucose Sugar Refining com pany and the Independent concerns of the country Is on In earnest. Prices of glucose have been put up to $1.75 per 100 pounds , and It Is said to be the policy of the glucose company to force the Independents out of the Held. Thry Hold More. "Do you ever wish you were n girl ? " asked the visitor who was waiting In the reception room. "Only at Christmas time. " answered the boy. who was lingering In the door way. way.Vh " \Vh > do you wish It then ? " "Urcauseof the stockings they wear , " was the prompt reply -Chicago Post. 9fm , Rules of grammar cannot give us n mastery of language , rules of rhetoric cimnot make us eloquent , rules of con duct cannot make us good. AphorUma and ItetlectlouB. I One at Matlock and Another ai Orispc Raided. RICH HAUL AT MATLOCK DANK. 8lx Men Use Dynamite and Take Away Two Thousond Dollars Latect Safe Cracking Arouses Bunkers' Associa tion to Need of Action. DCH Molneii , Nov. I. Early yontcr- lay the Hank of Mullock was robbed ty six men , who secured about $2,000. Of this amount $ , ' 100 was In silver , /our of the men stationed themselves HO IIH to guard all points , while the two others went Inside. They'made 'roe IIHO of dynamite , three heavy shots being llred , waking a good many u'oplo. The safe and vault were shat- ercd and the building badly wrecked. All the glass In the \vlndo H was jroken out and some pieces a foot Hiiuuro were blown Into the street 30 yards. An old man sleeping In an ad- olnlng building wan compelled by the robbers to come to the house. There Is ihsolutely no clue and no effort was made to follow the robbers , because ill were so heavily armed. The total oss In money and damagea to the safe mil building Is over $1,000. Robhers during a heavy rainstorm last night blew open I IK- wile of the Hunk of Oclspo In the town of Orlspo In Union county. They obtained $1100 In cash and a largo amount of negotla- Ide papers. The safe Is u total wreck. Mo clue to the robbers. These two are only a part of a largo number of bank robberies or attenipts it robbery In Iowa during the lust sum mer und full and the situation Is re garded an calling for some action to | iut u stoji to the Industry. It Is prob- ihlo that the Hunkers' ussoclatlon will net ileteotlvsiH on the trull of the thieves und n strong effort made to round them up before they get away. In no case has the loss been great , but HIP robbers seems to be becoming holder and they may tucklo a largo bank aomo night. BOER COLONY IN WYOMING. Number of The Hague Bankers Secure Tract of 300,000 Acres. Cheyenne , Wyo. , Nov. 1. A number nf 'Pllf , llfiirit.t lui nl.'firu tint ! ntlint- wealthy men of Holland are making arrangements to establish n colony of Hours and llolluiul Dutch In Wyoming. A tract of 1100,000 acres has been se cured In the valley of thu CJrci'ii river In Sweet water county , Southern Wyo ming , Surveys have been made lor u gigantic canal and Irrigation system und construction Is to bo commenced ut once. The , prospective settlers arc being brought over to do the work. Tests have boon made which show that the cell Is especially well adapted for hoot cult tire and u largo boot sugar factory will bo established In the col ony. Exonerate Detective Joyce. Chicago , Nov. 1. A Jury In Judge Hull's court returned a verdict of not guilty In the cnso of former Lieutenant Joyce of the detective bureau. Joyce was charged with conspiracy to de fraud the state by means of an alleged padded expense account. The case was one of the ramltleutlons of the po- llco scandal now being investigated and In which Chief of Detectives' Col- Icrun and a nninber of his men have been put on tlio defensive by the civil service commission. Czolgosz's Death Officially Recorded. Buffalo , Nov. 1. Olllclal documents recording the death of the assassin , Czolgosz , were placed on record In the clerk's ofllco yesterday. They com prise the attestation of the witnesses to the death and the medical certifi cates of the doctors that they per formed the autopsy on the body and that death wns caused by the passing of a current of electricity through the body. Rose Telegraphs the Folks. Farlbault , Minn. , Nov. 1. Dr. Rose has received a telegram from his miss ing son announcing his Illness at a point In South Carolina. Young Rose Is a grandson of the late Bishop Whipj j pie and disappeared about a month or J so ago from Amherst , Mass. , where he had gone to attend school. Work of Y. W. C. A. Cleveland , Nov. 1. At yesterday's meeting of the International board of the Y. W. C. A. , It was decided to continue the publication of the Interna tional Messenger. A traveling organ izer with an assistant secretary and ofllco secretary are appointed at an annual cost of $9,000. I - , _ | Roosevelt Promises a Visit. Washington , Nov. 1. To Represen tative Jones of Washington , who called upon President Roosevelt yesterday to pay his respects , the president ex pressed his great Interest in the north west and said he expected to make a tour of that part of the United States next summer. Bubonic Plague at Glasgow. Glasgow , Nov. 1. The bubonic plague has reappeared here during the week. Kour suspected cases were re moved from the Central Station hotel belonging to the Caledonian railway and one died yesterday. The hotels have been closed. Presages Iowa Telephone Rate War. Mount Ayr. la. , Nov. 1. Work was begun yesterday on the local exchange of the Mount Ayr Mutual Telephone company , which will be the signal for a telephone rate war. More than 100 subscribers have been obtained to the local company. HENRY E , RYDER , TmcJicr of PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORG'AN. Sptclnl n nd < ) lln und OulUr l.ciioni 3c. Nommic , - - NKIIHASKA WHKN YOU WANT A (1001) ( SHAVE or BATH (30 ( TO W , 0 , Hall's Barber Shop , MAIN riT. . TIMIII ) DOOU KAHT OF POOItTII MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. TKI.EIMIONI : No , 4(7. Rooms on North Ninth Street MILLARD GREEN , DRBY and TRSN8PER LINE t Piano Moving a Specialty. 'Phono M. Culls Promptly Answered. FOR SALE. House and throe lots on the corner of 10th St. ; uul Philip avenue. Address , . iMus. ANNA ( IKOROK , Klnnvood , Ohio. J.C. YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO TUNER Oillco with J. D. Sturgeon , NOUKOLK , - - NKUItAHKA. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force an' Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed ou all Woil First , do'ir West of Post Olllcn DR. N. J. HOAGLAND. Osteopathic Physician. Ofllcu Konms , i anil 2 , Ilixhop Dlofk. DifeaK.'H , linlli ncitto and chmnlr , nu-cci-hful ly IronIcil uitluiul tliu nso of drum * or knifu. 1 y.ill . l > o nt-bistiMl In my oillco by myifu , Stulln IIiiiiKliinil. All rallB prompt ! ) ant\urc < l at jour renliluMco or at my olllcu. Office Hours : 9:00 : to nnn a. m. iio : : to 4:30 : p m. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE p. 15. & IB. V. H. R. , Is the best to am from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS ofNorth North Nebraska I ! Placing an advertisement in ' . I ! a well circulated newspaper is ; * ; an outward act that betrays an ; ; intention. It indicates that the adverI I ' ' tiser is bound to be at the head ' . I ! of the procession , that he is up I 11 to date. . The merchant who has confidence in his | ] goods and honestly and plainly states ' . . bis case begets confidence in prospective I buyers. ! ! The place for such a state- I ; ment is the advertising columns ; ; of the local newspaper. For ; this community these are the columns. ; W. II. llt'CIIOI.Prudent. ' . Norfolk AUXANI : > KH llllAH Vlco Preildtnl E. W. iSUTZ. Chflilor. National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHE/ST / NEBRASKA Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business. Buys and Sells Exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. DraftH and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europjj , A General Rrcatnuhlp and Foreign Passage Business Transacted. 1. IIHAH , P. P. 1USLON. F.J. 1ULK , W. I1.ROOIWLZ , VVM. 6OT1 N.A. UAINDOLT. 8.8. COTTON. C. W. BRAASCH , - DEALER IN - lea T is JLi N Exolualve a etit lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Roci : Spring Coal the best In the market. Seranttm Hard Coal In all HZCH. ! TELEPHONE 1. SUGAR CITY CEREfllt jHIdiS , Hanufacturers of the Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours. Plio loiulliiK bakers of tlio State iifo it and f-iie . > r\i Guaranteed. tiioi)0 iKmcei iiumiioit. every i < B TYliKH , \ JH. . Harnes i M , 1) . Tyler Attorneys at Law , Norfolk , Nebra 1 u . H. T. HOLDEN Homeopathic I'hvMcian and S OUlce , Citizens National Dank RulMlng. Telephone 101 , SHultnrium and Hesidonce , Main ami IStli Bl Telephone 9. Norfolk , - - Nebraska g j. COLE , DENTIST. Olllce over Citizen's National Dank , Reeldenci oue block north of Congregational church. Norfolk , Nebraskt ] yISS MARY SHELLEY Fnshlonnhle Dressmaker. Op &UlrD in Cotton block , over Bnnm'e etori First-claee work guaranteed , Norfolk , Nebraekt ] yRS. SADIE HART MILLER. Osteopathic Physician , Icome ! < ner Hayce' Jewelry Ilouee , Norfolk POWERS & HAYS , Attorneys at lioome 10,11 and 12 , Maet block. Norfolk , Nebraskt SESSIONS & BELL , Undertakers and Enihalinerp , Sections Oik. , Norfolk Ave , Norfolk , Nebraskt U OF OMAHA , will Mtnaln in Norfolk dnrlu ? the winter eeaion , MUSIC FURNISHED for all occasions. A. LAGROTTA , MAN. NORFOLK , NEB Auieiicn's foremost emotional' ' actress , Miss Coirtenay Morgan , presents an elaborate roductiou of , Supported by a Inrgo and H x o e p t i o u a 11 y strong company of tal ented players. Prices , 75,50 , and 35c- Seat Sale at Leonard's begins Thursday , a. ni. , October Hist. James Richards , M. E > OCULIST And ExPert Refrac- tlonlst. " " TrrS Examination of tlio eyes KitEK to patients iuul imtronp. Oilico 1404 Fnrnnm St. , Omaha , oppoglto Piixton Hotel. For Plumbing , Steam Fitting , Pumps , TanVi Wind Mills And nil work in this Hoe call on STITT& WHITE. ShtlefactioulGnnranteed. Firet door Sontii of THE DAILY NEWS Office , Leave orders at Telephone A 221 , M. E. SPAULDINC , DEALEHCIN FLOUR , FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 33 C.R.SEILER , Sale and- * * Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. BraaActt Avenue t and Third St. PHONE 44