The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 25, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    Till' , NOKKOLK NKNVS : 1'RIDAY , Od'OHHIl 2 , " ) , 11)01 )
Burlington Passenger Train
Wrecked Near Exline , la.
Others Are Reported to Uc F.itnlly
Hurt Turning of Hnll on 8ot ( Rontl-
bed Supposed to De Cnuoe of tha
Cftlnmlty PnsncngcrB Maimed.
Moultoti. In. . Oi-l. ar.
HurlliiKtuit mill KUMHIIH City
train N'o. IVIIH I wroeUuil two inllcn
oiint of Hxllno Hlitirlly after 1 o'clock
yostortliiy , the outlro train , roiiHlxlliiK
of two day ctmchi'H , mull anil coinbluu-
tlon earn , with the ( MiKlnu , brliif ?
thrown over a 10-foot I'liilKUilciuoiit.
The train wan liailly Hpllnlorcil.
There were nearly HO PUHHUIIKIM-H In
the coiu-hoH and how tlt y t'Hcapoil IH
n myHtory. Three were prohal'ly fatal
ly Injuroti anil llvo othorn badly luirt.
KnllmvliiK In a llHt of the Injiirod :
Jtuiii'R Mace. Unlonvlllo. Mo. , hurt In-
ternnlly , will die ; Wynian SeewrlKht ,
Lancantor. Mo. , Injured Internally ,
will die ; John SoowrlKht , KiuiHiiHOIty.
broimt and bacl < hurt , sorloim ; MHH !
Bophlo I'elerson , Cedar HiiphlH , la. ,
lliubH hrolu'ii , hadly Injured ; Oeorsc
Krooland , Drowning , Mo. , l > i 'h " >
Jured , hadly ; MrH. M. M. I'Vueland. '
HrownhiK , Mo. . Injured Internally , He-
rlona ; Mall Cleric Moore , niuomflolil ,
la , Injured about head ; Mm. Juntos
Mace , Unlonvlllo ; Mr. and MrH. Mor
liiK , I.nneaHtor , Mo. ; Mrs. llonly , Car
rollton , Mo. ; H. A. Hnyder , Carrollton ;
Mrw. 8. 10. Hocord , Unlonvlllo ; Mary
Corydon. Cincinnati , la. ; , T. Clinton.
Kxllno. la. ; A. M. KaniHworth , Down
ing , Mo. ; II. H. Clauuhan , HurrlH , Mo. ;
Cloorgo lleadly , Moulton ; .laiuus Huff
man , Moulton.
A number of other imscHiigors ca
caped with Hllght InjurloH.
I'hyHlrlmiH on a relief train HOIH
from Moulton aRtdHtod the Injured us
rapidly an poHHlhle. The wrec.U , It IP
thought , was canned by a rail turning
whore the track had been torn up. the
roadbed being ; In a m > ft condition
The train was running at a rapid rate
on n high embankment when the on
Kino left the ralln and began timilny
over. Knglnoer Ong of Carrollton , Mo.
nml Conductor Rchovern were both at
ilrat reported dead , but later were
found alive. Two cars of the train arc
lying at the bottom of a gully -10 feet
deep and the roadbed la torn up for 100
The first of the Injured to Hueouml.
was JamoH Mace , who died hint night
Kxllno Is a small way station a few
miles from the Missouri line In Appa
noose county , Iowa , 00 miles south
west of Ottumwn. It la without tolo
Rraph or telephone.
Louisiana Mob Avenges Attack on a
White Woman.
Columbus , Miss. , Oct. 25. A nogrc
named 11111 Morris , who assaulted Mrs
John Hall of Halltown , La. , was burned
nt the stake yesterday. After being
captured ho made an effort to Impll
cato others , but they soon proved ( hell
Innocence. Ho wan taken to the scone
of his crime , tied to a pine sapling
with chains and his feet and hands-
chained to his body. Pine knots and
pine straw were piled about the bodj
nml saturated with kerosene and the
whole sot on tire. The negro miulo nc
outcry when the flumes tlrst reached
him , and only when he was partly con
Binned did the spectators notice any
movement on his part. Ho made no
resistance when being bound to the
stake and said that ho deserved hit
South Omnhn Packing Plant Has z
$40,000 Loss.
Omaha , Oct. 25. Fire almost total
ly destroyed the fortlll/.er department
nl Armour's. South Omaha , last night
By hard work the llromon kept the
flames from spreading and thereby
saved an Immense amount of property
which at ono time was In danger. The
loss Is placed at $10.000. The tire
will not Interfere with the operation
of the plant.
Spontaneous combustion or a spark
from the grinding machine is sup
posed to bo the cause of the lire.
Strikes Sunken Wreck.
Phlladoliihla , Oct. 25. The * clioonoi
"Lltla Fowler , from San Andreas foi
Philadelphia , laden -MUi cocoanuts ,
ran Into the w ic-U of the stinker
schooner Campbell in the Delaware
bay early yesterday and 'sank. The
crow , with the exception of Steward
Evans , were taken off safely. Kvaiif
wont below to get his clothing.and
was drowned.
, ' Democrats Given Second Place.
Topeka , Kan. , Oct. 25. The secre
tary of state will give the Democrats
the second place on the ofllcial bal
lot this fall and the Populists the
third. The total vote of the Demo
crats for governor last fall , with foui
of the smallest counties to hear from
was S3.3SS and of the Populists SI-
All Quiet at Panama ,
Washington , Oct. 25. The navy department
partment has received a mail report
from Commander Perry of the Iowa
which Is now watching over American
interests at Panama , stating that af
fairs In the Isthmus continue quiet
and that there has been no material
change in the situation.
Must Pay Penalty Soon.
Albany , N. V. , Oct. 25. hcon F
Czolgosz , the murderer of , Presiilenl
McKluloy , will bo electrocuted at 7 a
ja. on Tuesday , OcL 29 , at Auburn
prison. _ . . * . . . . . _ - .
Next tlrcampmcnt nt Omaha.
Chlraxo , Oct. 25. Mouiln-i'M of lh
I'n ! i.i Vi'irraim' union concluded their
liilli annual encampment at Handel
hall ycHlerday. The following nlllc ore
among others were elected : ( Join
mnnder In-t hlol > ( Umoral It. H. Dyren
forth , \VaHhluglou ; deputy command
er-ln-chlor. ( lenoral I. . M. l.augHlaff
Duhiliuo | , la. It WUH decided to hold
the next annual encampment at Oiim
ha. Neb.
Anarchists Plan Universal Strike.
Harcolona. Oct. 25. The anarchist
propaganda In favor of a general
strlko IH proving fruitful In Spain
Leading anarchlHtH assert that com
mltteoH throughout tin1 world , rcpre
Hcntlng 8.11110,1)00 ) workerH , are only
awaiting the signal to Inniipl 'iito the
universal uti-IUo proposed by the ( lor
man workmen and approved by tin
American and ICiiropnan committees
Rockhlll Reports Arrival.
Washington , Oct. 25. Special Com
mlHHloner Itockhlll called at the state
department yesterday and reported hi *
arrival In Wellington. Mr. llockhlll
IUIH resumed charge of the bureau ol
American ropubllcH. Ills Chlnm1
mlHHlon IH dlHchargcd with the Hlnlu
exception that ho must submit to Sou
rotary Hay a flnal report on It.
I'onnil Pool Inline * * .
One of the commonest forms of pound
foollHlmesH Is countenanced by many
high authorities. This IH the purchase
of certain household provision * In large
iimntllli | > H. Few writers on domestic
topics fall to lay stress upon the econ
omy of buying groceries In bulk. That
sugar nml Hour , potatoes am ) apples
shoulil bo bought by the half or whole
barrel , cereals by the case , butter by
the tub mill other things In like proportion
tion Is ono of the early precepts In the
"Young Housekeeper's Complete Guide
to Domestlo ICcouomy. "
The Ignorant young things buy the
provisions llrst nhil the experience' a ft-
orwnrtl. The Hour grows musty , the
cereals develop weevils , ( he potatoes
and apples rot long before they can bo
oaten , ami the cook exercises a lavish-
urn * In the use of the butter ami sugar
she would never show were they bought
In such limited amounts that the house
keeper could hold close watch over
them. Kvcn after these events the
young mistress feels as If she wore ab
solutely reckless and no manager at all
when she so far departs from household -
hold law as to buy food In small quan
tities. Independent.
I.IIIII-lllH-N * 1111(1 lllMlltll.
A medical Journal has of late boon
discoursing on the Indigestion of lone
liness , lly this title Is meant to be In
dicated the disorders of digestion which
are belloved to follow the practice of
taking one's meals In solitary state.
The tuple Is by no means an uninter
esting one. Thousands of men and \vo-
nu'ii living alone are Compelled to take
their meals for the most part without
company. Week lu and week out they
food themselves without a soul to talk
to , and the medical journal devotes Its
energies to showing ( hat the practice
is not one that Is likely to bo conducive
to digestion , to proper bodily nourish
ment or to health. The solitary man
soon tires of merely eating , and. if he Is
nut of a literary turn of mind , his tend
ency Is to hurry through his meals to
escape from his loneliness Into the so
ciety of his fellow men. Herein , it Is
hold , lies a ihmgor to health.
llcoV TJnt ( 'mil InVnliN. .
During the reign of Henry N'lII.
many attempts were made to discover
coal in north \Valos , and a Shrewsbury
man , named Ulchard Cardncr , was the
only person who succeeded. The old
records read : "He attomptyd and put
Into prool'c to fymle out cedes about the
town ( Shrewsbury ) in soomlry placys ,
and In one place espoclall callyd Kirni-
tine Haye , hard by the sayd towue , he
found by his great dyllgence and trolmll
great store of see cole , tin1 which is
lyke to come much commodltio bothe
to the rlche and pooro. that ho Is not
only worthy of commendacoii and
mayntouance , but also to be had In re
membrance for ever. " Cardiff West
ern Mall.
The HiiHNlmt CUinntis
The Russians count upon their cli
mate as one moans of defense , as it
was when Napoleon Invaded Uussla.
Their troops are accordingly trained in
winter maneuvers. Including loading
a battery , with Its war transport ami
material complete , upon sleighs , mov
ing it for some distance over a ditllcult ,
snow covered country and bringing it
( ute action again.
A Curious Kiit I n tc rtiNtiiin.
. The Dyaks. divide In pairs when the
houi arrives for taking food , the father
and n it her at one platter , two sisters
at one and still two brothers at anoth
er. .When the family Is not otinally
divided as to sex , a brother and sister
may cat together , but this must al
ways be the youngest and oldest of the
HIT Pot Naino.
"All ! " he sighed after she had blushIngly -
Ingly whispered "Yes" lu Ms bosom.
"My own Mehitabol ! Oh. that name's
so formal ! Surely your friends use
some shorter one , some pot name ! "
"Well , " she murmured , "the girls at
boarding school used to call me Tic-
klus/-I'lilladelphla Press.
Ill * .MUllll. , . .
"What curious mistakes men make
sometimes ! I've just been reading , for
Instance , that Columbus Imagined that
he had discovered the Indies. "
"Ah , I made a worse mistake than
that ! When I married my wife , 1
thought I'd discovered paradise ! "
Mies Alma Whun did you become
acquainted with your wife , doctor ?
Doctor After the wedding. Ileltere
Welt. . . .
; \
. , „ . . . .
PEAR&CN : N" VAOiN-- : : . . .
Doer Generr.l V. Ill 0 ek an I tcrvlcv.
With President Ciaooov ; ! : .
on.'Oct. . neral Samuel
Washing . . 2.V-U
uel Pearson , who Is an adjutant on ( hi
staff of ( Jononil llotha. one of tin
lloer lenders , arrived In Washington I
yoHtordny and Is staying at the apart
ments of Cornelius Van Dor ilooght ,
the lloor representative In WiiHlilng-
ton. During a visit to Kuropo before
coming here , fionoral Pearson had in
terviews with Dr. I.eydH. the Trans
vaal agent In Unit country , ami with
ether largo men from South Africa.
Ho says the Moors will not give up to
the UrltlHh , but will light to the end.
General Pearson hopes to onllst the
sympathies of this country In behalf
of Ilio lloer men , women and children ,
which are kept by the Drltlsh In rocon-
eontrado camps.
During his Hlay lu Washington , the
general will seek an Interview with
President Roosevelt , to acquaint him
self with the situation In South Africa.
Ho will also make a further effort to
prevent the shipments of mules from
this county to South Africa.
fjenoral Penrson says that P.-oHldont
Kruger may visit the United States at
some time In the future , but nothing
dellnlto oa tills matter lias been deter
mined on.
Mr. Van Dor Ilooght said the Boors
are not seeking Intervention by the
United States at the present time.
Rock Island Officials and Vanderbill
on Tour of Inspection.
Chicago , Oct. 25. At the special
mooting of the stockholders of the Chicago
cage , Rock Island and Pacific Railway
company , called to consider an In
crease In the number of the oxoeutlve
committee , an amendment changing
that body from llvo to HOVOII members
was adopted and Wlllllam H. Moore ol
this city and W. D. Leeds of Now York
were added. Aft or the meeting the
directors and chief executive olllcora
of the Rock Island compan'y. accom
panied by several guests , among them
being Mr. Vanderbllt , started on an
8-days" Inspection trip of the system
The party , which comprised some 25
persona , had at Its disposal n special
train of eight cars.
Feel the Loss in Corn Crop.
New York , Oct. 25. Numerous
floating grain elevators looming above
the stores of the Atlantic basin , back
of Governor's Island , and 124 bertheJ
Steamers , many of them tossing Idly ,
attest an unprecedented dullness In
ocean freights , says the World. It IE
due to the shortage of the corn crop
out west. Corn exports are 30,000,000
bushels behind the same date of 1000.
Leyds' Mission Fruitless.
London , Oct. 25. According to the
St. Petersburg correspondent of tht
Times the recent visit of Dr. Loyds
and M. Vanderhoven , secretary of the
Transvaal legation in Brussels , with a
view of persuading Russia to Initiate
a movement to bring the South African
Issues before The Hague court of arbl
tlon , accomplished nothing.
Features of the Day's Trading ano
Closing Quotations.
CldriiKo , Oct. -Ooiitliim-il ai-tlvlty
IIIIIIIIIK the hulls In the corn pit liillucmvil
lilKhi'iprlees In uralus ii nln toilny , Di-cein
her i-nni I'lnxliii ; 'i < ' higher , Dcorml/ri /
whiMit n simile lower nml lieeenilier oats n
simile nih aiircd. 1'rovlshuis closed nil
chinipMl to a Miaile louor. Closing pi-Ices :
Win-ill HIT. . Tie ; Ma.V , 7t'/ii % .
Coin Dee. . . * li\e ; Mny , ZWff.
Oil is I tee. , : I.VMMay. ; . . ' 17-Xc.
1'iii-k .Inn. . Siri.10 : May , Stri.lS.
Itllis .Ian. , $7.S'J'.j : May. $7.J'f- ! ) ' .
Kuril l-e. , sfS.ltJiXj : May , Ss.lKi.
Ciisli quotations No. II red wheat , 71s'ffi' '
7'Je : No. II red wheat , ( Kl / < i li' ; No. i
spring wheat , liC.'ciTUr : No. L' hunt wheat ,
7 < > 1iii71e : No. It haul wheat , ( ilJifi70 ! ! ( . .i1 ,
No. l ! i-iisli corn , r > iP/.e : No. it new corn ,
nilUfii.'lliijr ; No. _ ' eash oats , ur > % gjUl4i- : ) ;
No. 'J white oats. .S'/t ' 'ISv'io.
Chicago Live Stock.
rhleiiKO , -'I.-Cattle-Ueeelpts. . 8,000 ,
InelndlliKHH > TeMins and SOO westerns ;
slow , hut steady : pod to prime steers ,
$1'joint. ! * > O : no fancy hero ; poor to medium ,
J.'l.-Vd.V.'O ' ; .stnelicrs mid feeders , ifi.'J.'fTi
l.'J.'i ; cows , $ l.L'.Vi 1.7.1 ; heifers , $ L'.r.01i.1..10 :
dinners , l.'J.V.i' ' . . " , ; bulls , $1.7.V < i-4.iO
calves , $ . " . OO'ifll.oo ; Texas fed steers , $ 'J.7I
6il ! * * ; we.-tern Mccrx , $ 'I.IIVn. . 10. Ilogs-
Ui-celptK , today , IM.OOO ; tomori-iw , ilO.ooO ,
estimated : lefl o\er , L'X ( ) ; opened steady
to Mi-one , elii-ril Itrni : mlM-d and Initcherx ,
$ . * . .lXKtil."i : irnod to chol'-c heavy , su.iXKii
ii.r.o : touch tu-iivy , fi..Mi' i..H ) : iiciit. $ ri.srif , (
(1.10 ( : InilK of sales , fri.ll.Vnll.LI ) . Shecp-ltc
eclpts , IS.IXKI ; slli-ep slow to 10e lower
Ininhs lO'/i l.'ie lower ; Kooit to choice wetli
ers. Si. : lO'nil * r. ; fair to cliolce ml\ed. $ 'J.s :
full.40 ; western sheep , f.'UNMiJI.Hl : natlxt
lamlis , $ 'J."Ui : l."i ( ; \\e tern lamlis , $ : t.J. > .
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnsiis City , Oct. IM.Ciittlt'Kecelptx. .
7,4011 ; steady : choice export and dres cd
beef steels. ii.'i.lHKilI.riO ; fair to c nl. $ I.IKKi (
O.S. > : stoeKcrs and feeders 'J.S.V ( | . | . _ - . , .
western fed steers. $ I.IKMill.3) ) ; western
rntiKt * steers , $ ; ! . 'J.V < i I..Mi ; ToMiiis and In
dians , $ J.7" > 1ii.7. : : Tcasows , $ l.7.ViW.7."i ! ;
IliUlvo cows. S'J.riViM 'J.'i ; lielfers , $ : i.OtKi.1J. > ! ;
canners.'.cJ.iio : tnills , : : ! :
calves. S.'l.HO'n.VJ . ' ! . IloisUeeelpts | , 1I.IHX ) .
stpady ; top. $11.20 ; liulk of sales , $ . - > .7.Vuit.0 ] ;
heavy , Sil.liKMI.'JO ; ml\ed paeKers , $ r.lK ) ' . |
0.07 4 : llBlil. $ . * . 'J.V Ml.OO ; pl s , $ I.UTiiiri.l.-i ! ,
Sheep Itecelpts , 7.IVKI ; stronc ; native
Inmlis , $ I.IHVu l.7."i ; western lambs , $ : ! .7. > ( ii j
1.1'pO : niltlve wethers , $ : t.2.'l,7ri ( ! ; western i
wethers , $ .VJ.Vn.'t.r.rt : ewes , ? 'J.7.Vfii.'ja : j |
ftfoih-rs , S.J.riO'u.V.'i ; stockers , fl.SO'aiW ) .
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Onmhu. Oct. ' 'I. Caltle-Ilecotpts ,
r-Ol ) ; artlvo , t-trnncer ; native lu-i-f steers ,
if l.7.Vi Uir > ; wohtrin Meers , JIl.T.Vuri.-Tr Tex
as steers , $ ; i..VXi-l.ti ) ; cows anil heifer * ,
$ J.Wm-l.-10 ; t-iuiiu-rs , $ l.iVj ! . ( Vi : stookon
nml foeilors. stroiijji'r , $ 'J.i'iI.IO ( ! : cnlvos ,
Slt.Otlll'i.'jrc linlls , stiitrs' , etc. , $1.75133.75 ,
Itoirs-ltcrolpts , . | . ( KH ) ; slmilo hlKher ; heavy , '
? r > tl7'/-Tnl . L'O ; mKi'il. $ , " > .l 7"/iitl.OO : llpht,1
$ . ' . .nMKUVJii- pigs , J5.wiriij.rt ) ; hulk of sali-M.
? ri.inV'J ' t.01'V.Sheep - Ili-c.-lpts , 4.IKKI
t-teaily ; wi'thers. $ 'l. JO'ii..i > 5 ; ewes.J.MI'.I
U.l.'i ; coninion anil stork sheep , JiSO'y.'l.r.o
lauitis , $ D.7..Q4.7. . I
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Oct. 'Jl. Cuttle Itcfi-lpto. 1 ,
700 ; ste.vly to otront ; : nntlves..MI'J ( ) . U ;
TOMIIIS anil wt-strrns $ ' .7. > 'mJ.OO ; rows nud
heifers , $ l.L'"i' ) ; Inills and BIHKN S'.OOQ
LSI ) ; MtnrUorx tiild fi-cilcrs , ? tJ.VH.lU ! ; vear-
lltms anil calves , JUK.Vj < : i.W ) ; venlf. $3.SSfI
ll'r . llo s-lteci'lpts. 7riU ) ; steady ; pl s
unchaiiKeil ; Ik-lit ami Unlit uilxetl , $3.IH > g
IJ.IW ; im-dlmu and heavy. SS.iKKiO.'JO : ults
$4,5020.00 ; bulk , $5W > { iO,03.
Tot Causes Night Alarm
' O.iit nlMlit my hroihur'n btby was
( iiki-ii with cruup"svrlti-H MIH ,1. O
Siiidt-r , ot Oiittondt-ii , Ky , "it Heuineil
it would Htmiulu boforii we oonld gut , n
dootdr , HO we , giivo it IJc. Mum's Now
y , wluoli KIIVO quioK relief and
i iitly curud it. Wo always Iceep
ii i t in tliw hou.MO to protect our children
Irotii croup and wlioopniK COUKJI.
It onrod mo of u chronio bronoliiul
trouble thut no otlior would roliuvo. "
iuful.iblH for cotmli" , coldn , throat and
lung troubles. f > 0o nnd $1.00. Trial
fruo nt A. H.
H. A. IiiKiUlrf , Urown Point , N. Y ,
wil'H.s : "My wife S'lfiVred from kidnwj
trouble for yoitri. Sin win induced to
try Koloy's ICtilnny Ouroiiud in less than
a v oo < after she began iw-inn it , she was
gnatiy improved and tliroo bottles
ouruu hur. "
A report from Supt. .1. (1 Ohio , reform
school , I'runvtown . Vu , Oot 18.
1110" : "After trying all other advertised
coutfhmodlciiioHl decided to u-o V ) loy's
H'inisy and Tar exuhiHivoly in the West
Vu. reform school. I Hud it the most effective -
fectivo and absolutely harmless. "
Stepped Into Live Coals
"Wlmn u child I burn d my foot
frlghttully , " writes W. H. Kids , of
Joiiufivillt ) Vu , "whion caused horrible
leg sores for 110 yours , but Bucklou's
Arnlcu Sulvo wholly cunul me nftor
ovorythtnif else failed. " Infallible for
IniriiH.BonliKoutfl , sores , bruises and piles
Sold by A. H. Kwsau.
Mrs. T. IBriddlonmn of P.irshallvillo ,
Mum. , was troubled witli salt rheum
for thirteen yours and hud tried a uum
bor of due-tors without relief. After two
applications of Bunni-r Salvo , her hands
became better and in a short time sLe
was outirluy ourul Beware of substl
Hoe tors often crow over ogps they
did not lay. Sumo with people who sell
an imiratiou H > cky M miituiii Tea ,
iniido famous by the Mudisou Mndioini'
Co's ndvortihing. U5c. G o. U
B ickiuilio whould iievnr bo ucglcntcd
It tiioiin.4 kiduoy dirtordor winch , if al-
lewd to run too long , may rusult it.
Briglit'H disease , dial ) -tes or thcr soriotiH
and often fatal complaints Folpy'c
Kidney Ouro makes tlio kidmya well.
A Fiendish Attack
An attack was lately luado on 0. F
Collier of Onorokeo , Iowa , that Hourly
proved fatal It ciunu throuKli his kid-
nwys. His back got HO lame ho could not
stoop without great pain , nor sit in a
chair except propped by cu-hions. No
remedy helped him u itil ho tried Elec
tric Bitters which ullVcted such a wonderful
dorful ohniiKo that ho writes ho feels-
liki > a now man. This marvelous mod-
iciup cures backache and kidney trouble ,
purifio-i the blood nnd builds up yoai
health. Only SOo at A. H. Kiosau's.
After exposure or when you feel a cold
coming on , take a dose of Koley's Honey
and Tar. It never fails to ttp a cold it
taken in time.
What's Your Face Worth ?
S nnetimes a fortune , but never , if
y ui have a shallow complexion , a j iun-
diced l > ok , moth patches nnd blotches
on the skin : ill sinus of liver trouble
But Dr King's Nnw LKe Pills give clear
skin , rosy cheeks , rinh complexion
Only 25 cents at A. H Kiesau's.
Bridges rivers , tunnels mountains ,
builds cities , gathers up the scattered
rays of one's ability. That's what
Hooky Mountain Tea does. 5J5c. Gee
B. Chrittoph.
. "The Overland Limited" runs every
day in the year via the Uniou P.iciflc.the
established route across the cintinnit.
Tins celebrated train has parhaps the
| finest equipped cars in the world. There
aredoublo drawing room palace sleepers ,
wide vnstilmled cars , bull'dt snukin
and library c.xrs , dining cars , Piutsch
giis and sto.iin heat , eto.
Nj'ie bettor in tlia world few as
1 good.
| F > r full information call on address
1 F. W. Juuomau , agent.
Brain hood Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent author !
Hies. They have dispelled the silly no
. tiou that one kind of food is needed for
brain , anoth-r for muscles and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
' body , but it will sustain every other
, part. Yet , howov r good your food may
] bo , its nutriment is destioyed by in-
i digestion or dyspepsia. You must pro
I purrf for their uppoaranco or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower , the favorite
] inmlicino of the healthy millions. A
few doses aids digestion. , stimulates the
liver to healthy action , purifies the
blood , and makes you feel buoyant and
vigorous. You can get Dr. G. G.
Green's reliable remedies of the Kiesau
Drug Go.
Get Green's Special Almanac.
Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it
i exterminate poison. Feel it revituliy.
1. your blood and nerves and bring back
that happy , joyous fooling of boyhood
< rtnys. U5o. Geo. B Ohristoph.
* Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to trcnt-
incut by Ely's Cream IJaliu , which is ngrvo-
nbly nroumtic. It is received through the
I nostrils , cleanses nnd heals the whole sur-
I fnco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
i sell the COo. size j Triid size by mail , 10
I ccuts. Test it and you nro sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are pnrtird
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the imsnl passages for cntarrhal troti-
bltt , the proprietors prepare Cream 15alm in
liquid form , which will bo known as Ely's
Liquid Cream IJidm. Price including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail ! The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the Bi'lid preparation.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels , candy , ( lowers , man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels , health , is often
ruined in the strenuous etl'orts to make
or save the money to purchase them.
If a woman will risk her health to got n
coveted gem , then lot her fortify her
self against the insidious consequences
of coughs , colds and bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Bosohoo'e
Herman Hyrup. U will promptly arrest
0 iiiMi npnon in its Hirly Mtugcn and neul
the all'ctd in K and bronoliiul titbnn
and drlvo the dread dutuiu Jrom the
ny.stom It in not a ouro-all , but it Is a
certain CUM for coughs , colds and all tub M , Yon ouu get Dr' O. O.
Croon's ruluiulu remedies at A. II.
Gut Green's special almanac.
Setting a Prisoner Free.
A man with rheumatism is a prisoner
Hi-i tetters are none the less galling beMuse -
( Muse they are invisible. To him Perry
Davis' Painkiller COIIHM as a liberator
Ilubbe.d well into the swollen , still'diied
j"ints it not inarely drives away the
pain , it mukds the musoio.s pliable ser
r hat the prisoner becomes a tree man.
Tnuro Is but ono Painkiller , Perry
Davis. 25 and M ) cts.
Olms. H. Wosstnar , Evanston , 111. ,
writes , "My boy 2' , , years old luid a HO-
vero cold which rotused to yield to any
trtatment until wo tried Folny's Honey
and Tar Ho was completely cured be-
t'oro using ouo bottlo. " Take none
When suffering from racking couh ,
take a dose ot Foloy's Honny and Tar.
The soreness will bo relieved and a
warm , grateful fooling and healing of
the parts nd'noted will bo expmioncod.
J Odgers of Frostburg , Ml. , writes :
1 I had a very bud attack of kidney
complaint nnd tried Foley's Kidney Cure
which gave immediate relief , and I was
perfectly cured after taking two bottles. ' '
Bo sure and tuku Fol-y's.
Road Notice.
To nil Whom it may Concern : Tlu
commissioner npooiutud to locate n
commencing at the northeast corner ot
the southeast quarter of section twelve
(12) ( ) , township twonty-ouo (31) ( ) , range
one (1) ( ) west of 6th p. m , and running
thence south one-half mile on the
comity line between Madison and Stun
ton counties and terminating at the
southeast corner of said southeast quar
ter of section 12-21 1 , has reported in
favor of the establishment thereof , with
the following exception : that at the
tlrst bend in the creek , g > ing south , the
road vary from the county line east , fol
lowing the bend of said cret k around to
vhere the same again cross- the county
line , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must bo filed in the county
clerk's oiline on or before noon of thr
' . ' ( ith day of November , A. D. 1901 , or roml will be established without
reference thereto. PHIL BAUCII.
O mnty Olerk.
No Reasonable Man
magiiips that a neglected cold c.ui bf
cured in a dav. The uncountable air-
tells in the lungs are iufl inied and the
throat is as tender ns an open sore. But
time and Allen's Lung Bulsa'n will over-
omo the cold and stave oft'consump -
ion. The cough will cease and the
lungn will bo sound as a new dollar.
tUljdruggists sell Allen's Lung Balsam.
starting in the feet or ankles
comes from a weak or diseased
heart a heart that cannot keep
up the circulation. The blood
then settles in the lower limbs
where the watery portions ooze
out into surrounding tissues
causing bloat and swelling
The heart must be strengthened
and built up before the dropsy
can be cured to stay ; and the
best of all heart medicines is
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"I Imd palpitation , shortness
of brciith , pain in heart , swelling
of feet and ankles , liunpry spells
nnd was conllncd to my bed and
easy chair. A few bottles of Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure nvide mo well. "
MRS. C. OsuonxE , Clyde , O.
Dn. Miles'
Heait Cte
gives new strength to the heart ,
regulates the circulation , stimu
lates the digestion and restores
health. Sold by druggists on
a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Relict at once.
It cleaii cs , soothes nnd
hcnlB theillsen-eil nu'in-
brnne. Ucuri-itC'cinrrli' . . - . . frm\ltmn
and drives awny n fold MA V FEVER
in the Head quickly. It HM I IW kit
Is absorbed , llt-als nnd Protects the llcmbrano
HeetorestheSciiPCiiof Ta to and Smell. Full elzo
60e. : Trial Size luc ; at DniRsUts or by mall.
EI.Y 11KOTIIEKS , 60 Warrcu Street , : vcw York.
Take ttie genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , MadUon , WIs. It
keeps you well , Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Nov r soli
In bulk. Accept no subslh
Al all 21 DOM * 3S .
\ \
Catarrh lias become such a common
disease that n person entirely free from
this disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to sneak of Catarrh
as nothing mure serious titan a had cold ,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is , in fact , a complicated and
very dangerous disease ; if not at first , it
Very boon becomes so.
The blood is rptickly contaminated by
the foul secretions , and the poison through
the general circulation is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves , washes and sprays are unsatis
factory and disappointing , because they do
not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the poison
and eliminates from the system all catar
rh nl secretions , and thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst cases.
Mr , T. A. William * , n leatlltiK dry-eooiU mer-
: hant of Spartnnliurg , S. C. , mlte-u ' I'oryeart
I hail a severe ca e of
nnnnl Cntnrrli , wkh all
the illtacrrrable efTecM
wlilcli belong to trial
disease , and which
make life painful anil
unendurable. I used
medicine * prescribed by
leading physicians and
suRRC'teil W numbers
of friends , but without
Setting any better. I
then began to take S. S.
S. It had the desired
effect , nnd cured me
after taking eighteen
bottles. In my opinion S. S. S , Is the only medi
cine now In use that will effect a permanent cure
of Catarrh. "
only purely veg
etable blood purifier
known , and the great
est of all blood medi
cines and tonics.
If you have Catarrh don't wait until It I' ' \
becomes deep-seated and chronic , but be
gin nt once the use of S. S. S. , and send
Tor our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
and write our physicians about your case.
I'll ' !
PERS , r . . . . , , . ? .
Complete catalogue showing
over 300 promiu'ns that may
be secured by saving the
wrappers , furnished free upon -
on request. Send your name
on a postal card , and we will
mail you the catalogue.
Address :
Dtamond "C" Soap for talt t > y all Orocfra.
. . . .TRY. . . .
For Sale by George B. Ohriutoph.