The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 25, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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OPTIUlAN One who Manufnct-
UtUri ( if Drlllh ill Optical Goods.
OCULIST A Physician who Pie-
temU to Oure Eye Dini-aweM ( ? ) .
who Undcn-tawU thu K.C . th ir De
fects and thuir Relation to Human Illtt
Ophthalmologist ,
Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted.
Good lot ut Juiiction . $ 70.00
Htnibo nmi i < j acre , ! ! d St . MO 00
House and largo burn . -1000 00
House , barn , acre , 4th St.1200.00
Hour > o at Junction . 700.00
Loans on Real Estate Low Rates.
Get the Finest
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
tor the 24 hears ending at 8 a. in. to
day :
Maximum temperature 74
Minimum temperature 45
Average 50
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth 1.07
Barometer 29 08
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight and Saturday. Cooler Sat
urday and west portion tonight.
Miss Amelia Wilde has accepted a po
sition with Beeler Bros.
Christian Science mee ing in Odd
Fellows hall next Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Frank S. Benson has been appointed
postmaster at Hoskius , vice L , Ziemer ,
Ensign Harrington of Omaha , who
spoke for the Salvation Army here Wed
nesday night , has gone to Sioux City to
take charge of the work there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seymour , who at
one time made Norfolk their home ,
have recently welcomed a new son to
their home in Deadwood , S D.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Oelenberger died at their homo near
Norfolk yesterday and was buried this
afternoon , Rev. J. P. Maellur conduct
ing the services.
The Norfolk High school foot ball
team has received a pronoiition from
Wayne to play u game at Iltrtington
Njveinber 1. The boys are not favor
ably impressed with the proposition
made and it is doabtful if they will ac
Ghas. and James Chase of Btanton
county were in the city over night with
n heaiM oHW ) c.i' l , which ihov woio
inking to tlicir ruiicn near S'nntu.i
Tim animals hail b. cu paMim-d during
the Miinmur uultnvlr rniwo in Wlui-l-r
Uunnty and were in good condition.
D. J. Chcbiiutwood of Omaha arrived
yesterday noon , Hunitmmcd by thu an
nouncement thitt his father , John CliiH
nutwood , in very low. Tlio fa nily ex
pects AcrisU in Mr Uht'HiiUtwuod'ti con
dition to develop today and hope lor the
lust , although they tear that liin pros
pect H for recovery are slight.
The head quartern of the Modern
Brotherhood ut' America lodge hm gonu
to Mason City , lj vu , tnat plueu being
holectod on the tlfih billet at the grand
lodge bobbion in Sioux City Widiuwday
alternoon. Cunucil IMulV-i , Marshall-
town , Cedar It ipldf , Sioux City and
D.ivenport were other candidates for the
Thu llshing party that went to Horseshoe -
shoo lake yesterday bring back the re
port that they wtie succctmful in land
ing twenty blauk bassbut the Btatemunt
( if not tlio tlnh ) is taken witli u gr.itn or
two of salt by thuir triendH , who realize
tlio propensity ot tlt < horincii in general
cj ox.iggtT.ito. S wio of their triendb
likoNMbo uitibt they are Irani Mm
As a result of the sugar campaign the
rail end yards at Norlolk are lull ot
am , the larger number being those
.isud in hauling bceto. The new traehc
ut in by tlio Union P..ellio company
.urk'g the bummer me being well em-
iloyed. Tlie cruws luuidling the trallh
tru not as careful , however , as might be ,
if public convenience and siuco yohter-
lay North Fouith street has been so
learly blockaded that there ia Hiarcelj
room for u team to bj driven b twccn
the cars.
Wayne Republican : J. L Criss and
wile and Mrs Wodtll , of this city , and
c3 Ciiss and wile of Sao City , la , made
i trip to Norfolk last Wednesday for the
tjurposo of inspecting the woikings oi
the sugar factory. They were courte-
iusly treated by the management and
Jiowu 0.11 over the iustitutiou , E.
CrisK , J L's father , took & notion to
ime the output and found that it wot-
practically 200 pounds u minute , which
is not slow even for Ntbratka. Tht
inality of the product is consid rue.
? ery flue.
Evidently Dennis O'L ° ary , the now
editor of the Wayne Ripublican , has no
jatieuce with thobe who , for fear the }
nay be ridiculed or j iked about , it en
deavor to conceal their nationality 01
d -bcent. Ho throws down the bars in
the following explicit language : "Al
though few people would suspect it from
che unmf , the fact remains that the new
editor of the Republican is an Irishman
strange to say , alto , we are not ashamed
jf it. There was a brief period , ii.
- arlyouth , when we took a notion to
, )0he as u Frenchman and wrote out
name 'Dauest d'Olerah , ' but that wat-
long ago. Now it is plain 'Deuui-
O'Lpary , ' with emphasis on both words. "
Spring chickens , turkeys and ducks at
the Palace meat market.
Foil SALE A calf and several pips.
There will be an old fashioned spelling
bee at the Baptist church thit
evening , October 24. Admission 10
centc ; children under 15 years old 5
cents. A cordial invitation is extended
to everybody , A prize will be given to
the best speller.
Fresh celery ut Gliesman'o.
Two spans mules , wagons and harnes *
for sale. Easy terms , low price.
WASTED Men at the bugar factory.
Good wages paid.
Oysters in bulk and by the can at
Fresh fish at Hiiro's.
Diamond C bacon in boxes at Giles-
G. A. R flour , 00 cents a pack , at the
Fair Store. People who are acquainted
with the excellent qualities of this flour ,
made at Bazilo Mills by George A
Brooks , will concede this to be a grent
WASTED : To know of parties in
town who would like to have cither n
young gentleman or n young lady to
work for board and go to school.
Juvenile Dancing Class.
Meets every Saturday afternoon at
2:30 : in Marqnardt hall.
Choice veal nt the Palace meat
Attention Workmen.
Norfolk lodge No. 07 , A. O. U. W. ,
will observe the thirty-third anniverary
of the founding of the order October
27 by attending services at the M. E.
church nnxt Sunday morning on invita
tion of the pastor , Rev. J. F. Pouoher.
All members of the'lodge and visiting
members of the order are requested to
meet at the lodge room at 10 o'clock
Sunday morning and proceed to the
church in a body. Members of the De
gree of Honor are likewise cordially in
vited to join in the observance of this
occasion. M L. OODBN ,
We moke loans on real estate at
lowest rates. Elkhorn Building and
BarinRBUBOciation , T. E. ODIOBNB 8eo.
Christian Endeavor Claims
Most of Yesterday.
Papers by Dr. Bailey and Miss Wild
Vigorously Discussed The Moder
ator , Rev. W. J. Turner , Gives a
Tender Closing Address.
Sunday schooN and Endeavor coo
titles held the afternoon's Interest. Rev
Goo. B. Spangli-r of Ciimp Cr ek conducted -
ducted the dexo IOIIH. Tlie State Sn i-
day school committee reported through
its secretary F VV LiMVitt , Following
this came the nineteenth annual report
of Superintendent Stewart. Mission
S inday school work in as prosperous us
ovu\ ' Successful Mnthoils in Sundnj
School Work" was the topic treated bj
Dr. B. F. Bailey of Lincoln. Fiom
years of experience Dr. Bailey drew out
uugt'H'ionH regarding the otllcors.
teachers , .surroundings and matter ol
study of tlie Sunday nchooK Hov.
Laura II Wild of Lincoln read a utroiif.
paper on "Tim us-e of the IH-le in tin
biinday School. " Miss Wild is the onl\
woman , wi h possibly one exception , ii
the ranks of the Nebraska ( . 'ongtcgii-
tionul ministry mid all ngriw that shi
lues credit to that body. Miss Wild'r
paper wan onoof thu ablest , in matin
ind Htylo , of those presented during tin
three days. She docs not believe Mia
i ho International or thu Blake-lee ! >
sons meet tlie need , nn > l welcomes tin
action of the national council in a ) )
pointing a committee to suggcHt a bettei
system of studv. Bil-lo study wijl In
rflectivo when it is b.ibed on a correc
child psychology.
The two addresses of Dr. Bailey ami
Mies Wild were the basin of n vigorou
dUciiBsion which would have continue !
'hrough the afternoon , but for the tim
limit. It showed that Congregational
jste n'o strongly alive to the teaching
function of the church and homo.
Two recent graduates of D iaue college
lego , Rev. John H. Audress of Chadroi
ind Mr. J E Taylor of Weeping Watei
academy , ably handled the subject o
Christian Endeavor. "Tlie True En
deaver Ideal" was treated by Mr. An
dress in n free and earnest address
This ideal , said the spi-aker , in "Tht
whole life for Christ. " The Y. P. S. C
E. pledge was praised as the perfect cov
enant btween the youth and God. Mr
Taylor read a 1 > gical , carefully prepare !
paper on "Thu Endeavor Society in tin
Work of the Church "
At the closing service Miss M.irgnro >
Thompson , prohssor of English litera
cure in Doane college , presented an ap
pro iativo and beautiful study of ' 'Lit-
tenuure in the development of Char
icter. " Those who heard this p.ipei
will have a deeper understanding of th
riches of good literature. Following
this came the last address of the Bt-bsioi
by Rev. Tlieo. G Hunt of Hastings. I
was philosophical , probing into "Th"
Root of Our Religious Problem , " whicl
Mr. Hunt declared to bo a conflict be
tween naturalistic and superuaturaliHtu
schools of Christian thinkers , betweei
the conceptions of an evolved and a re
vealed religion.
The moderator , Ryv. W. .7 Turner o
McCook , who has presided over the ses
sions with grnce and ability , made i
tender closing address , a hymn wat
sung and Chairman Bullock prououucec.
the benediction.
The pastors and delegates departed
with feelings of gratitude to the Norfolk -
folk people and admiration for the work
they are doing. It was declared on all
sides that this was the beet meeting ii
the history of the association. Tin
quality of the addresses has been excel
lent throughout , the spirit of the meet
ings has been admirable , the fellowshij
warm and hearty , the spiritual tone all
that could bo di sired.
Oybters in bulk and by the can at
WANTED At once , at the Now Ideal
restaurant waiter girl. Good wages.
Choice celery at the Palace meat
Foil SALE Severn ! gooa lams lien *
Norfolk on easy terms , also a large list
of city property. G. R SEILKH.
Geo. F. Lambert of Osmond is visit
ing in Norfolk.
J. M. Lied of Oakdale was a visitor in
Norfolk yesterday.
Mrs. Maminer of Wayne was a city
visitor Wednesday.
J. M. Mitchell of Slant on was in the
city yesterday on business.
G A. Mandett of Crawford transacted
business in the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. M. Peterson of Pierce was
shopping in Norfolk Wednesday.
Mrs. P. II Patterson left on the noon
train for a week's visit in Omaha.
E. W Newman and family of Win-
side weio Norfolk visitors yesterday.
Allen Kuhn is up from Scribner visit
ing Ms parents , Mr. and Mis. D Kuhn.
Rev. J. P. Mueller returned from But
tle Creek last night , where he has been
attending the German Lutheran con
R. A. Stewart of Omaha and B.
WnglH ! Mori't'r , Pi . nnMlMng \.i
folk trii'iitls anil I itiiung aidi l > i.a <
lllH 1I--H.
I Mt * l.uini UuclcHiiilorf rottuni" ! In-
tliy tin. n .Miniit'apolih , M tin , wlit-ic
silo Inii broil viMltng r , l.ttlVon dining
thu NHiinucr.
It v. .1 Jiihn of > M UNVIH the
guest of UfV .1 P Mnt'll- over night
| on Ills way homo from thu cnnfcrcnco at
Hiittlo Cm-It.
Miss Ht'Mnlc Coolt-y came homo from
Lynch yimtt-tdiiy , having linlslicd her
woi It there , and lunt evening nlio WIIN
culled to O'Neill toiiNHiHt. with another
E. C. Evans of Hutto , Mont , in IIPM-
looking for a farm on which to slurt a
dairy industry. He ( H much pli-astd
with Norfolk and vicinity and will ID-
onto In this neighborhood if lit ) can
make a KiitlNfactoty deal
Dr. U. A. Mittlt'Miidt , dentist , Hlshop
lock. Telephone 1 17 A.
cattish , \\hitcllhli , lake trout ,
California milmon and ( Ilit-s-
\VAVIT.I > rio PuiiniAM : A second
Ituiid lumber wagon.
A ,1 DfllLAM ) .
Choice meats for your Sunday dinner
U Karo'n.
Stale UOMI-C ! Must be Supplied Witb
Funds to Rebuild Hospital.
The committee of Norfolk eili/.eiiN
vho went to Lincoln yesterday to mui t
vith the s am board of public lands and
iiiilihiigs regarding the lobmldlng ol
the Norfolk hospital for the insane teptirt
that the boaid IH favorable to u-bnllding
it once they IHiuvo that Mate needs
n quire the let milling of thu hospital
nit tlioy are handicapped for funds and
ire powcrksri t. ) piocced unlesH the
.noiuy immediately necessary is forth-
dining and they lot It to the people ol
N'orfolk to snpp.y thiw need. It IH there
Core apparent that if the people of
> f jrfolk want the ho-qntal rebuilt they
will navu to tnku inimdiiitu steps to-
.vard tueoting the needs of the state
'jourd. The board has already incurred
ixpuiiHCH th it it is un.ible to satisfy and
here tnni ; imtnudiatu neccKNity for funds
f the work of reconstruction is to be
mdertnkcn this fall. They cannot oven
lire an luchitect nnleuB thu money rc-
[ uirtd is provided.
In view of this condition it behooves
the pcopln of Norfolk who will bo bone
tit"d by the rebuilding of the hospital to
take immediate Heps to supply the funds
required. Thcro should bo no delay and
) rogrcsivc. ci i/cns should seu that no
M-UHO for the removal of the institution
remains , so far as it is in their power
to prevent. If they do nothing before
the legislature meets the fate of the in-
Ultntion will depend entirely on the
peisonal inclinations of the men who
vill compose that body and there IK tin *
josriibility that tiny would not bo favor-
iblo to rebuilding , in spim of the fac
that the Htatu fitiU has largu inturtsts
It is evident that the Norfolk people
mve woik before them and if they do
not bhow a proper spirit in the matter
hey will have no one to but them-
-.elves if the people of other locjliiiis do
aot favor them in a time of need.
Spring chickens and ducks at Karo'F.
Fresh oysters at the Palace meat
narktt. '
Joseph Derrick was a Norfolk visitor
Born , to Mr. and Mrs Dr. Daniel ,
Tuesday , a son.
C. C. Allberry went to Omaha Tues-
nay on business.
Leonard Brown of Meodow Grove
was visiting heie Tuesday.
Mrs. Otto II Mans was visiting with
relatives at Norfolk Fiiday.
Fred Scheregor shipped two carloads
of fat cattle to Omaha Wednesday.
John Harding of Meadiw Grove was
visiting here Tuesday , with relatives.
F. H. Palmer and wife of Emerick
visited here Wednesday with relatives.
G. Waner and wife and Julius Glandt
of Grove were visiting hero Tuesday
with relatives.
John Bredehoeft returned Wednesday
from a seven weeks' visit with relatives
at Tyudell , S. D.
Herman Naegle , one of Norfolk pros
perons business men , was visiting hero
Sunday with friends.
Mrs. Win. Eden of Petersburg was
visiting here from Friday till Tuesday
with her numerous relatives.
Henry Edeu , who sold his farm last
week for $5,400 , has bought Chas. Carr's
farm across the river for $ U,100.
This week telephone woikmen are
here to put in the connections with pri
vate houses a id business places.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beltof Stanton
were visiting hero Sunday with Mrc.
Belt/ ' sister , Mrs. S. F. Heitznmn , and
Jubtico Geo. S. Yennblo , well known
in Norfolk and Methodist circles , is very
bick at the present time with cancer of
the stomach.
Chas. Feubke shipped two carloads of
beets some days ago and Henry Rieken-
bery shipped one Wednesday to the
Norfolk factory.
Mrs. M. Endres and children of Nor-
We Arc in Earnest t
III our effort lo ( jive good work for
the benefit of our patrons , and only
ask a fair price to enable us to do an
t honest job.
If an individual or a firm is chosen by the : :
People lo represent them ( "Ihe people" ) in {
any capacity , we think he , as an individual , 11
or "the firm , " should use all of the intelli-
gcnce , energy and will power with which r.
God and nature has endowed him , in order 11
to justify himself or "the Firm" before the "
People. The resources at our command at t
this time enable us to slate to you , without r.
fear of exageration , Inal we arc fully equipped - ±
4 >
pod and can satisfy your needs in our line. ±
Tlioro you will find tlio Cheapest , Mo.sfm ; < l most
Up-io-Dalo Millinery in the city. Our Children's and
Misses' Hats at 49c and 98c cannot he equaled. We
have a full line of Camel's I lair Tains.
'oik were visiting here 'lie fern part < f
the week \\ith hi-r parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Gi-0 Pratt.
M. Wo IV of Seward , and P.of. M ( ! .
Doering of tliiH pluco commcnct d
Tlmrt-day to clean and tune the b g pipe
organ in lln * Lntheian church.
Win. Hit rinanii , vho livih a l.ulf mile
across the river , had bin new b.irii dcdi-
cited Saturday. It IH undcrntood the
young folks had a social hop over theie.
S .1. Finncgan , candidate for county
commissioner on the democratic ticket
of the big Third district , made liin home
in Battle Creek for a couple of days this
week , to bee hid friends.
Sheriff Losey of Madison was hero
Mcnday on olllcial biihincbs. Mr. Loney
stated that after his term of cilice ex
pires lie will move onto his farm two
miles east of Battle Creek.
The new bridge , known an the Flonni-
ken bridge , between Buttle Creek and
Norfolk , will be completed by Saturday
for travel. That's what Commissioner
Winter of Norfolk stated here WedneH
Henry Beck , who used to bo section
bobH on the F. E. & M. V. west of Norfolk -
folk died last Saturday at Ute , la , and
was buried Monday. Philip B ck ( if
this place , Nijk Lund and Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Hughes were present and rutmued
to Battle Crock Weduebday.
The German Lutheran minister con
ference of northeast Nebraska convened
here this week. About ! il minihters are
present. Thursday holy communion
hcrvices were held. Tlie olliciatiug
ministers at this were Rev. Just of
AiiiBWorth and Rtv. Gutkuecht ofi
Howard Miller received a new scale ,
for his gr iu bnsiuebs and it will be bet
on Depot btreet and a new olHce con
nected with it. Then our farmers can '
drive up from the scale to his elevator.
Mr. Miller will also put up some more
ezpeubive sheds for keeping finishing
Joftn B. Barnes , jr. , of Norfolk , can
didate for county superintendent , was
up here Saturday in company with M.
D. Tyler , to get acquainted with the
voters in this locality. It was the first
time your scribe has met this gentle
man and our opinion is that he is a man
with a successful and bright future in
sight. He will surely cany by more
than his party vote here. The trouble
is he has no time to see all his friends.
| Let him come once mote before the
Last Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr .
I Herman Hogrefo entertained relativ > s ,
, neighbors and intimate friends to help
them celebrate the dedication of their
I newly erected home , about one of the
I best ui the county. There were about
70 fenes B present. Rev. J. Hofiuau
. made u splendid and heart touching ad
dress in reference to the occassiou.
After A splendid EUpper they departed
ai < d peed \\isbt-H were extended to Mr.
and MIH HngivtV that they may have n
iuqipy and a long lifo in thuir now iml-
acu , win. h they M cured by work and
I'Yesh oyHtniH at Kuro'H.
Fou SAM : Well impioveo ranch
with HO head graded cattle two milcH
Irom linllalo Gap , S. D.
Sturgeon IH the piano man.
Grand Masquerade.
Prof. ChamberH will give a grand
mask ball Friday evening , Oct. Sf > , at
Mnniuardt hall. Two pmeH will bo
given. Good mimic , good order and a
good time for all. You are cordially
invited to come and bring all your
The famous Milwaukee Hiiusago at the
Pnlaoe meat market.
Foil SAI.K Well improved farm ou
lx > ttom land two miles from Norfolk ,
flO.OO per iure. : G. R. SKILKK.
MrH. F. H. Cornell , teacher of the
Prof. Morton tailor svHtem. botwnmt
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , Taylor
A good homo for halo cheap.
W. J Gow & Bud
Farm and city loans.
Fou SAI.K UO.OOO acres in North Da
kota. For sale on crop payment plan.
OUr Winter Stock
is now complete. Call and
compare qualities with
city BtoreH anywhere.
J , & E.
House and three lots on the
corner of 10th St. and Philip
avenue. Address ,
Elm wood , Ohio.
Fur ritiDitiiug , Mraui Filling , I'uuiiis ' , 'lauli
Wind Mills
Am ) nil work lu this line cell on
Shllefactlou Outirnutooil ,
Klrct ilnnr Soutn of THE DAILY NEWS OUlce.
Lento orilere HI A , R. l.H\\rcnco't > ntllce.
" "
Toucher of
Spic'al ' rUndolln and Guitar Lcsioni 350.